OMB Control No. 20XX-XXXX
Approval expires XX/XX/XX
The public reporting and record keeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response. Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated collection techniques to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
Data Tracking Form for Stand-Alone Anaerobic Digesters
survey is designed to gather data about stand-alone anaerobic
digesters. Completion of this survey is voluntary. The data
collected will be aggregated prior to its release. Individual
facility information will not be disclosed to the public. Thank
you for taking the time to provide this valuable information.
Your input is greatly appreciated.
focus of EPA’s Sustainable Materials Management Program is to
increase the rate of diversion of organic materials from landfills.
As diversion efforts become more successful in the United States,
more processing capacity is needed to manage the diverted materials.
A portion of this much needed capacity is provided by anaerobic
digestion facilities.
is collecting the data requested in this survey to quantify and track
organic materials processing capacity and to document the increases
in this capacity. The survey is also collecting data on types
of feedstocks processed and the end uses of anaerobic digestion
products. EPA will use the data to help measure and evaluate
the effectiveness of our efforts to promote anaerobic digestion for
organics recycling.
was taken to make this survey as streamlined as possible.
Please contact us at
with any questions about the survey or suggestions for improvement.
Type of Stand-Alone digester
Instructions: This survey is designed to gather data for stand-alone anaerobic digesters. These digesters may take other feedstocks but they are typically designed to process the organic fraction of municipal solid waste. Feedstocks at stand-alone facilities can include yard waste, or other organic materials, but the primary feedstock is food-based materials.
Q1. Which of the following choices best describes your facility? Multi-source Food Digester - A type of stand-alone digester that accepts and processes organic materials (feedstocks) for a tipping fee. Most often feedstocks are obtained from multiple sources. These digesters are often designed to manage source-separated waste streams from one or more municipality or institution. Other sources of feedstock may include processing waste from the food and beverage industry, wasted food from the food service or retail industries, or fats, oils and greases (FOG).
Industry dedicated digester – A type of stand- alone digester that is typically developed adjacent to a food or beverage processing plant to process the waste from that plant. These digesters do not typically accept organic materials from other sources for tipping fees.
Other - if your facility does not fall into one of the above categories check here and provide a description of your operation below.
Facility operating status:
Note: The
respondent will be directed to the appropriate follow-up question (Q3
– Q8) depending on the answer to this question (Q2).
Q2. Please identify the status of your facility
Planning stage/Design stage/Permitting process
Under construction
Temporary shut-down
Ceased operation
Q3. What is the
targeted date for your facility to be operational?
Q4. What date did
your facility become operational?
Q5. What date did
your facility temporarily shut-down?
Q6. What is the
targeted date for your facility to re-start operations?
Q7. What date did
your facility cease operations?
Q8. Please state
the reason your facility ceased operations.
Facility Total Capacity
Instructions: Feedstocks may be received at your facility in both liquid and solid form. In the spaces provided below, please provide the total capacity of your facility for receiving liquids and/or solids. All capacity information will be treated as confidential business information. Data will only be released to the public in aggregate so that data from any one individual facility cannot be ascertained.
Is the total capacity available at your facility for processing
feedstocks measured in gallons per year or tons per year?
Please provide the total capacity of your facility in the units
identified above.
Q11. During year the 2015, how many months was your facility operational?
The following questions focus on the amount of
food-based feedstocks that are processed in your digester.
Food-based feedstocks include, but are not limited to:
Fruit/vegetative wastes
Food processing industry waste
Beverage processing industry waste
Food service waste, pre & post-consumer
Food waste
Source-separated commercial, institutional or residential organic wastes
Fats, oils and greases (FOG)
Rendering wastes
Q12. Does your facility accept and process food-based feedstocks? (Y/N)
Note: If
the answer to Q12 is “yes” – respondent is directed
to Q13.
If the answer to Q12 is “no” –
respondent is directed to Q15.
Instructions: The food-based feedstocks received at your facility may be in liquid form, solid form or both. For Q13 and Q14 please provide the total volume of the liquids in gallons and the total weight of the solids in tons. Please answer 0 if you do not receive feedstocks in either solid form or liquid form. The amount of materials processed at your facility will be treated as confidential business information. Data will only be released to the public in aggregate so that data from any one individual facility cannot be ascertained.
What was the total volume of food-based materials received in liquid
form and processed at your facility during
the 2015 calendar year? Please
express your answer in gallons.
What was the total weight of food-based materials received in solid
form and processed at your facility during
the 2015 calendar year? Please
express your answer in tons.
following questions focus on the amount of non-food-based feedstocks
that are processed in your digester.
feedstocks include, but are not limited to:
Mixed yard waste
Crop residues
Wastewater solids (sludge)
De-icing fluid
Lab (or Pharma) wastes
Paper mill wastes
Crude glycerine
Q15. Does your facility accept and process non-food-based feedstocks? (Y/N)
Note: If
the answer to Q15 is “yes” – respondent is directed
to Q16.
If the answer to Q15 is “no” –
respondent is directed to Q18.
Instructions: The non-food-based feedstocks received at your facility may be in liquid form, solid form or both. In the spaces provided below, please provide the total volume of the liquids in gallons and the total weight of the solids in tons. Please answer 0 if you do not receive feedstocks in either solid form or liquid form. The amount of materials processed at your facility will be treated as confidential business information. Data will only be released to the public in aggregate so that data from any one individual facility cannot be ascertained.
What was the total volume of non-food-based materials received in
liquid form and processed at your facility during
the 2015 calendar year? Please
express your answer in gallons.
Q17. What was the total weight of non-food-based materials received in solid form and processed at your facility during the 2015 calendar year? Please express your answer in tons.
Types of Feedstocks
Q18. Please identify the specific types of feedstocks that are processed in your digester. Check all that apply.
Note: The feedstocks selected in Q18 get carried forward to Q22.
Beverage processing industry waste
Crop residues
Crude glycerine
De-icing fluid
Fats, oils and greases (FOG)
Food processing industry waste
Food service waste, pre & post-consumer
Fruit/vegetative wastes
Lab (or Pharma) wastes
Poultry litters
Mixed yard waste
Paper mill wastes
Rendering wastes
Retail food waste
Source-separated commercial, institutional or residential organic wastes
Wastewater solids (sludge)
(please specify)
Tipping Fees
following questions focus on fees charged for accepting and
processing organic feedstocks at anaerobic digestion facilities (AKA
Tipping Fees). Tipping fee information will be treated as
confidential business information. Data will only be released to the
public in aggregate so that data
from any one individual facility cannot be ascertained.
encourages generators of wasted food and other organic waste to
divert such materials from landfill disposal because it is better for
the environment. With data on tipping fees from facilities that
process organics in an environmentally sound manner, generators will
have more information to evaluate the cost of recycling vs.
landfilling. This information will support the nationwide
effort to more sustainably manage the vast quantities of food
that is wasted each year.
Are your tipping fees equal for all materials? (Y/N)
Note: If
the answer to Q19 is “yes” – respondent is directed
to Q20.
If the answer to Q19 is “no” –
respondent is directed to Q22.
Q20. Which of the following ranges best represents your tipping fees for processing liquid materials?
N/A – Facility does not process liquid feedstock.
Prefer not to say
$0.00-$0.05 per
$0.06-$0.10 per gallon
$0.11-$0.20 per
$0.21-$0.50 per gallon
$0.51-$1 per gallon
> $1 per gallon
Q21. Which of the following ranges best represents your tipping fees for processing solid materials?
N/A – Facility does not process solid feedstock.
Prefer not to say
$0-$10 per ton
$11-$20 per ton
$21-$30 per ton
$31-$40 per ton
$41-$50 per ton
$51-$60 per ton
$61-$70 per ton
$71 or more per ton
Q22. You indicated that you collect the following types of feedstocks. The feedstocks identified in your answer to question Q18 above will be listed on this page. Are the feedstocks liquid (with tipping fees in dollars per gallon) or solid (with tipping fees in dollars per ton) or both?
Note: If
the answer to Q22 for a particular feedstock is “liquid”
– respondent is directed to Q23.
If the answer to
Q22 for a particular feedstock is “solid” –
respondent is directed to Q24.
If the answer to Q22 for a particular feedstock is “both” – respondent is directed to Q23 and Q24.
Q23. You indicated that you receive and process the feedstocks identified below in liquid form. The feedstocks identified in your answer to question Q22 above will be listed on this page. Which of the following ranges best represents your tipping fee for these liquid feedstocks?
Prefer not to say
$0.00-$0.05 per
$0.06-$0.10 per gallon
$0.11-$0.20 per
$0.21-$0.50 per gallon
$0.51-$1 per gallon
> $1 per gallon
Q24. You indicated that you receive and process the feedstocks identified below in solid form. The feedstocks identified in your answer to question Q22 above will be listed on this page. Which of the following ranges best represents your tipping fee for these solid feedstocks?
Prefer not to say
$0-$10 per ton
$11-$20 per ton
$21-$30 per ton
$31-$40 per ton
$41-$50 per ton
$51-$60 per ton
$61-$70 per ton
$71 or more per ton
Q25. Please identify the sources of the feedstocks that are processed at your facility. Check all that apply.
Biodiesel production
Corporate complexes
Farmers Markets
Food/Beverage Processors
Fruit/Vegetable Farms
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets
Laboratories/Pharmaceutical Companies
Livestock Farms
Restaurants and Food Service
Retail Stores
Sports and Entertainment Venues
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Other (please specify)
Please describe any pre-processing/de-packaging that is occurring at
your facility.
Q27. Please identify the following specifications for your digester.
Temperature range
Wet or Dry
Batch or continuous
of stages
Product End-Uses
It is recognized that the metrics that
facilities use to measure biogas production may vary. EPA does
not expect you to convert your measurements.
Q28. Please provide the average biogas production volume at your facility during calendar year 2015 in one of the units identified below.
Standard Cubic Foot per Minute (SCFM)
Standard Cubic Foot per Day (SCFD)
Standard Cubic Foot per Year (SCFY)
Is the biogas produced at this facility used onsite or sold?
Q30. Please identify how the biogas produced at this facility is used. It could be used onsite by the facility or offsite by a purchaser. Check all that apply.
Produce mechanical power
Produce heat and electricity (CHP)
Produce electricity (including net metering)
Produce electricity (sold to grid)
Fuel boilers and furnaces to heat digesters
Fuel boilers and furnaces to heat other spaces
Compressed to vehicle fuels: used for company fleet/personal vehicles
Compressed to vehicle fuels: sold to customers
Renewable natural gas (processed in order to inject to pipeline)
Other (please specify)
Are you able to utilize all of the biogas produced? (Y/N)
Note: If
the answer to Q31 is “yes” – respondent is directed
to Q33.
If the answer to Q31 is “no” –
respondent is directed to Q32.
Q32. Do you flare the excess biogas? (Y/N)
Both answers lead to Q33.
Q33. Do you have a gas purification system? (Y/N)
Note: If
the answer to Q33 is “yes” – respondent is directed
to Q34.
If the answer to Q33 is “no” –
respondent is directed to Q36.
What type of gas purification system do you have?
Q35. What is removed by your gas purification system? Check all that apply.
Carbon Dioxide
Compressed Gas
(please specify)
Q36. Do you beneficially re-use the solid digestate you produce? (Select all that apply)
Yes, de-watered/dried and land applied
Yes, land applied as is with no dewatering or drying
Yes, composted into a reusable or salable product
Yes, processed into other salable products (e.g., flower pots)
No, landfilled
No, incinerated
(please specify)
If any digestate was disposed of in landfills or incinerated in 2015,
please specify the amount in tons or gallons (if known).
Is the de-watered/dried digestate further treated prior to land
application? (Y/N)
Note: If the answer to Q38 is “yes” –
respondent is directed to Q39.
If the answer to Q38 is
“no” – respondent is directed to Q40.
Please indicate what the further treatment is and why it is
Q40. How do you manage the liquid digestate you produce? Check all that apply.
Beneficially reused as fertilizer via land application
Recirculated through digester
Discharged to a wastewater treatment plant
(please specify)
Q41. Is the liquid digestate further treated prior to land application? (Y/N)
Note: If the answer to Q41 is “yes” –
respondent is directed to Q42.
If the answer to Q33 is
“no” – respondent is directed to Q43.
Please indicate what the further treatment is and why it is
Q43. Do you recover nutrients from your digestate?
Yes, phosphorous recovery by chemical precipitation (e.g., struvite)
Yes, ammonia recovery
Other (please specify)
Project/Facility Information
Instructions: To allow interested parties to identify the general location of anaerobic digestion facilities in the United States, the following information will be shared on EPA’s anaerobic digestion website: name of the facility, EPA Region, State, City, Facility Type and operational status. EPA will not disclose the exact address of any facility or information that could be used to identify you or any individual responding to this survey.
Q44. Please provide
the following information about your
Project/Facility Name
Street address
Zip code
Phone Number
Q45. Please provide
the following information for the contact person for facility
Email Address
Phone number
Q46. Please
provide the contact address (if different from Facility
Street address
EPA Form 6700-03
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Pennington, Melissa |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |