Form 1 Protocol and Questionnaire

Generic Clearance for Questionnaire Pretesting Research

Attachment II CPS_FSS_Protocol_Questionnaire

CPS Food Security Supplement

OMB: 0607-0725

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Section 1: Introduction

Participant ID #: |___|___|___|__|__| __|___|___|

Interview Date: |__|__| / |__|__| / |__|__|__|__| (mm/dd/yyyy)

Interviewer initials: _____

Start Time: ____________ AM / PM End Time: ____________ AM / PM


Hello, my name is ________________, and I work for the Census Bureau. Thank you for agreeing to participate in our study.

The Census Bureau is working with the US Department of Agriculture to develop new questions for a supplemental survey to the Current Population Survey. Before surveys are conducted, it’s important to try out questions with the help of people such as yourself. The survey asks questions about your household, yourself, and other people who live with you.

It is important that the questions make sense, are easy to answer, and that everyone understands the questions the same way. If you agree to take part in this study, I will read you the questions as if I were an interviewer contacting you at your home. After I ask you the survey questions, I will ask some follow-up questions about your answers and what you understood the questions to mean. There are no right or wrong answers. Our purpose is not to compile information about you. Instead, your interview, along with those of others, will show us how to improve these questions for the survey.

Informed Consent


Before we start, I would like you to read over the document in front of you. This document explains a little bit about this interview and provides information about your rights as a participant, such as that all information you provide is confidential and we won’t use your name or specific circumstances in any report. It also asks for your permission to have this session audio/video [If at HQ and available] recorded so that I can concentrate on you what are saying rather than having to take extensive notes. Please ask me any questions you have about this document. Once you have finished reading the document, please sign and date it.



Thank you for signing the consent form. I will also sign this form to show that I agree to everything in the form.

  • IF PARTICIPANT PROVIDES CONSENT TO HAVE THE SESSION AUDIO or video-TAPED: I will now turn on the recorder.

Your participation in this interview is very important because it will help the Census Bureau with improving these questions. Your participation in this interview is voluntary, and you may decline to answer any question, or stop the interview at any time. We are scheduled to be here for about 60 minutes, and I won’t keep you any longer.

  • IF RESPONDENT IS NOT A FEDERAL EMPLOYEE: As a thank you for your help, we will give you $40 after the interview is completed.

Before we begin, do you have any questions about the process?

we are not doing think aloud but if they volunteer additional information when answering make note of this.

your folder will have an “I” or “U” next to the participant id. This indicates an Italic or Underline interview. you will read only the green questions or the blue depending on the type of interview. The I stands for italic and means that when there are probes in italic read those first and then the underlined. The U stands for underlined for a u interview read the underlined probes first then the italic probes.

What are the names of all persons living or staying here? Start with the name of the person, or one of the persons, who owns or rents this home?

Now would you mind telling me everyone’s age and gender?

[LEAD for one-person households]

This month we are asking some questions about food used in your household and the ways you are managing to meet your food needs.

[Lead for two or more person households]

This month we are asking some questions about food used in your household and the ways you are managing to meet your food needs. [don’t read] (The best person to answer would be the adult most knowledgeable about food shopping and meal preparation. Would that be you or someone else?)


Mark answer

Probes (ask after section)

These first questions are about all the places at which you bought food LAST WEEK. By LAST WEEK, I mean from Sunday through Saturday.


First, did (you/anyone in your household) shop for food at a supermarket, grocery store, superstore (for example Walmart or Target), dollar store, butcher shop, farmers market or club store LAST WEEK?




LAST WEEK, did (you/anyone in your household) buy food at a restaurant, fast food place, cafeteria, deli, convenience store, or vending machine? [If kids 18 and under] (Include any children who may have bought food at the school cafeteria).



[If yes] You mentioned buying food at a restaurant, fast food place, cafeteria, deli, convenience store, or vending machine. Please tell me more about what you bought. [If needed] Was it ready to eat? Was it food that you ate away from home or food you took home to eat?

What does convenience store mean to you?

[If kids 18 and under] Did you include any children receiving free or reduced lunch or breakfast in your answer?


Did (you/anyone in your household) buy food from any other kind of place LAST WEEK?



[If yes] You said you bought from another kind of place. What other kinds of places were you thinking about?


Now I'm going to ask you about the TOTAL amount you spent on food LAST WEEK in all the places where you bought food. Then, since LAST WEEK may have been unusual for you, I will ask about the amount you USUALLY spend.

In this section its ok if they give a range or dollar amount just record what they give.


How much did (you/anyone in your household) spend in total at supermarkets,grocery stores, superstores (like Walmart or Target), dollar stores, butcher shops, farmers markets or club stores LAST WEEK (including any purchases made with <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits)?


How much of the (fill with S2) was for non-food items, such as pet food, paper products, alcohol, detergents, or cleaning supplies?

I asked you how much of the [fill with S2 amount] was for non-food items?

[If your folder has a “u” in the id read underlined first then italic, if “i” read italic first then underlined]What does “Non-food items” mean to you to in that question?

How did you arrive at your answer?

[If needed] What type of items did you include as “non-food items” in the total you reported?


How much did (you/your household) spend for food at restaurants, fast food places, cafeterias, delis, convenience stores, and vending machines LAST WEEK, not including alcohol purchases (including any purchases made with snapname1. Or food stamp benefits)?


How much did (you/your household) spend for food at any other kind of

place LAST WEEK?


[If they say they spent nothing on food last week Skip to 4B]

Let's see, (you/your household) spent about (fill with total from 1B-3B above) on food LAST WEEK. Now think about how much (you/anyone in your household) USUALLY (spend/spends). How much (do you/does your household) USUALLY spend on food at all the different places we've been talking about IN A WEEK? (Please include any purchases made with <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits). Do not include non-food items such as pet food, paper products, detergent or cleaning supplies.

I asked how much your household usually spends on food at all the difference places we’ve been talking about in a week.

What does the word usually mean to you in this question?

How did you come up with your answer for how much you “usually” spend on food?

[After both probes if they haven’t answered WHETHER usually IS THE SAME AS currently then ask] Does usually mean the same thing as currently to you in this question?

The below question is only if they indicate they spent nothing on food last week.


(Let's see, it seems that (you/your household) did not buy any food LAST WEEK. If that is because you shop for food only once in awhile, how much would you say you spend in total in a month?

[If they were asked 4B] Would you please tell me more about how you came up with how much you spend in total in a month for food?

Now I have some additional questions I would like to ask you about your answers. [Ask probes in 4th column above]

[All participants are asked 5A]



In order to buy just enough food to meet (your needs/the needs of your household), would you need to spend more than you do now, or could you spend less?

More [Go to 5B]


[Go to 5C]

I asked you In order to buy just enough food to meet the needs of your household, would you need to spend more than you do now, or could you spend less?

Can you tell me in your own words what this question is asking?

Please tell me more about how you chose [Fill answer]

[If needed] How did you figure out what would be just enough food for your household needs?


[If More] About how much MORE would you need to spend each week to buy just enough food to meet the needs of your household?


[If less] About how much LESS could you spend each week and still buy enough food to meet the needs of your household?

Now I have some additional questions I would like to ask you about your answers. [Ask probes in 4th column above]



The next questions are about the food eaten in your household in the last 12

months, since Month of interview of last year, and whether you were able to afford the

food you need.

When I said “The next questions are about the food eaten in your household in the last 12 months, since [Month of interview] of last year, and whether you were able to afford the food you need.”

What did the phrase “afford the food you need” mean to you in this question?

Please tell me more about how you came up with an answer to this question.


In the last 12 months did you ever run short of money and try to make your food or your food money go further?



7GREEN/SS1 [Read this question and probes if green version protocol]

Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household-- enough of the kinds of food (I/ we) want to eat, enough but not always the kinds of food (I/ we) want to eat, sometimes not enough to eat, or often not enough to eat?

Enough of the kinds of food we want to eat

Enough but not always the kinds of food we want to eat

Sometimes not enough to eat

Often not enough to eat

I asked Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household-- enough of the kinds of food (I/ we) want to eat, enough but not always the kinds of food (I/ we) want to eat, sometimes not enough to eat, or often not enough to eat?

Would you please tell me in your own words what “the kinds of food we want to eat” means in this question?

What foods were you thinking about for the “kinds of food we want to eat” when you answered?

[If needed]You said [Insert participants answer] Please tell me more about that.

7BLUE/Alternate SS1[Read this question and probes if blue version protocol]

Which of these statements best describes the food situation in your household IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS?

(I/We) could always afford to eat healthy meals, (I/We) could always afford enough to eat but not always healthy meals, Sometimes (I/we) could not afford enough to eat, Often we could not afford enough to eat.

(I/We) could always afford to eat healthy meals.

(I/We) could always afford enough to eat but not always healthy meals.

Sometimes (I/we) could not afford enough to eat.

Often we could not afford enough to eat.

I asked Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household-- (I/We) could always afford to eat healthy meals.(I/We) could always afford enough to eat but not always healthy meals.Sometimes (I/we) could not afford enough to eat.

Often we could not afford enough to eat.

Would you please tell me in your own words what “healthy meals” means in this question?

What foods were you thinking about for the “healthy meals” when you answered?

[If needed]You said [Insert participants answer] Please tell me more about that.

[Ask probe based on color version protocol]

[Only read one of the below based on protocol version color]

Now if I had asked you Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household-- enough of the kinds of food (I/ we) want to eat, enough but not always the kinds of food (I/ we) want to eat, sometimes not enough to eat, or often not enough to eat? What would your answer have been? Would that have made more sense to you? Please tell me more about that.

I asked Which of these statements best describes the food eaten in your household-- (I/We) could always afford to eat healthy meals.(I/We) could always afford enough to eat but not always healthy meals.Sometimes (I/we) could not afford enough to eat.

Often we could not afford enough to eat. What would your answer have been?Would that have made more sense to you? Please tell me more about that.

SS2 Lead

Now I'm going to read you several statements that people have made about their food situation. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was OFTEN true, SOMETIMES true, or NEVER true for (you/your household) in the last 12 months.

8A [Record answer on checksheet]

The first statement is "(I/We) worried whether (my/our) food would run out before (I/we) got money to buy more." Was that OFTEN true, SOMETIMES true, or NEVER true for (you/your household) in the last 12 months?

Often true [GO TO 8B]

Sometimes true[GO TO 8B]

Never true (GO TO 9A)


Did this ever happen in the last 30 days?



9A/SS3[Record answer on checksheet]

"The food that (I/we) bought just didn't last, and (I/we) didn't have money to get more." Was that OFTEN, SOMETIMES or NEVER true for (you/ your household) in the last 12 months?

Often true

[GO TO 9B]

Sometimes true

[GO TO 9B]

Never true (GO TO 10A)


Did this ever happen in the last 30 days?



10A/SS4[Record answer on checksheet]

"(I/we) couldn't afford to eat healthy meals." Was that OFTEN, SOMETIMES or NEVER true for (you/ your household) in the last 12 months?

Often true (GO TO 10B)

Sometimes true (GO TO 10B)

Never true (GO TO Checksheet)

I asked how often you couldn’t afford to eat healthy meals?

Please tell me in your own words what “healthy meals” means in this question?

Tell me more about why you said [Fill answer] eat healthy meals.


Did this ever happen in the last 30 days?



11A/SH2[Record answer on checksheet]

In the last 12 months, did (you/ you or other adults in your household) ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 13A)

When I asked you if you had ever cut the size of your meals, or skipped meals because there wasn’t money for enough food. What did “cut the size of your meals” mean to you in this question?

[Hand participant handout 1]

Do you think that the phrases “there wasn’t money for enough food” and “there wasn’t enough money for food” mean something different?

In this section I asked you a lot of questions about there not being money for enough food. What if I had asked the same questions but said “there wasn’t enough money for food?” Do you think any of your answers would have changed? Please tell me more about that.


How often did this happen‑‑almost every month, some months but not every

month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months

12A/SHM2[Record answer on checksheet]

Now think about the last 30 days. During that time did (you/ you or other adults in your household) ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 13A)


How many days did this happen in the last 30 days?

13A/SH3[Record answer on checksheet]

In the last 12 months, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 14A)


How often did this happen‑almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Did this happen in the last 30 days?


No (GO TO 14A)


In the last 30 days, how many days did you eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't money for enough food?

14A/SH4[Record answer on checksheet]

In the last 12 months, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 15A)


How often did this happen‑‑almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Did this happen in the last 30 days?


No (GO TO 15A)


In the last 30 days, how many days were you hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't money for enough food?

15A/SH5[Record answer on checksheet]

In the last 12 months, did you lose weight because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO Checksheet)


Did this happen in the last 30 days?



This question is only for participants who said yes to 12A, 13A, 14A, or 15A otherwise skip to SS5_LEAD

16A/SSH[Check CHecksheet]

In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't money for enough food?




How often did this happen‑‑almost every month, some months but not every

month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Now think about the last 30 days. During that time did (you/ you or other adults in your household) ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't money for enough food?




How many times did this happen in the last 30 days?


Only ask if they have a child in the household Now I'm going to read you several statements that people have made about the food situation for their children. For these statements, please tell me whether the statement was OFTEN true, SOMETIMES true, or NEVER true in the last 12 months for any child under 18 years old living in the household.


"(I/we) relied on only a few kinds of low‑cost food to feed (the child in (my/our) household/the children) because (I was/we were) running out of money to buy food. Was that OFTEN, SOMETIMES or NEVER true for (you/ your household) in the last 12 months?

Often true

Sometimes true

Never true (GO TO 18A)

I asked if you have relied on only a few kinds of low cost food to feed the child in your household.

What does the phrase “low cost food” mean in this question?

You said you [ Fill answer].

[If answer sometimes or Often] Please tell me more about the low cost food you relied on? [If needed] can you give me examples of low cost food you sometimes buy?

[If answer never] What kind of low cost foods have you heard of people relying on to feed their children?


Did this ever happen in the last 30 days?




"(I/we) couldn't feed (the child in (my/our) household/the children) a healthy meal, because (I/we) couldn't afford that." Was that OFTEN, SOMETIMES or NEVER true for (you/your household) in the last 12 months?

Often true (GO TO 18B)

Sometimes true (GO TO 18B)

Never true (GO TO 19A)

What kind of foods would you consider to be healthy meals for children? [If needed] Is this different than what is healthy for adults?


Did this ever happen in the last 30 days?




"(The child in (my/our) household was/The children were) not eating enough because (I/we) there wasn’t money for enough food” Was that OFTEN, SOMETIMES or NEVER true for (you/ your household) in the last 12 months?

Often true

Sometimes true

Never true (Check Checksheet)


Did this ever happen in the last 30 days?




In the last 12 months, did you ever cut the size of (the child's/any of the children's) meals because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 21A)


How often did this happen - almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Did this happen in the last 30 days?


No (GO TO 21A)


In the last 30 days, how many days did you cut the size of (the child's/any of the children's) meals because there wasn't money for enough food?


In the last 12 months, (was the child/were the children) ever hungry because there wasn’t money for enough food?


No (GO TO 22A)


How often did this happen – almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Did this happen in the last 30 days?


No (GO TO 22A)


In the last 30 days, how many days (was the child/were the children) hungry because there wasn’t money for enough food?


In the last 12 months, did (the child/ any of the children) ever skip a meal because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 23A)


How often did this happen‑‑almost every month, some months but not every

month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Now think about the last 30 days. Did (the child/any of the children) ever skip a meal during that time because there wasn't money for enough food?


No (GO TO 23A)


How many days did this happen in the last 30 days?


In the last 12 months, did (the child/any of the children) ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't money for enough food?




Did this happen in the last 30 days?



Now I have some additional questions I would like to ask you about your answers. [Ask probes in 4th column above]



Sometimes people need help getting food for their household. There are many programs that can help.


In the past 12 months, since Month of interview of last year, did (you/anyone in this household) get <SNAPNAME2> or food stamp benefits?


No (GO TO SP6)

Please tell me more about what you have heard food stamp benefits called? [If needed] Do you hear the term EBT more often than [Snapname2].


In which months of 2018 and 2019 were <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits received?


On what date in [Fill with Month before interview] did (you/your household) receive <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits?


How much did (you/your household) receive the last time you got <SNAPNAME1> or food stamp benefits?


[Only if a kid 5-18 if also kid under 5 then specify paranthetical] During the past 30 days, did any children in the household (between 5 and 18 years old) receive free or reduced‑price lunches at school?




[Only if a kid 5-18 if also kid under 5 then specify paranthetical] During the past 30 days, did any children in the household (between 5 and 18 years old) receive free or reduced‑price breakfasts at school?



If your child received breakfast on the bus on the way to school, would you include that in your answer?

27/New question

[Only if a kid 5 -18. if also kid under 5 then specify paranthetical] During the past 30 days, did any children in the household (between 5 and 18 years old) receive free or reduced-price meal or snack at an afterschool program or day care?



[If yes] Please tell me more about the free or reduced price food at an afterschool program or daycare they received?


[Only if a kid under 6 if also kid 5-18 then specify paranthetical] During the past 30 days, did any children in the household(under 6 years old) receive free or reduced-price food at a day-care or Head Start program?


[If any women 15-45 or kids 0-4 then ask Fill based on who is in Hhd] During the past 30 days, did any (women/women or children/children) in this household get food through the WIC program?



[If child under 4 in HHD] If you bought infant formula would you include it in your answer?


How many (women/women or children/children) in the household got WIC foods?

Now I have some additional questions I would like to ask you about your answers. [Ask probes in 4th column above]



[Ask if anyone over 60 otherwise skip to 31A] During the past 30 days, did (you/anyone in this household) receive any meals delivered to the home from community programs, “Meals on Wheels,” or any other programs?


[Ask if anyone over 60 otherwise skip to 31A] During the past 30 days, did (you/anyone in this household) go to a community program or senior center to eat prepared meals?




In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, food bank, or other place that helps with free food?


No (GO TO 33)

[If yes] I asked In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, food bank, or other place that helps with free food? Please tell me more more about when you received emergency food? What kind of place was it from how did you get it?

32ABLUE/New alternate

During the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household gotten free groceries from a food pantry, food bank, church, or other place that helps with free food?


No (Go To 33)

[If yes] I asked In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, food bank, or other place that helps with free food. Please tell me more more about when you received free groceries? What kind of place was it from how did you get them?

Now if I had asked you [Participant will only receive one probe based on protocol color version] :

During the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household gotten free groceries from a food pantry, food bank, church, or other place that helps with free food? Would your answer have been the same? Which version of the question make more sense to you?

In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever get emergency food from a church, a food pantry, food bank, or other place that helps with free food? Would your answer have been the same? Which version of the question make more sense to you?


How often did this happen‑almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Did this happen in the last 30 days?




Is there a church, food pantry, food bank or other place in your community where you could get emergency food if you needed it?



I asked you Is there a church, food pantry, food bank or other place in your community where you could get emergency food if you needed it? Now if I had asked you: Is there a food pantry, food bank, church or other place in your community where you could get free groceries if you needed it? Would your answer have been the same? Which version of the question makes more sense to you?

33BLUE/New Alternate

Is there a food pantry, food bank, church or other place in your community where you could get free groceries if you needed it?



I asked you Is there a food pantry, food bank, church or other place in your community where you could get free groceries if you needed it? Now if I had asked you Is there a church, food pantry, food bank or other place in your community where you could get emergency food if you needed it? Would your answer have been the same? Which version of the question makes more sense to you?


In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever eat any meals at a soup kitchen or shelter?


No (GO TO 35)

I asked you In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever eat any meals at a soup kitchen or shelter? Now if I had asked you During the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household received a free meal from a church, shelter, home-delivered meal service like Meals on Wheels, or other place that helps with free meals? Would your answer have been the same? Which version of the question makes more sense to you?

34ABLUE/New alternate

During the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household received a free meal from a church, shelter, home-delivered meal service like Meals on Wheels, or other place that helps with free meals?



I asked you During the past 12 months, have you or anyone in your household received a free meal from a church, shelter, home-delivered meal service like Meals on Wheels, or other place that helps with free meals? Now if I had asked you In the last 12 months, did (you/you or other adults in your household) ever eat any meals at a soup kitchen or shelter? Would your answer have been the same? Which version of the question makes more sense to you?


How often did this happen-almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?

Almost every month

Some months but not every month

Only 1 or 2 months


Did this happen in the last 30 days?



35/New question

Is there a church, shelter, home-delivere meal service like meals on Wheels, or other place in your community where you could get free meals if you needed it?



Now I have some additional questions I would like to ask you about your answers. [Ask probes in 4th column above]

Now I just have a few more questions for you. The questions I asked you today were about you and other members of your household.

  1. Who do you consider to be a part of your household? [Show them roster] Do you consider everyone on this list to be part of your household why or why not?

  2. Would you consider a relative staying temporarily to be part of your household? What about a roommate?

Now that you have answered all the questions in the interview:

  1. Do you think other members of your household would answer the same way you did? [If no: Tell me more about that.]

  2. Do you think someone else in your household would have known more about all the topics we discussed?

Those are all the questions I have for you. Is there anything else you would like to tell us that you haven’t had a chance to mention yet?

[turn off recorder, have respondent sign voucher, Give the respondent incentive envelope [$40], and thank them for their time and effort. Collect materials and leave or escort respondent out of the interviewing room.]

Here is your money for helping me today. I need you to sign this payment voucher with your name and address so the government knows that I gave you the money.

Handout 1

Version 1

There wasn’t enough money for food.

Version 2

There wasn’t money for enough food.

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