

Survey of Earned Doctorates

OMB: 3145-0019

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SECTION B: Collection of Information Employing Statistical Methods
Survey Data Collection Procedures Background
The SED questionnaire is distributed to new doctorate recipients by the graduate deans of the
approximately 432 doctorate-granting institutions, and approximately 570 independent programs
within those institutions, in the United States. The SED questionnaires (either web or paper) are
filled out at the time the individuals complete all requirements for their doctoral degrees. If paper
questionnaires are completed, they are returned to NSF’s survey contractor by the graduate
dean’s office. Because doctorates complete the requirements for graduation throughout the year,
the questionnaire distribution and completion process is continuous.
The institution (usually the graduate dean’s office) is the main SED interface with the doctorate
recipient and experience shows that the interface is highly effective. The distribution of the
questionnaire by the university itself, the clear nature of the questionnaire, and the cooperation of
the graduate deans all combine to keep survey response rates above 90 percent.
When the completed paper survey questionnaires are received by the survey contractor, they are
edited for completeness and consistency and then entered directly into the survey contractor’s
computer-assisted data entry (CADE) program. Surveys received via the web survey mode do
not need to be data entered and are edited mainly through a series of pre-programmed skip
patterns and range checks, which allow obvious errors to be corrected immediately.
The survey contractor works with ICs to obtain contact information for students who have not
submitted their SED questionnaires. An Address Roster is sent to ICs asking for the addresses of
the non-respondents. The survey contractor also utilizes web-based locating sites to identify
contacting information for non-respondents. A series of letters or emails is sent to any graduate
who did not complete the survey through their graduate school, requesting their participation and
containing a PIN/password for web access (see Attachment 9 for a sample letter).
Finally, any graduate who does not complete the SED through their graduate school and does not
return a survey through the non-respondent mailing effort is given the opportunity to complete a
slightly shortened version of the survey over the telephone. If, by survey close-out, an individual
has not responded, public information from the commencement programs or other publicly
accessible sources is used to construct a skeletal record on that individual. The institution may
also be asked to help provide data to complete skeletal records for these non-respondents. The
skeletal record contains the name, PhD institution, PhD field, degree type, calendar year that the
doctorate was earned, month that the doctorate was earned, and (usually) the sex of the doctorate
earner. If a survey questionnaire is later received from a previous non-respondent, the skeletal
record is replaced by the information provided by the respondent.
B.1. Universe and Sampling Procedures
The SED is a census of all students receiving a research doctorate between July 1 and June 30 of
the following year. Because it is a census, no sampling is involved. All institutions identified in

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IPEDS as granting doctoral degrees are asked to participate if: (1) they confer “research
doctorates” and (2) they are accredited by one of the regional accreditation organizations
recognized by the Department of Education. If so, the schools are asked to distribute the link to
the online questionnaire, or to distribute paper questionnaires, to their research doctoral
recipients at the time of graduation. The SED maintains the universe of research doctorategranting institutions each year by comparing the list of institutions from IPEDS against the
schools participating in the SED. If a new institution is found to be offering a research
doctorate, the institution is contacted and added to the SED universe.
A high rate of response is essential for the SED to fulfill its role as a key part of the universe
frame for longitudinal sample surveys, such as the Survey of Doctorate Recipients, and as the
only reliable source of information on very small groups (racial/ethnic minorities, women, and
persons with disabilities) in specialized fields of study at the PhD level.
The feasibility of conducting the SED on a sample basis, and the utility of the resulting data,
have been considered and found to be unacceptable. One reason many institutions participate in
the survey is to receive complete information about all of their doctorate recipients in order to
make comparisons with peer institutions. In addition, it is highly unlikely that the 570 graduate
offices that voluntarily distribute the SED questionnaire could effectively carry out a sampling
scheme. Schools often refer their students to an online graduation checklist, where the SED is
but one step in the graduation process. In addition, conducting the SED on a sample basis would
produce poor estimates of small groups (in particular, racial/ethnic minorities) earning degrees in
particular fields of study, and such data are important to a wide range of SED data users.
A second sampling option – a mailing to doctorate recipients after graduation – would likely
result in a much lower response rate because of difficulties in obtaining accurate addresses of
doctorate recipients, particularly the foreign citizens who represent an ever growing proportion
of the doctorates recipient universe each year. Such a technique would impose on the universities
the additional burden of providing current addresses of new graduates, a somewhat ineffective
process because the addresses of new doctorates are outdated almost immediately after
A third alternative, sending the questionnaire to doctorate recipients at a selected subset of
institutions, would result in only a marginal decrease in respondent burden because the largest
universities, all of which would need to be included in such a scheme, grant a disproportionate
number of doctoral degrees. For example, the 50 largest institutions annually grant slightly over
50 percent of all doctoral degrees. Application of these sampling techniques would reduce both
the utility of the data and the overall accuracy of the collected data. Matrix or item sampling – a
widely used technique in achievement testing – would not be feasible because the characteristic
information is needed for each doctorate recipient for use in selecting the sample for the followup SDR. It would reduce the utility of the information to request, for example, sex, race, or field
of degree information for some doctorate recipients and not for others. These characteristics are
not evenly distributed across the doctorate population, and the extensive uses made of the data
base rely on the completeness and accuracy of the information on doctorate recipients.

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Therefore, sampling doctorates would decrease the utility of the data while increasing burden on
the graduate schools which administer the survey and decrease the incentives for the institutions
to participate.
B.2. Survey Methodology
Because there is no sampling involved in the SED, there has traditionally been no weighting
necessary. Basic information about non-responding individuals is obtained, where possible, from
public records at their graduating institutions, graduation lists, etc. Both unit and item
nonresponse are handled by including categories of “unknown” for all variables in tabulated
results. The statistical and methodological experts associated with this survey are Stephen
Schacht, Senior Research Scientist at NORC (773-256-6016) and Michael Yang, Senior
Statistician at NORC (301-634-9492). At NSF, Lynn Milan, Project Officer for this survey
(703-292-2275) and Jeri Mulrow, acting NCSES Chief Statistician (703-292-4784), provide
statistical oversight.
B.3. Methods to Maximize Response
The SED has enjoyed a high response rate during its existence, with an average of 92%
completions over the past 30 years. It owes this high rate, in part, to the use of the data by the
graduate deans, who go to extraordinary lengths to encourage participation on the part of their
graduates. Each graduate dean receives a profile of their graduates, compared with other
institutions in their Carnegie class, soon after the data are released each year. It is also due to
extensive university outreach efforts on the part of the survey contractor, NORC at the
University of Chicago, and National Science Foundation staff, and to the importance the
universities themselves place on the data.
Throughout the data collection period, schools are constantly monitored for completion rates.
Data on doctorates awarded on each commencement date are compared to data from the previous
round in order to flag fluctuations in expected returns. Schools with late returns or reduced
completion rates are individually contacted. Site visits, primarily to institutions with low
response rates, by NSF staff and survey contractor staff are also critical to maintaining a high
response rate to this survey. NORC’s electronic monitoring systems are particularly important to
these efforts, as each institution’s graduation dates or SED submission dates can vary from
monthly to annually.
In addition to the broad efforts to maintain high completion rates, targeted efforts to prompt for
missing surveys and critical items are also key. The survey contractor works with ICs and also
utilizes web-based locating sites to contact students by mail and email for missing surveys. A
series of letters is sent to any graduate who did not complete the survey through their graduate
school, requesting their participation and including a PIN/password for web access as well as a
paper questionnaire. Additionally, any non-respondent who does not complete the SED through
their graduate school and does not return a survey through the non-respondent follow-up effort is
given the opportunity to complete a slightly shortened version of the survey over the phone.

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Finally, a Missing Information Roster (MIR) is sent to ICs who can sometimes provide critical
item information (sex, race/ethnicity, citizenship etc.) in addition to addresses. Data received via
the different modes are merged and checked to avoid duplicate requests going out to the various
sources. The results of these varied efforts significantly increase the number of completions as
well as reduce the number of missing critical items, thereby improving the quality of the SED
The response rates of institutions as well as the response rates to questionnaire items are
evaluated annually. For example, the evaluation of the response rate for 2013 indicated that over
half of the non-response was due to 20 institutions. Institutions with poor response rates were
targeted for special letters or site visits by NSF or survey contractor staff and, to a large extent,
these efforts have been successful in raising the response rates at institutions.
B.4. Testing of Procedures
The SED has undergone extensive review and testing of the questionnaire and the methods
employed in conducting the survey in recent years. The changes made to the SED 2016 survey
version are a result of many activities which have helped inform changes to instruments and
procedures over time. The following major activities have been conducted since the previous
OMB clearance submission (see Attachment 10.1 for a list of the methodological studies
conducted over the past 15 years). The NSF project officer will be pleased to provide any of the
documents referred to in this section or those referred to throughout the supporting statement.
Data Collection Related Tests
The accuracy of the data from the SED has been one of its strongest assets. An ongoing
evaluation of the accuracy of coding, editing, and data entry processes is conducted. It
consistently indicates that the error rate is very low (less than one percent). During data
collection, the frequency distribution of variables is monitored on a continuous basis, so that
emerging problems, such as high item non-response rates, can be identified early in the data
collection phase and appropriate corrective measures implemented, if necessary. Additional
quality control checks on the merger of paper and electronic questionnaires as well as the merger
of missing information into the master database are also ongoing. The survey questionnaires are
constantly compared with the universities’ graduation lists and commencement programs to
make sure that only those persons with earned research doctorates are included.
Additional research that has been conducted in the last two years related to data collection
operations and strategies are summarized below. (See Attachment 10.1 for additional details.)

Institution Eligibility Criteria: This study was undertaken in 2013 to examine the
eligibility criteria for institution inclusion in the SED against a broader national and
international context as well as the adjudication process for determining the eligibility of
institutions and programs not currently in the SED but appearing to meet the criteria for
inclusion. The study’s final report is under consideration by NSF. No changes have yet
been implemented to the SED eligibility review process.

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Confidentiality Issues: This study included cognitive interviews and focus groups
conducted in 2013 and 2014 with doctorate recipients, graduate deans, institution
contacts, and institutional researchers concerning the confidentiality procedures
employed by the SED. No changes have been implemented based on the findings.
Web Survey Breakoff Conversion: Two studies were conducted in 2013 and 2014
discussing strategies to increase survey completion of sample members who had begun
but not completed the SED web survey, as well as the impact on data quality. Findings
demonstrated that prompting did not have adverse effects on survey data quality, as
measured by item nonresponse. However, the results of the two studies indicated
different outcomes regarding the success of standard email prompts over mail prompts in
converting breakoffs. These results informed the 2015 nonrespondent contacting
experiment, which is examining if sending email prompts before mail prompts results in a
higher survey completion rate (see further details in the next section, “2015
Mode Effects on Item Response Rates: A 2013 study reviewed SED item response
rates by mode, controlling for time of completion, and found that web item response rates
tend to be higher than hardcopy item response rates. The study concluded that prompts
may play an important role in increasing item response rates on the web. Thus, the web
prompts have remained in the web questionnaire. The redesign of the web questionnaire
being done in 2015 will further improve the prompts both for clarity and user experience.
The effectiveness of these redesigned prompts will be included in the cognitive interview

2015 Experiments
Strategies to prompt survey completion for non-respondents are continually examined with a
view to maximizing response rates and reducing data collection costs. During the 2015 data
collection cycle, two experiments are being employed to test improving response rates of nonrespondents. First, the inclusion of a progress bar in the web survey will be tested. Nonrespondents who are contacted through follow-up efforts will be selected for the control or
treatment group upon logging into the SED survey. Treatment group members will see a
progress bar that displays their advancement through the survey both by visual increase of the
bar and by percentage. Control group members will not see a progress bar, which follows the
current web survey design. The experiment is designed to test if the inclusion of a progress bar in
the web survey reduces the number of breakoffs and, ultimately, leads to more completed web
The second experiment will test contacting strategies for nonrespondents for whom both a
mailing address and email address are available. The current follow-up protocol for SED
nonrespondent is to send all nonrespondents with a mailing address up to five mail prompts (four
letters and one postcard) before any other treatment, regardless of the presence of an email
address in the sample database. Nonrespondents are then sent up to two email prompts if an
email address is available. The experiment will test the effectiveness of making email prompts
primary over mail prompts for SED nonrespondents for whom the doctorate-granting institutions
have provided both a mailing and an email address. Under the experimental design, non-

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respondents selected for the treatment group will first be sent the pair of prompting emails and, if
necessary, will then start the series of five mail prompts.
Nonrespondents eligible for this experiment are unique in that both email and mailing addresses
are provided by the degree-granting institutions and this information is used in the first prompt
contacts. Due to the transitional nature of this population at the time of their graduation, the use
of institution-supplied mailing information as quickly as possible is critical in order to reach
nonrespondents before they have moved. Email addresses may be more effective in reaching
nonrespondents who have already relocated.
The experiment results will examine if there would be a cost benefit to prioritizing email followup before mail for SED nonrespondents. This experiment also has the potential benefit of
reducing respondent burden. Sending a paper invitation for a web questionnaire requires that the
letter include a URL address for the survey, which recipients must manually enter into a
computer (as opposed to clicking on a link in an email), before typing in their access code (also
provided in the letter) in order to start the web questionnaire.
When it is possible to obtain nonrespondent email addresses early in the prompting cycle for a
web-savvy target population with a general preference for the web mode (such as recent
doctorate recipients), starting respondents with the web mode (i.e., email prompts) can
potentially increase response rates while decreasing respondent burden and data collection costs.
Considering that the web is the dominant questionnaire completion mode in the SED (90% of FY
2014 respondents completed the web-based questionnaire), that the SED potentially possesses an
adequate email address list for its nonrespondents, and that the survey targets web-savvy and
highly educated individuals, the SED could save resources and increase the data collection pace
if nonrespondents could be prompted via email instead of conventional mail prompting methods.
Survey Quality Tests and Research
Several tasks were completed since the last OMB package, including several that informed the
recommendations for the next cycle. These tasks ranged from continuous assessments of
everyday processes to overarching reviews of the institutions and degrees included in the survey
to confirm the completeness and accuracy of the SED universe.
The following tasks are conducted regularly throughout each survey round:
• Review of systems, programming, and quality control data preparation processes with a
goal of shortening data collection and an earlier delivery of the final data file. Based on
the system review, additional reports were developed to assist in tracking institutions late
in returning their materials. Aggressive interventions with these institutions aided in
shortening the data collection period for the 2013 and 2014 survey rounds.
• Merging data on a flow basis to identify and correct data inconsistencies and to reduce
the amount of time between the close of data collection and the release of the data. Based
on this review for the 2014 round, the majority of the file preparation case-level data
consistency and doctorate eligibility reviews were conducted before data collection
closed, giving file preparation staff more time to focus on other quality assurance tasks
that can only occur after data collection closes.

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These tasks are completed annually, prior to the beginning of data collection or the start of data
• Comparison of the IPEDS database of doctorate-granting institutions to the SED universe
to identify institutions newly offering doctorate programs that are not currently in the
SED. Based on this review six new institutions were deemed eligible for participation in
the SED for the 2015 round and eight for the 2016 round.
• Review of the IPEDS database and the Interim Results Form to determine if any
institutions currently participating in the SED are offering eligible degrees that are not
currently being included. Based on this review, six programs at institutions already in the
SED were deemed eligible for participation in the SED for the 2015 round and five
programs for the 2016 round.
• Discussion of possible improvements in the coding and editing processes to ensure faster
data entry resulting in more timely follow-up with non-respondents. In 2015, enhanced
auto-coding rules were implemented in order to capture more cases and reduce the
records that require manual coding. In addition, a new coding interface was designed for
more efficient manual coding.
• Consultation with data processing managers on issues of paper and electronic data
handling and mergers. In the 2014 round, based on this consultation, a change was made
in how prior round hardcopy questionnaires’ data were incorporated into the merged data
set for the current round. Rather than having to link the previous round’s hardcopy data
file as an additional source to the current round’s merged dataset, the original hardcopy
surveys were data entered into the current round’s instrument to ensure data editing
consistency and reduce the complexity of the data merge process. Special rules were
created to instruct these editing and data entry processes to ensure data quality.
• In-depth analysis of confidentiality issues, particularly of data products that will be
publicly available. For the 2013 and 2014 rounds, staff worked closely with NCSES
project officers to modify the structure of the race and ethnicity construct to meet new
requirements to more closely match U.S. Census categories while minimizing the impact
of additional data suppression across different reports.
• Coordination of items common to the SDR and SESTAT instruments (see section A.4).
Included in the 2016 questionnaire revisions is the ability for respondents to indicate
currency type when reporting salary amount in the SED web questionnaire. This revision
was made in order to match the SDR item format and collect more accurate salary
information from respondents.
The following tasks are completed annually at the end of each data collection period. The results
are compiled and reviewed before each new OMB clearance cycle to inform possible changes:
• Extensive reviews of unit and item-by-item frequencies and item analysis for floor and
ceiling effects (i.e., whether quantitative response options go low enough and high
enough for the range of SED responses). The 2013 and 2014 data frequencies were
reviewed to determine if there was a need for the expansion of salary categories in
questionnaire item B8. (The current categories go from “$30,000 or less” to “$110,001 or
above” in $5,000 increments at the lower end of the range and $10,000 increments at the
higher end.) It was determined that a new category would be too small to provide any

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utility and would likely be aggregated for reporting purposes; thus, no change was made
at this time.
Review of all respondent comments for concerns over confidentiality or item
improvements. For the 2016 instrument, there was consideration to remove the five
leading “X” placeholders when asking for Social Security number in item C15 to allay
respondent concerns about being asked to provide SSN. Based on expert methodologist
review, it was determined that this revision should be tested in the cognitive interview
activities being conducted in CY 2015. In questionnaire item C15, the term “last four”
will be italicized in order to reinforce that the request is only for partial SSN.
Also, the addition of “Associate’s Degree” as a response category when asking about
highest level of parental education (item C4) was initiated by feedback from respondents
who felt the existing categories of “some college” and “Bachelor’s degree” do not
properly represent those who have earned an Associate’s degree.
Review of “other, please specify” information in consideration of expanding or changing
answer options. No revisions to the 2016 instrument resulted from this review.
Coordination of data post-processing rules for items common to the SDR and SESTAT
instruments, including the race, ethnicity and disability (i.e., “specific functional
limitation”) items (see section A.4). After the revisions of the functional limitations
questions in 2012, SED staff coordinated with SDR to understand how they edited
hardcopy questionnaires and handled the responses in post-processing steps to ensure that
data was interpreted according to the same rules, as appropriate.

In addition, the following tasks were conducted during the last OMB clearance cycle, and will be
conducted periodically in the future:
• Detailed review of emerging and declining fields of study and alignment with the CIP
(Classification of Instructional Programs). The result of the review completed in
preparation for the 2016 SED is the addition of eight new fields and the removal of one
field from the SED field of study taxonomy.
• Review of the non-PhD doctorate degrees included in the SED to confirm that they are
research degrees and thus eligible for the survey. Based on this review in 2014, it was
determined that a newly offered Doctorate of Design is eligible for the SED.
• Literature reviews on targeted topics, such as disclosure avoidance and other
confidentiality issues, as well as an initial review of the accreditation requirements for
academic institutions. In 2013, a review of the institution eligibility criteria for
participation in the SED was conducted, including literature reviews and interviews with
select institutions and accreditation agencies. Recommendations from the accreditation
review included adding two additional agencies to the list of qualifying accrediting
agencies when considering approving new institutions for the SED. This recommendation
is still under consideration at NSF.
Finally, the following specialized studies were conducted during the last OMB cycle, the
findings of which will be used to inform future SED processes.
• Timeline Data Quality Improvements for the Survey of Earned Doctorates: An analysis of
the current approach the SED employs to collect, edit and report timeline data, resulting
in recommendations for improved data quality through potential questionnaire, editing,
and data presentation changes. Findings were used to inform a number of process
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revisions, including: expansion of the auto-coding process for timeline variables;
modification of rules used to flag nontraditional timeline sequences; addition of timeline
variables to the DRF for use in further research; and revision of select imputation rules.
In addition, revisions to timeline questions in the instrument are included in the future
cognitive interview activities.
Enhancements in Auto-Coding in the Survey of Earned Doctorates: A study to assess the
feasibility of employing an automated coding application to additional SED variables that
are currently manually coded, resulting in the definition of additional coding rules needed
to apply these changes while improving data quality and reducing labor costs. Findings
from this study are being implemented in the SED 2015 coding activities.
Department Coding Feasibility Study: An examination of the feasibility and cost of
coding respondents’ verbatim responses to their department (item A3), which has up until
now not been cleaned, coded or stored in the DRF. Findings indicated that coding this
item would be feasible for respondents whose field of study was in science and
engineering. The findings were considered by NSF, but no changes have yet been
Disclosure Analyses of Tabular Data: An analysis of cell suppression processes using loglinear modeling as a method of checking the underlying trends over different subgroups,
which could have broad utility for SED data products and beyond. The results indicated
this approach does not increase disclosure risk and also preserves unsuppressed cells and
marginal counts. The findings were considered by NSF, but no changes have yet been

Proposed Tests and Research
Over the course of the proposed OMB cycle (May 2015 – December 2017), NSF anticipates
conducting several methodological research tasks and analyses of data user needs, some
involving cognitive interviews. The tasks associated with these research studies and user
analyses will be conducted under the Generic Clearance of Survey Improvement Projects (OMB
#3145-0174), as needed.
The first effort will involve the redesign of the SED web survey to create a visual design that is
more appealing and reduces potential confusion, measurement error, and break-offs. These
changes are intended to be applied to the 2016 SED web survey. The new design will be mobile
compatible and 508 compliant and will also include an overall redesign incorporating best
practices. This will include:
1) movement of button locations for optimal usage;
2) reorganization of question matrices to improve visual grouping;
3) compatibility with various mobile platforms (e.g., smart phone and tablet);
4) improved spacing of question stems and response categories;
5) implementation of an advanced search function to reduce respondent burden and
improve data quality; and
6) overall modernization of web survey design which is more aligned with the
experiences of the doctoral graduate population that is completing the survey.

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The second is a larger research effort to investigate a redesign of SED survey questions,
including question order, language, and response options. Drawing on previous work and the
survey literature, the objectives of this work are to:

redesign the entire SED instrument to improve its measurement properties,
test and fine-tune the revised instrument through a series of cognitive interviews, and
evaluate the potential benefits and possible drawbacks of the various elements of the
redesigned instrument.

This work not only has the potential to enhance the overall quality of the SED data, but also to
reduce the burden placed on respondents as they complete the survey and the costs of the survey
by cutting down the time spent resolving data discrepancies. The item revisions will be tested
through a series of four rounds of cognitive interviews, with up to 25 respondents per round,
which will allow evaluating the effectiveness of a set of proposed instrument changes, revising
the instrument as needed, and testing the revisions. The first two rounds of interviewing will be
devoted to testing content changes to the questionnaire, such as improvements to question order,
wording, response categories, and instructions to the respondent. The third and fourth rounds
will include the new web survey redesign discussed above in order to test the revised SED
content in the new web survey environment. Cognitive interview respondents will include
graduate students who are about to complete their PhD or who have recently completed it. The
findings are intended to inform the 2017 SED, which will include the submission of an OMB
addendum, as needed, to gain approval of questionnaire revisions.
The draft SED 2016 questionnaire was first reviewed in December 2014, and the final
questionnaire changes were reviewed and approved by the sponsors in January 2015. (See
Attachment 5 for the list of persons who were consulted or who reviewed the questionnaire.) See
Attachment 2 for a list detailing the changes made to the SED 2016 questionnaire from the 2015
version and the rationales for those changes.
B.5. Individuals Consulted
NORC at the University of Chicago is the organization contracted to collect and analyze the SED
data for the 2016-2017 survey rounds. Staff from NORC who have consulted on the aspects of
the design are listed in Attachment 5.
Additional individuals both inside and outside of NSF who have consulted on the statistical and
methodological aspects of the design are also listed in Attachment 5.

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File Modified2015-03-17
File Created2015-03-17

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