Appendix G – Survey Welcome, Advance, and Tracking Letters
Survey Welcome Letter for Sites Testing the Parenting Intervention
«firstname» «lastname»
«city», «state» «zip»
Dear «firstname» «lastname»
Thank you for participating in the Building Bridges and Bonds Study (or B3 for short).
About <four weeks> ago you applied to participate in a program called [INTERVENTION NAME] at [SITE PROGRAM NAME]. You also agreed to participate in research to better understand how to help people improve their parenting skills and relationships with their children. The study is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. B3 is being led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. They have partnered with Abt SRBI to survey the study participants.
When you enrolled in the study on «RA date», program staff explained that the research team would follow up with you in the future. In about five months, we will contact you to ask you to take a telephone survey. We will want to learn about your experiences since applying for the program. At that time, we will provide a $35 gift to thank you for participating in a telephone survey to tell us about your experience.
To make sure we can reach you to conduct the survey, please review the contact information on the attached form. Please fill in or update any missing or incorrect contact information. Please also provide contact information for three people outside your household who you are regularly in touch with. We will only contact them if we cannot reach you. We are including $2 as a thank you for responding to this request.
There are also other ways for you to stay in touch with our team. If you prefer to contact us by phone, please call our toll-free number: 1-866-XXX-XXX. You can contact us online at this website: If you prefer to update your information by telephone or online, please have this PIN number handy: «PIN». This PIN is unique to you and will help our research team find your information in our system.
Any information you provide is voluntary. You may choose whether to provide this information to us. Any information you provide to us will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.
Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this important study. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you again!
Sincerely yours,
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
«res_id» T
Page 2
1. Is this the correct spelling of your name? / Es éste su nombre correcto?
«First_name» «Last_name»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, the correct spelling is: / El nombre correcto es
First Name/Nombre |
Middle Name |
Last Name/Apellido |
Suffix (Sr./Jr.) |
2. Is this your correct address? / Es esta su dirección correcta?
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct address is: / Mi dirección correcta es
Street /Calle |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Código Postal |
3. Is this your correct phone number? / Es éste su número de teléfono correcto? «Phone1»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct phone number is: / Mi número de teléfono correcto es:
Home Phone / Número de teléfono del hogar |
Cell Phone / Número de teléfono del cellular |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
4. Please list the name, address, and relationship to you of three people who will always know how to reach you.
Por favor escriba los nombres y las direcciones de tres personas quienes sepan cómo ponerse en contacto con usted y explique cómo se relacionan con usted. (PLEASE PRINT / FAVOR DE ESCRIBIR EN LETRA DE MOLDE)
1. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
2. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
3. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
Survey Welcome Letter for Sites Testing the Employment Intervention
«firstname» «lastname»
«city», «state» «zip»
Dear «firstname» «lastname»
Thank you for participating in the Building Bridges and Bonds Study (or B3 for short).
About <four weeks> ago you applied to participate in a program called [INTERVENTION NAME] at [SITE PROGRAM NAME]. You also agreed to participate in research to better understand how to help people find and keep jobs. The study is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. B3 is being led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. They have partnered with Abt SRBI to survey the study participants.
When you enrolled in the study on «RA date», program staff explained that the research team would follow up with you in the future. In about five months, we will contact you to ask you to take a telephone survey. We will want to learn about your experiences since applying for the program. At that time, we will provide a $35 gift to thank you for participating in a telephone survey to tell us about your experience.
To make sure we can reach you to conduct the survey, please review the contact information on the attached form. Please fill in or update any missing or incorrect contact information. Please also provide contact information for three people outside your household who you are regularly in touch with. We will only contact them if we cannot reach you. We are including $2 as a thank you for responding to this request.
There are also other ways for you to stay in touch with our team. If you prefer to contact us by phone, please call our toll-free number: 1-866-XXX-XXX. You can contact us online at this website: If you prefer to update your information by telephone or online, please have this PIN number handy: «PIN». This PIN is unique to you and will help our research team find your information in our system.
Any information you provide is voluntary. You may choose whether to provide this information to us. Any information you provide to us will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.
Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this important study. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Thank you again!
Sincerely yours,
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
«res_id» T
Page 2
1. Is this the correct spelling of your name? / Es éste su nombre correcto?
«First_name» «Last_name»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, the correct spelling is: / El nombre correcto es
First Name/Nombre |
Middle Name |
Last Name/Apellido |
Suffix (Sr./Jr.) |
2. Is this your correct address? / Es esta su dirección correcta?
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct address is: / Mi dirección correcta es
Street /Calle |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Código Postal |
3. Is this your correct phone number? / Es éste su número de teléfono correcto? «Phone1»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct phone number is: / Mi número de teléfono correcto es:
Home Phone / Número de teléfono del hogar |
Cell Phone / Número de teléfono del cellular |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
4. Please list the name, address, and relationship to you of three people who will always know how to reach you.
Por favor escriba los nombres y las direcciones de tres personas quienes sepan cómo ponerse en contacto con usted y explique cómo se relacionan con usted. (PLEASE PRINT / FAVOR DE ESCRIBIR EN LETRA DE MOLDE)
1. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
2. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
3. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
Survey Advance Letter for Sites Testing the Parenting Intervention
«firstname» «lastname»
«city», «state» «zip»
Dear «firstname» «lastname»
Thank you for participating in the Building Bridges and Bonds Study (or B3 for short). You are receiving this letter because in <<RA Month, RA Year>>, you applied to participate in a program called [INTERVENTION NAME] at [SITE PROGRAM NAME]. When you applied you also agreed to participate in research to better understand how to help people improve their parenting skills and relationships with their children and co-parents.
B3 is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The study team is led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. Abt SRBI, a private research firm, is conducting a telephone interview to gather important information as part of B3. We will ask questions about your parenting and co-parenting relationships, child support, employment, and financial well-being. The interview should take about 40 minutes.
Your help is valuable. Only you can tell us about your experiences. As a thank you gift, you will receive a $35 check or money order. By completing the interview, you will help us learn whether «Intervention Name» helps people who participate.
Your participation is voluntary. You are not required to complete the interview. If you do not participate in the interview, it will not affect your participation in the program. Once the interview has started, you may refuse to answer any question.
Your information is private. We follow strict rules to keep all information we collect about you private to the extent permitted by law. Your responses will be combined with other people’s responses. They will only be reported together as a group. No individual responses will be reported. Your information will be used only for conducting this research.
You will receive more information about the survey or a call from an Abt SRBI interviewer in the next few weeks. We look forward to your participation.
If you have any questions or concerns about this study please call Abt SRBI toll-free at 1-866-XXX-XXXX. You can also call us if you want to schedule a survey appointment. If you hear a recorded message, please leave your name, telephone number, your PIN # «PIN» and the best time to call you. One of our interviewers will call you back very soon.
Thank you for your help on this important project. Please call us to update your contact information (phone number or email address) at any time.
Sincerely yours,
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
Survey Advance Letter for Sites Testing the Employment Intervention
«firstname» «lastname»
«city», «state» «zip»
Dear «firstname» «lastname»
Thank you for participating in the Building Bridges and Bonds Study (or B3 for short). You are receiving this letter because in <<RA Month, RA Year>>, you applied to participate in a program called [INTERVENTION NAME] at [SITE PROGRAM NAME]. When you applied you also agreed to participate in research to better understand how to help people find and keep jobs.
The study is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The study team is led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. Abt SRBI, a private research firm, is conducting a telephone interview to gather important information as part of B3. We will ask questions about your employment, well-being, parenting and co-parenting relationships, involvement with the criminal justice system, and child support. The interview should take about of 40 minutes.
Your help is valuable. Only you can tell us about your experiences. As a thank you gift, you will receive a $35 check or money order. By completing the interview, you will help us learn whether «Intervention Name» helps people who participate.
Your participation is voluntary. You are not required to complete the interview. If you do not participate in the interview, it will not affect your participation in the program. Once the interview has started, you also may refuse to answer any question.
Your information is private. We follow strict rules to keep all information we collect about you private to the extent permitted by law. Your responses will be combined with other people’s responses. They will only be reported together as a group. No individual responses will be reported. Your information will be used only for conducting this research.
You will receive more information about the survey or a call from an Abt SRBI interviewer in the next few weeks. We look forward to your participation.
If you have any questions or concerns about this study please call Abt SRBI toll-free at 1-866-XXX-XXXX. You can also call us if you want to schedule a survey appointment. If you hear a recorded message, please leave your name, telephone number, your PIN # #«PIN» and the best time to call you. One of our interviewers will call you back very soon.
Thank you for your help on this important project. Please call us to update your contact information (phone number or email address) at any time.
Sincerely yours,
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
Survey Advance E-mail for Sites Testing the Parenting Intervention
Send Date: <<Month, XX, 20XX>>
From: Abt SRBI and MDRC
Reply To: Jodi Walton;
Subject: Building Bridges and Bonds (B3) Follow-up Survey Invitation
We need your help to learn about your experiences in the Building Bridges and Bonds (B3) study. As a “thank you” gift, you will receive a $35 check or money order.
Please call to schedule an appointment for this interview:
1(866) XXX – XXXX
We have emailed you because you participated in the B3 study, also known as «ProgramName». In «RA Month, RA Year» you agreed to participate in the B3 research study.
The study team is led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. Abt SRBI, a private research firm, is conducting a telephone interview to gather important information as part of B3. We will ask you questions about your parenting and co-parenting relationships, child support, employment, and financial well-being. The interview should take about 40 minutes.
Your help is valuable. Only you can tell us about your experiences. As a thank you gift you will receive a $35 check or money order. By completing the interview, you will help us learn whether «Intervention Name» helps people who participate.
Your participation is voluntary. You are not required to complete the interview. If you do not participate in the interview, it will not affect your participation in the program. Once the interview has started, you also may refuse to answer any question.
Your information is kept private. We follow strict rules to keep all information we collect about you private to the extent permitted by law. Your responses will be combined with other people’s responses. They will only be reported together as a group. No individual responses will be reported. Your information will be used only for conducting this research.
Please call Abt SRBI toll-free at 1-866-XXX-XXXX. If you hear a recorded message, please leave your name, telephone number, your Pin #«PIN» and the best time to call you. One of our interviewers will call you back very soon.
We actively monitor this email account. You may reply to this email to schedule an appointment or to update your contact information.
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
If you no longer wish to receive email invitations and reminders for this survey, please click this link below:
Survey Advance E-mail for Sites Testing the Employment Intervention
Send Date: <<Month, XX, 20XX>>
From: Abt SRBI and MDRC
Reply To: Jodi Walton;
Subject: Building Bridges and Bonds (B3) Follow-up Survey Invitation
We need your help to learn about your experiences in the Building Bridges and Bonds (B3) study. As a “thank you” gift, you will receive a $35 check or money order.
Please call to schedule an appointment for this interview:
1(866) XXX – XXXX
We have emailed you because you participated in the B3 study, also known as «ProgramName». In «RA Month, RA Year» you agreed to participate in the B3 research study.
The study team is led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. Abt SRBI, a private research firm, is conducting a telephone interview to gather important information as part of B3. We will ask questions about your employment, well-being, parenting and co-parenting relationships, involvement with the criminal justice system, and child support. The interview should take about 40 minutes.
Your help is valuable. Only you can tell us about your experiences. As a thank you gift you will receive a $35 check or money order. By completing the interview, you will help us learn whether «Intervention Name» helps people who participate.
Your participation is voluntary. You are not required to complete the interview. If you do not participate in the interview, it will not affect your participation in the program. Once the interview has started, you also may refuse to answer any question.
Your information is kept private. We follow strict rules to keep all information we collect about you private to the extent permitted by law. Your responses will be combined with other people’s responses. They will only be reported together as a group. No individual responses will be reported. Your information will be used only for conducting this research.
Please call Abt SRBI toll-free at 1-866-XXX-XXXX. If you hear a recorded message, please leave your name, telephone number, your Pin #«PIN» and the best time to call you. One of our interviewers will call you back very soon.
We actively monitor this email account. You may reply to this email to schedule an appointment or to update your contact information.
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
55 Wheeler Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
If you no longer wish to receive email invitations and reminders for this survey, please click this link below:
Survey Tracking Letter for Sites Testing the Parenting Intervention
«firstname» «lastname»
«city», «state» «zip»
Dear «firstname» «lastname»
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Building Bridges and Bonds Study (or B3 for short).
Several months ago you applied to participate in a program called [INTERVENTION NAME] at [SITE PROGRAM NAME]. You also agreed to participate in research to better understand how to help people improve their parenting skills and relationships with their children and co-parents. The study is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. B3 is being led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. They have partnered with Abt SRBI to survey the study participants.
When you enrolled in the study on «RA date», program staff explained that the research team would follow up with you in the future. In the next few months, we will contact you to ask you to take a telephone survey. We will want to learn about your experiences since applying for the program. At that time, we will provide a $35 gift to thank you for participating in a telephone survey about your experiences.
To make sure we can reach you to conduct the survey, please review the contact information on the attached form. Please fill in or update any missing or incorrect contact information. Please also provide contact information for three people outside your household who you are regularly in touch with. We will only contact these individuals if we cannot reach you. We will send you $5 as a thank you for responding to this request.
There are also other ways for you to stay in touch with our team. If you prefer to contact us by phone, please call our toll-free number: 1-866-XXX-XXX. You can contact us online at this website: If you prefer to update your information by telephone or online, please have this PIN number handy: «PIN». This PIN is unique to you and will help our research team find your information in our system.
Any information you provide is voluntary. You may choose whether to provide this information to us. Any information you provide to us will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.
We greatly appreciate your willingness to be a part of this important study. Please contact us with any questions.
Thank you again!
Sincerely yours,
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
«res_id» T
Page 2
1. Is this the correct spelling of your name? / Es éste su nombre correcto?
«First_name» «Last_name»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, the correct spelling is: / El nombre correcto es
First Name/Nombre |
Middle Name |
Last Name/Apellido |
Suffix (Sr./Jr.) |
2. Is this your correct address? / Es esta su dirección correcta?
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct address is: / Mi dirección correcta es
Street /Calle |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Código Postal |
3. Is this your correct phone number? / Es éste su número de teléfono correcto? «Phone1»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct phone number is: / Mi número de teléfono correcto es:
Home Phone / Número de teléfono del hogar |
Cell Phone / Número de teléfono del cellular |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
4. Please list the name, address, and relationship to you of three people who will always know how to reach you.
Por favor escriba los nombres y las direcciones de tres personas quienes sepan cómo ponerse en contacto con usted y explique cómo se relacionan con usted. (PLEASE PRINT / FAVOR DE ESCRIBIR EN LETRA DE MOLDE)
1. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
2. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
3. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
Survey Tracking Letter for Sites Testing the Employment Intervention
«firstname» «lastname»
«city», «state» «zip»
Dear «firstname» «lastname»
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Building Bridges and Bonds Study (or B3 for short).
Several months ago you applied to participate in a program called [INTERVENTION NAME] at [SITE PROGRAM NAME]. You also agreed to participate in research to better understand how to help people find and keep jobs. The study is funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. B3 is being led by MDRC, a non-profit research organization. They have partnered with Abt SRBI to survey the study participants.
When you enrolled in the study on «RA date», program staff explained that the research team would follow up with you in the future. In the next few months, we will contact you to ask you to take a telephone survey. We will want to learn about your experiences since applying for the program. At that time, we will provide a $35 gift to thank you for participating in a telephone survey about your experiences.
To make sure we can reach you to conduct the survey, please review the contact information on the attached form. Please fill in or update any missing or incorrect contact information. Please also provide contact information for three people outside your household who you are regularly in touch with. We will only contact these individuals if we cannot reach you. We will send you $5 as a thank you for responding to this request.
There are also other ways for you to stay in touch with our team. If you prefer to contact us by phone, please call our toll-free number: 1-866-XXX-XXX. You can contact us online at this website: If you prefer to update your information by telephone or online, please have this PIN number handy: «PIN». This PIN is unique to you and will help our research team find your information in our system.
Any information you provide is voluntary. You may choose whether to provide this information to us. Any information you provide to us will be kept private to the extent permitted by law.
We greatly appreciate your willingness to be a part of this important study. Please contact us with any questions.
Thank you again!
Sincerely yours,
Jodi Walton
Senior Project Director
«res_id» T
Page 2
1. Is this the correct spelling of your name? / Es éste su nombre correcto?
«First_name» «Last_name»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, the correct spelling is: / El nombre correcto es
First Name/Nombre |
Middle Name |
Last Name/Apellido |
Suffix (Sr./Jr.) |
2. Is this your correct address? / Es esta su dirección correcta?
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct address is: / Mi dirección correcta es
Street /Calle |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Código Postal |
3. Is this your correct phone number? / Es éste su número de teléfono correcto? «Phone1»
Please check appropriate box. Yes / Sí No, my correct phone number is: / Mi número de teléfono correcto es:
Home Phone / Número de teléfono del hogar |
Cell Phone / Número de teléfono del cellular |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
Telephone Number NUMERO DE TELEFONO |
4. Please list the name, address, and relationship to you of three people who will always know how to reach you.
Por favor escriba los nombres y las direcciones de tres personas quienes sepan cómo ponerse en contacto con usted y explique cómo se relacionan con usted. (PLEASE PRINT / FAVOR DE ESCRIBIR EN LETRA DE MOLDE)
1. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
2. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
3. Name / Nombre: |
Relation to you / Parentesco con usted: |
Address / Dirección |
Apartment # / Número de Apt. |
City / Ciudad |
State / Estado |
Zip Code / Codigo Postal |
Phone / NUMERO DE TELEFONO ( ) — |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Mechanica Administrator |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-23 |