User Guide – Secondary Support
Protection Agency
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
Order # GS00Q09BGD0022 Task
Order # EP-G11H-00154 Project
# TDD 9.21
0.01 - Draft February
24, 2016
Table of Contents i
List of Exhibits ii
Revision Log iii
1 Introduction 6
2 System Requirements 7
2.1 Supported Browsers 7
2.2 Screen Resolution 7
3 Secondary Support Functions 8
3.1 Log in to the e-CDRweb Tool 8
3.2 Home Screen Navigation 9
3.3 Complete a CDR Form U 11
4 Validate 30
5 Complete an Amendment 32
5.1 Amendment and Late Submission Explanation 32
6 Resources 34
Appendix A. Acronyms and Abbreviations 35
Exhibit 3‑1: Chemical Information Submission System Screen 9
Exhibit 3‑2: e-CDRweb Home Screen 10
Exhibit 3‑3: CDR Form U Screen 12
Exhibit 3‑4: Enter Passphrase Screen 13
Exhibit 3‑5: Navigation Tree 15
Exhibit 3‑6: Navigation Prompt Message 16
Exhibit 3‑7: Action Bar - Validate 16
Exhibit 3‑8: Action Bar – Save 17
Exhibit 3‑9: Action Bar – Preview 17
Exhibit 3‑10: Action Bar – Links 17
Exhibit 3‑11: Upload XML Screen 18
Exhibit 3‑12: Windows Explorer Pop-Up Window 19
Exhibit 3‑13: Section 4.A - Secondary Company Information Screen 20
Exhibit 3‑14: Section 4.B - Technical Contact Information Screen (Edit Mode) 22
Exhibit 3‑15: Section 4.B - Technical Contact Information Screen (Populated) 23
Exhibit 3‑16: Section 4.C - Primary Company Information Screen 24
Exhibit 3‑17: Section 4.D - Trade Product Identification Info Screen 25
Exhibit 3‑18: Substance Registry Services Search Screen 27
Exhibit 3‑19: Substance Registry Services Search Screen (Search Results) 28
Exhibit 3‑20: Section 4.D - Trade Product Identification Info Screen (Populated) 29
Exhibit 4‑1: CDR Form U Validation Pop-Up Window 31
Exhibit 5‑2: Amendment and Late Submission Explanation Screen 33
Date |
Version No. |
Description |
Author |
Reviewer |
Review Date |
02/24/16 |
0.01 |
Initial Draft of e-CDRweb User Guide – Secondary Support |
C. Yeh |
J. Bronick |
02/24/2016 |
This document presents the user guide for the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics’ (OPPT) e-CDRweb tool. The e-CDRweb tool is the electronic, web-based tool provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the submission of Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) information, which can only be accessed through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). This document is the user guide for the Secondary Support user of the e-CDRweb tool. User guides are available for the Primary AO, Primary Support, and for the Secondary AO at www.epa.gov/cdr.
As a Secondary Support, you can edit data for a CDR Joint Form U (CDR Form U) to which you have been assigned. Further details on the capabilities of the Secondary Support can be found below in Section 3.
The primary goal of this document is to help the regulated community use the e-CDRweb tool in order to comply with the requirements of the CDR rule. This document does not substitute for that rule, nor is it a rule itself. It does not impose legally binding requirements on the regulated community or on EPA.
For questions concerning information to be reported using e-CDRweb, please review the guidance and other materials on the CDR website (www.epa.gov/cdr) or contact the CDR team by sending an email to eCDRweb@epa.gov.
For questions concerning CDX registration or e-CDRweb tool requirements, please contact the Central Data Exchange (CDX) Help Desk at helpdesk@epacdx.net or call (888)-890-1995 between the hours of 8am – 6pm EST.
In order to use the e-CDRweb tool, the following are required:
An e-mail account
Java Script enabled web browser with pop-up blocker disabled
Internet access
Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher
CDX username and password
Internet Explorer 11 or above
Go to the following link to download:
Mozilla Firefox 3.5 or above
Go to the following link to download:
Safari 4 or above
Go to the following link to download:
Google Chrome
Go to the following link to download:
Screen resolution should be set to 1024 x 768 or greater
The following section describes how to:
Access the tool
Navigate the CDR ‘Home’ screen
Complete the CDR Joint Form U
Upload an (Extensible Markup Language) XML file
Complete an amendment
A joint submission is a collaborative process that requires the completion of a single CDR Form U by two different companies. In a joint submission, the Primary Submitter provides the manufacturing data and the Secondary Submitter provides the chemical identity information for the trade products being reported on the form.
Once the Primary Submitter creates their portion of the submission, containing manufacturing data, they will provide the Secondary AO with a Unique Identifier (ID) in order to link the submissions. The Secondary AO can begin a joint submission, but will be unable to submit prior to receiving a ‘Unique ID’ from the Primary Submitter.
As a Secondary Support, you can edit a CDR Joint Form U that is created by the Secondary Authorized Official (AO). You are only allowed to access CDR Joint Form Us to which the Secondary AO has granted you access. Please make sure to include all relevant chemical substances in this CDR Joint Form U, as you will not be able to create a second CDR Joint Form U for your site during this CDR reporting cycle.
You can save, and come back to, a CDR Joint Form U at any point during the data entry process and before the AP officially submits your CDR Joint Form U. The ‘Save’ functionality allows you to return to the same CDR Joint Form U at any point in the future. You can print the form at any point; however, the ‘Draft – Not For Submission’ watermark will be placed on the document anytime it is printed prior to actual submission.
As a Secondary Support, you do not have rights to create or submit a CDR Joint Form U submission. Once the Secondary AO creates a submission, the AO will provide you with a passphrase to access the submission and complete all sections of the CDR Joint Form U. Once you have completed the CDR Joint Form U, the Secondary AO will review and officially submit the CDR Joint Form U.
Navigation tips are provided following each screen shot.
After you create an account in CDX, click the ‘Secondary Support’ link within the ‘Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs’ (CSPP) program service to navigate to the main ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen.
Exhibit 3 -1 shows a screen capture of the ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen after selecting the “TSCA Chemical Data Reporting (CDR)” option:
Exhibit 3‑1: Chemical Information Submission System Screen
Navigation: Select ‘TSCA Chemical Data Reporting (CDR)’ from the drop-down menu and click the ‘OK’ button to navigate to the ‘Home’ screen.
You can access the CDR ‘Home’ screen by selecting ‘TSCA Chemical Data Reporting (CDR)’ from the drop-down menu on the ‘Chemical Information Submission System’ screen.
The ‘Home’ screen is the first screen within the e-CDRweb tool. It provides you with links and tabs to access the ‘CDR Form U Access’ and ‘Resources’ screens. To navigate to these screens, click the screen link (in blue text) or click the screen tab (located at the top of the screen) from the ‘Home’ screen. The links and tabs provide you with the same functionality.
Form U Access: Click the ‘Form U Access’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen where you can modify a CDR Joint Form U. For additional details about the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen, please refer to Section 3.3.1.
Resources: Click the ‘Resources’ link or tab to navigate to the ‘Resources’ screen. You can find the appropriate e-CDRweb user guide, as well as useful links for further usability instruction on the ‘Resources’ screen. For additional details about the ‘Resources’ screen, please refer to Section 6.
Exhibit 3 -2 shows a screen capture of the ‘Home’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑2: e-CDRweb Home Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Form U Access’ link or tab from the ‘Home’ screen to navigate to the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen.
The e-CDRweb application restricts you to completing only one submission for each reporting cycle. As a Secondary Submitter, you can complete only a single submission that will cover all of your company’s products requested by all Primary Submitters.
You can access the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen by clicking the ‘Form U Access’ link or tab on the ‘Home’ screen.
The ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen presents you with the ‘Secondary Form’ displayed in table format. When you first access the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen, your ‘Secondary Form’ will show a status of ‘In Progress.’ The ‘Status’ column tracks the status of the submission.
Edit an Existing Secondary Form: To edit an existing CDR Form U submission, click the ‘Secondary Form’ link that has a status of ‘In Progress.’ You will be required to enter the passphrase associated with the particular form that was created by the Secondary AO, to gain access and continue modifying the form. Refer to Section 3.3.2 through Section 3.3.9 for further instructions on viewing and modifying a submission that is in progress.
Amend a Submitted Secondary Form: To amend a submitted form (e.g., to create an amendment), the Secondary AO must first unlock the Secondary Form, which has a status of ‘Complete.’ Only then will you be able to access the submitted form and create an amendment. Be sure to include all of the form’s information in the amended form and not just include changes in the amended form because the amended form takes the place of the original form. Refer to Section 5 for further instructions on creating an amendment.
The following fields and columns display on the ‘CDR Form U Access’ page:
Reporting Year: Select a reporting year value from the drop-down menu to filter the sites.
Status: Select a value from the drop-down menu to view a form(s) with a specific status(es), including, ‘Not Started,’ ‘In Progress,’ ‘Submitted,’ ‘Complete,’ or ‘Failed.’
Modify Date: The ‘Modify Date’ displays the date the Secondary Form was last modified.
Exhibit 3 -3 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑3: CDR Form U Access Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Secondary Form’ link that has a status of ‘In Progress’ to navigate to the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen.
You are granted access to a Secondary Form by entering the passphrase that the Secondary AO originally created and associated with that form on the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen. To edit a Secondary Form, click the ‘Secondary Form’ link, which has a status of ‘In Progress’ on the ‘CDR Form U’ screen. The ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen allows you to enter a passphrase that is associated with the submission.
Exhibit 3 -4 shows a screen capture of the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑4: Enter Passphrase Screen
Navigation: Enter the passphrase created by the Secondary AO and click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Section 4.A – Secondary Company Information’ screen.
The navigation tree is located on the left side of the form section on each screen. You can perform the following functions using the navigation tree:
Collapse and expand folders:
Each section of the form falls under a collapsible folder in the
navigation tree allowing you to save space and easily view items in
the navigation tree. When the folder is expanded, click the minus
sign (-), by the folder icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
or click the folder title link to collapse that section of the
navigation tree. When the folder is collapsed, click the plus sign
(+), by the folder icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
or click the folder title link to expand that section of the
navigation tree. When you place your cursor over the folder title
link, it will highlight in red.
Navigate between screens: You
can use the navigation tree to navigate between the various screens
within the tool and the different sections of the form, but you are
required to save all information entered on a particular screen
before navigating to the next screen or the information will be
lost. Each section of the form is denoted with a form icon (
You can click either the form icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
or the section title link to navigate between screens. A prompt
message will appear after you click a link in the navigation tree,
indicating, ‘Are you sure you want to leave the current page?
Any unsaved changes will be lost.’ If you choose the ‘OK’
button, you will be taken to the desired screen without saving any
of the data in the previous screen. If you choose the ‘Cancel’
button, the prompt message will close and you will not be taken
Exhibit 3 -5 shows a screen capture of the navigation tree:
Exhibit 3 -6 shows a screen capture of the navigation prompt:
Exhibit 3‑6: Navigation Prompt Message
Remove a folder: Each ‘Trade
Product Name’ folder within the navigation tree has a ‘Remove’
Click the ‘Remove’ icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
to remove the entire folder and all of its associated sections and
information. Note: If you remove a folder, there is no way to
retrieve it. You must add a new folder and fill in all
corresponding data again.
Add Trade Product: Click the ‘Add Trade Product’ button located at the bottom of the navigation tree to add any number of additional trade products to the navigation tree.
Upload an XML File: Click the ‘Upload XML’ button to upload an XML file. Refer to Section 3.3.5 for details about the ‘Upload XML’ function.
Open and Close the navigation tree:
To provide more visual form space, a navigation arrow (
that opens and closes the navigation tree is located to the right of
the navigation tree. Click the arrow (
to close the navigation tree and increase the space of the form
content. Alternatively, click the arrow (
on the closed navigation tree to open the navigation tree.
The action bar is located at the bottom of the form section on each screen. You can perform the following functions using the action bar:
Validate: Click the ‘Validate’
at any stage during the completion of a CDR Joint Form U. A ‘CDR
Form U Validation’ pop-up window will display every time you
click on the ‘Validate’ icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
The ‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up window will display a
report of all the warning messages and errors that failed
validation. Refer to Section 4
for more information on validating a CDR Joint Form U.
Exhibit 3 -7 shows a screen capture of the action bar showing the ‘Validate’ icon:
Exhibit 3‑7: Action Bar - Validate
Save: You can click the ‘Save’
at any stage during the completion of a CDR Joint Form U. After you
click the ‘Save’ icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
the data entered on the screen will save. The ‘Save’
function does not validate any data entered.
Exhibit 3 -8 shows a screen capture of the action bar showing the ‘Save’ icon:
Exhibit 3‑8: Action Bar – Save
Preview: Click the ‘Preview’
at any stage during the completion of a CDR Joint Form U to preview
the form. After you click the ‘Preview’ icon (
a draft watermarked PDF version of the form will generate and
display in a separate window.
Exhibit 3 -9 shows a screen capture of the action bar showing the ‘Preview’ icon:
Exhibit 3‑9: Action Bar – Preview
Additional Links: You can also click any of the additional links, located at the bottom of the page, for helpful information while completing a CDR Joint Form U.
If you click on the ‘CDX Homepage’ link, you will be taken to the ‘CDX Homepage.’
If you click on the ‘MyCDX Homepage’ link, you will be taken to the ‘CDX Login Homepage.’
If you click on the ‘EPA Homepage’ link, you will be taken to the ‘EPA Homepage.’
If you click on the ‘Terms and Conditions’ link, you will be taken to the ‘CDX Terms and Conditions’ screen.
If you click on the ‘Privacy Notice’ link, you will be taken to the ‘CDX Privacy and Security Notice’ screen.
Exhibit 3 -10 shows a screen capture of the links located below the action bar at the bottom of the page:
Exhibit 3‑10: Action Bar – Links
You can upload an XML file by clicking the ‘Upload XML’ button at the bottom left side of the action bar.
Click the ‘Upload XML’ button to upload an XML file. When you click the ‘Upload XML’ button, a Windows Explorer pop-up window will be displayed.
Exhibit 3 -11 shows the screen capture of the ‘Upload XML’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑11: Upload XML Screen
Upload an XML File: Navigate to the location on your computer where you have stored the XML file that you want to upload. Select the XML file from your local hard drive and click the ‘Open’ button. You will be taken back to the ‘Upload XML’ screen and the system will process and validate the XML file.
Exhibit 3 -12 shows a screen capture of the Windows Explorer pop-up window:
Exhibit 3‑12: Windows Explorer Pop-Up Window
XML Validation: If the upload is successful, you will be taken to the ‘Upload XML Successful’ screen. From the ‘Upload XML Successful’ screen, click the ‘OK’ button to navigate to the ‘Home’ screen.
If you upload an XML file that is not consistent with the e-CDRweb schema, you will receive a message indicating that the document did not pass validation.
Access the CDR Form U Access: To view your CDR Joint Form U after uploading the XML file, click the ‘Form U Access’ link located on the ‘Home’ screen. This will take you to the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen. Locate and click the ‘Secondary Form’ link for which you uploaded the XML file to access the CDR Joint Form U. This will take you to the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen. Refer to Section 3.3.1 for more details about navigating the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen. Enter the passphrase associated with the CDR Joint Form U and click the ‘OK’ button.
To access the ‘Section 4.A – Secondary Company Information’ screen, click the ‘Secondary Form’ link from the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen and enter the passphrase associated with that particular CDR Joint Form U.
In order to protect the trade secrets of the Secondary Submitter, the e-CDRweb tool allows you to report the identity of the trade secret chemical substance or the Primary Submitter’s product, while preventing the Primary Submitter from having access to your information.
County/Parish (4.A.5): Enter the county/parish information in Section 4.A.5.
The remaining data fields are pre-populated based on the information collected during CDX registration.
Exhibit 3 -13 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 4.A - Secondary Company Information’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑13: Section 4.A - Secondary Company Information Screen
Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button on the ’Section 4.A - Secondary Company Information screen to navigate to the ‘Section 4.B – Technical Contact Information’ screen. You can also access this screen by clicking the ‘Technical Contact Information (4.B)’ link in the navigation tree.
You can access the ‘Section 4.B – Technical Contact Information’ screen by clicking the ‘Next’ button on the ‘Section 4.A – Secondary Company Information’ screen. You can also access the ‘Section 4.B – Technical Contact Information’ screen by clicking the ‘Technical Contact Information (4.B)’ link in the navigation tree.
The technical contact should be a person who can answer questions about the reported chemical substance(s). Typically, a person located at the manufacturing site is best able to answer such questions; however, you may use your discretion in selecting a technical contact or multiple technical contacts. When selecting a technical contact, consider that EPA may have follow-up questions about a CDR submission one or more years after the submission date. The technical contact need not be the person who signed the certification statement.
You can assign one technical contact per chemical substance and one per ‘Trade Product Name’ in a joint submission. Since there can be multiple technical contacts, each associated with a different chemical substance, you can either create a new contact, choose an existing contact, or modify an existing contact.
Create a technical contact: When you first access the ‘Section 4.B – Technical Contact Information’ screen, all of the fields will be editable. The ‘Default Contact’ checkbox is checked upon initially navigating to the page. Each time you add a new trade product, the associated default technical contact is displayed (to help avoid entering the same information multiple times).
Technical Contact Name (4.B.1): Enter the name of the person whom EPA may contact about information submitted for a chemical substance.
Company Name (4.B.2): Enter the name of the company for whom the technical contact works.
Technical Contact Telephone Number and Email Address (4.B.3 and 4.B.4): Enter the technical contact’s telephone number, including the area code, and the technical contact’s email address. Do not enter any dashes or parentheses when entering the telephone number.
Technical Contact Mailing Address (4.B.5 through 4.B.10): Enter the technical contact’s full mailing address. Post office box numbers should be accompanied by a street address. If a post office box is used as a mailing address, enter the street address in field 4.B.5 and enter the post office box number in field 4.B.6.
Default Contact: Check the ‘Default Contact’ checkbox if you want to make the person the default technical contact for all chemical substances. The ‘Default Contact’ checkbox is automatically checked upon navigating to the ‘Section 4.B – Technical Contact Information’ page.
Exhibit 3 -14 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 4.B - Technical Contact Information’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑14: Section 4.B - Technical Contact Information Screen (Edit Mode)
Edit an existing technical contact: You can
edit an existing technical contact by clicking the technical
contact’s name link under the ‘Secondary Company
Information’ folder in the navigation tree. The technical
contact information previously created will display in the ‘Section
4.B – Technical Contact Information’ screen and the
fields will be editable. Make applicable changes and click the ‘Save’
to save your changes.
Creating multiple technical contacts: You can add a new technical contact (after you have created at least one technical contact). Click the ‘Technical Contact Information (4.B)’ link within the navigation tree. You will see the technical contact information that you entered previously. Click on the ‘Create New Contact’ link to clear the form to add a new technical contact.
Exhibit 3 -15 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 4.B - Technical Contact Information’ screen after it is populated:
Exhibit 3‑15: Section 4.B - Technical Contact Information Screen (Populated)
Navigation: Click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Section 4.C – Primary Company Information’ screen. You can also access this screen by clicking the ‘Primary Company Information (4.C)’ link in the navigation tree.
You can access the ‘Section 4.C – Primary Company Information’ screen by clicking the ‘Next’ button from the ‘Section 4.B – Technical Contact Information’ screen or by clicking the ‘Primary Company Information (4.C)’ link within the navigation tree.
To populate the primary company information, enter the Unique Identifier (ID) that was generated and emailed to you by the Primary Submitter.
Unique ID: The ‘Unique ID’ links your submission to the Primary Submitter’s submission. The ‘Unique ID,’ ‘Parent Company Name,’ ‘Plant Site,’ and ‘Plant Site Mailing Address’ will populate after you enter the ‘Unique ID’ and click the ‘Populate’ button. If the Primary Submitter has deleted the joint submission before you populate the ‘Unique ID,’ an error message will indicate that the ‘Unique ID’ is invalid. You are required to report a minimum of one primary company for a trade product name. You do not have the ability to add the same company multiple times for a single trade product name. If the Primary Submitter has deleted the joint submission after you populated the ‘Unique ID,’ an error message will generate during validation or submission of the CDR Joint Form U.
Exhibit 3 -16 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 4.C - Primary Company Information’ screen after it is populated:
Exhibit 3‑16: Section 4.C - Primary Company Information Screen
Navigation: Populate at least one primary company for trade product name and click the ‘Next’ button to navigate to the ‘Section 4.D – Trade Product Identification Information’ screen. You can also access this screen by using the ‘Trade Product Information (4.D)’ link in the navigation tree.
You can access the ‘Section 4.D – Trade Product Identification Info’ screen by clicking the ‘Next’ button from the ‘Section 4.C – Primary Company Information’ screen or by clicking the ‘Trade Product Information (4.D)’ link from the navigation tree.
Trade Product Name (4.D.1): Enter the secondary company’s ‘Trade Product Name.’
Provided Company Trade Names (2.A.5): This field is pre-populated based on the ‘Unique ID’ you entered and populated into the ‘Section 4.C – Primary Company Information’ screen.
Search for a Chemical Substance in the
Substance Registry Services (SRS) Search: You can search for a
chemical substance by using the search mechanism in SRS Search. Click
the search icon (
located under the ‘Action’ column. The ‘Substance
Registry Services Search’ pop-up window displays every time you
click the search icon (
Exhibit 3 -17 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 4.D - Trade Product Identification Info’ screen when it is first accessed:
Exhibit 3‑17: Section 4.D - Trade Product Identification Info Screen
Navigation: From the ‘Section 4.D -
Trade Product Identification Info’ screen click the search icon
to launch the SRS pop-up window. Search for the desired chemical
substance by entering search criteria.
On the SRS Search screen, you can search for the desired chemical substance by various search fields. To search SRS, enter one of the following search fields and click the ‘Search’ button:
For chemical substances listed on the non-confidential portion of the TSCA Inventory, Search by Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN) or Chemical Abstracts (CA) Index Name: Enter data in the ‘CASRN’ field and/or the ‘CA Index Name or Other Synonym’ field and click the ‘Search’ button. Search results will display in a table format at the bottom of the screen. If no information is retrieved back from SRS, the bottom of the screen will display a ‘No Results Found’ message. If you enter data into both of the fields and click the ‘Search’ button, the system will perform an ‘and’ search. Search results are retrieved that match both of the search criteria fields and will display in a table format at the bottom of the screen.
CASRN: You may enter a full CASRN or another identifying number. Search results will display CASRNs or other numbers that exactly match the numbers that you entered.
CA Index Name or Other Synonym: You may enter a full or partial CA index name, biological name, EPA registry name, or other synonym. Search results will display CA index names or other synonyms that contain, begin with, or exactly match the name that you entered. Use the drop-down menu to specify the search criteria.
For chemical substances listed on the confidential portion of the TSCA Inventory, Search by Accession Number and/or Generic Name: Enter data in the ‘Accession Number’ field and/or the ‘Generic Name’ field and click the ‘Search’ button. Search results will display in a table format at the bottom of the screen. If no information is retrieved back from SRS, the bottom of the screen will display a ‘No Results Found’ message.
TSCA Accession Number: You may enter a full or partial Accession number. Search results will display Accession numbers that contain, begin with, or exactly match the numbers that you entered. Use the drop-down menu to specify the search criteria.
Generic Name: You may enter a full or partial generic name. Search results will display generic names that contain, begin with, or exactly match the name that you entered. Use the drop-down menu to specify the search criteria.
Exhibit 3 -18 and Exhibit 3 -19 show screen captures of the ‘Substance Registry Services Search’ screen:
Exhibit 3‑18: Substance Registry Services Search Screen
Exhibit 3‑19: Substance Registry Services Search Screen (Search Results)
Navigation: Select the chemical substance from the ‘Substance Registry Services Search’ screen by selecting the radio button (located to the left of the chemical name) and clicking the ‘OK’ button. You will be taken to the ‘Section 4.D – Trade Product Identification Info’ screen.
The chemical substance name will populate ‘Section 4.D – the Trade Product Identification Info’ screen under the ‘Section 4.D.2’ table as read-only. Based on what you searched for in SRS, either the CASRN or the accession number will be displayed under the ‘CASRN/Accession Number’ column.
If you wish to add multiple chemical substances,
repeat the above steps. You cannot add the same chemical substance
more than once. Click the ‘Delete’ icon (
to delete a chemical substance from the table.
Exhibit 3 -20 shows a screen capture of the ‘Section 4.D - Trade Product Identification Info’ screen after it is populated:
Exhibit 3‑20: Section 4.D - Trade Product Identification Info Screen (Populated)
After populating the chemical(s) substance information, you are required to enter the percent composition for each chemical substance under the Section 4.D.2 table. The total of all the chemical substances percent composition (%) must add up to, but not exceed, 100%. Check the ‘Contains Non-reportable Substances’ checkbox if the percent composition (%) is less than 100%.
The ‘Section 4.D – Trade Product Identification Info’ screen is the last screen in the CDR Joint Form U. Once you have completed all sections, you can continue with validating the form. Refer to Section 4 for instructions on validating a CDR Joint Form U.
You can click the ‘Validate’ icon (
at any stage during the completion of a CDR Joint Form U to check for
missing or invalid data. The ‘CDR Form U Validation’
pop-up window will display every time you click the ‘Validate’
‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up window will display a
report of all the validation errors and warning messages.
Validation Errors:
Errors are denoted by an error icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
and can be fixed by clicking the error link. The links will display
the screen section (e.g., Technical Contact Information
(4.B)), the field section name (e.g., 4.B.1), and the
associated error. After you click a link, the
main screen will display the section where the error occurred so you
can easily fix the issue. Once you have fixed the error, click on the
‘Validate’ icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
again to refresh the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up
window. If the information you fixed passes validation, the error
will be removed from the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up
window. You must correct all validation errors in order for the
Secondary AO to submit the form to EPA via CDX. Once all validation
errors have been resolved, it the ‘Validate’ icon (
is clicked, the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ screen will
indicate that there are no validation errors.
Warning Messages:
Warnings are denoted by a warning icon ( INCLUDEPICTURE
and can be addressed by clicking the warning link. The links will
display the screen section, field section name, and the
associated warning. After you click a
link, the main screen will display the section where the warning
occurred so you can verify the data’s validity. Once you have
corrected or verified the data, click the ‘Validate’ icon
again to refresh the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up
window. If the information you corrected or verified passes
validation, the warning will be removed from the ‘CDR Form U
Validation’ pop-up window. Once all validation warnings have
been resolved, if the ‘Validate’
is clicked, the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ screen will
indicate that there are no validation warnings. Although you should
verify that the data indicated in the warning is valid, the tool will
still allow you to pass validation and submit a form to EPA with
active warning messages.
Close the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up window by clicking the ‘X’ button at the top right of the screen.
Exhibit 4 -21 shows a screen capture of the ‘CDR Form U Validation’ pop-up window:
Exhibit 4‑21: CDR Form U Validation Pop-Up Window
The Secondary AO can unlock the submission to make an amendment. After the AO has unlocked the submission and logged out, you can log in and edit the submission. At this point, the ‘CDR Form U’ screen will display a status of ‘In Progress’ under the ‘Status’ column; however, you will not see these changes until you navigate back to the ‘CDR Form U Access’ screen. Click the ‘Site’ link for the submission for which you are trying to do an amendment, and you will be taken to the ‘Enter Passphrase’ screen. You must enter the passphrase that was originally associated with the submission to start the amendment process. When you amend your submission, change only the information that needs to be changed. Your amended submission will replace your previous submission and therefore should be a complete CDR Joint Form U. Refer to Section 3.3.2 through Section 3.3.9 for instructions on editing the submission.
After you finish editing or completing the form, you must provide an explanation as to why you are amending the original form. You can access the ‘Amendment and Late Submission Explanation’ screen by clicking the ‘Explanation’ link located under the ‘Amendment and Late Submission’ folder on the navigation tree.
Exhibit 5 -22 shows a screen capture of the ‘Explanation’ link in the navigation tree:
Exhibit 5‑22: Explanation Link
Exhibit 5 -23 shows a screen capture of the ‘Amendment and Late Submission Explanation’ screen:
Exhibit 5‑23: Amendment and Late Submission Explanation Screen
Once you finish editing the CDR Joint Form U and providing an explanation on the ‘Amendment and Late Submission Explanation’ screen, click the ‘Save’ button. . The Secondary AO will be required to submit the amended version again once you have made all changes to the submission and completed the ‘Amendment and Late Submission Explanation’ screen.
You can access the ‘Resources’ screen by clicking the ‘Resources’ tab located at the top of the screen at any time during the submission process. You can also access the ‘Resources’ screen by clicking on the ‘Resources’ link on the ‘Home’ screen. The ‘Resources’ screen provides you with links to all of the e-CDRweb user guides as well links to additional resources. Click the ‘User Guide’ link to access the e-CDRweb user guide documents.
Chemical Data Reporting Homepage: If you click on this link, a new Internet browser window will display the CDR Homepage.
CDX Homepage: If you click on this link, a new Internet browser window will display the CDX Homepage.
TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory: If you click on this link, a new Internet browser window will display the ‘TSCA Chemical Substances Inventory’ screen.
Exhibit 6 -24 shows a screen capture of the ‘Resources’ screen:
Exhibit 6‑24: Resources Screen
Appendix A. Acronyms and Abbreviations
The following exhibit displays all the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document:
Acronym |
Full Name |
AO |
Authorized Official |
CA |
Chemical Abstract |
Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number |
Chemical Data Reporting |
Central Data Exchange |
CoR |
Copy of Record |
Chemical Safety and Pesticide Programs |
D&B |
Dun and Bradstreet |
Environmental Protection Agency |
e-CDRweb |
Chemical Data Reporting Web |
ID |
Identifier |
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics |
Portable Document Format |
Substance Registry Services |
Toxic Substances Control Act |
Extensible Markup Language |
Exhibit 6‑25: Acronyms and Abbreviations
File Type | application/msword |
File Modified | 2016-03-01 |
File Created | 2016-02-24 |