Survey of Alumni SAMHSA MFP Fellows
OMB NO. 0930-0304
Exp. Date MM/DD/YYYY
Informed Consent Form
Please review before beginning the survey.
Purpose of the Survey
This survey is being conducted by Development Services Group, Inc. (DSG), on behalf of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Minority Fellowship Program (MFP). DSG is the technical assistance provider for the MFP. As a part its requirements under the Government Performance and Results and Modernization Act, SAMHSA has asked DSG to survey the alumni MFP Fellows to determine whether the MFP’s goals, objectives, and outcomes are being achieved. You have been selected for this evaluation because you are a former MFP Fellow.
What Will Be Done
You are being asked to respond to a survey that will take about 20 minutes to complete. The survey includes questions about your experiences in the MFP (from recruitment into the program through your participation in the various activities provided your MFP sponsoring organization).
Benefits of This Evaluation
You will be contributing to knowledge about the SAMHSA–funded MFP.
Risks or Discomforts
No risks or discomforts are anticipated from taking part in this survey. If you feel uncomfortable with a question, you can skip that question or withdraw from the survey altogether without any consequences to you.
Your responses will be kept private. Any information that we learn will be protected against release to unauthorized persons. The primary purpose of this evaluation is to compile data that can be aggregated to characterize alumni MFP Fellows, their accomplishments, and the impacts of the MFP on their educations and their careers.
Decision to Quit at Any Time
Your participation is voluntary; you are free to withdraw your participation from this evaluation at any time. If you do not wish to continue, you can simply leave this website. You may also choose to skip any questions you do not wish to answer.
How the Findings Will Be Used
The aggregated results of this survey will be reported to SAMHSA, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, MFP grantees, and the public.
Contact Information
If you have concerns or questions about this evaluation, please contact Marcia Cohen at or at 301.951.0056.
By beginning the survey, you acknowledge that you have read this information and agree to participate in this research, with the knowledge that you are free to withdraw your participation at any time.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0930-0304. The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 45 minutes per client per year, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to SAMHSA Reports Clearance Officer, One Choke Cherry Road, Room 2-1057, Rockville, MD 20857.
In which SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) did you participate?
____ MFP traditional doctoral/M.D.
____ MFP addictions counselors
____ MFP transition-age youth
Which MFP organization administered the program you participated in?
____ American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
____ American Nurses Association
____ American Psychiatric Association
____ American Psychological Association
____ Council on Social Work Education
____ International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium
____ National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors
____ National Board for Certified Counselors
____ Other (please specify):
Which of the following best describes your general area of specialization within your former graduate/residency training program?
____ Mental health
____ Substance abuse (prevention, treatment, recovery)
____ Co-occurring disorders (mental illness and substance abuse)
____ Disparities (health, behavioral health)
____ Transition-age youth (behavioral health services)
____ Other (please specify):
Could you please tell us a little about your background?
What is your gender?
____ Male
____ Female
____ Other (please specify):
What is your current age?
What is your marital status?
____ Never been married
____ Married
____ Cohabitating
____ Long-term partnership
____ Separated
____ Divorced
____ Widowed
____ Other (please specify):
Which of the following would best characterize the type of community in which you have professionally practiced? (If more than one, please select the one in which you have practiced the longest.)
____ Urban
____ Suburban
____ Rural
____ Frontier area
Please answer BOTH question 8 about Hispanic origin and question 9 about race. For this survey, Hispanic origins are not races.
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
____ Yes
____ No
Which of these groups describes you? (You may select more than one response)
____ American Indian or Alaska Native (American Indian includes North American, Central American, and South American Indians)
____ Asian (includes Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese)
____ Black or African American
____ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander(Guamanian or Chamorro, Samoan)
____ White
Could you please tell us about your activities during and since the MFP program?
How did you learn about the Minority Fellowship Program?
____ Teacher
____ Current Fellow
____ Past Fellow
____ Friend
____ At a conference
____ SAMHSA website
____ Professional association website
____ Other (please specify):
a. What university were you enrolled in as an MFP Fellow?
University or institution name:
b. What institution did you receive your post-doctorate or residency training?
University or institution name:
How old were you when you first became an MFP Fellow?
For how many years did you receive MFP funding?
Identify the years you received a Fellowship from the MFP.
Year 1: _______________
Year 2: _______________
Year 3:_______________
Check here ____ if you did not complete the Minority Fellowship Program.
Can you please tell us a little bit about why you did not complete the Minority Fellowship Program? _____________
What degree were you pursuing during your Fellowship?
____ Doctorate
____ Ph.D.
____ DSW
____ Psy.D.
____ DNP
____ Ed.D.
____ DMFT
____ D.Min.
____ DCFT
____ M.D.
____ Master’s level
____ Certificate (please specify): ______
____ Other (please specify):
____ None
Looking back on your experiences as an MFP fellow, which aspects of the MFP program do you feel are the most valuable? (select all that apply)
____Opportunity to work with a mentor
____Training in the treatment of children and adolescents:
____Training in the treatment of transition age youth:
____Training in cultural competence:
____Training in offering services related to addiction/substance abuse and recovery [for MFP-AC]
____Opportunities to work with individuals from racially and ethnically diverse
____Education about the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (CLAS standards) and their impact on the delivery of care
____Other (please describe)
In what year did you complete your advanced educational requirements, such as your Ph.D., your psychiatric residency training, or other?
Check here ____ if you did not complete your advanced educational requirements.
Can you please tell us a little bit about why you did not complete your advanced educational requirements?
We are interested in any mentoring you received from your MFP sponsoring organization. Did you receive MFP–sponsored mentoring while you were in the MFP?
____ Yes (if yes, please answer questions 19 through 25)
____ No (if no, skip to question 26)
Questions 19 through 25 pertain to mentoring provided by your MFP sponsoring organization. If you did not receive any MFP–sponsored mentoring, please skip to question 26.
From whom did you receive MFP–sponsored mentoring? (Please check all that apply.)
MFP staff person(s)
____ MFP alumna, alumnae, alumnus, alumni
____ MFP advisory committee member(s)
____ Other (please specify):
How often did you receive MFP–sponsored mentoring?
____ Daily
____ Weekly
____ Monthly
____ Yearly
____ As needed
On average, how many hours of MFP–sponsored mentoring did you receive each month? _____
What type of MFP–sponsored academic/professional mentoring did you receive? (Please check all that apply.)
____ General advice
____ Professional support
____ Problem-solving advice
____ Collaboration
____ Skill building
____ Networking
____ References
____ Other (please specify):
What topics did your MFP–sponsored mentoring primarily focus on?
(Please select all that apply and rank the top five topics of primary interest)
Underserved populations ______
Health disparities ______
Urban populations ______
Rural populations ______
Telehealth ______
Professional development ______
Promising practices in your field of study ______
Substance abuse ______
Mental health ______
Transition-age youth ______
Other (please specify):
What type of other MFP–sponsored support have you received?
____ Personal/social support
____ Financial advice
____ Other
How satisfied were you with the MFP–sponsored mentoring you received?
____ Very satisfied
____ Satisfied
____ Uncertain
____ Dissatisfied
____ Very dissatisfied
Please provide additional information on your reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction as reported in question 25.
Did you receive mentoring from any other source(s) outside the MFP? (Please select all that apply.)
____ Advisor from your doctoral or graduate program
____ Professional at your institution (not an advisor)
____ Colleague or peer
____ Organizations outside your institution (specify):
____ Other (please specify):
How satisfied were you with the other mentoring you received?
____ Very satisfied
____ Satisfied
____ Uncertain
____ Dissatisfied
____ Very dissatisfied
Please provide additional information on your reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction as reported in question 26.
Since you completed or left the MFP program, have you provided any kind of mentoring?
____ Yes (if yes, please answer questions 29 through 34)
____ No (if no, skip to question 35)
For how many students or other individuals have you served as a mentor since completing your fellowship? ______
How often do/did you provide mentoring?
____ Daily
____ Weekly
____ Monthly
____ Yearly
____ As needed
On average, how many hours of mentoring do/did you provide per month?
Whom do/did you mentor? (Please select all that apply.)
____ Current MFP Fellow(s) [if yes, how many?]:
____ Students at my university
____ Community mentoring program, such as Big Brothers Big Sisters
____ Other (please specify):
What type of mentoring do/did you provide? (Please select all that apply)
____ General advice
____ Professional support
____ Personal support
____ Financial advice
____ Problem-solving advice
____ Collaboration
____ Skill building
____ Networking
____ References
____ Other (please specify):
What topics do/did your mentoring primarily focus on? (Please select all that apply.)
Working with underserved populations
Health disparities
Urban populations
Rural populations
Professional development
Promising practices in your field of study
Substance abuse
Mental health
Transition age youth
Other (please specify):
Please tell us about your work history since leaving the MFP.
What was your primary type of employment setting 1 year after completing the MFP? (If you had more than one job, please check the one you held the longest. If you were still in school, please indicate that as well.)
____ College or university
____ School setting (prekindergarten through 12)
____ Community-based center
____ Hospital or medical center
____ Research organization
____ Human services administration
____ Private practice
____ Mental health program
____ Substance abuse program
____ Co-occurring mental health and substance abuse program
____ Association/foundation
____ Business/consulting
____ Still in school
____ Criminal justice setting (courts/penal system)
____ Other (please specify):
What was your position type?
____ Direct service
____ Executive management
____ Supervision/management
____ Administrative
____ Teaching
____ Research
____ Consulting
____ Policy analyst/policy advisor
____ Other (please specify):
Was your first job at a public or private organization?
____ Public
____ Private, for profit
____ Private, nonprofit
Whom did the organization serve?
____ Primarily minority populations
____ Primarily nonminority (white)
____ Mixed (minority/nonminority)
Was your employment in any of the following?
____ Mental health/psychiatric services (check all that apply)
____ Substance abuse and addictions
____ Youth counseling/youth behavioral health services
Is your current job in the field that you were studying for in your master’s degree program?
Do you feel that your participation in the MFP Fellowship helped you to get your job?
Do your job responsibilities include supervising the work of others?
What support, if any, did the MFP fellowship program provide in your job search? (Please select all that apply.)
____Training in job search skills, such as interviewing and resume writing
____Information about types of behavioral health positions and employers
____Information about job openings in my field
____Connections with behavioral health professionals that assisted my job search
What was your primary type of employment setting 5 years after being in the Fellowship program? (If you had more than one job, please check the one you held the longest. If you were still in school, please indicate that as well.)
____ College or university
____ School setting (prekindergarten through 12)
____ Community-based center
____ Hospital or medical center
____ Research organization
____ Human services administration
____ Private practice
____ Mental health program
____Substance abuse program
____Co–occurring mental health and substance abuse
____ Association/foundation
____ Business/consulting
____ Still in school
____ Criminal justice setting (courts/penal system)
____ Other (please specify):
What was your position type?
____ Direct service
____ Executive management
____ Supervision/management
____ Administrative
____ Teaching
____ Research
____ Consulting
____ Policy analyst/policy advisor
____ Other (please specify):
Was this job at a public or private organization?
____ Public
____ Private, for profit
____ Private, nonprofit
Whom did the organization serve?
____ Primarily minority populations
____ Primarily nonminority (white)
____ Mixed (minority/nonminority)
Was your employment in any of the following (please select all that apply):
____ Mental health /psychiatric services
____ Substance abuse and addictions services
____ Youth counseling/youth behavioral health services
Since completing your Fellowship, which of the following have you done? (Please select all that apply.)
____ Taught at a largely minority institution (including but not limited to
Historically Black Colleges and Universities)
____ Taught at a nonminority university
____ Provided community-based clinical services in minority communities
____ Provided clinical services to minorities in other settings
____ Administered human service programs in minority communities
____ Held a clinical position in a hospital or medical institution serving large
minority populations
____ Worked on federal policies for ethnic and racial minorities in mental health
and/or substance abuse
____ Worked on state policies for ethnic and racial minorities in mental health
and/or substance abuse
____ Worked on local community policies for ethnic and racial minorities in
mental health and/or substance abuse
____ Had articles published in peer-reviewed publications about mental health
and/or substance abuse issues that affect ethnic and racial minorities
____ Researched mental health and substance abuse issues with a focus on the
experiences of ethnic and racial minorities
____ Engaged in other types of service to minority communities (please specify):
Since completing your MFP Fellowship, in which of the following professional development activities have you participated?
a. Submitted one or more articles to a peer-reviewed journal
____Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the article on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse? ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
b. Submitted one or more articles to a non-peer-reviewed journal
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the article on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse? ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
c. Given a presentation at a professional conference
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the presentation on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse? ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
d. Published a book
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the book on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse?) ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
e. Published a book review
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the book review on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse? ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
Published a book chapter
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the book chapter on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse? ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
Submitted a grant proposal
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
(If yes, was the grant proposal on minority-related issues in mental health and/or substance abuse? ____ Yes____ No)
____ No
Received any honors or citations?
____ Yes (if yes, please name)
(If yes, how many honors or citations have you received?) _______
ii.____ No
Received any licenses or certificates?
____ Yes (if yes, please describe)
(If yes, how many licenses or certificates have you received?)
Other (please specify):
Since being in the Fellowship program, have you served on any advisory committees?
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
____ No
Have you sat on the boards of any community-based organizations primarily serving minority populations?
____ Yes (if yes, how many?)
____ No
If yes, please indicate whether this organization/these organizations focused on (please select all that apply)…
____ Mental health
____ Substance abuse
____ Transition-aged youth
____ Other (please specify):
How many years (total) have you sat on this board/these boards?
Did you take on any of the following leadership roles?
____ President
____ Vice president
____ Chair or co-chair
____ Secretary
____ Other (please specify):
List your memberships in a professional organizations or associations: _________________
List your participation in specific activities, committees, initiatives, or leadership positions within these organizations or associations: ____________________________________
Check below if any of these activities, committees, initiatives, or leadership positions focused on professional issues related to:
_____Persons from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds
_____Children, adolescents, or young adults in transition.
_____Substance abuse and recovery.
[For MFP-Y and MFP-AC fellowship alumni] Are you planning to pursue a doctoral degree?
___ Yes
___ No
Since leaving the MFP as a Fellow, have you made other contributions to the fields of minority mental health and substance abuse treatment that you would like to share?
So that we may learn additional information about your contributions to the field, without linking your identity to this survey, please email (or send a hardcopy) of your current résumé to
Tom Vischi, Project Director
SAMHSA MFP Data Tracking and Evaluation Project
Development Services Group, Inc.
7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 800E
Bethesda, MD 20814
In what ways do you believe the MFP helped you realize your professional accomplishments?
What suggestions (if any) do you have for enhancing the SAMHSA MFP? ____________________________________________________________
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about your experience with the MFP, both while you were an MFP Fellow and afterward?
Thank you for participating in this survey.
We appreciate your taking the time to share your thoughts with us!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Julie Schaefer |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |