Attachment K1
Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (TUES)
Monitoring System
TUES: Number of Respondents, Frequency of Response, and Annual Hour Burden 33
TUES: Hour Burden Estimates by Each Form and Aggregate Hour Burdens 34
TUES: Estimates of Annualized Cost to Respondents for the Hour Burdens 35
Common Collection Categories
Questions |
Award Category |
Staff and Project Participant Characteristics1 |
Project Implementation Characteristics2 |
Project Outputs3 |
Single |
Lead Collaborative |
Non-Lead Collaborative |
i. Confirm Award Information Note: If any of the respondent’s answers in this section are inconsistent with the type of award that was preloaded, the data submission will be placed on hold. The respondent will receive the following notice: “This basic project information must be correct before you can begin entering data for this project. The TUESWeb Support Desk will contact you to find out what needs to be updated.” |
Is [PI Name] the lead PI on Award No. [NSF Award Number]?
x |
x |
x |
X |
What type of proposal was submitted for this award?
x |
x |
x |
X |
Was this the Lead Award on the collaborative proposal?
x |
x |
X |
Award information in this section is preloaded and displayed for verification purposes. PIs can contact the technical support team to report data that should be updated, but they cannot edit this data directly via the data collection instrument. Because some awards have supplemental awards, there may be more than one award associated with each report. The “embedded” awards are listed on each screen, but are not mentioned in the main questions. |
NSF Award No. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Award Title |
x |
x |
x |
X |
PI Organization |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Official Grantee Institution This data element appears only if it differs from the PI Organization. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Phase or Type The system will list one of the following types:
x |
x |
x |
X |
Award Start Date |
x |
x |
x |
X |
For consolidated awards: First Award’s Start Date |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Award End Date |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Lead PI’s Name |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Lead PI’s Discipline |
x |
x |
x |
X |
TUES/CCLI Awards in this collaborative project: [[PI]], [[PI Organization]] – Lead Award [[PI a]], [[PI Organization a]] – Collaborating Award … [[PI n]], [[PI Organization n]] – Collaborating Award |
x |
x |
X |
Do you need to update any of this information?
x |
x |
x |
X |
If yes, please describe the details you’d like to update: |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Type of institution: [PI institution name], [City], [State] has the following classification in the Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS): [Institution Type] [Other specify value if present] If you believe this is incorrect, you can change it below. If you are not sure, use the IPEDS classification:
If Other: Please specify: ____________________ OR Type of Organization: (mark one or more) Academic Consortium Business Consultant National Laboratory Museum Nonprofit Professional Society Research Institute Other (please specify): ____________________
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
Were subaward funds expended or transferred from this award to any subawardees during the current reporting period?
x |
x |
x |
X |
Enter information for a subaward organization Provide the following information for the CCLI/TUES subaward institution. This subsection repeats for each institution |
What type of organization received this subaward?
x |
x |
x |
X |
Academic Subaward Institution |
What is the name of the institution? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Type of institution: [PI institution name], [City], [State] has the following classification in the Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS): [Institution Type] [Other specify value if present] If you believe this is incorrect, you can change it below. If you are not sure, use the IPEDS classification:
If Other: Please specify: ____________________ |
x |
x |
x |
X |
How many faculty from this institution were involved? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
How many students from this institution were involved? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Other Type of Subaward Organization |
Which of the following describes this organization? (mark one or more) Academic Consortium Business Consultant National Laboratory Museum Nonprofit Professional Society Research Institute Other (please specify): __________________________ Don’t Know |
x |
x |
x |
X |
All Subaward Organization Types |
Approximately what amount of subaward funds did your award transfer to this organization during the current reporting period? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Checkbox option (matching how this question can also be answered elsewhere in the instrument.) This organization houses or plans to house any laboratory instruments that BOTH: 1) Cost more than $5,000 each, AND 2) Were purchased with TUES/CCLI funds during the current reporting period? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
We are interested in the types of institutions that participate in TUES/CCLI projects. Did any other organizations participate significantly in your project during the current reporting period (not including your subawardees or other awardees in the collaborative project)?
If no or don’t know, skip the questions in this section. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Which of the following types of organizations participated significantly in your project? Put a check beside each type that participated. Then, for each type, indicate the number of organizations participating, numbers of faculty/professionals participating, and numbers of students that participated altogether for that type. It is okay to count the same organization or individual in multiple categories.
The column headers for these tables are:
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Student Support |
During this reporting period, were funds from this award used to support students (undergraduate, graduate, or postdocs)?
If no or don’t know, skip the remaining questions in this section |
x |
x |
x |
X |
If yes, how many students were paid to work on the project using funds from this award?
x |
x |
x |
X |
Laboratory Instrument Purchases |
Did you purchase scientific instruments for laboratory improvement with this award during this reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the remaining questions in this section |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Total price of all laboratory instruments purchased with this award during this reporting period: If <$5,000, skip the remaining questions in this section. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Number of instruments purchased with this award that cost more than $5,000: If 0, skip the next question. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Where are these new laboratory instruments (that cost $5,000 or more) housed? (Or if they have not been received yet, where will they be housed?) (mark one or more) At [name of PI’s institution] At [name of lead institution] At [name of collaborating institution 1] At [name of collaborating institution 2] […list all collaborating institutions] At [name of subawardee institution 1] At [name of subawardee institution 2] […list all subawardee institutions] At other participating institutions Other (please specify): ___________________ Don’t know |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Were any project evaluations conducted during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the next question. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
If Yes, How did you use the information from your project’s evaluation? (mark one or more) To improve the project To document accomplishments To assess changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of undergraduate students To assess changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of graduate students To assess changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of faculty None of the above (if so, skip the next question) Other (please specify): ___________________ Don’t know (if so, skip the next question) |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Were the project activities supported by this award implemented in courses or course-related laboratory sections during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
In how many courses or course-related lab sections were project activities implemented during the current reporting period? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
In all these courses or lab sections combined, approximately how many undergraduate students were exposed to the project’s materials or instructional strategies? |
x |
x |
x |
X |
In all these courses or lab sections combined, what percentage of students received a passing grade |
x |
x |
x |
X |
What is the single most important project accomplishment for the reporting period? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
x |
X |
What is the single most significant challenge that the project faced during the reporting period? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
x |
X |
What changes were made to the project, as outlined in the proposal, during the reporting period? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
x |
X |
x |
Tell Us About The Project as a Whole |
x |
Tell Us About Your Award's Independent Project Activities |
x |
2.01. TUES/CCLI Program Components |
During the current reporting period, did your institution, or any of your subawardee institutions, engage in any project activities or project work independent of the other awardee institutions in your TUES/CCLI Collaborative Project?
x |
X |
What is the primary way that your project contributes to the development of exemplary undergraduate STEM education? (mark one)
x |
x |
X |
What other ways does your project contribute to the development of exemplary undergraduate STEM education? (mark one or more) Assessing and evaluating student achievement Conducting research on undergraduate STEM education Developing or adapting learning materials Developing, adapting, or implementing new instructional strategies Developing faculty expertise None of the above |
x |
x |
X |
Did the independent project activities supported by your award(s) during the current reporting period include developing or adapting any of the following: Instructional materials Instructional strategies Assessment instruments or processes to assess student achievement None of the above |
x |
X |
Does a significant aspect of the project include the introduction of new disciplinary knowledge into undergraduate curricula?
x |
x |
X |
Did the project administer any publicly available assessment instruments (e.g., SALG, FCI, NSSE)?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
X |
If yes, please list them here: (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
X |
2.02. Disciplinary Focus |
What is the primary disciplinary focus of the project? (mark one)
x |
x |
X |
What are the additional disciplinary focuses of the project? (mark one or more)
x |
x |
X |
2.03. Target Audiences |
What course levels does your project address? (mark one or more) Upper division Lower division Developmental Don’t Know |
x |
x |
X |
What groups are the primary focus of your project? (mark one or more) Faculty (e.g., developing faculty expertise) Preservice teachers Instructional staff (e.g., graduate students, lab assistants, lab technicians, adjunct faculty) Undergraduate STEM majors Undergraduate majors other than STEM Other (please specify): ____________________ Don’t Know |
x |
x |
X |
Does the project foster scientific and/or technical literacy among students who are in majors other than STEM majors?
x |
x |
X |
2.04 Publications and Presentations |
Publications |
x |
x |
X |
Please provide the number of project-related outputs that were accepted for publication during the current reporting period for each of the categories described below. All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
X |
Presentations |
How many presentations or workshops on the project were delivered during the current reporting period? (Include presentations that were conducted by individuals trained by the project.) All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
X |
2.05 Honors and Awards |
Did the project receive any honors or awards during the current reporting period? (Include individuals recognized for their contributions to the project.)
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
X |
What honors or awards were received? |
Honor or Award Form |
Title |
x |
x |
X |
Year |
x |
x |
X |
Presenting Organization |
x |
x |
X |
Reason for the honor or award |
x |
x |
X |
2.06. Institutionalization |
Are there plans to sustain the project after NSF funding ends?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
X |
x |
x |
X |
2.07. Dissemination |
Where else are the project’s materials, strategies, faculty development activities, or assessment instruments/processes being used? (mark one or more) At lead, collaborative, or subawardee institutions by people not directly involved with the project At the project’s other participating institutions by people not directly involved with the project At other institutions across the U.S. At international institutions None of the above Don’t know |
x |
x |
X |
2.08. Instructional Materials |
Did the project develop or adapt instructional materials during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
X |
What types of instructional materials did the project develop or adapt? (mark one or more) Case studies Demonstrations Educational games Field activity guides or manuals Instructor materials for adapting project activities or procedures to new settings Instructor guides or manuals to guide student activities Laboratory guides or manuals Lesson plans Practice problems or exercises for students Simulations Software tools including web-enhanced tools Student handbooks or workbooks Textbooks Tutorials Visualizations Workshop materials for training faculty Workshop materials for training students Other instructional materials (please specify): ________ |
x |
x |
X |
Note to reviewers: The system will show the user the list of instructional materials above. The user will choose the materials from the list that apply to his or her project. For each item chosen, the system will display the following questions:
x |
x |
X |
2.09. Instructional Strategies |
Did the project develop or adapt instructional strategies during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
X |
What types of instructional strategies did the project develop or adapt? (mark one or more) Case-based learning strategies Cooperative or collaborative learning strategies Design activities Field studies Hands-on activities (e.g., building or testing objects) Integrated courses Intelligent tutoring systems Laboratory experiences Learning communities (e.g., student cohorts) Lectures Linked courses Real-time modification strategies based on student performance (e.g., Just-in-Time Teaching) Peer-instruction strategies (e.g., peer tutoring, peer mentoring) Personal response systems (e.g., “clickers”) Problem-based learning strategies Quantitative computational approaches Strategies involving real-world examples, problems, or contexts Strategies involving remote laboratories Strategies involving formal research experience in classroom laboratories Service-learning strategies Studio-based strategies Web-enabled homework submission and grading systems Web-enabled instruction strategies Web-enabled repositories Web-enabled student collaboration/social networking tools Other instructional strategies (please specify): _______ |
x |
x |
X |
Note to reviewers: The system will show the user the list of instructional strategies above. The user will choose the materials from the list that apply to his or her project. For each item chosen, the system will display the following questions:
x |
x |
X |
2.10. Assessment Instruments and Processes |
Did the project develop or adapt assessment instruments or processes during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
X |
What types of assessment instruments or processes did the project develop or adapt? (mark one or more) Assessment of general knowledge or skill (e.g., critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills) Cognitive protocol interviews Concept inventories Course exams Standardized tests (e.g., Fundamentals of Engineering, American Chemical Society examinations) Performance assessment of skills (e.g., observation and rating of skills) Students’ perceptions of their own learning Expert review Other instruments and processes to determine outcomes (please specify): ______________ |
x |
x |
X |
Note to reviewers: The system will show the user the list of instructional materials above. The user will choose the materials from the list that apply to his or her project. For each item chosen, the system will display the following questions:
x |
x |
X |
2.11. Research On Undergraduate STEM Education |
Did the project conduct research on undergraduate STEM education during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this section. |
x |
x |
X |
What is the topic of your research on undergraduate STEM education? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
X |
What type of research does your project employ? (mark one)
x |
x |
X |
2.12. Faculty Professional Development Component |
Did the project include a faculty professional development component ‽ (e.g., seminar, workshop, meeting session) that shared project approaches with other faculty members during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this section. |
x |
x |
X |
If YES: With whom were these approaches shared during the current reporting period? (mark one or more)
x |
x |
X |
If YES: which disciplines were the focus of the project’s faculty professional development efforts during the current reporting period? (mark one or more)
x |
x |
X |
If YES: What types of institutions were represented at these efforts during the current reporting period (mark one or more) 2-year Institutions Bachelor’s degree granting institutions Master’s degree granting institutions Doctoral degree granting institutions Nonacademic organizations Other (please specify): ____________________ Don’t know None |
x |
x |
X |
If YES: Did the institutions represented at the project’s faculty professional development efforts have any of the following demographics or special institutional designations? If yes, what types? (mark one or more) Historically Black College or University American Indian Tribally Controlled College or University Institution with High Disabilities Enrollment (>3% Undergraduates) Institution with High American Indian or Alaska Native Enrollment (25% or more) – Not Tribally Controlled Institution with High Black or African American Enrollment (non-Hispanic) (25% or more) Institution with High Hispanic Enrollment (25% or more) Institution with High Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Enrollment (25% or more) None Not Reported/Don’t Know |
x |
x |
X |
2.13. Involvement with Project Materials, Strategies, Instruments and Processes |
Do you know approximately how many students, faculty, and staff were impacted by your award’s efforts, or the joint efforts of collaborating awardees, during the current reporting period?
x |
x |
x |
X |
Student Counts |
All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
Faculty Counts |
All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
X |
Staff Counts |
All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
X |
We are interested in whether participants who receive funding to attend faculty professional development activities are more or less likely to implement what they learn. Please estimate how many faculty professional development participants received funds from the project or their institution to attend. Of each group, please also indicate approximately how many are implementing the ideas shared.
Note: Your response to this question is optional this year, but may be required in future years |
x |
x |
X |
X |
X |
2.14. Involvement with Faculty Professional Development |
Faculty Professional Development Events |
During the current reporting period, were any faculty professional development events conducted [, either by your award or jointly among collaborating awardees]?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this section. If YES: All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Faculty Professional Development Events Conducted
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
Faculty Involvement in Professional Development Events
The following 8 questions appear in a table with the columns shown below:
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
Graduate Student and Postdoc Involvement in Professional Development Events
x |
x |
x |
X |
X |
Nonacademic Involvement in the Project’s Faculty Professional Development Events
x |
x |
x |
X |
Congratulations! Your report appears complete. We have one last question: Approximately how many person-hours were required to complete this report? ________ person-hours (round up to a whole hour) |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Note: This data is only collected for participants who must use TUESWeb (usually only the PI and a data entry assistant). The data is collected in order to provide adequate technical support; it is not considered part of the data collection instrument. |
E-mail Address |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Project Role
x |
x |
x |
X |
Name: Honorific First Middle Last Suffix |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Phone |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Organization |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Alternate E-mail |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Alternate Phone |
x |
x |
x |
X |
Access Privileges (mark all that apply) Can View Data Can Edit Data Can Manage User Access Receives Reminders (automatically set to "yes" if Role=Project Coordinator) (button): Remove from this report Note: The Lead PI’s privileges are automatically set to “yes” for all privileges. |
x |
x |
x |
X |
The estimated average number of annual respondents is 686, with an estimated average annual response burden of 2,744 hours. The Web-based collection is an annual activity of the TUES program. There were approximately 686 active respondents as of April 21, 2015. We anticipate that no new awards will be added, thus, the number of respondents will decline over time. The estimated average annual hour burden per respondent was determined using the burden information reported by respondents in the last two collection cycles.
The burden estimate is outlined below:
Respondent |
Estimated Average Annual No. of Respondents |
Estimated Average Annual Burden Hours Per Respondent |
Estimated Annual Burden Hour Total |
PIs |
686 |
4 |
2,744 |
Total |
686 |
2,744 |
Respondents will be project PIs. The estimated total annual response burden is 2,744 hours. The annual burden by form was calculated as follows:
Form Type |
Respondent Type |
No. of Respondents |
Burden Hours Per Respondent |
Total Burden Hours |
TUES data collection form |
PIs |
686 |
4 |
2,744 |
Total |
686 |
2,744 |
The overall annualized cost to the respondents is estimated to be $115,248. The following table shows the annualized estimates of costs to PI respondents, who are generally university professors. The estimated hourly rate is based on a report from the American Association of University Professors, “Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2014-15,” Academe, March–April 2015, Survey Report Table 4. According to this report, the average salary across all academic ranks and across all types of doctoral-granting institutions (public, private-independent, religiously affiliated) was $87,838. When divided by the number of standard annual work hours (2,080), this calculates to approximately $42 per hour.
Respondent |
No. of Respondents |
Burden Hours Per Respondent |
Average Hourly Rate |
Estimated Annual Cost |
PIs |
686 |
4 |
$42 |
$115,248 |
Total |
686 |
$115,248 |
Computing the annualized cost to NSF for the TUES data collection was done by taking the budget for the most recent year and calculating the costs for each of the following operational activities involved in producing, maintaining, and conducting the data collection:
Operational Activities |
Cost Over Three Years |
System Development (includes initial development of the database and Web-based application, and later changes requested by the program, e.g., increased reporting tools, additional validations) |
$309,585 |
System Maintenance, Updates, and Technical Support (the system requires updates each year before opening the collection; maintenance is required to keep the system current with technology, e.g., database servers, operating systems) |
$133,547 |
Data Collection Opening and Support (e.g., online and telephone support to respondents and contacting respondents to encourage completion of the questions), Reporting (as defined by DUE), and Followup Activities (e.g., providing data to other consultants) |
$163,898 |
Three-Year Total for All Operational Activities |
$607,030 |
The annualized cost was computed as one-third of the total three-year costs; thus, the annualized cost to NSF for the TUES data collection is $202,343.
Award Category |
Single |
Lead Collaborative |
Non-Lead Collaborative |
i. Confirm Award Information Note: If any of the respondent’s answers in this section are inconsistent with the type of award that was preloaded, the data submission will be placed on hold. The respondent will receive the following notice: “This basic project information must be correct before you can begin entering data for this project. The TUESWeb Support Desk will contact you to find out what needs to be updated.” |
Is [PI Name] the lead PI on Award No. [NSF Award Number]?
x |
x |
x |
What type of proposal was submitted for this award?
x |
x |
x |
Was this the Lead Award on the collaborative proposal?
x |
x |
Award information in this section is preloaded and displayed for verification purposes. PIs can contact the technical support team to report data that should be updated, but they cannot edit this data directly via the data collection instrument. Because some awards have supplemental awards, there may be more than one award associated with each report. The “embedded” awards are listed on each screen, but are not mentioned in the main questions. |
NSF Award No. |
x |
x |
x |
Award Title |
x |
x |
x |
PI Organization |
x |
x |
x |
Official Grantee Institution This data element appears only if it differs from the PI Organization. |
x |
x |
x |
Phase or Type The system will list one of the following types:
x |
x |
x |
Award Start Date |
x |
x |
x |
For consolidated awards: First Award’s Start Date |
x |
x |
x |
Award End Date |
x |
x |
x |
Lead PI’s Name |
x |
x |
x |
Lead PI’s Discipline |
x |
x |
x |
TUES/CCLI Awards in this collaborative project: [[PI]], [[PI Organization]] – Lead Award [[PI a]], [[PI Organization a]] – Collaborating Award … [[PI n]], [[PI Organization n]] – Collaborating Award |
x |
x |
Do you need to update any of this information?
x |
x |
x |
If yes, please describe the details you’d like to update: |
x |
x |
x |
Type of institution: [PI institution name], [City], [State] has the following classification in the Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS): [Institution Type] [Other specify value if present] If you believe this is incorrect, you can change it below. If you are not sure, use the IPEDS classification:
If Other: Please specify: ____________________ OR Type of Organization: (mark one or more) Academic Consortium Business Consultant National Laboratory Museum Nonprofit Professional Society Research Institute Other (please specify): ____________________
x |
x |
x |
Were subaward funds expended or transferred from this award to any subawardees during the current reporting period?
x |
x |
x |
Enter information for a subaward organization Provide the following information for the CCLI/TUES subaward institution. This subsection repeats for each institution |
What type of organization received this subaward?
x |
x |
x |
Academic Subaward Institution |
What is the name of the institution? |
x |
x |
x |
Type of institution: [PI institution name], [City], [State] has the following classification in the Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDS): [Institution Type] [Other specify value if present] If you believe this is incorrect, you can change it below. If you are not sure, use the IPEDS classification:
If Other: Please specify: ____________________ |
x |
x |
x |
How many faculty from this institution were involved? |
x |
x |
x |
How many students from this institution were involved? |
x |
x |
x |
Other Type of Subaward Organization |
Which of the following describes this organization? (mark one or more) Academic Consortium Business Consultant National Laboratory Museum Nonprofit Professional Society Research Institute Other (please specify): __________________________ Don’t Know |
x |
x |
x |
All Subaward Organization Types |
Approximately what amount of subaward funds did your award transfer to this organization during the current reporting period? |
x |
x |
x |
Checkbox option (matching how this question can also be answered elsewhere in the instrument.) This organization houses or plans to house any laboratory instruments that BOTH: 1) Cost more than $5,000 each, AND 2) Were purchased with TUES/CCLI funds during the current reporting period? |
x |
x |
x |
We are interested in the types of institutions that participate in TUES/CCLI projects. Did any other organizations participate significantly in your project during the current reporting period (not including your subawardees or other awardees in the collaborative project)?
If no or don’t know, skip the questions in this section. |
x |
x |
x |
Which of the following types of organizations participated significantly in your project? Put a check beside each type that participated. Then, for each type, indicate the number of organizations participating, numbers of faculty/professionals participating, and numbers of students that participated altogether for that type. It is okay to count the same organization or individual in multiple categories.
The column headers for these tables are:
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Student Support |
During this reporting period, were funds from this award used to support students (undergraduate, graduate, or postdocs)?
If no or don’t know, skip the remaining questions in this section |
x |
x |
x |
If yes, how many students were paid to work on the project using funds from this award?
x |
x |
x |
Laboratory Instrument Purchases |
Did you purchase scientific instruments for laboratory improvement with this award during this reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the remaining questions in this section |
x |
x |
x |
Total price of all laboratory instruments purchased with this award during this reporting period: If <$5,000, skip the remaining questions in this section. |
x |
x |
x |
Number of instruments purchased with this award that cost more than $5,000: If 0, skip the next question. |
x |
x |
x |
Where are these new laboratory instruments (that cost $5,000 or more) housed? (Or if they have not been received yet, where will they be housed?) (mark one or more) At [name of PI’s institution] At [name of lead institution] At [name of collaborating institution 1] At [name of collaborating institution 2] […list all collaborating institutions] At [name of subawardee institution 1] At [name of subawardee institution 2] […list all subawardee institutions] At other participating institutions Other (please specify): ___________________ Don’t know |
x |
x |
x |
Were any project evaluations conducted during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the next question. |
x |
x |
x |
If Yes, How did you use the information from your project’s evaluation? (mark one or more) To improve the project To document accomplishments To assess changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of undergraduate students To assess changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of graduate students To assess changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes of faculty None of the above (if so, skip the next question) Other (please specify): ___________________ Don’t know (if so, skip the next question) |
x |
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x |
Were the project activities supported by this award implemented in courses or course-related laboratory sections during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
x |
In how many courses or course-related lab sections were project activities implemented during the current reporting period? |
x |
x |
x |
In all these courses or lab sections combined, approximately how many undergraduate students were exposed to the project’s materials or instructional strategies? |
x |
x |
x |
In all these courses or lab sections combined, what percentage of students received a passing grade |
x |
x |
x |
What is the single most important project accomplishment for the reporting period? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
x |
What is the single most significant challenge that the project faced during the reporting period? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
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x |
What changes were made to the project, as outlined in the proposal, during the reporting period? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
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x |
Tell Us About The Project as a Whole |
x |
Tell Us About Your Award's Independent Project Activities |
x |
2.01. TUES/CCLI Program Components |
During the current reporting period, did your institution, or any of your subawardee institutions, engage in any project activities or project work independent of the other awardee institutions in your TUES/CCLI Collaborative Project?
x |
What is the primary way that your project contributes to the development of exemplary undergraduate STEM education? (mark one)
x |
x |
What other ways does your project contribute to the development of exemplary undergraduate STEM education? (mark one or more) Assessing and evaluating student achievement Conducting research on undergraduate STEM education Developing or adapting learning materials Developing, adapting, or implementing new instructional strategies Developing faculty expertise None of the above |
x |
x |
Did the independent project activities supported by your award(s) during the current reporting period include developing or adapting any of the following: Instructional materials Instructional strategies Assessment instruments or processes to assess student achievement None of the above |
x |
Does a significant aspect of the project include the introduction of new disciplinary knowledge into undergraduate curricula?
x |
x |
Did the project administer any publicly available assessment instruments (e.g., SALG, FCI, NSSE)?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
If yes, please list them here: (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
2.02. Disciplinary Focus |
What is the primary disciplinary focus of the project? (mark one)
x |
x |
What are the additional disciplinary focuses of the project? (mark one or more)
x |
x |
2.03. Target Audiences |
What course levels does your project address? (mark one or more) Upper division Lower division Developmental Don’t Know |
x |
x |
What groups are the primary focus of your project? (mark one or more) Faculty (e.g., developing faculty expertise) Preservice teachers Instructional staff (e.g., graduate students, lab assistants, lab technicians, adjunct faculty) Undergraduate STEM majors Undergraduate majors other than STEM Other (please specify): ____________________ Don’t Know |
x |
x |
Does the project foster scientific and/or technical literacy among students who are in majors other than STEM majors?
x |
x |
2.04 Publications and Presentations |
Publications |
x |
x |
Please provide the number of project-related outputs that were accepted for publication during the current reporting period for each of the categories described below. All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
Presentations |
How many presentations or workshops on the project were delivered during the current reporting period? (Include presentations that were conducted by individuals trained by the project.) All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
2.05 Honors and Awards |
Did the project receive any honors or awards during the current reporting period? (Include individuals recognized for their contributions to the project.)
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
What honors or awards were received? |
Honor or Award Form |
Title |
x |
x |
Year |
x |
x |
Presenting Organization |
x |
x |
Reason for the honor or award |
x |
x |
2.06. Institutionalization |
Are there plans to sustain the project after NSF funding ends?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
x |
x |
2.07. Dissemination |
Where else are the project’s materials, strategies, faculty development activities, or assessment instruments/processes being used? (mark one or more) At lead, collaborative, or subawardee institutions by people not directly involved with the project At the project’s other participating institutions by people not directly involved with the project At other institutions across the U.S. At international institutions None of the above Don’t know |
x |
x |
2.08. Instructional Materials |
Did the project develop or adapt instructional materials during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
What types of instructional materials did the project develop or adapt? (mark one or more) Case studies Demonstrations Educational games Field activity guides or manuals Instructor materials for adapting project activities or procedures to new settings Instructor guides or manuals to guide student activities Laboratory guides or manuals Lesson plans Practice problems or exercises for students Simulations Software tools including web-enhanced tools Student handbooks or workbooks Textbooks Tutorials Visualizations Workshop materials for training faculty Workshop materials for training students Other instructional materials (please specify): ________ |
x |
x |
Note to reviewers: The system will show the user the list of instructional materials above. The user will choose the materials from the list that apply to his or her project. For each item chosen, the system will display the following questions:
x |
x |
2.09. Instructional Strategies |
Did the project develop or adapt instructional strategies during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
What types of instructional strategies did the project develop or adapt? (mark one or more) Case-based learning strategies Cooperative or collaborative learning strategies Design activities Field studies Hands-on activities (e.g., building or testing objects) Integrated courses Intelligent tutoring systems Laboratory experiences Learning communities (e.g., student cohorts) Lectures Linked courses Real-time modification strategies based on student performance (e.g., Just-in-Time Teaching) Peer-instruction strategies (e.g., peer tutoring, peer mentoring) Personal response systems (e.g., “clickers”) Problem-based learning strategies Quantitative computational approaches Strategies involving real-world examples, problems, or contexts Strategies involving remote laboratories Strategies involving formal research experience in classroom laboratories Service-learning strategies Studio-based strategies Web-enabled homework submission and grading systems Web-enabled instruction strategies Web-enabled repositories Web-enabled student collaboration/social networking tools Other instructional strategies (please specify): _______ |
x |
x |
Note to reviewers: The system will show the user the list of instructional strategies above. The user will choose the materials from the list that apply to his or her project. For each item chosen, the system will display the following questions:
x |
x |
2.10. Assessment Instruments and Processes |
Did the project develop or adapt assessment instruments or processes during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this question. |
x |
x |
What types of assessment instruments or processes did the project develop or adapt? (mark one or more) Assessment of general knowledge or skill (e.g., critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills) Cognitive protocol interviews Concept inventories Course exams Standardized tests (e.g., Fundamentals of Engineering, American Chemical Society examinations) Performance assessment of skills (e.g., observation and rating of skills) Students’ perceptions of their own learning Expert review Other instruments and processes to determine outcomes (please specify): ______________ |
x |
x |
Note to reviewers: The system will show the user the list of instructional materials above. The user will choose the materials from the list that apply to his or her project. For each item chosen, the system will display the following questions:
x |
x |
2.11. Research On Undergraduate STEM Education |
Did the project conduct research on undergraduate STEM education during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this section. |
x |
x |
What is the topic of your research on undergraduate STEM education? (limit 500 characters) |
x |
x |
What type of research does your project employ? (mark one)
x |
x |
2.12. Faculty Professional Development Component |
Did the project include a faculty professional development component ‽ (e.g., seminar, workshop, meeting session) that shared project approaches with other faculty members during the current reporting period?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this section. |
x |
x |
If YES: With whom were these approaches shared during the current reporting period? (mark one or more)
x |
x |
If YES: which disciplines were the focus of the project’s faculty professional development efforts during the current reporting period? (mark one or more)
x |
x |
If YES: What types of institutions were represented at these efforts during the current reporting period (mark one or more) 2-year Institutions Bachelor’s degree granting institutions Master’s degree granting institutions Doctoral degree granting institutions Nonacademic organizations Other (please specify): ____________________ Don’t know None |
x |
x |
If YES: Did the institutions represented at the project’s faculty professional development efforts have any of the following demographics or special institutional designations? If yes, what types? (mark one or more) Historically Black College or University American Indian Tribally Controlled College or University Institution with High Disabilities Enrollment (>3% Undergraduates) Institution with High American Indian or Alaska Native Enrollment (25% or more) – Not Tribally Controlled Institution with High Black or African American Enrollment (non-Hispanic) (25% or more) Institution with High Hispanic Enrollment (25% or more) Institution with High Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Enrollment (25% or more) None Not Reported/Don’t Know |
x |
x |
2.13. Involvement with Project Materials, Strategies, Instruments and Processes |
Do you know approximately how many students, faculty, and staff were impacted by your award’s efforts, or the joint efforts of collaborating awardees, during the current reporting period?
x |
x |
x |
Student Counts |
All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
Faculty Counts |
All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
x |
Staff Counts |
All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know.
x |
x |
x |
We are interested in whether participants who receive funding to attend faculty professional development activities are more or less likely to implement what they learn. Please estimate how many faculty professional development participants received funds from the project or their institution to attend. Of each group, please also indicate approximately how many are implementing the ideas shared.
Note: Your response to this question is optional this year, but may be required in future years |
x |
x |
2.14. Involvement with Faculty Professional Development |
Faculty Professional Development Events |
During the current reporting period, were any faculty professional development events conducted [, either by your award or jointly among collaborating awardees]?
If no or don’t know, skip the rest of this section. If YES: All fields below are required. Enter DK for anything you don’t know. |
x |
x |
x |
Faculty Professional Development Events Conducted
x |
x |
x |
Faculty Involvement in Professional Development Events
The following 8 questions appear in a table with the columns shown below:
x |
x |
x |
Graduate Student and Postdoc Involvement in Professional Development Events
x |
x |
x |
Nonacademic Involvement in the Project’s Faculty Professional Development Events
x |
x |
x |
Congratulations! Your report appears complete. We have one last question: Approximately how many person-hours were required to complete this report? ________ person-hours (round up to a whole hour) |
x |
x |
x |
Note: This data is only collected for participants who must use TUESWeb (usually only the PI and a data entry assistant). The data is collected in order to provide adequate technical support; it is not considered part of the data collection instrument. |
E-mail Address |
x |
x |
x |
Project Role
x |
x |
x |
Name: Honorific First Middle Last Suffix |
x |
x |
x |
Phone |
x |
x |
x |
Organization |
x |
x |
x |
Alternate E-mail |
x |
x |
x |
Alternate Phone |
x |
x |
x |
Access Privileges (mark all that apply) Can View Data Can Edit Data Can Manage User Access Receives Reminders (automatically set to "yes" if Role=Project Coordinator) (button): Remove from this report Note: The Lead PI’s privileges are automatically set to “yes” for all privileges. |
x |
x |
x |
1 Elements of these characteristics include: name, address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race, disability status, class, major, grade point average, yearly fellowship or stipend amount, and project role.
2 Elements of these characteristics include: sources and amount of funds, fellowships, scholarships, traineeships, partnerships, training, and research methods.
3 Elements of these characteristics include: research findings, publications, presentations, degrees granted, and educational materials.
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Common |
Author | Larry Suter |
Last Modified By | Plimpton, Suzanne H. |
File Modified | 2016-02-11 |
File Created | 2016-02-11 |