Attachment C1
Graduate STEM Fellows in K-12 Education (GK-12)
Monitoring System
GK-12: Crosswalk – Awards Survey 3
GK-12: Crosswalk – Fellows Survey 20
GK-12: Crosswalk – Teachers Survey 33
GK-12: Number of Respondents, Frequency of Response, and Annual Hour Burden 41
GK-12: Hour Burden Estimates by Each Form and Aggregate Hour Burdens 42
GK-12: Estimates of Annualized Cost to Respondents for the Hour Burdens 43
GK-12: Estimates of Costs to the Federal Government 44
GK-12: Questions – Awards Survey 45
Questions |
Staff and Project Participant Characteristics1 |
Project Implementation Characteristics2 |
Project Outputs3 |
1. Award Information |
Award Status |
X |
NSF Award ID |
X |
Grantee Institution |
X |
Award Title |
X |
Award Start Date (Month, Day, Year) |
X |
Award End Date (Month, Day, Year) |
X |
Award Dollar Amount |
X |
Annual Carryover Funds: Dollar amount of current year of GK-12 support that will be carried over Total dollar amount that will be carried over Dollar amount of participant support costs that will be carried over Dollar amount of stipends that will be carried over |
X |
List the top three subdisciplines associated with your GK-12 project: Subdiscipline 1: _________ Subdiscipline 2: _________ Subdiscipline 3: _________ |
X |
Award URL |
X |
2. Partnerships and Collaborations |
U.S. Academic Institution |
Institution Name |
X |
City |
X |
State |
X |
Zip Code |
X |
Non-U.S. Academic Institution |
Institution Name |
X |
Country |
X |
Non Academic Institution |
Institution Name |
X |
Institution Type (mark all that apply)
X |
3. Participating Schools In Your GK-12 Project |
K-12 School |
School Name |
X |
School Level (select one)
X |
State |
X |
District Name |
X |
School Setting/Location (select one)
X |
School Type (mark all that apply)
X |
Percentage of students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch (select one)
X |
4. Lead Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigator Information |
PI/Co-PI |
Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Lead PI |
X |
Institutional affiliation (Name and State) |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
X |
E-mail Address |
X |
Should the system e-mail a user ID and password to this participant?
X |
Will this participant have authority to enter data?
X |
Should this participant receive announcements and reminders that are sent to the project’s lead PI from this system and from the Technical Support staff??
X |
Title (e.g. Professor) |
X |
Affiliation/Academic Department |
X |
In what roles, functions, and activities does this PI/co-PI serve the project? |
X |
Academic Disciplines (mark all that apply)
X |
Does this co-PI belong to any of the following categories for education faculty?
X |
Ethnicity (select one)
X |
Race (Mark one or more)
Gender (select one)
X |
Disability: (Select one)
X |
5. Project Coordinator Information |
Mark the box if your project does not have a coordinator and skip the other questions in this section |
X |
Project Coordinator |
Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Should the system e-mail a user ID and password to this Project Coordinator?
X |
Will this participant have the authority to enter data?
X |
Should this participant receive copies of announcements and reminders that are sent to your project’s lead PI from this system and its Technical Support staff?
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
X |
E-Mail Address |
X |
6. Graduate Fellow Information |
Graduate Fellow |
Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Citizenship (select one)
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
X |
E-mail Address |
X |
Fellowship Start Date Month Year |
X |
Fellowship End Date Month Year |
X |
Total stipend received by graduate fellow
If funded by other source(s): Source(s) of non-NSF funding $ Amount |
X |
7. Cooperating Teacher Information |
Cooperating Teacher |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
X |
School E-mail Address |
X |
Other E-mail Address |
X |
Lead teacher and/or NSF supported Teacher |
X |
What NSF GK-12 funds did this teacher receive during the current reporting period? Stipend $________ Travel Budget $________ Materials Budget $_________ Other $_________ Please Explain: _________ |
X |
8. Award Evaluator Information |
Award Evaluator |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
X |
E-mail Address |
X |
Organization/Unit |
X |
9. Other Participant Information |
Other Participant |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Should the system e-mail a user ID and password for this participant?
X |
Will this participant have the authority to enter data?
X |
Participant Role (select one)
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
X |
E-mail Address |
X |
10. Academic Achievements Related to GK-12 Activities and Themes |
Achievement |
Academic Achievement Product (select one)
X |
Citation (with NSF-funded GK-12 fellows noted by “*” and cooperating teachers noted by “+”) |
X |
11. Additional Funding Sources |
Source |
Source Name |
X |
Additional funding source type (select one)
X |
Amount of additional funding $________ |
X |
Additional funding type (mark all that apply)
X |
12. Program Outreach Information |
Outreach Activity |
Activity Title |
X |
Activity description |
X |
13. Development Activities |
Fellows’ Developmental Activities:
X |
Fellows’ other development activities: (mark all that apply)
X |
Cooperating Teachers’ Development Activities: (mark all that apply)
X |
14. International Experience |
Mark the box if your project did not participate in an international experience and skip the other questions in this section. |
X |
What country or countries did any your project participants visit as part of the GK-12 international experience (select all that apply)
X |
How many of your fellows engaged in an international experience through the GK-12 project during this reporting period:_______ |
X |
How many of your teachers engaged in an international experience through the GK-12 project during this reporting period:_______ |
X |
Identify the following international activities involving GK-12 fellows (mark all that apply)
X |
Identify the following international activities involving GK-12 teachers (mark all that apply)
X |
Identify the opportunities for PIs and co-PIs that resulted from the international experiences associated with the GK-12 project. (mark all that apply)
X |
Do you plan to maintain the collaborations developed from the international experience
X |
Please specify why your project does or does not plan to maintain collaborations developed from the international experiences: |
X |
Briefly identify up to three research or educational achievements resulting from the international component of your GK-12 project. Each achievement may involve a single fellow or a group of fellows. Achievement 1:_______________ Achievement 2:_______________ Achievement 3:_______________ |
X |
15. Program Impact |
Do you have an overall plan in place and active with a specific set of goals and timelines for recruitment and retention of GK-12 fellows, including specifics for broadening participation of groups underrepresented in science and engineering?
X |
Regardless of your response to the previous question, please describe up to three of the best practices you employed to recruit qualified fellows to your GK-12 project during this reporting period. Best Practice 1:_______________ Best Practice 2:_______________ Best Practice 3:_______________ |
X |
Please describe the extent to which each of the following practices has been productive for recruiting fellows overall to your GK-12 project during this reporting period
X |
Please describe the extent to which each of the following practices has been productive for recruiting underrepresented minority and women fellows overall to your GK-12 project during this reporting period.
X |
16. Verify Fellows Interactions with K-12 Students |
Approve/edit/add fellow-teacher pairs submitted by fellows and teachers
X |
Approve/edit/add in- classroom locations submitted by fellows
X |
Approve/edit/add out-of-classroom activities submitted by fellows
X |
Common Questions |
Staff and Project Participant Characteristics5 |
Project Implementation Characteristics6 |
Project Outputs7 |
1. Contact Information Some data will be pre-filled with data entered by the PI |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Social Security Number: (select one) I choose to report my full SSN:___-__-____ I choose to report the last 4 digits of my SSN: ____ Other (if blank system assigns 999-99-9999): __________ |
X |
Current Address: Street address 1 Street
address 2 Zip or postal code |
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type: (mark one)
X |
E-mail Address |
X |
2. Permanent Contact Information |
Permanent Address: Street address 1 Street
address 2 Zip or postal code |
X |
Permanent Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type: (mark one)
X |
Permanent E-mail Address |
3. Demographic Information |
Ethnicity: (select one)
X |
Race: (mark one or more)
X |
X |
Citizenship: (select one)
X |
Permanent Resident since: [reported only by permanent residents] Month Year |
X |
Disability: (Select one)
X |
Place of Birth (U.S. State or Country) |
X |
4. Academic History |
Name of high school/secondary school/institution from which you graduated/received a diploma |
X |
Location of High School (City, State or Country, and Zip or Postal code) |
X |
School type (select one)
Undergraduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
X |
Degree: (select one)
X |
Discipline: (select one)
X |
Academic Department |
X |
Date of Completion: Month
Graduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
Degree: (select one)
X |
Discipline: (select one)
X |
Academic Department |
X |
Date of Completion: Month Year |
X |
5. Previous Employment and Teaching Experience |
Do you have a K-12 teaching certification?
X |
Do you have any prior K-12 teaching experience?
X |
Have you taken/are you taking any education certification courses?
X |
Were you employed in the public or private sector for 1 or more years after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming a GK-12 fellow?
X |
Total number of years (equal to or greater than 1 year, to the nearest year) you were employed in the public or private sector after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming a GK-12 fellow |
X |
6. Current Graduate Work |
Current Graduate Institution:_________________ |
X |
Date when you started your program: Month Year |
X |
Expected Graduation Date Month Year |
X |
If you expect to graduate within one year, what type of employment are you pursuing? (check all that apply)
X |
If you expect to graduate within one year, what type of employment would you prefer most? (check one)
X |
Academic level during fellowship year: (select one)
X |
Discipline: (select one)
X |
Academic Department |
X |
Amount of NSF funds in your GK-12 stipend for the current academic year: (select one)
X |
Did you have to pay tuition and fees in excess of the $10,500 allowance for the cost of education?
If yes, how much did you have to pay? |
X |
How does your fellowship stipend compare to stipends received by regular teaching or research fellowships at your institution?
X |
What is your research topic? (research topic does not have to be related to GK-12) |
X |
Does your research involve the following: (check all that apply)
X |
7. Research Advisor Information |
Advisor’s Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
- |
Advisor’s Academic Discipline: (select one)
X |
Advisor’s Academic Department |
X |
Advisor’s phone: Number Extension |
X |
Advisor’s E-mail Address |
X |
8. Interactions with K-12 Students |
Teachers you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation: (select all that apply)
X |
Schools, organizations and other locations you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation: (select all that apply)
X |
Class You Worked With as Part of Your GK-12 Participation |
School |
X |
Teacher(s) of This Class (select all that apply)
X |
Class Name |
X |
Additional Identifying Information (e.g. period, time, marking period) |
X |
Grade of students (mark all that apply)
X |
Subjects (select one)
X |
How is this course considered?
X |
Number of students |
X |
Out-of-Classroom GK-12 Activity |
Schools and organizations you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation in this out-of-classroom activity with K-12 students: (select all that apply from preloaded list and add nonpartners)
Organizations not partnered with project |
X |
Activity Type(s): (check all that apply)
X |
Number of K-12 teachers you worked with as part of your out-of-classroom GK-12 activity |
X |
Number of K-12 students you worked with as part of your out-of-classroom GK-12 activity |
X |
Overall Classroom Experience |
To what extent did you integrate your research into the GK-12 classroom experience for each of the items listed below (for each item choose one rating)
X |
Please check the activities that you participated in while in the classroom: (check all that apply)
X |
9. Honors and Awards During GK-12 Project Participation |
o Select if no honors or awards to report |
X |
Honor or Recognition |
X |
Name of honor or recognition |
X |
Organization granting the award |
X |
Year earned |
X |
Other Award: Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant Other Than GK-12 |
Title of the proposal |
X |
Awarding agency |
X |
Year awarded |
X |
10. Development Activities |
Average hours per week spent on GK-12 activities |
X |
Did you participate in regular training throughout the year specific to your GK-12 project
X |
Format of training (check all that apply)
X |
Training received:
X |
Did you participate in a GK-12 summer institute?
X |
How long did the summer institute last? (select one)
Other (please specify): __________ |
Professional development activities associated with your GK-12 project during the reporting period. (check all that apply)
X |
11. International Experience |
Did you visit a foreign country as part of your GK-12 fellowship?
X |
Experience per Country |
Country |
X |
Main purpose of visit |
X |
Length of international experience in weeks (1-52) |
X |
Activities that you participated in as part of your international experience (check all that apply)
X |
Is this international experience related to your current graduate research? (select one)
X |
Most beneficial professional or career related aspect of this international activity |
X |
Were you prepared for your international experience?
X |
How were you prepared prior to the international visit? (check all that apply)
X |
What experiences were included in the preparation for your international experience? (check all that apply)
X |
What did you accomplish? |
X |
What types of accomplishments apply to your international experience? (check all that apply)
X |
Do you plan to continue with this international collaboration?
X |
Specify why you do or do not plan to continue with this international collaboration |
X |
12. Research and Professional Experience |
How involved was your faculty advisor in your GK-12 activities? (select one)
X |
How did participation in GK-12 activities affect your graduate research productivity? (check all that apply)
X |
How did your GK-12 participation affect your professional pursuits and career goals as a scientist? (check all that apply)
X |
Check the areas in which your knowledge/skills have improved as a result of your GK‑12 participation. (check all that apply)
X |
Involvement with the GK-12 program |
Most important thing you gained from participating in the GK-12 program |
X |
Most important contribution you made to the GK-12 program |
X |
List up to two concerns about or areas of improvement for the GK-12 program or your experience with the program. Concern 1 Concern 2 |
X |
Questions |
Staff and Project Participant Characteristics8 |
Project Implementation Characteristics9 |
Project Outputs10 |
1. Contact Information Some data will be pre-filled with data entered by PI |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
X |
Address: Street address 1 Street
address 2 Zip or postal code |
X |
Phone: Number Extension |
X |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type: (mark one)
X |
School E-mail Address |
X |
Other E-mail Address |
X |
School Name(s) |
X |
2. Demographic Information |
Ethnicity: (select one)
X |
Race: (Mark one or more)
X |
X |
Disability: (Select one)
X |
3. Degrees |
Undergraduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
X |
Degree: (select one)
X |
Discipline: (select one)
X |
Date of Completion: Month
Graduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
Degree: (select one)
X |
Discipline: (select one)
X |
Date of Completion: Month Year |
X |
4. Teaching Experience and Credentials |
Total number of years teaching (at any K–12 school) |
X |
Do you have any K-12 teaching certification?
X |
Grades certified to teach: (select all that apply)
X |
Subjects certified to teach: (select all that apply)
X |
Did you receive your certification through an alternative certification program? (e.g., Teach for America)
X |
5. Experience Working With GK-12 Fellows |
Graduate fellows you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation |
X |
Fellow |
Fellow Name (Select names from fellow list pre-populated with data entered by the PI) |
X |
Subjects (check all that apply)
X |
# Male students |
X |
# Female students |
X |
# Underrepresented minority students |
X |
Activity/Lesson Written/Developed in Classroom Using Fellows as Scientific Experts |
Grade level(s) for activity/lesson developed (mark all that apply)
X |
Academic Disciplines (mark all that apply)
X |
Brief Description |
X |
Overall Experience Working with Fellows |
Average hours a week worked directly with GK-12 fellows |
X |
How many of these hours, that you spent working directly with your GK-12 fellows, were spent on planning/preparation? |
X |
Please check the activities of the GK-12 fellows with whom you worked (check all that apply)
grade level
X |
Using the following table, indicate how your GK-12 fellows incorporated their research into your classroom.
X |
6. Honors and Awards During GK-12 Project Participation |
Declare nothing to report |
X |
Honor or Recognition |
Name of honor or recognition |
X |
Organization granting the award |
X |
Year earned |
X |
Other Award: Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant Other Than GK-12 |
Title of proposal |
X |
Awarding agency |
X |
Year awarded |
X |
7. Development Activities |
Average hours per week spent on GK-12 activities |
X |
Did you participate in regular training throughout the year specific to your GK-12 project?
Format of training (check all that apply)
Elaborate why not |
X |
Did you participate in a GK-12 summer institute?
How long did the summer institute last? (select one)
Elaborate why not |
X |
Professional development activities associated with your GK-12 project during the reporting period. Because some of these activities were ongoing throughout the entire reporting period and others were limited to summer institutes, indicate when these professional development activities occurred. Check “Summer,” “Yearlong,” or both, if applicable. (check all that apply)
X |
8. International Experience |
Did you visit a foreign country as part of your GK-12 experience?
X |
Experience per Country |
Country |
X |
Main purpose of visit |
X |
Length of international experience in weeks (1-52) |
X |
As part of your international experience, did you (check all that apply)
X |
Most beneficial professional or career related aspect of this international activity |
X |
Do you plan to continue with this international collaboration?
X |
Specify why you do or do not plan to continue with this international collaboration |
X |
9. Professional Experience |
Has your professional practice in the following areas improved as a result of your participation in GK-12: (check all that apply)
X |
The estimated average number of annual respondents is 1,267, with an estimated average annual response burden of 3,529 hours. The Web-based collection is an annual activity of the GK-12 program. We estimate an annual average of 86 awards, 588 NSF-funded fellows, and 593 lead/NSF-supported cooperating teachers responding each year. The number of respondents was estimated using data from the current portfolio of GK-12 awards, and the estimated annual hour burden per respondent was determined using the burden information reported by respondents during the last collection cycle, when only NSF-funded fellows and lead/NSF-supported cooperating teachers reported data.
The burden estimated is outlined below.
Respondent Type |
Estimated Average Annual No. of Respondents |
Estimated Average Annual Burden Hours Per Respondent |
Estimated Annual Burden Hour Total |
Awardees |
86 |
17 |
1,462 |
NSF-funded graduate fellows |
588 |
1.7 |
1,000 |
Lead/NSF-supported cooperating teachers |
593 |
1.8 |
1,067 |
Total |
1,267 |
3,529 |
As mentioned above respondents will be awardees (as reported by the project’s lead PI with help from the project coordinator), NSF-funded graduate fellows, and lead/NSF-supported cooperating teachers. The estimated total annual response burden is 3,529 hours. There is a different Web-based form for each respondent type. The annual burden by form was calculated as follows:
Form |
Respondent Type |
No. of Respondents |
Burden Hours Per Respondent |
Total Burden Hours |
Award form |
Awardees |
86 |
17 |
1,462 |
Fellow form |
NSF-funded graduate fellows |
588 |
1.7 |
1,000 |
Teacher form |
Lead/NSF-supported cooperating teachers |
593 |
1.8 |
1,067 |
Total |
1,267 |
3,529 |
The overall annualized cost to the respondents is estimated to be $108,515. The following table shows the annualized estimates of costs to respondents. The estimated hourly rate for PIs, who are generally university professors, is based on a report from the American Association of University Professors, “Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2014-15,” Academe, March–April 2015, Survey Report Table 4. According to this report, the average salary across all academic ranks and across all types of doctoral-granting institutions (public, private-independent, religiously affiliated) was $87,838. The hourly rate for fellows is based on their annual stipend of $30,000. The rate for cooperating teachers was established by using the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ May 2015 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, which estimates the mean annual wage for those in Education, Training, and Library Occupations to be $52,210. Each of these figures was then divided by the number of standard annual work hours (2,080) to determine an average hourly rate for each respondent type. Those rates and the corresponding total annual costs are indicated in the table below:
Respondent Type |
No. of Respondents |
Burden Hours Per Respondent |
Average Hourly Rate |
Estimated Annual Cost |
Awardees |
86 |
17 |
$42 |
$61,404 |
NSF-funded graduate fellows |
588 |
1.7 |
$14 |
$13,394 |
Lead/NSF-supported cooperating teachers |
593 |
1.8 |
$25 |
$26,685 |
Total |
1,267 |
$101,483 |
Computing the annualized cost to NSF for the GK-12 data collection was done by taking the budget for the most recent year and calculating the costs for each of the following operational activities involved in producing, maintaining, and conducting the data collection:
Operational Activities |
Cost Over Three Years |
System Development (includes initial development of the database and Web-based application, and later changes requested by the program, e.g., increased reporting tools, additional validations) |
$172,232 |
System Maintenance, Updates, and Technical Support (system requires updates each year before opening the collection; maintenance is required to keep the system current with technology, e.g., database servers, operating systems) |
$75,700 |
Data Collection Opening and Support (e.g., online and telephone support to respondents and contacting respondents to encourage completion of the questions), Reporting (as defined by DGE), and Followup Activities (e.g., providing data to other consultants) |
$129,111 |
Three-Year Total for All Operational Activities |
$377,044 |
The annualized cost was computed as one-third of the total three-year costs; thus, the annualized cost to NSF for the GK-12 collection is $125,681.
1. Award Information |
Award Status |
NSF Award ID |
Grantee Institution |
Award Title |
Award Start Date (Month, Day, Year) |
Award End Date (Month, Day, Year) |
Award Dollar Amount |
Annual Carryover Funds: Dollar amount of current year of GK-12 support that will be carried over Total dollar amount that will be carried over Dollar amount of participant support costs that will be carried over Dollar amount of stipends that will be carried over |
List the top three subdisciplines associated with your GK-12 project: Subdiscipline 1: _________ Subdiscipline 2: _________ Subdiscipline 3: _________ |
Award URL |
2. Partnerships and Collaborations |
U.S. Academic Institution |
Institution Name |
City |
State |
Zip Code |
Non-U.S. Academic Institution |
Institution Name |
Country |
Non Academic Institution |
Institution Name |
Institution Type (mark all that apply)
3. Participating Schools In Your GK-12 Project |
K-12 School |
School Name |
School Level (select one)
State |
District Name |
School Setting/Location (select one)
School Type (mark all that apply)
Percentage of students who are eligible for free or reduced price lunch (select one)
4. Lead Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigator Information |
PI/Co-PI |
Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
Lead PI |
Institutional affiliation (Name and State) |
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
E-mail Address |
Should the system e-mail a user ID and password to this participant?
Will this participant have authority to enter data?
Should this participant receive announcements and reminders that are sent to the project’s lead PI from this system and from the Technical Support staff??
Title (e.g. Professor) |
Affiliation/Academic Department |
In what roles, functions, and activities does this PI/co-PI serve the project? |
Academic Disciplines (mark all that apply)
Does this co-PI belong to any of the following categories for education faculty?
Ethnicity (select one)
Race (Mark one or more)
Gender (select one)
Disability: (Select one)
5. Project Coordinator Information |
Mark the box if your project does not have a coordinator and skip the other questions in this section |
Project Coordinator |
Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
Should the system e-mail a user ID and password to this Project Coordinator?
Will this participant have the authority to enter data?
Should this participant receive copies of announcements and reminders that are sent to your project’s lead PI from this system and its Technical Support staff?
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
E-Mail Address |
6. Graduate Fellow Information |
Graduate Fellow |
Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
Citizenship (select one)
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
E-mail Address |
Fellowship Start Date Month Year |
Fellowship End Date Month Year |
Total stipend received by graduate fellow
If funded by other source(s): Source(s) of non-NSF funding $ Amount |
7. Cooperating Teacher Information |
Cooperating Teacher |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
School E-mail Address |
Other E-mail Address |
Lead teacher and/or NSF supported Teacher |
What NSF GK-12 funds did this teacher receive during the current reporting period? Stipend $________ Travel Budget $________ Materials Budget $_________ Other $_________ Please Explain: _________ |
8. Award Evaluator Information |
Award Evaluator |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
E-mail Address |
Organization/Unit |
9. Other Participant Information |
Other Participant |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
Should the system e-mail a user ID and password for this participant?
Will this participant have the authority to enter data?
Participant Role (select one)
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type (mark one)
E-mail Address |
10. Academic Achievements Related to GK-12 Activities and Themes |
Achievement |
Academic Achievement Product (select one)
Citation (with NSF-funded GK-12 fellows noted by “*” and cooperating teachers noted by “+”) |
11. Additional Funding Sources |
Source |
Source Name |
Additional funding source type (select one)
Amount of additional funding $________ |
Additional funding type (mark all that apply)
12. Program Outreach Information |
Outreach Activity |
Activity Title |
Activity description |
13. Development Activities |
Fellows’ Developmental Activities:
Fellows’ other development activities: (mark all that apply)
Cooperating Teachers’ Development Activities: (mark all that apply)
14. International Experience |
Mark the box if your project did not participate in an international experience and skip the other questions in this section. |
What country or countries did any your project participants visit as part of the GK-12 international experience (select all that apply)
How many of your fellows engaged in an international experience through the GK-12 project during this reporting period:_______ |
How many of your teachers engaged in an international experience through the GK-12 project during this reporting period:_______ |
Identify the following international activities involving GK-12 fellows (mark all that apply)
Identify the following international activities involving GK-12 teachers (mark all that apply)
Identify the opportunities for PIs and co-PIs that resulted from the international experiences associated with the GK-12 project. (mark all that apply)
Do you plan to maintain the collaborations developed from the international experience
Please specify why your project does or does not plan to maintain collaborations developed from the international experiences: |
Briefly identify up to three research or educational achievements resulting from the international component of your GK-12 project. Each achievement may involve a single fellow or a group of fellows. Achievement 1:_______________ Achievement 2:_______________ Achievement 3:_______________ |
15. Program Impact |
Do you have an overall plan in place and active with a specific set of goals and timelines for recruitment and retention of GK-12 fellows, including specifics for broadening participation of groups underrepresented in science and engineering?
Regardless of your response to the previous question, please describe up to three of the best practices you employed to recruit qualified fellows to your GK-12 project during this reporting period. Best Practice 1:_______________ Best Practice 2:_______________ Best Practice 3:_______________ |
Please describe the extent to which each of the following practices has been productive for recruiting fellows overall to your GK-12 project during this reporting period
Please describe the extent to which each of the following practices has been productive for recruiting underrepresented minority and women fellows overall to your GK-12 project during this reporting period.
16. Verify Fellows Interactions with K-12 Students |
Approve/edit/add fellow-teacher pairs submitted by fellows and teachers
Approve/edit/add in- classroom locations submitted by fellows
Approve/edit/add out-of-classroom activities submitted by fellows
1. Contact Information Some data will be pre-filled with data entered by the PI |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
Social Security Number: (select one) I choose to report my full SSN:___-__-____ I choose to report the last 4 digits of my SSN: ____ Other (if blank system assigns 999-99-9999): __________ |
Current Address: Street address 1 Street
address 2 Zip or postal code |
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type: (mark one)
E-mail Address |
2. Permanent Contact Information |
Permanent Address: Street address 1 Street
address 2 Zip or postal code |
Permanent Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type: (mark one)
Permanent E-mail Address |
3. Demographic Information |
Ethnicity: (select one)
Race: (mark one or more)
Citizenship: (select one)
Permanent Resident since: [reported only by permanent residents] Month Year |
Disability: (Select one)
Place of Birth (U.S. State or Country) |
4. Academic History |
Name of high school/secondary school/institution from which you graduated/received a diploma |
Location of High School (City, State or Country, and Zip or Postal code) |
School type (select one)
Undergraduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
Degree: (select one)
Discipline: (select one)
Academic Department |
Date of Completion: Month
Graduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
Degree: (select one)
Discipline: (select one)
Academic Department |
Date of Completion: Month Year |
5. Previous Employment and Teaching Experience |
Do you have a K-12 teaching certification?
Do you have any prior K-12 teaching experience?
Have you taken/are you taking any education certification courses?
Were you employed in the public or private sector for 1 or more years after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming a GK-12 fellow?
Total number of years (equal to or greater than 1 year, to the nearest year) you were employed in the public or private sector after receiving your first undergraduate degree and prior to becoming a GK-12 fellow |
6. Current Graduate Work |
Current Graduate Institution:_________________ |
Date when you started your program: Month Year |
Expected Graduation Date Month Year |
If you expect to graduate within one year, what type of employment are you pursuing? (check all that apply)
If you expect to graduate within one year, what type of employment would you prefer most? (check one)
Academic level during fellowship year: (select one)
Discipline: (select one)
Academic Department |
Amount of NSF funds in your GK-12 stipend for the current academic year: (select one)
Did you have to pay tuition and fees in excess of the $10,500 allowance for the cost of education?
If yes, how much did you have to pay? |
How does your fellowship stipend compare to stipends received by regular teaching or research fellowships at your institution?
What is your research topic? (research topic does not have to be related to GK-12) |
Does your research involve the following: (check all that apply)
7. Research Advisor Information |
Advisor’s Name: Title First name Middle name Last name Suffix |
Advisor’s Academic Discipline: (select one)
Advisor’s Academic Department |
Advisor’s phone: Number Extension |
Advisor’s E-mail Address |
8. Interactions with K-12 Students |
Teachers you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation: (select all that apply)
Schools, organizations and other locations you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation: (select all that apply)
Class You Worked With as Part of Your GK-12 Participation |
School |
Teacher(s) of This Class (select all that apply)
Class Name |
Additional Identifying Information (e.g. period, time, marking period) |
Grade of students (mark all that apply)
Subjects (select one)
How is this course considered?
Number of students |
Out-of-Classroom GK-12 Activity |
Schools and organizations you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation in this out-of-classroom activity with K-12 students: (select all that apply from preloaded list and add nonpartners)
Organizations not partnered with project |
Activity Type(s): (check all that apply)
Number of K-12 teachers you worked with as part of your out-of-classroom GK-12 activity |
Number of K-12 students you worked with as part of your out-of-classroom GK-12 activity |
Overall Classroom Experience |
To what extent did you integrate your research into the GK-12 classroom experience for each of the items listed below (for each item choose one rating)
Please check the activities that you participated in while in the classroom: (check all that apply)
9. Honors and Awards During GK-12 Project Participation |
o Select if no honors or awards to report |
Honor or Recognition |
Name of honor or recognition |
Organization granting the award |
Year earned |
Other Award: Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant Other Than GK-12 |
Title of the proposal |
Awarding agency |
Year awarded |
10. Development Activities |
Average hours per week spent on GK-12 activities |
Did you participate in regular training throughout the year specific to your GK-12 project
Format of training (check all that apply)
Training received:
Did you participate in a GK-12 summer institute?
How long did the summer institute last? (select one)
Other (please specify): __________ |
Professional development activities associated with your GK-12 project during the reporting period. (check all that apply)
11. International Experience |
Did you visit a foreign country as part of your GK-12 fellowship?
Experience per Country |
Country |
Main purpose of visit |
Length of international experience in weeks (1-52) |
Activities that you participated in as part of your international experience (check all that apply)
Is this international experience related to your current graduate research? (select one)
Most beneficial professional or career related aspect of this international activity |
Were you prepared for your international experience?
How were you prepared prior to the international visit? (check all that apply)
What experiences were included in the preparation for your international experience? (check all that apply)
What did you accomplish? |
What types of accomplishments apply to your international experience? (check all that apply)
Do you plan to continue with this international collaboration?
Specify why you do or do not plan to continue with this international collaboration |
12. Research and Professional Experience |
How involved was your faculty advisor in your GK-12 activities? (select one)
How did participation in GK-12 activities affect your graduate research productivity? (check all that apply)
How did your GK-12 participation affect your professional pursuits and career goals as a scientist? (check all that apply)
Check the areas in which your knowledge/skills have improved as a result of your GK‑12 participation. (check all that apply)
Involvement with the GK-12 program |
Most important thing you gained from participating in the GK-12 program |
Most important contribution you made to the GK-12 program |
List up to two concerns about or areas of improvement for the GK-12 program or your experience with the program. Concern 1 Concern 2 |
1. Contact Information Some data will be pre-filled with data entered by PI |
Name: Title Middle name Last name Suffix |
Address: Street address 1 Street
address 2 Zip or postal code |
Phone: Number Extension |
Alternate Phone: Number Extension Type: (mark one)
School E-mail Address |
Other E-mail Address |
School Name(s) |
2. Demographic Information |
Ethnicity: (select one)
Race: (Mark one or more)
Disability: (Select one)
3. Degrees |
Undergraduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
Degree: (select one)
Discipline: (select one)
Date of Completion: Month
Graduate Degree |
Institution: U.S. Institution (Name and State) OR International Institution: Name Country |
Degree: (select one)
Discipline: (select one)
Date of Completion: Month Year |
4. Teaching Experience and Credentials |
Total number of years teaching (at any K–12 school) |
Do you have any K-12 teaching certification?
Grades certified to teach: (select all that apply)
Subjects certified to teach: (select all that apply)
Did you receive your certification through an alternative certification program? (e.g., Teach for America)
5. Experience Working With GK-12 Fellows |
Graduate fellows you worked with as part of your GK-12 participation |
Fellow |
Fellow Name (Select names from fellow list pre-populated with data entered by the PI) |
Subjects (check all that apply)
# Male students |
# Female students |
# Underrepresented minority students |
Activity/Lesson Written/Developed in Classroom Using Fellows as Scientific Experts |
Grade level(s) for activity/lesson developed (mark all that apply)
Academic Disciplines (mark all that apply)
Brief Description |
Overall Experience Working with Fellows |
Average hours a week worked directly with GK-12 fellows |
How many of these hours, that you spent working directly with your GK-12 fellows, were spent on planning/preparation? |
Please check the activities of the GK-12 fellows with whom you worked (check all that apply)
grade level
Using the following table, indicate how your GK-12 fellows incorporated their research into your classroom.
6. Honors and Awards During GK-12 Project Participation |
Declare nothing to report |
Honor or Recognition |
Name of honor or recognition |
Organization granting the award |
Year earned |
Other Award: Fellowship, Scholarship, or Grant Other Than GK-12 |
Title of proposal |
Awarding agency |
Year awarded |
7. Development Activities |
Average hours per week spent on GK-12 activities |
Did you participate in regular training throughout the year specific to your GK-12 project?
Format of training (check all that apply)
Elaborate why not |
Did you participate in a GK-12 summer institute?
How long did the summer institute last? (select one)
Elaborate why not |
Professional development activities associated with your GK-12 project during the reporting period. Because some of these activities were ongoing throughout the entire reporting period and others were limited to summer institutes, indicate when these professional development activities occurred. Check “Summer,” “Yearlong,” or both, if applicable. (check all that apply)
8. International Experience |
Did you visit a foreign country as part of your GK-12 experience?
Experience per Country |
Country |
Main purpose of visit |
Length of international experience in weeks (1-52) |
As part of your international experience, did you (check all that apply)
Most beneficial professional or career related aspect of this international activity |
Do you plan to continue with this international collaboration?
Specify why you do or do not plan to continue with this international collaboration |
9. Professional Experience |
Has your professional practice in the following areas improved as a result of your participation in GK-12: (check all that apply)
1 Elements of these characteristics include: Name, address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race, disability status, class, major, grade point average, yearly fellowship or stipend amount, and project role.
2 Elements of these characteristics include: Sources and amount of funds, fellowships, scholarships, traineeships, partnerships, training, and research methods.
3 Elements of these characteristics include: research findings, publications, presentations, degrees granted, and educational materials.
4 Academic disciplines used throughout the GK-12 surveys:
Chemistry – Analytical
Chemistry – Bio-inorganic
Chemistry – Bio-organic
Chemistry – Biophysical
Chemistry – Environmental
Chemistry – Inorganic
Chemistry – Materials
Chemistry – Physical
Chemistry – Polymer
Chemistry – Theoretical
Chemistry – Other (please specify):
Comp/IS/Eng – Artificial Intelligence (including Robotics, Computer Vision, and Human Language Processing)
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Architecture and Grids
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Languages and Systems
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Theoretical Foundations
Comp/IS/Eng – Database Information Retrieval and Web Search
Comp/IS/Eng – Graphics and Visualization
Comp/IS/Eng – Human Computer Interaction
Comp/IS/Eng – Information Security and Assurance
Comp/IS/Eng – Information Technology and Organizations
Comp/IS/Eng – Networks and Communications
Comp/IS/Eng – Operating Systems and Middleware
Comp/IS/Eng – Scientific Computing and Informatics
Comp/IS/Eng – Software Engineering
Comp/IS/Eng – Other (please specify):
Engineering – Aeronautical and Aerospace
Engineering – Agricultural
Engineering – Bioengineering
Engineering – Biomedical
Engineering – Chemical
Engineering – Civil
Engineering – Computer Engineering
Engineering – Electrical and Electronic
Engineering – Energy
Engineering – Engineering Mechanics
Engineering – Engineering Science
Engineering – Environmental
Engineering – Industrial
Engineering – Materials
Engineering – Mechanical
Engineering – Metallurgical
Engineering – Nuclear
Engineering – Ocean
Engineering – Petroleum
Engineering – Polymer
Engineering – Systems Engineering
Engineering – Other (please specify):
Geosciences – Aeronomy
Geosciences – Atmospheric Chemistry
Geosciences – Chemical Oceanography
Geosciences – Climate Dynamics
Geosciences – Geochemistry
Geosciences – Geology
Geosciences – Geophysics
Geosciences – Hydrologic Sciences
Geosciences – Large Scale Dynamics Meteorology
Geosciences – Magnetospheric Physics
Geosciences – Marine Geology and Geophysics
Geosciences – Mesoscale Dynamic Meteorology
Geosciences – Paleoclimate
Geosciences – Paleontology
Geosciences – Physical Meteorology
Geosciences – Physical Oceanography
Geosciences – Solar-Terrestrial
Geosciences – Other (please specify):
Life Sciences – Agriculture
Life Sciences – Agronomy
Life Sciences – Anatomy
Life Sciences – Animal Behavior
Life Sciences – Animal Science
Life Sciences – Biochemistry
Life Sciences – Biological Oceanography
Life Sciences – Biophysics
Life Sciences – Botany (including Plant Physiology)
Life Sciences – Cell Biology
Life Sciences – Computational Biology
Life Sciences – Developmental Biology
Life Sciences – Ecology
Life Sciences – Ecosystem Ecology
Life Sciences – Entomology
Life Sciences – Environmental Sciences
Life Sciences – Evolutionary Biology
Life Sciences – Fish and Wildlife
Life Sciences – Forestry
Life Sciences – Genetics
Life Sciences – Horticulture
Life Sciences – Immunology
Life Sciences – Marine Biology
Life Sciences – Microbiology
Life Sciences – Molecular Biology
Life Sciences – Neurosciences
Life Sciences – Nutrition
Life Sciences – Pharmacology
Life Sciences – Physiology
Life Sciences – Plant Pathology
Life Sciences – Population and Community Ecology
Life Sciences – Soil Science
Life Sciences – Structural Biology
Life Sciences – Virology
Life Sciences – Zoology
Life Sciences – Other (please specify):
Mathematical Sciences – Algebra or Number Theory
Mathematical Sciences – Analysis
Mathematical Sciences – Applications of Mathematics (including Biometrics and Biostatistics)
Mathematical Sciences – Geometry
Mathematical Sciences – Logic or Foundations of Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences – Operations Research
Mathematical Sciences – Probability and Statistics
Mathematical Sciences – Topology
Mathematical Sciences – Other (please specify):
Physics and Astronomy – Astronomy
Physics and Astronomy – Astrophysics
Physics and Astronomy – Atomic and Molecular
Physics and Astronomy – Condensed Matter Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Nuclear
Physics and Astronomy – Optics
Physics and Astronomy – Particle Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Physics of Fluids
Physics and Astronomy – Plasma
Physics and Astronomy – Solid State
Physics and Astronomy – Theoretical Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Other (please specify):
Psychology – Cognitive
Psychology – Cognitive Neuroscience
Psychology – Computational Psychology
Psychology – Developmental
Psychology – Experimental or Comparative
Psychology – Industrial/Organizational
Psychology – Neuropsychology
Psychology – Perception and Psychophysics
Psychology – Personality and Individual Differences
Psychology – Physiological
Psychology – Psycholinguistics
Psychology – Quantitative
Psychology – Social
Psychology – Other (please specify):
Social Sciences – Archaeology
Social Sciences – Cliometric History
Social Sciences – Communications
Social Sciences – Cultural Anthropology
Social Sciences – Decision Making
Social Sciences – Demography
Social Sciences – Econometrics
Social Sciences – Economics (except Business Administration)
Social Sciences – Geography
Social Sciences – History of Science
Social Sciences – International Relations
Social Sciences – Law and Social Science
Social Sciences – Linguistics Anthropology
Social Sciences – Linguistics
Social Sciences – Medical Anthropology
Social Sciences – Philosophy of Science
Social Sciences – Physical Anthropology
Social Sciences – Political Science
Social Sciences – Public Policy
Social Sciences – Risk Analysis
Social Sciences – Science Policy
Social Sciences – Sociology (except Social Work)
Social Sciences – Urban and Regional Planning
Social Sciences – Other (please specify):
STEM Education and Learning Research – Engineering Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Mathematics Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Science Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Technology Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Other (please specify):
Other (please specify):
5 Elements of these characteristics include: Name, address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race, disability status, class, major, grade point average, yearly fellowship or stipend amount, and project role.
6 Elements of these characteristics include: Sources and amount of funds, fellowships, scholarships, traineeships, partnerships, training, and research methods.
7 Elements of these characteristics include: research findings, publications, presentations, degrees granted, and educational materials.
8 Elements of these characteristics include: Name, address, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, race, disability status, class, major, grade point average, yearly fellowship or stipend amount, or project role.
9 Elements of these characteristics include: Sources and amount of funds, fellowships, scholarships, traineeships, partnerships, training, research methods.
10 Elements of these characteristics include: research findings, publications, presentations, degrees granted, educational materials.
11 Academic disciplines used throughout the GK-12 surveys:
Chemistry – Analytical
Chemistry – Bio-inorganic
Chemistry – Bio-organic
Chemistry – Biophysical
Chemistry – Environmental
Chemistry – Inorganic
Chemistry – Materials
Chemistry – Physical
Chemistry – Polymer
Chemistry – Theoretical
Chemistry – Other (please specify):
Comp/IS/Eng – Artificial Intelligence (including Robotics, Computer Vision, and Human Language Processing)
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Architecture and Grids
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Languages and Systems
Comp/IS/Eng – Computer Science – Theoretical Foundations
Comp/IS/Eng – Database Information Retrieval and Web Search
Comp/IS/Eng – Graphics and Visualization
Comp/IS/Eng – Human Computer Interaction
Comp/IS/Eng – Information Security and Assurance
Comp/IS/Eng – Information Technology and Organizations
Comp/IS/Eng – Networks and Communications
Comp/IS/Eng – Operating Systems and Middleware
Comp/IS/Eng – Scientific Computing and Informatics
Comp/IS/Eng – Software Engineering
Comp/IS/Eng – Other (please specify):
Engineering – Aeronautical and Aerospace
Engineering – Agricultural
Engineering – Bioengineering
Engineering – Biomedical
Engineering – Chemical
Engineering – Civil
Engineering – Computer Engineering
Engineering – Electrical and Electronic
Engineering – Energy
Engineering – Engineering Mechanics
Engineering – Engineering Science
Engineering – Environmental
Engineering – Industrial
Engineering – Materials
Engineering – Mechanical
Engineering – Metallurgical
Engineering – Nuclear
Engineering – Ocean
Engineering – Petroleum
Engineering – Polymer
Engineering – Systems Engineering
Engineering – Other (please specify):
Geosciences – Aeronomy
Geosciences – Atmospheric Chemistry
Geosciences – Chemical Oceanography
Geosciences – Climate Dynamics
Geosciences – Geochemistry
Geosciences – Geology
Geosciences – Geophysics
Geosciences – Hydrologic Sciences
Geosciences – Large Scale Dynamics Meteorology
Geosciences – Magnetospheric Physics
Geosciences – Marine Geology and Geophysics
Geosciences – Mesoscale Dynamic Meteorology
Geosciences – Paleoclimate
Geosciences – Paleontology
Geosciences – Physical Meteorology
Geosciences – Physical Oceanography
Geosciences – Solar-Terrestrial
Geosciences – Other (please specify):
Life Sciences – Agriculture
Life Sciences – Agronomy
Life Sciences – Anatomy
Life Sciences – Animal Behavior
Life Sciences – Animal Science
Life Sciences – Biochemistry
Life Sciences – Biological Oceanography
Life Sciences – Biophysics
Life Sciences – Botany (including Plant Physiology)
Life Sciences – Cell Biology
Life Sciences – Computational Biology
Life Sciences – Developmental Biology
Life Sciences – Ecology
Life Sciences – Ecosystem Ecology
Life Sciences – Entomology
Life Sciences – Environmental Sciences
Life Sciences – Evolutionary Biology
Life Sciences – Fish and Wildlife
Life Sciences – Forestry
Life Sciences – Genetics
Life Sciences – Horticulture
Life Sciences – Immunology
Life Sciences – Marine Biology
Life Sciences – Microbiology
Life Sciences – Molecular Biology
Life Sciences – Neurosciences
Life Sciences – Nutrition
Life Sciences – Pharmacology
Life Sciences – Physiology
Life Sciences – Plant Pathology
Life Sciences – Population and Community Ecology
Life Sciences – Soil Science
Life Sciences – Structural Biology
Life Sciences – Virology
Life Sciences – Zoology
Life Sciences – Other (please specify):
Mathematical Sciences – Algebra or Number Theory
Mathematical Sciences – Analysis
Mathematical Sciences – Applications of Mathematics (including Biometrics and Biostatistics)
Mathematical Sciences – Geometry
Mathematical Sciences – Logic or Foundations of Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences – Operations Research
Mathematical Sciences – Probability and Statistics
Mathematical Sciences – Topology
Mathematical Sciences – Other (please specify):
Physics and Astronomy – Astronomy
Physics and Astronomy – Astrophysics
Physics and Astronomy – Atomic and Molecular
Physics and Astronomy – Condensed Matter Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Nuclear
Physics and Astronomy – Optics
Physics and Astronomy – Particle Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Physics of Fluids
Physics and Astronomy – Plasma
Physics and Astronomy – Solid State
Physics and Astronomy – Theoretical Physics
Physics and Astronomy – Other (please specify):
Psychology – Cognitive
Psychology – Cognitive Neuroscience
Psychology – Computational Psychology
Psychology – Developmental
Psychology – Experimental or Comparative
Psychology – Industrial/Organizational
Psychology – Neuropsychology
Psychology – Perception and Psychophysics
Psychology – Personality and Individual Differences
Psychology – Physiological
Psychology – Psycholinguistics
Psychology – Quantitative
Psychology – Social
Psychology – Other (please specify):
Social Sciences – Archaeology
Social Sciences – Cliometric History
Social Sciences – Communications
Social Sciences – Cultural Anthropology
Social Sciences – Decision Making
Social Sciences – Demography
Social Sciences – Econometrics
Social Sciences – Economics (except Business Administration)
Social Sciences – Geography
Social Sciences – History of Science
Social Sciences – International Relations
Social Sciences – Law and Social Science
Social Sciences – Linguistics Anthropology
Social Sciences – Linguistics
Social Sciences – Medical Anthropology
Social Sciences – Philosophy of Science
Social Sciences – Physical Anthropology
Social Sciences – Political Science
Social Sciences – Public Policy
Social Sciences – Risk Analysis
Social Sciences – Science Policy
Social Sciences – Sociology (except Social Work)
Social Sciences – Urban and Regional Planning
Social Sciences – Other (please specify):
STEM Education and Learning Research – Engineering Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Mathematics Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Science Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Technology Education
STEM Education and Learning Research – Other (please specify):
Other (please specify):
File Type | application/msword |
Author | 24328 |
Last Modified By | Plimpton, Suzanne H. |
File Modified | 2016-02-11 |
File Created | 2016-02-11 |