National Center on Early Head Start–Child Care Partnerships (NCEHS-CCP) Evaluation
Stakeholder Survey
June 27, 2016
OMB No.: xxxx-xxxx
Expiration Date: xx-xx-20xx
Welcome to the National Center on Early Head Start–
Child Care Partnerships (NCEHS-CCP) survey!
To access the survey, please enter your username and password in the boxes above.
If you have any questions about the study or about completing this survey, please contact the study team by email at [email] or by phone at [phone number] (toll-free).
Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement:
This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to
learn about the training and technical assistance delivered by the
National Center on Early Head Start–Child Care Partnerships.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for
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Mathematica Policy Research is conducting the National Center on Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships (NCEHS-CCP) survey commissioned by NCEHS-CCP at ZERO TO THREE and funded by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
In fiscal year 2014, the federal government funded an expansion of effective early learning opportunities for children from birth to age three through Early Head Start–Child Care Partnerships (EHS-CCP). NCEHS-CCP supports the effective implementation of new EHS-CCP grants by disseminating information through training and technical assistance (T/TA) and resources and materials. NCEHS-CCP is primarily targeted to T/TA providers working directly with the EHS-CCP grantees, including the Office of Head Start (OHS) and the Office of Child Care (OCC) national centers, regional T/TA specialists, and implementation planners and fiscal consultants. NCEHS-CCP also has helpful information on partnerships for state and federal agencies, including OHS and OCC federal staff, Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) administrators, and Head Start state and national collaboration office directors.
This brief survey is intended to collect information about your experience with NCEHS-CCP as a stakeholder involved in supporting the implementation of EHS-CCP.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your participation in the study is voluntary and you may refuse to answer any question. Please be assured that all information you provide will be kept private to the extent permitted by law. The survey will take about 30 minutes of your time to complete.
Participation in this study is voluntary. We thank you for your cooperation and participation in this very important study.
The information you provide will be used only for statistical purposes. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your consent.
Please answer all of the questions.
You may complete the survey all at once or save your responses and return at a later time.
Please use the buttons and links on each page to move through the survey. Using “Enter” or your browser’s “Back” function may cause errors.
If you are returning to finish your saved survey, you will return to the point where you left off. You will not be able to go backward to questions you answered during a previous session.
If you have any questions about the study or about completing this survey, please contact the study team by email at [email] or by phone at [phone number] (toll-free).
S1. Please record your name, title, organization, business address, telephone number, and email address below so that we can contact you if we have any questions about the survey.
First Name:
Last Name:
Business Street Address 1:
Business Street Address 2:
Business City:
Business State:
Business Zip:
Business Telephone:
Business Email Address:
S2. Please indicate the role you hold at your current organization.
Select one only
Regional training/technical assistance specialist 1
Implementation planner or fiscal consultant 2
State or national Head Start collaboration office director 3
Child Care and Development Fund administrator 4
Q1. Please indicate each type of support you received through the National Center on Early Head Start–Child Care Partnerships (NCEHS-CCP) in the past year.
Select all that apply
Contacted NCEHS-CCP by telephone or email 1
Contacted NCEHS-CCP by the We are Listening link on the NCEHS-CCP website 2
Participated in an in-person training or professional development activity (e.g.: EHS-CC Partnerships Orientation, OHS T/TA Providers Professional Development, EHS-CC Partnerships Regional Meeting) 3
Participated in a training webinar (e.g.: Implementation Planners/Fiscal Consultants Learning Community Webinars, New to Head Start Grantees Learning Community Webinars, Process Consultation Facilitators Training) 4
Participated in a community of learning (CoL) 5
Accessed resources from the NCEHS-CCP website 6
Other (specify) 99
I have not received support from NCEHS-CCP 7
PROGRAMMER: LINK THE ABOVE PHRASE “COMMUNITY OF LEARNING (cOL)” TO THE FOLLOWING DEFINITION: Communities of learning (CoL) are organized facilitated groups that provide members a venue in which to share resources, best practices, and other information with their colleagues, NCEHS-CCP, OHS, and OCC. Regular strategies to connect CoL members may include listservs, webinars, calls, shared virtual meeting space, large and small topical discussions or sessions, and so on. LINK THE WORD “WEBSITE” IN ITEM 6 TO: IF NO RESPONSE GIVEN TO Q1 OR Q1 = 7, GO TO Q16, OTHERWISE CONTINUE TO Q2. |
IF Q1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OR 99
Q2. Please indicate how frequently you used the [SUPPORT] in the past year.
Select one only
1 to 2 times 1
3 to 4 times 2
5 or more times 3
Don’t know d
IF Q1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OR 99
Q3. You indicated that you received support from NCEHS-CCP in the past year. Please indicate the content area of the support.
Select all that apply
Building relationships and developing partnerships 1
Managing fiscal resources to support EHS-CCP 2
Understanding regulations and standards and the implications for EHS-CCP 3
Hiring, training, and providing professional development to EHS-CCP staff 4
Developing and implementing management systems for EHS-CCP. 5
Delivering EHS-CCP services. 6
Other (specify) 99
IF Q3 = 1
Q4A. Please indicate the topic of the support you received within the building relationships and developing partnerships content area when you [SUPPORT].
Select all that apply
Establishing partnership leadership teams and identifying roles and responsibilities 1
Developing responsive partnership agreements through a collaborative process 2
Establishing common goals, objectives, and expected outcomes 3
Establishing and maintaining communication protocols and norms 4
Establishing and maintaining a process for resolving differences. 5
Coordinating and sharing management and leadership. 6
Establishing partnerships that are culturally sensitive and inclusive 7
Other (specify) 99
IF Q3 = 2
Q4B. Please indicate the topic of the support you received within the managing fiscal resources to support EHS-CCP content area when you [SUPPORT].
Select all that apply
Establishing policies and procedures for addressing layering and coordination of funds from various sources 1
Developing and executing performance-based contracts with partners 2
Budgeting for technical assistance and professional development needs 3
Developing policies for procurement, cost allocation, fiscal monitoring, and reporting 4
Establishing plans for gaps in funding. 5
Establishing plans for partnership sustainability 6
Other (specify) 99
IF Q3 = 3
Q4C. Please indicate the topic of the support you received within the understanding regulations and standards and the implications for EHS-CCP content area when you [SUPPORT].
Select all that apply
Understanding similarities and discrepancies among the regulations and standards EHS-CC partners must meet 1
Addressing discrepancies between program regulations and standards 2
Identifying and defining program-specific terminology and language in regulations and standards 3
Enrolling in state early childhood quality rating and improvement systems 4
Understanding and adhering to state or local child care licensing regulations. 5
Understanding and adhering to Child Care and Development Block Grant reauthorization and regulations 6
Understanding and adhering to Head Start Program Performance Standards 7
Other (specify) 99
IF Q3 = 4
Q4D. Please indicate the topic of the support you received within the hiring, training, and providing professional development to EHS-CCP staff content area when you [SUPPORT].
Select all that apply
Recruiting and hiring and retaining qualified staff 1
Establishing staff compensation scales and policies 2
Developing professional development plans that include responsive caregiving for teaching staff 3
Helping programs establish professional development goals 4
Aligning professional development action plans and budgets. 5
Other (specify) 99
IF Q3 = 5
Q4E. Please indicate the topic of the support you received within the developing and implementing management systems for EHS-CCP content area when you [SUPPORT].
Select all that apply
Supporting the development and maintenance of facilities to meet health and safety requirements 1
Developing and implementing transportation policies 2
Establishing and maintaining Policy Council representation across partnerships 3
Developing and implementing ongoing monitoring, communication, data collection, and reporting systems 4
Establishing and implementing enrollment policies and procedures. 5
Other (specify) 99
IF Q3 = 6
Q4F. Please indicate the topic of the support you received within the delivering EHS-CCP services content area when you [SUPPORT].
Select all that apply
Implementing relationship-based services for children and families enrolled in partnerships 1
Applying current research and best practices in culturally sensitive relationships and services 2
Developing and implementing work plans for the delivery of services to children and families enrolled in partnerships that meet relevant standards and regulations 3
Developing, implementing, and monitoring transition plans for children enrolled in partnerships 4
Establishing roles and responsibilities across partners to meet and address all of the program standards 5
Establishing procedures for supporting families enrolled in partnerships in setting goals for themselves and their children and tracking those goals over time. 6
Developing and implementing plans for identifying and engaging community partners 7
Other (specify) 99
IF Q1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OR 99
Q5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the support you received from NCEHS-CCP when you [SUPPORT] in the past year?
Select one only
Very satisfied 1
Satisfied 2
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 3
Dissatisfied 4
Very dissatisfied 5
IF Q1 = 1 OR 2
Q6. Thinking about your contact with NCEHS-CCP by telephone, email, OR the We are Listening link, please indicate how much you agree with the following statement.
a. The level of detail of my response met my information needs.
b. The response increased my knowledge of the subject or topic.
c. The response was relevant to my work with EHS-CCP grantees.
d. The response was accurate.
e. The referrals made by NCEHS-CCP were appropriate and targeted to the correct resource or organization.
Select one only
Strongly agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
Somewhat disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4
Don’t know d
IF Q1 = 3 OR 4
Q7. Thinking about the trainings (in person or webinar) or professional development activities you participated in, please indicate how much you agree with the following statement.
a. The trainers were knowledgeable on the topics they presented during the trainings.
b. The trainers clarified content in response to questions.
c. The trainers allowed appropriate time for questions and discussions.
d. The trainers were effective in engaging participants.
e. The training increased my knowledge of the subject or topic.
f. The information presented during the training was relevant to my work with EHS- CCP grantees.
g. The information presented during the training was accurate.
Select one only
Strongly agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
Somewhat disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4
Don’t know d
IF Q1 = 5
Q8. Thinking about your participation in the communities of learning, please indicate how much you agree with the following statement.
a. The facilitators allowed appropriate time for questions and discussions.
b. The facilitators were effective in engaging participants.
c. Participation in the communities of learning (CoL) has increased my knowledge of the subject or topic.
d. Participation in the communities of learning (CoL) is relevant to my work with EHS- CCP grantees.
Select one only
Strongly agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
Somewhat disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4
Don’t know d
IF Q1 = 6
Q9. Thinking about the resources you accessed through the NCEHS-CCP website, please indicate how much you agree with the following statement.
a. The resources were clear and easy to understand.
b. The resources were relevant to my work with EHS-CCP grantees.
c. The resources increased my knowledge of the subject or topic.
d. The resources were easy to find on the NCEHS-CCP web portal.
e. The NCEHS-CCP web portal was easy to navigate.
Select one only
Strongly agree 1
Somewhat agree 2
Somewhat disagree 3
Strongly disagree 4
Don’t know d
IF Q1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 OR 99
Q10. How did you use the information received through NCEHS-CCP with EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners?
Select all that apply
Shared materials with EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners 1 GO TO Q12
Used information to develop materials for EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners 2 GO TO Q12
Used information to develop a training for EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners 3 GO TO Q12
Did not use the information yet but plan to use it in the future 4 GO TO Q11
Did not use the information and do not plan to do so in the future. 5 GO TO Q12
Provided some other type of technical assistance (specify) 99 GO TO Q12
IF Q10 = 4
Q11. If you have not used the information yet but plan to, how do you plan to use the information received through NCEHS-CCP with EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners in the future?
Select all that apply
Will share materials with EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners 1
Will use information to develop materials for EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners 2
Will use information to develop a training for EHS-CCP grantees and child care partners 3
Will provide some other type of technical assistance (specify) 99
IF Q1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OR 99
Q12. Have you used the information received through NCEHS-CCP with other stakeholders?
By stakeholders, we mean individuals or organizations working with EHS-CCP grantees directly or indirectly.
Select all that apply
Shared materials with stakeholders regarding EHS-CCP 1 GO TO Q15
Used information to develop materials for stakeholders regarding EHS-CCP 2 GO TO Q15
Used information to develop a training for stakeholders regarding EHS-CCP 3 GO TO Q15
Did not use the information yet but plan to use it in the future 4 GO TO Q13
Did not use the information and do not plan to do so in the future 5 GO TO Q14
Provided some other type of technical assistance (specify) 99 GO TO Q15
IF Q12 = 4
Q13. If you have not used the information yet but plan to, how do you plan to use the information received through NCEHS-CCP with stakeholders in the future?
Select all that apply
Will share materials with stakeholders regarding EHS-CCP 1 GO TO Q15
Will use information to develop materials for stakeholders regarding EHS-CCP 2 GO TO Q15
Will use information to develop a training for stakeholders regarding EHS-CCP 3 GO TO Q15
Will provide some other type of technical assistance to stakeholders (specify) 99 GO TO Q15
IF Q10 = 5 OR Q12 = 5
Q14. You mentioned you do not plan to use the information received through NCEHS-CCP with EHS-CCP grantees, child care partners, or other stakeholders. Why don’t you plan to use the information?
Select all that apply
Information was not relevant 1
Information was not clear 2
Information was not useful 3
I did not think grantees would be interested in the information 4
I did not think stakeholders would be interested in the information 5
Other (specify) 99
IF Q1 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OR 99
Q15. How could the support you received through NCEHS-CCP be improved?
Select all that apply
Improve the relevance of the information for EHS-CCP grantees 1
Improve the clarity of the information 2
Offer more support via training webinars 3
Offer more support via written materials 4
Improve the accuracy of the information 5
Improve the usability of the information 6
For the NCEHS-CCP Quick Response System, improve how quickly you receive a response 7
Add new topics (specify) 8
Other (specify) 99
Don’t know d
16. Please indicate why you have not accessed supports through NCEHS-CCP.
Select all that apply
The information available is not relevant to my work 1
I did not know about the resources available 2
I did not know how to access the resources 3
I have the information I need to support EHS-CCP grantees 4
Other (specify) 99
Thank you for participating in this important study.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | Attachment B |
Subject | TEMPLATE |
Author | Dorothy Bellow |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-24 |