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Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 248 / Monday, December 28, 2015 / Notices
November 17, 2015, the USITC
announced that it was instituting an
investigation of the likely impact of the
TPP Agreement on the U.S. economy as
a whole and on specific industry sectors
and the interests of U.S. consumers.
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2. Employment Impact Review
Section 105(d)(2) of the Act directs
the President to ‘‘(A) review the impact
of future trade agreements on United
States employment, including labor
markets, modeled after Executive Order
No. 13141 (64 FR 63169) to the extent
appropriate in establishing procedures
and criteria; and (B) submit a report on
such reviews to the Committee on Ways
and Means of the House of
Representatives and the Committee on
Finance of the Senate at the time the
President submits to Congress a copy of
the final legal text of an agreement
pursuant to section 106(a)(1)(E).’’ USTR
and DOL are conducting the
employment impact review through the
Comments may be submitted on
potentially significant sectoral or
regional employment impacts in the
United States as well as other likely
labor market impacts of the TPP
Agreement. Persons submitting
comments should provide as much
detail as possible in support of their
3. Requirements for Submissions
Persons submitting written comments
must do so in English and must identify
(on the first page of the submission)
‘‘TPP Employment Impact Review.’’
In order to ensure the timely receipt
and consideration of comments, USTR
strongly encourages commenters to
make on-line submissions, using the Web site. To
submit comments via, enter docket
number USTR–2015–0012 on the home
page and click ‘‘search.’’ The site will
provide a search-results page listing all
documents associated with this docket.
Find a reference to this notice and click
on the link entitled ‘‘Comment Now!’’
(For further information on using the Web site, please
consult the resources provided on the
Web site by clicking on ‘‘How to Use
This Site’’ on the left side of the home
The Web site
allows users to provide comments by
filling in a ‘‘Type Comment’’ field, or by
attaching a document using an ‘‘Upload
File’’ field. USTR prefers that comments
be provided in an attached document. If
a document is attached, it is sufficient
to type ‘‘See attached’’ in the ‘‘Type
Comment’’ field. USTR prefers
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submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc) or
Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If the submission
is in an application other than those
two, please indicate the name of the
application in the ‘‘Type Comment’’
For any comments submitted
electronically containing business
confidential information, the file name
of the business confidential version
should begin with the characters ‘‘BC.’’
Any page containing business
confidential information must be clearly
on the top of that page. Filers of
submissions containing business
confidential information must also
submit a public version of their
comments. The file name of the public
version should begin with the character
‘‘P.’’ The ‘‘BC’’ and ‘‘P’’ should be
followed by the name of the person or
entity submitting the comments. Filers
submitting comments containing no
business confidential information
should name their file using the name
of the person or entity submitting the
Please do not attach separate cover
letters to electronic submissions; rather,
include any information that might
appear in a cover letter in the comments
themselves. Similarly, to the extent
possible, please include any exhibits,
annexes, or other attachments in the
same file as the submission itself, not as
separate files.
As noted above, USTR strongly urges
submitters to file comments through, if at all possible.
Any alternative arrangements must be
made with Yvonne Jamison in advance
of transmitting the comment. Ms.
Jamison should be contacted at (202)
395–3475. General information
concerning USTR is available at
Comments will be placed in the
docket and open to public inspection,
except business confidential
information. Comments may be viewed
on the Web site by
entering the relevant docket number in
the search field on the home page.
Edward Gresser,
Acting Chair, Trade Policy Staff Committee.
[FR Doc. 2015–32294 Filed 12–24–15; 8:45 am]
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Federal Railroad Administration
[Docket No. FRA–2015–0007–N–33]
Agency Request for Emergency
Processing of Collection of
Information by the Office of
Management and Budget
Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA), United States
Department of Transportation (USDOT).
ACTION: Notice.
FRA hereby gives notice that
it is submitting the following
Information Collection request (ICR) to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for Emergency Processing under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
FRA requests that OMB authorize the
collection of information identified
below seven days after publication of
this Notice for a period of 180 days.
copy of this individual ICR, with
applicable supporting documentation,
may be obtained by telephoning FRA’s
Office of Safety Information Collection
Clearance Officer, Robert Brogan (tel.
(202) 493–6292), or FRA’s Office of
Administration Clearance Information
Collection Officer, Kimberly Toone (tel.
(202) 493–6132); these numbers are not
toll-free; or by contacting Mr. Brogan via
facsimile at (202) 493–6216 or Ms.
Toone via facsimile at (202) 493–6497,
or via email by contacting Mr. Brogan at; or by contacting
Ms. Toone at
Comments and questions about the ICR
identified below should be directed to
OMB’s Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Attn: FRA OMB
Desk Officer.
recently enacted Positive Train Control
Enforcement and Implementation
(PTCEI) Act and The Fixing America’s
Surface Transportation (FAST) Act
(collectively, the ‘‘Acts’’) amend certain
portions of 49 U.S.C. 20157 relating to
positive train control (PTC) system
implementation. Most notably, the
provisions within these Acts extend the
implementation deadline originally
established by the Rail Safety
Improvement Act of 2008 (RSIA) and
require covered railroads to each submit
a revised PTC Implementation Plan
(PTCIP) with additional information to
meet its new deadline.
The Federal Railroad Administration
(FRA) is proposing to provide a revised
PTCIP template to assist each railroad
pursuant to the new law. More
specifically, each railroad may
Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 248 / Monday, December 28, 2015 / Notices
voluntarily opt to use FRA’s proposed
template to concisely organize and
present certain quantitative (i.e.
measurable) data relating to its PTC
implementation efforts, and its
projected timeframe for completing PTC
implementation. Although some of this
information may have been provided by
each railroad in the past, the Acts now
require submission of specific
measurable data as part of each
railroad’s revised PTCIP. This
information includes, but is not limited
• The calendar year(s) when wireless
spectrum required for PTC operation will
be acquired and available for use;
• The total amount of PTC hardware the
railroad must install (broken down by each
major hardware category);
• The total amount of PTC hardware the
railroad must install by the end of each
FRA believes that providing a
template will serve as guidance to
railroads by reducing confusion as to
the necessarily level of detail required.
Further, the template will help to
expedite the conveyance of this
information, and FRA’s review for
statutory and regulatory compliance,
particularly for those railroads that may
not have been tracking these details
previously. FRA intends to provide the
template on its Web site for use by all
interested parties.
As provided under 49 CFR 1320.13,
FRA is requesting Emergency processing
for this new collection of information as
specified in the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 and its implementing
regulations. FRA cannot reasonably
comply with normal clearance
procedures since they would be
reasonably likely to disrupt the
collection of information. Each railroad
is required to submit its revised PTCIP
by January 27, 2016. FRA cannot wait
the typical 90-day period for public
comment. Therefore, FRA is requesting
OMB approval as soon as possible (i.e.,
7 days after publication of this Notice)
for this collection of information.
The associated collection of
information is summarized below.
Title: PTC Implementation Plan
(PTCIP) Template.
Reporting Burden:
PTCIP Template
Total annual
Average time per
Form FRA F 6180.164 .......................................................
38 Railroads .........
38 Forms ................
0 .............................
50 hours ...............
Form Number(s): FRA F 6180.164.
Respondent Universe: 38 Railroads.
Frequency of Submission: One-time;
on occasion.
Total Estimated Responses: 38.
Total Estimated Annual Burden:
1,900 hours.
Status: Emergency Review.
Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3507(a) and 5
CFR 320.5(b), 1320.8(b)(3)(vi), FRA
informs all interested parties that it may
not conduct or sponsor, and a
respondent is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520.
Issued in Washington, DC, on December
22, 2015.
Corey Hill,
Acting Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2015–32617 Filed 12–24–15; 8:45 am]
Surface Transportation Board
[Docket No. FD 35979]
mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
calendar year (broken down by each major
hardware category);
• The total number of employees the railroad
must train; and
• The total number of employees that will
receive training by the end of each
calendar year.
R.J. Corman Railroad Company/
Carolina Lines, LLC—Modified
Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity—Horry County, S.C.
On November 25, 2015, R.J. Corman
Railroad Company/Carolina Lines, LLC
(RJCS), a Class III rail carrier, filed a
notice for a modified certificate of
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public convenience and necessity,
pursuant to 49 CFR pt. 1150 subpart C—
Modified Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity, to operate
approximately 11.5 miles of rail line
owned by Horry County, S.C., and
located between RJCS’s line at Station
9+34.65 (milepost 336.18) in the City of
Conway, S.C., and the beginning of the
concrete bridge deck on the Conway
side of the Pine Island Bascule Bridge
over the Intracoastal Waterway at
Station 609+91 (milepost 347.55) (the
The Line was authorized for
abandonment by the Board’s
predecessor, the Interstate Commerce
Commission, in Seaboard System
Railroad Inc.—Abandonment—in Horry
County, S.C., AB–55 (Sub-No. 107) (ICC
served Sept. 12, 1984). According to
RJCS, Horry County, a political
subdivision of the State of South
Carolina, purchased the Line in 1984
pursuant to 49 CFR 1150.22 after it was
abandoned by the Seaboard System
Pursuant to a Lease Agreement
entered into between R.J. Corman
1 The Waccamaw Coast Line Railroad (WCLR), a
division of the Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad
Company, previously operated the Line pursuant to
a modified certificate of public convenience and
necessity obtained in 2001. See Waccamaw Coast
Line R.R.—Modified Rail Certificate, FD 34064 (STB
served July 13, 2001). WCLR provided notice to
terminate its service on the Line on December 11,
2013, which became effective on February 9, 2014.
See Waccamaw Coast Line R.R.—Modified Rail
Certificate, FD 34064 et al., slip op. at 1 (STB served
Jan. 31, 2014).
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Total annual
burden hours
1,900 hours.
Railroad Company, LLC (R.J. Corman),
and Horry County, dated September 16,
2015, R.J. Corman will lease and
maintain the Line for an initial term of
15 years with the option to renew the
agreement for up to an additional 15
years. The Lease Agreement grants
Horry County the right to cancel the
lease upon 180-days written notice.
In a Lease Addendum and
Assignment Agreement, dated
November 6, 2015, R.J. Corman assigned
its rights and obligations under the
Lease Agreement to RJCS, with the
written consent of Horry County.
According to RJCS, under the terms of
the agreement, RJCS has the exclusive
right and responsibility to provide
common carrier rail freight service on
the Line to both existing and
prospective customers that have
facilities served by sidetracks or other
connections to the Line. RJCS states that
it must rehabilitate the Line before it
can safely provide service and hopes
that rehabilitation of the Line will be
completed in January of 2016.
The Line qualifies for a modified
certificate of public convenience and
necessity. See Common Carrier and 49
CFR 1150.22. RJCS states that it will
receive no subsidies in connection with
its operations and that there will be no
preconditions that shippers must meet
to receive service.
This notice will be served on the
Association of American Railroads (Car
Service Division) as agent for all
railroads subscribing to the car-service
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2015-12-28 |
File Created | 2015-12-28 |