Women's Bureau, Senior Community, National Farmworker, Reentry Demonstration, VETS, Women's Apprenticeship, Career Pathway, SWA Grants, FOAs

DOL Generic Solution for Funding Opportunity Announcements


Women's Bureau, Senior Community, National Farmworker, Reentry Demonstration, VETS, Women's Apprenticeship, Career Pathway, SWA Grants, FOAs

OMB: 1225-0086

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Appendix G


Administrative Costs - Administrative costs shall consist of all direct and indirect costs associated with the supervision and management of the program. These costs shall include the administrative costs, both direct and indirect, of sub-recipients and contractors.

Apprenticeship Training –Apprenticeship is a combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction in which workers learn the practical and theoretical aspects of a highly skilled occupation. Apprenticeship programs are sponsored by joint employer and labor groups, individual employers, and/or employer associations.

DOL ETA’s Office of Apprenticeship registers apprenticeship programs and apprentices in 23 States and assists and oversees State Apprenticeship Agency which perform these functions in 27 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Government's role is to, first, safeguard the welfare of apprentices, second, ensure the quality and equality of access of apprenticeship programs, and third, provide integrated employment and training information to sponsors and the local employment and training community.

Assessment/Intake - A process for screening individual applicants for program eligibility. This provides information to make level of need determinations, initial determinations of services or programs that best benefit applicants, provide information about services and the availability of services, and routing or selecting individual applicants for service delivery or program participation.

Assisted Placements Into Unsubsidized Employment - Assisted placements into unsubsidized employment should be recorded where the definition is met, but the placement was arranged by an agency where the homeless veteran was referred.

Average Hourly Wage At Placement - The average hourly wage at placement is the average hourly wage rates at placement of all assisted placements plus direct placements.

Assurance and Certifications - The act of signifying intent to comply with applicable federal and State laws and regulations as a condition for receiving and expanding USDOL grant funds.

Barriers to Employment - Characteristics that may hinder an individual’s hiring promotion or participation in the labor force. Identification of these barriers will vary by location and labor market. Some examples of individuals who may face barriers to employment include: single parents, women, displaced homemakers, youth, public assistance recipients, older workers, substance abusers, teenage parents, certain veterans, ethnic minorities, and those with limited English speaking ability or a criminal record or with a lack of education, work experience, credential, child care arrangements, of lack of transportation.

Case Management - A client centered approach in the delivery of intensive services designed to: prepare and coordinate comprehensive employment plans for participants; to assure access to the necessary training and supportive services; and to provide support during program participation and after job placement.

Case Manager - One who coordinates, facilitates or provides direct service to a client or trainee from application through placement, post placement follow-up, or other case closing, exclusively, through periodic contact and the provision of appropriate assistance.

Chronically Homeless -- A ‘‘chronically homeless’’ individual is defined to mean a homeless individual with a disability who lives either in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter, or in an institutional care facility if the individual has been living in the facility for fewer than 90 days and had been living in a place not meant for human habitation, a safe haven, or in an emergency shelter immediately before entering the institutional care facility. In order to meet the ‘‘chronically homeless’’ definition, the individual also must have been living as described above continuously for at least 12 months, or on at least four separate occasions in the last 3 years, where the combined occasions total a length of time of at least 12 months. Each period separating the occasions must include at least 7 nights of living in a situation other than a place not meant for human habitation, in an emergency shelter, or in a safe haven.

Classroom Training – Any training of the type normally conducted in an institutional setting, including vocational education, which is designed to provide individuals with the technical skills and information required to perform a specific job or group of jobs. It may also include training designed to enhance the employability of individuals by upgrading basic skills through courses such as remedial education, training in the primary language of persons with limited English language proficiency, or English as a second language training.

Close Out – Grant close out is the process by which the Federal grantor agency (in the case of VETS grants, Department of Labor) determines that all applicable administrative actions and all required work of the grant have been completed by the grantee and the grantor.

Co-Enrollment -- Occurs when the grant participant is registered to receive Wagner-Peyser Act and, if available at the American Job Center, Jobs for Veterans State Grant Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) services.

Cognizant Federal Agency - The federal agency that is assigned audit or indirect cost rate approval responsibility for a particular recipient organization by the Office of Management and Budget (2 CFR 200.19).

Community Based Organization – A private non-profit organization in a community that has demonstrated expertise and effectiveness in the field of workforce investment.

Cost Per Placement - Obtained by dividing the total funds expended by the total of direct placements plus assisted placements.

Counseling - A form of assistance that provides guidance in the development of a participant’s vocational goals and the means to achieve those goals. It may assist a participant with the solution to one or more individual problems that pose a barrier to sustained employment.

Counselor - A trained and qualified professional authorized to provide direct assistance (beyond advising and informing) through planning, testing, training and otherwise readying an individual for sustained employment.

Credential Attainment Rate -- The percentage of program participants who obtain a recognized postsecondary credential, or a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, during participation in or within 1 year after exit from the program.

Direct Placements Into Unsubsidized Employment - A placement made directly by staff with an established employer who covers all employment costs for 20 or more hours per week at or above the minimum wage. Day labor and other very short-term placements are not placements into unsubsidized employment.

Disabled Veteran - A veteran who is entitled to compensation under laws administered by the Veterans Administration; or an individual who was medically discharged or otherwise released from active duty, due to service-connected disability.

Disallowed Costs – Charges to a grant that the grantor agency (or its representative) determines to be unallowable in accordance with the Uniform Administrative Requirements,, other applicable law or other grant conditions.

Disabled Veterans’ Outreach Program (DVOP) - A program of Federal assistance in accordance with 38 USC 4103Ato provide grants to States to staff and support of a number of duties. These include direct employer contact with Federal contractors, Federal employers using individualized job development techniques, and with veterans (particularly with disabled veterans) using a case management approach to client- centered services.

Eligible Veteran – Homeless veterans and incarcerated veterans meeting the minimum requisite qualifications to be considered for the provision of services or entry into a position under the grant-funded program.

Employment Service Plan (ESP) – An individualized written plan or intervention strategy for serving an individual who, as a result of a needs assessment, vocational interests, aptitudes, work history, etc., defines a reasonable vocational or employment goal. The ESP includes developmental services or steps required to reach goals and accomplishments made by the individual.

Employment Service – The state level organization or public labor exchange system affiliated with the Department of Labor’s United Sates Employment Service.

Entered Employment Rate (EER) – The percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program.

Enrolled Veteran – Synonymous with the term “participant.” A veteran who is eligible for services at intake and who is receiving or scheduled to receive career services and/or training.

Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) – a personnel charge to the grant equal to 2,080 hours per year.

FY - Fiscal Year. For federal government purposes, any twelve month period beginning on October 1 and ending on September 30.

Grant Officer’s Technical Representative (GOTR) - An individual (usually the DVET) serving on behalf of the Grant Officer to maintain and ensure the integrity of the approved grant agreement. This is done by reviewing applications and making recommendations regarding technical matters of the grant.

Homeless Veteran – Is a veteran as defined in 38 U.S.C. 101(2) who is “homeless” or a “homeless individual” as found at 42 U.S.C. 11302(a-b), as amended by the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-22) is:

  • A person who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence;

  • A person living in supervised public or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living arrangements;

  • A person who resided in a shelter or place not meant for human habitation and who is exiting an institution where he or she temporarily resided;

  • A person with a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, including a car, park, abandoned building, bus or train station, airport, or camping ground;

  • An individual who will imminently lose his or her housing, has no subsequent residence identified, and who lacks the resources or support network needed to obtain other permanent housing;

  • An individual or family who is fleeing, or is attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, or other dangerous or life-threatening conditions in the individual’s or family’s current housing situation, including where the health and safety of children are jeopardized, and who have no other residence and lack the resources or support network to obtain other permanent housing; and

  • Unaccompanied youth and homeless families with children and youth defined as homeless under other federal statutes who have experienced a long period without permanent housing; have experienced persistent instability as measured by frequent moves over such period; and can be expected to continue in such status for an extended period of time because of chronic disabilities, chronic physical health or mental health conditions, substance addiction, histories of domestic violence or childhood abuse, the presence of a child or youth with a disability, or multiple barriers to employment.

Incarcerated Veteran -- Veterans have been convicted as an adult and imprisoned under municipal, county, tribal, federal, or state law and fall into one of the following categories:

  • Category 1 – The veteran was released within the previous 12 months from a penal institution into homelessness and needs employment assistance;

  • Category 2 – The veteran has been incarcerated for at least six months and is scheduled for release within six months with no known housing destination and needs employment assistance;

  • Category 3 – The veteran was released within the previous 12 months from a penal institution into temporary or permanent housing, but is now at imminent risk of homelessness and needs employment assistance; or

  • Category 4 – The veteran is a resident of an institution that provides long-term care for mental illness and is scheduled for release with no known housing destination and needs employment assistance.

Indirect cost - A cost that is incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost objective. This cost is not readily assignable to the specific cost objective.

In- kind Services – Property or services which benefit federally assisted projects or programs and are contributed without charge to the grantee.

Intake – A eligibility process for screening individual applicants; (a) an initial determination of application benefits is made; (b) program information is provided ; and (c) individual applicants are selected for participation in the program.

Intensive Services - The provision of concentrated staff services to clients who indicate the need for facilitation or interventions to secure lasting employment. The case management approach to service is a viable model for providing these services and helping to obtain the goals of the client.

Job Club Activities – Job search assistance provided in a group setting. Job clubs provide instruction and assistance in completing job applications, developing resumes and maximizing employment opportunities in the labor market by developing job leads. Many job clubs use telephone banks and provide group support to participants before and after job interviews.

Job Development - Marketing a program participant to employers, including informing employers about what participants can do in order to solicit a job interview for that individual with the employer (targeted job development).The development of one or more job openings or training opportunities with one or more employers uses a variety of techniques and means of contact.

Job Placement Services – Job placement services are geared towards placing participants in jobs and may involve activities such as job search assistance, training, or job development. These services are initiated to enhance and expedite participants’ transition from training to employment.

Job Search Assistance - An activity focusing on building practical skills, identifying and initiating employer contact, and conducting successful interviews with employers. Various approaches may include job club participation, identifying personal strengths and goals, resumé application preparation, interviewing techniques, and receiving labor market information. Job search assistance is often self-service activities where individuals obtain information about job openings.

Labor Exchange – Wagner-Peyser Act-funded services provided to job seekers and employers by the State Employment Services Agencies, or other designated entities. Services to job seekers may include assessment, testing, counseling, provision of labor market information and targeted job development. This results in job referral and follow-up with prospective employers. Employer-oriented services may include accepting job orders, screening applicants, referring qualified applicants and providing follow-up to foster job retention and develop additional job openings or training opportunities.

Labor Force - The sum of all civilians classified as employed and unemployed and members of the Armed Forces stationed in the United States. [Bureau of Labor Statistics Bulletin 2175].

Labor Market Area – An economically integrated geographic area where individuals can reside and find employment within a reasonable distance or can readily change employment without changing their place of residence.

Median Earnings -- The median earnings of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit from the program.

Minimum Economic Need – the level of wages paid to a program participant that enables the participant to become economically self-sufficient.

Occupational Skills Training – Includes both (1) vocational education that provides individuals with the technical skills and information required to perform a specific job or group of jobs, and (2) on-the-job training.

On-the-Job Training (OJT) – Training by an employer that is provided to a paid participant and: (a) provides knowledge or skills essential to performance of the job; (b) provides reimbursement to the employer of up to 50 percent of the wage rate of the participant. This includes costs of providing the training and additional supervision related to the participant and takes into account the content of the training, the prior work experience of the participant, and the service strategy of the participant. In the OJT agreement, there is a promise on the part of the employer to hire the trainee upon successful completion of the training.

Outreach - An active effort by program staff to encourage individuals in the designated service delivery area to avail themselves of program services.

Outside Funds – Resources pledged to the grant program that have a dollar value. Such resources may include training funds from programs such as those participating in an American Job Center, put aside for the exclusive use by enrolled participants. Outside funds do not include in-kind services.

Participant – An individual who is eligible for enrollment and who is receiving services (except follow-up services) under the program. Participation begins when the individual starts receiving subsidized employment, training, or other services provided under the program. An individual who receives only outreach and/or intake assessment services does not meet this definition.

Participants Enrolled - A client is enrolled when an intake form has been completed, and services, referral, and/or employment have been received through the program. This should be an unduplicated count over the year, i.e., each participant is recorded only once, regardless of the number of times she or he receives assistance.

Placed Into Transitional Or Permanent Housing - A placement into transitional or permanent housing is recorded when an enrolled veteran upgrades his/her housing situation during the reporting period from shelter/streets to transitional housing or permanent housing or from transitional housing to permanent housing. Placements resulting from referrals by staff shall be counted. This item is an unduplicated count over the year; a participant may be counted once upon entering transitional housing and again upon obtaining permanent housing.

Placement – The act of securing unsubsidized employment for a participant.

Placement Rate - A method used to determine the percentage of participants who become employed. The figure is calculated by dividing the number of total participants who were registered for services or enrolled in the program by the number of applicants or program participants who were placed into or otherwise entered employment.

Program Resources – Includes the total of both program grant and outside funds.

Program Year (PY) - The 12-month period beginning July 1 in the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made, and ending on the following June 30.

Rate of Placement Into Unsubsidized Employment - Obtained by dividing the number placed into unsubsidized employment, and the number of assisted placements into unsubsidized employment by the number of clients enrolled.

Remedial Education – Educational instruction, particularly in basic skills, to raise an individual’s general competency level to succeed in vocational education, skill training programs, or employment.

Retention Rate - The percentage of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the fourth quarter after exit from the program.

Service Connected Disabled - Refers to (1) a veteran who is entitled to compensation under laws administered by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or (2) an individual who was discharged or released from active duty because of a service-connected disability (38 U.S.C. 4211 (3); 29 U.S.C., Chapter 19, section 1503 (27) (C)

Substance Abuser – An individual dependent on alcohol or drugs, especially narcotics, whose dependency constitutes or results in a substantial barrier to employment.

Supportive Services – means services which are necessary to enable an individual eligible for training, but who cannot afford to pay for such services, to participate in a training program funded under the grant. Such supportive services may include transportation, health care, financial assistance (except as a post-termination service), drug and alcohol abuse counseling and referral, individual and family counseling, special services and materials for individuals with disabilities, job coaches, child care and dependent care, temporary shelter, financial counseling, and other reasonable expenses required for participation in the training program and may be provided in-kind or through cash assistance.

Targeted Job Development - The identification and marketing of qualified applicants with similar occupations or employment barriers. This requires personal visitation/phone contact with those who are likely to employ these individuals.

Total Planned Expenditures - Forecasted financial needs to accomplish programmatic objectives, broken down into fiscal quarters.

Transitional Jobs: Refers to a vocational rehabilitation program which places people with handicaps or those who are socially, economically, or otherwise impaired, in paid entry-level job in competitive working surroundings to attain the abilities and experience required to, at some point, attain a lasting job in the community workforce.

Unsubsidized Employment – Employment not financed from funds provided under the grant. In the grant program the term “adequate” or “suitable” employment is also used to mean placement in unsubsidized employment that pays an income adequate to accommodate the participants’ minimum economic needs.

Upgrading or Retraining – Training given to an individual who will advance above an entry level or dead-end position. This training includes assisting veterans to acquire state certification for employment field they were trained on in the military (i.e., Commercial Truck Driving License (CDL), Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Airframe & Power Plant (A&P), Teaching Certificate, etc.)

U.S. Interagency Council on HomelessnessThe USICH is a government organization dedicated to reducing and ending homelessness through establishing a partnership between all levels of government and the private sector. The partnership includes 19 federal agencies, state and local governments, advocates, service providers, and the homeless. USICH ensures that issues and needs related to help end homelessness are addressed and effective.  As an independent establishment within the executive branch, USICH helps ensure that government activities are effective and coordinated among agency programs, and that programs to help end homelessness are efficient and effective.  USICH also helps inform the public and private sector about federal homeless assistance.

In 2010, USICH launched the first national campaign to help end homelessness. Known as Opening Doors, the campaign is a national effort which aims to encourage states and communities to end homelessness by:

  • Aligning Plans with Opening Doors:  By aligning local strategic plans for ending homelessness with the Opening Doors effort, communities will contribute to preventing and ending chronic and Veterans homelessness by 2015; prevent and end homelessness for families, youth, and children by 2020; and strive to end all types of homelessness.

  • Setting Targets and Measuring Results: Measure and track reliable data about state or local homelessness that can help assess program goals.

  • Acting Strategically:  Implement effective centralization and coordination of services in response to the needs of the homeless, including rapid response systems that place individuals in shelters or alternatives to shelters to help prevent homelessness.

  • Partnering in National Efforts to End Homelessness: Maintain open communication across agencies, communities, and states about what works and what doesn’t work in helping to end or prevent homelessness.*

Veteran - Means a person who served in the active military and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable [38 U.S.C. 101(2)]. Those who received a “dishonorable” discharge are ineligible for services.

Vocational Guidance - The provision of information, suggestions, and advice through discussion with individuals who are considering a geographical or vocational choice or change relating to their career decision.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) -- WIOA supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act of 1998, the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. WIOA preserves the nation’s current program infrastructure allowing continuity in the delivery of federally funded employment services, workforce development, basic education for adults, and vocational rehabilitation activities for people with disabilities. The goal of WIOA is to improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, increase economic self-sufficiency, meet skills requirements of employers, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation. In general, the majority of WIOA provisions become effective on July 1, 2015 with additional requirements set for July 1, 2016.

Work Experience – A temporary activity (six months or less) that provides the opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge necessary to perform a job, including appropriate work habits and behaviors, and may be combined with classroom or other training. If wages are paid to a participant on work experience and when these wages are wholly paid for under WIOA, the participant may not receive this training under a private, for profit employer.

Youth – An individual between 16 and 24 years of age.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorSickles, Bradley A - VETS
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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