Appendix U Burden Table

App_U Burden table Final 1.29.16.xlsx

WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2)

Appendix U Burden Table

OMB: 0584-0580

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Age 5 Extension Burden Table

Sheet 1: Age 5 Extension Burden Table

Appendix U
Burden Table

Respondent Type Respondent Description Type of Survey Instrument Appendices Sample size (a) Number of Respondents (o) Frequency of Response (annual) Total Annual Responses Average Hours per Response Sub- Annual Burden Number of non -respondents (o) Frequency of Response (annual) Total Annual Responses Average Hours per response Sub-Total Annual Burden Total Burden Hours Hourly Rate Total Annualized Cost

Individuals and Households WIC Participants Study extension flyer (b) A 4,046 3,277 1 3,277 0.0250 81.93 769 1 769 0.0250 19.22 101.15 $7.25 $733.34

Study extension consent form age 2.5 to 5 (b) B 4,046 3,277 1 3,277 0.0333 109.13 769 1 769 0.0333 25.60 134.73 $7.25 $976.81

36-mo survey: contact information module (c) C 4,046 2,444 1 2,444 0.0833 203.57 1,602 1 1,602 0.0833 133.46 337.03 $7.25 $2,443.48

39-mo contact information form (d) D 2,950 2,065 1 2,065 0.1000 206.47 885 1 885 0.1000 88.49 294.95 $7.25 $2,138.41

42-mo advance letter (e) E 2,950 2,507 1 2,507 0.0333 83.49 442 1 442 0.0333 14.73 98.22 $7.25 $712.09

42-mo telephone survey (c ) F 4,046 2,319 1 2,319 0.5000 1,159.38 1,727 1 1,727 0.0000 0.00 1,159.38 $7.25 $8,405.51

Reminders 42-mo interview (f) G1-G9 2,950 2,950 3 8,849 0.0208 184.05 0 3 0 0.0208 0.00 184.05 $7.25 $1,334.37

Letter to study refusals (g) G10 250 125 1 125 0.0500 6.25 125 1 125 0.0500 6.25 12.50 $7.25 $90.63

42-mo thank you (h) H1 2,319 1,855 1 1,855 0.0042 7.79 464 1 464 0.0042 1.95 9.74 $7.25 $70.61

45-mo contact information form (d ) D 2,802 1,961 1 1,961 0.1000 196.14 841 1 841 0.1000 84.06 280.21 $7.25 $2,031.49

48-mo advance letter (e) I 2,802 2,382 1 2,382 0.0500 119.09 420 1 420 0.0500 21.02 140.10 $7.25 $1,015.75

48-mo telephone survey (c) J 4,046 2,200 1 2,200 0.5000 1,099.91 1,846 1 1,846 0.0000 0.00 1,099.91 $7.25 $7,974.31

48-mo H/W measurement letter and card (i) K, L 2,200 1,540 1 1540 1.0000 1,539.87 660 1 660 0.0000 0.00 1,539.87 $7.25 $11,164.04

HIPAA form 48-mo measurement (j) M 440 220 1 220 0.0500 11.00 220 1 220 0.0500 11.00 22.00 $7.25 $159.49

48-mo Text or email provider measures (k) N 440 110 1 110 0.0500 5.50 330 1 330 0.0000 0.00 5.50 $7.25 $39.87

48-mo Home health agency measurement (l) O 440 3 1 3 0.5000 1.50 437 1 437 0.5000 218.49 219.98 $7.25 $1,594.86

Reminders 48-mo interview (f) G1-G9 2,802 2,802 3 8,406 0.0208 174.85 0 3 0 0.0208 0.00 174.85 $7.25 $1,267.65

Height and weight reminders (m) G11 2,802 2,802 2 5,604 0.0083 46.51 0 2 0 0.0083 0.00 46.51 $7.25 $337.23

48-mo thank you (h) H2 2,200 1,760 1 1,760 0.0042 7.39 440 1 440 0.0042 1.85 9.24 $7.25 $66.98

51-mo contact information form (d) D 2,655 1,858 1 1,858 0.1000 185.82 796 1 796 0.1000 79.64 265.46 $7.25 $1,924.57

54-mo advance letter (e) P 2,655 2,256 1 2,256 0.0333 75.14 398 1 398 0.0333 13.26 88.40 $7.25 $640.88

54-mo telephone survey (c) Q 4,046 2,087 1 2,087 0.5000 1,043.46 1,959 1 1,959 0.0000 0.00 1,043.46 $7.25 $7,565.11

Reminders 54-mo interview (f) G1-G9 2,655 2,655 3 7,964 0.0208 165.65 0 3 0 0.0208 0.00 165.65 $7.25 $1,200.93

54-mo thank you (h) H3 1,760 1,408 1 1,408 0.0042 5.91 352 1 352 0.0042 1.48 7.39 $7.25 $53.59

57-mo contact information form (d) D 2,522 1,765 1 1,765 0.1000 176.53 757 1 757 0.1000 75.66 252.19 $7.25 $1,828.34

60-mo advance letter (e) R 2,522 2,144 1 2,144 0.0500 107.18 378 1 378 0.0500 18.91 126.09 $7.25 $914.17

60-mo telephone survey (c) S 4,046 1,980 1 1,980 0.5000 989.85 2,066 1 2,066 0.0000 0.00 989.85 $7.25 $7,176.44

60- mo H/W measurement letter and card (i) K, L 1,980 1,386 1 1386 1.0000 1,385.80 594 1 594 0.0000 0.00 1,385.80 $7.25 $10,047.02

HIPAA form 60-mo measurement (j) M 396 198 1 198 0.0500 9.90 198 1 198 0.0500 9.90 19.80 $7.25 $143.53

60-mo text or mail provider measures (k) N 396 99 1 99 0.0500 4.95 297 1 297 0.0000 0.00 4.95 $7.25 $35.88

60-mo home health agency measurement (l) O 396 3 1 3 0.5000 1.35 393 1 393 0.0000 0.00 1.35 $7.25 $9.76

Reminders 60-mo interview (f) G1-G9 2,522 2,522 3 7,566 0.0208 157.36 0 3 0 0.0208 0.00 157.36 $7.25 $1,140.89

Height and weight reminders (m) G11 2,522 2,522 2 5,044 0.0083 41.86 0 2 0 0.0083 0.00 41.86 $7.25 $303.50

60-mo thank you (h) H4 1,980 1,584 1 1,584 0.0042 6.65 396 1 396 0.0042 1.66 8.31 $7.25 $60.28

Birthday card respondent year 4 (n) T1 2,802 2,242 1 2,242 0.0083 18.61 560 1 560 0.0083 4.65 23.26 $7.25 $168.61

Birthday card child age 4 (n) T2 2,802 2,241 2 4,482 0.0083 37.20 561 2 1,122 0.0083 9.31 46.51 $7.25 $337.23

Birthday card respondent year 5 (n) T3 2,522 2,017 1 2,017 0.0083 16.75 504 1 504 0.0083 4.19 20.93 $7.25 $151.75

Birthday card child age 5 (n) T4 2,522 2,017 2 4,034 0.0083 33.48 504 2 1,009 0.0083 8.37 41.85 $7.25 $303.45

Individuals and Households Subtotal (o)
4,046 3,277
9,707.25 2,066
853.14 10,560.39

State & Local Government State WIC data manager or POC Study extension webinar (p) V 27 27 1 27 1.0000 27.00 0 1 0 1.0000 0.00 27.00 $54.08 $1,460.16

Conference calls on extension (q) W1 27 27 2 54 1.0000 54.00 0 2 0 1.0000 0.00 54.00 $54.08 $2,920.32

Communication materials (r) X1, X2, Y1, Y2 27 27 1 27 0.2667 7.20 0 1 0 0.2667 0.00 7.20 $54.08 $389.42

HT/WT Admin data form (s) Y3 27 27 2 54 1.5000 81.00 0 2 0 1.5000 0.00 81.00 $54.08 $4,380.48

27 27 6 162
169.20 0 6 0
0.00 169.20

WIC site staff Study extension webinar (p) V 80 80 2 160 1.0000 160.00 0 2 0 1.0000 0.00 160.00 $54.08 $8,652.80

Conference call on extension (q) W2 80 80 2 160 1.0000 160.00 0 2 0 1.0000 0.00 160.00 $54.08 $8,652.80

Communication materials (r) X1, X2, Y1, Y2 80 80 1 80 0.2667 21.34 0 1 0 0.2667 0.00 21.34 $13.86 $295.72

Request for contact information (t) Z 80 80 33 2,640 0.0833 219.91 0 33 0 0.0833 0.00 219.91 $13.86 $3,047.98

HT/WT measurement (u) K 80 80 22 1,760 0.1667 293.39 0 22 0 0.1667 0.00 293.39 $13.86 $4,066.41

80 80
854.64 0 0
0.00 854.64

State/Local Government Subtotal
107 107
1,023.84 0
0.00 1,023.84

Profit/Non-Profit Business Provider data manager Provider Data Request Form (v) AA 418 334 1 334 0.0833 27.85 84 1 84 0.0833 6.96 34.82 $13.86 $482.54

Profit/Non-Profit Business Subtotal
418 334
27.85 84
6.96 34.82

4,571 3,719
10,758.95 2,150
860.10 11,619.05

(a) 4046 = base study total live birth cohort, out of 4367 enrolled initially.

(b) Assume study attrition from base enrolled of 10% per year (e.g., 4046*.9*.9* = 3,277) so 3,277 will get flyer and consent for extension.

(c) Of base study total live birth cohort -- assume about 60% will complete 36-month survey, 57% will complete 42-month survey, 54% will complete 48-month survey; 51% will complete 54-month survey, 49% will complete 60-month survey

(d Assume study attrition from base study enrolled of 10% per year (e.g., 4,046*.9*.9*.9 = 2,950 for year 3). Assume 70% will complete contact information form.

(e) Assume 85% will read the advance letter.

(f) Potential respondents for 42-, 48-, 54, and 60-mo interviews may get 1 or more of the 9 reminders in Appendix G1-G9. Total burden for these reminders = 11.25 minutes (G1=1 min, G2=1 min, G3=3 min, G4=3 min,
G5=0.5 min, G6=0.5 min, G7=1 min, G8=0.25 min, G9=1 min.) and average length of time for these reminders is 1.25 minutes (11.25/9). Assume respondents will get an average of 3 reminders each.

(g) Assume 250 study refusals will be sent letter inviting them to re-enroll in the study and 50% will have a valid address to receive the letter.

(h) Assume 80% of respondents will have a valid email/text/mail address to receive thank you.

(i) Assume 70% of respondents to the 48-mo or 60-mo interview will go to the WIC site or their provider for H/W measurement. Assume 1 hour for reading letter, travel to/from WIC site or provider, and measuring child.

(j) Assume 20% of those who complete interview will not agree to go to WIC/provider but will agree to sign HIPAA form and 50% of these will return form.

(k) Assume 20% of those who complete the interview will not agree to go to WIC/provider but will agree to send in provider measures and 25% will do so.

(l) Assume 3 will use HHA for measurement.

(m) Assume potential respondents for 48-mo and 60-mo HT/WT measures will get an average of 2 reminders to go to WIC or their doctor's office to have their child measured.

(n) Assume 80% of cohort will read birthday cards. Mother and child will both read child card.

(o) Total respondents + nonrespondents is larger than sample size as some study participants may respond to some data collection activities and be non-respondents for others.

(p) Assume study extension webinar attended by all 27 states and 2 reps from each site.

(q) Assumes 1 conf. call with state and 1 conf. call with state and site with 2 representatives per site.

(r) Total time burden is 16 minutes to read correspondence about extension and includes W1 (3 min) or W2 (3 min), X1 (7 min) , X2 (3 min), along with a short phone call after the webinar and conference call to answer any questions (3 min).

(s) Assume administrative H/W records will be provided by State WIC office 2 times for those enrolled in WIC who do not return H/W card.

(t) Assume will request participant contact information from WIC sites about once a month over data collection period.

(u) Assume 60% of participants who return measurement cards will be measured at WIC with about 22 children weighed and measured per site (((1540+1386)*.60)/80=22). Assume 10 minutes of staff time for measurements per child.

(v) Assume H/W data for participants who returned HIPAA form will be provided by 80% of providers.

Sheet 2: Sheet1

(a) 4046 = base study total live birth cohort
(b) Of base study total live birth cohort -- assume about 60% will complete 36-month survey, 57% will complete 42-month survey, 54% will complete 48-month survey; 51% will complete 54-month survey, 49% will complete 60-month survey
(c ) Assume study attrition from base study enrolled of 10% per year (e.g., 4,046*.9*.9*.9 = 2,950 for year 3). Assume 70% will complete contact information form.
(d) Assume 85% will read the advance letter.
(e) Potential respondents for 42-mo and 54-mo interviews may get 1 or more of the 9 reminders in Appendix E1-E9. Total burden for these reminders = 11.25 minutes (E1=1 min, E2=1 min, E3=3 min, E4=3 min,
E5=.5 min, E6=.5 min, E7=1 min, E8=.25 min, E9=1 min.) and average length of time for these reminders is 1.25 minutes (11.25/9). Assume respondents will get an average of 3 reminders each.
(f) Assume 250 study refusals will be sent letter inviting them to re-enroll in the study and 50% will have a valid address to receive the letter.
(g) Assume 80% of respondents will have a valid email/text/mail address to receive thank you.
(h) Assume 70% of respondents to the 48-mo or 60-mo interview will go to the WIC site or their provider for H/W measurement. Assume 1 hour for reading letter, travel to/from WIC site or provider, and measuring child.
(i) Assume 20% of those who complete interview will not agree to go to WIC/provider but will agree to sign HIPAA form and 50% of these will return form.
(j) Assume 20% of those who complete the interview will not agree to go to WIC/provider but will agree to send in provider measures and 25% will do so.
(k) Assume 3 will use HHA for measurement.
(l) Potential respondents for 48-mo and 60-mo interviews and HT/WT measures will get 1 or more of the 10 reminders in Appendix E1-E10. Total burden for these reminders = 11.75 minutes (E1=1 min, E2=1 min, E3=3 min, E4=3 min, E5=.5 min, E6=.5 min, E7=1 min, E8=.25 min, E9=1 min, E10=.5 min) and average length of time for these reminders is 1.1 minutes (11.25/10). Assume respondents will get an average of 5 reminders each.
(m) Assume 80% of cohort will read birthday cards. Mother and child will both read child card.
(n) Assume study extension webinar attended by all 27 states and 2 reps from each site.
(o) Assumes 1 conf. call with state and 1 conf. call with state and site with 2 representatives per site.
(p) Total time burden to is 13 minutes to read correspondence about extension and includes U1 (3 min) or U2 (3 min), V1 (7 min) and V2 (3 min).
(q) Assume administrative H/W records will be provided by State WIC office 2 times for those enrolled in WIC who do not return H/W card.
(r) Assume will request participant contact information from WIC sites about once a month over data collection period.
(s) Assume 60% of participants who return measurement cards will be measured at WIC with about 22 children weighed and measured per site (((1540+1386)*.60)/80=22). Assume 10 minutes for measurements per child.
(t) Assume H/W data for participants who returned HIPAA form will be provided by 80% of providers.
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