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WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555"()001
February 15, 2013
Mr. Joseph E. Pollock, Executive Director
Nuclear Energy Institute
1776 I Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20006-3708
Dear Mr. Pollock:
On behalf of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), I am responding to the Nuclear Energy
Institute's (NEl's) letter of November 27,2012, with attached Electric Power Research Institute
(EPRI) final draft Report No. 1025287 entitled, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance: Screening,
Prioritization and Implementation Details (SPID) for the Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term
Task Force Recommendation 2.1: Seismic" (hereafter referred to as the SPID report). NEI's
letter was submitted to support licensee responses to Enclosure 1 of the March 12, 2012,
information requese that was issued pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(10 CFR), Section 50.54(f) (hereafter referred to as the 50.54(f) letter). The 50.54(f) letter was
issued as part of the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear
The NRC staff interacted with the stakeholders on the development of the SPID report with a
focus on screening, prioritization, and implementation details as they relate to performing a
seismic reevaluation. The SPID report is the product of significant interaction between the
NRC, NEI, EPRI, and other stakeholders, at over fifteen public meetings,3 over a 9-month
period. These interactions and the insights gained from the meetings allowed for the
development of this document in a very short time frame. The meetings helped develop the
expectations for how licensees would perform plant evaluations after updating their seismic
hazard information. At each meeting, the NRC staff provided its comments on the current
version of the SPID report and discussed with stakeholders proposed subsequent revisions to
the document. This iterative process, over a 9-month period, resulted in the final version of the
document. The NRC staff's endorsement of the SPID report, subject to the additional guidance
noted below, is based upon this cumulative development process resulting from the extensive
interactions between stakeholders and the NRC staff.
The NRC staff has reviewed the SPID report and confirmed that it would provide licensees with
the guidance necessary to perform seismic reevaluations. and r6port the results to the NRC in a
manner that will address the Requested Information items (1) through (9) in Enclosure 1 of the
50.54(f) letter. The SPID report is intended to provide sufficient guidance for all sites, however,
each site is unique and requirements for analYSIS can vary. lri cases where the SPID report
Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML123330282
The 50 54(f) letter is available in ADAMS under Accession No. ML1205:'1A340.
3 Public meetings were held on March 1 - 2, April 2 - 3, May 15 16, June 14, July 24 25, August 16 and 30, September 11 and 21,
October 9 and 18, November 5, 9, 14, 20, and 26, 2012.
J. Pollock
- 2
may not account for the unique characteristics of a site, prudent and sound engineering
judgment should be employed to assure all issues bearing on the hazard and risk evaluations
are adequately addressed. Instances when unique site characteristics require such engineering
judgment, or require analysis that is not included in the SPID report, should be clearly identified,
along with the measures taken to assure the unique site characteristics are appropriately
Although the NRC staff finds that the performance and reporting of the seismic reevaluation in
accordance with the SPID report would be responsive to the 50. 54(f) letter, there are four further
issues described below for which the NRC staff provides additional guidance. These issues
are: (1) the use of the Individual Plant Examination of External Events (IPEEE) submittals for
screening purposes; (2) development of foundation input response spectra (FIRS) consistent
with the site response used in the development of the site-specific ground motion response
spectrum (GMRS); (3) updating the seismic source models; and (4) development of the site
Use of IPEEE for Screening
Section 3.3 of the SPID report provides the criteria used to determine if the licensee's previous
IPEEE submittal is adequate to use for screening purposes. A seismic assessment performed
as part of the IPEEE program that demonstrates a plant capacity that is higher than the new
GMRS can be used to screen out plants, provided they meet certain adequacy criteria.
Each licensee has the option of demonstrating the adequacy of its previous IPEEE submittal for
screening purposes as part of its response to the 50.54(f) letter. The NRC staff will review each
submittal and determine whether the provided information demonstrates the adequacy of the
IPEEE analysis and risk insights. The licensee's description of each of the adequacy criteria,
described in Section 3.3 of the SPID report, will be reviewed by the NRC staff in its integrated
totality, rather than using a pass/fail approach. As such, even if one or more of the criteria are
not deemed to be adequate, the staff may still decide that the overalllPEEE analysis is
adequate to support its use for screening purposes. The NRC staff may conduct site visits to
view IPEEE documentation referenced in support of the IPEEE adequacy submittal.
Development of Foundation Input Response Spectra (FIRS)
The SPID report does not discuss the development of FIRS used for performing soil-structure
interaction analyses. Consistent with guidance described in DC/COL-ISG-017, "Ensuring
Hazard-Consistent Seismic Input for Site Response and Soil Structure Interaction Analyses,"
the FIRS should be derived in a manner consistent with the site response used in the
development of the site-specific GMRS. As such, the FIRS should be derived as
performance-based site-specific response spectra at the foundation level in the free field. The
starting point for development of the FIRS should be the same hard rock elevation used as the
starting point for developing the GMRS. As the engineering properties of soil are strain
dependent and can be highly non-linear, the characterization of soil layers and their associated
properties used in the GMRS analysis should also be used for the derivation of the site-specific
FIRS at the foundation elevation. The performance-based FIRS can be developed using either
a full-column outcrop motion that includes the effect of the soil above, or as a geologic outcrop
motion for which the soil layers above the foundation elevation have been removed.
J. Pollock
Updating the Central and Eastern United States (CEUS)-Seismic Source Characterization
(SSG) model
Section 2.2 of the SPID report provides an overview of the CEUS-SSC model and explains why
it is appropriate to use without update for the seismic reevaluations. Specifically, Section 2.2
states, "for site-specific licensing applications or site-specific safety decisions, these seismic
sources would be reviewed on a site-specific basis to determine if they need to be updated.
Such evaluations would be appropriate in a licensing application, where focus could be made on
site-specific applications. However, for a screening-level study of multiple plants for the
purpose of setting priorities, the use of these seismic sources as published is appropriate."
The NRC staff agrees that the CEUS-SSC model does not need to be updated for the seismic
reevaluations, but the staff's rationale is different than that presented in the SPID report.
Specifically, the staff has determined that the CEUS-SSC model does not need to be updated
because the model is up-to-date and is sufficiently refined to allow a site-specific source model
to be developed. To adequately respond to the 50.54(f) letter, a site-specific GMRS should be
calculated for each plant so that an informed decision can be made regarding which plants will
be required to complete a risk evaluation. Further, the site-specific GMRS will also be used in
the risk evaluations, if needed.
Prior to issuing the CEUS-SSC model, the Technical Integration Team considered potentially
significant events (such as the 2011 Mineral, VA earthquake) that had occurred after the model
was developed, and determined that those events did not change their interpretations of seismic
sources or earthquake recurrence rates. If a significant earthquake in the CEUS were to occur
or new information were to emerge during the reevaluation period that could require an update
of the CEUS-SSC model, the staff expects licensees to evaluate the significance of the new
information to determine if the CEUS-SSC model needs to be updated in order to appropriately
respond to the 50.54(f) request.
Site Response
Section 2.4.1 and Appendix 8 of the SPID report provides guidance on how to develop the site
response in cases where limited site response data exists. As stated in Appendix 8, the NRC
staff expects licensees to use available geologic, geotechnical, and geophysical data collected
during the initial licensing or subsequent activities at the site to the extent practicable. Where
limited site response data exists, information from core borings and data collected from site and
regional evaluations should be used to develop the site response amplification. Section 4 of the
SPID report states that licensees should provide the basis for the site responses used in the
reevaluations. The NRC staff expects site-specific geology, geotechnical, and geophysical
information to be a significant part of the basis.
In accordance with the 50.54(f) letter, each licensee is to submit to the NRC its intention to
follow the NRC-endorsed seismic reevaluation guidance, or an alternative approach, 60 days
after the issuance of the NRC-endorsed guidance. For the purpose of meeting this deadline,
the 60-day response period commences on the date this endorsement of the SPID report is
published in the Federal Register.
J. Pollock
Licensees may use the SPID report as one acceptable method for responding to the information
requested in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter. Accordingly, the NRC staff's issuance of this
letter endorsing the SPI D report is not considered backfitting, as defined in 10 CFR
50.1 09(a)(1).
The NRC requests that EPRI publish a final version of the SPID report within 1 month of receipt
of this letter. The final version of the SPID report should incorporate this letter between the title
page and the first section, and remove the draft markings from the document. If you or your
staff have additional questions, please contact my office or Mrs. Lisa Regner, of my staff at 301
415-1906, or by email at
David L. Skeen, Director
Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
cc: See enclosed list
Additional distribution via Listserv
Arkansas Nuclear One
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Docket Nos. 50-313 and 50-368
License Nos. DPR-51 and NPF-6
Braidwood Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. STN 50-456 and STN 50-457
License Nos. NPF-72 and NPF-77
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Arkansas Nuclear One
1448 S.R. 333
Russellville, AR 72802
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Beaver Valley Power Station
First Energy Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket Nos. 50-334 and 50-412
License Nos. DPR-66 and NPF-73
Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant
Tennessee Valley Authority
Docket Nos. 50-259, 50-260 and 50-296
License Nos. DPR-33, DPR-52 and DPR-68
Mr. Paul A Harden
Site Vice President
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
Mail Stop A-BV-SEB1
P.O. Box 4, Route 168
Shippingport, PA 15077
Mr. Joseph W. Shea
Vice President, Nuclear Licensing
Tennessee Valley Authority
3R Lookout Place
1101 Market Street, LP 3D-C
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
Bellefonte Nuclear Power Station
Tennessee Valley Authority
Docket Nos. 50-438 and 50-439
Construction Permit Nos. CPPR-122 and
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant
Carolina Power & Light Co.
Docket Nos. 50-325 and 50-324
License Nos. DPR-71 and DPR-62
Mr. Michael D. Skaggs
Senior Vice President, Nuclear Construction
Tennessee Valley Authority
6A Lookout Place
1101 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
Mr. Michael J. Annacone
Vice President
Carolina Power & Light Company
Brunswick Steam Electric Plant
P. O. Box 10429
Southport, NC 28461
- 2
Byron Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. STN 50-454 and STN 50-455
License Nos. NPF-37 and NPF-66
Catawba Nuclear Station
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Docket Nos. 50-413 and 50-414
License Nos. NPF-35 and NPF-52
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Mr. Kelvin Henderson
Site Vice President
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Catawba Nuclear Station
4800 Concord Road
York, SC 29745
Callaway Plant
Union Electric Company
Docket No. 50-483
License No. NPF-30
Mr. Adam C. Heflin
Senior Vice President and
Chief Nuclear Officer
Union Electric Company
Ameren Missouri
P. O. Box 620
Fulton, MO 65251
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC
Docket Nos. 50-317 and 50-318
License Nos. DPR-53 and DPR-69
Mr. George H. Gellrich
Vice President
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, LLC
Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
1650 Calvert Cliffs Parkway
Lusby, MD 20657-4702
Clinton Power Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket No. 50-461
License No. NPF-62
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Columbia Generating Station
Energy Northwest
Docket No. 50-397
License No. NPF-21
Mr. Mark E. Reddemann
Chief Executive Officer
Energy Northwest
MD 1023
North Power Plant Loop
P.O. Box 968
Richland, WA 99352
- 3
Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant
Luminant Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. 50-445 and 50-446
License Nos. NPF-87 and NPF-89
Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station
First Energy Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket No. 50-346
License No. NPF-3
Mr. Rafael Flores
Senior Vice President and
Chief Nuclear Officer
Luminant Generation Company, LLC
Attn: Regulatory Affairs
P. O. Box 1002
Glen Rose, TX 76043
Mr. Ray Lieb
Site Vice President
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
clo Davis-Besse NPS
5501 N. State Route 2
Oak Harbor, OH 43449-9760
Cooper Nuclear Station
Nebraska Public Power District
Docket No. 50-298
License No. DPR-46
Mr. Oscar A. Limpias
Vice President Nuclear and
Chief Nuclear Officer
Nebraska Public Power District
72676 648A Avenue
P.O. Box 98
Brownville, NE 68321
Crystal River Nuclear Generating Plant
Florida Power Corp.
Docket No. 50-302
License No. DPR-72
Mr. Jon A. Franke
Site Vice President
Attn: Supervisor, Licensing & Regulatory
Progress Energy, Inc.
Crystal River Nuclear Plant (NA2C)
15760 West Power Line Street
Crystal River, FL 34428-6708
Diablo Canyon Power Plant
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323
License Nos. DPR-80 and DPR-82
Mr. Edward D. Halpin
Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
P.O. Box 56,
Mail Code 104/6
Avila Beach, CA 93424
Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant
Indiana Michigan Power Company
Docket Nos. 50-315 and 50-316
License Nos. DPR-58 and DPR-74
Mr. Lawrence J. Weber
Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear
Indiana Michigan Power Company
Nuclear Generation Group
One Cook Place
Bridgman, MI 49106
- 4
Dresden Nuclear Power Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. 50-237 and 50-249
License Nos. DPR-19 and DPR-25
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Duane Arnold Energy Center
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold, LLC
Docket No. 50-331
License No. DPR-49
Mr. Rich Anderson
Site Vice President
NextEra Energy
Duane Arnold Energy Center
3277 DAEC Road
Palo, IA 52324-9785
Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket Nos. 50-321 and 50-366
License Nos. DPR-57 and NPF-5
Mr. C.R. Pierce
Regulatory Affairs Director
Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1295/BIN B038
Birmingham, AL 35201-1295
Detroit Edison Co.
Docket No. 50-341
License No. NPF-43
Mr. Joseph H. Plona
Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear
Detroit Edison Company
Fermi 2 - 210 NOC
6400 North Dixie Highway
Newport, MI 48166
Fort Calhoun Station
Omaha Public Power District
Docket No. 50-285
License No. DPR-40
Mr. Louis Cortopassi
Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Omaha Public Power District
Fort Calhoun Station
Mail Stop FC-2-4
9610 Power Lane
Blair, NE 68008
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-416
License No. NPF-29
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
P.O. Box 756
Port Gibson, MS 39150
H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant
Carolina Power & Light Co.
Docket No. 50-261
License No. DPR-23
Mr. William R. Gideon
Vice President
Carolina Power & Light Company
3581 West Entrance Road
Hartsville, SC 29550
Hope Creek Generating Station
PSEG Nuclear, LLC
Docket No. 50-354
License No. NPF-57
Mr. Thomas Joyce
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
PSEG Nuclear LLC - N09
P. O. Box 236,
Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038
Indian Point Energy Center
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Docket Nos. 50-247 and 50-286
License Nos. DPR-26 and DPR-64
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Indian Point Energy Center
450 Broadway, GSB
P.O. Box 249
Buchanan, NY 10511-0249
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-333
License No. DPR-59
Vice President
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
P.O. Box 110
Lycoming, NY 13093
Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket Nos. 50-348 and 50-364
License Nos. NPF-2 and NPF-8
Mr. C.R. Pierce
Regulatory Affairs Director
Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1295/Bin 038
Birmingham, AL 35242
Kewaunee Power Station
Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.
Docket No. 50-305
License No. DPR-43
Mr. David A. Heacock
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.
Innsbrook Technical Center
5000 Dominion Boulevard
Glen Allen, VA 23060-6711
LaSalle County Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374
License Nos. NPF-11 and NPF-18
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Win'field Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Limerick Generating Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. 50-352 and 50-353
License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville,IL 60555
Millstone Nuclear Power Station
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.
Docket Nos. 50-336 and 50-423
License Nos. DPR-65 and NPF-49
North Anna Power Station
Virginia Electric & Power Co.
Docket Nos. 50-338 and 50-339
License Nos. NPF-4 and NPF-7
Mr. David A. Heacock
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Dominion Nuclear Connecticut, Inc.
Innsbrook Technical Center
5000 Dominion Boulevard
Glen Allen, VA 23060-6711
Mr. David A. Heacock
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Dominion Nuclear
Innsbrook Technical Center
5000 Dominion Boulevard
Glen Allen, VA 23060-6711
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
Northern States Power Company
Docket No. 50-263
License No. DPR-22
Oconee Nuclear Station
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Docket Nos. 50-269, 50-270 and 50-287
License Nos. DPR-38, DPR-47 and DPR-55
Mr. Preston Gillespie
Mr. Mark A. Schimmel
Site Vice President, Oconee Nuclear Station
Site Vice President
Northern States Power Company - Minnesota
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
7800 Rochester Highway
Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant
Seneca, SC 29672
2807 West County Road 75
Monticello, MN 55362-9637
Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station
Docket No. 50-219
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC
License No. DPR-16
Docket Nos. 50-220 and 50-410
License Nos. DPR-63 and NPF-69
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Mr. Christopher Costanzo
Exelon Nuclear
Vice President Nine Mile Point
4300 Winfield Road
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC
Warrenville, IL 60555
P. O. Box 63
Lycoming, NY 13093
Palisades Nuclear Plant
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-255
License No. DPR-20
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Palisades Nuclear Plant
27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway
Covert, M I 49043
Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station
Arizona Public Service Company
Docket Nos. STN 50-528, STN 50-529 and
STN 50-530
License Nos. NPF-41, NPF-51 and NPF-74
Mr. Randall K. Edington
Executive Vice President Nuclear and Chief
Nuclear Officer
Arizona Public Service Co.
P. O. Box 52034, MS 7602
Phoenix, AZ 85072-2034
Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. 50-277 and 50-278
License Nos. DPR-44 and DPR-56
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Unit No.1
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-293
License No. DPR-35
Mr. Robert Smith
Vice President and Site Vice President
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station
600 Rocky Hill Road
Plymouth, MA 02360-5508
Point Beach Nuclear Plant
NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC
Docket Nos. 50-266 and 50-301
License Nos. DPR-24 and DPR-27
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Mr. Larry Meyer
Site Vice President
NextEra Energy Point Beach, LLC
Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2
6610 Nuclear Road
Two Rivers, WI 54241-9516
Perry Nuclear Power Plant
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket No. 50-440
License No. NPF-58
Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
Northern States Power Co. Minnesota
Docket Nos. 50-282 and 50-306
License Nos. DPR-42 and DPR-60
Mr. Vito A Kaminskas
Site Vice President - Nuclear - Perry
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company
Perry Nuclear Power Plant
10 Center Road, A290
Perry,OH 44081
Mr. James E. Lynch
Site Vice President
Northern States Power Company - Minnesota
Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant
1717 Wakonade Drive East
Welch, MN 55089-9642
Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station
Exelon Generation Co., LLC
Docket Nos. 50-254 and 50-265
License Nos. DPR-29 and DPR-30
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
Southern California Edison Company
Docket Nos. 50-361 and 50-362
License Nos. NFP-10 and NFP-15
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
Mr. Peter T. Dietrich
Senior Vice President and
Chief Nuclear Officer
Southern California Edison Company
San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
P.O. Box 128
San Clemente, CA 92674-0128
R E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant
R E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC
Docket No. 50-244
License No. DPR-18
Mr. Joseph E. Pacher
Vice President
R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC
RE. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant
1503 Lake Road
Ontario, NY 14519
River Bend Station
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-458
License No. NPF-47
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Operations, Inc.
River Bend Station
5485 U.S. Highway 61 N
St. Francisville, LA 70775
Salem Nuclear Generating Station
PSEG Nuclear, LLC.
Docket Nos. 50-272 & 50-311
License Nos. DPR-70 and DPR-75
Mr. Thomas Joyce
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
PSEG Nuclear LLC - N09
P. O. Box 236,
Hancocks Bridge, NJ 08038
Seabrook Nuclear Plant
NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC
Docket No 50-443
License No. NFP-86
Mr. Kevin Walsh
Vice President, Seabrook Nuclear Plant
c/o Mr. Michael O'Keefe
NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC
P.O. Box 300
Seabrook, NH 03874
Sequoyah Nuclear Plant
Tennessee Valley Authority
Docket Nos. 50-327 and 50-328
License Nos. DPR-77 and DPR-79
Mr. Joseph W. Shea
Vice President, Nuclear Licensing
Tennessee Valley Authority
3R Lookout Place
1101 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
- 9
Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant
Carolina Power & Light Co.
Docket No. 50-400
License No. NPF-63
Surry Power Station
Virginia Electric & Power Co.
Docket Nos. 50-280 and 50-281
License Nos. DPR-32 and DPR-37
Mr. George T. Hamrick
Vice President
Carolina Power and Light Company
Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant
P. O. Box 165, Mail Zone 1
New Hill, NC 27562-0165
Mr. David A. Heacock
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Dominion Nuclear
Innsbrook Technical Center
5000 Dominion Boulevard
Glen Allen, VA 23060-6711
South Texas Project
STP Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499
License Nos. NPF-76 and NPF-80
Susquehanna Steam Electric Station
Mr. Dennis L. Koehl
President and CEO/CNO
STP Nuclear Operating Company
South Texas Project Electric Generating
P.O. Box 289
Wadsworth, TX 77483
St. Lucie Plant
Florida Power & Light Co.
Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389
License Nos. DPR-67 and NPF-16
Mr. Mano Nazar
Executive Vice President and
Chief Nuclear Officer
NextEra Energy
700 Universe Boulevard
P. O. Box 14000
Juno Beach, FL 33408-0420
PPL Susquehanna, LLC
Docket Nos. 50-387 and 50-388
License Nos. NPF-14 and NPF-22
Mr. Timothy S. Rausch
Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear
PPL Susquehanna, LLC
769 Salem Boulevard
Berwick, PA 18603-0467
Three Mile Island, Unit 1
Exelon Nuclear
Docket No. 50-289
License No. DPR-50
Mr. Michael J. Pacilio
President and Chief Nuclear Officer
Exelon Nuclear
4300 Winfield Road
Warrenville, IL 60555
- 10
Turkey Point
Florida Power & Light Co.
Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251
License Nos. DPR-31 and DPR-41
Vogtle Electric Generating Plant
Southern Nuclear Operating Co.
Docket Nos. 50-424 and 50-425
License Nos. NPF-68 and NPF-81
Mr. Mano Nazar
Executive Vice President and
Chief Nuclear Officer
NextEra Energy
700 Universe Boulevard
P. O. Box 14000
Juno Beach, FL 33408-0420
Mr. C.R Pierce
Regulatory Affairs Director
Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc.
P.O. Box 1295/Bin 038
Birmingham, AL 35201
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-271
License No. DPR-28
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station
P.O. Box 250, Governor Hunt Road
Vernon, VT 05354
Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station
South Carolina Electric & Gas Co.
Docket No. 50-395
License No. NPF-12
Mr. Thomas D. Gatlin
Vice President Nuclear Operations
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company
Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station
Post Office Box 88, Mail Code 800
Jenkinsville, SC 29065
Waterford Steam Electric Station
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Docket No. 50-382
License No. NPF-38
Vice President, Operations
Entergy Operations, Inc.
Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3
17265 River Road
Killona, LA 70057-0751
Watts Bar Nuclear Plant. Units 1 and 2
Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 1
Tennessee Valley Authority
Docket No. 50-390
License No. NPF-90
Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2
Tennessee Valley Authority
Docket No. 50-391
Construction Permit No. CPPR No. 092
Mr. Joseph W. Shea
Chief Nuclear Officer and Executive Vice
Tennessee Valley Authority
3R Lookout Place
1101 Market Street
Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801
- 11
William B. McGuire Nuclear Station
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
Docket Nos. 50-369 and 50-370
License Nos. NPF-9 and NPF-17
Mr. Regis T. Repko
Vice President
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
McGuire Nuclear Site
12700 Hagers Ferry Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
Wolf Creek Generating Station
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp.
Docket No. 50-482
License No. NPF-42
Mr. Matthew W. Sunseri
President and Chief Executive Officer
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation
P.O. Box411
Burlington, KS 66839
J. Pollock
Licensees may use the SPID report as one acceptable method for responding to the information
requested in Enclosure 1 of the 50.54(f) letter. Accordingly. the NRC staffs issuance of this
letter endorsing the SPID report is not considered backfitting, as defined in 10 CFR
50.1 09(a)(1).
The NRC requests that EPRI publish a final version of the SPID report within 1 month of receipt
of this letter. The final version of the SPID report should incorporate this letter between the title
page and the first section, and remove the draft markings from the document. If you or your
staff have additional questions, please contact my office or Mrs. Lisa Regner, of my staff at 301
415-1906, or by email at
David L. Skeen, Director
Japan Lessons-Learned Project Directorate
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
cc: See enclosed list
Additional distribution via Listserv
See next page
ADAMS Accession No.: M L12319A074
*Concurrence via e-mail
**Non-concurrence via e-mail
0: NRR/DE*
DHarrison forJGiitter
Letter to Joseph E. Pollock from David L. Skeen dated February 15, 2013
N. Choski
LPL1-1 RlF
LPL 1-2 RtF
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LPL3-2 RlF
JShea, NRO
~IKratchman, NRR
RLaura, NRR
RPascarelli, NRR
BPurnell, NRR
DSkeen, NRR
RTaylor, NRR
MKhanna, NRR
RPascarelli, f\lRR
JQuichocho, NRR
RCarlson, NRR
MMarkley, NRR
DBroaddus, NRR
RidsNrrPM Bellefonte
RidsNrrPM DCCook
RidsNrrPM DavisBesse
RidsNrrPM DiabloCanyon
RidsNrrPM NineM ilePoint
RidsNrrPM Perry
RidsNrrPM Point Beach
Rids NrrPMWattsBar1
RidsOgcRp Resource
RidsRgn1 MailCenter Resource
RidsRgn2MailCenter Resource
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RidsRgn4MailCenter Resource
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Endorsement of Electric Power Research Institute Draft Report 1025287, "Seismic Evaluation Guidance." |
File Modified | 2013-02-19 |
File Created | 2013-02-15 |