Survey of Jail Administrative Records Pre-Test

Generic Clearance for Cognitive, Pilot and Field Studies for Bureau of Justice Statistics Data Collection Activities

Attachment A_SJAR Survey

Pre-test to Assess Feasibility to Collect U.S. Citizenship Status from Local Jails

OMB: 1121-0339

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OMB No. XXXX-XXXX Approval Expires 0X/XX/20XX

Survey of Jail Administrative Records Pre-test

Thank you for your participation in the Survey of Jail Administrative Records (SJAR) pre-test. Abt Associates is conducting this survey on behalf of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in an effort to assess the feasibility of collecting and then using jail administrative data to support the next Survey of Inmates in Local Jails (SILJ), which BJS expects to field in 2020 or 2021. Please see the attached fact sheet for information on the SILJ. Your participation in this pre-test is completely voluntary; however, we ask for your assistance in conducting this survey since your response will help BJS to improve the full implementation of the SJAR. The survey should take you approximately 25 minutes to complete and you can complete it in more than one session. You may also forward the survey link you received via email to colleagues within your agency if you feel they can help you complete the survey.

What information does the SJAR collect and how will the data be used?

The SJAR asks about data elements that you collect and maintain in your jail data management systems as well as your ability to provide inmate-level data to BJS to be used for statistical purposes only. The information collected in the SJAR will be used to make changes to the future SILJ that may help to reduce survey administration time in the selected SILJ facilities. [Please note that selection in either the pretest or the full implementation of the SJAR is not an indication that your facility will be selected for the next SILJ.]. Individual jail responses collected from SJAR will not be published or released, but BJS plans to produce a methodological report that includes information on the survey design, survey procedures, and data quality issues. Upon completion of the data collection, the electronic file will be downloaded onto a password-protected computer for analysis by BJS and Abt Associates. Your responses will be merged with responses from other jails.

How can I find out more about the SJAR and SILJ?

If you have any questions about the SJAR, please contact the Abt Associates Project Director, Meg Chapman at (301) 634-1740 or For more information on the SILJ program, please contact Todd Minton of BJS at (202) 305-9630 or

Thank you for your participation!

Burden statement

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, we cannot ask you to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The burden of this collection is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering necessary data, and completing and reviewing this form. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this survey, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics, 810 Seventh Street, NW, Washington, DC 20531. Do not send your completed form to this address.

[Separate page from intro]

You are entering Section I – Data Elements. In this section you will be asked about specific data elements from six different categories of administrative data including individual inmate demographic characteristics, current commitment, criminal justice status, current offense, pretrial and trial information, and sentencing information. You are only being asked about your ability to provide this data. You are not being asked to provide data at this point. Select next to begin.

[Next page begins here]

Section I – Data Elements

We are interested in learning whether you can provide inmate-level data, in whatever format available, for inmates confined in your facility during a specified period of time. This includes persons booked and admitted to your facility and excludes inmates under jail supervision but not confined to the jail, such as persons in community-based programs run by your jail who do not return to the jail at night (e.g., electronic monitoring, house arrest, community service, day reporting, and work programs).

To help us in this assessment, please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge, consulting with others as needed.

  1. Individual Characteristics



Is this data element collected, either by the jail or another agency that shares data with the jail?

If yes, is this data based on:

(check all that apply)

If yes, can you provide this data element to BJS?

If yes, percent of inmates for whom information can be provided

For inmates for whom information can be provided, what format can it be provided in?

If no, why can’t you provide this data element?

(check all that apply)

Response Options

  • Yes

  • No

  • Inmate self-report with no external verification

  • Inmate self-report with external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with no external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with external verification

  • Data received from another agency

  • System assigned (i.e., auto-filled)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Less than 50%

  • 50%-75%

  • More than 75% of inmates

  • Electronic only

  • Paper only

  • Combination of electronic and paper

  • Not included in existing reports/queries

  • Lack of in-house programming staff

  • Lack of resources to pay vendor to obtain data

  • Cannot provide data maintained by another agency

  • Legal restrictions

  • Other (specify))

Inmate/Booking Number

Date of Birth






American Indian and Alaska Native tribal affiliation


Hispanic Origin


Country of citizenship

[if no to country of citizenship] U.S. citizenship status

  1. Current Commitment



Is this data element collected, either by the jail or another agency that shares data with the jail?

If yes, is this data based on:

(check all that apply)

If yes, can you provide this data element to BJS?

If yes, percent of inmates for whom information can be provided

For inmates for whom information can be provided, what format can it be provided in?

Response Options

  • Yes

  • No

  • Inmate self-report with no external verification

  • Inmate self-report with external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with no external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with external verification

  • Data received from another agency

  • System assigned (i.e., auto-filled)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Less than 50%

  • 50%-75%

  • More than 75% of inmates

  • Electronic only

  • Paper only

  • Combination of electronic and paper

Type of Commitment (e.g., awaiting arraignment, awaiting sentencing, serving sentence)

If yes, can you distinguish inmates who are (check all that apply):

  • Awaiting arraignment

  • Standing trial for an offense

  • Awaiting a hearing for revocation of probation/parole or community release

  • Held as witness

  • Held for safekeeping

  • Held for contempt of court

  • Awaiting sentencing for an offense

  • Serving a sentence in this jail

  • Awaiting transfer to serve a sentence somewhere else

  • Other (specify)

Date of admission

Holding authority, other than your jail (Please include contractual, temporary, courtesy, or ad hoc holds for other agencies.)

If yes, can you distinguish inmates who are being held for (check all that apply):

  • State prison authorities

  • American Indian or Alaska Native tribal governments

  • Other local jail jurisdictions

  • Federal Bureau of Prisons

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs

  • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

  • U.S. Marshals Service

  • Other (specify)

The next two sections reflect administrative data that may be collected or maintained on the underlying offense that resulted in the inmate being under some form of criminal justice status (Section C), as well as for the current offense (Section D).

  1. Criminal Justice Status at the time of Commitment



Is this data element collected, either by the jail or another agency that shares data with the jail?

If yes, is this data based on:

(check all that apply)

If yes, can you provide this data element to BJS?

If yes, among those on CJ status, percent of inmates for whom information can be provided

For inmates for whom information can be provided, what format can it be provided in?

If no, why can’t you provide this data element?

(check all that apply)

Response Options

  • Yes

  • No

  • Inmate self-report with no external verification

  • Inmate self-report with external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with no external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with external verification

  • Data received from another agency

  • System assigned (i.e., auto-filled)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Less than 50%

  • 50%-75%

  • More than 75% of inmates

  • Electronic only

  • Paper only

  • Combination of electronic and paper

  • Not included in existing reports/queries

  • Lack of in-house programming staff

  • Lack of resources to pay vendor to obtain data

  • Requires extracting data from text reports (e.g., minutes from court proceedings)

  • Cannot provide data maintained by another agency

  • Legal restrictions

  • Other (specify)

Information on inmate’s criminal justice status at time of arrest (e.g., parole, probation, pretrial release)


If yes, can you distinguish inmates who are: (check all that apply)

  • On parole or supervised release after serving time

  • On probation, including shock probation and split sentences

  • On some other form of community release (including furlough, work or study release, day or weekend reporting)

  • Pretrial release

  • Returned escapee

Offense information (e.g., description, type, severity) for which the inmate is under supervision

If yes, can you provide: (check all that apply)

  • Arrest date

  • Number of charges

  • Description of each offense if there are multiple offenses

  • Title and section of penal code for each offense

  • Type of offense (criminal versus civil (e.g., contempt of court))

  • Severity of offense(s) (e.g., felony, misdemeanor)

Commitment information (i.e., jail or prison time) for offenses for which under supervision


If yes, can you provide: (check all that apply)

  • Date admitted to jail

  • Date released from jail

Held for technical violation


  1. Current Offense Information



Is this data element collected, either by the jail or another agency that shares data with the jail?

If yes, is this data based on:

(check all that apply)

If yes, can you provide this data element to BJS?

If yes, percent of inmates for whom information can be provided

For inmates for whom information can be provided, what format can it be provided in?

Response Options

  • Yes

  • No

  • Inmate self-report with no external verification

  • Inmate self-report with external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with no external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with external verification

  • Data received from another agency

  • System assigned (i.e., auto-filled)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Less than 50%

  • 50%-75%

  • More than 75% of inmates

  • Electronic only

  • Paper only

  • Combination of electronic and paper

Arrest date

Offense information at charging

If yes, can you provide: (check all that apply)

  • Number of charges

  • Description of each offense

  • Title and section of penal code for each offense

  • Type of offense (criminal versus civil (e.g., contempt of court))

  • Severity of offense(s) (e.g., felony, misdemeanor)

Booking date

Booking time

Arraignment date

Arraignment time

Offense information at conviction

If yes, can you provide: (check all that apply)

  • Number of conviction offenses

  • Description of each offense

  • Title and section of penal code for each offense

  • Type of offense (criminal versus civil (e.g., contempt of court))

  • Severity of offense(s) (e.g., felony, misdemeanor)

Is this information maintained separately from charging information?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Pretrial and Trial Information



Is this data element collected, either by the jail or another agency that shares data with the jail?

If yes, is this data based on:

(check all that apply)

If yes, can you provide this data element to BJS?

If yes, among those in pre-trial status or who have been convicted, percent of inmates for whom information can be provided

For inmates for whom information can be provided, what format can it be provided in?

Response Options

  • Yes

  • No

  • Inmate self-report with no external verification

  • Inmate self-report with external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with no external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with external verification

  • Data received from another agency

  • System assigned (i.e., auto-filled)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Less than 50%

  • 50%-75%

  • More than 75% of inmates

  • Electronic only

  • Paper only

  • Combination of electronic and paper

Pretrial Release Information

Legal Representation (e.g., public defender, private lawyer)

Bail/bond eligible

Bail/bond amount

Type of release (e.g., bail/bond, ROR)

Release date

Failure to appear for any court appearances

Trial Information

Date of trial

Time of trial

The next section reflects administrative data that may be collected or maintained regarding sentencing of inmates confined in your jail.

  1. Sentencing Information



Is this data element collected, either by the jail or another agency that shares data with the jail?

If yes, is this data based on:

(check all that apply)

If yes, can you provide this data element to BJS?

If yes, among those sentenced, percent of inmates for whom information can be provided

For inmates for whom information can be provided, what format can it be provided in?

Response Options

  • Yes

  • No

  • Inmate self-report with no external verification

  • Inmate self-report with external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with no external verification

  • Staff collection/observation with external verification

  • Data received from another agency

  • System assigned (i.e., auto-filled)

  • Yes

  • No

  • Less than 50%

  • 50%-75%

  • More than 75% of inmates

  • Electronic only

  • Paper only

  • Combination of electronic and paper

Date of sentencing

Time of sentencing

Age at sentencing

Sentenced as adult, youthful offender, or juvenile

Number of sentences imposed

Offense information for which sentenced

If yes, can you provide: (check all that apply)

  • Number of charges

  • Description for each offense

  • Title and section of penal code

  • Type of offense (criminal versus civil (e.g., contempt of court))

  • Severity of offense(s) (e.g., felony, misdemeanor)

Is sentencing information maintained separately from charging/conviction information?

  • Yes

  • No

Length of sentence

Type of sentence (i.e., incarceration, probation, mixed or split)

If mixed or split, can you provide time sentenced to incarceration and to probation?

  • Yes

  • No

Whether sentences are consecutive or concurrent

Total length of sentence imposed

Where sentence will be served

Fees or monetary conditions

Special conditions (e.g., community service, mandatory drug testing) or restrictions

Expected date of release

You have finished section I of the survey. Please review any unanswered questions. If needed, you may forward the survey link you received via email to colleagues within your agency, if you feel they can help you complete the survey.

  • I have reviewed all unanswered questions in Section 1.

[Next page begins here]

You are entering Section II – Obtaining Administrative Data. In this section, you will be asked about processes and procedures for BJS to obtain administrative data, as well as costs associated with providing the data. Select next to continue.

[Next page begins here]

Section II – Obtaining Administrative Data

  1. What procedures would need to be undertaken for BJS to obtain administrative data? (check all that apply)

    • Formal letter of request

    • Memorandum of Understanding

    • Data use agreement

    • Non-Disclosure Agreement

    • Consent from inmates

    • Other (please specify)

1a. If consent from inmates was selected, what form of consent is required:

        Verbal

        Signed/written

  1. For data provided electronically, in what format could it be provided? (check all that apply)

    • Text format

    • Database format (SQL, SAS, STATA, SPSS)

    • Spreadsheet (MS Excel, MS ACCESS)

    • PDF

    • Other (specify)

    • No electronic data will be provided.

  1. Do you use offender management software?

    • Yes

    • No

3a. If yes, please provide the name of the software package you use.

    • [text field]

  1. Would you process the data request yourself or do you rely on a vendor to process the data request?

    • Jail would process the request

    • Vendor would process the request

4a. If a vendor, does your vendor charge a fee for providing data files?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Don’t know

4b. [If yes to 4a] How much is the fee?

    • [numeric text field]

    • Don’t know

  1. How quickly can administrative data/records be provided?

    • Same day as request

    • A few days

    • A few weeks

    • A few months

    • Don’t know

  1. Can you provide a data dictionary or documentation to guide mapping between administrative data and the data variables of interest?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Don’t know

  1. Can you provide a point of contact to respond to questions regarding the data?

    • Yes

    • No

    • Don’t know

  1. If BJS wanted the administrative data file to include identifiers (e.g., first name, last name, social security number), is it possible to provide data with identifiers to BJS?

    • Yes

    • No

8a. If no [to Q8], why?

    • [text field]

8b. If yes [to Q8], what additional procedures would be needed to include identifiers with the data? (check all that apply)

    • Review of research protocol

    • Memorandum of Understanding

    • Data transfer agreement

    • Non-Disclosure Agreement

    • Inmate consent

    • Other, please specify

    • 8c. If to consent from inmates was selected, what form of consent is required:

    • Verbal

    • Signed/written

8d. If yes [to Q8], which identifiers could be provided: (check all that apply)

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Social security number

    • FBI Number (Fingerprint-based ID unique to Country)

    • State Identification Number (SID) (Fingerprint-based ID unique to state)

    • Other, please specify

8e. If yes [to Q8], which populations would be included in the data?

    • Unconvicted and awaiting arraignment

    • Unconvicted and awaiting trial after arraignment

    • Convicted unsentenced

    • Convicted sentenced

  1. If BJS wanted to link the administrative data to the survey data collected through SILJ, would it be possible?

    • Yes

    • No

9a. If no [to Q9], why?

    • [text field]

9b. If yes [to Q9], what additional procedures would have to be undertaken to include identifiers with the data? (check all that apply)

    • Review of research protocol

    • Memorandum of Understanding

    • Data transfer agreement

    • Non-Disclosure Agreement

    • Consent from inmates

    • State/local IRB review

    • Other, please specify

9c. If consent from inmates was selected, what form of consent is required:

    • Verbal

    • Signed/written

  1. Does your facility provide medical services to inmates on facility grounds?

    • Yes

    • No

  2. In what format do you maintain medical and mental health records?

    • Electronic only

    • Paper only

    • Combination of electronic and paper

11a. [If electronic only] Can your Electronic Medical Records be linked to your offender management software program?

  • Yes

  • No

  1. Does your facility track whether an inmate is: (check all that apply)

    • On suicide watch

    • In restrictive housing

    • A mental health hold

12a. If yes, [to Q12], could this information be provided to BJS as part of the administrative file (Check all that apply)?

    • Yes, with inmate consent

    • Yes, with review of research protocol

    • Yes, without any conditions

    • Yes, with other conditions, please specify

    • No

12b. If consent from inmates was selected, what form of consent is required:

    • Verbal

    • Signed/written

  1. Do you keep date and time data for each movement of an inmate through the adjudication process (e.g. arraignment date and time, sentencing date and time) or is the date and time data overwritten as the inmate moves through the adjudication process to only keep the most recent date and time data?

    • Information on the date and time for each step in the adjudication process is saved in the data

    • Information on the date and time is overwritten as the inmate moves to the next step in the adjudication process

You have finished section II of the survey. Please review any unanswered questions. If needed, you may forward the survey link you received via email to colleagues within your agency, if you feel they can help you complete the survey.

  • I have reviewed all unanswered questions in Section II.

[Next page begins here]

You are entering Section III – SILJ Roster and Administration. In this section, you will be asked about the availability of inmate-level information and data collection procedures that will inform planning for the future administration of the Survey of Inmates of in Local Jails (SILJ). Select next to continue.

[Next page begins here]

Section III – SILJ Roster and Administration

Consistent with previous iterations, the SILJ will require a roster for all those housed the night before the start of data collection to support survey administration. This list should include all inmates who were assigned a bed or slept at the facility the previous night, including inmates confined to the jail, but who are temporarily or intermittently absent (e.g., court, furlough, work release, drug/alcohol treatment).

  1. Are you able to provide a roster of jail inmates?

  • Yes

  • No

1a. If no, please explain [text field] Skip to Q5

  1. Which of the following variables can you provide for each inmate as part of a roster? (check all that apply)

    • Inmate name

    • Booking ID

    • FBI Number (Fingerprint-based ID unique to Country)

    • State Identification Number (SID) (Fingerprint-based ID unique to state)

    • Sex

    • Age or Date of Birth

    • Race

    • Hispanic Origin

  • Offense description

  • Penal code

  • Severity (e.g., felony, misdemeanor)

  • Custody/inmate status (reflecting where the inmate is in the adjudication process)

  • Location in facility (e.g., holding cells, housing, medical, administrative segregation, drunk tank)

  1. Can the roster identify inmates who are pre- and post-arraignment?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Please describe: [text field]

Upon arrival at the facility, the data collection team will use this roster information to select the sample and approach sampled inmates for interviews. Depending on the size of the jail and the number of sampled inmates, this could take several hours or be scheduled on multiple days.

  1. Can the roster be refreshed each day to include inmates who arrived during the data collection period?

    • Yes

    • No

  1. When are the best times to schedule inmates for interviews at your facility? (check all that apply):

    • Morning

    • Afternoon

    • Evening

    • Weekends

    • Weekdays

You have finished section III of the survey. Please review any unanswered questions. If needed, you can forward the survey link you received via email to colleagues within your agency, if you feel they can help you complete the survey.

  • I have reviewed all unanswered questions and will forward this survey to someone who can complete those items. [save button appears]

  • I have reviewed all the responses and am ready to submit this survey. [submit button appears]


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMeg Chapman
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-21

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