Preliminary Crime Incident Report Items For Cognitive Te

Research to support the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)

Attachment C - Crime Incident Report Items

Cognitive Testing under the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) Redesign Generic Clearance

OMB: 1121-0325

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NCVS Redesign: Cognitive Testing


  • Location Items (page C2)

  • Presence Items (page C6)

  • Victim Offender Relationship Items (page C7)

  • Police Efficacy (page C11)

  • Victim Services (page C21)

  • Informal Help-seeking (page C24)

Location Items


10a. Did this incident happen in, or was there an attempt to get into YOUR home, garage, another building on your property, or any place you paid to stay overnight?

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10b

10a1. Which of these best describes where this incident happened?

  • Inside your home, an attached garage, or enclosed porch,
    including any attempts to enter any of these

  • Inside a detached building on your property, such as a
    detached garage or storage shed, including any attempts
    to enter these.

  • Inside a vacation or second home that your own

  • Inside a hotel or motel room

  • Inside a home you rented for a vacation from a rental agency
    or website listing service (for example AIRBNB, Flipkey,
    or Roomorama)

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10b. Did this incident happen immediately near, but NOT inside YOUR home or place where you paid to stay overnight? For example, somewhere on your property or on the street immediately outside of your home.

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10c

10b1. Which of these best describes where this incident happened? (Immediately near, but NOT inside your home or place where you were staying overnight.)

  • Your own yard, sidewalk, driveway, carport, unenclosed
    porch – but NOT apartment yards, fields or playgrounds

  • An apartment hall, storage area, laundry room – but NOT
    apartment parking lot/garage

  • On the street immediately adjacent to your home or place
    you were staying overnight

  • A parking lot or parking garage → SKIP to 10e1

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10c. [Did this incident happen] Inside or immediately near a friend’s/relative’s/neighbor’s home?

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10d

10c1 Which of these best describes where this incident happened? (Inside or immediately near a friend’s/relative’s/neighbor’s home.)

  • At or inside (friend’s/relative’s/neighbor’s) home or other
    building on THEIR property

  • In the yard, or on the driveway, or carport but NOT in
    apartment yards

  • In an apartment hall, storage area, laundry room – but NOT
    in apartment parking lot/garage

  • On the street immediately adjacent to THEIR home

  • A parking lot or parking garage → SKIP to 10e1

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10d. [Did this incident happen] Inside a business or public building, but not a school or public transportation? For example, at a restaurant or bar, gas station, gym, store, or office.

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10e

10d1 Which of these best describes where this incident happened? (Inside a business or public building, but not a school or public transportation)

  • Inside a restaurant, bar, or nightclub

  • Inside a bank

  • Inside a gym

  • Inside a laundromat

  • Inside a gas station

  • Inside another commercial building, such as a store

  • Inside an office

  • Inside a factory or warehouse

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10e. [Did this incident happen] In a parking lot or parking garage that was NOT a part of a school property?

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10f

10e1 Which of these best describes where this incident happened? (Inside a parking lot or parking garage)

  • A commercial parking lot or parking garage – for example
    at a store or a mall

  • A NON-commercial parking lot or parking garage – for
    example at an airport

  • An apartment/townhouse parking lot or parking garage

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10f. [Did this incident happen] On a school property, inside a school, or on a school bus?

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10g

10f1 Which of these best describes where this incident happened? (On a school property, inside a school, or on a school bus)

  • Inside a school building

  • On school property such as parking area, play area, etc

  • On a school bus

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10g. [Did this incident happen] On the street, in an open area, an apartment yard, or on public transportation?

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No → SKIP to 10i

10g1 Which of these best describes where this incident happened? (On the street, in an open area, or on public transportation)

  • At an apartment yard, a park, field, or playground

  • On the street, but not immediately adjacent to your own or a friend’s/relatives/neighbors’ home

  • On public transportation, such as bus, train, subway, or
    airplane including stations or terminals (airports)

  • None of these → CONTINUE

10i. Please tell me where the incident happened?

Other specify: |_______________________________________________________|

Presence Items

20a. Were you or any member of this household aware of this incident as it was happening?

  • Yes → CONTINUE

  • No

20b. Which household members were aware of this incident as it was happening?

  • Respondent only → CONTINUE

  • Respondent and other household members → CONTINUE

  • Only other household member(s), not respondent

21. Did you personally see an offender?

  • Yes

  • No

Preliminary Victim Offender Relationship Items

Questions determining the victim-offender relationship for incidents with one offender

Q62. Was the offender someone you knew or a stranger you had never seen before?

[1] Knew or had seen before - SKIP to 64

[2] Stranger

[3] Don't know

Q63. Would you be able to recognize the offender if you saw him/her?

[1] Yes - SKIP to 65a

[2] Not sure (possibly or probably) - SKIP to 65a

[3] No - SKIP to 67

Q64. How well did you know the offender - by sight only, casual acquaintance, or well known?

[1] Sight only - ASK 65a

[2] Casual acquaintance - SKIP to 66a

[3] Well known - SKIP to 66a

Q65a. Would you have been able to tell the police how they might find the offender, for instance, where he/she lived, worked, went to school, or spent time?

[1] Yes - SKIP to 67

[2] No - Skip to71a

[3] Other - Specify - Ask 65b

Q65b. Please specify.

Specify - SKIP to 67

66a. How well did you know the offender? For example, was the offender a friend, cousin, etc.?


[1] Spouse at time of incident - SKIP to 67

[2] Ex-spouse at time of incident - SKIP to 67

[3] Parent or step-parent - SKIP to 67

[4] Own child or step-child - SKIP to 67

[5] Brother/sister - SKIP to 67

[6] Other relative - Specify - ASK 66b


[7] Boyfriend or girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend - SKIP to 67

[8] Friend or ex-friend - SKIP to 67

[9] Roommate, boarder - SKIP to 67

[10] Schoolmate - SKIP to 67

[11] Neighbor - SKIP to 67

[12] Customer/client - SKIP to 67

[14] Patient - SKIP to 67

[15] Supervisor (current or former) - SKIP to 67

[16] Employee (current or former) - SKIP to 67

[17] Co-worker (current or former) - SKIP to 67

[18] Teacher/school staff - SKIP to 67

[19] Other nonrelative - Specify - ASK 66c

66b. Please specify the other relative

Specify - SKIP to 67

66c. Please specify the other nonrelative.


Questions determining the victim-offender relationship for incidents with more than one offender.

74. How many offenders were there?

__________ Number of offenders

75. Were any of the offenders known to you, or were they strangers you had never seen before?

[1] All known - SKIP to 77a

[2] Some known - SKIP to 77a

[3] All strangers - ASK 76

[4] Don't know - ASK 76

76. Would you be able to recognize any of them if you saw them?

[1] Yes - SKIP to 78a

[2] Not sure (possibly or probably) - SKIP to 78a

[3] No - SKIP to 80a

77a. How well did you know the offender(s) - by sight only, casual acquaintance, or well known? Did you know the offenders by sight only, were they casual acquaintances, or did you know them well?

Enter all that apply.

[1] Sight only

[2] Casual acquaintance

[3] Well known


Is "casual acquaintance" or "well known" marked in 77a?

[1] Yes - SKIP to 79a

[2] No - ASK 78a

78a. Would you have been able to tell the police how they might find any of them, for instance, where they lived, worked, went to school, or spent time?

[1] Yes - SKIP to 80a

[2] No - SKIP to 80a

[3] Other - Specify - ASK 78b

78b. Please specify.

Specify - SKIP to 80a

Exhibit 3. (Continued).

79a. How did you know them? For example, were they friends, cousins, etc.?

Enter all that apply.


[1] Spouse at time of incident - SKIP to 80a

[2] Ex-spouse at time of incident - SKIP to 80a

[3] Parent or step-parent - SKIP to 80a

[4] Own child or step-child - SKIP to 80a

[5] Brother/sister - SKIP to 80a

[6] Other relative - Specify - ASK 84b


[7] Boyfriend or girlfriend, ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend - SKIP to 80a

[8] Friend or ex-friend - SKIP to 80a

[9] Roommate, boarder - SKIP to 80a

[10] Schoolmate - SKIP to 80a

[11] Neighbor - SKIP to 80a

[12] Customer/client - SKIP to 85a

[14] Patient - SKIP to 80a

[15] Supervisor (current or former) - SKIP to 80a

[16] Employee (current or former) - SKIP to 80a

[17] Co-worker (current or former) - SKIP to 80a

[18] Teacher/school staff - SKIP to 80a

[13] Other nonrelative - Specify - ASK 79c

79b. Please specify the other relative.

Specify - SKIP to 80a

79c.Please specify the other nonrelative.


Police Efficacy

115. Were the police informed or did they find out about this incident in any way?

1 Yes

2 No (Go to 117a)

3 Don’t Know (go to 129)

116a Who informed the police? If more than one person, choose lowest-numbered applicable response.

1 Respondent (Go to 116c)

2 Other household member (Go to 116c)

3 School employee or School Resource Officer (Go to 116c)

4 Other official (e.g., security guard, building manager, etc..) (Go to 116c)

5 Some other person Go to 123a

6 Police were at scene Go to 123a

7 Offender was police officer Go to 123a

8 Some other way - specify

116b. Specify______________________

116c. How were the police first notified?

1 By telephone (Go to 116e)

2 Approached officer or police car (Go to 116f)

3 Went to police station (Go to 116f)

4 Reported using the Internet (Go to 119a)

5 Don’t know –someone else notified the police (Go to 119a)

6 Some other way – specify

116d. Specify _________ Then go to 119a

116e. Were the police notified by a 911 call, through another police number, or through a general city number or city hotline number ?

1 911/emergency number

2 Another police phone number

3 General city number/hotline

4 Don’t know

116f. Would you describe this as an emergency contact with police, or was it a non-emergency or a routine contact with police?

1 Emergency contact

2 Non-emergency contact

3 Don’t know

116g. Was the crime still underway when the police were contacted, or was it over?

1 Still underway (Go to 119a)

2 Crime was over

3 Don’t Know

116h. What was the gap in time between when the crime was over and the police were contacted? Was it within 5 minutes, within 10 minutes, an hour, a day or longer?

1 Within 5 minutes

2 Within 10 minutes

3 Within an hour

4 Within a day

5 Longer than a day

6 Don’t know how long

Go to 119a

117a. What was the reason it was not reported to the police? [Mark all that apply.]

Dealt with another way

1 Reported to another official (guard, apt manager, school official, etc.)

2 I took care of it myself or informally

2a Third party already dealing with it

Not Important enough to respondent

3 I recovered my property

3a It was not serious enough

4 Child Offender(s), ‘kid’s stuff’

5 Not clear it was a crime or that harm was intended

6 No insurance, loss less than deductible, etc..

Police couldn’t do anything

7 Didn’t find out until too late

8 Could not recover or identify property

9 Could not find or identify offender

Police wouldn’t help

10 Police wouldn’t think it was important enough, wouldn’t want to be bothered or get involved

10a Police would not be sympathetic

10b Didn’t think Police would believe me

11 Police would be inefficient, ineffective (they’d arrive late or not at all, wouldn’t do a good job, etc.)

Afraid of Police

11a Afraid or distrust the police

11b Police would not keep it confidential

12 Police would harass/insult respondent, cause respondent trouble

13 Offender was police officer

Consequences for the Victim

13b Didn’t want to make more trouble for myself

13c Might lose job if reported

13d Did not want humiliation

16 Afraid of reprisal by offender or others

13e Private or personal matter

Other Reason

14 Did not want to get offender in trouble with the law

15 Was advised not to report to police

17 Did not want to or could not take time – too inconvenient

17a Did not want to go to court18. Other Specify – Ask 117b

19 Respondent not present or doesn’t know why it wasn’t reported

117b. Specify______________________

117c. Check item P. Is more than one reason marked in 117a?

1 Yes

2 No – Go to 130

118 Which of these would you say was the most important reason why the incident was not reported to the police?

<see categories for 117a>

Go to 130

119a. Besides the fact that it was a crime, did YOU have any other reason for reporting this incident to the police?

To get help with this incident

1 Stop or prevent THIS incident from happening

2 Needed help after the incident due to injury

To recover loss

3 To recover property

4 To collect insurance

To get offender

5 To prevent further crimes against respondent/respondent’s household by this offender

6 To stop this offender from committing other crimes against anyone

7 To punish offender

8 Catch or find offender – other reason or no reason given

To let police know

9 To improve police surveillance of respondent’s home, area, etc.…

10 Duty to let police know about crime


11 Other reasons – specify (Go to 119b)

12 No other reason (Go to 121)

If any reason given besides 11, 12 given, go to 119c

119b. Specify

119c Check Item Q. Is more than one reason marked in 119a?

1 Yes

2 No (Go to 121)

120. Which of these would you say was the most important reason why the incident was reported to the police?

<see responses for 119a>

121. Did the police come when they found out about the incident, did they just take a report over the phone, or did they deal with it just using the mail or the Internet?

1 Police came (go to 122a)

2 Took report over the phone (go to 121b)

3 Dealt with it using the mail (go to 121c)

4 Dealt with it using the Internet (go to 121c)

5 Took phone report with follow-up through the mail or internet (go to 121b)

121b. How satisfied were you with the manner with which the phone report was taken? Would you say you were ….

1 Extremely satisfied

2 Very satisfied

3 Moderately satisfied

4 Slightly satisfied or

5 Not at all satisfied?

121c. Should the police have come when they were contacted, or was the incident handled appropriately?

1 Police should have come

2 It was handled appropriately

3 Don’t Know

GO TO 124

Q122a. How satisfied were you with the time it took the police to come after they were contacted? Would you say you were ….

1 Extremely satisfied

2 Very satisfied

3 Moderately satisfied

4 Slightly satisfied or

5 Not at all satisfied?

Q122b. Had the police told you in advance how long it would take them to get there?

1 Yes

2 No

123a. What did they do while they were (there/here) to try to solve the crime? (Mark all that apply)

1 Took report

2 Searched/looked around

3 Took evidence (fingerprints, inventory, etc.…)

4 Questioned witnesses or suspects

5 Made arrest

6 Recovered property

7 Other, Specify (Go to 123b)

8 Don’t Know (Go to 123c)

123b. Specify__________ Then ask 123c

123c. What did they do while they were (there/here) to provide help or assistance? (Mark all that apply)

1 Calmed people down; restored order

2 Resolved the conflict between the parties

3 Gave advice about insurance

4 Gave (other) advice about how to handle the damage or loss

5 Gave advice about services or organizations that could help

6 Contacted emergency medical services

7 Other, Specify (Go to 123d)

8 Don’t Know (Go to 124)

123d. Specify__________ Then ask 124

124. Did you (or anyone in your household) have any later contact with the police about the incident?

1 Yes (Go to 125a)

2 No (Go to 127c)

3 Don’t know (Go to 127c)

125a Did the police get in touch with you or did you get in touch with them?

1 Police contacted respondent or other HHLD member (Go to 126)

2 Respondent (or other HHLD member) contacted the police (Go to 126)

3 Both (Go to 126)

4 Don’t Know (Go to 126)

5 Other – specify (Go to 125b)

126. Was that in person, by phone, through the mail, or over the Internet?

1 In person

2 By telephone

3 Through the mail

4 Over the Internet

5 Any combination of reasons

127a What did the police do in following up this incident? (mark all that apply)

1 Took report (Go to 127c)

2 Questioned witnesses or suspects (Go to 127c)

3 Did or promised surveillance/investigation (Go to 127c)

4 Recovered property (Go to 127c)

5 Made arrest (Go to 127c)

6 Gave advice about services or organizations that could help

7 Stayed in touch with household respondent (Go to 127c)

8 Other – Specify

9 Nothing (to respondent’s knowledge) (Go to 127c)

10 Don’t Know (Go to 127c)

127b. Specify

Now we have a few questions about how you feel the police handled this incident.

127c How respectfully would you say that you were treated by the police? Were you treated...

1 Extremely respectfully,

2 Very respectfully,

3 Moderately respectfully,

4 Slightly respectfully, or

5 Not at all respectfully?

127d When you talked to the police, how polite were they? Would you say they were...

1 Extremely polite,

2 Very polite,

3 Moderately polite,

4 Slightly polite, or

5 Not at all polite?

If Response 4 or 5 for either 127c or 127d, then ask 127e. Otherwise go to 127f.

127e Why did you feel that the police were disrespectful or impolite?


Specify _____________________

127f How satisfied were you that the police did everything they could do to address the reason you contacted them? Would you say you were …

1 Extremely satisfied

2 Very satisfied

3 Moderately satisfied

4 Slightly satisfied

5 Not at all satisfied

127g (Voice) How interested were the police in hearing the details about this incident? Were they...

1 Extremely interested,

2 Very interested,

3 Moderately interested,

4 Slightly interested, or

5 Not at all interested?

127h (Voice) How satisfied were you with the amount of time that you were given to tell your story? Would you say you were …

1 Extremely satisfied

2 Very satisfied

3 Moderately satisfied

4 Slightly satisfied

5 Not at all satisfied

127i (Respect) When you talked to the police, how polite were they? Would you say they were...

1 Extremely polite,

2 Very polite,

3 Moderately polite,

4 Slightly polite, or

5 Not at all polite?

127j (Respect) How respectfully would you say that you were treated by the police? Were you treated...

1 Extremely respectfully,

2 Very respectfully,

3 Moderately respectfully,

4 Slightly respectfully, or

5 Not at all respectfully?

127k (Trust) How satisfied were you that the police did everything they could do to address the reason you contacted them? Would you say you were …

1 Extremely satisfied

2 Very satisfied

3 Moderately satisfied

4 Slightly satisfied

5 Not at all satisfied

127l (Trust) How much understanding and support do you think the police involved showed to you? Would you say they offered you …

1 A great deal,

2 A lot,

3 A moderate amount,

4 A little, or

5 None at all?

127m. (Satisfaction) Overall, how professional would you say that the police were? Would you say that they were ...

1 Extremely professional,

2 Very professional,

3 Moderately professional,

4 Slightly professional, or

5 Not at all professional?

127n. (Satisfaction) Taking the whole experience into account, how satisfied are you with the way you were treated during this contact by the police? Were you ..

1 Extremely satisfied

2 Very satisfied

3 Moderately satisfied

4 Slightly satisfied

5 Not at all satisfied

128. Did you (or someone in your household) sign a complaint against the offender(s) to the police department or the authorities?

1 Yes

2 No

129. As far as you know, was anyone arrested or were charges brought against anyone in connection with this incident?

1 Yes

2 No

Victim Services

Q130. Did you seek any help or advice concerning this incident from any office or agency – other than police – that assists victims of crime?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t know


Q131. Did you file a claim to receive victim compensation?

  • Yes [if Q130=yes or Q131=yes, ask Q132]

  • No [If Q130=no and Q131=no, skip to Q136]

  • Don’t know [If Q130=don’t know and Q131=don’t know, skip to next section]


 Q132. Did you receive any services, assistance, or compensation from this or these offices or agencies?

  • Yes [ask Q133]

  • No [skip to Q135]

  • Don’t know [skip to next section]

Q133. What type of services did you receive?

Crisis hotline counseling? ● Yes ● No

Counseling or therapy? ● Yes ● No

Legal or court services? ● Yes ● No

Assistance getting a restraining, protection, or no-contact order? ● Yes ● No

Federal or state victim compensation? ● Yes ● No

Short term or emergency financial assistance? ● Yes ● No

Shelter or safehouse services? ● Yes ● No

Safety planning? ● Yes ● No

Risk or threat assessment? ● Yes ● No

Medical advocacy? ● Yes ● No

Any other services? – specify __________________ ● Yes ● No

Q134. Were there other services that you sought but did not receive?

      • Yes (ask Q135)

      • No (skip to next section)

Q135. Why did you not receive the services or compensation that you sought? Was it because…

Services were not available in your local area?

● Yes ● No

You did not have a means of transportation to and from the service provider?

● Yes ● No

You did not have childcare to go to get services?

● Yes ● No

The service provider could not accommodate you (e.g. no beds available in shelter)?

● Yes ● No

You were unable to take time off of work or school to get services?

● Yes ● No

There were language barriers?

● Yes ● No

You were not eligible for services?

● Yes ● No

[If YES to Q131] The claim has not been processed yet?

● Yes ● No

Some other reason?

● Yes ● No – (specify) ________________

[Skip to next section after Q135 – victims who sought services, will not receive Q136]

Q136. Why didn’t you seek victim assistance or services? Was it because…?

Services were not available in your local area?

● Yes ● No

You did not know of services that were available?

● Yes ● No

You did not have a means of transportation to and from the service provider?

● Yes ● No

You did not have childcare to go to seek services?

● Yes ● No

You were unable to take time off of work or school to seek services?

● Yes ● No

There were language barriers?

● Yes ● No

You did not think you were eligible for services?

● Yes ● No

You did not need services?

● Yes ● No

Some other reason?

● Yes ● No – (specify) ________________

Informal Help-Seeking

Other than the police, did you tell anyone about this incident?

  • Yes

  • No (Skip to next section)

  • Don’t know (skip to next section)

Which of the following people did you tell about the incident?

  • Parents

  • Children

  • Other family member

  • Friend

  • Neighbor

  • Teacher or school administrator (if R=student)

  • Supervisor (if R > 16)

  • Coworker or classmate

  • Community or religious leader

  • Medical professional

  • Other – specify__________________________________

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File Created2021-01-24

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