Administration Act

NWRS Administration Act of 1966[1].pdf

National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Check-In Permit and Use Report

Administration Act

OMB: 1018-0153

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December 29, 2000


December 29, 2000


[As Amended Through P.L. 106–580, Dec. 29, 2000]
AN ACT To provide for the conservation, protection, and propagation of native species of fish and wildlife, including migratory birds, that are threatened with extinction; to consolidate the authorities relating to the administration by the Secretary of the Interior of the National Wildlife Refuge System; and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled,
øSections 1 through 3. Repealed by section 14 of P.L. 93–205,
87 Stat. 903¿
SEC. 4. (a)(1) For the purpose of consolidating the authorities
relating to the various categories of areas that are administered by
the Secretary for the conservation of fish and wildlife, including
species that are threatened with extinction, all lands, waters, and
interests therein administered by the Secretary as wildlife refuges,
areas for the protection and conservation of fish and wildlife that
are threatened with extinction, wildlife ranges, game ranges, wildlife management areas, or waterfowl production areas are hereby
designated as the ‘‘National Wildlife Refuge System’’ (referred to
herein as the ‘‘System’’), which shall be subject to the provisions of
this section, and shall be administered by the Secretary through
the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. With respect to refuge
lands in the State of Alaska, those programs relating to the management of resources for which any other agency of the Federal
Government exercises administrative responsibility through cooperative agreement shall remain in effect, subject to the direct supervision of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, as long as
such agency agrees to exercise such responsibility.
(2) The mission of the System is to administer a national network of lands and waters for the conservation, management, and
where appropriate, restoration of the fish, wildlife, and plant resources and their habitats within the United States for the benefit
of present and future generations of Americans.
(3) With respect to the System, it is the policy of the United
States that—
(A) each refuge shall be managed to fulfill the mission of
the System, as well as the specific purposes for which that refuge was established;
(B) compatible wildlife-dependent recreation is a legitimate
and appropriate general public use of the System, directly re1 Sec. 12(f) of P.L. 91–135 (16 U.S.C. 668dd note) provided that: ‘‘The provisions of sections
4 and 5 of the Act of October 15, 1966 (80 Stat. 929; 16 U.S.C. 668dd-668ee), as amended, shall
hereinafter be cited as the ‘National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966’.’’.

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lated to the mission of the System and the purposes of many
refuges, and which generally fosters refuge management and
through which the American public can develop an appreciation for fish and wildlife;
(C) compatible wildlife-dependent recreational uses are the
priority general public uses of the System and shall receive priority consideration in refuge planning and management; and
(D) when the Secretary determines that a proposed
wildlife-dependent recreational use is a compatible use within
a refuge, that activity should be facilitated, subject to such restrictions or regulations as may be necessary, reasonable, and
(4) In administering the System, the Secretary shall—
(A) provide for the conservation of fish, wildlife, and
plants, and their habitats within the System;
(B) ensure that the biological integrity, diversity, and environmental health of the System are maintained for the benefit
of present and future generations of Americans;
(C) plan and direct the continued growth of the System in
a manner that is best designed to accomplish the mission of
the System, to contribute to the conservation of the ecosystems
of the United States, to complement efforts of States and other
Federal agencies to conserve fish and wildlife and their habitats, and to increase support for the System and participation
from conservation partners and the public;
(D) ensure that the mission of the System described in
paragraph (2) and the purposes of each refuge are carried out,
except that if a conflict exists between the purposes of a refuge
and the mission of the System, the conflict shall be resolved in
a manner that first protects the purposes of the refuge, and,
to the extent practicable, that also achieves the mission of the
(E) ensure effective coordination, interaction, and cooperation with owners of land adjoining refuges and the fish and
wildlife agency of the States in which the units of the System
are located;
(F) assist in the maintenance of adequate water quantity
and water quality to fulfill the mission of the System and the
purposes of each refuge;
(G) acquire, under State law, water rights that are needed
for refuge purposes;
(H) recognize compatible wildlife-dependent recreational
uses as the priority general public uses of the System through
which the American public can develop an appreciation for fish
and wildlife;
(I) ensure that opportunities are provided within the
System for compatible wildlife-dependent recreational uses;
(J) ensure that priority general public uses of the System
receive enhanced consideration over other general public uses
in planning and management within the System;
(K) provide increased opportunities for families to experience compatible wildlife-dependent recreation, particularly opportunities for parents and their children to safely engage in
traditional outdoor activities, such as fishing and hunting;
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(L) continue, consistent with existing laws and interagency
agreements, authorized or permitted uses of units of the System by other Federal agencies, including those necessary to facilitate military preparedness;
(M) ensure timely and effective cooperation and collaboration with Federal agencies and State fish and wildlife agencies
during the course of acquiring and managing refuges; and
(N) monitor the status and trends of fish, wildlife, and
plants in each refuge.
(5) No acquired lands which are or become a part of the System may be transferred or otherwise disposed of under any provision of law (except by exchange pursuant to subsection (b)(3) of this
section) unless—
(A) the Secretary determines with the approval of the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission that such lands are no
longer needed for the purposes for which the System was established; and
(B) such lands are transferred or otherwise disposed of for
an amount not less than—
(i) the acquisition costs of such lands, in the case of
lands of the system which were purchased by the United
States with funds from the migratory bird conservation
fund, or fair market value, whichever is greater; or
(ii) the fair market value of such lands (as determined
by the Secretary as of the date of the transfer or disposal),
in the case of lands of the System which were donated to
the System.
The Secretary shall pay into the migratory bird conservation fund
the aggregate amount of the proceeds of any transfer or disposal
referred to in the preceding sentence.
(6) Each area which is included within the System on January
1, 1975, or thereafter, and which was or is—
(A) designated as an area within such System by law, Executive order, or secretarial order; or
(B) so included by public land withdrawal, donation, purchase, exchange, or pursuant to a cooperative agreement with
any State or local government, any Federal department or
agency, or any other governmental entity,
shall continue to be a part of the System until otherwise specified
by Act of Congress, except that nothing in this paragraph shall be
construed as precluding—
(i) the transfer or disposal of acquired lands within
any such area pursuant to paragraph (5) of this subsection;
(ii) the exchange of lands within any such area pursuant to subsection (b)(3) of this section; or
(iii) the disposal of any lands within any such area
pursuant to the terms of any cooperative agreement referred to in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph.
(b) In administering the System, the Secretary is authorized to
take the following actions:
(1) Enter into contracts with any person or public or private agency through negotiation for the provision of public accommodations when, and in such locations, and to the extent
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that the Secretary determines will not be inconsistent with the
primary purpose for which the affected area was established.
(2) Accept donations of funds and to use such funds to acquire or manage lands or interests therein.
(3) Acquire lands or interests therein by exchange (A) for
acquired lands or public lands, or for interests in acquired or
public lands, under his jurisdiction which he finds to be suitable for disposition, or (B) for the right to remove, in accordance with such terms and conditions as he may prescribe,
products from the acquired or public lands within the System.
The values of the properties so exchanged either shall be approximately equal, or if they are not approximately equal the
values shall be equalized by the payment of cash to the grantor
or to the Secretary as the circumstances require.
(4) Subject to standards established by and the overall
management oversight of the Director, and consistent with
standards established by this Act, to enter into cooperative
agreements with State fish and wildlife agencies for the management of programs on a refuge.
(5) Issue regulations to carry out this Act.
(c) No person shall disturb, injure, cut, burn, remove, destroy,
or possess any real or personal property of the United States, including natural growth, in any area of the System; or take or possess any fish, bird, mammal, or other wild vertebrate or invertebrate animals or part or nest or egg thereof within any such area;
or enter, use, or otherwise occupy any such area for any purpose;
unless such activities are performed by persons authorized to manage such area, or unless such activities are permitted either under
subsection (d) of this section or by express provision of the law,
proclamation, Executive order, or public land order establishing the
area, or amendment thereof: Provided, That the United States mining and mineral leasing laws shall continue to apply to any lands
within the System to the same extent they apply prior to the effective date of this Act unless subsequently withdrawn under other
authority of law. With the exception of endangered species and
threatened species listed by the Secretary pursuant to section 4 of
the Endangered Species Act of 1973 in States wherein a cooperative agreement does not exist pursuant to section 6(c) of that Act,
nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the Secretary
to control or regulate hunting or fishing of resident fish and wildlife on lands not within the system. The regulations permitting
hunting and fishing of resident fish and wildlife within the System
shall be, to the extent practicable, consistent with State fish and
wildlife laws and regulations.
(d)(1) The Secretary is authorized, under such regulations as
he may prescribe, to—
(A) permit the use of any area within the System for any
purpose, including but not limited to hunting, fishing, public
recreation and accommodations, and access whenever he determines that such uses are compatible with the major purposes
for which such areas were established: Provided, That not to
exceed 40 per centum at any one time of any area that has
been, or hereafter may be acquired, reserved, or set apart as
an inviolate sanctuary for migratory birds, under any law,
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proclamation, Executive order, or public land order may be administered by the Secretary as an area within which the taking of migratory game birds may be permitted under such regulations as he may prescribe unless the Secretary finds that
the taking of any species of migratory game birds in more than
40 percent of such area would be beneficial to the species; and
(B) permit the use of, or grant easements in, over, across,
upon, through, or under any areas within the System for purposes such as but not necessarily limited to, powerlines, telephone lines, canals, ditches, pipelines, and roads, including the
construction, operation, and maintenance thereof, whenever he
determines that such uses are compatible with the purposes for
which these areas are established.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary
may not grant to any Federal, State, or local agency or to any private individual or organization any right-of-way, easement, or reservation in, over, across, through, or under any area within the
system in connection with any use permitted by him under paragraph (1)(B) of this subsection unless the grantee pays to the Secretary, at the option of the Secretary, either (A) in lump sum the
fair market value (determined by the Secretary as of the date of
conveyance to the grantee) of the right-of-way, easement, or reservation; or (B) annually in advance the fair market rental value
(determined by the Secretary) of the right-of-way, easement, or reservation. If any Federal, State, or local agency is exempted from
such payment by any other provision of Federal law, such agency
shall otherwise compensate the Secretary by any other means
agreeable to the Secretary, including, but not limited to, making
other land available or the loan of equipment or personnel; except
that (A) any such compensation shall relate to, and be consistent
with, the objectives of the National Wildlife Refuge System, and (B)
the Secretary may waive such requirement for compensation if he
finds such requirement impracticable or unnecessary. All sums received by the Secretary pursuant to this paragraph shall, after payment of any necessary expenses incurred by him in administering
this paragraph, be deposited into the Migratory Bird Conservation
Fund and shall be available to carry out the provisions for land acquisition of the Migratory Bird Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 715 et
seq.) and the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (16 U.S.C. 718 et
(3)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (iv), the Secretary shall
not initiate or permit a new use of a refuge or expand, renew, or
extend an existing use of a refuge, unless the Secretary has determined that the use is a compatible use and that the use is not inconsistent with public safety. The Secretary may make the determinations referred to in this paragraph for a refuge concurrently
with development of a conservation plan under subsection (e).
(ii) On lands added to the System after March 25, 1996, the
Secretary shall identify, prior to acquisition, withdrawal, transfer,
reclassification, or donation of any such lands, existing compatible
wildlife-dependent recreational uses that the Secretary determines
shall be permitted to continue on an interim basis pending completion of the comprehensive conservation plan for the refuge.
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(iii) Wildlife-dependent recreational uses may be authorized on
a refuge when they are compatible and not inconsistent with public
safety. Except for consideration of consistency with State laws and
regulations as provided for in subsection (m), no other determinations or findings are required to be made by the refuge official
under this Act or the Refuge Recreation Act for wildlife-dependent
recreation to occur.
(iv) Compatibility determinations in existence on the date of
enactment of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement
Act of 1997 shall remain in effect until and unless modified.
(B) Not later than 24 months after the date of the enactment
of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997,
the Secretary shall issue final regulations establishing the process
for determining under subparagraph (A) whether a use of a refuge
is a compatible use. These regulations shall—
(i) designate the refuge official responsible for making initial compatibility determinations;
(ii) require an estimate of the timeframe, location, manner,
and purpose of each use;
(iii) identify the effects of each use on refuge resources and
purposes of each refuge;
(iv) require that compatibility determinations be made in
(v) provide for the expedited consideration of uses that will
likely have no detrimental effect on the fulfillment of the purposes of a refuge or the mission of the System;
(vi) provide for the elimination or modification of any use
as expeditiously as practicable after a determination is made
that the use is not a compatible use;
(vii) require, after an opportunity for public comment, reevaluation of each existing use, other than those uses
specified in clause (viii), if conditions under which the use is
permitted change significantly or if there is significant new information regarding the effects of the use, but not less frequently than once every 10 years, to ensure that the use remains a compatible use, except that, in the case of any use authorized for a period longer than 10 years (such as an electric
utility right-of-way), the reevaluation required by this clause
shall examine compliance with the terms and conditions of the
authorization, not examine the authorization itself;
(viii) require, after an opportunity for public comment, reevaluation of each compatible wildlife-dependent recreational
use when conditions under which the use is permitted change
significantly or if there is significant new information regarding the effects of the use, but not less frequently than in conjunction with each preparation or revision of a conservation
plan under subsection (e) or at least every 15 years, whichever
is earlier; and
(ix) provide an opportunity for public review and comment
on each evaluation of a use, unless an opportunity for public
review and comment on the evaluation of the use has already
been provided during the development or revision of a conservation plan for the refuge under subsection (e) or has otherDecember 29, 2000


Sec. 4

wise been provided during routine, periodic determinations of
compatibility for wildlife-dependent recreational uses.
(4) The provisions of this Act relating to determinations of the
compatibility of a use shall not apply to—
(A) overflights above a refuge; and
(B) activities authorized, funded, or conducted by a Federal
agency (other than the United States Fish and Wildlife Service) which has primary jurisdiction over a refuge or a portion
of a refuge, if the management of those activities is in accordance with a memorandum of understanding between the Secretary or the Director and the head of the Federal agency with
primary jurisdiction over the refuge governing the use of the
(e)(1)(A) Except with respect to refuge lands in Alaska (which
shall be governed by the refuge planning provisions of the Alaska
National Interest Lands Conservation Act (16 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.)),
the Secretary shall—
(i) propose a comprehensive conservation plan for each refuge or related complex of refuges (referred to in this
subsection as a ‘‘planning unit’’) in the System;
(ii) publish a notice of opportunity for public comment in
the Federal Register on each proposed conservation plan;
(iii) issue a final conservation plan for each planning unit
consistent with the provisions of this Act and, to the extent
practicable, consistent with fish and wildlife conservation plans
of the State in which the refuge is located; and
(iv) not less frequently than 15 years after the date of
issuance of a conservation plan under clause (iii) and every 15
years thereafter, revise the conservation plan as may be necessary.
(B) The Secretary shall prepare a comprehensive conservation
plan under this subsection for each refuge within 15 years after the
date of enactment of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997.
(C) The Secretary shall manage each refuge or planning unit
under plans in effect on the date of enactment of the National
Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997, to the extent
such plans are consistent with this Act, until such plans are revised or superseded by new comprehensive conservation plans
issued under this subsection.
(D) Uses or activities consistent with this Act may occur on
any refuge or planning unit before existing plans are revised or
new comprehensive conservation plans are issued under this
(E) Upon completion of a comprehensive conservation plan
under this subsection for a refuge or planning unit, the Secretary
shall manage the refuge or planning unit in a manner consistent
with the plan and shall revise the plan at any time if the Secretary
determines that conditions that affect the refuge or planning unit
have changed significantly.
(2) In developing each comprehensive conservation plan under
this subsection for a planning unit, the Secretary, acting through
the Director, shall identify and describe—
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(A) the purposes of each refuge comprising the planning
(B) the distribution, migration patterns, and abundance of
fish, wildlife, and plant populations and related habitats within the planning unit;
(C) the archaeological and cultural values of the planning
(D) such areas within the planning unit that are suitable
for use as administrative sites or visitor facilities;
(E) significant problems that may adversely affect the populations and habitats of fish, wildlife, and plants within the
planning unit and the actions necessary to correct or
mitigate such problems; and
(F) opportunities for compatible wildlife-dependent recreational uses.
(3) In preparing each comprehensive conservation plan under
this subsection, and any revision to such a plan, the Secretary, acting through the Director, shall, to the maximum extent
practicable and consistent with this Act—
(A) consult with adjoining Federal, State, local, and private landowners and affected State conservation agencies; and
(B) coordinate the development of the conservation plan or
revision with relevant State conservation plans for fish and
wildlife and their habitats.
(4)(A) In accordance with subparagraph (B), the Secretary shall
develop and implement a process to ensure an opportunity for active public involvement in the preparation and revision of comprehensive conservation plans under this subsection. At a minimum, the Secretary shall require that publication of any final plan
shall include a summary of the comments made by States, owners
of adjacent or potentially affected land, local governments, and any
other affected persons, and a statement of the disposition of concerns expressed in those comments.
(B) Prior to the adoption of each comprehensive conservation
plan under this subsection, the Secretary shall issue public notice
of the draft proposed plan, make copies of the plan available at the
affected field and regional offices of the United States Fish and
Wildlife Service, and provide opportunity for public comment.
(1) KNOWING VIOLATIONS.—Any person who knowingly violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Act
or any regulations issued thereunder shall be fined under title
18, United States Code, or imprisoned for not more than 1
year, or both.
(2) OTHER VIOLATIONS.—Any person who otherwise violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Act
(including a regulation issued under this Act) shall be fined
under title 18, United States Code, or imprisoned not more
than 180 days, or both.
(g) Any person authorized by the Secretary to enforce the provisions of this Act or any regulations issued thereunder, may, without a warrant, arrest any person violating this Act or regulations
in his presence or view, and may execute any warrant or other
process issued by an officer or court of competent jurisdiction to enDecember 29, 2000


Sec. 4

force the provisions of this Act or regulations, and may with a
search warrant search for and seize any property, fish, bird, mammal, or other wild vertebrate or invertebrate animals or part or
nest or egg thereof, taken or possessed in violation of this Act or
the regulations issued thereunder. Any property, fish, bird, mammal, or other wild vertebrate or invertebrate animals or part or egg
thereof seized with or without a search warrant shall be held by
such person or by a United States marshal, and upon conviction,
shall be forfeited to the United States and disposed of by the Secretary, in accordance with law. The Director of the United States
Fish and Wildlife Service is authorized to utilize by agreement,
with or without reimbursement, the personnel and services of any
other Federal or State agency for purposes of enhancing the enforcement of this Act.
(h) Regulations applicable to areas of the System that are in
effect on the date of enactment of this Act shall continue in effect
until modified or rescinded.
(i) Nothing in this section shall be construed to amend, repeal,
or otherwise modify the provision of the Act of September 28, 1962
(76 Stat. 653; 16 U.S.C. 460K—460K–4) which authorizes the Secretary to administer the areas within the System for public recreation. The provisions of this section relating to recreation shall be
administered in accordance with the provisions of said Act.
(j) Nothing in this Act shall constitute an express or implied
claim or denial on the part of the Federal Government as to exemption from State water laws.
(k) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Secretary may temporarily suspend, allow, or initiate any activity in
a refuge in the System if the Secretary determines it is necessary
to protect the health and safety of the public or any fish or wildlife
(l) Nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the Secretary to control or regulate hunting or fishing of fish and resident
wildlife on lands or waters that are not within the System.
(m) Nothing in this Act shall be construed as affecting the authority, jurisdiction, or responsibility of the several States to manage, control, or regulate fish and resident wildlife under State law
or regulations in any area within the System. Regulations permitting hunting or fishing of fish and resident wildlife within the System shall be, to the extent practicable, consistent with State fish
and wildlife laws, regulations, and management plans.
(n)(1) Nothing in this Act shall—
(A) create a reserved water right, express or implied, in
the United States for any purpose;
(B) affect any water right in existence on the date of enactment of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act
of 1997; or
(C) affect any Federal or State law in existence on the date
of the enactment of the National Wildlife Refuge System Improvement Act of 1997 regarding water quality or water quantity.
(2) Nothing in this Act shall diminish or affect the ability to
join the United States in the adjudication of rights to the use of
water pursuant to the McCarran Act (43 U.S.C. 666).
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(o) Coordination with State fish and wildlife agency personnel
or with personnel of other affected State agencies pursuant to this
Act shall not be subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5
U.S.C. App.).
ø16 U.S.C. 668dd¿

For purposes of this Act:
(1) The term ‘‘compatible use’’ means a wildlife-dependent
recreational use or any other use of a refuge that, in the sound
professional judgment of the Director, will not materially interfere with or detract from the fulfillment of the mission of the
System or the purposes of the refuge.
(2) The terms ‘‘wildlife-dependent recreation’’ and ‘‘wildlifedependent recreational use’’ mean a use of a refuge involving
hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography, or environmental education and interpretation.
(3) The term ‘‘sound professional judgment’’ means a
finding, determination, or decision that is consistent with
principles of sound fish and wildlife management and administration, available science and resources, and adherence to the
requirements of this Act and other applicable laws.
(4) The terms ‘‘conserving’’, ‘‘conservation’’, ‘‘manage’’,
‘‘managing’’, and ‘‘management’’, mean to sustain and, where
appropriate, restore and enhance, healthy populations of fish,
wildlife, and plants utilizing, in accordance with applicable
Federal and State laws, methods and procedures associated
with modern scientific resource programs. Such methods and
procedures include, consistent with the provisions of this Act,
protection, research, census, law enforcement, habitat management, propagation, live trapping and transplantation, and
regulated taking.
(5) The term ‘‘Coordination Area’’ means a wildlife management area that is made available to a State—
(A) by cooperative agreement between the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service and a State agency having control over wildlife resources pursuant to section 4 of
the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 664); or
(B) by long-term leases or agreements pursuant to
title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act (50 Stat.
525; 7 U.S.C. 1010 et seq.).
(6) The term ‘‘Director’’ means the Director of the United
States Fish and Wildlife Service or a designee of that Director.
(7) The terms ‘‘fish’’, ‘‘wildlife’’, and ‘‘fish and wildlife’’
mean any wild member of the animal kingdom whether alive
or dead, and regardless of whether the member was bred,
hatched, or born in captivity, including a part, product, egg, or
offspring of the member.
(8) The term ‘‘person’’ means any individual, partnership,
corporation, or association.
(9) The term ‘‘plant’’ means any member of the plant kingdom in a wild, unconfined state, including any plant community, seed, root, or other part of a plant.
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(10) The terms ‘‘purposes of the refuge’’ and ‘‘purposes of
each refuge’’ mean the purposes specified in or derived from
the law, proclamation, executive order, agreement, public land
order, donation document, or administrative memorandum establishing, authorizing, or expanding a refuge, refuge unit, or
refuge subunit.
(11) The term ‘‘refuge’’ means a designated area of land,
water, or an interest in land or water within the System, but
does not include Coordination Areas.
(12) The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means the Secretary of the Interior.
(13) The terms ‘‘State’’ and ‘‘United States’’ mean the several States of the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa,
the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the territories and possessions
of the United States.
(14) The term ‘‘System’’ means the National Wildlife Refuge System designated under section 4(a)(1).
(15) The terms ‘‘take’’, ‘‘taking’’, and ‘‘taken’’ mean to pursue, hunt, shoot, capture, collect, or kill, or to attempt to pursue, hunt, shoot, capture, collect, or kill.
ø16 U.S.C. 668ee¿

øSection 6 through 10 of this Act made amendments to other

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File Modified2012-08-15
File Created2001-04-18

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