Manell-Geuss Household survey

Socio-Economic Survey: Manell-Geus (Guam)

Manell-Geus Household Survey Questionnaire Final_clean

Household questionnaire

OMB: 0648-0723

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Merizo Household Survey

Hafa adai,

My name is __________. You have been selected to participate in this survey. We are interested in obtaining your opinions on some important issues related to coral reefs and the environment in Merizo. You were selected because you live in the village of Merizo and your opinions on the issues affecting the coral reefs of Merizo are very important to us.

Your participation is voluntary and the information you provide will be kept strictly anonymous.

No personally identifiable information (name, address, telephone number, email address) will be linked to your completed survey. The information collected will be viewed only by the NOAA research team compiling the data, and will be destroyed at the end of the information collection process. This process will maintain the anonymity of the responses received. Results will be aggregated, so that no responses can be attributable to individuals. That is, all answers are anonymous.

Thank you for taking the time to assist us with this effort.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 minutes for completing the survey, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to Valerie Brown, NFMS, (

Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

Attitude Toward/Importance of Coral Reefs

Participation in Reef Activities

  1. How often do you fish or harvest marine resources for each of the following reasons?





  1. To feed myself and my family/ household

  1. To sell

  1. To give to extended family members and/or friends

  1. For fun

  1. For special occasions and cultural events

  1. How often does your family eat fish/seafood?

a. Every day

b. A few times a week

c. About once a week

d. 1-3 times a month

e. Less than once a month

f. Never

  1. What is an estimate in percentage of your family’s seafood harvested from coral reefs around Merizo? ________________%

Perceived Resource Condition

  1. In your opinion, how are Guam’s marine resources currently doing? Please rank from very bad to very good.

Very bad


Neither bad nor good


Very good

Not sure

  1. Ocean Water Quality (clean and clear)

  1. Amount of Coral

  1. Number of Fish

  1. Number of Turtles

  1. How would you say the condition of each of the following has changed over the last 10 years. Please rate from “it has gotten a lot worse” to “it has gotten a lot better.”

A lot worse

Somewhat worse

No change

Somewhat better

A lot better

Not sure

  1. Ocean Water Quality (clean and clear)

  1. Amount of Coral

  1. Number of Fish

  1. Number of Turtles

Perceived threats to coral reefs and community

  1. What do you think are the 3 greatest threats to the reefs in Merizo? (INTERVIEWER: DO NOT READ. CHECK ONLY 3 ANSWERS BASED ON THE RESPONSES. PROMPT IF NECESSARY)

Greatest threats

  1. Coral bleaching from sea surface temperature increase

  1. Ocean acidification

  1. Erosion in the mountains

  1. Stream bank erosion

  1. Shoreline erosion

  1. Storm water runoff

  1. Increased development

  1. Chemical runoff (pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers)

  1. Sedimentation caused by floods

  1. Sedimentation caused by fire

  1. Fires in the mountains

  1. Sewage discharge

  1. Trash

  1. Poor water quality

  1. Ships and boats grounding on reefs

  1. Scuba divers

  1. Overuse for recreation / tourism

  1. Illegal fishing

  1. Harmful Fishing practices

  1. Overfishing

  1. Typhoons

  1. Lack of vegetation in the mountains

  1. Off-roading

  1. Other: Please list

  1. Please rate how important the following potential threats facing the community in Merizo are?

Very unimportant


Neither important nor unimportant


Very important

Not sure

  1. Hazards from floods on community’s properties and infrastructure, e.g. roads

  1. Hazards from floods on public health, including water-borne diseases, mold, etc.

  1. Hazards from floods on personal and family’s safety

  1. Impacts of floods on quality of stream and fresh water

  1. Impacts of flood on quality of seawater.

  1. Hazards from fires on community’s properties and infrastructure, e.g. burning of forest and community buildings

  1. Hazards from fires on public health, including respiratory problems and burnt injuries, etc

  1. Hazards from fires on personal and family’s safety

  1. Impacts of fires on quality of stream and fresh water

  1. Impacts of fires on quality of seawater

Attitudes and Perception with Marine Protected Area

(Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserves)

  1. How familiar are you with the Achang Reef Flat Marine Preserve?

1. Very Unfamiliar

2. Unfamiliar

3. Familiar

4. Very Familiar


  1. Do members of your household participate in each of the following activities in or near the Achang Marine Preserve or Cocos lagoon more than a few times each year?


Cocos Lagoon

Achang Preserve

Near Cocos and Achang

  1. Gathering of animals for gleaning (trochus/ailingling, clams, sea cucumbers, octopus, urchins)

  1. Mangrove harvesting

  1. Seaweed harvesting

  1. Fishing (ask the fishing methods only if they fish)

  1. Spear fishing

  1. Cast net-fishing (talaya)

  1. Gillnet, surround net and drag net-fishing (tekken, chenchulu)

  1. Hook-and-line fishing

  1. Other kind of fishing: Please list

  1. Swimming/wading

  1. Snorkeling

  1. Diving (SCUBA or free diving)

  1. Paddling/kayaking

  1. Boarding (surfing, kite surfing, SUP, body-surfing, body-boarding)

  1. Jet-ski/ personal watercraft

  1. Pleasure boating

  1. Beach recreation (beach sports, picnics)

  1. Off-Roading

  1. Walking/Hiking/Running in the mountains

  1. Collecting local medicinal plants

  1. Hunting

  1. Burning

  1. Other activities: Please list

  1. To what degree has your use of Achang Marine Preserve changed since it was established?

1. Rarely or never used and still do not

2. Decreased significantly

3. Decreased some

4. Has not changed

5. Increased some

6. Increased Significantly

7. Not sure

  1. What are the 3 most important benefits of the Achang Marine Preserve for your household?


1. Increasing the amount of fish

2. Conserving and protecting corals, fish, and other marine life

3. Resolving conflicts among different groups of users

4. Livelihoods of your household

5. Food security

6. Protecting a sacred place

7. Cultural heritage

8. Recreational use

9. Shoreline protection

10. Other: Please list

11. No Benefit

  1. In your opinion what are the three most significant costs or adverse impacts to you or your household from the Achang Marine Preserve? (Please select no more than 3) (INTERVIEWER: FIRST READ THE LIST. THEN CHECK 3 ANSWERS BASED ON THE RESPONSES. PROMPT IF NECESSARY)

1. Increased price of fish

2. Restrictions on harvesting

3. Increased incidence of conflicts among different groups of users

4. Decreased earning and livelihood of your household

5. Lack of food security

6. Restricted access to a sacred place

7. Restrictions on recreational use

8. Other: Please list

9. No costs or adverse effects

  1. In your opinion, which groups have most benefited from the Achang Marine Preserve? (Please select no more than 3) (INTERVIEWER: FIRST READ THE LIST. THEN CHECK 3 ANSWERS BASED ON THE RESPONSES. PROMPT IF NECESSARY)

1. Commercial fishers

2. Local subsistence fishers

3. Recreational/sport fishers

4. Commercial fish and dive operators

5. Local dive operators

6. Recreational (local and tourist) divers

7. Conservation groups

8. Local communities

9. Local government

10. Other: Please list

  1. Please indicate how much you disagree or agree with each of the following statements.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not Sure

  1. Achang Marine preserve increases the amount of fish inside the zones

  1. Achang Marine preserve increases the amount of fish outside the zones

  1. Achang Marine Preserve protects coral reefs

  1. Guam Department of Agriculture does a good job of enforcing The Achang Marine Preserve regulations

  1. There have been economic benefits to Marizo from the establishment of the Achang Marine Preserve

  1. Achang Marine Preserve helps educate the public about marine environment

  1. Fishermen’s livelihoods have been negatively impacted from the establishment of the Achang Marine Preserve

  1. Achang Marine preserve help increase tourism in Merizo

  1. Achang Marine preserve builds resiliency for future natural disasters

  1. I support Achang Marine Preserve

  1. The procedures established to deal with Achang Marine Preserve violations have been fair and just

  1. Achang Marine preserve supports scientific research

  1. I would support adding new marine preserves in Guam if there is evidence that the ones we have are improving Guam’s marine resources

  1. Guam Department of Agriculture does a good job of educating the public about its rules and regulations for the marine preserves

  1. Since the marine preserve regulations have been in effect, there has been no way that the average person to voice his/her opinion on the usefulness of the regulations

  1. There should be more marine preserves in Guam

  1. A number of Guam governmental agencies and federal agencies have been working on environmental issues in Merizo over the last five years. These efforts have recently been recognized and included under NOAA’s Habitat Blueprint program. How familiar are you with the NOAA Habitat Blueprint?

1. Very Unfamiliar

2. Unfamiliar

3. Familiar

4. Very Familiar

  1. How successful have local and federal government coral reef management activities in Merizo been for the following? (Please check all that apply)

Not successful at all

Hardly successful


Highly successful

Somewhat successful

Not sure

  1. Increasing household participation in natural resources management planning or decision making

  1. Increasing use of community input and scientific data in decision making of the Micronesia Challenge

  1. Protecting the whole coral reef ecosystem

  1. Improving the water quality of the area, including reducing contamination

  1. Increasing the public environmental awareness

  1. Increasing scientific research

  1. Increasing tourism

  1. Reduce violations and illegal activities related to fishing, harvesting, and use of natural resources

  1. Reducing user conflicts

  1. Protecting cultural artifacts or traditions

  1. Other: Please list

  1. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements: “I would support new fishing regulations in Cocos Lagoon in order to have…?”

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

  1. More fish on the reef

  1. More living corals

  1. More sea cucumbers, octopus, lobster, clams and other invertebrates

  1. More seagrass

  1. More mangroves

  1. More large sea life (whales, dolphins, sea turtles, etc.)

  1. Cleaner water

  1. Less algae

  1. Other: Please list

Compliance with Rules/Regulations

  1. Please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements.

    Strongly disagree


    Neither agree nor disagree


    Strongly agree

    Not sure

    1. People fish inside the Achang Marine Preserve no-take zones

    1. Fishers who do not comply with fisheries regulations would be seen or detected by enforcement agents

    1. People from Merizo respect the Marine Preserve regulations

    1. People from outside Merizo respect the Marine Preserve regulations

    1. Commercial fishing operations respect Marine Preserve regulations

    1. Tourists are knowledgeable of Marine Preserve regulations

    1. No specific groups are singled out in enforcement of regulations

    1. Legal and trial process for violations is inadequate

  2. Please list your top 3 reasons why some people do not follow the regulations?


Check 3

  1. They don’t know it’s illegal

  1. They don’t know it can harm the environment

  1. They need to earn a living and feel they have no other option

  1. They don’t care

  1. People are lazy

  1. They think it’s fun

  1. They want to fish/dive in a less populated area

  1. Marine Preserve s have more fish/coral to see/catch

  1. The Marine Preserve is easier to get to than other fishing areas

  1. The Marine Preserve is safer than other fishing areas

  1. There is not enough enforcement

  1. Other, please specify

Coral Reef Management Processes and Support

  1. Please rate the extent to which you agree/disagree with each of the following statements.

Strongly disagree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly agree

Not sure

  1. Coral reefs protect Guam from coastal/shoreline erosion and natural disasters like typhoons and tsunamis

  1. Diving and snorkeling are not harmful to coral reefs.

  1. Coral reefs provide sustainable resources that support the development of our Merizo communities.

  1. Establishing size restrictions to regulate fishing is a good management practice.

  1. Coral reefs have an important role in our culture

  1. Coral reefs are important to my household’s way of life

  1. Effects from climate change can severely affect coral reefs.

  1. Mangroves are not important for protecting the coast from erosion.

  1. There are no problems with water quality in the coral reef areas.

  1. Sediment runoff from land activities such as wildland fires and construction can harm coral reefs

  1. Pesticides and herbicides used in commercial and residential activities can be carried by runoff and affect coral reefs

  1. Eliminating some species, like sea urchins, can affect the ecological dynamics of coral reefs

  1. To what degree would you be willing to do each of the following in order to protect and maintain the coral reefs in Merizo?

Would Not Do

Would Consider

Would Do

Not Sure

  1. At least once a year volunteer with an organization that is working to protect the reefs (e.g. participate in coastal clean up)

  1. Volunteer for community wildfire fighting team in my village

  1. Plant native plants or build a rain garden on my property to slow runoff into the river and reduce sedimentation that impact reefs

  1. Have non-residents pay a fee for reef related activities like snorkeling, diving and fishing

  1. Pay higher local taxes so that parts can be used for reef protection

  1. Report Illegal burning that causes sedimentation that impact reefs

  1. Change my burning habits to help prevent fires that cause sedimentation that impact reefs

  1. How often do you participate in the following activities to help protect the environment?


A few times a year

Once a month


  1. Coastal Cleanup (beach clean up)

  1. Community fire watch

  1. Reporting Fires

  1. Planting trees or native plants to prevention erosion

  1. Volunteering with a environmental non-governmental organization

  1. Attending local education/awareness initiatives

  1. Removing abandon fishing gear

  1. Reporting marine preserve violations

  1. Other: Please list

  1. How involved are you in making decisions related to the management of coral reefs in Guam?

  1. Not at all involved

  2. Slightly involved

  3. Moderately involved

  4. Involved

  5. Very involved

  6. Not sure

  1. How effective do you think current management efforts are for each of the following in Merizo?

    Management of:

    Very ineffective


    Neither effective nor ineffective


    Very effective

    Don’t know

    1. Fisheries Management

    1. Beach access

    1. Littering or dumping

    1. Illegal burning

    1. Pollution, runoff, and sediment

    1. Coastal development

    1. Tourist activities

    1. Other: Please list

  2. In your opinion, who is primarily responsible for management activities to protect coral reefs (and associated marine life)? (check one)

    1. Village residents

    2. Village leadership

    3. Guam residents

    4. The local government

    5. The federal government

    6. Other, please specify__________________

  1. How familiar are you with each of the following local, national, and international coral reef conservation programs?


Somewhat Familiar

Very familiar

  1. Guam Coral Reef Initiative

  1. NOAA/National Coral Reef Conservation Program

  1. Micronesia Challenge

  1. International Coral Reef Initiative

  1. NOAA Habitat Blueprint

  1. Guam Nature Alliance (formerly Guam Environmental Education Committee)

  1. To what extent would you oppose or support changes to existing management processes in Merizo?

Fishing and Harvesting Practices

Strongly oppose


Neither support nor oppose


Strongly Support support

Not sure

  1. Regulate commercial fishing

  1. Create area for only traditional fishing

  1. Prohibit SCUBA-spear fishing

  1. Prohibit gill nets (tekken) and drag nets (chenchulu)

  1. Create more no-catch zones for only fish that eat algae (ex. Laggua, sesyon, tataga, and kichu) [could still catch mafute, gadao, tarakitu, etc)

  1. Minimum size limits on fish that can be taken

  1. Species restrictions

  1. No taking of sea cucumbers and sea urchins inside Cocos Lagoon

  1. Allow shore-based hook-and-line fishing regulation in Achang Preserve

Other Rules/Regulations

Strongly oppose


Neither support nor oppose


Strongly support

Don’t know

  1. Increase community participation in preserve management

  1. Stricter controls on sediment and runoff from land to the ocean

  1. Restrictions on coastal development

  1. Limiting tourist activities in Merizo

  1. Require permits and certification requirements for water sports tour operators

  1. Other: Please list

Your Sources of Information about Coral Reefs

  1. Which of the following sources would you consider to be your primary sources of information about coral reefs in Merizo? (Please check up to 5).

1. Newspaper

2. Radio

3. Television

4. Internet

5. Informational signs

6. Community leaders

7. Community/club Meeting

8. Work

9. Friends


11. Teachers

12. Religious Leaders

13. Workshop

14. Word of mouth

15. Social Media

16. Federal government agencies (NOAA, EPA)

17. Guam governmental agencies (BSP, DAWR)

18. People who participate in coral reef related activities

19. Magazines

20. Government agency publications

21. Conservation organization publications

22. NOAA sponsored Publications or websites

23. Other: Please list

24. None

  1. Which of the above sources would you consider to be the 3 most trustworthy sources of information about coral reefs in Merizo? (INTERVIEWER, PLEAE WRITE 1 FOR THE MOST TRUSTWORTHY SOURCE. 2 FOR SECOND MOST TRUSTWORTHY AND 3 FOR THIRD TURSTWORTHY AFTER THE SOURCES ABOVE)

Demographic Questions

I just have a few more questions that will help us to interpret our results. As a reminder, the information you provide is completely confidential.

  1. How many family members live in this household (including yourself)?

  1. What is your age?

  1. What is your sex?

(Check the answer without asking.)

1. Male

2. Female

  1. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

(Do not read out the choices. Check one choice that applies to the answer.)

1. 8th Grade or Less
2. 9th to 11th Grade

3. 12th Grade, High School Grad, GED
4. 13 to 15 Years (some community college or vocational training)
5. College Graduate
6. Graduate School, Law School, Medical School

7. No Response

  1. What is your current employment status?

1. Unemployed
2. Employed full-time
3. Employed part-time
4. Retired

5. None of the above (Please specify)_____________________________

  1. In which sector are you employed?

(Ask only for those who check employed full or part time. (Do not read out the choices. Check all choices that apply to the answer.)

  1. Management, professional etc.

  2. Service & Tourism

  3. Retail Sales

  4. Fishing/ Aquaculture

  5. Construction & Maintenance

  6. Transportation

  7. Government (Federal)

  8. Government (Local)

  9. Agriculture

  10. Education

  11. Law Enforcement

  12. Health / Medical

  13. Communications

  14. Other: Please specify__________

  1. Is your occupation affiliated with the marine environment/industry in Merizo?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Not sure

  1. If YES, please circle the industry that best fits your primary profession.

1. Commercial fishing

2. Charter fishing

3. Dive/snorkel operation

4. Marina/boat operation

5. Other watersports

6. Eco-tour operation

7. Ecological research

8. Ocean/coastal management

9. Artisan

10. Education

11. Other: _____________________

  1. What is your annual household income?

1. Under $10,000

2. $10,000 to $19,999

3. $20,000 to $29,999

4. $30,000 to $39,999

5. $40,000 to $49,999

6. $50,000 to $59,999

7. $60,000 to $74,999

8. $75,000 to $99,999

9. $100,000 to $149,999

10. $150,000 or More

11. No Response

  1. How many years have you lived at this location? _________ Years

  1. What race or ethnicity do you consider yourself? (Please select all that apply)

1. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

2. Asian

3. Black or African American

4. White

5. American Indian or Alaska Native

6. Hispanic or Latino

7. Chamorro

8. Carolinian

9. Chuukese

10. Filipino

11. Japanese

12. Yapese

13. Korean

14. Marshallese

15. Palauan

16. Pohnepeian

17. Vietnamese

18. Other/Mixed ______________________________

  1. What is the primary language(s) spoken in your household?

(Do not read out the choices. Check all choices that apply to the answer.)

        1. English

        2. Chamorro

        3. Tagalog

        4. Japanese

        5. Other: Please list

        6. No Response

  1. Please check each group of which you a member?

1. Chamber of Commerce

2. Environmental Group. Which one? ______________________________

3. Local religious or community organization. Which one? ___________________

4. Other, please specify

5. Is not a member of any group

  1. Do you own a boat?

1. Yes

2. No

­­THANK YOU (in various languages)


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