Attachment 6 Progress Report Proposed Data Collection Revisions

Drug Free Communities Support Program National Evaluation

FINAL Attachment 6_Progress Report proposed changes

Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program National Evaluation

OMB: 3201-0012

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Attachment 6:

Proposed Changes to Drug-Free Communities Progress Report

Proposed Changes to:

Drug-Free Communities Progress Report

Summary of proposed changes:

  1. Option for grantees to enter SPF-SIG and STOP Act grant number (if applicable) to Grantee/Coalition Information section.

  2. Option for “Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) Youth” added to Community Settings List in the Needs Assessment section.

  3. Added 3 new items to Member Capacity Section regarding youth coalitions

    1. Indicate if have a youth coalition

    2. If yes, select from drop down menu how often meet

    3. If yes, select from drop down menu how involved in planning activities

  4. 3 new items added to Implementation Summary section.

    1. Describe policy/laws changed

    2. Select month and year from drop down menus

    3. Select Targeted Substance(s) from drop down menu

  5. 2 new items added to Community and Population-Level Outcomes section.

    1. Option of reporting outcome data by school level (i.e., Middle School or High School) instead of individual grade level, ONLY if not able to report by grade level


(Note: The first time you enter the progress reporting system, all sections will be blank. If you are a continuing grantee
who has previously entered data, you will be able to get a report that provides all previously submitted data. After
you enter data for the first time, all sections will be prefilled. You will be prompted to check the information and
select to edit it if any prior submitted data has changed.)

Proposed Change

(if Any)

Date Updated: ___ /____

Grantee/Coalition Information

Grantee Name: _______________________ Award Number: ____________________

Coalition Name: _______________________

Year of First DFC Award: _______ Month and year your coalition was first established: ___/___

If your coalition a SPF/SIG subrecipient? Is your coalition a STOP Act grantee? (pre-filled)

  • Yes (if Y Yes

  • No No

CHANGE: Replace items on SPF-SIG and STOP Act as follows.

If your coalition is a SPF/SIG subrecipient, please enter your grant number.

  • Our coalition is not a SPF/SIG subrecipient

  • Our SPF/SIG subrecipient grant number is ____________

If your coalition is a STOP Act grantee, please enter your grant number.

  • Our coalition is not a STOP Act grantee

  • Our STOP Act grantee grant number is ____________

Total number of members participating in your coalition:____________

(Note: This number should include all members plus all staff.)

Number of paid staff: _________

Number of volunteer staff: ________

No Changes

Coalition Director Contact Information:

Name: ____________________________________

Title: _____________________________________

Address: __________________________________


Phone: ____________________________________

Fax: ______________________________________

Email: ____________________________________

Month and year coalition director took current position: ____/_____

Did your coalition director change during this reporting period?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please provide the month and year your previous coalition leader left the position: ____/_____

No Changes

Does your coalition serve a federally-recognized Tribal area?

  • Yes

  • No

Is your coalition headed by a religious or faith-based organization?

  • Yes

  • No

Does your coalition have at least one (1) representative from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Indian Health Service, or a Tribal Government Agency with expertise in the field of substance abuse?

  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Please provide a brief summary of your coalition. This is your “Elevator Speech.” There should be about one sentence describing each of the following (a) your community and target population, (b) your primary goals, (c) the activities you are focusing on, (d) accomplishments to date, (e) successes concerning goal achievement, f) challenges in goal achievement, and g) things that make your coalition unique.

No Changes

Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment refers to the decisions your coalition has made concerning the major problems upon which you want to focus, the major community areas and populations you want to serve, and the reasons that these priorities were established. In addition, needs assessment refers to the ways you have collected data, or assessed the communities concern, to establish these priorities.

Geographic setting(s) served (check all that apply):

  • Inner City

  • Urban

  • Suburban

  • Rural

  • Frontier

Community setting(s) served (check all that apply):

No Changes

  • Single School District

  • Multiple School Districts

  • Single School

  • Multiple Schools

  • City

  • Multiple Cities

  • Town

  • Multiple Towns

  • Neighborhood

  • Multiple Neighborhoods

  • County

  • Region or Other Subsection of a State

  • Native American/American Indian/Alaskan Native Reservation

  • Military

  • Colleges & Universities

Do you target information/intervention efforts to a specific minority group or minority groups?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please specify (check all that apply):

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black or African-American

  • Hispanic or Latino

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender (LGBT) Youth

CHANGE: Add Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/

Transgender (LGBT) Youth to Community Settings List

Grade level(s) served (check all that apply):

  • Elementary school (K-5)

  • 6th grade

  • 7th grade

  • 8th grade

  • 9th grade

  • 10th grade

  • 11th grade

  • 12th grade

No Changes

Please select up to five (5) substances that your coalition is targeting in your community:

  • Alcohol

  • Tobacco

  • Marijuana

  • Prescription Drugs

  • Cocaine/Crack

  • Heroin

  • Stimulants (uppers)

  • Tranquilizers

  • Hallucinogens

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs

  • Inhalants

  • Steroids

  • Synthetic Drugs/Emerging Drugs

  • Additional substances addressed: __________

No Changes

Target Zip Codes

(Note: This section will be prefilled unless you have not entered data previously. You will be prompted to check the information and select to edit it if any prior submitted data has changed. You may also upload zip codes, but in order to do so, you MUST use the provided EXCEL file template.)

Zip Code Served

Do you serve the entire zip code?

(Dropdown: Yes/No)

If no, please list the specific areas served (e.g., names of neighborhoods, school districts, etc.)

No Changes

Program Budget
(Note: This section will be prefilled unless you have not entered data previously. You will be prompted to check the information and select to edit it if any prior submitted data has changed.)

Prompted with: Has the information below changed from what was reported in previous reporting period?

  • Yes*

  • No (skip to next section - “Member Capacity”)

What is your coalition's current total annual operating budget? $ _______________

Please specify the period that this budget covers: From: mm/dd/yyyy To: mm/dd/yyyy

No Changes

What dollar amount of your total operating budget comes from each of the following funding sources?
Source of Funding/Resources

Dollar Amount

(Note: Be sure the amounts below total to the amount submitted as your current total annual operating budget provided above.)


(Note: The system will automatically calculate percentages for you. You will not enter this data.)

No Changes

DFC grant

STOP Act grant

SPF-SIG funding

Other federal government funding

Other state government funding

Other local government funding

Foundation/Non-profit organizations

Private/Corporate entities

Individual donations/Funding from fundraising events

In-Kind contributions

Other (if applicable, please specify up to one other funding source) _____________________

In the next 12 months do you expect your coalition's funding level to:

  • Increase

  • Decrease

  • Stay about the same

No Changes

Comments (NOTE: Provide any information relevant to understanding your expectations regarding your coalition’s funding level. Please note funding uncertainties, opportunities, or other information relevant for understanding your coalition’s future funding.): _______

No Changes


Capacity refers to the types (such as skills or technology) and levels (such as individual or organizational) of resources that a coalition has at its disposal to meet its aims.

Proposed Change

(if Any)


(Note: This section will be prefilled unless you have not entered data previously. You will be prompted to check the information and select to edit it if any prior submitted data has changed.)

Number of formal coalition meetings held during this period: ___

Average attendance at coalition meetings
(not including paid staff): ___

Is collaboration among members of your coalition (NOTE: Think about the level of participation in coalition decisions, participation in joint activities, and other collaborative interactions in your prior reporting period relative to now.):

  • Increasing

  • Decreasing

  • Staying the same

No Changes


How many coalition members represent this sector?

*Note: Enter a number. If a member represents more than one sector please only count them once, under the sector that represents him/her best. For example you may have a police officer who is also a parent, but if they are there because on police force then indicate as law enforcement, not as parent.

How many of these coalition members are “active” (i.e., have attended at least one meeting in the past six months)?

What is the average level of involvement
for each of the sectors?

No Changes

Very High







Business Community

Civic/Volunteer Groups

Healthcare Professionals

Law Enforcement agency


Religious/Fraternal organizations


State, local, and/or tribal government agencies

Youth-serving organizations

Other Organization with Expertise in Substance Abuse (please specify up to one additional sector) ___________________

Member Roster

(Note: The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) requests that you enter a roster of all individuals and organizations involved in your coalition. You may also upload a member roster, but in order to do so, you MUST use the provided EXCEL file template.)

First Name

(Note: If entering an organization enter organization name in last name and leave first name blank.)

Last Name

(Note: If entering an organization enter organization name in last name and leave first name blank.)


(Note: You will select either individual or organization from drop down list.)


(Note: Select from drop down: list of sectors. If you select “other” you will be asked to specify.)


(Note: Select from drop down menu if individual/organization is an active or inactive member of the coalition.)

No Changes

Note: You will be able to enter as many members as needed.

No Changes

What is being done to increase membership in the sectors not represented? (Note: This information is only requested if you do not list at least one member representing each sector.)

No Changes

Capacity Building Activities

Capacity building activities include any efforts explicitly designed to improve the ability of the coalition to successfully assess needs, plan, make decisions, implement effective activities, evaluate, improve, and sustain coalition functioning.

Please select up to three (3) capacity building activities that were the main focus of your coalition’s efforts during the last reporting period:

  • Gathering community input (e.g., holding hearings on drug problems)

  • Recruitment (e.g., increasing coalition membership and participation)

  • Training for coalition members (e.g., building leadership capacity among coalition members)

  • Building shared vision/consensus (e.g., attaining an agreement among coalition members regarding goals, planned initiatives, etc.)

  • Increasing fiscal resources (e.g., attaining funding for substance abuse prevention initiatives)

  • Strengthening interventions (e.g., planning/executing substance abuse prevention initiatives)

  • Outreach (e.g., engaging key stakeholders in substance abuse prevention initiatives)

  • Engaging the general community in substance abuse prevention initiatives

  • Developing/Executing a media plan to draw attention to new drug threats

  • Improving information resources (e.g., engaging in research or evaluation activities)

  • Other ( please specify ): _____________________

  • None

No Changes

Does your coalition have a youth coalition that meets separately?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, how often did the youth coalition meet over the last six months?

  • Every 1-2 weeks

  • Once a month

  • Once every two months

  • One to two times in the past six months

What is the average level of involvement of the youth coalition in planning prevention activities with youth?

  • Very High

  • High

  • Medium

  • Some

  • Low

New Items

Please report any notable accomplishments related to capacity building activities achieved during this reporting period:

No Changes

Please report any additional details, including barriers or challenges, about your capacity building activities that were not captured above, but are relevant to understanding your coalition’s activities/outcomes:

No Changes


Proposed Change

(if Any)

Challenges and Protective Assets

Challenges or risk factors are characteristics of community, individuals, families, schools or other circumstances that increase the likelihood or difficulty of mitigating substance use and its associated harms. Prevention activities often focus on reducing risk factors that are perceived to be particularly important in a community.

What are the primary challenges that you face in your community? (Note: Select all that apply)

No Changes

Community Factors

  • Inadequate laws/ ordinances related to substance use/access

  • Inadequate enforcement of laws/ordinances related to substance use

  • Availability of substances that can be abused

  • Perceived acceptability (or disapproval) of substance abuse

Individual Factors

  • Favorable attitudes towards the problem behavior

  • Early initiation of the problem behavior

Family Factors

  • Family trauma/stress

  • Parental attitudes favorable to antisocial behavior

  • Parents lack ability/ confidence to speak to their children about ATOD use

School Factors

  • Academic failure

  • Low commitment to school


  • Coalition can enter free-form text

Protective Factors

Protective factors are characteristics of a community, individuals, families, schools or other circumstances that decrease the likelihood of substance use and its associated harms. Prevention activities often focus on strengthening protective factors that are perceived to be particularly important in a community.

Select the major protective factors that your coalition is targeting. (Note: Select all that apply. When you select a factor, please answer the follow up question on trend data for that factor.)

No Changes

Community Factors

  • Laws, regulations, and policies

  • Strong community organization (e.g., less crime, less visible drug dealing)

  • Advertising and other promotion of information related to ATOD use

  • Pro-social community involvement

  • Cultural awareness, sensitivity, and inclusiveness

Family Factors

  • Family economic resources

  • Parental monitoring and supervision

  • Family connectedness

  • Opportunities for pro-social family involvement

Individual Factors

  • Positive contributions to peer group

  • Recognition/acknowledgement of efforts

School Factors

  • Contributions to the school community

  • Positive school climate

  • School connectedness


Coalition can enter free-form text

Please report any additional details about your challenges and protective assets that were not captured above:

No Changes

Assessment Activities

Assessment - The systematic gathering and analysis of data to identify current assets, problems, and related conditions that require intervention.

Please select up to three (3) assessment activities that were the main focus of your coalition’s efforts during the last reporting period:

  • Preparing to assess needs and capacity (e.g., identifying coalition goals)

  • Designing/selecting interventions

  • Collecting data for assessment purposes

  • Analyzing and reporting assessment data

  • Completing a SWOT ( strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis

  • Developing a framework/logic model for change

  • Using assessment data (e.g., revising a logic model)

  • Other ( please specify ): _____________________

  • None

No Changes

Please report any notable accomplishments related to assessment activities achieved during this reporting period.:

No Changes

Please report any additional details, including barriers or challenges, about your assessment activities that were not captured above:

No Changes


Planning is a process of developing a logical sequence of steps that lead from individual actions
to community-level drug outcomes and achievement of the coalition’s vision for a healthier community.

Proposed Change

(if Any)

Planning Activities

NOTE: Coalitions will be prompted to upload their strategic plan, logic model, and action plans. Anytime you change any of these documents, a new file should be uploaded.

Has your coalition made any modifications to your strategic plan during this reporting period?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please describe: _______________________________

Has your coalition made any modifications to your Logic Model during this reporting period?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please describe: _______________________________

Has your coalition developed a new action plan during this reporting period?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please describe: _____________________________

No Changes

Please report any notable accomplishments related to planning activities achieved during this reporting period:


No Changes

Please report any additional details, including barriers or challenges about your planning activities that were not captured above:___________________________________________________________________________________________________

No Changes

Summary of Effort: Coalition Processes

Approximately what percent of overall coalition effort went into each of the following processes? (Note: total should sum to 100%)

___% Assessment ___% Capacity ___% Planning ___% Implementation ___% Evaluation

No Changes

Approximately what percent of overall coalition resources went into each of the following processes? (Note: total should sum to 100%)

___% Assessment ___% Capacity ___% Planning ___% Implementation ___% Evaluation

No Changes


Implementation puts into motion the activities identified in the planning process. In this section, grantees will first rank their level of effort related to each of the seven strategies. Then, for each strategy, grantees will be asked to describe the types of activities engaged in during the reporting period.

Proposed Changes

(if Any)

Implementation Strategies

Implementation Strategies

(These categories apply to both capacity building in the community [supporting programs to do these things] as well as direct actions)

Rank the implementation strategies by the amount of your coalition's paid staff labor effort that was spent on each:

Rank the implementation strategies by the amount of your coalition members’ labor effort that was spent on each:

Rank the implementation strategies by the amount of your coalition's budget that was spent on each:

No Changes

Providing Information (e.g., community education, increasing knowledge, raising awareness)

Drop down of ranks (1=Most Effort to 7=Least Effort), plus an Option for Not Applicable (no effort expended)

Drop down of ranks (1=Most Effort to 7=Least Effort), plus an Option for Not Applicable (no effort expended)

Drop down of ranks (1=Most Budget to 7=Least Budget), plus an Option for Not Applicable (no money expended)

Enhancing Skills (e.g., building skills and competencies)

Providing Support (e.g., increasing involvement in drug-free/healthy alternative activities)

Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers (e.g., improving access, availability, and use of systems and service)

Changing Consequences (e.g., incentives/disincentives, increasing attention to enforcement and compliance)

Physical Design (e.g., improving environmental and structural signs and areas to support the initiative)

Modifying/Changing Policies (e.g., changing institutional or government policies)

Strategy Activity Details: Providing Information

Activities focused on providing information

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did Your coalition Use STOP Act funds to support the following new or advanced activities? (Note: Clicking on button will indicate yes, used STOP Act funds.)

Number of completed activities this period

Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

How many people did this activity reach?

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful; (2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes



Media campaigns: Television/Radio/Print/Billboards/Bus or other Posters



Number of spots/ ads aired or placed this reporting period

Not applicable for this activity

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Media coverage : TV / radio / newspaper stories



Number of media stories appearing this reporting period

Not applicable for this activity

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Informational materials prepared/ produced



Number of press releases, brochures, flyers, posters, audiovisual products prepared/ produced during this reporting period

Not applicable for this activity

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Informational materials disseminated



Number of brochures, flyers, posters, audio visual products distributed during this reporting period

No Changes

Social networking (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)



Number of posts on social media sites during reporting period.

Facebook "Friends"; Twitter "Followers”

Facebook "Friends"; Twitter "Followers”

No Changes

Information on DFC Coalition Web site



Number of new materials posted during this reporting period.

Number of web hits (for this activity indicate total number of web hits in the number of adults column)

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Direct, face-to-face information sessions



Number of educational presentations, workshops, seminars, town hall meetings held during this reporting period by your coalition staff. Only include sessions intended to provide general information. Training sessions will be covered in the next topic.

Number of adults in audience

Number of youth in audience

No Changes

Special events (e.g., fairs, community celebrations)



Number of events that your coalition participated in during this reporting period. These events could be either run by your coalition, or your coalition could participate in them.

Approximate adult attendance at events

Approximate youth attendance at events

No Changes

Other ( please specify ): (NOTE: Grantee able to add multiple “other” activity rows)

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving providing information:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Typically takes lead with help from coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes

Strategy Activity Details: Enhancing Skills

Activities focused on enhancing skills

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did Your coalition Use STOP Act funds to support the following new or enhanced activities? (Note: Clicking on button will indicate yes, used STOP Act funds.)

Number of completed activities this period

Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

How many people did this activity reach?

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful; (2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes



Youth Education and Training Programs (providing Information / skills)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of sessions delivered of programs focusing on information skills

Not applicable for this activity

Number of youth receiving training (do not double count if youth received more than one session)

No Changes

Parent Education and Training Programs

  • Yes

  • No

Number of training sessions on drug awareness, prevention strategies, parenting skills specifically for parents

Number of parents receiving training (do not double count if parent received more than one session)

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Teacher/ Youth Worker Education and Training Programs

  • Yes

  • No

Number of training sessions on drug awareness and prevention strategies specifically for teachers / Youth Workers

Number of teachers / youth workers trained (do not double count if participant received more than one session)

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Community Member Education and Training Programs

  • Yes

  • No

Number of training sessions on drug awareness and prevention strategies, cultural competence for community members, including law enforcement, media, and landlords

Number of community members trained (do not double count if community member received more than one session)

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Business Training (e.g., responsible beverage service/ vendor training [voluntary or mandatory])

  • Yes

  • No

Number of training sessions delivered on server compliance, training on youth marketed alcohol products, tobacco sales, etc.

Number of people trained (do not double count if participant received more than one session)

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Other ( please specify ): (NOTE: Grantee will be able to add multiple other activity rows)

  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving enhancing skills:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Typically takes lead with help from coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes

Strategy Activity Details: Providing Support

Activities focused on providing support

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did Your coalition Use STOP Act funds to support the following new or enhanced activities? (Note: Clicking on button will indicate yes, used STOP Act funds.)

Number of completed activities this period

Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

How many people did this activity reach?

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful; (2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes



Alternative/drug-free social events

  • Yes

  • No

Number of drug-free parties, other events supported by coalition

Number of attendees: Adults not part of coalition

Number of attendees: youth

No Changes

Youth organizations/ drop-in centers

  • Yes

  • No

Number of clubs (after-school or other) and centers supported by your coalition. "Support" can be in the form of financial, labor, or in-kind assistance.

Number of youth belonging to clubs or centers

No Changes

Organized youth recreation programs (e.g., athletics, arts, outdoor activities)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of events supported by your coalition: please do not include events that are designed specifically to provide information

Number of league participants

No Changes

Youth/ family community involvement (e.g., school or neighborhood cleanup)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of community involvement events held

Number of adult participants

Number of youth participants

No Changes

Youth/family support groups

  • Yes

  • No

Number of groups (e.g., leadership groups, mentoring programs, youth employment programs)

Number of adult participants

Number of student participants, including number of mentoring matches (do not double count if youth received more than one session, or if the youth participated in mentoring plus other programs)

No Changes

Other ( please specify ): (NOTE: Grantee will be able to add multiple other activity rows)


  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving providing support:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically takes the lead with help from coalition members

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes

Strategy Activity Details: Enhancing Access/Reducing Barriers

Activities focused on enhancing access / reducing barriers

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did Your coalition Use STOP Act funds to support the following new or enhanced activities? (Note: Clicking on button will indicate yes, used STOP Act funds.)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

How many people did this activity reach?

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful; (2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes



Increased Access to Substance Use Services (e.g., court mandated service, assessment and referral, EAP’s, SAP’s)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of adults served, referred to treatment, involved in EAPs

Number of youth served, referred to treatment, involved in SAPs

No Changes

Reducing Home and Social Access to Alcohol and Other Substances (e.g., prescription drug disposal)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of adults participating in prescription drug takeback programs

Number of youth participating in prescription drug takeback programs

No Changes

Improve supports for service use (e.g., transportation, child care)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of adults served

Number of youth served

No Changes

Improve access through culturally sensitive outreach (e.g., multilingual materials)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of adults targeted (this may be double-counted with your entries for “Providing Information”

Number of youth targeted (this may be double-counted with your entries for “Providing Information”

No Changes

Other (please specify): (NOTE: Grantee will be able to add multiple other activity rows)


  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving enhancing access/reducing barriers:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Typically takes lead with help from coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes

Strategy Activity Details: Changing Consequences

Activities focused on changing consequences

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did your coalition use STOP Act funds to support the following new or enhanced activities?

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

How Many Businesses Did Each Activity Reach? Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful; (2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes

Strengthening Enforcement (e.g., supporting DUI checkpoints, shoulder tap programs, open container laws)

  • Yes

  • No

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, Multiple/ Substances/No Substance Specified

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Strengthening Surveillance (e.g., “hot spots,” party patrols)

  • Yes

  • No

Not applicable for this activity

No Changes

Recognition programs (e.g., programs for merchants who pass compliance checks, drug free youth)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of businesses receiving recognition for compliance

No Changes

Publicize Non-Compliance (e.g., advertisements highlighting businesses non-compliant with local ordinances)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of businesses receiving recognition for non-compliance

No Changes

Other (please specify ): (NOTE: Grantee will be able to add multiple other activity rows)

  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving changing consequences:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Typically takes lead with help from coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes

Strategy Activity Detail: Physical Design

Activities focused on physical design

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did Your coalition Use STOP Act funds to support the following? (Note: Clicking on button will indicate yes, used STOP Act funds.)

Number of completed activities this period

Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful;
(2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes

Identify Physical Design Problems (e.g., environmental scans, neighborhood meetings, windshield surveys)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of physical design problems (e.g., hot spots, clean up areas, outlet clusters) identified this period.

No Changes

Cleanup and Beautification (e.g., Improve parks and other physical landscapes, neighborhood clean-ups)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of cleanup / beautification events held this period (e.g., neighborhood cleanup days)

No Changes

Improve visibility/ ease of surveillance in public places and substance use hotspots (e.g., improved lighting, surveillance cameras, improved lines of sight)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of areas (public places / hot spots) in which surveillance / visibility was improved this period.

No Changes

Promote improved signage / advertising / practices by suppliers (e.g., Decrease signage/ advertising / change product locations)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of suppliers making changes in signage / advertising / displays this period.

No Changes

Identify problem establishments for closure (e.g., close drug houses)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of problem establishments identified / targeted; Number closed / modified practices

No Changes

Encourage business / supplier designation of “no alcohol” or “no tobacco” zones

  • Yes

  • No

Number of businesses targeted / approached; number that made changes

No Changes

Other ( please specify ): (NOTE: Grantee will be able to add multiple other activity rows)


  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving physical design:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Typically takes lead with help from coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes


Implementation puts into motion the activities identified in the planning process. In this section, grantees will first rank their level of effort related to each of the seven strategies. Then, for each strategy, grantees will be asked to describe the types of activities engaged in during the reporting period.

Proposed Changes

(if Any)

Strategy Activity Detail: Modifying/Changing Policies

Activities focused on Modifying / Changing Policies

Did your coalition work on this activity during this reporting period?

(Note: Grantee will only complete rest of row for activities they indicate yes they worked on.)

Visible Only to STOP ACT Grantees

Did Your coalition Use STOP Act funds to support the following new or enhanced activities? (Note: Clicking on button will indicate yes, used STOP Act funds.)

Number of Policies or Laws Promoted or Opposed by Your Coalition this Reporting Period

Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Number of Policies or Laws Passed/Modified During This Period (hover over cells for more information)

Grantee will fill in a number. Option to hover over cells for more information such as what is in cells below.)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

Sector(s) Contributing to This Activity

Drop down: list of sectors, includes option for N/A: Paid Staff/ Volunteer Accomplishment

In your opinion, how successful was this effort?

Drop down: (1) very successful; (2) moderately successful; (3) not successful

No Changes

Cost: Laws/public policies concerning cost ( e.g., alcohol or tobacco tax, fees)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or policies concerning cost incentives promoted or opposed during this reporting period

Number of laws passed or modified -- and policies initiated this period

No Changes

Underage Use: Laws/public policies targeting use, possession, or behavior under the influence for minors

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or public policies supported / promoted by DFC coalition concerning underage use, possession, or behavior under the influence (e.g., underage consumption, false identification laws, blood alcohol concentration, graduated driver’s licenses, loss of driving privileges for alcohol violations by minors)

Number of laws passed or modified this period concerning underage use, possession, or behavior under the influence (e.g., underage consumption, false identification laws, blood alcohol concentration, graduated driver’s licenses, loss of driving privileges for alcohol violations by minors)

No Changes

School: Policies promoting drug-free schools

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or policies concerning drug-free schools promoted / supported by DFC coalition this period. Do not include policies focused on underage use/possession that were covered above.

Number of laws or policies concerning drug-free schools passed or modified during this period. Do not include policies focused on underage use/possession that were covered above

No Changes

Treatment/ Prevention: Laws/ public policies promoting treatment or prevention alternatives (e.g., diversion treatment programs for underage substance use offenders)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or public policies concerning availability and sentencing alternatives to increase treatment / prevention promoted / supported by DFC coalition this period.

Number of laws/ policies passed or modified this period concerning availability and sentencing alternatives to increase treatment / prevention

No Changes

Workplace: Policies promoting drug-free workplaces

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or policies concerning drug-free workplaces promoted / supported by DFC coalition this period. Do not include policies mandating treatment.

Number of laws or policies concerning drug-free workplaces passed or modified during this period. Do not include policies mandating treatment.

No Changes

Citizen enabling/Liability: Laws/ public policies concerning adult (including parent) social enabling or liability (e.g., social host ordinances)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or public policies concerning adult/parent social enabling or liability promoted/ supported by DFC coalition this period.

Number of laws passed or modified this period concerning parent/ social enabling /liability.

No Changes

Supplier Promotion / Liability: Laws/ public policies concerning supplier advertising, promotion, liability, (e.g. server liability, product placement, happy hours, drink specials, mandatory compliance checks, responsible beverage service)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or public policies concerning supplier advertising, promotion, or liability promoted/supported by DFC coalition this period.

Number of laws passed or modified this period concerning supplier advertising, promotion, liability.

No Changes

Outlet Location / Density: Laws/ public policies concerning limitation and restrictions of location and density of alcohol outlets

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or zoning ordinances concerning density/ location of alcohol outlets promoted / supported by DFC coalition this reporting period.

Number of laws/zoning ordinances passed this period concerning the density of alcohol outlets

No Changes

Sales Restrictions: Laws/ public policies concerning restrictions on product sales (e.g., methamphetamine pre-cursor access, alcohol at gas stations)

  • Yes

  • No

Number of laws or public policies concerning restrictions on product sales promoted/ supported by DFC coalition this period.

Number of laws/ public policies concerning restrictions on product sales passed or modified this period.

No Changes

Other ( please specify ): (NOTE: Grantee will be able to add multiple other activity rows)


  • Yes

  • No

No Changes

Indicate the average level of contribution that coalition paid/volunteer staff made to activities involving modifying/changing policies:

Completely responsible for most activities

Typically does not take lead, but helps coalition members

Typically takes lead with help from coalition members

Minimally involved: coalition members take on most responsibilities

No Changes

Implementation Summary

In the last six months, did you coalition successfully modify/change any policies/laws?

  • Yes

  • No (will automatically send to next item

CHANGE: New Item

If yes, briefly describe the policy/law, indicate the month and year the work to successfully modify/change the policy was completed and select the substance(s) targeted by the policy.

Policy 1: ___(open text field)_______________________________

Month/Year (select from dropdown)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

Policy 2: _____________________________________________

Month/Year (select from dropdown)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

Policy 3: _____________________________________________

Month/Year (select from dropdown)

Target Substance(s)

Drop down: Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Prescription Drugs, Other Substance, No Substance Specified; Grantees may select multiple substances

CHANGE: New Item.

Add dropdown menu for target of policy (e.g., alcohol regulation, marijuana)

Do you have any additional details, like accomplishments or challenges and barriers, related to implementation to report for this reporting period?

No Changes

Please report any notable accomplishments related to implementation activities achieved during this reporting period?

No Changes

Please report any additional details, including barriers or challenges, about your implementation activities that were not captured above:

No Changes

Coalition Evaluation Effort

Approximately what percent of your coalition’s evaluation effort and resources went into the following activities?

(Total must add to 100%):

No Changes

___% Data collection

___% Data analysis

___% Identifying recommendations for improvement

___% Presenting evaluation findings

___% Other ( please specify ): _____________________


Proposed Changes

(if Any)

Core Outcomes

Data Source (dropdown of coalition’s approved surveys)

No Changes

Outcome Category this Data Applies To (select 30- day use, perception of risk, perception of parental or perception of peer)

**repeat this for every APPROVED core measure**

No Changes

Month and Year Data Were Collected: __/__

No Changes

Compared to Target Area, the Geographical Area Covered by These Data Is:

  • Larger

  • Smaller

  • The Same

  • Don’t Know

Does your data represent your target population?

  • Yes

  • No

If no, please explain:______________

No Changes

No Changes

Core Measures

You must submit the survey used to collect the data that you are submitting in order to be able to submit core measure data. You will receive a survey review guide from the DFC National Evaluation team once their review of your survey is complete. Be sure to leave adequate time prior to core measure data submission to complete this step in the process. Surveys can be submitted at any time. Your survey review guide provides you with information on what data the grantee is expected to submit (which core measures have been approved for which substances) as well as guidance on how to calculate percentage use.






Prescription Drugs

No Changes


30-day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-Day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-Day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes

Middle School, multiple grades

30-Day Use

CHANGE: New Item. Add option of reporting outcome data by school level instead of grade level

Sample Size

High School,

Multiple grades

30-Day Use

CHANGE: New Item. Add option of reporting outcome data by school level instead of grade level

Sample Size


30-Day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes


30-Day Use

No Changes

Sample Size

No Changes

Are you collecting any other consequences? Optional section allows coalitions to enter their own core measures data on other substances. If you are collecting data particularly relative to change in substances other than the core substances, please share here.

No Changes

Outcomes Summary

Do you have any concerns about the quality of your data? Please explain.

  • Yes No

If yes, please explain:_______________________________

No Changes

Please report any notable accomplishments related to evaluation achieved during this reporting period:

No Changes

Please report any additional details, including barriers or challenges, about your evaluation activities that were not captured above

No Changes


Proposed Changes

(if Any)


To what extent has your coalition experienced challenges in the following area?

Significant Challenge


Some Challenge


A Little Challenge


No Challenge


Not Applicable


No Changes

Increasing coalition membership and participation

No Changes

Building leadership capacity among coalition members

No Changes

Attaining an agreement among coalition members regarding goals, planned initiatives, etc.

No Changes

Developing/revising a framework/logic model of change

No Changes

Completing a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis

No Changes

Collecting/analyzing data for assessment purposes

No Changes

Recruiting/engaging target populations (e.g., students) in substance abuse prevention initiatives

No Changes

Engaging key stakeholders (e.g., school personnel) in substance abuse prevention initiatives

No Changes

Engaging the general community in substance abuse prevention initiatives

No Changes

Planning/Executing substance abuse prevention initiatives

No Changes

Developing/Executing a media plan to draw attention to new drug threats

No Changes

Attaining funding for substance abuse prevention initiatives

No Changes

Collecting/Analyzing data for evaluation purposes

No Changes

Other (please specify): __________________________

No Changes

Other (please specify): __________________________

No Changes

Other (please specify): __________________________

No Changes

Training and Technical Assistance: Survey of Needs

Training and technical assistance (T&TA) areas

To what extent would your coalition benefit from T&TA in each of these areas?

No Changes

A Great Deal


A Little

Not at All

No Changes

Coalition and partnership development

No Changes

Coalition and partnership maintenance

No Changes

Community needs and resource assessment

No Changes

Goal and outcome development and assessment

No Changes

Effective problem solving within a group setting

No Changes

Develop a framework or model of change

No Changes

Leadership development

No Changes

Cultural competency

No Changes

Organizational management

No Changes

Strategic planning

No Changes

Developing substance abuse prevention initiatives

No Changes

Advocacy and policy development

No Changes

Grant writing

No Changes

Program evaluation

No Changes

Program/Initiative sustainability

No Changes

Other (please specify): __________________________

No Changes

Did your coalition provide any training or technical assistance to other community groups or organizations?

  • Yes

  • No

If yes, please describe:

No Changes

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByODonnel, Barbara
File Modified2015-05-03
File Created2015-02-10

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