NHM&E Feedback on Proposed PS12-1201 Interim Reporting Requirements Participants and External Workgroup Contacts |
Organization |
Name |
Phone |
National Organizations |
National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) |
Michelle Batchelor Lynn Shaull
mbatchelor@nastad.org lshaull@nastad.org |
202-434-7128 202-434-8003 |
Urban Coalition for HIV/AIDS Prevention Services (UCHAPS) |
Marlene McNeese-Ward
Marlene@uchaps.org |
832-647-8207 |
Health Departments |
California |
Brian Lew Phillip Morris Chris Santini |
Brian.lew@cdph.ca.gov phillip.morris@cdph.ca.gov chris.santini@cdph.ca.gov |
916-449- 5812 916-341-5861 |
Chicago |
David Amarathithada Angela Calhoun Griselle Torres |
Amarathithada_david@cdph.org Calhoun_angela@cdph.org Torres_Griselle@cdph.org |
312-747-9665 312-745-0114 312-747-9436 |
Colorado |
Annie Walsh |
Annie.Walsh@dphe.state.co.us |
303-692-2596 |
Connecticut |
Susan Major Ramon Rodriguez-Santana |
Susan.Major@ct.gov Ramon.Rodriguez-Santana@ct.gov |
860-424-3442 860-509-7849 |
District of Columbia |
Biva Chowdhury Stacey Cooper Carolyn Thompson Patrice Ward |
biva.chowdhury@dc.gov Stacey.cooper@dc.gov Carolyn.thompson@dc.gov patrice.ward@dc.gov |
202-671-4903 202-671-5093 202-671-4974 202-671-4900 |
Florida |
Thomas Bendle Towana Bonnett Michelle Duncan James Easton Nita Harrelle April Hogan Marlene LaLota Mara Michniewicz Mario Richardson Melinda Waters Max Wilson |
Thomas_Bendle@doh.state.fl.us Towana_Bonnett@doh.state.fl.us Michelle_Duncan@doh.state.fl.us James_Easton@doh.state.fl.us Nita_Harrelle@doh.state.fl.us April_Hogan@doh.state.fl.us Marlene_Lalota@doh.state.fl.us Mara_Michniewicz@doh.state.fl.us Mario_Richardson@doh.state.fl.us Melinda_Waters@doh.state.fl.us Max_Wilson@doh.state.fl.us |
850-245-4444 x2576 850-245-4444 850-245-4444 850-245-4444 850-245-4444 x2565 850-245-4444 850-245-4423 850-245-4444 850-245-4444 x2550 850-245-4424 904-253-2985 |
Georgia |
Lyto Marcus |
lmmarcius@dhr.state.ga.us |
404-651-7368 |
Houston |
Nicholas Sloop |
Nick.Sloop@houstontx.gov |
832-393-4749 |
Los Angeles |
Constance Chavers John Mesta |
cchavers@ph.lacounty.gov jmesta@ph.lacounty.gov |
213-351-8065 213-351-1126 |
Louisiana |
Samuel Burgess Roger Schimberg Deborah Wendell |
Samuel.Burgess@LA.GOV Roger.Schimberg@LA.GOV Debbie.Wendell@LA.GOV |
504-568-5504 |
Maryland |
Hope Cassidy-Stewart
Kip Castner Colin Flynn |
Hope.Cassidy-Stewart@maryland.gov Kip.Castner@maryland.gov Colin.Flynn@maryland.gov |
410-767-5290 410-767-5061 |
Massachusetts |
Tom Barker Renee Boseman Bernadette Green |
tom.barker@state.ma.us renee.boseman@state.ma.us bernadette.green@state.ma.us |
617-624-5309 617-624-5341 |
Michigan |
Jeanine Hernandez Leanne Savola |
Hernandezjea@michigan.gov SavolaL@michigan.gov |
517-241-5940 313-456-3106 |
Mississippi |
Jerry Vardaman |
Jerry.Vardaman@msdh.state.ms.us |
601-576-7723 |
Missouri |
Karin Bosh Michael Stancil |
karin.bosh@dhss.mo.gov michael.stancil@dhss.mo.gov |
573-751-6146 314-877-0238 |
New Hampshire |
Kirsten Durzy June Marriner |
Kirsten.Durzy@dhhs.state.nh.us JMarriner@dhhs.state.nh.us |
603-271-5935 603-271-4486 |
New York City |
Blayne Cutler Andrea King Nana Mensah Benjamin Tsoi |
bcutler@health.nyc.gov aking@health.nyc.gov nmensah@health.nyc.gov btsoi@health.nyc.gov |
347-396-7630 347-396-7611 347-396-7725 212-788-2197 |
New York State |
Bethsabet Justiniano Jim Tesoriero |
bxj03@health.state.ny.us jmy07@health.state.ny.us |
518-486-1412 518-486-1375 |
North Carolina |
JeaNelle Plummer Lynne Sampson |
JeaNelle.Plummer@dhhs.nc.gov lynne.sampson@dhss.nc.gov |
252-355-9084 ext. 216 919-733-2030 |
Ohio |
Nicole Brennan Jillian Garratt |
nicole.brennan@odh.ohio.gov jillian.garratt@odh.ohio.gov |
614-644-1878 614-728-0877 |
Pennsylvania |
Brenda Doucette Jill Garland |
bdoucette@pa.gov jigarland@pa.gov |
717-214-1916 |
Philadelphia |
Patricia Jones |
patricia.a.jones@phila.gov |
215-685-5611 |
Puerto Rico |
Johany Velazquez |
jovelazquez@salud.gov.pr |
787-274-5563 |
San Francisco |
John Melichar |
john.melichar@sfdph.org |
415-554-9078 |
Tennessee |
Detrell Southall |
DeTrell.Southall@tn.gov |
615-532-3036 |
Texas |
Karalee Poschman |
Karalee.poschman@dshs.state.tx.us |
512-533-3107 |
Virginia |
Marquietta Alston Ayana Andrews-Joseph Jennifer Bissette |
marquietta.alston@vdh.virginia.gov ayana.andrews-joseph@vdh.virginia.gov jennifer.bissette@vdh.virginia.gov |
804-864-8006 804-864-8017
804-864-8004 |
Washington |
Frank Hayes |
frank.hayes@doh.wa.gov |
360-236-3486 |
CBO Participants in Reporting Requirements Webinars – NHME Implementation Coordinator Contact Information |
Organization |
Name |
Phone |
Abounding Prosperity, Inc. |
Myers, Kirk |
kirkmyers@comcast.net |
Unspecified |
Walls-Beegle, Stacie Kathleen |
stacie@accessaids.org |
Unspecified |
Access Community Health Network |
Thompson, Donna |
Donna.thompson@accesscommunityhealth.net |
312-526-2050 |
Holmes, Katrina |
holka@accesscommunityhealth.net |
773-826-0369 |
AID Atlanta, inc. |
Elliott, Tracy |
Tracy.elliott@aidatlanta.org |
404-870-7720 |
Smith-Bankhead, Neena |
Neena.Smith-Bankhead@AIDATLANTA.ORG |
404-870-7747 |
AID Gwinnett |
Lehman, Larry |
lehmanl@aidgwinnett.org |
678-990-6450 |
AIDS Action Coalition |
Marr, Mary Elizabeth |
memarr@aidsactioncoalition.org |
256-536-4700 |
AIDS Arms Inc. |
Kirven, Daron |
dkirven@aidsarms.org |
214-521-5191 |
AIDS Care Group |
Strauss, Howell |
howellstrauss@aidscaregroup.org |
610-389-2301 |
AIDS Community Services of WNY, Inc. |
Silverio, Ronald T. |
rsilverio@aidscommunityservices.com |
716-847-0212 |
AIDS Council of Northeastern New York |
O'Donnell, Travis |
todonnell@aidscouncil.org |
519-434-4686 ext. 2406 |
AIDS Foundation Houston, Inc. |
Lukan, Nike |
lukann@afhouston.org |
713-333-5624 |
AIDS Project Los Angeles |
Moreno, Antony |
amoreno@apla.org |
323-329-9902 |
AIDS Project of Central Iowa |
Van Brocklin, Rhea |
rheav@aidsprojectci.org |
515-284-0245 |
AIDS Project of the East Bay |
Bumpus, Tracy |
tbumpus@apeb.org |
510-663-7979 ext. 131 |
AIDS Service Center NYC |
Madrid, Cori |
cori@ascnyc.org |
Unspecified |
Atkins, Kim |
kim@ascnyc.org |
212-352-9190 ext.308 |
Duke, Sharen I. |
sharen@ascnyc.org |
212-645-0975 ext.304 |
Starks-Ross, Brenda |
brenda@ascnyc.org |
Unspecified |
AIDS Services of Austin, Inc. (ASAUSTIN) |
Manford, Lee |
Lee.Manford@asaustin.org |
512-406-6101 |
Herrera y Nava, Jennifer |
jennifer.herrera@asaustin.org |
512-406-6165 |
Aletheia House |
Kennedy, Keisha |
kkennedy@specialkindofcaring.org |
205-279-3999 |
Retan, Chris |
Chris_Retan@yahoo.com |
205-324-6502 |
Asian and Pacific Islander Coalition on HIV/AIDS, Inc. |
Sanchez, Jesus |
jsanchez@apicha.org |
212-334-7940 |
Rivera, Lizbeth |
lrivera@aspirapr.org |
787-641-1985 |
Bienestar Human Services, INC. |
De la O, Oscar |
odelao@bienestar.org |
323-727-7897 |
Martinez, Victor |
vmartinez@bienestar.org |
323-727-7896 |
Boston Medical Center |
Gittleman, Randie |
randie.gittelman@bmc.org |
617-414-7053 |
Bronx AIDS Services, Inc. |
Davila, Jose |
jdavila@basnyc.org |
718-295-5605 |
Richards-Clarke, Candia |
ctrichards@basnyc.org |
718-295-5690 |
Brooklyn AIDS Task Froce |
Greeley, Elaine |
egreeley@batf.net |
Unspecified |
Building Bridges, Inc. |
Moering- Watkins, Marilyn |
mmwatkins@bbims.org |
601-922-0100 |
Callen-Lorde Community Health center |
Laudato, Jay |
jlaudato@callen-lorde.org |
Unspecified |
CALOR, a Division of Anixter Center (the same as Lester & Rosalie Anixter Center) |
Lopez, Omar |
olopez@anixter.org |
Unspecified |
Lockett, Gloria |
glocktheone@aol.com |
510-874-7850 |
Care Resource |
Siclari, Rick |
rsiclari@careresource.org |
305-576-1234 ext.206 |
McKay, Carolyn |
cmckay@careresource.org |
305-576-1234 ext.271 |
Carolinas CARE Partnership |
Ellington, Terry |
terrye@carolinascare.org |
704-531-2467 ext.13 |
Cascade AIDS Project |
Kaplan, Michael |
mkaplan@cascadeaids.org |
503-278-3810 |
Anderson-Nathe, Michael |
manderson-nathe@cascadeaids.org |
503- 223-5907 ext.3860 |
Center on Halsted |
Valle, Modesto |
mvalle@centeronhalsted.org |
Unspecified |
Change Happens! |
Smith, Rev. Leslie |
lsmith@changehappenstx.org |
713-374-1292 |
Chicago House |
Zeigler, Susan |
szeigler@chicagohouse.org |
773-248-5200 ext.334 |
Children's National Medical Center |
Cora-Bramble, Denice |
dcorabra@cnmc.org |
202-476-5857 |
Sabrina, Simms |
sasimms@cnmc.org |
202-476-2931 |
COAI, Inc |
Shepard-Rivas, Peter |
ache.pmshepard@gmail.com |
787-766-0288 |
Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation |
Fladmo, Sara |
saraf@cbaf.org |
361-814-2001 ext. 119 |
Comprehensive AIDS Program of Palm Beach County, Inc. |
Pavlescak, Rik |
rikp@cappbc.org |
561-472-2466 |
Bonnet, Yolette |
ybonnet@cappbc.org |
561-472-2466 ext. 209 |
Diverse and Resilient |
Dougherty, Jacob |
jdougherty@diverseandresilient.org |
414-390-0444 ext.17 |
Empower U |
Mills, Vanessa |
vmills@empower-u-miami.org |
786-318-2337 |
Weber, Ruth |
rweber@empower-u-miami.org |
786-318-2337 ext.111 |
Estancia Corazon, Inc. |
Benavides, Yacin |
ybenavides@estanciacorazon.org |
787-831-8366 |
Family Health Centers of San Diego |
O'Rouke, Kevin |
kevino@fhcsd.org |
619-515-2454 |
Butler-Cohen, Fran |
fran@fhcsd.org |
619-515-2301 |
Family Planning Council |
Banegas, Adonis |
adonis@familyplanning.org |
215-985-6837 |
Fenway Health |
Vincent, Jon |
JVincent@fenwayhealth.org |
617-927-6218 |
Friends Research Institute, Inc. |
Reback, Cathy J. |
reback@friendsresearch.org |
323-463-1601 |
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. (GMHC) |
Mendoza, Moira |
moiram@gmhc.org |
Unspecified |
Hill, Marjorie |
marjorieh@gmhc.org |
212-367-1248 |
Guiding Right, INc. |
Noel, Theodore |
tnoel@guidingright.org |
405-733-0771 |
HIV/AID Alliance for Region Two, Inc. (HAART) |
Decuir, Sharon |
sdecuir@haartinc.org |
225-927-1269 ext.107 |
Harlem United Community AIDS Center |
Gillen, Sarah |
sgillen@harlemunited.org |
212-803-2890 |
Elcock, Soraya |
esoraya@harlemunited.org |
212-803-2890 |
Lawrence, Jerome |
jlawrence@harlemunited.org |
212-803-2890 |
Haymarket Center (the same as McDermott Center dba Haymarket Center) |
Soucek, Raymond |
rsouckek@hcenter.org |
312-226-7984 ext.387 |
Wolf, Jill |
jwolf@hcenter.org |
312-226-7984 ext.373 |
Heartland Human Care Services, Inc. |
Stonehouse, Patrick |
Pstonehouse@heartlandalliance.org |
773-751-4003 |
Helping Others in a Positive Environment (the same as HOPE Inc.) |
Moses, Ivy |
imoses@hopeincvi.org |
340-777-1611 |
HIV Education and Prevention Project of Alameda County (HEPPAC) |
Mattox, Loris |
lmattox@casasegura.org |
510-434-0307 ext. 309 |
Hope and Help Center of Central Florida |
Carifi, Marilyn |
Mcarifi@hopeandhelp.org |
407-645-2577 ext.121 |
Hyacinth AIDS Foundation |
O'Brien, Kathy |
kobrien@hyacinth.org |
Unspecified |
Identity, Inc. |
Kattar, Candace |
Ckattar@identity-youth.org |
301-963-5900 ext.12 |
Bergman, Eyal |
ebergman@identity-youth.org |
301-422-1272 |
Indigenous Peoples Task Force |
Day, Sharon |
smarieday@aol.com |
612-870-1723 |
Lawrence, Colette |
colettel@indigenouspeoplestf.org |
612-870-1723 ext.18 |
Institute of Women & Ethnic Studies |
Richardson, Lisa |
lrich@iwesnola.org |
Unspecified |
Robertson, Rhenisha |
rrob@iwesnola.org |
504-301-3690 |
Glick, Jennifer |
jglick@iwesnola.org |
504-484-0410 ext.13 |
Iris House, A Center For Women Living with HIV |
Smirlock, Michael |
msmirlock@irishouse.org |
646-548-0100 |
Justice Resource Institute, Inc. |
Defreese-Weber, Jonathan |
jdefreese-weber@jri.org |
617-457-8150 ext.2503 |
Brooks, Douglas |
dbrooks@jri.org |
617-457-8150 |
JWCH Institute |
Ballesteros, Al |
aballesteros@jwchinstitute.org |
213-484-1186 |
Jones, Marvin |
mjones@jwchinstitute.org |
213-353-1113 |
Kansas City Free Health Clinic |
Brungardt, Heather |
heatherb@kcfree.org |
Unspecified |
La Clinica de La Raza, Inc. |
Jerman, Kate |
kjerman@laclinica.org |
Unspecified |
Fabian, Angel |
afabian@laclinica.org |
510-535-6417 |
La Clinica del Pueblo |
Roy, Krishna |
kroy@lcdp.org |
202-448-2868 |
Larkin Street Youth Services |
Adams, Sherilyn |
sadams@larkinstreetyouth.org |
415-673-0911 ext.316 |
Latino Community Services |
Rodriguez, Leandro |
lrodriguez@latinoaids.org |
212-675-3288 |
Chacon, Guillermo |
gchacon@latinoaids.org |
212-675-3288 |
Latinos Salud |
Moega, Carlos |
cmoega@latinossalud.org |
954-765-6239 |
Fallon, Stephen |
sfallon@latinossalud.org |
954-533-8681 |
Legacy Community Health Services |
Taylor, Thomas |
ttaylor@legacycommunityhealth.org |
713-830-3011 |
Caldwell, Katy |
kcaldwell@legacycommunityhealth.org |
713-830-3052 |
Black, Jason |
jblack@legacycommunityhealth.org |
713-830-3094 |
Long Island Association For AIDS Care, Inc. (LIAAC) |
Rutigliano, Jordana |
jrutigliano@liaac.org |
Unspecified |
Friedman, Jeffery |
info@liaac.org |
631-385-2451 |
Barouh, Gail |
liaac1@aol.com |
631-385-2451 |
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center |
Cohen, Susan |
scohen@lagaycenter.org |
323-860-7340 |
Lutheran Family Health Centers-LMC |
Brown, Richard |
rbrown@lmcmc.com |
914-320-0232 |
McReynolds, Larry |
lmcreynolds@lmcmc.com |
718-630-7216 |
MAPS (Mass Alliance of Portuguese Speakers) |
Pinto, Paulo |
ppinto@maps-inc.org |
617-864-7600 |
Mazzoni Center |
Shein, Nurit |
Nshein@mazzonicenter.org |
215-563-0652 |
Washington Area Consortium- Metro teen AIDS |
McGugin, Alfred |
amcgugin@metroteenaids.org |
Unspecified |
Minnesota AIDS Project |
Teel, Lorraine |
lorraine.teel@mnaidsproject.org |
612-374-3400 |
Miracle of Love, Inc. |
Norton-Guerrero, Nicola |
mmorton@miracleofloveinc.org |
407-843-1760 ext. 37 |
Kelley, Troy |
TKelley@miracleofloveinc.org |
407-843-1760 ext. 32 |
My Brother's Keeper, Inc. |
Gipson, June |
jgipson@mbk-inc.org |
601-957-3625 ext.113 |
Neighborhood House |
Pothan, Warya |
waryap@nhwa.org |
206-461-4522 ext. 107 |
Okazaki, Mark |
marko@nhwa.org |
206-461-8430 ext. 240 |
Newark Community Health Centers, Inc. |
Tham, Nancy |
ntham@nchcfqhc.org |
973-483-1300 |
Roudette, Claire |
croudette@nchcfqhc.org |
973-565-0355 ext. 1230 |
North Jersey AIDS Alliance (form. NJCRI) |
Hall, Aunsha |
a.hall@njcri.org |
973-412-7080, ext.179 |
Ashby, Cuthbert |
c.ashby@njcri.org |
973-483-3444 |
McGovern, Brian |
b.mcgovern@njcri.org |
973-483-3444 ext. 137 |
NO/AIDS Task Force |
Twilbeck, Noel |
noelt@noaidstf.org |
504-821-2601 ext. 228 |
Fegley, Josh |
joshf@noaidstf.org |
504-945-4000 ext. 102 |
The Partnership for the Homeless |
Castellanos, Daniel |
dcastellanos@pfth.org |
718-875-0027 |
Jules, Tiffany |
tjules@pfth.org |
718-875-0027 ext. 207 |
Philadelphia FIGHT Y-HEP |
Shull, Jane |
shull@fight.org |
215-985-4448 |
Wolf, Allison |
awolf@fight.org |
215-985-4448 ext.111 |
People of Color Against AIDS Network (POCAAN) |
Little, Phyllis M. |
phyllis@pocaan.org |
206-322-7061 |
Positive Impact, Inc. |
Plate, Paul |
Paul.Plate@positiveimpact-atl.org |
404-589-9040 |
Puerto Rico Community Network for Clinical Research on AIDS CONCRA |
Bonnet, Alexandra |
abonnet@pcconcra.net |
787-753-9443 |
Robles-Torres, Michelle |
huma3202@hotmail.com |
787-753-9443 |
Lopez-Fontanez, Rosaura |
rosaural@hotmail.com |
787-753-9443 |
Puerto Rican Cultural Center |
Manjarrez, Dianna |
diannam@prcc-chgo.org |
773-278-6737 |
Quality Home Care Services, Inc. |
Marshall, Faye |
efm0513@aol.com |
704-394-8968 ext. 102 |
Wigfall, Lisa |
LisaWigfall@yahoo.com |
704-394-8968 |
Chono-Helsley, Martha |
reachla@earthlink.net |
213-622-1650 ext. 100 |
Regional Medical Center at Lubec |
Hughes, Marilyn |
mhughes@rmcl.org |
207-733-1090 ext 2196 |
Famous, Erica |
efamous@rmcl.org |
207-263-8706 |
River Region Human Services |
Evans, Vincent |
vevans@rrhs.org |
904-899-6300 |
Saint Joseph's Mercy Care Services, Inc. |
Andrews, Tom |
tandrews@sjha.org |
678-843-8500 |
Sasha Bruce Youthwork, Inc. |
Shore, Deborah |
dshore@sashabruce.og |
202-675-9340 |
South Carolina HIV/AIDS Council (SCHAC) |
Gaddist, Bambi |
bamewame@aol.com |
803-254-6644 |
Wright, Cynthia |
waanyaa@aol.com |
803-254-6644 |
South Texas Council On Alcohol And Drug Abuse |
Rodriguez, Carlos |
cvrodriguez@stcada.org |
956-791-6131 ext. 2126 |
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation |
Ortega, Luis |
LOrtega@saaf.org |
520-628-7223 ext. 254 |
Special Service for Groups/Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team |
Cruz, Peter |
peterc@apaitonline.org |
213-553-1871 |
Hatanaka, Herbert K. |
hhata@ssgmain.org |
213-553-1800 |
St. Hope Foundation, Inc. |
Goodie, Rodney |
rodney@offeringhope.org |
713-778-1300 |
Campbell, William Jeffrey |
jeffrey@offeringhope.org |
832-372-4234 |
STOP AIDS Project |
Hecht, Jen |
jhecht@stopaids.org |
415-575-0150 ext. 272 |
Noon, Kyriell |
knoon@stopaids.org |
415-575-0150 ext. 257 |
Taskforce Prevention and Community Services |
Ozier, Alicia |
aliciaozier@hotmail.com |
773-473-4100 |
The Community Wellness Project |
Teaser-Polk, Charlene |
teaserone@gmail.com |
314-721-9579 |
The Door-A Center for Alternatives, Inc |
Zisser, Michael |
www.mzisser@door.org |
212-941-9090 ext 3319 |
Longmiere, Buffie |
buffie@door.org |
212-941-9090 |
Braxton, Rhonda |
rhonda.braxton@door.org |
212-941-9090 |
The Philadelphia AIDS Consortium |
Yamasaki, Yoshiaki |
yoshiaki@tpaconline.org |
2159889970 ext 308 |
The Pride Center (GLCC) |
Hyman, Paul |
phyman@pridecenterflorida.org |
954-463-9005 |
The Sharing Community Inc. |
Perez, Jaime |
jaime@thesharingcommunity.org |
914-963-2626 |
Zopf, Robert |
robz@thesharingcommuntiy.org |
914-963-2626 ext 220 |
Trim, Erin |
erin@thesharingcommunity.org |
914-963-2626 ext. 232 |
Hernandez, Denisse |
denisse@thesharingcommunity.org |
914-963-2626 ext. 238 |
The Women's Collective |
Nalls, Patricia |
pat@womenscollective.org |
202-483-7003 |
Pollydore, June |
june@womenscollective.org |
202-483-7003 ext. 115 |
The Wright House Wellness Center |
Cheney, Melody |
melody@thewrighthouse.org |
512-236-8901 ext 113 |
UT Southwestern Medical Center (same as Parkland Health and Hospital System) |
Moreno, Sylvia |
samore@parknet.pmh.org |
214-590-5529 |
Poole, Michon |
michon.poole@phhs.org |
214-590-4068 |
Virgin Islands Community AIDS Resource (VICARE) |
Mathurin, Melba |
melba.mathurin@vicareinc.org |
340-692-9111 |
Whitney M. Young Jr. Health Center |
Williamson, Estella |
ewilliam@wmyhealth.org |
518-465-4771 |
Women On Maintaining Education and Nutrition/ W.O.M.E.N. |
Depp, Tracy |
tracy.depp@educatingwomen.org |
Unspecified |
Wyatt-Morley, Catherine |
womenceo@bellsouth.net |
615-256-3882 |
Montefiore Medical Center-Women's Center |
Camacho Valentine, Carlene |
cvalenti@montefiore.org |
718-920-5435 |
Pivnick, Anitra |
apivnick@i-2000.com |
718-920-2918 |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | dad5 |
Last Modified By | CDC User |
File Modified | 2012-12-18 |
File Created | 2012-12-18 |