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pdfStandard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
A. Introduction
Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
Purpose: To ensure that each Reliability Coordinator’s operations are coordinated
such that they will not adversely impact other Reliability Coordinator Areas and to
preserve the reliability benefits of interconnected operations.
4.1. Reliability Coordinator
Effective Date
See Implementation Plan.
See Project 2014‐03 project page.
B. Requirements and Measures
Each Reliability Coordinator shall have and implement Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or Operating Plans, for activities that require notification or
coordination of actions that may impact adjacent Reliability Coordinator Areas, to
support Interconnection reliability. These Operating Procedures, Operating
Processes, or Operating Plans shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
[Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning, Same‐Day
Criteria and processes for notifications.
Energy and capacity shortages.
Control of voltage, including the coordination of reactive resources.
Exchange of information including planned and unplanned outage
information to support its Operational Planning Analyses and Real‐time
Provisions for periodic communications to support reliable operations.
M1. Each Reliability Coordinator shall have available the latest approved documented
version of its Operating Procedures, Operating Processes, and Operating Plans that
require notifications, or the coordination of actions among impacted Reliability
Coordinators for conditions or activities that may impact adjacent Reliability
Coordinator Areas. This documentation shall include dated, current in force
documentation with the specified elements, and notes from periodic
Each Reliability Coordinator shall maintain its Operating Procedures, Operating
Processes, or Operating Plans identified in Requirement R1 as follows: [Violation Risk
Factor: Low] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning, Same‐Day Operations]
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
Review and update annually with no more than 15 months between reviews.
Obtain written agreement from all of the Reliability Coordinators required to
take the indicated action(s) for each update.
Distribute to all Reliability Coordinators that are required to take the
indicated action(s) within 30 days of an update.
M2. Each Reliability Coordinator shall have dated evidence that its Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, and Operating Plans that require one or more other Reliability
Coordinators to take action were maintained as specified. This evidence may include
but is not limited to dated documentation with confirmation of receipt, dated notice
of acceptance or agreement to take specified actions, or dated electronic
communications with confirmation of receipt and acceptance or agreement to take
specified actions.
Each Reliability Coordinator, upon identification of an expected or actual Emergency
in its Reliability Coordinator Area, shall notify other impacted Reliability Coordinators.
[Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning, Same Day
Operations, Real‐time Operations]
M3. Each Reliability Coordinator shall have and provide evidence which may include but is
not limited to operator logs, voice recordings, or transcripts of voice recordings,
electronic communications, or equivalent dated documentation, that will be used to
determine that it, upon identification of an expected or actual Emergency in its
Reliability Coordinator Area, notified other impacted Reliability Coordinators.
Each impacted Reliability Coordinator shall operate as though the Emergency exists
during each instance where Reliability Coordinators disagree on the existence of an
Emergency. [Violation Risk Factor: High] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning, Same‐
Day Operations, Real‐time Operations]
M4. Each Reliability Coordinator shall have and provide evidence which may include but is
not limited to operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings,
electronic communications, or equivalent documentation, that will be used to
determine that it operated as though an Emergency existed during each instance
where Reliability Coordinators disagreed on the existence of an Emergency.
R5. Each Reliability Coordinator that Identifies an Emergency in its Reliability Coordinator
Area shall develop an action plan to resolve the Emergency during those instances
where impacted Reliability Coordinators disagree on the existence of an Emergency.
[Violation Risk Factor: High][Time Horizon: Operations Planning, Same‐Day
Operations, Real‐time Operations]
M5. Each Reliability Coordinator that identifies an Emergency in its Reliability Coordinator
Area shall have evidence that it developed an action plan during those instances
where impacted Reliability Coordinators disagreed on the existence of an Emergency.
This evidence may include but is not limited to operator logs, voice recordings or
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, or equivalent dated
R6. Each impacted Reliability Coordinator shall implement the action plan developed by
the Reliability Coordinator that identifies the Emergency during those instances where
Reliability Coordinators disagree on the existence of an Emergency, unless such
actions would violate safety, equipment, regulatory, or statutory requirements.
[Violation Risk Factor: High][Time Horizon: Operations Planning, Same‐Day
Operations, Real‐time Operations]
M6. Each impacted Reliability Coordinator shall have and provide evidence which may
include but is not limited to operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice
recordings, electronic communications, or equivalent dated documentation, that will
be used to determine that it implemented the action plan developed by the Reliability
Coordinator who identifies the Emergency when Reliability Coordinators disagree on
the existence of an Emergency unless such actions would have violated safety,
equipment, regulatory, or statutory requirements.
R7. Each Reliability Coordinator shall assist Reliability Coordinators, if requested and able,
provided that the requesting Reliability Coordinator has implemented its emergency
procedures, unless such actions cannot be physically implemented or would violate
safety, equipment, regulatory, or statutory requirements. [Violation Risk Factor: High]
[Time Horizon: Real‐time Operations]
M7. Each Reliability Coordinator shall make available upon request, evidence that
requested assistance was provided, if able, to requesting Reliability Coordinators
unless such actions could not be physically implemented or would violate safety,
equipment, regulatory, or statutory requirements. Such evidence could include but is
not limited to dated operator logs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings,
electronic communications, or other equivalent evidence in electronic or hard copy
format. If such a situation has not occurred, the Reliability Coordinator may provide
an attestation.
C. Compliance
Compliance Monitoring Process
1.1. Compliance Enforcement Authority
As defined in the NERC Rules of Procedure, “Compliance Enforcement Authority”
(CEA) means NERC or the Regional Entity in their respective roles of monitoring
and enforcing compliance with the NERC Reliability Standards.
1.2. Compliance Monitoring and Assessment Processes:
As defined in the NERC Rules of Procedure, “Compliance Monitoring and
Assessment Processes” refers to the identification of the processes that will be
used to evaluate data or information for the purpose of assessing performance
or outcomes with the associated reliability standard.
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
1.3. Data Retention
The Reliability Coordinator shall keep data or evidence to show compliance as
identified below unless directed by its Compliance Enforcement Authority to
retain specific evidence for a longer period of time as part of an investigation:
Each Reliability Coordinator shall retain its current, in force document and
any documents in force since the last compliance audit for Requirements R1
and R2 and Measures M1 and M2.
Each Reliability Coordinator shall retain its most recent 12 months of
evidence for Requirement R5 and Measure M5.
Each Reliability Coordinator shall retain 3‐calendar years plus current
calendar year of evidence for Requirement R6 and Measure M6.
Each Reliability Coordinator shall retain evidence for 90‐calendar days for
operator logs and voice recordings and for the period since the last
compliance audit for other evidence for Requirements R3, R4, and R7 and
Measures M3, M4, and M7.
If a Reliability Coordinator is found non‐compliant, it shall keep information related to
the non‐compliance until found compliant, or for the time period specified above,
whichever is longer.
The Compliance Enforcement Authority shall keep the last audit records and all
requested and submitted subsequent audit records.
1.4 Additional Compliance Information
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
Table of Compliance Elements
R #
Time Horizon
Violation Severity Levels
Lower VSL
Medium The Reliability
Coordinator has
Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or
Operating Plans in place
for activities that
require notification or
coordination of actions
with impacted adjacent
Reliability Coordinators
to support
reliability but failed to
address one of the
topical areas identified
in Parts 1.1 through 1.5.
Moderate VSL
High VSL
Severe VSL
The Reliability
Coordinator has
Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or
Operating Plans in place
for activities that
require notification, or
coordination of actions
with impacted adjacent
Reliability Coordinators
to support
reliability but failed to
address two of the
topical areas identified
in Parts 1.1 through 1.5.
The Reliability
Coordinator has
Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or
Operating Plans in place
for activities that
require notification, or
coordination of actions
with impacted adjacent
Reliability Coordinators
to support
reliability but failed to
address three of the
topical areas identified
in Parts 1.1 through 1.5.
The Reliability
Coordinator failed to
have Operating
Procedures, Operating
Processes, or Operating
Plans in place for
activities that require
notification, or
coordination of actions
with impacted adjacent
Reliability Coordinators
to support
The Reliability
Coordinator failed to
implement its Operating
Procedures, Operating
processes, or Operating
Plans when activities
required notification, or
coordination of actions
with impacted adjacent
Reliability Coordinators
to support
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
R #
Time Horizon
Violation Severity Levels
Lower VSL
Moderate VSL
High VSL
Severe VSL
The Reliability
Coordinator has
Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or
Operating Plans
identified in
Requirement R1 but
failed to address one of
the parts specified in
Requirement R2.
The Reliability
Coordinator has
Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or
Operating Plans
identified in
Requirement R1 but
failed to address two of
the parts specified in
Requirement R2.
The Reliability
Coordinator has
Operating Procedures,
Operating Processes, or
Operating Plans
identified in
Requirement R1 but
failed to address all
three of the parts
specified in
Requirement R2.
For the Requirement R3 VSLs only, the intent of the SDT is to start with the Severe VSL first and then to work your way to the left until you find
the situation that fits. In this manner, the VSL will not be discriminatory by size. If a Reliability Coordinator has just one affected reliability
entity to inform, the intent is that that situation would be a Severe violation.
The Reliability
Coordinator did not
notify one other
impacted Reliability
Coordinator upon
identification of an
expected or actual
Emergency in its
Reliability Coordinator
The Reliability
Coordinator did not
notify two other
impacted Reliability
Coordinators upon
identification of an
expected or actual
Emergency in its
Reliability Coordinator
The Reliability
Coordinator did not
notify three other
impacted Reliability
Coordinators upon
identification of an
expected or actual
Emergency in its
Reliability Coordinator
The Reliability
Coordinator did not
notify four or more
other impacted
Reliability Coordinators
upon identification of an
expected or actual
Emergency in its
Reliability Coordinator
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
R #
Time Horizon
Violation Severity Levels
Lower VSL
Moderate VSL
High VSL
Severe VSL
The Reliability
Coordinator failed to
operate as though the
Emergency existed
during an instance
where Reliability
Coordinators disagreed
on the existence of an
The Reliability
Coordinator that
identifies the Emergency
in its Reliability
Coordinator Area failed
to develop an action
plan to resolve the
Emergency during an
instance where
impacted Reliability
Coordinators disagreed
on the existence of
The impacted Reliability
Coordinator failed to
implement the action
plan developed by the
Reliability Coordinator
that identifies the
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
R #
Time Horizon
Violation Severity Levels
Lower VSL
Moderate VSL
High VSL
Severe VSL
Emergency during an
instance where
Reliability Coordinators
disagreed on the
existence of the
The Reliability
Coordinator did not
provide assistance to
Reliability Coordinators,
if requested and able,
provided that the
requesting Reliability
Coordinator had
implemented its
emergency procedures,
unless such actions
could not physically be
implemented or would
have violated safety,
equipment, regulatory,
or statutory
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
D. Regional Variances
E. Interpretations
F. Associated Documents
Operating Plan ‐ An Operating Plan includes general Operating Processes and specific
Operating Procedures. It may be an overview document which provides a prescription for
an Operating Plan for the next‐day, or it may be a specific plan to address a specific SOL or
IROL exceedance identified in the Operational Planning Analysis (OPA). Consistent with the
NERC definition, Operating Plans can be general in nature, or they can be specific plans to
address specific reliability issues. The use of the term Operating Plan in the revised
TOP/IRO standards allows room for both. An Operating Plan references processes and
procedures, including electronic data exchange, which are available to the System Operator
on a daily basis to allow the operator to reliably address conditions which may arise
throughout the day. It is valid for tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that. Operating
Plans should be augmented by temporary operating guides which outline
prevention/mitigation plans for specific situations which are identified day‐to‐day in an OPA
or a Real‐time Assessment (RTA). As the definition in the Glossary of Terms states, a
restoration plan is an example of an Operating Plan. It contains all the overarching
principles that the System Operator needs to work his/her way through the restoration
process. It is not a specific document written for a specific blackout scenario but rather a
collection of tools consisting of processes, procedures, and automated software systems
that are available to the operator to use in restoring the system. An Operating Plan can in
turn be looked upon in a similar manner. It does not contain a prescription for the specific
set‐up for tomorrow but contains a treatment of all the processes, procedures, and
automated software systems that are at the operator’s disposal. The existence of an
Operating Plan, however, does not preclude the need for creating specific action plans for
specific SOL or IROL exceedances identified in the OPA. When a Reliability Coordinator
performs an OPA, the analysis may reveal instances of possible SOL or IROL exceedances for
pre‐ or post‐Contingency conditions. In these instances, Reliability Coordinators are
expected to ensure that there are plans in place to prevent or mitigate those SOLs or IROLs,
should those operating conditions be encountered the next day. The Operating Plan may
contain a description of the process by which specific prevention or mitigation plans for
day‐to‐day SOL or IROL exceedances identified in the OPA are handled and communicated.
This approach could alleviate any potential administrative burden associated with perceived
requirements for continual day‐to‐day updating of “the Operating Plan document” for
compliance purposes.
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
Version History
Change Tracking
August 10, 2005
1. Changed incorrect use of certain
hyphens (‐) to “en dash (–).”
2. Hyphenated “30‐day” when used as
3. Changed standard header to be
consistent with standard “Title.”
4. Initial capped heading “Definitions
of Terms Used in Standard.”
5. Added “periods” to items where
6. Changed “Timeframe” to “Time
Frame” in item D, 1.2.
7. Lower cased all words that are not
“defined” terms — drafting team,
8. Changed apostrophes to “smart”
9. Added comma in all word strings
“Procedures, Processes, or Plans,”
10. Added hyphens to “Reliability
Coordinator” where used as
11. Removed comma in item 2.1.2.
12. Removed extra spaces between
words where appropriate.
January 20, 2006
February 7, 2006
Adopted by Board of Trustees
March 16, 2007
Approved by FERC
August 4, 2011
Revised per Project 2006‐6; Revised
existing requirements for clarity, retired
R3 and R4 and incorporated
requirements from IRO‐015‐1 and IRO‐
016‐1 into this standard.
Adopted by Board of Trustees
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
November 13, 2014 Adopted by Board of Trustees
Revisions under
Project 2014‐03
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Standard IRO‐014‐3 — Guidelines and Technical Basis
Guidelines and Technical Basis
During development of this standard, text boxes were embedded within the standard to explain
the rationale for various parts of the standard. Upon BOT approval, the text from the rationale
text boxes was moved to this section.
Rationale for Terminology:
Terminology changed from Adverse Reliability Impact to Emergency for consistency amongst
standards. Emergency is a more inclusive term.
Rationale for Requirement R7:
Language added for consistency with proposed TOP‐001‐3, Requirement R7.
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Enforcement Dates: Standard IRO-014-3 — Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators
United States
Enforcement Date
Inactive Date
This standard has not yet been approved by the applicable regulatory authority.
Printed On: July 30, 2015, 01:34 PM
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File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |