Attachment C Changes

Attachment C Changes EDFacts 2016-17 to 2018-19.docx

EDFacts Data Collection School Years 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19

Attachment C Changes

OMB: 1850-0925

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Paperwork Reduction Act Submission Supporting Statement

Annual Mandatory Collection of Elementary and Secondary

Education Data through EDFacts

February 2016

Attachment C

Revised based on 60- and 30-day public comments.

EDFacts Data Set

Changes from SY 2015-16


This attachment lists the substantive changes to the EDFacts Data Set between the data set used for school year (SY) 2015-16 and the data set proposed for clearance for SYs 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19. Editorial changes to definitions and comments are not listed in this document but are marked as “Revised! in the attachment B documents.

Items marked as New! (60) or Revised! (60) were added or updated for the 60 day public comment period. Items marked New! (30) or Revised! (30) were added or updated for the 30 day public comment period in response to the 60 day public comment feedback received. Items marked as Final have been revised in the final package in response to the 30 day public comment feedback received.

In order to see the comprehensive proposed collection, please review the B attachments.

This document is a supplement to assist reviewers; it should not be used as a substitute for reviewing the detailed attachments.

New Data Groups

This section explains the data groups that are proposed as additions to the data set. The additions are organized according to the data steward office within ED.

Charter Schools and districts

The data groups in this section support oversight and reporting of charter schools. These data groups will only be collected for charter schools. The steward for these data groups is the division of OII that administers the Charter School Program (OII-Charter).

Roster of Charter Management Organizations

The purpose of the data items being collected regarding management organizations is to provide the Charter School Program Office of the U.S. Department of Education insight into the extent and scope of the relationships between CMOs and EMOs with charter schools. The federal grant funding provided to states are allocated to schools that work with such non-profit and for-profit organizations, which assist in directly managing and overseeing the charter schools, without always having accountability to a district or the state. It is important that the U.S. Department of Education begins to form a roster of these organizations to provide stronger oversight and accountability for federal funds.

The charter schools would be linked to the charter management organizations using the identifier. Only states that have charter schools would submit data on charter management organizations.

Every school year for states that have charter schools, the SEA would submit a roster of the management organizations operating in their state. A management organization would be defined as:

Definition – Management Organization

A management organization is an organization that is a separate legal entity that 1) contracts with one or more charter schools to manage, operate, and oversee the charter schools; or 2) holds a charter, or charters, to operate multiple charter schools.

Below are detailed descriptions of data groups used for the roster of charter management organizations. Similar to other education entities, the data groups are organized as unique identifiers, contact information and descriptive information.

Unique identifiers

The unique identifiers for management organizations are the name, state code and a state identifier.

Group Name: Management organization name New! (30), Final



The full legally accepted name of the management organization.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Group Name: State code New! (30), Final



The two digit American National Standards Institute (ANSI) code for the state, District of Columbia, and the possessions (outlying areas) and freely associated areas of the United States.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Group Name: Employer identification number (EIN) New! (30), Final



The identification number issued by the IRS in order for the entity to pay federal taxes to the U.S. Treasury and report wages to the IRS and Social Security Administration.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Contact information

The roster will include the standard contact information of mailing and location address.

Group Name: Organization address location New! (30), Final



The set of elements that describes the physical location of the management organization, including the street address, city, state, ZIP Code and ZIP Code + 4.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Group Name: Organization address mailing New! (30), Final



The set of elements that describes the mailing address of the management organization, including the mailing address, city, state, ZIP Code and ZIP Code + 4.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Descriptive information

The roster will include information about the type of charter management organization

Group Name: Management organization type New! (30), Final



The type of charter management organization.

Permitted Values Final

  • Charter Management Organization (CMO) – a non-profit organization that operates or manages multiple charter schools (i.e., either through a contract with the charter schools or as the charter holder) linked by centralized support, operations, and oversight.

  • Education Management Organization (EMO) – a for-profit entity that contracts with new or existing public school districts, charter school districts, and charter schools to manage charter schools by centralizing support, operations, and oversight.

  • Other – an organization that is not a CMO or EMO and that provides management services to one or more charter schools.

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Linking Charter Schools to Management organizations

Charter schools will be linked to the management organization using a unique identifier in the same way the charter schools are linked to authorizers.

Charter Contracts

The purpose of the data items being collected regarding charter contracts is to enable OII/CSP to obtain a complete list of charter schools in the United States. OII/CSP goes through a complex reconciliation process to compile a directory of all charter schools that are in operation across the nation. These data will fill in the data gaps so that for each school year OII/CSP has a complete and accurate directory of charter schools.

Group Name: Charter contract ID number New! (30), Final



The unique number the SEA assigns to the contract (or charter) that authorizes the charter school to operate in the state under the state’s charter school legislation.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Group Name: Charter contract approval date New! (30), Final



The effective date of the contract (or charter) that an approved charter school authorizer authorized the charter school to operate in the state under the state’s charter school legislation.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Group Name: Charter contract renewal date New! (30), Final



The date by which the charter school must renew its contract (or charter) with an approved charter school authorizer in order to continue to operate in the state under the state’s charter school legislation.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



Group Name: Employer identification number (EIN) New! (30), Final



The identification number issued by the IRS in order for the entity to pay federal taxes to the U.S. Treasury and report wages to the IRS and Social Security Administration.

Permitted Values

Reporting Period

School Year

Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



office of elementary and secondary education/HOmeless: McKinney-Vento Homeless Program

In response to the feedback received during the 60 day public comment period, the following new data groups are proposed in the 30 day public comment period:

Group Name: Homeless PK served (McKinney-Vento) table New! (30)

DG: 818


The unduplicated number of homeless children who are younger than age 5 and received services under program subgrants funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School year

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #




Category Set A

  • Age (PK)

Group Name: Homeless adjusted-cohort graduation rate table New! (30)

DG: 819


The number of students identified as homeless who graduate in the specified number of years with a regular high school diploma divided by the number of students who form the adjusted-cohort for graduation rate.

Permitted Values

  • Percentage (in the format of 5,4)

Reporting Period

School year

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Report only for LEAs with a 12th grade.

Duplication Comment

File Specification #




Category Set A

  • Four year rate

Category Set B

  • Five year rate for states with a five year rate

Category Set C

  • Six year rate for states with a six year rate

Group Name: Cohorts for homeless adjusted cohort graduation rate table New! (30)

DG: 820


The number of homeless students in the adjusted-cohort who graduate in the specified number of years with a high school diploma.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School year

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Report only for LEAs with a 12th grade.

Duplication Comment

File Specification #




Category Set A

Four year rate

  • Cohort Status

Category Set B

Five year rate for states with a five year rate

  • Cohort Status

Category Set C

Six year rate for states with a six year rate

  • Cohort Status

NCES: direct certification

The count of students eligible for free & reduced price lunches (FRPL) has long been used as a proxy indicator for poverty at the school level. However, the ways schools certify their eligibility for the NSLP have changed substantially in recent years and made these data less reliable. In particular, the Community Eligibility Option (CEO) eliminates the requirement for individual eligibility information once a school has determined a baseline percentage of FRPL-eligible students. Under CEO, schools must serve all students free lunch and breakfast. All students in a school are therefore eligible for free lunches and there is no count of reduced-price lunch students. This has led to substantial fluctuations in the reporting of these counts in recent years. The count of directly-certified students will provide a more accurate and consistent measure of poverty at the school level.

Group Name: Direct Certification New! (60)

DG: 813


The unduplicated count of students in membership whose National School Lunch Program (NSLP) eligibility has been determined through direct certification.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period Final

October 1 (or the date that aligns with the reporting period used for USDA)

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total

Comment Revised! (30)

For each school, SEAs will either report this DG or Free and reduced price lunch table (DG 565). Only schools that have direct certification report this DG.

Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #







office of elementary and secondary education/Office of civil rights Office of State Support, School improvement grants: chronic absenteeism

A transition of the collection of chronic absenteeism from the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) to EDFacts will allow states to provide this information for all of their schools. The updated definition is based on recommendations from the field and available research about the best metric for capturing aggregate information on chronic absenteeism. The transferring of the data into EDFacts will allow for ease of access for offices that are interested in these data, and will allow for the annual collection of the data.

Group Name: Chronic absenteeism table New! (60)

DG: 814


The unduplicated number of students absent 10% or more school days during the school year.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School year

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #


Category Set A

  • Sex (Membership)

  • Racial ethnic

Category Set B

  • Sex (Membership)

  • Disability Status (Only)

Category Set C

  • Sex (Membership)

  • Disability Status (504)

Category Set D

  • Sex (Membership)

  • LEP Status (Only)

Category Set E

  • Sex (Membership)

  • Homeless enrolled status


NEW Aggregations

office of elementary and secondary education/HOmeless: McKinney-Vento Homeless Program

To improve data quality, the education unit total is being added to homeless students enrolled table (DG 655).

Group Name: Homeless students enrolled table

DG: 655

Definition Revised! (60)

The unduplicated number of homeless students enrolled in public schools at any time during the school year.

Permitted Values

  • Integer

Reporting Period

School Year (state)

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total

Revised! (60)


Category sets C, D, E and F do not include all students.

Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #




Category Set A

  • Age/Grade (Basic)

Category Set B

  • Homeless Primary Nighttime Residence

Category Set C

  • Disability Status (IDEA or ADA)

Category Set D

  • LEP Status (Only)

Category Set E

  • Migrant Status

Category Set F

  • Homeless Unaccompanied Youth Status


Other Additions to the EDFacts Data Set

Directory Data

See Attachment B-2 for detailed changes proposed for the Directory data groups.

Non-fiscal common core of data

The data group Virtual school status (803) is being proposed to move from the Directory File Specification (029) to CCD School File Specification (129).

Group Name: Virtual school status

DG: 803


Revised! (60)

An indication of the extent to which a public school offers instruction in which students and teachers are separated by time and/or location, and interaction occurs via computers and/or telecommunications technologies.

Permitted Values

Revised! (30), Final

  • Full Virtual – The school has no physical building where students meet with each other or with teachers, all instruction is virtual.

  • Virtual with Face to Face Options – The school focuses on a systematic program of virtual instruction but includes some physical meetings among students or with teachers.

  • Supplemental Virtual – The school offers virtual courses but virtual instruction is not the primary means of instruction.

  • Not Virtual – The school does not offer any virtual instruction

Reporting Period

October 1

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total


Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



School Improvement Grants (SIG) – BaseLine Indicator Status

The baseline indicator status is being expanded from indicating the baseline year to indicating the implementation year of the school.

Group Name: Baseline indicator status

DG: 752


Revised! (60)

The classification of the school’s implementation status for School Improvement Grants (SIG).

Permitted Values Revised! (60)

  • Baseline Year

  • Planning Year

  • Full Implementation Year 1

  • Full Implementation Year 2

  • Full Implementation Year 3

  • Full Implementation Year 4

  • Full Implementation Year 5

  • Sustainability Year 1

  • Sustainability Year 2

Reporting Period

Reporting Levels




Education Unit Total


The status is used for SIG schools to indicate the year of the program.

Scope Comment

Duplication Comment

File Specification #



office of special education programs: LEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) provisions

Revised! (60)

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is proposing to implement 4 new data elements associated with the implementation of the LEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) provisions of IDEA in the MOE Reduction and CEIS Data Collection. OSEP will use the data reported for these elements to determine if LEAs/ESAs are meeting the MOE compliance standard and the amount of non-Federal funds States have returned to the Department based on the failure of the LEAs/ESAs to meet MOE compliance standard (See Attachment B5).

The following four new data elements will be added to the LEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) provisions of IDEA in the MOE Reduction and CEIS Data Collection and collected through the EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS) tool:

  • Did the State determine whether the LEA/ESA met the MOE compliance standard in (Reference Year)?

  • Did the LEA/ESA meet the MOE compliance standard in (Reference Year)?

  • By the date of this data submission, did the State return non-Federal funds to the Department based on the failure of the LEA/ESA to meet the MOE compliance standard in (Reference Year)?

  • What amount of non-Federal funds did the State return to the Department based on the failure of the LEA/ESA to meet the MOE compliance standard in (Reference Year)?


Revised! (60)

The Office of Early Learning is proposing a new data collection about Kindergarten Entry Assessment to support joint priorities of the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services in promoting early learning and development outcomes for children (See Attachment B6).

Minor revisions are incorporated in B6 in response to public comments during the 60 day comment period. See Attachment F for response to comments and descriptions of changes.

New category: age

The following new category is proposed for Age in the EDFacts dataset

  • Age PK New! (30) is defined as “the age ranges of children who are younger than age 5.”

For a complete list and description of all data categories used in the EDFacts dataset, please see Attachment B-4.


office of elementary and secondary education/ office of sTATE SUPPORT

Revised! (60)

  • DG 563: Graduation Rate Table

office of elementary and secondary education/ office of safe and healthy students

Revised! (60)

  • DG 664: Truants

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services/ Office of Special Education Programs

Revised! (60)

  • DG 491: Children with disabilities (IDEA) not participating in assessments table

  • Previous year’s 619 allocation for each LEA/ESA in the Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Reduction and Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) data collection (This is a data element deletion from the EDFacts Metadata and Process System (EMAPS)).

Non-Fiscal Common Core of Data

Revised! (60)

  • DG 793 Students sent to schools outside the LEA (students sent)

  • DG 792 Students received from other LEAs (students received)

office of elementary and secondary education/Neglected or Delinquent

The following was a newly proposed data group for the 60 day public comment period, but based on feedback received, has been proposed for deletion in the 30 day public comment period

  • DG 815 N or D chronic absenteeism New! (60), Revised! (30)

The following are data groups that were revised for the 60 day public comment period, but based on feedback received, have been proposed for deletion in the 30 day public comment period

  • DG 787 N or D transition services table – state agency Revised! (60), Revised! (30)

  • DG 786 N or D transition services table – LEA Revised! (60), Revised! (30)

office of elementary and secondary education/HOmeless: McKinney-Vento Homeless Program

The following data groups has been proposed for deletion in the 30 day public comment period, based on feedback received during the 60 day public comment period

  • DG 560 Homeless served (McKinney-Vento) table Revised! (30)

Accountability and Reporting Provisions of ESEA: homeless enrolled status

Homeless enrolled status, Revised! (30), was initially added to Category set E for the following data groups for the 60 day public comment period, but based on feedback received, are now being proposed for removal from the following data groups for the 30 day public comment period (see new DG819 and DG820 above):

  • DG 695 Regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • DG 696 Cohorts for regulatory four-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • DG 697 Regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • DG 698 Cohorts for regulatory five-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

  • DG 756 Cohorts for regulatory six-year adjusted-cohort graduation rate table

Discontinued data groups at a specific reporting level

office of elementary and secondary education: migrant

The Office of Migrant Education (OME) is proposing to stop collecting data at the LEA level for the File Specifications listed below, as OME does not use the data and does not anticipate needing it at any time in the future. Reducing the LEA level collection for these Files Specifications will also ease the burden on States.

Data group revisions: Revised! (60)

  • DG102, MEP students served 12-month table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG515, MEP Personnel (FTE) table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG625, MEP personnel (headcount) table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG634, Migrant students eligible 12-month table:

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG635, MEP students eligible and served:

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG684, MEP services table:

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG796, MEP students priority for services table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

office of career and technical education

The Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTAE) is proposing to stop collecting data at the LEA level for the File Specifications listed below, as OCTAE does not use the data and does not anticipate needing it at any time in the future. Reducing the LEA level collection for these Files Specifications will also ease the burden on States.

Data group revisions: Revised! (60)

  • DG320, CTE concentrators graduates tables

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG521, CTE concentrators exiting table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG681, CTE concentrators academic achievement table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG702, CTE concentrators in graduate rate table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG703, CTE participants in programs for non-traditional table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG704, CTE concentrators in programs for non-traditional table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG705, CTE concentrators technical skills table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

  • DG736, CTE concentrators placement table

    • Stop collecting data at the LEA level

OTHER changes to the EDFACTS Data SEt

office of elementary and secondary education/ Office of State support/School improvement grants

The Office of State Support/School Improvement Grants (SIG) is proposing an amendment to the categories for Data Group 752: Baseline Indicator Status so that the collection aligns with the re-regulated SIG requirements that contain a new provision to allow an SEA to grant a SIG award to an LEA for up to five years, including one year for planning and other pre-implementation activities, and at least three years for full implementation, and up to two years for activities related to sustaining reforms.

Data category revisions: Revised! (60)

  • DG 752: Baseline indicator status

      • Revised permitted values by changing from “Yes/No” to:

        • Baseline Year (BASE)

        • Planning Year (PLAN)

        • Full Implementation Year 1 (IMP1)

        • Full Implementation Year 2 (IMP2)

        • Full Implementation Year 3 (IMP3)

        • Full Implementation Year 4 (IMP4)

        • Full Implementation Year 5 (IMP5)

        • Sustainability Year 1 (SUS1)

        • Sustainability Year 2 (SUS2)

standard definition of homeless students

In order to consolidate and centralize elementary and secondary data collections, definitions have been standardized. The same term in EDFacts cannot have multiple definitions, thus a standard definition of homeless students has been added to the EDFacts dataset and is as follows:

Homeless Students New! (30) are defined as children/youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes:

  1. students who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement;

  2. students who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings (within the meaning of section 103(a)(2)(C));

  3. students who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and

  4. migratory students who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because they are living in circumstances described in (1) through (3) above.1

For a full description of standard definitions used in the EDFacts dataset, please refer to Attachment B-1.

technical Correction

Data Group 625 MEP Personnel (Headcount) Table was revised to accurately label Category Set B (previously identified as Subtotal). Final

Updated permitted value

Data Group 655 Homeless Student Enrolled Table was amended to eliminate “awaiting foster care placement” from the sheltered category of primary nighttime residence. Final

reporting periods: new and revised

Data groups that are counts of students or staff are assigned to a reporting period. The reporting period is the period of time for the count. Counts can be either cumulative over a period of time or snapshot of a specific day. The following new reporting periods have been added to the EDFacts dataset New! (30), Final:

  • 16 Months- Graduates from two school years prior

  • 24 Months- Graduates who enrolled from four school years prior

  • Current School Year- Status based on previous school years accountability determinations

  • Regular School Year (Adjusted)- Regular school year unless the summer session is part of the intervention model then regular school plus summer session

  • October 1 (or the date that aligns with the reporting period used for USDA)

The title of the reporting period, formerly known as “Program Year (MEP)” has been revised to “Performance Period (MEP)” Revised! (30)

For a full description of reporting periods used for the EDFacts dataset, please refer to Attachment B-1.

1 As defined by MV Homeless Education Assistance Act of 2002, Subtitle B of Title VII, Section 725

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAttachment C
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-24

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