When developing the AI/AN FACES fall 2015 instruments, the AI/AN FACES Workgroup reviewed all Core FACES fall 2014 measures and survey items—parent survey, direct child assessment, and Teacher Child Report. Recommendations were made about whether to retain measures or items as-is; adapt, drop or add items to get at relevant constructs that were missing. Included in this appendix is a table indicating any Core FACES items that were adapted or dropped for the AI/AN FACES instruments, or any new items added.
Table L1. Comparison of Core FACES and AI/AN FACES Instruments
Instrument |
Item numbera |
Action |
Justification |
Teacher Child Report |
Child Assessment |
Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders (HTKS) Task |
Executive Function |
Second measure (McClelland et al. 2014; Ponitz et al. 2009) being added for 4-year-olds; to assess third dimension of cognitive flexibility |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup interest in assessing multiple dimensions of self-regulation. Informative for future FACES. |
Child Assessment |
Assessor Ratings |
Assessment Context |
Follow-up questions to the Leiter Examiner Ratings developed by study design team for assessor on context of child behavior during assessment |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup raised concerns about the application of behavior ratings (Leiter Examiner Ratings) for AI/AN children. Recommended additional items on appropriateness or difficulty to apply these ratings to obtain information for interpretation of findings. |
Parent Survey |
A4 |
Which one of these best describes [CHILD]’s Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin?
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Dropping follow-up item to whether child is Hispanic/Latino (A3). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see A5a). Very few children in tribal programs are Hispanic, so this level of detail is not warranted. |
Parent Survey |
A5 |
What is [CHILD]’s race? You may enter more than one if you like.
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Tailored the item based on intended respondent population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards. |
Parent Survey |
A5a |
Is [CHILD] currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important. |
Parent Survey |
A6 |
Please enter the country [CHILD] was born in. / Please tell me what country [CHILD] was born in.
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Categories revised to better suit respondent locations and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents. |
Parent Survey |
A7 |
How many years has [CHILD] lived in the United States? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities, AI/AN FACES Workgroup did not prioritize given that most children are born in the U.S. |
Parent Survey |
A9 |
How long was (he/she) in Early Head Start? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities, not prioritized beyond existing item (A8) on Early Head Start attendance. Prior FACES analyses and key indicators have not reported this item. |
Parent Survey |
MoreHH |
Is there anyone else in your household? Have we missed anyone who usually lives here who is temporarily away from home for work or military duty or living in a dorm at school, or any babies or small children? |
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added second question to clarify temporarily away members should be included. |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important distinction for this population given that child’s parents may be away for school or military duty. |
Parent Survey |
B9 |
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added response category 6. |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified cohabitation as important category for this population. |
Parent Survey |
D1 |
The next questions are about you and [CHILD] at home. How many times have you or someone in your family read to [CHILD] in the past week? Note: By family, we mean the people living together in your household. Would you say… |
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added “Note:” text clarifying definition of family. |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup recommended this change because this population often has a broad definition of family to include community members and relatives living a long distance away. The original item intention was to focus on household family members. |
Parent Survey |
D2 |
On the days someone reads to [CHILD], about how many minutes per day is (she/he) read to? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities and to address new AI/AN specific content, this item was dropped. Past analysis and key indicator reporting have focused on frequency in past week (item D1). |
Parent Survey |
D3 |
In the past week, have you or someone in your family done the following things with [CHILD]? The following activities can be done in your native language or in English. a. Told [him/her/him or her] a story? b. Taught [him/her/him or her] letters, words, or numbers? c. Taught [him/her/him or her] songs or music, including traditional or ceremonial songs? d. Worked on arts and crafts (such as painting or jewelry making) with [him/her/him or her]? e. Played with toys or games indoors? f. Danced, played a game, sport, or exercised together? g. Took [him/her/him or her] along while doing errands like going to the post office, store, tribal center or office, doctor, or to check on elderly family members? h. Involved [him/her/him or her] in household chores like cooking, cleaning or picking up after him/herself, setting the table, caring for animals such as pets or livestock or helping with planting or chopping wood? i. Talked about what happened in Head Start? j. Talked about TV programs or videos? k. Played counting games like singing songs with numbers or reading books with numbers with [him/her/him or her]? l. Played a board game or a card game with [him/her/him or her]? m. Played with blocks with [him/her/him or her]? n. Counted different things with [him/her/him or her], like twigs, stones, grapes, or stars? |
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
1. Added note to clarify language of activities (English or native). 2. Adapted sub-item text for c., d., f., g., h., or n on the specific examples. |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup provided examples culturally appropriate for children and families in this population. |
Parent Survey |
D3a1 |
How many times have you or someone in your family told stories to [CHILD] in the past week? Would you say…
AI/AN FACES Workgroup requested that frequency of storytelling be added given its prominence in tribal culture. |
Parent Survey |
D5a |
In the past week, has [CHILD] done the following with someone in your community (outside of your family)?
Cultural activities outside of the home setting were prioritized by the AI/AN FACES Workgroup. |
Parent Survey |
D8 |
What other languages are spoken in your home?
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents. |
Parent Survey |
D10 |
What language do you usually speak to [CHILD] at home?
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Tailored response options to this population to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents. |
Parent Survey |
D10a |
Please indicate how often you did each of the things below in the past month. a. I spoke our tribal language with my child(ren). b. I made sure my child(ren) heard our tribal language spoken by others. c. I encouraged my child(ren) to learn our tribal language (e.g., take classes in school). d. I used our tribal language in prayers or songs with my child(ren). e. I used our tribal language in everyday life with my child(ren). f. I spoke our tribal language with other adults when my child(ren) [was/were] around. |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding tribal language revitalization. Scale obtained from workgroup member. |
Parent Survey |
D10a1 |
How important is it for you that you child(ren) learns your tribal language?
AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized understanding tribal language revitalization. Scale obtained from workgroup member. |
Parent Survey |
D10b |
What languages are spoken at your child’s Head Start center? |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup members. |
Parent Survey |
D14 |
If you read to [CHILD], what language do you usually use? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities, not prioritized beyond existing items on languages in the household and used with child (D10). |
Parent Survey |
D19 |
How often is there someone in [CHILD]’s Head Start classroom available to talk to [him/her/him or her] in [FILL FROM D8]? Would you say… |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup. |
Parent Survey |
H11b |
About how many nights in the last week (Sunday to Saturday) would you say [CHILD] brushed (his/her/his or her) teeth before bed? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup. |
Parent Survey |
J1 |
There are many reasons for children not living with their parents. Please select why [CHILD] is not living with [her/his/his or her] mother. Select all that apply
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Revised response options to replace child’s name fill with generic [He/She/He or she] fill. |
Revised response options to ensure consistency in language use. |
Parent Survey |
J2 |
Did [CHILD]’s mother ever live in the same household with [CHILD]? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities, AI/AN FACES Workgroup chose not to ask this question. Existing items on whether mother is currently living in the household (Section B) and contact with nonresident mother (J35) were deemed to be adequate. |
Parent Survey |
J7a |
Is there anyone else who is like a mother to [CHILD]? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup. |
Parent Survey |
J7b |
Who is this person? Is she…
Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified |
Added response option 5. |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup. Modified to allow respondents to clarify another type of relationship if needed. |
Parent Survey |
J11 |
Which one of these best describe(s/d) (your/her) Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin? Would you say . . .
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Dropping follow-up item to whether mother is Hispanic/Latino (J10). AI/AN FACES Workgroup prioritized determining tribal affiliation status (see J12a). Few individuals in tribal programs are Hispanic, so that this level of detail is not warranted. |
Parent Survey |
J12 |
What [is/was] [your/her] race? You may choose more than one if you like.
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards. |
Parent Survey |
J12a |
[Are you currently/Is she currently/Was she] enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important. |
Parent Survey |
J13 |
In what country [were you/was she] born?
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Categories revised to better suit respondent locations and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents. |
Parent Survey |
J15 |
The next questions are about [CHILD]’s biological parents... Are they…
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added response option 6. |
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified cohabitation as important category for this population. |
Parent Survey |
J26 |
(Are you/Is she) now attending or enrolled in any courses, classes, or workshops for work-related reasons or personal interest? Some examples include college or university degree or certificate programs, computer courses, job training courses, basic reading or math classes, family literacy classes or GED preparation classes? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
J27 |
(Are you/Is she) currently taking courses full-time or part-time? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
J28 |
(Are you/Is she) currently participating in a job-training or on-the-job-training program? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
J33 |
Now I have some questions about how far away {CHILD}'s mother lives and the amount of contact she has with {him/her}. How many minutes away does {CHILD}'s mother live from {him/her}?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J35 |
How long has it been since she last saw {CHILD}? [Text fill – Enter number and unit] |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J36 |
In the last 3 months, that is since {TIME FRAME}, on how many days has {CHILD}’s mother seen {him/her}? Your best guess is fine. [Text fill – Enter number of days] |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J37 |
Why hasn't she seen {CHILD} {more recently}? Is it because...
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J38 |
Why has she been unable to see {CHILD}? Is it because.…
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J39 |
In the last 3 months, how often have you been in touch with {CHILD}’s mother, either by phone, letter, or other means? Is it…
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J43 |
Mothers who do not live with their children sometimes help out with them in other ways. Please tell me whether {CHILD}'s mother has done these things often, sometimes, or never. How often has she done any of the following for {CHILD}? a. Bought clothes, toys, or presents for {CHILD}? b. Paid for {CHILD}'s medical insurance, doctor bills, or medicines? c. Helped pay for {CHILD}’s child care expenses? d. Given you extra money to help out, not including child support? Often; sometimes; never. |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J44 |
Thinking about child support, do you have a legal agreement, an informal agreement, or no arrangement at all with {CHILD}'s mother?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J45 |
Do you receive child support from the mother on a regular basis?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
J46 |
Do you receive financial support from the mother’s family?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement with cultural understanding of extended family’s role. |
Parent Survey |
K1. |
There are many reasons for children not living with their fathers. Please enter why [CHILD] is not living with [her/his/his or her] father. Select all that apply
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Revised response options to replace child’s name fill with generic [He/She/He or she] fill. |
Revised response options to ensure consistency in language use. |
Parent Survey |
K12 |
What [is/was] [your/his] race? You may choose more than one if you like.
Added previous FACES 2009 item; Modified |
Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards. |
Parent Survey |
K12b |
[Are you currently/Is he currently/Was he] enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important. |
Parent Survey |
K13 |
In what country [were you/was he] born?
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Categories revised to better suit respondent locations and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents. |
Parent Survey |
K26 |
(Are you/Is he) now attending or enrolled in any courses, classes, or workshops for work-related reasons or personal interest? Some examples include college or university degree or certificate programs, computer courses, job training courses, basic reading or math classes, family literacy classes or GED preparation classes? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
K27 |
(Are you/Is he) currently taking courses full-time or part-time? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
K28 |
(Are you/Is he) currently participating in a job-training or on-the-job-training program? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common thant particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
K33 |
Now I have some questions about how far away {CHILD}'s father lives and the amount of contact he has with {him/her}. How many minutes away does {CHILD}'s father live from {him/her}?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K35 |
How long has it been since he last saw {CHILD}? [Text fill – Enter number and unit] |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K36 |
In the last 3 months, that is since {TIME FRAME}, on how many days has {CHILD}’s father seen {him/her}? [Text fill – Enter number of days] |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K37 |
Why hasn't he seen {CHILD} {more recently}? Is it because...
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K38 |
Why has he been unable to see {CHILD}? Is it because.…
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K39 |
In the last 3 months, how often have you been in touch with {CHILD}’s father, either by phone, letter, or other means? Is it…
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K43 |
Fathers who do not live with their children sometimes help out with them in other ways. Please tell me whether {CHILD}'s father has done these things often, sometimes, or never. How often has he done any of the following for {CHILD}?
Often; sometimes; never. |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K44 |
Thinking about child support, do you have a legal agreement, an informal agreement, or no arrangement at all with {CHILD}'s father?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K45 |
Do you receive child support from the father on a regular basis?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement. |
Parent Survey |
K46 |
Do you receive financial support from the father’s family?
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand nonresident parent involvement with cultural understanding of extended family’s role. |
Parent Survey |
L12 |
What is your race? You may chose more than one if you like.
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Tailored the item based on intended respondent population and to reduce cognitive burden for web respondents, while still meeting OMB standards. |
Parent Survey |
L12b |
Are you currently enrolled in an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe?
AI/AN FACES Workgroup identified as important. |
Parent Survey |
L13 |
In what country were you born? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities, item not prioritized for a non-biological parent. |
Parent Survey |
L14 |
How many years have you lived in the United States? |
Dropped FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Based on competing priorities, item not prioritized for a non-biological parent. |
Parent Survey |
L26 |
(Are you now attending or enrolled) in any courses, classes, or workshops for work-related reasons or personal interest? Some examples include college or university degree or certificate programs, computer courses, job training courses, basic reading or math classes, family literacy classes or GED preparation classes? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
L27 |
Are you currently taking courses full-time or part-time? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
L28 |
Are you currently participating in a job-training or on-the-job-training program? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to capture job training and certifications which may be more common than particular degrees for this population. |
Parent Survey |
M3_amt |
In the last 12 months, what was the total income of all members of your household from all sources before taxes and other deductions? Please include your own income and the income of everyone living with you. Please include money from jobs and public assistance programs, as well as any other sources, such as rental income, interest, dividends, and tribal subsidies or per capita distributions. |
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added examples of income from tribal subsidies and per capita distributions. |
Indicated as a potential source of income by AI/AN FACES Workgroup. |
Parent Survey |
M9 |
Do you currently own your home or apartment, pay rent, or live in public or subsidized housing? |
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understanding the housing needs, which is critical for this population. |
Parent Survey |
M9a |
How often are these statements true about your housing?
Never true; sometimes true; often true; always true. |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understanding housing needs, which is critical for this population. |
Parent Survey |
M9b |
Does your home have adequate… a. Plumbing? b. Heating? c. Insulation? d. Water? Yes; no; does not apply – I don’t have this. |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understanding housing needs, which is critical for this population. |
Parent Survey |
P4a |
Where does [CHILD] usually go if [she/he/he or she] is sick or you have concerns about [his/her/his or her] health?
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added “Tribal Health Clinic or Hospital” |
Tailored response options to suit respondent population services. |
Parent Survey |
P5 |
Where does [CHILD] go for routine medical care, like well-child care or regular check-ups?
Modified FACES 2014 Core survey item |
Added “Tribal Health Clinic or Hospital” |
Tailored response options to suit respondent population services. |
Parent Survey |
P7 |
When was the last time [CHILD] saw a doctor for a regular checkup? Was it . . .
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met. |
Parent Survey |
P7_1 |
What were the reasons that [CHILD] has not seen the doctor for a regular checkup recently? Select all that apply.
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met. |
Parent Survey |
P8 |
When was the last time [CHILD] saw a dentist for a regular checkup? Was it . . .
Added previous FACES 2009 item |
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met. |
Parent Survey |
P8_1 |
What were the reasons that [CHILD] could not get the dental care [he/she/he or she] needed? Select all that apply.
Indicated as a priority by AI/AN FACES Workgroup to understand whether health care needs met. |
a Items numbers correspond to the FACES Core instruments. Any “NEW” items have been incorporated into the existing item numbering system and are unique to AI/AN FACES.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Stephanie Barna |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-25 |