OMB Control No: _____
Expiration Date: ______
Length of time for instrument: 0.10 hours
Other Home Visiting Programs Survey – Baseline
Nominated by the Participating Home Visiting Program
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has contracted with MDRC to evaluate the federal Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program.
The Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation (MIHOPE) is designed to build knowledge for policymakers and practitioners about the effectiveness of MIECHV.
Your answers will be kept confidential. Only the research team will have access to this information. Your answers will not be shared with anyone at your program or any other agencies. In our research reports, the information you provide will not be attributed by name to you or your individual program.
One objective of MIHOPE is to learn about the availability and characteristics of home visiting programs and parenting programs for infants in a community.
We have contacted you because [HOME VISITING PROGRAM] nominated your program as another home visiting program or parenting program for infants in the same community in which it is located. We are requesting that you complete this questionnaire to help us describe the availability and characteristics of home visiting and parenting programs for infants in the community.
The questionnaire should take about 6 minutes to complete.
If you are unsure how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can rather than leaving it blank.
In this questionnaire the term “program“ means a specific set of services offered within your agency, and the term “agency” means an organization that may offer one or more programs.
We would appreciate your response by 5 p.m. on DD/MM/YYYY.
If you have questions at any time during the study, please call Alexander Vazquez at MDRC toll-free at 1-877-311-6372 or email
Please provide your agency’s street address, that is, the address of the place where clients would come to get center-based services or where home visitors have their desks. Please give this street address even if it is different from your agencies mailing address or its main offices.
Street Address:
City and state:
Zip code:
Does your program provide home visiting services to families with pregnant women or children ages birth to 5?
Are families with the following characteristics eligible to enroll in your program? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
Families with pregnant women
Families with children up to age 3 months
Families with children ages 3 to 6 months
Families with children ages 7 to 12 months
Families with children ages 13 to 24 months
Families with children ages 25 to 36 months
Families with children ages 37 to 48 months
Families with children ages 49 to 60 months
Does your program limit eligibility based on family income?
Does your program limit eligibility based on the number or level of risk factors?
Until what child age are families eligible to continue receiving services?
Until age 12 months
Until age 2
Until age 3
Until age 4
Until age 5 or kindergarten entry
How often do families typically receive home visits?
Twice a month
Less than monthly
Varies based on family need
Varies based on child’s age
Does your program offer other services in addition to home visits? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
Group parenting classes
Play groups or other parent-child group activities
Center-based child care
Referrals to other parenting programs for infants (i.e., offered either within your own
agency or by another organization)
Referrals to other community services
Other (specify): _________
Does your program implement a specific program model or use a specific curriculum? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
Born to Learn
Early Head Start
Early Intervention Program
Even Start
Family Check-Up
Family Connections
Growing Great Kids
Healthy Families America
Healthy Start
Healthy Steps
Incredible Years
Nurse Family Partnership
Nurturing Parenting Programs
Parent-Child Home Program
Parents As Teachers
Resource Mothers
Triple P
Other (specify): _________
Has your program received accreditation from the home visiting model your agency is implementing?
Model does not require certification
Don’t know
Have any of your program staff received certification from the home visiting model your agency is implementing?
All staff have received certification
Some staff have received certification
Model does not require certification
Don’t know
What is your program’s total number of slots?
What outcomes does your program target? CHECK ALL THAT APPLY.
Prenatal health
Maternal health outside of pregnancy
Maternal substance use
Maternal stress and mental health
Anger management/Healthy adult relationships
Domestic violence
Family economic self-sufficiency
Parenting to support child development
Parenting to promote child health
Birth outcomes
Child injury
Child illness
Child physical growth
Child communication, language, and literacy
Child cognitive skills
Child approaches to learning
Child social behavior and emotional well-being
How many new families did your program enroll in the past 12 months?
NEW FAMILIES: _________
How long has your home visiting program been in operation in this community?
LENGTH OF TIME: Years _________ Months __________
What is the average cost of your program per client? [Complete any that apply.]
Weekly: |
$ _______________ |
Monthly: |
$ _______________ |
Total cost for program participation: |
$ _______________ |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Diane Paulsell |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-25 |