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pdfMatose, Takunda (NIH/OD) [C]
Sivaram, Sudha (NIH/NCI) [E]
Minneman, Rebecca (NIH/NCI) [E]; Grant, Nicole (NIH/NCI) [E]
Determination for OHSRP 12376
Request for Amendment OHSRP #____
Dear Dr. Sivaram,
Attached is the OHSRP determination of Excluded from IRB Review per 45 CFR 46 and NIH policy for your
project Evaluation of Center for Global Health's (CGH ) Workshops. You may proceed with the project.
Please retain this documentation as you would other research records. Amendments and or changes to the
research must be submitted to OHSRP for review as changes may affect the determination. Please refer to
OHSRP #12376 for future amendments to this activity. To request future amendments, please use the
attached email template modified to meet the specific changes needed for your project. If you have any
questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Takunda Matose
OHSRP ‐ National Institutes of Health
Bldg 10, Suite 2C146
Bethesda, MD 20892
Office Telephone: 301‐402‐3444
Office Fax: 301‐402‐3443
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 1:50 PM
To: Sivaram, Sudha (NIH/NCI) [E]
Cc: Minneman, Rebecca (NIH/NCI) [E]
Subject: Req for Determination Rec'd_OHSRP 12376
Good afternoon Dr. Sivaram,
This email is to verify that OHSR has received your Request for Determination and it is currently being processed as
OHSRP #12376. Please use this number in any future correspondence regarding this study. We will contact you via
email if any additional information is needed. Please note that due to ongoing project deadlines, determinations are
taking longer than normal to process.
Protocol Title: Evaluation of Center for Global Health's (CGH ) Workshops
Thank you.
Chris Brentin
OHSRP ‐ National Institutes of Health
Bldg 10, Suite 2C146
Bethesda, MD 20892
Office Telephone: 301‐402‐3444
Office Fax: 301‐402‐3443
The NIH is committed to maintaining the highest standards for the protection of human
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
OHSRP #12376
DateofRequest: ft~;rDf'P~ ffVt.l 8 1 1..0\~
Requestor's name: Rebecca Minneman e-mail:
Role: _x_Administrative support _Investigator
_Other, explain: _ _ _ _ _ __
Name of NIH Senior Investigator: Dr. Sudha Sivaram
(The investigator must be an NIH employee)
Laboratory/Branch Center for Global Health
Building & Room No. 9609 Medical Center Dr. RM 3W528 Tel. No. 240-276-5804
Is the NIH Senior Investigator an NIH employee (FTE)? -'-X-'--_Yes _ _ _ No
ct research)
Name of NIH investigator conducting research if not the NIH Senior Investigator: (i.e,
junior investigator, contractor investigator, fellow, student)
Please provide the name and e-mail of any others who should receive a copy of the
OHSRP determination: Sudha Sivaram (, Catherine Hidalgo
(hidalgocj@ ) and Vivian Horovitch-Kelley (
1. What role will the NIH investigator(s) have in this research project? (check all that
X_ Conduct research activity
X_ Analyze samples/data only
_Consultant/advisor to collaborator(s)
X Author on publication(s)/manuscript(s) pertaining to this research
_Other, please describe: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - 2. Title: Evaluation of Center for Global Health's (CGH ) Workshops
{Provide a short title to distinguish this activity from other projects that you may have)
3. Describe in lay terms the research activity that will be performed:
We will send out a questionnaire to the participants of various CGH workshops including
the Cancer Control Leadership Forums, Symposiums on Global Cancer Research,
Page 1 of3
Workshops in Cancer Control Planning and Implementation, the Summer Curriculum in
Cancer Prevention, Women's Empowerment Cancer Advisory Network Workshops (WECAN), Regional Grant Writing and Peer Review Workshops and other similar workshops.
The proposed evaluation requests information about: the outcomes of each of these
workshops including 1} new cancer research partnerships and networks 2} cancer
control partnerships and networks, 3) effects on cancer research, and 4) effect on
cancer control planning and implementation efforts. The information will be collected 312 months after the workshops and is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these
workshops in order to inform future programming and funding decisions.
4. Proposed start date 09/01/2014
Proposed completion date 08/30/2016
5. Specify the nature of the data: (select all that apply)
_ Interview procedure
_Educational Testing
Educational Research
_Research on public benefit or service programs
2L Oth er, describe: program evaluation
6. What kind of human data (e.g., private information, responses to questionnaires,
test results, recordings) will be collected in your research?
Responses to questionnaires and phone-interviews (includes information about
program outcomes)
7. Will human data be? (select all that apply)
Yes 1 No
No 2L
No 2L
8. If receiving or sending, list the collaborating investigator(s):
Rebecca Minneman
National Cancer Institute
Email: rebecca.minneman @nih. gov
Kalina Duncan
National Cancer Institute
Email: du
Page 2 of3
FWA number*
Catherine Hidalgo
National Cancer Institute
Renicha McCree
National Cancer Institute
Brenda Kostelecky, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute
Makeda Williams, Ph.D.
National Cancer Institute
9. Where are the subjects of this research activity located? (Provide a general
description or complete the institutional information below)
Various educational/academic institutes, foreign ministries of health, non-governmental
organizations, and businesses across the globe.
10. Will NIH investigator(s) have direct contact or intervention with the subjects of
the study? (For example, by interviewing, surveying or recording the subjects?)
Yes_x_ No_
If yes, what is the age range of subjects involved in the research?
_Children aged< 18 years
_X_ Adults aged~ 18 years
11. Who will collect the data or information?
(a) _x_ NIH Investigator
(b)_ non-NIH Collaborator
(c)_ NIH Contractor
(d)_ Other, specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __
If b or c, will an Honest Broker or data use agreement be used? Yes_ No_
If yes, complete and attach the Honest Broker Assurance or data-use agreement to
this submission; e-mail ohsr nih ddir@od.nih.qov to request a form.
Page 3 of3
12. Select the best description that applies to the human data or information:
_Data or information will not contain any identifiable information, nor can it be
linked to individual subjects by you or your collaborators.
~Data or information will be recorded in such a manner that subjects can be
identified directly or through identifiers linked to the subjects
13. Per NIH guidance, are all conflicts of interest by NIH employees (sender or
receiver), if any, resolved?
Yes _ _ No**
*A Federalwide Assurance {FWA} is issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS)/ Office of Human Research Protections {OHRP} to institutions which
receive Federal funds/support to conduct human subjects research. To search for the
FWA# for domestic or international institutions go to
**If the answer is "No", note that OHSRP will be unable to make a determination and
research may not proceed until all conflicts are resolved. For more information, see the
October 2011, A Guide to Preventing Financial and Non-Financial Conflict of Interest in
Human Subjects Research at NIH. For assistance review the list of Ethics Coordinators
and find the contact for your IC:
Page 4 of3
Symposium on Global Cancer Research Outcome Evaluation
OMB No.: 0925-XXXX
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study
participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or
withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in
this study will be kept private to the extent provided by law. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study.
Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by email to
complete this instrument so that we can improve future workshops.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this
1. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in the Symposium
on Global Cancer Research?
2. Please mark the type of organization you represented:
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
3. What country is the organization you represented located in?
4. How many new partnerships or collaborations have you formed as a result of the Symposium on
Global Cancer Research?
5. Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?
Cancer control planning/implementation
Civil society/NGOs
Private sector/industry
Not applicable
6. What regions are these partners primarily located in (please mark all that apply)?
Eastern Mediterranean
South‐East Asia
Western Pacific
Not applicable
7. Please mark the types of organizations that of the new partnerships that you formed during the
Symposium on Global Cancer Research (please mark all that apply)?
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
Not applicable
8. How do collaborations or relationships that you formed as a result of attending the Symposium
on Global Cancer Research assist you in your work?
Not Applicable
9. How has the Symposium on Global Cancer Research affected your relationships with policy
Not applicable
10. Have you, as a result of the Symposium on Global Cancer Research, completed any of the
following: (please mark all that apply)?
Submission of grant applications to NIH
Submission of grant applications to other funding organizations
Development or strengthening of regional research networks
Development or improvement of data collection or analysis systems for cancer research
Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research
Research that resulted in change in standard of care
Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden
None of the above
11. How has attending the Symposium on Global Cancer Research helped you shape individual
research (priorities, questions, applications for funding, etc.)?
Not applicable
12. How has attending the Symposium on Global Cancer Research helped you shape institutional
priorities on global cancer research and control?
Not applicable
13. How much additional funding from NIH for cancer research have you received as a result of your
participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
14. How much additional funding from other organizations (not NIH) for cancer research have you
received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Country Stakeholder Meeting Outcome Evaluation
For non‐Ministry of Health participants
OMB No.: 0925-XXXX
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study
participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or
withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in
this study will be kept private to the extent provided by law. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study.
Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by email to
complete this instrument so that we can improve future workshops.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this
1. Name:
2. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in [PROGRAM
3. Please mark the type of organization you represented:
United States Government
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
4. What country is the organization you represented located in?
5. What track did you participate in:
Strengthening Cancer Control and Care through Clinical Research
Strengthening Cancer control and Care through Pathology and Cancer Registries
The Public, the Patient and the Community Health worker: Cancer Awareness and
Creating and Implementing Sustainable Cancer Care
6. What is the topic of the action plan you worked on?
7. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all
that apply)?
Development of a new national cancer control and prevention plan
Advancement of an existing national cancer control and prevention plan
Creation of an evaluation plan for a national cancer control and prevention plan
Implementation of a national cancer control and prevention plan
Achievement of organizational cancer control objectives
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of
cancer control activities
Development or refinement of institutional cancer control priorities
Adoption of new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment
None of the above
How many new partnerships or collaborations have you formed as a result of [PROGRAM
Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?
Cancer control planning/implementation
Civil society/NGOs
Private sector/industry
Not applicable
Please mark the types of organizations that you formed new partnerships with during
[PROGRAM NAME] (please mark all that apply)?
United States Government
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
Not applicable
Please list and describe all collaborations this workshop initiated (include collaborator and
objectives of the collaboration).
How much interaction with the [COUNTRY] Ministry of Health does your cancer
research/control require?
No interaction
Occasional Interaction (e.g. 1‐4 times/year)
Frequent interaction (7‐10+ times/year)
Has the number of interactions with [COUNTRY] Ministry of Health changed as a result of this
No Change
As a result of this workshop, in your opinion, is your work better aligned with [COUNTRY]’s
Ministry of Health?
If yes, please describe how:
15. As a result of this workshop, in your opinion, is your work better integrated into [COUNTRY]’s
National Cancer Control Plan?
If yes, please describe how:
16. For United States Government representatives: In your opinion, have you been able to better
align your investments into the [COUNTRY]’s National Cancer Control Strategy as a result of this
17. For participants who are not United States Government representatives: Do you feel you have
been able to better leverage the USG investments in [COUNTRY] to meet your in‐country
research needs as a result of this workshop?
18. Have you seen progress/success in implementing the action plans developed as a result of this
19. Has your organization contributed to implementation of the action plan developed in the
If yes, please describe how:
20. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all
that apply)?
Submission of grant applications to NIH
Submission of grant applications to other funding organizations
Development or refinement of individual research priorities
Development or refinement of institutional research priorities
Development or strengthening of regional research networks
Development or improvement of data collection or analysis systems for cancer research
Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research
Research that resulted in change in standard of care
Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden
None of the above
21. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer control planning or
activities have you published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
22. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer research have you
published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
23. How much additional funding for cancer control activities (planning, prevention, screening, etc.)
have you received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
24. How much additional funding for cancer research have you received as a result of your
participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
25. Are there any additional comments you would like to share?
Country Stakeholder Meeting Outcome Evaluation for MOH:
OMB No.: 0925-XXXX
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study
participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or
withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in
this study will be kept private to the extent provided by law. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study.
Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by email to
complete this instrument so that we can improve future workshops.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this
1. Name:
2. What track did you participate in:
Strengthening Cancer Control and Care through Clinical Research
Strengthening Cancer control and Care through Pathology and Cancer Registries
The Public, the Patient and the Community Health worker: Cancer Awareness and
Creating and Implementing Sustainable Cancer Care
3. What is the topic of the action plan you worked on?
4. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all
that apply)?
Development of a new national cancer control and prevention plan
Advancement of an existing national cancer control and prevention plan
Creation of an evaluation plan for a national cancer control and prevention plan
Implementation of a national cancer control and prevention plan
Achievement of organizational cancer control objectives
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of
cancer control activities
Development or refinement of institutional cancer control priorities
Adoption of new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment
None of the above
5. Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?
Cancer control planning/implementation
Civil society/NGOs
Private sector/industry
Not applicable
6. Please mark the types of organizations that you formed new partnerships with during
[PROGRAM NAME] (please mark all that apply)?
United States Government
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
Not applicable
7. Has the number of interactions with non MOH partners changed as a result of this workshop?
No Change
8. Have action plans from this workshop contributed to furthering the implementation of
[COUNTRY]’s National Cancer Control Strategy?
If yes:
a. Please explain how the action plans developed in this workshop have contributed to
cancer control in [COUNTRY]?
b. Please explain how the action plans developed in this workshop have contributed to
cancer research in [COUNTRY]?
9. How have partners helped address the areas of need in cancer research and cancer control
planning identified in this workshop?
a. Area 1:
b. Area 2:
c. Area 3:
10. Did this workshop enhance cooperation in identified areas of need?
IF YES, please describe specific success stories or models that describe the successful types of
collaborations this workshop initiated?
11. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all
that apply)?
Submission of grant applications to NIH
Submission of grant applications to other funding organizations
Development or refinement of individual research priorities
Development or refinement of institutional research priorities
Development or strengthening of regional research networks
Development or improvement of data collection or analysis systems for cancer research
Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research
Research that resulted in change in standard of care
Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden
None of the above
12. What next steps would help facilitate greater interactions between the [COUNTRY] MOH and
other partners?
NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention Evaluation
OMB No.: 0925-XXXX
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study
participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or
withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in
this study will be kept private to the extent provided by law. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study.
Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by email to
complete this instrument so that we can improve future workshops.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this
1. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in [PROGRAM
2. Please mark the type of organization you represented:
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
3. What country is the organization you represented located in?
4. If you have relocated since participating in the NCI Summer Curriculum, what country are you
currently located in?
Not applicable
5. What degree(s) do you hold? Please select all that apply.
Medical Degree
Doctoral Degree
Master of Public Health
Master of Science in Nursing
Other Master Degree
Registered Nurse
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Other Bachelor’s Degree
Other : ________________________________________________
6. What year did you participate in the Summer Curriculum?
7. What Summer Curriculum Course did you participate in? Please select one answer.
Principles and Practices of Cancer Prevention
Molecular Prevention Course
Both courses
8. Had you received a research grant before participating in the Summer Curriculum?
Yes Please name the agency(s) and funding amount(s)
9. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all
that apply)?
Development of a new national cancer control and prevention plan
Advancement of an existing national cancer control and prevention plan
Implementation of a national cancer control and prevention plan
Achievement of organizational cancer control objectives
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of
cancer control activities
Development or refinement of organizational cancer control priorities
Adoption of new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment
Been an advocate or community leader with regard to cancer prevention
None of the above
10. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all
that apply)?
Submission of grant applications to NIH
Submission of grant applications to other funding organizations
Development or refinement of individual research priorities
Development or refinement of institutional research priorities
Development or strengthening of regional research networks
Development or improvement of data collection or analysis systems for cancer research
Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research
Research that resulted in change in standard of care
Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden
None of the above
11. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer control planning or
activities have you published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
12. How much additional funding for cancer control activities (planning, prevention, screening, etc.)
have you received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
13. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer research have you
published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
14. How many presentations at national or international meetings have you given as a result of your
participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
15. How much additional funding for cancer research from NCI have you received as a result of your
participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
16. How much additional funding for cancer research from NIH (not including NCI) have you
received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
17. How much additional funding for cancer research from other agencies (not including NCI and
NIH) have you received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
18. How many others have you trained using the NCI Summer Curriculum learning objectives and
Not applicable
19. How many new partnerships or collaborations have you formed as a result of [PROGRAM
20. Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?
Cancer control planning/implementation
Civil society/NGOs
Private sector/industry
Not applicable
21. What regions are these partners primarily located in (please mark all that apply)?
Eastern Mediterranean
South‐East Asia
Western Pacific
Not applicable
22. Please mark the types of organizations that you formed new partnerships with during
[PROGRAM NAME] (please mark all that apply)?
NIH (excluding NCI)
USG (excluding NCI and NIH)
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
Not applicable
23. How often have you used the knowledge and skills acquired in the Summer Curriculum in your
24. How often do you contact the fellow students who participated in the Summer Curriculum with
We‐CAN Outcome Evaluation Document
OMB No.: 0925-XXXX
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study
participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or
withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in
this study will be kept private to the extent provided by law. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study.
Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by email to
complete this instrument so that we can improve future workshops.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this
1. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in [PROGRAM
2. Please mark the type of organization you represented:
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
3. What country is the organization you represented located in?
4. Have you, as a result of We‐CAN, completed any of the following: (please mark all that apply)?
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of
cancer control activities
Development or refinement of organizational cancer control priorities
Adoption of new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment
None of the above
5. How much additional funding for cancer control activities (planning, prevention, screening, etc.)
have you received as a result of your participation in We‐CAN?
6. How many presentations at national or international meetings have you given as a result of your
participation in We‐CAN?
7. How much additional funding for cancer research from other agencies (not including NIH) have
you received as a result of your participation in We‐CAN?
8. How many new partnerships or collaborations have you formed as a result of We‐CAN?
9. Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?
Cancer control planning/implementation
Civil society/NGOs
Private sector/industry
Not applicable
10. What regions are these partners primarily located in (please mark all that apply)?
Eastern Mediterranean
South‐East Asia
Western Pacific
Not applicable
11. Please mark the types of organizations of the new partnerships that you formed during We‐CAN
(please mark all that apply)?
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
Not applicable
12. Which of the following training options did you use to share the lessons you learned during the
We‐Can workshop with colleagues in your advocacy network? (please mark all that apply)
Train‐the‐trainer model (direct, hands‐on, skills‐building)
Small group workshops
Lecture series
One‐on‐one sharing
Team meeting
Not applicable
14. How many colleagues did you share the lessons you learned during the We‐Can workshop with?
15. Did you develop goals/priorities for your advocacy network as a result of your participation in
the We‐Can workshop?
Not applicable
16. Did you develop an action plan for how to achieve your advocacy goals/priorities as a result of
your participation in the We‐Can workshop?
Not applicable
17. Describe your networks’ top three advocacy priorities. Please list below.
Not applicable
18. What regional partnerships did you develop to help achieve your advocacy goals and share ideas
as a result of having attended the workshop?
Yes, Please list__
No partnerships have been developed
19. What changes did you or your organization make to your practice as a result having attended the
Not applicable
Regional Grant Writing Workshop Outcomes Evaluation
OMB No.: 0925-XXXX
Expiration Date: xx/xx/20xx
Collection of this information is authorized by The Public Health Service Act, Section 411 (42 USC 285a). Rights of study
participants are protected by The Privacy Act of 1974. Participation is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating or
withdrawing from the study at any time. Refusal to participate will not affect your benefits in any way. The information collected in
this study will be kept private to the extent provided by law. Names and other identifiers will not appear in any report of the study.
Information provided will be combined for all study participants and reported as summaries. You are being contacted by email to
complete this instrument so that we can improve future workshops.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes per response, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing
the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection
of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705
Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this
1. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in the Grant
Writing Workshop?
2. Please mark the type of organization you represented:
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
3. What country is the organization you represented located in?
4. How useful did you find the content presented in the Grant Writing Workshop when preparing a
grant application?
Very useful
Moderately useful
Not useful
Not applicable
Please provide examples of how the workshop content was useful or an explanation of why
the content was not useful_____________________________________________________
5. Research Administrators: How useful did you find the content presented in the Grant Writing
Workshop when assisting researchers with the preparation of the administrative areas of a
grant application?
Very useful
Moderately useful
Not useful
Not applicable
Please provide examples of how the workshop content was useful or an explanation of why
the content was not useful_____________________________________________________
6. Which of the following topics would you like further training in? Please select no more than
three topics.
Identifying funding opportunities at NIH and other agencies
Grant Application: Developing and presenting your ideas
Establishing collaborations
Understanding confidentiality and financial conflict of interest
Intellectual property
Overseeing the grant management process (such as pre‐ and post‐award activities)
The Application Process: Moving from an idea to submitting an application
Grant Application Review: What goes on behind the scenes once an application has
been received
Concept Paper development: tips/tools
None of the above
7. Do you need training in writing scientific research proposals, abstracts and manuscripts?
No, I have these skills
No, I don’t use these skills in my work
8. How useful do you think the grant writing workshop would be if offered through a webinar?
More useful
As useful
Less useful
Not useful
9. Which of the funding agencies below have awarded you grants since you participated in the
workshop? Please select all that apply.
NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC)
NIH’s Office of AIDS Research (OAR)
NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)
Wellcome Trust
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
American Cancer Society (ACS)
Other funders: _______________________________________
I have not applied for any grants
10. Which of the funding agencies below have awarded you grants since you participated in the
workshop? Please select all that apply.
NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC)
NIH’s Office of AIDS Research (OAR)
NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)
Wellcome Trust
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
American Cancer Society (ACS)
Other funders: _______________________________________
I have not been awarded any grants
11. If you have not applied for any research or training grants since participating in the workshop,
please explain why: ______________________________________________________________
12. What are your biggest challenges when writing and submitting a grant application?
13. How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer research have you
published as a result of your participation in the Grant Writing Workshop?
14. How many presentations at national or international meetings have you given as a result of your
participation in the Grant Writing Workshop?
15. Have you, as a result of the Grant Writing Workshop, completed any of the following: (please
mark all that apply)?
Development or strengthening of regional research networks
Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research
Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden
None of the above
16. How many new research collaborations and/or research administration partnerships have you
formed as a result of your participation in this workshop?
17. If you created collaborations, have those collaborations resulted in a grant application
Not applicable
18. What additional tools or resources would facilitate collaborations for you with other researchers
in your region?
19. Did the knowledge gained from the grant writing workshop provide you with research
leadership opportunities in your institution?
a. Yes
b. No
Question Bank
1. How many organizational cancer control objectives have you achieved as a result of [PROGRAM
o Not applicable
2. How many tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control planning have you
developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
3. How many tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of cancer control
activities have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
4. How many new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment have been adopted as a
result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
5. How many grant applications have you submitted to NIH as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
6. How many grant applications have you submitted to other funding agencies (excluding NIH) as a
result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
7. How many regional research networks have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
8. How many data collection or analysis systems for cancer research have you developed as a result of
o Not applicable
9. How many administration systems for cancer research have you developed as a result of [PROGRAM
o Not applicable
10. If your research has resulted in change in standard of care due to [PROGRAM NAME], please
describe how it has changed standard of care and how [PROGRAM NAME] supported this research.
o Not applicable
11. If your research has informed programs/policies that reduce cancer burden due to [PROGRAM
NAME], please describe how it has informed programs/policies and how [PROGRAM NAME]
supported this research.
o Not applicable
12. What is the name of the organization that you represented while participating in [PROGRAM
13. Please mark the type of organization you represented:
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
14. What country is the organization you represented located in?
15. Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all that
Development of a new national cancer control and prevention plan
Advancement of an existing national cancer control and prevention plan
Creation of an evaluation plan for a national cancer control and prevention plan
Implementation of a national cancer control and prevention plan
Achievement of organizational cancer control objectives
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for cancer control
Development of tools (curriculum, guideline, model, conference) for implementation of
cancer control activities
Development or refinement of institutional cancer control priorities
Adoption of new technologies or practices for cancer control and treatment
None of the above
Have you, as a result of [PROGRAM NAME], completed any of the following: (please mark all that
Submission of grant applications to NIH
Submission of grant applications to other funding organizations
Development or refinement of individual research priorities
Development or refinement of institutional research priorities
Development or strengthening of regional research networks
Development or improvement of data collection or analysis systems for cancer research
Development or improvement of administration systems for cancer research
Research that resulted in change in standard of care
Research that informs programs/policies that reduce cancer burden
None of the above
How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer control planning or
activities have you published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
How much additional funding for cancer control activities (planning, prevention, screening, etc.)
have you received as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
How many peer reviewed publications (including white papers) on cancer research have you
published as a result of your participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
How many presentations at national or international meetings have you given as a result of your
participation in [PROGRAM NAME]?
o Not applicable
How much additional funding for cancer research have you received as a result of your participation
o Not applicable
How many new partnerships or collaborations have you formed as a result of [PROGRAM NAME]?
Please indicate the type of partnership(s) formed (please mark all that apply)?
Cancer control planning/implementation
Civil society/NGOs
Private sector/industry
Not applicable
What regions are these partners primarily located in (please mark all that apply)?
Eastern Mediterranean
South‐East Asia
Western Pacific
Not applicable
Please mark the types of organizations that of the new partnerships that you formed during
[PROGRAM NAME] (please mark all that apply)?
Foreign Government
Non‐governmental organization
Health care
Not applicable
Which of the following training options did you use to share the lessons you learned during the
[PROGRAM NAME] with colleagues in your advocacy network? (please mark all that apply)
Train‐the‐trainer model (direct, hands‐on, skills‐building)
Small group workshops
Lecture series
One‐on‐one sharing
Team meeting
Not applicable
How many colleagues did you share the lessons you learned during the [PROGRAM NAME] with?
Did you develop goals/priorities for your advocacy network as a result of your participation in the
Not applicable
Did you develop an action plan for how to achieve your advocacy goals/priorities as a result of your
participation in the [PROGRAM NAME]?
Not applicable
Describe your networks’ top three advocacy priorities. Please list below.
Not applicable
What regional partnerships did you develop to help achieve your advocacy goals and share ideas as
a result of having attended the workshop?
Yes, Please list__
No partnerships have been developed
What changes did you or your organization make to your practice as a result having attended
Not applicable
33. How do collaborations or relationships that you formed as a result of attending [PROGRAM NAME]
assist you in your work?
Not Applicable
34. How has [PROGRAM NAME] affected your relationships with policy makers?
Not applicable
35. How has attending [PROGRAM NAME]helped you shape individual research (priorities, questions,
applications for funding, etc.)?
Not applicable
36. How has attending [PROGRAM NAME] helped you shape institutional priorities on global cancer
research and control?
Not applicable
37. What track did you participate in:
Strengthening Cancer Control and Care through Clinical Research
Strengthening Cancer control and Care through Pathology and Cancer Registries
The Public, the Patient and the Community Health worker: Cancer Awareness and
Creating and Implementing Sustainable Cancer Care
38. What is the topic of the action plan you worked on?
39. Please list and describe all collaborations this workshop initiated (include collaborator and
objectives of the collaboration).
40. How much interaction with the [COUNTRY] Ministry of Health does your cancer research/control
No interaction
Occasional Interaction (e.g. 1‐4 times/year)
Frequent interaction (7‐10+ times/year)
41. Has the number of interactions with [COUNTRY] Ministry of Health changed as a result of this
No Change
42. As a result of this workshop, in your opinion, is your work better aligned with [COUNTRY]’s Ministry
of Health?
If yes, please describe how:
43. As a result of this workshop, in your opinion, is your work better integrated into [COUNTRY]’s
National Cancer Control Plan?
If yes, please describe how:
44. For United States Government representatives: In your opinion, have you have been able to better
align your investments into the [COUNTRY]’s National Cancer Control Strategy as a result of this
45. For participants who are not United States Government representatives: Do you feel you have
been able to better leverage the USG investments in [COUNTRY] to meet your in‐country research
needs as a result of this workshop?
46. Have you seen progress/success in implementing the action plans developed as a result of this
47. Has your organization contributed to implementation of the action plan developed in the workshop?
If yes, please describe how:
48. Are there any additional comments you would like to share?
49. Has the number of interactions with non MOH partners changed as a result of this workshop?
No Change
50. Have action plans from this workshop contributed to furthering the implementation of [COUNTRY]’s
National Cancer Control Strategy?
If yes:
a. Please explain how the action plans developed in this workshop have contributed to
cancer control in [COUNTRY]?
b. Please explain how the action plans developed in this workshop have contributed to
cancer research in [COUNTRY]?
51. How have partners helped address the areas of need in cancer research and cancer control planning
identified in this workshop?
o Area 1:
o Area 2:
o Area 3:
Did this workshop enhance cooperation in identified areas of need?
IF YES, please describe specific success stories or models that describe the successful types of
collaborations this workshop initiated?
What next steps would help facilitate greater interactions between the [COUNTRY] MOH and other
If you have you relocated since participating in the [PROGRAM NAME], what country are you
currently located in?
Not applicable
What degree(s) do you hold? Please select all that apply.
Medical Degree
Doctoral Degree
Master of Public Health
Master of Science in Nursing
Other Master Degree
Registered Nurse
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Other Bachelor’s Degree
Other : ________________________________________________
What year did you participate in [PROGRAM NAME]?
What [PROGRAM NAME] Course did you participate in?
Have you received a research grant before participating in [PROGRAM NAME]?
Yes Please name the agency(s), funding amount(s),
How many others have you trained using the [PROGRAM NAME] learning objectives and content?
o Not applicable
How often have you used the knowledge and skills acquired in the Summer Curriculum in your
How often do you contact the colleagues who participated in [PROGRAM NAME] with you?
How useful did you find the content presented in the [PROGRAM NAME] when preparing a grant
Very useful
Moderately useful
Not useful
Not applicable
Please provide examples of how the workshop content was useful or an explanation of why
the content was not useful_____________________________________________________
63. Research Administrators: How useful did you find the content presented in the [PROGRAM NAME]
when assisting researchers prepare the administrative areas of a grant application?
Very useful
Moderately useful
Not useful
Not applicable
Please provide examples of how the workshop content was useful or an explanation of why
the content was not useful_____________________________________________________
64. Which of the following topics would you like further training in? Please select no more than three
Identifying funding opportunities at NIH and other agencies
Grant Application: Developing and presenting your ideas
Establishing collaborations
Understanding confidentiality and financial conflict of interest
Intellectual property
Overseeing the grant management process (such as pre‐ and post‐award activities)
The Application Process: Moving from an idea to submitting an application
Grant Application Review: What goes on behind the scenes once an application has
been received
Concept Paper development: tips/tools
None of the above
65. Do you need training in writing scientific research proposals, abstracts and manuscripts?
No, I have these skills
No, I don’t use these skills in my work
66. How useful do you think the [PROGRAM NAME] would be if offered through a webinar?
More useful
As useful
Less useful
Not useful
67. Which of the funding agencies below have awarded you grants since you participated in [PROGRAM
NAME]? Please select all that apply.
o NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI)
o NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
o NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
o NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
o NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
o NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
o NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
o NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC)
o NIH’s Office of AIDS Research (OAR)
o NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)
o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
o United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
o Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
o World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)
o South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
o African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)
o Wellcome Trust
o Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
o International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
o American Cancer Society (ACS)
o Other funders: _______________________________________
o I have not applied for any grants
68. Which of the funding agencies below have awarded you grants since you participated in [PROGRAM
NAME]? Please select all that apply.
NIH’s National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
NIH’s National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
NIH’s National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
NIH’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
NIH’s Fogarty International Center (FIC)
NIH’s Office of AIDS Research (OAR)
NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO AFRO)
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
African Organization for Research and Training in Cancer (AORTIC)
Wellcome Trust
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
American Cancer Society (ACS)
Other funders: _______________________________________
I have not been awarded any grants
69. If you have not applied for any research or training grants since participating in [PROGRAM NAME],
please explain why: ______________________________________________________________
70. What are your biggest challenges when writing and submitting a grant application?
71. If you created collaborations, have those collaborations resulted in a grant application submission?
Not applicable
72. What additional tools or resources would facilitate collaborations for you with other researchers in
your region?
73. Did the knowledge gained from the grant writing workshop provide you with research leadership
opportunities in your institution?
a. Yes
b. No
74. What are the action items that the team agreed to complete within [NUMBER] months of
75. To what extent have each of the action items identified during [PROGRAM NAME] been
implemented by the country team?
76. What challenges has the country team encountered in implementing [PROGRAM NAME] action
plan? How has the team addressed these challenges? In what ways could the team address the
remaining challenges?
77. Have adjustments/additions been made to the action plan? If so, what has been changed or added?
What prompted the changes?
78. What successes did the country team have related to implementing their action plans?
79. What types of resources/support has the country team used to implement the action plan?
80. Has your country team been successful in finding new resources/support including funding?
81. Are there resources you were referred to at [PROGRAM NAME] or in subsequent communications
with NCI that you have found useful? If so, describe:
82. Have new partners joined the cancer planning and implementation efforts? If so, who? What will be
their contribution?
83. With regard to the cancer planning and implementation team, have there been any challenges in
areas such as communication, roles/responsibilities, leadership, etc.? If so, describe:
84. Has your country team developed any written materials as a group (e.g. publications, reports, white
papers) or presentations (seminars, webinars, etc.)? If so, describe:
85. Has your country team developed any tools related to cancer control planning and implementation?
If so, describe:
86. Is the country team communicating regularly with government leaders on their work and progress?
If so, who and how often?
87. Has the country team been involved in building new cancer control planning and implementation
partnerships or strengthening existing ones? If so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. in the
areas of new partner recruitment, partnership accomplishments, national visibility):
88. Has the country team been involved in using data and information to guide cancer control efforts
and policymaking? If so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. improving data reporting from
registries, improving data quality, using data to guide policy):
89. Has the country team been involved in strengthening implementation of the cancer control plan? If
so, describe challenges and successes (e.g. identification of priorities, securing funding, mobilizing
support, tracking progress):
90. Has the country team been involved in enhancing evaluation of the cancer control plan? If so,
describe challenges and successes (e.g. formulating measurable objectives, consulting evaluation
experts, developing strategies):
91. Has the work you are doing with international or regional partners on cancer control planning and
implementation changed? If so, describe:
92. Were there any events in the country that have bolstered cancer control planning and
implementation efforts or impeded progress?
Email Invitation
From: Resource Mailbox Managed by NCI
Subject: Request: Evaluation of Symposium on Global Cancer Research
We invite you to complete a brief survey about your participation in the Symposium on Global Cancer
Research, held on May 9th, 2014. Your responses to these questions will help NCI evaluate the outcomes
of the Symposium on Global Cancer Research and improve future workshops.
All information obtained will be kept secure. This survey consists of 14 questions and can be completed
in approximately twenty minutes. There are no risks to participating in this survey. There are no direct
benefits to you for participating in the survey; however, the survey does not need to be finished in a
single sitting. If you agree to participate, please click the link below and complete the survey.
Thank you in advance for your participation. Please do not hesitate to contact me
(; 240‐276‐5585) if you have any questions. We sincerely appreciate your
time assisting with this effort.
Brenda Kostelecky, PhD
Center for Global Health
National Cancer Institute
Phone Invitation
INTRODUCTION: Hello, may I speak with [RESPONDENT NAME]?
[IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK]: When would be a good time to reach [RESPONDENT]? [RECORD BEST DAY
and TITLE]. I'm calling on behalf of the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health about an
evaluation of the Center’s [PROGRAM NAME], which [RESPONDENT NAME] participated in.
IF RESPONDENT IS AVAILABLE: Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I'm calling on behalf of the
National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health. You participated in [PROGRAM NAME and DATE],
and I would like to invite you to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the [PROGRAM
NAME.] The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health is asking all participants of [PROGRAM
NAME] to complete this survey. Your candid responses to questions will allow the Center to evaluate the
outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
Would you be willing to participate in this survey?
[IF YES] What is the best email address for me to send you the survey? [RECORD EMAIL ADDRESS].
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate. We look forward to receiving your completed
[IF NO] Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day.
For Ministry of Health Participants
Email Invitation
To: [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and Cancer Research Stakeholder Meeting Attendees
From: Resource Mailbox Managed by NCI
Subject: Request: Evaluation of [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and Cancer Research Stakeholder Meeting
We invite you to complete a brief survey about your participation in the [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and
Cancer Research Stakeholder Meeting held on May 20‐21th, 2014. Your responses to these questions will
help NCI evaluate the outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
All information obtained will be kept secure and data will be analyzed by NCI staff. This survey consists
of 12 questions and can be completed in approximately twenty minutes. You do not need to complete
this survey in one sitting. There are no risks to participating in this survey. There are no direct benefits to
you for participating in the survey; however, information collected will provide NCI with valuable data
and evidence to assess the effectiveness of the [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and Cancer Research
Stakeholder Meeting, identify opportunities for improvement, and inform future program decisions.
If you agree to participate, please click the link below and complete the survey.
Thank you in advance for your participation. Please do not hesitate to contact Kalina Duncan
( if you have any questions. We sincerely appreciate your time assisting with
this effort.
Kalina Duncan
Center for Global Health
National Cancer Institute
Phone Invitation
INTRODUCTION: Hello, may I speak with [RESPONDENT NAME]?
[IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK]: When would be a good time to reach [RESPONDENT]? [RECORD BEST DAY
and TITLE]. I'm calling on behalf of the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health about an
evaluation of the Center’s [PROGRAM NAME], which [RESPONDENT NAME] participated in.
IF RESPONDENT IS AVAILABLE: Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I'm calling on behalf of the
National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health. You participated in [PROGRAM NAME and DATE],
and I would like to invite you to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the [PROGRAM
NAME.] The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health is asking all participants of [PROGRAM
NAME] to complete this survey. Your candid responses to questions will allow the Center to evaluate the
outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
Would you be willing to participate in this survey?
[IF YES] What is the best email address for me to send you the survey? [RECORD EMAIL ADDRESS].
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate. We look forward to receiving your completed
[IF NO] Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day.
For Non‐ Ministry of Health Participants
Email Invitation
To: [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and Cancer Research Stakeholder Meeting Attendees
From: Resource Mailbox Managed by NCI
Subject: Request: Evaluation of [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and Cancer Research Stakeholder Meeting
We invite you to complete a brief survey about your participation in the [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and
Cancer Research Stakeholder Meeting held on May 20‐21th, 2014. Your responses to these questions will
help NCI evaluate the outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
All information obtained will be kept secure and data will be analyzed by NCI staff. This survey consists
of 25 questions and can be completed in approximately thirty minutes. You do not need to complete
this survey in one sitting. There are no risks to participating in this survey. There are no direct benefits to
you for participating in the survey; however, information collected will provide NCI with valuable data
and evidence to assess the effectiveness of the [COUNTRY] Cancer Control and Cancer Research
Stakeholder Meeting, identify opportunities for improvement, and inform future program decisions.
If you agree to participate, please click the link below and complete the survey.
Thank you in advance for your participation. Please do not hesitate to contact Kalina Duncan
( if you have any questions. We sincerely appreciate your time assisting with
this effort.
Kalina Duncan
Center for Global Health
National Cancer Institute
Phone Invitation
INTRODUCTION: Hello, may I speak with [RESPONDENT NAME]?
[IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK]: When would be a good time to reach [RESPONDENT]? [RECORD BEST DAY
and TITLE]. I'm calling on behalf of the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health about an
evaluation of the Center’s [PROGRAM NAME], which [RESPONDENT NAME] participated in.
IF RESPONDENT IS AVAILABLE: Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I'm calling on behalf of the
National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health. You participated in [PROGRAM NAME and DATE],
and I would like to invite you to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the [PROGRAM
NAME.] The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health is asking all participants of [PROGRAM
NAME] to complete this survey. Your candid responses to questions will allow the Center to evaluate the
outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
Would you be willing to participate in this survey?
[IF YES] What is the best email address for me to send you the survey? [RECORD EMAIL ADDRESS].
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate. We look forward to receiving your completed
[IF NO] Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day.
Email Invitation
To: [NAME] NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention Participant
From: Resource Mailbox Managed by NCI
Subject: Request: Evaluation of NCI Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention for NCI Center for Global
Health Sponsored Participants
Thank you for your participation in the NCI Summer Curriculum! I invite you to complete a brief
evaluation survey about your participation. Your responses to these questions will help NCI evaluate the
outcomes of the Summer Curriculum, specifically for NCI Center for Global Health sponsored
All information obtained will be kept secure and data will be analyzed by NCI staff. This survey consists
of 24 questions and can be completed in approximately thirty minutes. You do not need to complete
this survey in one sitting. There are no risks or no direct benefits to you for participating in the survey.
Information collected will provide NCI with valuable data and evidence to assess the effectiveness of the
Summer Curriculum for future planning and improvement.
If you agree to participate, please click the link below and complete the survey.
If you have any questions regarding the evaluation survey, please contact Dr. Makeda Williams directly
I sincerely appreciate your time in completing this evaluation survey. Thank you in advance for your
Dr. Makeda J. Williams
Center for Global Health
National Cancer Institute
Phone Invitation
INTRODUCTION: Hello, may I speak with [RESPONDENT NAME]?
[IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK]: When would be a good time to reach [RESPONDENT]? [RECORD BEST DAY
and TITLE]. I'm calling on behalf of the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health about an
evaluation of the Center’s [PROGRAM NAME], which [RESPONDENT NAME] participated in.
IF RESPONDENT IS AVAILABLE: Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I'm calling on behalf of the
National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health. You participated in [PROGRAM NAME and DATE],
and I would like to invite you to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the [PROGRAM
NAME.] The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health is asking all participants of [PROGRAM
NAME] to complete this survey. Your candid responses to questions will allow the Center to evaluate the
outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
Would you be willing to participate in this survey?
[IF YES] What is the best email address for me to send you the survey? [RECORD EMAIL ADDRESS].
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate. We look forward to receiving your completed
[IF NO] Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day.
Email Invitation
From: Resource Mailbox Managed by NCI
Subject: Request: Evaluation of Symposium on Women’s Cancer Control
We invite you to complete a brief survey about your participation in the Symposium on Women’s Cancer
Control, held on month/day/year. Your responses to these questions will help NCI evaluate the
outcomes of the Symposium and improve future workshops.
All information obtained will be kept secure. This survey consists of 19 questions and can be completed
in approximately twenty minutes. There are no risks to participating in this survey. There are no direct
benefits to you for participating in the survey; however, information collected will provide WECAN with
valuable data and evidence to assess the effectiveness of the Symposium on Women’s Cancer Control
for future planning and improvement. If you agree to participate, please click the link below and
complete the survey.
Thank you in advance for your participation. Please do not hesitate to contact me
(; 240‐276‐5361) if you have any questions. We sincerely appreciate your time
assisting with this effort.
Kimia Ramezani, MPH (c)
Center for Global Health
National Cancer Institute
Phone Invitation
INTRODUCTION: Hello, may I speak with [RESPONDENT NAME]?
[IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK]: When would be a good time to reach [RESPONDENT]? [RECORD BEST DAY
and TITLE]. I'm calling on behalf of the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health about an
evaluation of the Center’s [PROGRAM NAME], which [RESPONDENT NAME] participated in.
IF RESPONDENT IS AVAILABLE: Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I'm calling on behalf of the
National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health. You participated in [PROGRAM NAME and DATE],
and I would like to invite you to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the [PROGRAM
NAME.] The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health is asking all participants of [PROGRAM
NAME] to complete this survey. Your candid responses to questions will allow the Center to evaluate the
outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
Would you be willing to participate in this survey?
[IF YES] What is the best email address for me to send you the survey? [RECORD EMAIL ADDRESS].
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate. We look forward to receiving your completed
[IF NO] Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day.
Email Invitation
To: [NAME] Regional Grant Writing Workshop Participant
From: Resource Mailbox Managed by NCI
Subject: Request: Evaluation of [REGION] Regional Grant Writing Workshop
Thank you for your participation in the [REGION] Regional Grant Writing Workshop! I invite you to
complete a brief evaluation survey about your participation. Your responses to these questions will help
NCI evaluate the outcomes of this workshop to improve future workshops.
All information obtained will be kept secure and data will be analyzed by NCI staff. This survey consists
of 19 questions and can be completed in approximately thirty minutes. You do not need to complete
this survey in one sitting. There are no risks or no direct benefits to you for participating in the survey.
Information collected will provide NCI with valuable data and evidence to assess the effectiveness of the
[REGION] Regional Grant Writing Workshop for future planning and improvement.
If you agree to participate, please click the link below and complete the survey.
If you have any questions regarding the evaluation survey, please contact Dr. Makeda Williams directly
I sincerely appreciate your time in completing this evaluation survey. Thank you in advance for your
Dr. Makeda J. Williams
Center for Global Health
National Cancer Institute
Phone Invitation
INTRODUCTION: Hello, may I speak with [RESPONDENT NAME]?
[IF NOT AVAILABLE, ASK]: When would be a good time to reach [RESPONDENT]? [RECORD BEST DAY
and TITLE]. I'm calling on behalf of the National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health about an
evaluation of the Center’s [PROGRAM NAME], which [RESPONDENT NAME] participated in.
IF RESPONDENT IS AVAILABLE: Hello, my name is [INTERVIEWER NAME]. I'm calling on behalf of the
National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health. You participated in [PROGRAM NAME and DATE],
and I would like to invite you to complete a brief survey about your experiences with the [PROGRAM
NAME.] The National Cancer Institute’s Center for Global Health is asking all participants of [PROGRAM
NAME] to complete this survey. Your candid responses to questions will allow the Center to evaluate the
outcomes of this workshop and improve future workshops and conferences.
Would you be willing to participate in this survey?
[IF YES] What is the best email address for me to send you the survey? [RECORD EMAIL ADDRESS].
Thank you very much for your willingness to participate. We look forward to receiving your completed
[IF NO] Thank you very much for your time and have a wonderful day.
Minneman, Rebecca (NIH/NCI) [E]
Tuesday, April 08, 2014 11:31 AM
Hidalgo, Catherine (NIH/NCI) [E]; Sivaram, Sudha (NIH/NCI) [E]; McCree, Renicha
(NIH/NCI) [F]; Horovitch-Kelley, Vivian (NIH/NCI) [E]
Request for OHSRP Determination for Program Evaluation
3A_Symposium on Global Cancer Research.docx; 3B_CancerCtrlPlan Non-MOH.docx;
3C_CancerCtrlPlan MOH.doc; 3D_Summer Curriculum in Cancer Prevention.doc;
3E_WECAN.docx; 3F_RegionalGrantWriting.doc; 3G_Question Bank.docx;
6A_SymposiumGlobalCancer Invitation.docx; 6B_CancerCtrlPlan Invitations.docx;
6C_Summer Curriculum Invitation.doc; 6D_WECAN Invitation.docx;
6E_RegionalGrantWriting Invitation.doc; OHSRP Determination CGH Workshops .pdf
To whom it may concern,
Attached please find a request for determination for program evaluation for the Evaluation of Center for Global Health’s
(CGH) Workshops. In addition to the request form, the surveys and question bank (3A‐3F) and the invitations that will
be used are also attached (6A‐E). Please let me know if you need any further information to make a determination.
Rebecca Minneman
Monday, April 21, 2014 1:50 PM
Sivaram, Sudha (NIH/NCI) [E]
Minneman, Rebecca (NIH/NCI) [E]
Req for Determination Rec'd_OHSRP 12376
Good afternoon Dr. Sivaram,
This email is to verify that OHSR has received your Request for Determination and it is currently being processed as
OHSRP #12376. Please use this number in any future correspondence regarding this study. We will contact you via
email if any additional information is needed. Please note that due to ongoing project deadlines, determinations are
taking longer than normal to process.
Protocol Title: Evaluation of Center for Global Health's (CGH ) Workshops
Thank you.
Chris Brentin
OHSRP ‐ National Institutes of Health
Bldg 10, Suite 2C146
Bethesda, MD 20892
Office Telephone: 301‐402‐3444
Office Fax: 301‐402‐3443
The NIH is committed to maintaining the highest standards for the protection of human
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File Title | Nuance Communications, Inc. |
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File Modified | 2014-05-02 |
File Created | 2014-04-08 |