Form 9 Data Form Section 1 Report Annually

National Cross-site Evaluation of the Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST)

A.2.11-Data Form Section 1 Report Annually.xlsx

Attachment A.2.11 Data Form Section 1 Report Annually

OMB: 0925-0718

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Table 7a
Table 7b
Table 7c
Table 7d
Table 7e
Table 7f
Table 7g
Table 7h
Table 7i
Table 7j
Table 7k
Table 7l
Table 7m
Table 7n
Table 7o
Table 7p

Sheet 1: Instructions

Attachment A.2.11: Data Form, Section 1—Report Annually
The purpose of the Data Form is to document the BEST program activities at your institution and gather the information listed in the NIH RFAs. Please read these instructions prior to completing the sections. If you have any questions, please contact [insert contractor’s name] at [insert contractor’s email address].

The form consists of four sections: (1) Program Description and Participation in BEST Activities (reported annually); (2) Aggregate Data from Participating Departments/Graduate Programs (reported annually); (3) Baseline Information for the Five Years Prior to Receiving the BEST Award (reported once); and (4) Information to Report in Year Four of the Award (reported once).

Updating the tables:
-If you do not need the example entries, you can enter the information from your institution by overwriting the information in the example cells.
-If you need to insert one or more rows into a table, click on the row number in the left margin of the worksheet to copy the entire example row, select "copy," and then select "Insert copied cells." You will now have two rows with examples. You can then enter the information that is specific to your institution by overwriting the example entries that you copied. Copying the row this way will allow you to keep the formatting for new rows.

Some of the questions have drop-down boxes embedded in the cell where the responses should be recorded. Cells with drop-down boxes have an arrow beside the cell, click on the cell where the response should be entered in order to see the arrow. Then, click on the arrow that is beside the cell in order to view the choices and click on the appropriate choice. The answer appears in the cell after it is selected.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 180 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-XXXX). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Please submit Section 1 annually to coincide with the submission of the NIH Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) using the Secure Email File Transfer (SEFT) service. Email the form to [insert email address] If you have any questions, please contact [insert contractor’s name] at [insert contractor’s email address].


Sheet 2: TableofContents


Table of Contents
Worksheet Title Content
Instructions Section information and instructions
TableofContents List of worksheets and content
ProgramDescription1-6 Program Description Questions 1-6
ActivitiesGuidance Activities Reporting Instructions
ActivitiesTableA Activity Code Table A.
Table 7a Table 7a: Certificate Program (individual level)
Table 7b Table 7b: Clubs (aggregate level)
Table 7c Table 7c: Competitive Funding Sources (individual level)
Table 7d Table 7d: Courses for Credit and Not for Credit (individual level)
Table 7e Table 7e: Externships (individual level)
Table 7f Table 7f: Internships (individual level)
Table 7g Table 7g: Mixer/Networking (aggregate level)
Table 7h Table 7h: Peer Mentoring (individual level)
Table 7i Table 7i: Professional Mentoring (individual level)
Table 7j Table 7j: Career Development Resources
Table 7k Table 7k: Self-Assessments (aggregate level)
Table 7l Table 7l: Activities such as Seminars, Workshops, or Symposia that Occur within One Day (individual level)
Table 7m Table 7m: Activities such as Seminars, Workshops, or Symposia that Occur over Multiple Days (individual level)
Table 7n Table 7n: Activities such as Seminars, Workshops, or Symposia where Attendance was Not Tracked (aggregate level)
Table 7o Table 7o: Visit to Employer Site (individual level)
Table 7p Table 7p: Other (please specify):

Sheet 3: ProgramDescription1-6

The information collected in this section addresses the following RFA Items:
- Graduate Students: Participation in activities contributing to the goals of the program (how many students participate, how many hours on average do they participate over what span of time).
- Postdoctoral Scientists: Degree of participation in activities contributing to the goals of the program (how many postdoctoral scientists participate, how many hours on average do they participate over what span of time).

1a. Does your BEST program offer activities for graduate students?
1b. Describe the criteria to participate in the BEST program (e.g., open to all graduate students in participating departments/graduate programs; open only to third year graduate students from participating departments/graduate programs; etc.).
1c. How does your institution advertise and disseminate information about BEST activities to graduate students? (Select Yes/No)
a. Program Website:
b. Flyers:
c. Listserv:
d. Word of Mouth:
e. Advertisements in Local Media (e.g., radio, television, newspapers, etc.):
f. Social Networking Site (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.):
g. Other (please specify) _________________________:
1d. Do graduate students submit an application to participate in your BEST program?
1e. Describe the purpose, process, and selection criteria. In addition, please attach a copy of the application.
1f. Does your institution provide a certificate to graduate students for participation in your BEST program?
1g. Describe the certificate program and its requirements:
1h. How many graduate students have received a BEST certificate in the past academic year?
1i. Does your institution provide accredited professional certificates (not BEST-specific) to graduate students participating in the BEST program?
1j. Describe the professional certificate programs and their requirements:
1k. How many graduate students participating in BEST have received a professional certificate in the past academic year?

2a. Does your BEST program offer activities for postdoctoral scientists?
2b. Describe the criteria to participate in the BEST program (e.g., open to all postdoctoral scientists in participating departments; open only to postdoctoral scientists from participating departments who have completed their first year of training at the institution; etc.).
2c. How does your institution advertise and disseminate information about BEST activities to postdoctoral scientists? (select Yes/No)
a. Program Website:
b. Flyers:
c. Listserv:
d. Word of Mouth:
e. Advertisments in Local Media (e.g., radio, television, newspapers, etc.):
f. Social Networking Site (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.):
g. Other (please specify) _________________________:
2d. Do postdoctoral scientists submit an application to participate in your BEST program?
2e. Describe the purpose, process, and selection criteria. In addition, please attach a copy of the application:
2f. Does your institution provide a certificate to postdoctoral scientists for participation in your BEST program?
2g. Describe the certificate program and its requirements:
2h. How many postdoctoral scientists have received a BEST certificate in the past academic year?
2i. Does your institution provide accredited professional certificates (not BEST-specific) to postdoctoral scientists participating in the BEST program?
2j. Describe the professional certificate programs and their requirements:
2k. How many postdoctoral scientists participating in BEST have received a professional certificate in the past academic year?

3. Which Career Paths are included in your BEST Program for graduate students and postdoctoral scientists?
Career Paths Offered in BEST Program?
a. Principal investigator in a research-intensive institution
Independent researcher at a medical school, private research institute, government lab or university with minimal teaching responsibilities.

b. Research in industry
Discovery or preclinical researcher; manager of a research team or facility.

c. Research staff in a research-intensive institution
Staff scientist or researcher in academia or government, lab manager, director of a multi-user research facility in an academic institution.

d. Combined research and teaching careers
Faculty at a liberal arts college or university whose job includes both research and major teaching responsibilities.

e. Teaching-intensive careers in academia
A primarily teaching faculty position in a research university, liberal arts college, community college.

f. Science education for K-12 schools
Classroom teacher; curriculum developer; science specialist.

g. Science education for non-scientists
Education or public outreach specialist such as at a science museum or scientific society.

h. Clinical practice
Clinician such as genetics counselor, therapist, physician.

i. Public health related careers
Public health program analyst or evaluator; epidemiologist; biostatistician; medical informaticist.

j. Scientific/medical testing
Testing specialist in an environmental, public health, genetics, or forensic science setting (intelligence agencies, federal/state departments of justice); clinical diagnostician.

k. Science writing
Science, medical, or technical writer or journalist; science editor; science publisher.

l. Research administration
Research administrator in private or public research institutions, government or academia, including compliance officers, grants and contracts officers; dean or director of research programs.

m. Science policy
Public affairs/government affairs staff at scientific societies, foundations, government entities, or think tanks.

n. Intellectual property
Patent agent; patent attorney; technology transfer specialist.

o. Business of science
Management consultant; business development professional in a biotech company; venture capitalist; market researcher; investment analyst.

p. Entrepreneurship
Starting your own business.

q. Sales and marketing of science-related products
Medical science liaison; technical sales representative; marketing specialist.

r. Support of science-related products
Technical support specialist; field application specialist; product development scientist or engineer.

s. Drug/device approval and production
Regulatory affairs professional; quality control specialist.

t. Clinical research management
Clinical research project/trials manager or coordinator.

u. Other (please specify)____________________________________________

4a. Which Individual Development Plan (IDP) does your institution use? (Select One)
4b. For which group is an IDP required at your institution? (Select One)
4c. Which best describes the use of an IDP at your institution (Select One)
4d. Additional Comments:
4e. Is completion of an IDP mandatory for BEST participants? (Select One)
4f. Additional Comments:

5a. Please select if your BEST program has the following: (Select One)
If your program has an advisory board, please answer the following:
5b. What is their role:
5c. How many members are serving on the board?
5d. Are the members external or internal to the institution? (Select One)
If your program has a Steering Committee, please answer the following:
5e. What is their role:
5f. How many members are serving on the committee?
5g. Are the members external or internal to the institution? (Select One)
5h. Additional Comments:

6a. Is your institution administering the NIH surveys for the national cross-site evaluation?
6b. Which of the following surveys is your institution administering? (Select Yes/No)
a. Graduate Student Entrance Survey
b. Graduate Student Interim Survey
c. Graduate Student Exit Survey
d. Postdoctoral Scientist Entrance Survey
e. Postdoctoral Scientist Exit Survey
6c. How many surveys have been administered in the past academic year?
a. Number of Graduate Student Entrance Surveys:
b. Number of Graduate Student Interim Surveys:
c. Number of Graduate Student Exit Surveys:
d. Number of Postdoctoral Scientist Entrance Surveys:
e. Number of Postdoctoral Scientist Exit Surveys:
6d. Additional Comments:

Sheet 4: ActivitiesGuidance

Activities Characterization
Categorize your BEST activities into the following three types:
A. New – The activity was initiated by the BEST award. It did not exist prior to the BEST award.
o   Example: The Awardee institution establishes a new professional mentoring program which involves pairing graduate students with alumni. This activity was not implemented prior to the BEST award.
B. Existing activity substantially enhanced or expanded by BEST award – The activity was in place at the Awardee institution prior to the BEST award, but the activity has been substantially enhanced or expanded. An existing activity may be considered substantially enhanced or expanded if the BEST award has allowed for the addition of new components or an increase in the scope of existing components.
o   Example: Prior to the BEST award, the institution offered graduate students in biomedical sciences two career tracks: entrepreneurship and science policy. Because of the BEST award, a government career track was added to the training curricula.
o   Example: Prior to the BEST award, the institution offered two internships each year. Because of the BEST award, the number of internships has doubled.
C. Existing activity – The activity was in place at the institution prior to the BEST award and has become part of the BEST program. The existing activity did not have to be substantially expanded or enhanced to fit in the BEST program. Note: if the activity has been updated in a manner that would have happened even without the BEST award, then that activity should be included under this category (existing).
o   Example: A grant writing workshop that has been offered to graduate students in the past is now being targeted to BEST postdoctoral scientists. The actual content has not been altered for BEST, and the only updates are the regular ones that would have occurred anyway, such as updating the points of contact within the institution, dates, etc.

Reporting Individual and Aggregate Level Data
It is recognized that participation in BEST activities will vary. Some graduate students and postdoctoral scientists may only attend activities open to everyone in the participating departments/graduate programs, such as seminars or symposia, while others may attend activities requiring more participation in discussions or close interactions with peers, instructors, and professionals, such as workshops, courses, and internships.

The NIH is interested in gathering information from all levels of participation, so tables are provided to report participation at the individual and aggregate level. In cases where it may be challenging to accurately track attendance for activities delivered to a large gathering of graduate students and postdoctoral scientists, please report aggregate data for participation. Although graduate students and postdoctoral scientists, whose participation is only reported in the aggregate, are benefitting from the program, NIH is specifically interested in gathering individual level data.

The Awardee will determine the activities that are most suitable for individual tracking. To assist Awardees in making this determination, consider the following characteristics of activities for participants that could be reported at the individual level:
- Activity is mandatory for the BEST program;
- Attendance is tracked for BEST participants;
- Prior registration is needed in order to participate in a specific activity; or
- An application is needed to participate in a specific activity.

For purposes of completing the reporting tables in this Data Form, individuals participating in these activities would be considered “program participants.”

Selecting the Appropriate Tables to Report Participation in Your BEST Program
Please review the codes and definitions of BEST activities in Table A and select the activities that are part of your BEST program. Column C lists the table to report the participation of graduates students/postdoctoral scientists in program activities. Use the Evaluation ID for each participant to report individual level data. Use one table per activity, for example, if your BEST program held five workshops during the past academic year, five tables (one for each workshop) will be used to report the participation of graduate students and/or postdoctoral scientists. If the definition of an activity does not encompass all aspects of your BEST activity, please note the additional aspects in the comment section of the reporting table.

The tables and examples are included in the subsequent pages. For activities reported on the individual level, copy and paste new tables below the example as needed. When adding new rows in order to report activities or participants, copy and paste the the blank row below the examples.

Sheet 5: ActivitesTableA

Table A. Activity Code, Definition, Table for Reporting, and Data Type
Activity Code
Reporting Table
Data Type
Certificate Program Graduate students/postdoctoral scientists receive a certificate in recognition of their participation in the BEST program. Table 7a Individual
Clubs An association or organization dedicated to a particular interest in which graduate students/postdoctoral scientists participate. Table 7b Aggregate
Competitive Funding Source Graduate students/postdoctoral scientists compete for training funds or funds to travel to a career and/or professional development event, meeting, or conference. Table 7c Individual
Course (for credit or not for credit) A course focusing on a topic or skill. Table 7d Individual
Externship Job shadowing a professional at work for the purpose of observing the work environment and learning about the expectations of a profession. Table 7e Individual
Internship Working in a professional setting for the purpose of receiving hands-on training. Table 7f Individual
Mixer/Networking Event Gathering of graduate students/postdoctoral scientists and professionals with the purpose of networking. This event may take place in person or in an online setting. Table 7g Aggregate
Peer Mentoring Activities involving graduate students/postdoctoral scientists mentoring each other, including group discussions or team meetings not part of a course, seminar, or workshop. Table 7h Individual
Professional Mentoring Activities involving professionals mentoring graduate students or postdoctoral scientists. Professionals could include faculty members (other than PI/thesis advisor), institutional staff members, alumni, career coaches, or professionals in any industry. Mentoring can take place in a group setting or one-on-one. Table 7i Individual
Resource A website, database or other resource created for the BEST program. Table 7j N/A
Self-assessment Participants completes a career or personality self-assessment tool, such as the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator (MBTI) or a Career Assessment Worksheet. A self-assessment may be an independent activity, or it could be a component of another activity, such as a workshop or course. Additionally, it may require a follow-up with faculty or staff members to discuss the results. Table 7k Aggregate
Seminar One or more speakers give a presentation or lecture for the purpose of education or training. A seminar may take place in person or in an online setting. This activity may occur over one or more days. Table 7l (one day, attendance tracked) Individual (Table 7l, 7m)
Table 7m (multiple days, attendance tracked)
Table 7n (attendance not tracked) Aggregate (Table 7n)
Symposium An event with multiple sessions and speakers. This activity may occur over one or more days. Table 7l (one day, attendance tracked) Individual (Table 7l, 7m)
Table 7m (multiple days, attendance tracked) Aggregate (Table 7n)
Table 7n (attendance not tracked)
Visit to Employer Site Graduate students/postdoctoral scientists visit a work setting to learn more about an organization and tour the facility. Table 7o Individual level
Workshop An event for the purpose of gaining knowledge or skills which involves hands-on activities and active participation by attendees. A workshop may take place in person or in an online setting. This activity may occur over one or more days. Table 7l (one day, attendance tracked) Individual (Table 7l, 7m)
Table 7m (multiple days, attendance tracked)
Table 7n (attendance not tracked) Aggregate (Table 7n)
Other (please specify):______ Please describe the activity Table 7p Individual

Sheet 6: Table 7a


Table 7a. Certificate Program (individual level)

Awardee Activity Name: Ex. BEST Careers Certificate
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Received Certificate (Y/N)
Ex. 0000001 Graduate student Y
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc N
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student Y

Sheet 7: Table 7b


Table 7b. Clubs (aggregate level)

Club Name Focus Activity Characterization
(Select One)
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how Meeting Frequency Approximate Number of Members Membership Type
(Select One)
Leadership Type
(Select One)
Mandatory Activity for BEST Program?
Additional Comments
Ex. Teachers with Biomedical Backgrounds Discuss challenges and strategies for becoming teachers B. Existing activity substantially enhanced or expanded by BEST award A steering committee was established and ad hoc meetings were formalized to meet regularly. Guest speakers in the field are invited to the meetings each month. Monthly 40 C. Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scientists E. Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scientists N

Sheet 8: Table 7c


Table 7c. Competitive Funding Sources
(individual level)
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. BioTech Career Scholarship
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Mandatory activity for BEST program? (Select Yes/No) No
Please describe the criteria for receiving the competitive funding: Ex. Graduate students must have completed their first year and submit an essay. A committee consisting of the BEST program coordinator and two faculty members makes the determination.
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Activity Funded by Competitive Funding Source Total Funds in US Dollars BEST Award Funds in US Dollars Non-BEST Award Funds in US Dollars
Ex. 0000001 Graduate student Travel to conference $2,000 $1,200 $800
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc Registration fee for conference $200 $200 $0

Sheet 9: Table 7d


Table 7d. Courses for Credit and Not for Credit (individual level) RESPONSES
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Science Policy Careers course
Topic: Ex. Provides the knowledge and skills needed for pursuing careers in science policy
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:

Mandatory activity for BEST Program?
(Select Yes/No)
Campus or University: Ex. GIT
Is this course for credit or not for credit?
(Select Credit/Not for Credit)
If course is for credit, how many credit hours? Ex. 2 credit hours
Number of Hours per session: Ex. 1 hour
Total Number of Hours: Ex. 30 hours
Span of Time in Weeks: Ex. 10 weeks
Does participation in this activity require PI permission? (Select Yes/No) No
Are there requirements for participation in this activity? (Select Yes/No) No
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation: Ex. Graduate students must have passed their preliminary exams and postdoctoral scientists must be in their 2nd year
Additional Comments:

Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Mandatory Activity for this Participant?

Ex. 0000001 Graduate student Y
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc N
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student Y

Sheet 10: Table 7e


Table 7e. Externships (individual level)
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. My Career Externship
Activity Characterization (Select One): B. Existing activity substantially enhanced or expanded by BEST award
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how: Ex. Because of the BEST Award, we have increased our number of industry partners from 5 to 10, and the number of externships from 10 to 20.
Mandatory activity for the BEST program? (Select Yes/No) No
Are PIs reimbursed for the time graduate students are out of the lab? (Select Yes/No) No
Are PIs reimbursed for the time postdoctoral scientists are out of the lab? (Select Yes/No) Yes
Does participation in this activity require PI permission? (Select Yes/No) No
Are there requirements for participation in this activity? (Select Yes/No) No
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation:
Is there an application for this activity? (Select Yes/No) Yes
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Company Name Duties Approximate Number of Hours Per Day Span of Time in Days For Credit (Y/N) Mandatory Activity for this Participant (Y/N)
Ex. 0000001 Postdoc Writing Company Proofreading science publications 4 hours 5 days Y N
Ex. 0000002 Graduate student BioTech Job shadowing 8 hours 3 days N Y
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student Teaching Organization Observe classes 2 hours 10 days N Y

Sheet 11: Table 7f


Table 7f. Internships (individual level)
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Internship
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Mandatory activity for the BEST program? (Select Yes/No) No
Are PIs reimbursed for the time graduate students are out of the lab?
(Select Yes/No)
Are PIs reimbursed for the time postdoctoral scientists are out of the lab? (Select Yes/No) Yes
Does participation in this activity require PI permission? (Select Yes/No) No
Are there requirements for participation in this activity? (Select Yes/No) Yes
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation: Ex. No requirements for postdocs, graduate students must have completed first year
Is there an application for this activity? (Select Yes/No) Yes
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist List Percentage Salary Covered by Internship Partner List Percentage Salary Covered by Other Sources (e.g., graduate school, department funds, etc.) and Source Name Internship Partner Name Full Time/Part Time Duties Approximate Number of Hours Per Week Span of Time in Weeks For Credit (Y/N) Mandatory Activity for this Participant (Y/N)
Ex. 0000001 Postdoc 0% 0% Writing Company, Inc. Part Time Proofreading science publications 10 hours 6 months Y N
Ex. 0000002 Graduate student 0% 100%, graduate school Law School Full Time Research patent laws 40 hours 5 weeks N Y
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student 70% 30%, department funds Merck Full Time Lab work 16 hours 2 weeks N Y

Sheet 12: Table 7g


Table 7g. Mixer/Networking (aggregate level)

Event Name Event Description Delivery (Select One) Who are graduate students/ postdoctoral scientists networking with Approximate Number of Professionals for Networking Activity Characterization
(Select One)
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how Approximate Number of Graduate Students Approximate Number of Postdoctoral Scientists Mandatory Activity for BEST Program
Additional Comments:
Ex. Networking dinner Speed dating interviews B. In Person Alumni 27 A. New N/A 50 15 N

Sheet 13: Table 7h


Table 7h. Peer Mentoring (individual level)
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Mentoring Circles
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Mandatory activity for the BEST program?
(Select Yes/No)
Does participation in this activity require PI permission?
(Select Yes/No)
Are there requirements for participation in this activity?
(Select Yes/No)
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation:
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Mentoring Focus Type of Mentorship (Select One) Approximate Number of Hours per Session Total Number of Sessions Approximate Total Hours (Approximate Number of Hours per Session x Total Number of Sessions) Span of Time in Weeks Mandatory Activity for this Participant
Ex. 0000001 Graduate student How-To: Discussions with PI A. Group 3 hours 10 sessions 30 hours 10 weeks Y
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc Career Planning A. Group 3 hours 1 session 3 hours 1 week N
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student Obtaining Postdoc Position B. One-on-One 1 hours 4 sessions 4 hours 4 weeks Y

Sheet 14: Table 7i


Table 7i. Professional Mentoring (individual level) RESPONSES
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Alumni Career Advice
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Mandatory activity for BEST program?
(Select Yes/No)
Type of mentor (e.g., faculty, career coach, alumni, professional in industry, etc.): Ex. Alumni
Does participation in this activity require PI permission? (Select Yes/No) No
Are there requirements for participation in this activity? (Select Yes/No) No
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation:
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Mentoring Focus Type of Mentorship (Select One) Approximate Number of Hours per Session Total Number of Sessions Approximate Total Hours (Approximate Number of Hours per Session x Total Number of Sessions) Span of Time in Weeks Mandatory Activity for this Participant (Y/N)
Ex. 0000001 Graduate student Getting a job in consulting A. Group 3 hours 10 sessions 30 hours 10 weeks Y
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc Science policy A. Group 3 hours 1 session 3 hours 1 week N
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student Starting a business B. One-on-One 1 hours 4 sessions 4 hours 4 weeks Y

Sheet 15: Table 7j


Table 7j. Career Development Resources

Note: For Cohort 1, please include resources developed since the beginning of the Award.

Resource Name Resource Description Collaborator Name(s) Activity Characterization
(Select One)
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how Resource Usage Metrics (e.g., Unique Page Visits, Video Views, Number of Downloads, etc.) 1 Status at the Time of Reporting (Select One) Resource Location (e.g., URL, YouTube, etc.) Resource Access
(Select One)
Additional Comments
Ex. Career Expo Videos These videos feature professionals in various career fields describing their daily tasks and can be accessed through our institution’s BEST website. Graduate school B. Existing activity substantially enhanced or expanded by BEST award The videos were updated to include more professionals from different career fields 15,000 views A. Continuing A. For Institution Internal Use Only
Ex. Internship Website This website provides information about internship opportunities at the institution and tips for balancing other work and an internship. University Career Center C. Existing activity N/A 3,000 unique page visits A. Continuing A. For Institution Internal Use Only

1 Identify the metrics to measure the usage of your resource. You are not limited to the examples provided above.

Sheet 16: Table 7k


Table 7k. Self-Assessments (aggregate level)

Assessment Name Activity Characterization (Select One) If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how Requirements to Participate Focus Approximate Number of Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scientists Setting:
A. Independent activity
B. Part of another activity (please specify)
Discussion of Results with Faculty or Staff Required
Mandatory Activity for BEST Program (Y/N) Additional Comments
Ex. Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator C. Existing activity N/A Graduate students must have passed their preliminary exams and postdocs must be in their second year Personality 100 B. part of a workshop Y Y

Sheet 17: Table 7l


Table 7l. Activities such as Seminars, Workshops, or Symposia that Occur within One Day (individual level) RESPONSES
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Writing Abstracts Workshop
Activity Code (Select One): B. Workshop
If Other, please specify:
Topic: Ex. Writing Skills
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Delivery (Select One): B. In Person
Campus or University: Ex. Emory
Mandatory activity for BEST program?
(Select Yes/No)
Does participation in this activity require PI permission (Select Yes/No) No
Are there requirements for participation in this activity? (Select Yes/No) No
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation:
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Approximate Number of Hours Mandatory Activity for this Participant
Ex. 0000001 Graduate student 2 Y
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc 3 N
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student 4 Y

Sheet 18: Table 7m


Table 7m. Activities such as Seminars, Workshops, or Symposia that Occur over Multiple Days (individual level) RESPONSES
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Careers Outside Academia
Activity Code (Select One): A. Seminar
If Other, please specify:
Topic: Ex. Overview of Career Paths
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Delivery (Select One): B. In Person
Campus or University: Ex. Emory
Number of Days: Ex. 4 days
Number of Hours per Day: Ex. 4 hours
Total Number of Hours: Ex. 4 hours x 4 days = 16 hours
Span of Time in Weeks: Ex. 4 days over 4 weeks
Mandatory activity for the BEST program? (Select Yes/No) Yes
Does participation in this activity require PI permission?
(Select Yes/No)
Are there requirements for participation in this activity?
(Select Yes/No)
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation:
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Mandatory Activity for this Participant (Y/N) Attended
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Ex. 0000001 Postdoc Y X X X X
Ex. 0000002 Graduate student N X
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student N X

Sheet 19: Table 7n


Table 7n. Activities such as Seminars, Workshops, or Symposia where Attendance was NOT Tracked (aggregate level)

Awardee Activity Name Activity Code Attendees
(Select One)
Activity Characterization
(Select One)
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how Delivery (Select One) Topic Approximate Number of Hours Approximate Number of Attendees AdditionalComments
Ex. BEST Career Symposium Symposium C. Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scientists A. New N/A A. Online Careers in Biotechnology 8 hours 500 attendees
Ex. Science Writing Boot Camp Workshop A. Graduate Students only C. Existing activity N/A B. In Person Writing Skills 2 hours 600 attendees

Sheet 20: Table 7o


Table 7o. Visit to Employer Site (individual level)
Awardee Activity Name: Ex. Career Trek
Activity Characterization (Select One): A. New
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Mandatory activity for BEST program? (Select Yes/No) Yes
Does participation in this activity require PI permission? (Select Yes/No) No
Are there requirements for participation in this activitiy? (Select Yes/No) No
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation: Graduate students must be in their fourth year
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Name of Company Approximate Number of Hours
Ex. 0000001 Whalen Biomedical Laboratories 2

Sheet 21: Table 7p


Table 7p. Other (please specify):
Awardee Activity Name:
Activity Description:
Activity Characterization (Select One):
If existing activity was substantially enhanced or expanded, explain how:
Mandatory activity for BEST program? (Select Yes/No)
Does participation in this activity require PI permission? (Select Yes/No)
Are there requirements for participation in this activity (Select Yes/No)
If yes, please describe the requirements for participation:
Additional Comments:
Evaluation ID Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Scientist Approximate Number of Hours Mandatory Activity for this Participant (Y/N)
Ex. 0000001 Graduate student 2 Y
Ex. 0000002 Postdoc 3 N
Ex. 0000003 Graduate student 4 N

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