Statutory Authority


Certificates of Compliance, Boiler/Pressure Vessel Repairs, Cargo Gear Records, and Shipping Papers

Statutory Authority

OMB: 1625-0037

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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 31.10–17

§ 31.10–16 Inspection and certification
of cargo gear—TB/ALL.
(a) The owner, operator or master
shall provide the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection with all current valid
certificates and registers of cargo gear
issued by competent persons or a recognized organization or nonprofit association approved by the Commandant
to certify the suitability of the cargo
(b) Every acceptable cargo gear certificate and/or register shall be properly executed by a person authorized to
do so and shall:
(1) Certify as to the tests and examinations conducted;
(2) Show the dates on which the tests
and examinations were conducted; and
(3) Indicate that the cargo gear described in the certificate or register
complies with the standards of the organization or association authorized to
issue the certificate or register.
(c) Competent persons for the purposes of this section are defined as—
(1) Surveyors of a classification society recognized by the Commandant
under 46 U.S.C. 3316,
(2) Surveyors of a recognized cargo
gear organization; or
(3) Responsible officials or employees
of the testing laboratories, companies,
or organizations who conduct tests of
pieces of loose cargo gear, wire rope, or
the annealing of gear as may be required by the standards of the organization or association authorized to
issue the certificate or register.
(d) The registers issued in connection
with cargo gear certification must
have all required entries fully completed as of the dates indicated, shall
be kept current, and shall include the
(1) A register of the cargo handling
machinery and the gear accessory
thereto carried on the vessel named
(2) Certification of the testing and
examination of winches, derricks, and
their accessory gear;
(3) Certification of the testing and
examination of cranes, hoists, and
their accessory gear;
(4) Certification of the testing and
examination of chains, rings, hooks,
shackles, swivels, and blocks;

(5) Certification of the testing and
examination of wire rope;
(6) Certification of the heat treatment of chains, rings, hooks, shackles,
and swivels which require such treatment; and,
(7) Certification of the annual thorough examinations of gear not required
to be periodically heat treated.
(e) The authorization for organizations to perform the required inspection is granted by the Chief, Office of
Vessel Activities, Commandant (CG–
543), and will continue until superseded, canceled, or modified. The following organizations are currently recognized by the Commandant (CG–543)
as having the technical competence to
handle the required inspection:
(1) National Cargo Bureau, Inc., with
home offices at 17 Battery Place, Suite
1232, New York, NY 10004; on the Internet at
(2) The International Cargo Gear Bureau, Inc., with home office at 321 West
44th Street, New York, NY 10036; on the
Internet at
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16662, Dec. 30, 1965,
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51197, Sept.
1997; USCG–2007–29018, 72 FR 53964, Sept.
2007; USCG–2008–0394, 73 FR 35961, June
2008; USCG–2008–0906, 73 FR 56509, Sept.

§ 31.10–17 Annual and periodic inspections—TB/ALL.
(a) Annual inspection. Your vessel
must undergo an annual inspection
within 3 months before or after each
anniversary date, except as specified in
paragraph (b) of this section.
(1) You must contact the cognizant
OCMI to schedule an inspection at a
time and place which he or she approves. No written application is required.
(2) The scope of the annual inspection
is the same as the inspection for certification but in less detail unless the
cognizant marine inspector finds deficiencies or determines that a major
change has occurred since the last inspection. If deficiencies are found or a
major change to the vessel has occurred, the marine inspector will conduct an inspection more detailed in
scope to ensure that the vessel is in
satisfactory condition and fit for the
service for which it is intended. If your


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Coast Guard, DHS

§ 71.25–25

TABLE 71.25–20(a)(1)—Continued
Type unit
Cartridge operated
(water, antifreeze or
loaded stream).

Carbon Dioxide .............

Dry chemical (cartridgeoperated type).

Dry chemical (stored
pressure type).

Vaporizing liquid 2
(pump type).

Vaporizing liquid (stored
pressure type).

TABLE 71.25–20(a)(2)—Continued


Type system


Examine pressure cartirdge and replace if end is punctured or if
cartridge is otherwise determined
to have leaked or to be in unsuitable condition. Remove liquid.
Clean hose and inside of extinguisher thoroughly. Recharge
with clean water, solution or antifreeze. Insert charged cartridge.
Weigh cylinders. Recharge if
weight loss exceed 10 percent of
weight of charge. Inspect hose
and nozzle to be sure they are
Examine pressure cartridge and replace if end is punctured or if
cartridge is otherwise determined
to have leaked or to be in unsuitable condition. Inspect hose and
nozzle to see they are clear. Insert charged cartridge. Be sure
dry chemical is free-flowing (not
caked) and chamber contains full
See that pressure gage is in operating range. If not, or if seal is
broken, weigh or otherwise determine that full charge of dry
chemical is in extinguisher. Recharge if pressure is low or if dry
chemical is needed.
Pump a few strokes into clean pail
and replace liquid. Keep water
out of extinguisher or liquid.
Keep extinguisher completely full
of liquid.
See that pressure gage is in operating range. Weigh or check liquid level to determine that full
charge of liquid is in extinguisher. Recharge if pressure is
low or if liquid is needed.

Carbon dioxide .......

Weigh cylinders. Recharge if weight
loss exceeds 10 percent of weight of

1 Cylinders must be tested and marked, and all flexible connections on fixed carbon dioxide systems must be tested or
renewed, as required by §§ 147.60 and 147.65 of this chapter.

(3) All fire detecting and extinguishing systems, all piping controls,
valves, and alarms shall be checked to
ascertain that the system is in operating condition. In this respect, automatic sprinkling systems shall be
checked by means of test stations or
opening heads, smoke detecting systems shall be checked by introducing
smoke into the accumulators, fire detecting and manual alarm systems
shall be checked by test stations or actuating detectors or pull boxes, and
steam smothering lines shall be
checked with at least a 50 p.s.i. air
pressure with the ends capped or by
blowing steam through the lines at the
designed pressure.
(4) The fire main system shall be operated and the pressure checked at the
most remote and highest outlets. All
fire hose shall be subjected to a test
pressure equivalent to the maximum
pressure to which they may be subjected in service, but not less than 100
(b) [Reserved]
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16895, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–32, 33 FR 5716, Apr. 12,
1968; CGD 84–044, 53 FR 7748, Mar. 10, 1988]

1 Cylinders must be tested and marked, and all flexible connections and discharge hoses of semi-portable carbon dioxide
and halon extinguishers must be tested or renewed, as required by §§ 147.60 and 147.65 of this chapter.
2 Vaporizing-liquid type fire extinguishers containing carbon
tetrachloride or chlorobromomethane or other toxic vaporizing
liquids shall be removed from all vessels. (See § 76.50–5(e) of
this subchapter.)

§ 71.25–25

(2) Fixed fire extinguishing systems
shall be checked as noted in table 71.25–
20(a)(2). In addition all parts of the
fixed fire extinguishing systems shall
be examined for excessive corrosion
and general conditions.

WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

TABLE 71.25–20(a)(2)
Type system


Foam ......................

Systems utilizing a soda solution shall
have such solution replaced. In all
cases, ascertain that powder is not

Hull equipment.

(a) At each annual inspection, the inspector shall conduct the following
tests and inspections of hull equipment:
(1) All subdivision bulkheads shall be
examined to determine that their watertight integrity has not been impaired.
(2) All watertight doors shall be operated locally by manual power and also
by hydraulic or electric power if so
fitted. Where remote control is fitted,
the doors shall also be operated by the
remote control apparatus.
(3) All magnetically controlled fire
doors shall be operated locally and by
the remote control, and all automatic


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WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with CFR

§ 71.25–30

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–09 Edition)

fire dampers shall be checked to determine that they are in an operable condition.
(4) The remote controls of all valves
shall be operated.
(5) The owner, operator or master
shall provide the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection with all current valid
certificates and registers of cargo gear
issued by an organization recognized
by the Commandant under § 31.10–16.
(b) Every acceptable cargo gear certificate and/or register shall be properly executed by a person authorized to
do so and shall:
(1) Certify as to the tests and examinations conducted;
(2) Show the dates on which the tests
and examinations were conducted; and,
(3) Indicate that the cargo gear described in the certificate or register
complies with the standards of the organization or association authorized to
issue the certificate or register.
(c) Competent persons for the purposes of this section are defined as—
(1) Surveyors of a classification society recognized by the Commandant
under 46 U.S.C. 3316.
(2) Surveyors of a cargo gear organization recognized by the Commandant
under § 31.10–16.
(3) Responsible officials or employees
of the testing laboratories, companies,
or organizations who conduct tests of
pieces of loose cargo gear, wire rope, or
the annealing of gear as may be required by the standards of the organization or association authorized to
issue the certificate or register.
(d) The registers issued in connection
with cargo gear certification must
have all required entries fully completed as of the dates indicated, shall
be kept current, and shall include the
(1) A register of the cargo handling
machinery and the gear accessory
thereto carried on the vessel named
(2) Certification of the testing and
examination of winches, derricks, and
their accessory gear;
(3) Certification of the testing and
examination of cranes, hoists, and
their accessory gear;
(4) Certification of the testing and
examination of chains, rings, hooks,
shackles, swivels, and blocks;

(5) Certification of the testing and
examination of wire rope;
(6) Certification of the heat treatment of chains, rings, hooks, shackles,
and swivels which require such treatment; and,
(7) Certification of the annual thorough examinations of gear not required
to be periodically heat treated.
[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16895, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51203, Sept. 30,

§ 71.25–30


§ 71.25–35 Marine engineering equipment.
(a) For inspection procedures of marine engineering equipment and systems, see subchapter F. (Marine Engineering) of this chapter.
(b) [Reserved]
§ 71.25–37

Pollution prevention.

At each inspection for certification,
the inspector shall examine the vessel
to determine that it meets the vessel
design and equipment requirements for
pollution prevention in 33 CFR part
155, subpart B.
[CGD 71–161R, 37 FR 28262, Dec. 21, 1972]

§ 71.25–40

Sanitary inspection.

(a) At each annual inspection the
passenger and crew quarters, toilet and
washing spaces, galleys, serving pantries, lockers, etc., shall be examined
by the inspector to be assured that
they are in a sanitary condition.
(b) [Reserved]
§ 71.25–45

Fire hazards.

(a) At each annual inspection, the inspector shall examine the tank tons
and bilges in the machinery spaces to
see that there is no accumulation of oil
which might create a fire hazard.
(b) [Reserved]
§ 71.25–50

Inspector not limited.

(a) Nothing in this subpart shall be
construed as limiting the inspector
from making such tests or inspections
as he deems necessary to be assured of
the safety and seaworthiness of the
(b) [Reserved]


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§ 91.25–25

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(4) The fire main system shall be operated and the pressure checked at the
most remote and highest outlets. All
firehose shall be subjected to a test
pressure equivalent to the maximum
pressure to which they may be subjected in service, but not less than 100

pieces of loose cargo gear, wire rope, or
the annealing of gear as may be required by the standards of the organization or association authorized to
issue the certificate or register.
(d) The registers issued in connection
with cargo gear certification must
have all required entries fully completed as of the dates indicated, shall
be kept current, and shall include the
(1) A register of the cargo handling
machinery and the gear accessory
thereto carried on the vessel named
(2) Certification of the testing and
examination of winches, derricks, and
their accessory gear;
(3) Certification of the testing and
examination of cranes, hoists, and
their accessory gear;
(4) Certification of the testing and
examination of chains, rings, hooks,
shackles, swivels, and blocks;
(5) Certification of the testing and
examination of wire rope;
(6) Certification of the heat-treatment of chains, rings, hooks, shackles,
and swivels which require such treatment; and,
(7) Certification of the annual thorough examinations of gear not required
to be periodically heat-treated.

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16974, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGFR 68–32, 33 FR 5718, Apr. 18,
1968; CGD 78–154, 44 FR 13491, Mar. 12, 1979;
CGD 84–044, 53 FR 7748, Mar. 10, 1988; USCG
1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb. 9, 2000; 65 FR 11904,
Mar. 7, 2000]

§ 91.25–25 Hull equipment.
(a) At each inspection for certification and periodic inspection, the inspectors shall conduct the following
tests and inspections of hull equipment:
(1) All watertight doors shall be operated locally by manual power and also
by hydraulic or electric power if so
fitted. Where remote control is fitted,
the doors shall also be operated by the
remote control apparatus.
(2) The remote controls of all valves
shall be operated.
(3) The owner, operator or master
shall provide the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection with all current valid
certificates and registers of cargo gear
issued by an organization recognized
by the Commandant under § 31.10–16.
(b) Every acceptable cargo gear certificate and/or register shall be properly executed by a person authorized to
do so and shall:
(1) Certify as to the tests and examinations conducted;
(2) Show the dates on which the tests
and examinations were conducted; and
(3) Indicate that the cargo gear described in the certificate or register
complies with the standards of the organization or association authorized to
issue the certificate or register.
(c) Competent persons for the purposes of this section are defined as—
(1) Surveyors of a classification society recognized by the Commandant
under 46 U.S.C. 3316.
(2) Surveyors of a cargo gear organization recognized by the Commandant
under § 31.10–16.
(3) Responsible officials or employees
of the testing laboratories, companies,
or organizations who conduct tests of

[CGFR 65–50, 30 FR 16974, Dec. 30, 1965, as
amended by CGD 95–028, 62 FR 51206, Sept. 30,
1997; USCG 1999–4976, 65 FR 6501, Feb. 9, 2000]

§ 91.25–30 Electrical


For inspection procedures of electrical engineering equipment and systems see subchapter J (Electrical Engineering) of this chapter.
§ 91.25–35 Marine engineering equipment.
(a) For inspection procedures of marine engineering equipment and systems, see subchapter F (Marine Engineering) of this chapter.
§ 91.25–37 Tanks containing dangerous
(a) For inspection and tests of tanks
containing certain dangerous cargoes
in bulk, see part 98 of this subchapter.


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§ 35.20–45

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

(3) Deep water conditions—water
depth twice the vessel’s draft or greater; and
(4) Clean hull.
(c) At the bottom of the fact sheet,
the following statement must appear:
The response of the (name of the vessel) may
be different from those listed above if any of
the following conditions, upon which the maneuvering information is based, are varied:
(1) Calm weather—wind 10 knots or less,
calm sea;
(2) No current;
(3) Water depth twice the vessel’s draft or
(4) Clean hull; and
(5) Intermediate drafts or unusual trim.

(d) The information on the fact sheet
must be:
(1) Verified six months after the vessel is placed in service; or
(2) Modified six months after the vessel is placed into service and verified
within three months thereafter.
(e) The information that appears on
the fact sheet may be obtained from:
(1) Trial trip observations;
(2) Model tests;
(3) Analytical calculations;
(4) Simulations;
(5) Information established from another vessel of similar hull form,
power, rudder and propeller; or
(6) Any combination of the above.
The accuracy of the information in the
fact sheet required is that attainable
by ordinary shipboard navigation
(f) The requirements for information
for fact sheets for specialized craft
such as semi-submersibles, hydrofoils,
hovercraft and other vessels of unusual
design will be specified on a case by
case basis.
[CGD 73–78, 40 FR 2689, Jan. 15, 1975]

§ 35.20–45

Use of Auto Pilot—T/ALL.

Except as provided in 33 CFR 164.13,
when the automatic pilot is used in:
(a) Areas of high traffic density;
(b) Conditions of restricted visibility;
(c) All other hazardous navigational
situations, the master shall ensure

(1) It is possible to immediately establish manual control of the ship’s
(2) A competent person is ready at all
times to take over steering control;
(3) The changeover from automatic
to manual steering and vice versa is
made by, or under, the supervision of
the officer of the watch.
[CGD 75–074, 42 FR 5963, Jan. 31, 1977, as
amended by CGD 91–204, 58 FR 27633, May 10,

Subpart 35.25—Engine
§ 35.25–1 Examination of boilers and
machinery by engineer—T/ALL.
It shall be the duty of an engineer
when assuming charge of the boilers to
examine the same forthwith and thoroughly. If any part thereof is found in
bad condition, the engineer shall immediately report the facts to the master, owner, or agent, and to the nearest
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26000, May 23, 1996]

§ 35.25–5 Repairs
unfired pressure vessels and reports of repairs or accidents by
chief engineer—TB/ALL.
(a) Before making any repairs to boilers or unfired pressure vessels, the
chief engineer shall submit a report
covering the nature of the repairs to
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, at or nearest to the port where
the repairs are to be made.
(b) In the event of an accident to a
boiler, unfired pressure vessel, or machinery tending to render the further
use of the item itself unsafe until repairs are made, or if by ordinary wear
such items become unsafe, a report
shall be made by the chief engineer immediately to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, or if at sea, immediately upon arrival at port.
§ 35.25–10 Requirements for fuel oil—
(a) Oil to be used as fuel to be burned
under boilers on tankships shall have a
flashpoint of not less than 140°F.
(Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Method,


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PsN: PC150

§ 78.30–20

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–14 Edition)

Watchmen shall not be required to perform any other duties while on watch.
(d) The uniform of the night watchman shall be conspicuously different
from other persons so as to be readily
distinguished. A rating badge marked
‘‘Watchman’’ shall be worn on the left
sleeve and the front of the cap shall
also be marked ‘‘Watchman’’.
(e) The watchman shall have in his
possession at all time while on duty an
efficient flashlight.
§ 78.30–20 Master’s



§ 78.33–10 Notice required before repairs.
(a) No repairs or alterations, except
in an emergency, shall be made to any
lifesaving or fire detecting or extinguishing equipment without advance
notice to the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection. When emergency repairs or
alterations have been made, notice
shall be given to the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, as soon as practicable.
(b) [Reserved]


Subpart 78.35—Communication
Between Deckhouses

(a) Nothing in this part shall exonerate any master or officer in command from the consequences of any neglect to keep a proper lookout or to
maintain a proper fire watch or from
any neglect of any precaution which
may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen or by the special circumstances of the case. When circumstances require it, additional
watches shall be maintained to guard
against fire or other danger and to give
an alarm in case of accident or disaster.
(b) [Reserved]

§ 78.35–1 When required.
On all vessels navigating in other
than protected waters, where the distance between deckhouses is more than
46 meters (150 feet) a fixed means of facilitating
both ends of the vessel, such as a raised
fore and aft bridge or side tunnels,
must be provided. Previously approved
arrangements may be retained so long
as they are maintained in good condition to the satisfaction of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection.

Subpart 78.33—Reports of Accidents, Repairs, and Unsafe

[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26004, May 23, 1996]

§ 78.33–1 Repairs of boiler and pressure vessels.

§ 78.36–1 Application.
(a) Provisions of this subpart shall
apply to all vessels inspected and certificated in accordance with this subchapter.
(b) [Reserved]

Subpart 78.36—Work Vests

(a) Before making any repairs to boilers or unfired pressure vessels, the
chief engineer shall submit a report
covering the nature of the repairs to
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, at or nearest the port where the
repairs are to be made.
(b) [Reserved]

rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with CFR

§ 78.33–5

§ 78.36–5 Approved types of work
(a) Each buoyant work vest carried
under the permissive authority of this
section must be approved under—
(1) Subpart 160.053 of this chapter; or
(2) Subpart 160.077 of this chapter as
a commercial hybrid PFD.
(b) [Reserved]

Accidents to machinery.

(a) In the event of an accident to a
boiler, unfired pressure vessel, or machinery tending to render the further
use of the item unsafe until repairs are
made, or if by ordinary wear such
items become unsafe, a report shall be
made by the chief engineer immediately to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, or if at sea, immediately upon arrival at port.
(b) [Reserved]

[CGD 78–174A, 51 FR 4350, Feb. 4, 1986]

§ 78.36–10 Use.
(a) Approved buoyant work vests are
considered to be items of safety apparel and may be carried aboard vessels
to be worn by crew members when


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§ 97.30–1

46 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition)

Subpart 97.30—Reports of Accidents, Repairs, and Unsafe

Subpart 97.34—Work Vests
§ 97.34–1

§ 97.30–1 Repairs to boilers and pressure vessels.
(a) Before making any repairs to boilers or unfired pressure vessels, the
chief engineer shall submit a report
covering the nature of the repairs to
the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, at or nearest to the port where
the repairs are to be made.
§ 97.30–5

§ 97.34–5 Approved

Accidents to machinery.

§ 97.34–10

Notice required before re-

§ 97.34–15


Shipboard stowage.

(a) The approved buoyant work vests
shall be stowed separately from the
regular stowage of approved life preservers.
(b) The locations for the stowage of
work vests shall be such as not to be
easily confused with that for approved
life preservers.

When required.

On all vessels navigating in other
than protected waters, where the distance between deckhouses is more than
46 meters (150 feet) a fixed means facilitating communication between both
ends of the vessel, such as a raised fore
and aft bridge or side tunnels, must be
provided. Previously approved arrangements may be retained so long as they
are maintained in good condition to
the satisfaction of the Officer in
Charge, Marine Inspection.

§ 97.34–20

Shipboard inspections.

(a) Each work vest shall be subject to
examination by a marine inspector to
determine its serviceability. If found to
be satisfactory, it may be continued in
service, but shall not be stamped by a
marine inspector with a Coast Guard
stamp. If a work vest is found not to be
in a serviceable condition, then such
work vest shall be removed from the
vessel. If a work vest is beyond repair,
it shall be destroyed or mutilated in
the presence of a marine inspector so

[CGD 95–027, 61 FR 26007, May 23, 1996]


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(a) Approved buoyant work vests are
considered to be items of safety apparel and may be carried aboard vessels
to be worn by crew members when
working near or over the water under
favorable working conditions. They
shall be used under the supervision and
control of designated ship’s officers.
When carried, such vests shall not be
accepted in lieu of any portion of the
required number of approved life preservers and shall not be substituted for
the approved life preservers required to
be worn during drills and emergencies.

Subpart 97.33—Communication
Between Deckhouses

wreier-aviles on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with CFR


[CGD 78–174A, 51 FR 4350, Feb. 4, 1986]

(a) No repairs or alterations, except
in an emergency, shall be made to any
lifesaving or fire detecting or extinguishing equipment without advance
notice to the Officer in Charge, Marine
Inspection. When emergency repairs or
alterations have been made, notice
shall be given to the Officer in Charge,
Marine Inspection, as soon as practicable.

§ 97.33–1


(a) Each buoyant work vest carried
under the permissive authority of this
section must be approved under—
(1) Subpart 160.053 of this chapter; or
(2) Subpart 160.077 of this chapter as
a commercial hybrid PFD.

(a) In the event of an accident to a
boiler, unfired pressure vessel, or machinery tending to render the further
use of the item unsafe until repairs are
made, or if by ordinary wear such
items become unsafe, a report shall be
made, by the chief engineer immediately to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, or if at sea immediately upon arrival at port.
§ 97.30–10


(a) Provisions of this subpart shall
apply to all vessels inspected and certificated in accordance with this subchapter.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleUSCODE-2011-title46-subtitleII-partB-chap33-sec3301.pdf
File Modified2015-05-01
File Created2015-05-01

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