GenIC Testing of Spanish-language Messages for the National Diabetes

CDC and ATSDR Health Message Testing System

Appendix 1. Screener

GenIC Testing of Spanish-language Messages for the National Diabetes

OMB: 0920-0572

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Appendix 1. Screener for Focus Groups

Table of Contents

  • Summary of recruitment and screening procedures

  • Screener for focus groups (to be administered in Spanish; an English version is included for reference)

Recruitment and Screening for Focus Groups

Participants will be recruited through a professional recruiting firm. Specific criteria discussed previously (e.g., risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes—including prediabetes diagnosis; age; education; country of origin/cultural background; use of the Internet to look for health care information) will be documented in a participant screener, with follows. The recruiting firm will query their database or other sources for matching participants and screen each one to ensure that they meet all criteria.

OMB No. 0920-0572
Expiration Date: 3/31/2018

Testing of Spanish-Language Messages for National DPP

Recruitment Screener: Hispanic Audiences (General Public)

(At-Risk Groups and Family Members)

  • Recruitment: Recruit Hispanic individuals from the general public who are at risk for type 2 diabetes or have a family member at risk for diabetes to participate in 9 focus groups.

Public Audience

# of participants per group

Focus Group #1

Men*– Internet Users


Focus Group #2

Men* - Internet users


Focus Group #3

Men* - No/limited Internet use


Focus Group #4

Women* – Internet users


Focus Group #5

Women* - Internet users


Focus Group #6

Women* – No/limited Internet use


Focus Group #7 (remote)

Individuals with potential preference for online program participation* (mixed sex)


Focus Group #8

Family members of individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes


Focus Group #9

Family members of individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes


* Participants in the men and women groups (#1 to #6), and in the online preference group (#7), must all be at risk for type 2 diabetes. Referred in this screeners as the “at-risk groups.”

  • For each focus group, recruit 10 for at least 9 to show. (Total to recruit: At least 90; Total to show: 81).

  • Recruit a mix by:

    • Country of origin

      • Aim to recruit no more than 50% individuals of Mexican origin. The remaining 50%, should be a mix of other countries of origin.

      • In a focus group, aim to include no more than 5 people of Mexican origin.

Notificación al participante sobre el estimado de carga

Se estima que el tiempo de reporte público para esta recopilación de información es un promedio de 15 minutos por respuesta, incluyendo el tiempo para revisar las instrucciones, investigar las fuentes de datos existentes, recopilar y mantener los datos necesarios, completar y revisar la recopilación de información. Una agencia no puede realizar ni patrocinar, y no se requiere de ninguna persona que responda a ninguna recopilación de información, a menos que muestre un número de control actualmente válido de la Oficina de Administración y Presupuesto (OMB por sus siglas en inglés). Envíe los comentarios sobre el estimado de esta carga o sobre cualquier otro aspecto de esta recopilación de información, incluyendo sugerencias para reducir este tiempo, a: CDC/ATSDR, Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, GA 30333, ATTN: PRA (0920-0572).

    • Acculturation

      • At-risk men and women groups should include a mix of acculturation levels—i.e., no/low acculturation and moderate/high acculturation. Aim to recruit half no/low acculturation and half moderate/high acculturation.

      • For the online preference groups, also aim to recruit a mix by acculturation levels.

    • Age groups

      • All participants in the at-risk groups (men and women groups) must be ages 45-70.

      • Participants in the family member groups should be ages 18-70.

      • Aim to recruit a mix of age groups within each focus group (the goal is to not get all respondents in a group to be of the same age group and also to get a mix of age groups across groups.)

        • For the groups of at-risk individuals, age groups for recruitment are 45-65 and 65-70.

        • For the family member groups, the age groups are 18-34; 35-64; 65-70.

    • Education level

      • Aim to recruit a mix by education level across small groups. Education levels of particularly interest or potential relevance are in the categories of less than HS, HS/GED, some college or technical training.

    • Gender

      • Aim to recruit about half men and half women in the family member groups and online preference group.

    • Individuals recruited as having a potential preference for online program participation

      • Must have accessed the Internet in the past 7 days and looked for health websites in the past 30 days.

    • Participants in the “Internet Users” female groups and male groups and in the family groups,

      • Must have accessed the Internet in the past 30 days and looked at health websites at least within the past 12 months.

  • Members of the same family should not knowingly be recruited to participate, even recruited into separate groups.

  • Gift: $75 per participant (gift card) to show appreciation for their participation.

  • Duration: 90-minutes

  • Format: Focus groups

[Conduct screening in Spanish. If they are not able to conduct it in Spanish or express they would prefer to do it in English, TERMINATE CALL].


Hola, mi nombre es ________ y le llamo de __________________, una organización de servicios de la salud/agencia de reclutamiento ubicada en la región de ________________. Soy consciente de que probablemente reciba muchas llamadas de telemercadeo, pero le aseguro que no pretendo venderle nada. Le llamo solamente para ver si usted es candidato para participar en un grupo de discusión por teléfono que duraría 90 minutos. Todos los candidatos que participen recibirán una tarjeta de regalo por un valor de $75 dólares como muestra de apreciación por su participación. Este es un esfuerzo patrocinado por los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades de los Estados Unidos, también conocidos como los CDC. Nos interesa escuchar opiniones de personas de todo el país sobre diversos temas de salud.

¿Puedo hacerle algunas preguntas para ver si usted es candidato para participar? Las preguntas incluirán temas como su salud, preferencias de lenguaje, origen étnico, y edad. No tiene que responder si alguna pregunta le hace sentirse incómodo(a). Gracias.

Agreed to answer some more questions:

No → Terminate

Yes →Continue

Screening Questions


1a. ¿Se considera usted ya sea hispano o latino?

( ) Sí Continue

( ) No Terminate

1b. ¿Cuál considera usted que es su país de origen?

[Record country]____________________________________


  • ¿De qué país o países, o territorio, es su origen hispano o latino?

[Record country]____________________________________

[Recruit a mix of countries of origin. Aim to recruit no more than 50% individuals of Mexican origin. The remaining 50%, should be a mix of other countries of origin. For each focus group, aim to include no more than 5 people of Mexican origin.]

2a. En general, ¿diría que se siente cómodo hablando con un grupo de personas que no conoce?

( ) Sí Continue

( ) No Terminate

2b. ¿Cuán cómodo se sentiría hablando solamente en español con un grupo de personas? (READ LIST)

( ) Muy cómodo Continue

( ) Cómodo Continue

( ) Ni cómodo ni incómodo (neutral) Continue

( ) Incómodo Terminate

( ) Muy incómodo Terminate

3. ¿Usted o alguien en su hogar o familia inmediata trabaja en alguno de los siguientes? (READ LIST)

( ) Una compañía de investigación de mercadeo Terminate

( ) Una agencia de publicidad o una empresa de relaciones públicas Terminate

( ) Medios masivos de comunicación (televisión, radio, periódicos, revistas) Terminate

4a. ¿Usted trabaja como profesional de salud (es decir, médico, enfermero, farmacéutico, especialista en nutrición, etc.) o en un lugar dónde dan atención médica (la oficina de un médico, clínica, u hospital)?

( ) Sí …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) No Continue

4b. ¿Alguien en su hogar o su familia inmediata trabaja como profesional de salud (es decir, medico, enfermero, farmacéutico, especialista en nutrición, etc.)?

( ) …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) No Continue

5. Sexo [Do not ask]

( ) Hombre Continue

( ) Mujer Continue

6. ¿Tiene usted diabetes?

( ) Sí……………………… Terminate
( ) No………………………. Continue

7. ¿Qué edad tiene usted? ________________ (Record Age)

( ) Menos de 18 …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) 18-45 Skip to Q20 (SUBSET B)

( ) 45-70 Continue to Q8a

( ) Más de 70 Terminate

[If age 45-70, continue screening for either at-risk or family groups. If ages 18-45 continue screening for family member groups— skip to Q20 (questions for SUBSET B— Family Member Groups). If over age 70 or under age 18, terminate. Aim to recruit a mix of age groups within each focus group.]

8a. ¿Algún profesional médico le ha dicho alguna vez que usted tiene prediabetes?

( ) Sí …………………………………….. … [Skip to Q9]

( ) No Continue to 8b

8b. ¿Cuál es su estatura? __________ pies _______________ pulgadas (O ___ metros)

[Ask the person if he or she weighs more than the weight in pounds or kilos that is given directly to the right of the height.]

8c. ¿Usted pesa más que __________ libras (o ___________ kilos)?

( ) …………………………………….. … Skip to Q9

( ) No …………………………………….. …Continue to 8d

At-Risk Weight Chart

Height in feet/inches

Weight in Pounds

Height in Meters

Weight in Kilos













































































8d. ¿Tiene algún padre, hermano o hermana con diabetes?

( ) Sí Skip to Q9

( ) No Continue

8e. [Questions for 8e.1 and 8e.2 are for females only. Skip to Q9 if male]

8e.1.[(females only) ¿Alguna vez ha tenido usted diabetes gestacional, es decir, diabetes durante el embarazo?]]

( ) Skip to Q9

( ) No Continue

8e.2. [(females only) ¿Alguna vez ha dado a luz a un bebé que pesó 9 libras o más (o 4 kilos o más) al nacer?]

( ) Sí Continue

( ) No Skip to Q20 (SUBSET B)

[Continue to Q9 (SUBSET A) to screen for at-risk groups only if 8a YES; OR At-Risk Weight (8c)= YES; OR YES to 8d, 8e.1 OR 8e.2. Otherwise, continue screening for family groups and skip to Q20 (questions for Subset B: Family Member Groups).]

SUBSET A: AT-RISK GROUPS Only ask Q9 to Q19 to people being considered for at-risk groups (i.e., women, men and online preference groups).

9. Por lo general, ¿qué idioma lee y habla? (READ LIST)

( ) Solo español Continue

( ) Español mejor que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Ingles mejor que español Continue

( ) Solo inglés Terminate

10. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma prefiere leer? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Skip to Q22a (SUBSET B)

( ) Más inglés que español Skip to Q22a (SUBSET B)

( ) Sólo inglés Terminate

11. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usó la Internet?

( ) En los últimos 7 días Continue

( ) En los últimos 30 días Continue

( ) Hace más de 30 días Skip to Q16

( ) No uso la Internet Skip to Q16

[If they respond they have never used the Internet or that they did so over 30 days ago, continue recruiting for the no/limited Internet use groups (according to gender). These individuals should be skipped to Q16 because Q12-Q15 are not applicable to the no/limited Internet use group.]

12a. ¿Alguna vez ha usado la Internet para buscar información sobre la salud?

( ) Sí Continue to Q12b

( ) No Terminate

12b. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usó la Internet para buscar información sobre la salud?

( ) En los últimos 30 días Continue

( ) En los últimos 12 meses ………………………………………………. Continue

( ) Hace más de 12 meses Terminate

13. Por lo general, ¿cómo entra a Internet? (READ LIST. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

( ) Con una computadora en casa Continue

( ) Con una tableta en casa (p. ej., una iPad) Continue

( ) Con mi teléfono/teléfono inteligente Continue

14. ¿Cuál de estas declaraciones mejor describe sus experiencias usando la Internet? (READ LIST)

( ) A veces se me hace difícil encontrar la información que estoy buscando …. Continue

( ) Generalmente tengo éxito encontrando información Continue

( ) Muchas veces ayudo a mi familia y amigos a encontrar información Continue

[Recruit into the potential preference for online program participation group if Q11= “within the past 7 days”; AND Q12b= “within the past 30 days,” AND, Q13= computer AND/OR tablet, AND Q14= I am generally successful at finding information” OR “I often help my friends and family find information;” If that is not the case, or if recruitment quota for online preference group is already met, recruit into the Internet users men and women groups, as applicable, and if other criteria is met]

[For Q14, at least half of the participants recruited into the men and women Internet users groups should have responded either I am generally successful at finding information” OR “I often help my friends and family find information.”]

[Keep in mind that if their answer to Q9 above was “only Spanish,” may skip Q15-Q20 and go to Q28a (Demographic Questions).]

15. En general, ¿en qué idiomas están los sitios web que suele visitar por Internet?


( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Más inglés que español Skip to Q21(SUBSET B)

( ) Sólo inglés ……………………………………………………………………….... Terminate

16. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma prefiere leer la información sobre la salud? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Más inglés que español SKIP TO Q21 (SUBSET B)

( ) Solo en inglés……………………………………………………….……………...... Terminate

17. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma habla en su casa? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Más inglés que español Continue

( ) Sólo inglés Continue

18. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma habla con sus amigos(as)? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Más inglés que español Continue

( ) Sólo inglés Continue

19. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma prefiere oír y ver películas, y programas de televisión y radio? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Más inglés que español Continue

( ) Sólo inglés…………………………………………………………………………….Continue

[For the men and women at-risk groups, recruit a mix by acculturation (i.e., no/low acculturation and moderate/high acculturation for. In particular, aim for an equal split of half no/low acculturation and half moderate/high acculturation. For the online preference group, also aim for a mix by acculturation level. Consider as “low/no acculturation” those who responded “Spanish only” to Q9, OR respond “Spanish only” OR “More/Better Spanish than English” to Q16, Q17, Q18, AND Q19. Consider moderate/high acculturation if respond “Both Equally,” “More/Better English than Spanish” or “English only” to any of Q16, Q17, Q18, OR Q19.]

SUBSET B: FAMILY MEMBER GROUPS Only ask Q20 to Q27 to people being considered for family member groups.

20. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma prefiere leer? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Continue

( ) Más inglés que español Continue

( ) Sólo inglés…………………………………………………………………………….Terminate

21a. ¿Tiene algún familiar entre la edad de 45-70 años que está sobrepeso u obeso?

( ) Continue to 21a

( ) No Skip to Q22a

[Confirm that the family member is between ages 45 and 70.]

21b. ¿Cuál es su relación a este/estos miembro(s) de su familia?

[Note: If they say that more than one family member is overweight/obese, ask them to indicate up to 3, prioritizing the ones with whom they have the closest relationship.]

( ) Padre Continue

( ) Abuelo/a Continue

( ) Hermano/a Continue

( ) Hijo/a Continue

( ) Tía/Tío Continue

( ) Primo/a Continue

21c. ¿Alguna vez ha dado a este/estos miembro(s) de su familia información de salud o le(s) ha ayudado a encontrar información de salud?

( ) Skip to Q23

( ) No Continue to Q22a

22a. ¿Tiene historial de diabetes en su familia? Es decir, ¿algún familiar cercano con quien usted está relacionado por sangre tiene o ha tenido diabetes? Específicamente me refiero a su abuelo, abuela, padre, madre, hermano, hermana, tío o tía (puede estar vivo o muerto).

( ) Continue to Q22b

( ) No Terminate

22b. Alguna vez, ¿le ha dado a algún familiar entre 45-70 años de edad información de salud o le ha ayudado encontrar información de salud?

( ) Continue

( ) No Terminate

[Recruiters please note that Q23a through Q23f below are referring to the family member(s) that they said they provide health information to or that they help to find health information.]

Pensando en el/los miembro(s) de su familia a quien(es) ha dado información de salud o ha ayudado a encontrar información de salud…

23a. Por lo general, ¿qué idioma leen y hablan ellos? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español SKIP TO Q24

( ) Más español que inglés Continue to 23b

( ) Ambos por igual Terminate

( ) Más inglés que español Terminate

( ) Sólo inglés Terminate

23b. Por lo general, ¿qué idioma prefieren ellos leer? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Terminate

( ) Más inglés que español Terminate

( ) Sólo inglés Terminate

23c. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma prefieren ellos recibir información de salud? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Terminate

( ) Más inglés que español Terminate

( ) Sólo inglés ……………………………………………………...……….... Terminate

23d. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma hablan ellos en la casa? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Terminate

( ) Más inglés que español Terminate

( ) Sólo inglés ……………………………………………………...……….... Terminate

23e. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma hablan ellos con los amigos(as)? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Terminate

( ) Más inglés que español Terminate

( ) Sólo inglés ……………………………………………………...……….... Terminate

23f. Por lo general, ¿en qué idioma prefieren ellos oír y ver películas, y programas de

televisión y radio? (READ LIST)

( ) Sólo español Continue

( ) Más español que inglés Continue

( ) Ambos por igual Terminate

( ) Más inglés que español Terminate

( ) Sólo inglés ……………………………………………………...……….... Terminate

[Q23a-Q23f above assess the language preference and acculturation level of the person’s relative(s) that they tend to give health information to or assist in finding health information. As indicated in these questions, terminate those who do not indicate their relative(s) has a preference for Spanish— i.e., respond “only Spanish” or “Spanish more than English.”].

Ahora, pensando en su propio uso de la Internet…

24. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usted usó la Internet?

( ) En los últimos 30 días Continue

( ) Hace más de 30 días Terminate

( ) No uso la Internet Terminate

25a. ¿Alguna vez ha usado usted la Internet para buscar información sobre la salud?

( ) Sí Continue to Q25b

( ) No Terminate

25b. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que usó la Internet para buscar información sobre la salud?

( ) En los últimos 12 meses Continue

( ) Hace más de 12 meses Terminate

26. Por lo general, ¿cómo entra a la Internet? (READ LIST. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

( ) Con una computadora en casa Continue

( ) Con una tableta en casa (p. ej., una iPad) Continue

( ) Con mi teléfono/teléfono inteligente Continue

27. ¿Cuál de estas declaraciones mejor describe sus experiencias usando la Internet? (READ LIST)

( ) A veces se me hace difícil encontrar la información que estoy buscando…. Continue

( ) Generalmente tengo éxito encontrando información Continue

( ) Muchas veces ayudo a mi familia y amigos a encontrar información Continue

[For Q27, at least two-thirds of the participants recruited into the family groups should have responded either I am generally successful at finding information” OR “I often help my friends and family find information.”]


28. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo que vive aquí en los Estados Unidos?

( ) Menos de 2 años Continue

( ) De 2 a 10 años Continue

( ) Más de 10 años Continue

( ) Nací aquí ………………………………………………………………..Continue

29. ¿Cuál es el grado de estudios más alto que ha terminado?

( ) Menos que la secundaria (high school) ….Continue

( ) La secundaria (high school) o diploma de educación general (GED) terminado…Continue

( ) Estudios universitarios o técnicos incompletos ….Continue

( ) Universidad completada (cuatro años o más) ….Continue

( ) Otro: _____________________ ……………………………………………........ Continue

[Aim to recruit a mix across groups. Particular education categories of interest or relevance are less than high school, high school graduate/GED, and some college/technical school]

[If the person has trouble understanding the education levels as presented here, may use this alternate phrasing which may be more familiar to some, particularly from Mexico: primary school (primaria) [comprising grades 1-6]; junior high school (secundaria) [comprising grades 7-9]; and high school (preparatoria) [comprising grades 10-12]; 4-year bachelor's degree undergraduate level (Licenciatura); or, a post graduate degree [this may include a 2-year Master's degree (Maestría) or a 3-year Doctoral degree (Doctorado)].

30. ¿Cuál es su situación laboral actualmente? ¿Diría que usted...? (READ LIST)

( ) Tiene empleo (de tiempo completo o medio tiempo) Continue

( ) Está jubilado Continue

( ) Está incapacitado Continue

( ) Está desempleado, pero busca empleo actualmente Continue

( ) Otro: ______________ Continue

( ) No sabe o no está seguro (DO NOT READ) Continue

( ) Prefiere no contestar (DO NOT READ) Continue

[Aim to recruit a mix across groups]

31. ¿Tiene hijos?

( ) Sí Continue

( ) No Continue

[In the at-risk groups, aim for at least 2/3 of participants to have children.]


Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Ya hemos reclutado a todas las personas como usted con las cuales necesitamos hablar. Por lo tanto, no podremos incluirle en nuestro estudio. Gracias por su tiempo e interés. Que tenga un buen día / una buena noche.


Gracias por contestar estas preguntas. Me gustaría comentarle un poco más acerca del grupo de discusión. La conversación se llevará a cabo el [Date(s) available at [Time(s) available] at [Describe remote process]. Tomará parte en una conversación con un facilitador y unas 8 o 9 personas más para un total de 9 a 10 personas. La plática durará aproximadamente 90 minutos. Como muestra de apreciación por su participación, usted recibirá una tarjeta de regalo de $75 dólares.

¿Le gustaría participar?

No →Terminate


Type of group/IDI (e.g., Men with no/limited Internet use): ___________________________

Scheduled Date: _____________________

Time: ______________________

Si usa gafas para leer o algún aparato auditivo cuando habla por teléfono, por favor recuerde usarlos durante la conversación.

Antes de finalizar la llamada, quiero anotar correctamente su nombre, dirección y número telefónico para enviarle una carta con las instrucciones correspondientes y llamarle para recordarle el día de la conversación grupal.

NOMBRE COMPLETO ____________________________________________

DIRECCIÓN ____________________________________________


CORREO ELECTRÓNICO ____________________________________________

TELÉFONO CELULAR ____________________________________________

TELÉFONO DE CASA ____________________________________________

TELÉFONO DE TRABAJO ____________________________________________

Quedamos en espera de su participación el día [DATE] a las [TIME]. Tenemos ante nuestro cliente la obligación de contar con la cantidad exacta de participantes en cada grupo de discusión, así como de comenzar puntualmente. Consideramos que, al aceptar participar, usted se compromete a estar presente. Si por algún motivo tuviera que cancelar, le pedimos que nos lo deje saber cuanto antes [Indicate specific timeframe – e.g., at least 24 hours or 48 hours before] para que podamos encontrar a otra persona para el grupo.

Le llamaremos (le enviaremos un correo electrónico) un día o dos antes de la conversación simplemente para confirmar. Una vez más, gracias por su tiempo, hablaremos en el grupo de discusión

Testing of Spanish-Language Messages for National DPP

Recruitment Screener: Hispanic Audiences— General Public

(At-Risk Groups and Family Members)

  • Recruitment: Recruit Hispanic individuals from the general public who are at risk for type 2 diabetes or have a family member at risk for diabetes to participate in 9 focus groups. Recruit as follows:

Public Audience

# of participants per group

Focus Group #1

Men*– Internet Users


Focus Group #2

Men* - Internet users


Focus Group #3

Men* - No/limited Internet use


Focus Group #4

Women* – Internet users


Focus Group #5

Women* - Internet users


Focus Group #6

Women* – No/limited Internet use


Focus Group #7 (remote)

Individuals with potential preference for online program participation* (mixed sexes)


Focus Group #8

Family members of individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes


Focus Group #9

Family members of individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes


* Participants in the men and women groups (#1 to #6), and in the online preference group (#7), must all be at risk for type 2 diabetes. Referred in this screeners as the “at-risk groups.”

  • For each focus group, recruit 10 for at least 9 to show. (Total to recruit: At least 90; Total to show: 81).

  • Recruit a mix by:

    • Country of origin

      • Aim to recruit no more than 50% individuals of Mexican origin. The remaining 50%, should be a mix of other countries of origin.

      • For each focus group, aim to include no more than 5 people of Mexican origin.


Public Reporting Burden Statement

Public reporting burden of this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to CDC/ATSDR Information Collection Review Office, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS D-74, Atlanta, Georgia 30333; ATTN: PRA (0920-0572).

    • Acculturation

      • At-risk men and women groups should include a mix of acculturation levels—i.e., no/low acculturation and moderate/high acculturation. Aim to recruit half no/low acculturation and half moderate/high acculturation.

      • For the online preference groups, also aim to recruit a mix by acculturation levels.

    • Age groups

      • All participants in the at-risk groups (men and women groups) must be ages 45-70.

      • Participants in the family member groups should be ages 18-70.

      • Aim to recruit a mix of age groups within each focus group (the goal is to not get all respondents in a group to be of the same age group and also to get a mix of age groups across groups.)

        • For the groups of at-risk individuals, age groups for recruitment are 45-65 and 65-70.

        • For the family member groups, the age groups are 18-34; 35-64; 65-70.

    • Education level

      • Aim to recruit a mix by education level across small groups. Education levels of particularly interest or potential relevance are in the categories of less than HS, HS/GED, some college or technical training.

    • Gender

      • Aim to recruit about half men and half women in the family member groups and online preference group.

    • Individuals recruited as having a potential preference for online program participation

      • Must have accessed the Internet in the past 7 days and looked for health websites in the past 30 days.

    • Participants in the “Internet Users” female groups and male groups and in the family groups,

      • Must have accessed the Internet in the past 30 days and looked at health websites at least within the past 12 months.

  • Members of the same family should not knowingly be recruited to participate, even recruited into separate groups.

  • Gift: $75 per participant (gift card) to show appreciation for their participation

  • Duration: 90-minutes

  • Format: Focus groups

[Conduct screening in Spanish. If they are not able to conduct it in Spanish or express they would prefer to do it in English, TERMINATE CALL].


Hello, my name is ________ and I am calling from __________________, a health organization/ recruiting firm in the ________________ area. I know you receive a lot of telephone calls from telemarketers, but I assure you, this is not a sales call. I am calling today to see if you might qualify to participate in a telephone discussion group that will last 90 minutes. Everyone who is eligible and participates will receive a $75 gift card to show appreciation for your participation. This effort is sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also known as the CDC. We are interested in hearing the opinions of people across the country on several health topics.

May I please ask you a few questions to see if you are eligible to participate? The questions will include topics like your health, language preferences, ethnicity and age. You do not have to answer anything that makes you uncomfortable. Thank you.

Agreed to answer some more questions:

No → Terminate

Yes →Continue

Screening Questions


1a. Do you consider yourself to be either Hispanic or Latino?

( ) Yes Continue

( ) No Terminate

1b. Which do you consider your country of origin?

[Record country]____________________________________


  • What country or countries, or territory, does your Hispanic or Latino origin come from?

[Record country]____________________________________

[Recruit a mix of countries of origin. Aim to recruit no more than 50% individuals of Mexican origin. The remaining 50%, should be a mix of other countries of origin. For each focus group, aim to include no more than 5 people of Mexican origin.]

2a. In general, would you say you feel comfortable speaking with a group of people you do not know?

( ) Yes Continue

( ) No Terminate

2b. How comfortable would you say you would feel speaking to a group of people only in Spanish? (READ LIST)

( ) Very comfortable Continue

( ) Comfortable Continue

( ) Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable (neutral) Continue

( ) Uncomfortable Terminate

( ) Very uncomfortable Terminate

3. Do you, or does any member of your household or immediate family, work for: (READ LIST)

( ) A market research company Terminate

( ) An advertising agency or public relations firm Terminate

( ) The media (TV/radio/newspapers/magazines) Terminate

4a. Do you work as a health care professional (doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dietician, etc.) or in a health care setting (doctor’s office, clinic, hospital) ?

( ) Yes …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) No Continue

4b. Does any member of your household or immediate family, work as a health care

professional (doctor, nurse, pharmacist, dietician, etc.)?

( ) Yes …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) No Continue

5. Gender [Do not ask]

( ) Male Continue

( ) Female Continue

6. Do you have diabetes?

( ) Yes …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) No Continue

7. What is your age? _______________ (record age)

( ) Under 18 …………………………………….. …Terminate

( ) 18-45 Skip to Q20 (SUBSET B)

( ) 45-70 Continue to Q8a

( ) Over 70 Terminate

[If age 45-70, continue screening for either at-risk or family groups. If ages 18-45 continue screening for family member groups— skip to Q20 (questions for SUBSET B— Family Member Groups). If over age 70 or under age 18, terminate. Aim to recruit a mix of age groups within each focus group.]

8a. Has a medical professional ever told you that you have prediabetes?

( ) Yes Skip to Q9

( ) No Continue to 8b

8b. How tall are you? __________ feet _______________ inches (OR ___ meters)

[Ask the person if he or she weighs more than the weight in pounds or kilos that is given directly to the right of the height.]

8c. Do you weigh more than __________ pounds (or ___________ kilos)?

( ) Yes …………………………………….. … Skip to Q9

( ) No …………………………………….. …Continue to 8d

At-Risk Weight Chart

Height in feet/inches

Weight in Pounds

Height in Meters

Weight in Kilos













































































8d. Do you have a parent, sister, or brother with diabetes?

( ) Yes Skip to Q9

( ) No Continue

8e. [Questions for 8e.1 and 8e.2 are for females only. Skip to Q9 if male]

8e.1.[(females only) Have you ever had gestational diabetes, or diabetes while pregnant?]

( ) Yes Skip to Q9

( ) No Continue

8e.2. [(females only) Have you ever given birth to a baby weighing 9 or more pounds (4 or more kilos)?]

( ) Yes Continue

( ) No Skip to Q20 (SUBSET B)

[Continue to Q9 (SUBSET A) to screen for at-risk groups only if 8a YES; OR At-Risk Weight (8c)= YES; OR YES to 8d, 8e.1 OR 8e.2. Otherwise, continue screening for family groups and skip to Q20 (questions for Subset B: Family Member Groups).]

SUBSET A: AT-RISK GROUPS Only ask Q9 to Q19 to people being considered for at-risk groups (i.e., women, men and online preference groups).

9. In general, what language do you read and speak? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) Spanish better than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) English better than Spanish Continue

( ) English only Terminate

10. In general, in what language do you prefer to read? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Skip to Q22a (SUBSET B)

( ) More English than Spanish Skip to Q22a (SUBSET B)

( ) Only English Terminate

11. When was the last time you used the Internet?

( ) Within past 7 days Continue

( ) Within past 30 days Continue

( ) Over 30 days ago Skip to Q16

( ) Do not use the Internet Skip to Q16

[If they respond they have never used the Internet or that they did so over 30 days ago, continue recruiting for the no/limited Internet use groups (according to gender). These individuals should be skipped to Q16 because Q12-Q15 are not applicable to the no/limited Internet use group.]

12a. Have you ever used the Internet to look for health information?

( ) Yes Continue to Q12b

( ) No Terminate

12b. When was the last time you used the Internet to search for health information?

( ) Within the past 30 days Continue

( ) Within the last 12 months Continue

( ) More than 12 months ago Terminate

13. How do you generally access the Internet? (READ LIST. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

( ) A computer at home Continue

( ) A tablet at home (e.g., iPad) Continue

( ) My phone/smartphone Continue

14. Which of these statements best characterizes your experience using the Internet? (READ LIST)

( ) Sometimes I find it hard to find information I am looking for…. Continue

( ) I am generally successful at finding information Continue

( ) I often help my friends and family find information Continue

[Recruit into the potential preference for online program participation group if Q11= “within the past 7 days”; AND Q12b= “within the past 30 days,” AND, Q13= computer AND/OR tablet, AND Q14=I am generally successful at finding information” OR “I often help my friends and family find information;” If that is not the case, or if recruitment quota for online preference group is already met, recruit into the Internet users men and women groups, as applicable, and if other criteria is met]

[For Q14, at least half of the participants recruited into the men and women Internet users groups should have responded either I am generally successful at finding information” OR “I often help my friends and family find information.”]

[Keep in mind that if their answer to Q9 above was “only Spanish,” may skip Q15-Q20 and go to Q28a (Demographic Questions).]

15. In general, what language are the websites that you usually visit on the Internet?


( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) More English than Spanish Skip to Q21(SUBSET B)

( ) Only English……………………………………………………………………….... Terminate

16. In general, in what language do you prefer to get health information?? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) More English than Spanish Skip to Q21 (SUBSET B)

( ) Only English……………………………………………………………………….... Terminate

17. What language do you usually speak at home? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) More English than Spanish Continue

( ) Only English Continue

18. What language do you usually speak with your friends? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) More English than Spanish Continue

( ) Only English Continue

19. In general, in what language are the movies, TV and radio program you prefer to watch

and listen to? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) More English than Spanish Continue

( ) Only English…………………………………………………………………………. Continue

[For the men and women at-risk groups, recruit a mix by acculturation (i.e., no/low acculturation and moderate/high acculturation for. In particular, aim for an equal split of half no/low acculturation and half moderate/high acculturation. For the online preference group, also aim for a mix by acculturation level. Consider as “low/no acculturation” those who responded “Spanish only” to Q9, OR respond “Spanish only” OR “More/Better Spanish than English” to Q16, Q17, Q18, AND Q19. Consider moderate/high acculturation if respond “Both Equally,” “More/Better English than Spanish” or “English only” to any of Q16, Q17, Q18, OR Q19.]

SUBSET B: FAMILY MEMBER GROUPS Only ask Q20 to Q27 to people being considered for family member groups.

20. In general, in what language do you prefer to read? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Continue

( ) More English than Spanish Continue

( ) Only English Terminate

21a. Do you have any family member between the ages of 45-70 who is overweight or obese?

( ) Yes Continue to 21a

( ) No Skip to Q22a

[Confirm that the family member is between ages 45 and 70.]

21b. What is your relationship to this family member(s)?

[Note: If they say that more than one family member is overweight/obese, ask them to indicate up to 3, prioritizing the ones with whom they have the closest relationship.]

( ) Parent Continue

( ) Grandparent Continue

( ) Sibling (brother/sister) Continue

( ) Their child Continue

( ) Aunt/Uncle Continue

( ) Cousin Continue

21c. Have you ever given this family member(s) health information or helped them find health information?

( ) Yes Skip to Q23

( ) No Continue to Q22a

22a. Do you have any family history of diabetes? In other words, do any of your close blood relatives have or had diabetes? I specifically mean your grandparent, mother, father, sibling, aunt or uncle. (They may be alive or dead.)

( ) Yes Continue to Q22b

( ) No Terminate

22b. Have you ever given any family members, specifically those between the ages of 45-70, health information or helped them find health information?

( ) Yes Continue

( ) No Terminate

[Recruiters please note that Q23a through Q23f below are referring to the family member(s) that they said they provide health information to or that they help to find health information.]

Thinking about your family member(s) that you said you have provided health information to or that you have helped find health information…

23a. In general, what language do they read and speak? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Skip to Q24

( ) Spanish better than English Continue to 23b

( ) Both equally Terminate

( ) English better than Spanish Terminate

( ) Only English Terminate

23b. In general, in what language do they prefer to read? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Terminate

( ) More English than Spanish Terminate

( ) Only English Terminate

23c. In general, in what language do you prefer to get health information?? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Terminate

( ) More English than Spanish Terminate

( ) Only English……………………………………………………...……….... Terminate

23d. What language do they usually speak at home? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Terminate

( ) More English than Spanish Terminate

( ) Only English Terminate

23e. What language do they usually speak with their friends? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Terminate

( ) More English than Spanish Terminate

( ) Only English Terminate

23f. In general, in what language are the movies, TV and radio program they prefer to watch

and listen to? (READ LIST)

( ) Only Spanish Continue

( ) More Spanish than English Continue

( ) Both equally Terminate

( ) More English than Spanish Terminate

( ) Only English…………………………………………………………………Terminate

[Q23a-Q23f above assess the language preference and acculturation level of the person’s relative(s) that they tend to give health information to or assist in finding health information. As indicated in these questions, terminate those who do not indicate their relative(s) has a preference for Spanish— i.e., respond “only Spanish” or “Spanish more than English.”].

Now, thinking about your own Internet use…

24. When was the last time you used the Internet?

( ) Within past 30 days Continue

( ) Over 30 days ago Terminate

( ) Do not use the Internet Terminate

25a. Have you ever used the Internet to look for health information?

( ) Yes Continue to Q25b

( ) No Terminate

25b. When was the last time you used the Internet to search for health information?

( ) Within the last 12 months Continue

( ) More than 12 months ago Terminate

26. How do you generally access the Internet? (READ LIST. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

( ) A computer at home Continue

( ) A tablet at home (e.g., iPad) Continue

( ) My phone/smartphone Continue

27. Which of these statements best characterizes your experience using the Internet? (READ LIST)

( ) Sometimes I find it hard to find information I am looking for…. Continue

( ) I am generally successful at finding information Continue

( ) I often help my friends and family find information Continue

[For Q27, at least two-thirds of the participants recruited into the family groups should have responded either I am generally successful at finding information” OR “I often help my friends and family find information.”]


28. How long have you been living here in the United States?

( ) Less than 2 years Continue

( ) From 2 to 10 years Continue

( ) More than 10 years Continue

( ) I was born here Continue

29. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

( ) Less than high school graduate Continue

( ) High school graduate or completed GED Continue

( ) Some college or technical school Continue

( ) A four-year college degree or higher Continue

( ) Other: _____________________ ……………………………………………. Continue

[Aim to recruit a mix across groups. Particular education categories of interest or relevance are less than high school, high school graduate/GED, and some college/technical school]

[If the person has trouble understanding the education levels as presented here, may use this alternate phrasing which may be more familiar to some, particularly from Mexico: primary school (primaria) [comprising grades 1-6]; junior high school (secundaria) [comprising grades 7-9]; and high school (preparatoria) [comprising grades 10-12]; 4-year bachelor's degree undergraduate level (Licenciatura); or, a post graduate degree [this may include a 2-year Master's degree (Maestría) or a 3-year Doctoral degree (Doctorado)].

30. What is your current occupational status? Would you say…? (READ LIST)

( ) Employed (Full or Part-Time) Continue

( ) Retired Continue

( ) Disabled Continue

( ) Unemployed, but currently looking for employment Continue

( ) Other: ______________ Continue

( ) Don’t Know/Not Sure (DO NOT READ) Continue

( ) Refused (DO NOT READ) Continue

[Aim to recruit a mix across groups]

31. Do you have children?

( ) Yes Continue

( ) No. Continue

[In the at-risk groups, aim for at least 2/3 of participants to have children.]


Thank you very much for your time. We have recruited all of the persons like you that we need to talk to, so we won’t be able to include you in our study. Thank you for your time and interest. Have a good day/evening.


Thank you for answering my questions. I would like to tell you a little more about the discussion group. The discussion will take place on [Date(s) available at [Time(s) available] at [Describe remote process]. You will be part of a discussion with a facilitator and 8 or 9 other people for a total of 9 or 10 people. The discussion will last about 90 minutes. To show appreciation for your participation you will get a $75 gift card.

Are you interested in joining?

No →Terminate

Yes →Continue

Type of group/IDI (e.g., Men with no/limited Internet use): ___________________________

Scheduled Date: _____________________

Time: ______________________

If you use glasses to read or a hearing aid, please remember to be wearing them for the discussion.

Before we hang up, let me get the correct spelling of your name, and your address and phone numbers so we can send you a letter with directions and give you a reminder call the day of the group.

FULL NAME ____________________________________________

ADDRESS ____________________________________________


E-MAIL ____________________________________________

CELL PHONE ____________________________________________

HOME PHONE____________________________________________

WORK PHONE____________________________________________

We are looking forward to your participation on [DATE] at [TIME]. We are under obligation to our client to have the correct number of participants in each discussion and to start on time. We consider your agreement today to be a commitment. If you discover that you must cancel, please let us know at once [Indicate specific timeframe – e.g., at least 24 hours or 48 hours before] so that we can get another person for the group.

We will call/email you a day or two before the discussion just to confirm everything. Thank you again for your time and we will see you at the group.


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorMacaluso, Renita (CDC/ONDIEH/NCCDPHP)
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-25

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