HRSA/Bureau of Primary Care/Quality Division Contract#: HHSH250201600015C
Contract Name: Substance Use Disorder Capacity Building Technical Assistance September 21, 2017
Opioid Addiction Treatment ECHO, Virtual Learning Community (VLC) Satisfaction Survey
The Opioid Addiction Treatment ECHO (Opioid ECHO) has a Virtual Learning Community (VLC), which you can access at any time from your computer or phone. The VLC is an online community where participants from all five (5) Opioid ECHO hubs can access and share resources and network with participants from across the country. The VLC aims to support and strengthen participants and their organizations with the ultimate goal of better serving patients with opioid use disorder. If you have any questions or concerns about the VLC please email
We’d like your feedback on how satisfied you are with the VLC and how we could make it more useful and impactful to your experience on Opioid ECHO and to your work in the health center.
Approximately how many Opioid ECHO sessions have you attended?
More than 6
Before receiving this survey, were you aware of the Opioid ECHO VLC?
To your knowledge, have you ever received an email from with “(Opioid Addiction Treatment ECHO: Virtual Learning Community)” in the Subject line?
[These email messages are from the VLC, posted by hub faculty and by other Opioid ECHO spokes, like yourself.]
[If 2b, then skip to end.]
How did you become aware of the Opioid ECHO VLC? Check all that apply.
Received an email invitation to join the VLC
Received an email notification from the VLC (e.g., when a participant posted a Message or uploaded a File)
Saw link to the VLC in the bi-weekly Clinic Announcement for teleECHO sessions
Announcement was made during ECHO session
Other communication from ECHO staff or faculty
Other _____________________ (50 character limit)
Which Opioid ECHO VLC features have you accessed? Check all that apply.
Searched for or accessed Files or Links related to a teleECHO session’s brief lecture (e.g., lecture slides, the lecture videos, or the reference documents from the lecture)
Searched for or accessed Files related to a teleECHO session’s case presentations
Searched for or accessed other Files or Links
Posted a Link or File
Read Messages posted by others (either from the VLC or from your email)
Responded to Messages posted by others (either from the VLC or from your email)
Posted a new Message to VLC participants
Other _____________________ (50 character limit)
I have not accessed any VLC features
[if not 5i] VLC features can be accessed either by logging in to the website or by reading/responding to email postings from the VLC. How have you accessed VLC features? Check all that apply.
By logging in to the VLC website
By reading email postings from the VLC
By responding to email postings from the VLC
[if not 5i] What has been the most valuable feature of the VLC to you? (Select one)
Searched for or accessed Files or Links related to a teleECHO session’s brief lecture (e.g., the slides from the lecture, the video of the lecture, the reference documents from the lecture).
Searched for or accessed Files related to a teleECHO session’s case presentations.
Searched for or accessed other Files or Links.
Posted a Link or File
Read Messages posted by others (either from the VLC or from your email)
Responded to Messages posted by others (either from the VLC or from your email)
Posted a Message to other participants
Other _____________________ (50 character limit)
What do you perceive as potential barriers to using/accessing the Opioid ECHO VLC? Please tell us the extent of these from your own experience: (Not a barrier, Sometimes a barrier, Often a barrier)
Limited time to participate in VLC
VLC does not provide resources that I need
VLC generates too many emails; clutters my Inbox
Technical difficulties with the VLC
Please indicate any difficulties with the Opioid ECHO VLC that you have experienced. Check all that apply.
Difficulty logging in
Difficulty finding or searching for resources (e.g., Files & Links)
Difficulty uploading a File
Difficulty adding a Link
Difficulty posting a Message
Difficulty commenting on a File or Link
Difficulty responding to a Message.
Difficulty with the Notification function (e.g., difficulty knowing who would be notified/emailed or how to notify/email other VLC participants)
Other difficulty: _____________________ (50 character limit)
I have not had any difficulties with the VLC.
Please rate your overall satisfaction with the VLC:
Very Dissatisfied
Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
N/A. I have not accessed or tried to access the VLC
Do you have anything else you would like to tell us about the VLC (e.g., suggestions to make the VLC more useful or descriptions about how the VLC has supported practice change or quality improvement in your health center)? (open-ended)
Thank you for your time in completing this survey!
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Judy Bartlett |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-21 |