DATE: 09 January 2015
TO: Shelly Martinez, OMB
THROUGH: Kashka Kubzdela, NCES
FROM: Patrick Gonzales, NCES
RE: Program for International Student Assessments (PISA) 2015 Main Study (OMB# 1850-0755 v.16)
OMB granted clearance for the PISA 2015 Field Test and Main Study Recruitment on September 19, 2013 (1850-0755 v.14). The purpose of this memo is to summarize changes between the activities and materials approved in the field test package and those that will be used in the PISA 2015 Main Study as described in Parts A and B and appendixes in this submission (the attached final U.S. versions of the 2015 main study questionnaires have been approved by the PISA Governing Board and PISA international consortium).
Appendix D – Nonresponse Bias Analysis Plan
The following phrase was added to the NRBA plan qualifying that per NCES standards, the NRBA analyses would be done only if the response rates fall below NCES standards: “If school response rates are below NCES statistical standards”.
Part A - Procedural
In the PISA 2015 Field Test and Main Study Recruitment request approved on September 19, 2013, we indicated that we planned to subsample 8 students to return for a second assessment session to take the financial literacy assessment on computer. We will now subsample 11 students to ensure that we have the same number of students assessed as expected. This change is a result of a review of data from those countries that administered financial literacy in the field test and is being implemented across all countries administering financial literacy in the main study. We have updated Part A and Part B to reflect this procedural change. This change does not affect the burden estimate.
Part A - Burden
We have updated the burden estimates (see Section 12 of Part A) to reflect the possible participation in PISA 2015 of two states that desire state-level estimates (in addition to the participation of Puerto Rico which was included in 1850-0755 v.14). The revised overall estimate is based on a national sample, two state samples, and a Puerto Rico sample.
Appendix C - Questionnaire Items
Changes between the field test and main study questionnaire items, including revisions to the field test items, new items, and eliminated field test items (more items were field tested than were planned to be used in the main study), are listed below in tables. In the main study, one student questionnaire form will be used, whereas the field test used 3 forms with items rotated across students. As discussed in the briefing NCES provided to OMB in June 2014, the field trial evaluated whether the items and scales functioned properly to measure the target constructs: (a) that they were intended to measure (validity), (b) in a cross-nationally valid manner, and (c) efficiently. In some cases, the field trial was used to compare alternative measurement approaches for measuring constructs. Several new, innovative measurement methods were introduced in the PISA 2015 field trial. These appeared throughout the questionnaires, but primarily in the student and teacher questionnaires. Statistical analyses of the field test data conducted by the International Consortium focused on evaluating the psychometric functioning of (a) items within scales and (b) the scales themselves. Some of the new methods were deemed successful and the PISA Governing Board approved their use in the main study questionnaires. The selection of items for the main study also took into consideration research risk, policy implications, country priorities, implementation issues, and per-item and per-construct timing information.
Additionally, Appendix C presents the student locator items that will be asked of students to support a possible future methodological study to validate PISA by relating student performance on PISA 2015 to other cognitive, education, and employment outcomes. In addition to the items that were cleared for use in PISA 2012 (1850-0755 v.13), we will also ask students for email addresses of a relative or another contact to facilitate follow up.
Summary of Changes to Field Test School and Student Questionnaire Items
School Questionnaire Items
Modified Items
Deleted items
Student Questionnaire Items
Note: There is only 1 form of the student questionnaire for the Main Study. Each student will complete the questionnaire estimated at 30 minutes. Also, there are no new items in the Student questionnaire for the Main Study (i.e., added post field trial).
Modified Items
Deleted items
General Teacher Questionnaire Items
Modified Items
Deleted Items
Science Teacher Questionnaire Items
Modified Items
Deleted Items
School Questionnaire Items
Modified Items
2015 Main Study |
Item # |
Item |
General Direction |
Note: The estimated time to complete has been reduced from 60 minutes to 45 minutes |
SC002 |
Note: Stem has been updated to school year of interest As of February 1, 2015, what was the total school enrolment (number of students)? |
SC018 |
Note: Responses Q03NA and Q04NA have been deleted. How many of the following teachers are on the staff of your school?
SC037 |
Note: Responses Q11NA, Q12NA, Q13NA have been deleted. Do the following arrangements aimed at quality assurance and improvements exist in your school and where do they come from?
SC040 |
Note: Responses Q01NA, 04NA, 06NA, 07NA, 08NA, 09NA, 10NA, 13NA, and 14NA have been deleted. Based on your last internal school evaluation results, did your school implement any measures in the following areas?
SC041 |
Note: Responses Q02NA and Q07NA have been deleted. Thinking about the last external evaluation in your school. Do the following statements apply?
SC063 |
Note: Responses Q01NA, Q07NA, and Q08NA have been deleted. Do the following statements about parental involvement apply to your school?
SC064 |
Note: Responses Q05NA01 and Q06TA01 have been deleted. During 2012-2013 academic year, what proportion of students’ parents participated in the following school-related activities?
Deleted Items
Item # |
Stem |
SC005 |
Do the following statements about ICT use apply to your school? |
SC006 |
How many instructional days per calendar week does your school provide to students in 10th grade? |
SC007 |
How many instructional days are intended in this school year for students in 10th grade? |
SC008 |
On approximately how many days in the last 12 months was your school closed or deviated from the regular curriculum because of the following reasons? |
SC011 |
Which of the following statements best describes the schooling available to students in your location? |
SC015 |
About what percentage of your total funding for a typical school year comes from the following sources? |
SC020 |
How many teachers in your school are teaching any of the following science subjects? |
SC021 |
Which of the following procedures for recruiting teachers is more common at your school? |
SC022 |
Is the completion of a teacher education or training program required to teach at your school? |
SC023 |
In your school the completion of a teacher education or training program is required to teach. How strict is this rule? |
SC024 |
In the last academic year, did you fill all vacant 10th grade science teaching positions at your school? |
SC026 |
For how many days within a school year is a teacher in your school required to take part in professional development activities? |
SC028 |
Does your school have a formal policy concerning professional development activities? |
SC029 |
Does your formal school policy concerning professional development activities include the following topics? |
SC030 |
What resources does your school provide for professional development activities? |
SC031 |
Which proportion of all professional development activities attended by science teachers from your school has been dedicated to each of the following three areas? |
SC033 |
Please indicate the frequency that each of the following occurs in this school following a teacher appraisal. |
SC038 |
Did the last internal evaluation at your school address any of the following? |
SC039 |
Thinking about the last internal evaluation in your school. Do the following statements apply? |
SC043 |
Which policies regarding grade retention are implemented in your school? |
SC044 |
Which measures to support students at risk of academic failure are implemented in your school? |
SC045 |
Among the students in your school’s final grade, what proportion of them left school without a diploma or alternative credential (e.g., a GED) in the last academic year? |
SC046 |
Does your school have a policy on additional instruction for grades with 15-year-olds (e.g., tutoring, private lessons, additional instruction)? |
SC047 |
How do your school, district or other governing authority or government handle additional instruction? |
SC049 |
Schools differ in the way they address cultural diversity. For each of the following pairs of statements, please choose the statement that the majority of teachers in your school would agree with. |
SC050 |
How many teachers in your school would agree with the following statements? |
SC051 |
Do the following statements reflect practices for multicultural learning in your school? |
SC054 |
Do the following statements regarding students’ lunch apply to your school? |
SC055 |
Who pays for the following things at your school? |
SC056 |
Which of the following statements about science education apply to your school? |
SC057 |
Does your school offer science lessons in addition to the science classes offered during the usual school hours? |
SC058 |
What is the purpose of these additional science lessons? |
SC060 |
Do you agree with the following statements about science education at your school? |
SC062 |
Think about the teachers in your school. How much do you agree with the following statements? |
SC065 |
Which statement below best characterizes parental expectations towards your school? |
SC066 |
Which of the following statements about science related collaboration is true for your school? |
Student Questionnaire
Modified Items
2015 Main Study |
Item # |
Item |
ST011 |
Note: Responses Q13NA, Q14NA, and Q15NA have been deleted. Which of the following are in your home?
ST012 |
Note: Response Q04NA has been deleted. How many of these are there at your home?
ST034 |
Note: Responses Q07TA, Q08TA, and Q09TA have been deleted. Thinking about your school: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?
ST064 |
Note: Response Q04NA has been deleted. To what extent can you choose the following for your science courses?
ST082 |
Note: Responses Q04NA, Q05NA, Q06NA, Q07NA, Q10NA, Q11NA, Q15NA, Q16NA, Q17NA, and Q18NA have been deleted. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself?
ST092 |
Note: Responses Q03NA, and Q07TA have been deleted. How informed are you about the following environmental issues?
ST093 |
Note: Responses Q02NA, and Q09TA have been deleted. Do you think problems associated with the environmental issues below will improve or get worse over the next 20 years?
ST095 |
Note: Responses Q01NA, Q02NA, Q03NA, Q05NA, Q06NA, Q09NA, Q10NA, Q11NA, Q12NA, Q14NA, and Q16NA have been deleted. To what extent are you interested in the following science topics?
ST098 |
Note: Responses Q04NA, Q11NA, Q12NA, and Q13NA have been deleted.
When learning science topics at school, how often do the following activities occur?
ST103 |
Note: Responses Q02NA, Q04NA, Q05NA, Q06NA, Q07NA, Q09NA, Q10NA, Q12NA, Q13NA, Q14NA, Q15NA, Q16NA, Q17NA, Q18NA, Q19NA and Q20NA have been deleted. How often do these things happen in your classes for this science course?
ST107 |
Note: Response Q04NA has been deleted. How often do these things happen in your classes for this science course?
ST123 |
Note: Responses Q05NA, Q06NA, Q07, Q08NA, and Q09NA have been deleted. Thinking about this school year: to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Q07NA) My parents encourage me to learn new skills. Q08NA) My parents provide me with support to complete school tasks. Q09NA) My parents ask me questions to initiate a deeper understanding of what I’m studying. |
ST131 |
Note: Responses Q02NA, Q05NA, Q07NA, Q09NA, Q10NA, and Q12NA have been deleted. How much do you disagree or agree with the statements below?
Deleted items
Item # |
Stem |
ST009 |
What is your mother currently doing? |
ST010 |
What is your father currently doing? |
ST017 |
Please imagine a ladder with steps numbered from zero at the bottom to ten at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. |
ST018 |
Thinking about your life: how much do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements? |
ST020 |
How old were you when you arrived in the United States? |
ST023 |
Which language do you usually speak with the following people? |
ST024 |
Discrimination refers to negative behavior directed against people because of their membership in a particular group. Would you describe yourself as a member of a cultural or ethnic group that is discriminated against in the United States? |
ST025 |
Thinking about your experiences in school: to how many teachers in your school do the following statements apply? |
ST028 |
When you eat lunch at school, where do you usually get the food you eat? |
ST029 |
During the past 7 days, how many days did you eat or drink the following? |
ST030 |
Were you taught any of the following in your classes this school year or last school year? |
ST033 |
How much do you disagree or agree with each of the following statements about yourself? |
ST036 |
Thinking about your school: to what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST037 |
How often do these things happen in your classes? |
ST040 |
Thinking about the teachers at your school: to what extent do you agree with the following statements? |
ST041 |
Who pays for the following things at your school? |
ST042 |
How many weeks did you spend on the following activities during your school vacation? |
ST045 |
Regarding the activities mentioned in the previous question, do you or your family have to save money in advance to participate in them? |
ST046 |
How often do you do the following things with your parents or someone else in your home? |
ST048 |
Is your mother working as an employee or is she self-employed? |
ST049 |
At her job, does your mother have any formal responsibility for supervising the work of other employees? |
ST050 |
How many people work for your mother’s employer at the place where she works? |
ST051 |
Does your mother work on her own or does she have employees? |
ST052 |
How many people does your mother employ? |
ST053 |
Is your father working as an employee or is he self-employed? |
ST054 |
At his job, does your father have any formal responsibility for supervising the work of other employees? |
ST055 |
How many people work for your father’s employer at the place where he works? |
ST056 |
Does your father work on his own or does he have employees? |
ST057 |
How many people does your father employ? |
ST058 |
How many class periods per week are you typically required to attend for the following subjects? |
ST066 |
How often do these things happen in this science course? |
ST067 |
In classes for this science course, approximately what proportion of the class time is usually lost due to class interruptions described in the previous question? |
ST069 |
Think about your last two science class periods in the course you named above. About what proportion of time were you not concentrating on things related to this science course? |
ST070 |
This school year or the last school year, have you taken additional instruction in the following subjects? |
ST072 |
Think about your last two sessions in your additional science instruction. How often do these things happen in this additional, non-compulsory science instruction? |
ST073 |
Think about your last two sessions in your additional science instruction. About what proportion of time were you not concentrating on things related to this additional science instruction? |
ST074 |
During the last ten sessions of additional science instruction, how many did you miss? |
ST075 |
The following questions ask about the most recent day you attended school. At what time did you do the following? |
ST077 |
On the most recent day you attended school, how long did you study in the morning before going school? |
ST079 |
On the most recent day you attended school, how long did you study after leaving school? |
ST083 |
How often do you do the following at school? |
ST084 |
How often do you do the following out-of-school? |
ST085 |
How well does each of the following statements below describe you? |
ST086 |
How well does each of the following statements describe you? |
ST087 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself? |
ST088 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself? |
ST089 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself? |
ST090 |
Please read the descriptions about the following three students. Based on the information provided here, how much would you disagree or agree with the statement that this student is organized? |
ST091 |
What kind of work do your father and mother do for their main jobs? |
ST096 |
How interested are you in the following school subjects? |
ST099 |
Within the last month at school, has a computer or a similar device (e. g., a tablet) ever been used for the following purposes in your science classes? |
ST102 |
How often do these things happen in your science classes? |
ST105 |
How often do these things happen in your classes for this science course? |
ST106 |
How do you respond to the teacher’s feedback for this science course? |
ST108 |
Thinking of your past two lessons in this science course: how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? |
ST109 |
Thinking of your past two lessons in this science course: how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? |
ST110 |
Thinking of your past two lessons in this science course: how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? |
ST112 |
How much do you agree with the statement below? |
ST115 |
How informed are you about these topics? |
ST116 |
Please read the descriptions about the following three students. Based on the information provided here, how much would you disagree or agree with the statement that this student is anxious about taking a test? |
ST117 |
Please read the descriptions about the following three students. Based on the information provided here, how much would you disagree or agree with the statement that this student is anxious about taking a test? |
ST118 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself? |
ST120 |
Thinking about your school: to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? |
ST122 |
Thinking about people who are important to you and how they view science: to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements? |
ST124 |
Did you attend pre-school? |
ST132 |
How easy do you think it would be for you to perform the following tasks on your own? |
ST133 |
We are interested in what you think about the need for scientific skills in the job market today. How much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? |
ST134 |
How much do you agree with the statements below? |
ST135 |
How important should Lucy rate the statements below in her decision to buy the medicine? |
ST136 |
How strongly should the statements below affect Joel’s decision to buy a helmet? |
ST137 |
How strongly should the following statements affect Sandra’s decision to set up a training plan? |
ST138 |
How strongly should the following statements affect Sandra’s decision to set up a training plan? |
ST139 |
How strongly should the following statements affect Sandra’s decision to set up a training plan? |
ST140 |
How strongly should the following statements affect Sandra’s decision to set up a training plan? |
ST141 |
How much do you disagree or agree with the following statements about yourself? |
ST142 |
Below you can see pairs of different occupations. In each line, please choose the one that you admire more. |
ST143 |
How much do you disagree or agree with the statements about the use of new technologies (e.g., tablet computer, smartphone, Blu-ray player) below? |
ST144 |
If you were in a position to decide on the application of a certain technology, which of the two arguments is more important in deciding to use each new technology? |
ST145 |
How often do you use the following? |
General Teacher Questionnaire
Modified Items
2015 Main Study |
Item # |
Item |
General Directions |
Note: The time to complete the teacher questionnaire has reduced from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. |
TC007 |
Note: Responses Q03NA and Q04NA have been deleted. How many years of work experience do you have?
TC026 |
Note: Responses Q03NA and Q08NA have been deleted. We would like to know how you generally feel about your job. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
TC055 |
Note: Responses Q09NA, Q10NA, Q12NA, Q15NA, and Q16NA have been deleted. To what extent do you use the following approaches to assign final semester grades to students in 10th grade?
TC060 |
Note: Responses Q01NA, Q03NA, Q05NA, Q08NA, Q10NA, Q11NA, Q12NA, Q13NA and Q14NA have been deleted.
Deleted Items
Item # |
Stem |
TC003 |
Have you taught 10th grade in the last 12 months? |
TC008 |
Did you submit a written application for the position as a teacher directly to your school? |
TC009 |
You did not submit an application to your school directly. Did the district or other governing agency assign you to your position? |
TC010 |
Was your current position at your school your first choice? |
TC011 |
How important were the following reasons for applying to work at this particular school? |
TC016 |
You attended a standard teacher education or training program. What level of formal education did you reach there? |
TC017 |
For how many months did you attend the teacher education or training program? |
TC019 |
During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities, and if yes, for how many days did they last? |
TC022 |
How many days within a school year are you required to take part in professional development activities? |
TC023 |
How does your school support your professional development activities? |
TC024 |
Teachers play an important role in communication with parents. From your perspective, to what extent are the following topics of parent-teacher communication important? |
TC025 |
To what extent are the following ways of communicating with your students’ parents important to you? |
TC047 |
In your teaching, to what extent can you do the following? |
TC049 |
For these activities, do teams use online collaboration tools such as email, chat, shared documents, etc.? |
TC050 |
What do you do to improve your students’ collaboration skills? |
TC027 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about your teaching practices? |
TC056 |
Please estimate the percentage of students in 10th grade at this school who have the following characteristics. |
TC057 |
Schools differ in the way they address cultural diversity. For each of the following pairs of statements, please choose the statement that the majority of teachers in your school would agree with. |
TC058 |
How many teachers in your school would agree with the following statements? |
TC059 |
Do the following statements reflect practices for multicultural learning in your school? |
TC061 |
In relation to the most successful countries in international comparison studies, how much is the education system in the United States losing ground? |
TC062 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements regarding your school? |
TC063 |
During the last academic year has there been at least one internal evaluation at your school? |
TC064 |
Did the last internal evaluation at your school address any of the following? |
TC065 |
Thinking about the last internal evaluation in your school. Do the following statements apply? |
TC066 |
Based on your last internal school evaluation results, did your school implement any measures in the following areas? |
TC068 |
Concerning the feedback you have received at this school, to what extent has it directly led to a positive change in any of the following? |
Science Teacher Questionnaire
Modified Items
Note that TC007 and TC026 are general and science teacher questionnaire common items that have been modified.
2015 Main Study |
Item # |
Item |
General Directions |
Note: The time to complete the teacher questionnaire has reduced from 45 minutes to 30 minutes. |
TC007 |
Note: Responses Q03NA and Q04NA have been deleted. How many years of work experience do you have?
TC026 |
Note: Responses Q03NA and Q08NA have been deleted. We would like to know how you generally feel about your job. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
TC031 |
Note: Responses Q01NA, Q02NA, Q03NA, Q05NA, Q06NA, Q08NA, Q09NA, Q10NA, Q12NA, Q16NA, Q17NA, Q19NA, Q21NA and Q22NA have been deleted. To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about regular cooperation among your fellow science teachers and yourself?
TC033 |
Note: Responses Q01NA, Q02NA, Q03NA, and Q07NA have been deleted. To what extent can (or could) you do the following?
TC034 |
Note: Responses Q03NA, Q05NA, and Q07NA have been deleted. To what extent can (or could) you do the following?
Deleted Items
Note that TC003, 008, 009, 010, 011, 016, 017, 019, 022, 023, 024, and 025 are general and science teacher questionnaire common items that have been deleted.
TC003 |
Have you taught 10th grade in the last 12 months? |
TC008 |
Did you submit a written application for the position as a teacher directly to your school? |
TC009 |
You did not submit an application to your school directly. Did the district or other governing agency assign you to your position? |
TC010 |
Was your current position at your school your first choice? |
TC011 |
How important were the following reasons for applying to work at this particular school? |
TC016 |
You attended a standard teacher education or training program. What level of formal education did you reach there? |
TC017 |
For how many months did you attend the teacher education or training program? |
TC019 |
During the last 12 months, did you participate in any of the following professional development activities, and if yes, for how many days did they last? |
TC022 |
How many days within a school year are you required to take part in professional development activities? |
TC023 |
How does your school support your professional development activities? |
TC024 |
Teachers play an important role in communication with parents. From your perspective, to what extent are the following topics of parent-teacher communication important? |
TC025 |
To what extent are the following ways of communicating with your students’ parents important to you? |
TC027 |
To what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements about your teaching practices? |
TC032 |
For the following pairs of statements, please choose the response that is more prevalent in your school. |
TC035 |
Below you will find descriptions of four science teachers. Please read each of the descriptions of these teachers, then state to what extent you disagree or agree with the highlighted final statement about the respective teacher. |
TC036 |
Keeping your main science subject in mind, how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? |
TC038 |
How often do these situations occur in your science classes? |
TC040 |
Does the curriculum for science for 10th grade include the following topics? |
TC042 |
In which format is the intended science curriculum for 10th grade made available to teaching staff? |
TC044 |
Are students informed about the availability and content of the science curriculum (e.g., during a school assembly or in a newsletter)? |
File Type | application/msword |
Author | ERSMCGILL |
Last Modified By | Kubzdela,Kashka |
File Modified | 2015-01-26 |
File Created | 2015-01-09 |