Financial Assessment, Counseling, and Follow-up

ROADS to Financial Independence

ROADS PRA question detail 3.18.15.xlsx

Financial Assessment, Counseling, and Follow-up

OMB: 3170-0053

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Consumer Background
Consumer Discovery

Sheet 1: Consumer Background


OMB Control Number: 3170-00xx

# Category Purpose Indicator Value Type Values Justification Financial Coaching Core/Common Questions or Source Modified (Y/N)
1 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical First Name Open Text Write-in name Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

2 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Middle Initial Open Text Write-in name Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

3 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Last Name Open Text Write-in name Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

4 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Street Address Open Text Write-in address Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

5 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Zip Open Text Write-in address Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

6 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Email Valid email Write-in email Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

7 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Primary Phone Phone Number Number value (###) ###-#### Allow the coach/counselor to establish a relationship with the consumer receiving financial coaching. Social Solutions Internal

8 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical DOB Valid Date Date value MM-DD-YYYY Coaching: Allow the coach/counselor to ascertain how many years remain in the consumer's working life to shed light on potential future income streams; Program Analysis: Allow analysis of program impacts on different age groups. Social Solutions Internal

9 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Gender (expression of identity) Dropdown Male, Female Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

10 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Ethnicity: Dropdown Hispanic or Latino
Not Hispanic or Latino
Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

11 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Race Dropdown American Indian or Alaska Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

12 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Nativity Dropdown US Born
Foreign born
Naturalized US citizen
Foreign born non-citizen
Allow determination of programs based on citizenship status and analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups Social Solutions Internal

13 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Marital Status Dropdown Single, Married, Widowed, Separated, Divorced, Domestic Partner, Common Law Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to establish a family budget and/or to understand the consumer's complete financial situation. Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

14 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Language Preference Dropdown English, Spanish, Chinese, American Sign Language, Other write in Coaching: Allow the coach/counselor to determine what language the client prefers to get services Social Solutions Internal Yes, added American Sign Language.
15 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Other Language Open Text Other (write in) Coaching: Allow the coach/counselor to determine what language the client prefers to get services Social Solutions Internal

16 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Highest level of Education completed Dropdown No High School, Some High School, Completed High School, Some College, Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, More Than College Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased employment income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

17 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Do you or a family member living in your household have a disability? Multi-select Self, Spouse, Dependent, Other, No disability present Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. National Disabiltiy Institute IRS adopted this question for the Volunteer Income Tax Asssistance (VITA) national work 2008. Allows field to understand the needs and filing issues for taxpayers with disabilities when compared to data on taxpayers without disabilities.
18 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Type of Disability Dropdown Permanent Mobility and Physical Impairments, including spinal Cord Disability; Head injuries- Disabilities such as Acquired Brain injury or Traumatic Brain Injury, Vision, Hearing, Cognitive or Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Intellectual or Developmental Disability, Other Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. National Disability Institute Yes. Added more specificity to broad categories of physical, mental hearing and vision.
19 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Are you or a family member affiliated with the US Armed Forces? (Self, member of the immediate family) Dropdown Yes, No, Self, Member of Immediate Family Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. September 2010.

20 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If Yes, what best describes you? Dropdown Retiree
Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

21 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If Yes, what branch? Dropdown Air Force
Marine Corps
Coast Guard
Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

22 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Are you a student taking courses for credit? Dropdown Part-time
Four-year college or university
Two-year community colleges
Vocational, technical, or trade school
Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Internal

23 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical How did you hear about this program? Open Text Fillable text box Allow analysis of impacts of communications techniques Sandard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute, To document referal source, expand partnerships
25 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If Yes, Is there a specific accommodation that you need to participate in the counseling/coaching services offered? One-on-one or group class? Dropdown American Sign Language Interpreter
Assistive Technology Devices
Large Print
Screen Reader
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's need for accommodation; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. National Disability Institute

33 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Household composition Fillable form captures amounts of each category Number of Adults 18 or over in Household
Number of Children under 18 in Household
Number of Children in Household at least 50% financially dependent on you
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to establish a family budget and/or to understand the consumer's complete financial situation. Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

34 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Employment status Dropdown No job, not actively searching
No job; cannot work - temporary (e.g. new baby, full-time education),
No job; cannot work – permanent (e.g. permanent disability, retired)
No job and capable of working with my disability, but putting little effort into search
No job and capable of working with my disability but afraid to work because I could lose my benefits
No job but actively searching
Employed, dissatisfied
Employed, satisfied
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased employment income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

35 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Are you currently receiving support in your employment search? Yes/No Dropdown Yes, No Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased employment income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Sandard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
36 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If answered yes, then from which agency/organization? Open Text Write in Detail provided on services for program enhancement Sandard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
37 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Employer type details Open Text
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased employment income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

38 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Hourly pay Numerical form ($) Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's current income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

39 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Number of hours worked per week, on average Numerical form (Hours) Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to establish a family budget and/or to understand the consumer's complete financial situation. Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

40 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Paid leave Dropdown Yes, No Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

41 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Current employee benefits Dropdown Health insurance, 401K, Life Insurance, Other Allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

42 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Employed Since Valid Date (Date) Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

43 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If No Job, Unemployed since (date) Valid Date (Date) Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

44 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical Are you aware of Social Security Administration Work Incentive counseling services with return to work focus Dropdown Yes, No, Want to know more Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

45 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical What, if any, educational path is participant pursuing? Dropdown None, HS/GED, College, Vocational certificate Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

46 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If HS/GED, what progress? Dropdown Not enrolled, Enrolled and in danger of dropping out, Enrolled and on track to completing, Obtained HS diploma/GED Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

47 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If College, what progress? Dropdown Not enrolled
Enrolled and in danger of dropping out
Enrolled and on track to completing
Obtained 2-year college diploma
Obtained 4-year college diploma
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions

48 Consumer Background Consumer Biographical If Vocational certificate, what progress? Dropdown Not enrolled
Enrolled and in danger of dropping out
Enrolled and on track to completing
Obtained vocational certificate
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; Analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions




Sheet 2: Consumer Discovery


OMB Control Number: 3170-00xx

# Category Purpose Indicator Value Type Values Justification Financial Coaching Core/Common Questions or Source Modified (Y/N)
24 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Would you like to meet with a financial coach? Dropdown Yes, No Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the customers motivations. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic,
NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University
of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National
Disability Institute,
26 Coaching History Consumer Discovery If No, Are you an active Vocational Rehabilitation Client? Dropdown Yes, No Coaching: Provide coach/couselor with information required to understand the customer's potential for increased employment income; allow analysis of program impacts on different demographics specific to customers with disabilities. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic,
NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University
of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National
Disability Institute,
27 Coaching History Consumer Discovery If No, Are you registered for services with the Workforce Investment System? Dropdown Yes, No Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased employment income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic,
NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University
of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National
Disability Institute,
28 Benefits Usage Consumer Discovery Do you receive WIC Dropdown Eligibility unknown
Not eligible
Eligible, but have not applied
Application in process
Receiving benefit
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions
29 Benefits Usage Consumer Discovery Do you receive SNAP (food stamps)? Dropdown Eligibility unknown
Not eligible
Eligible, but have not applied
Application in process
Receiving benefit
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions
30 Benefits Usage Consumer Discovery Do you receive TANF? Dropdown Eligibility unknown
Not eligible
Eligible, but have not applied
Application in process
Receiving benefit
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions
31 Benefits Usage Consumer Discovery Total monthly non-cash benefits Multi-select Family Medicaid and Individual Medicaid
Food Stamps
Section 8 vouchers
Energy Assistance
Rental Assistance
State Child Health Insurance Program
Special Needs Trust
Pooled Trust
State waivers
Social Security Pension
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Yes, added several disability specific non-cash benefit categories previsouly not collected to better understand interaction of benefits with asset limits and ability to save toward goal.
32 Benefits Usage Consumer Discovery Total monthly cash benefits/income amount Fillable form captures amounts of each benefit amount Child support
Earned income
General assistance
Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Unemployment insurance
Coaching: Provide coach/counselor with information required to understand the consumer's potential for increased income; analysis: allow analysis of program impacts on different demographic groups. Social Solutions Yes, added several disability specific cash benefit categories previsouly not collected to better understand interaction of income/ benefits and asset limits and ability to save toward goal.
49 Assets Consumer Discovery Do you own any or all of the following assets? Dropdown Home
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Standard Coaching Intake Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
50 Debts Consumer Discovery If Credit Cards Debt selected, How many credit cards do you have? Numerical form
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Standard Coaching Intake Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
51 Debts Consumer Discovery Please list the following types of debt you currently have: Fillable form captures amounts of each category Student loan debt, Credit card/consumer loan, Assistive Technology or Durable Medical Equipment Loan, Mortgage, Credit Cards, Home Mortgage/Rent, Car Payment, Insurance, Child Support, Rent-to-Own, Other (write in) Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions Yes, added disability specific debt types
52 Debts Consumer Discovery What describes your current state of thinking regarding paying off your debt? Dropdown Not thinking about paying-off debts, Thinking about paying-off debts, Actively making a plan to pay-off debts,
Pays-off consumer debt monthly, makes regular payments on larger debt like mortgage and student loans
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions
53 Credit Consumer Discovery How would you describe your use of credit? Dropdown Don’t have any credit cards or loans outstanding, Have one or more credit card accounts, but pay them off in full every month, Make the minimum payment on my credit cards, Maxed out on my credit card accounts so use them sparingly to make purchases Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions
54 Credit Consumer Discovery Consumer report (credit report) status Dropdown Unknown never pulled
Unknown, not recently pulled
Incorrect information on credit report – no action taken
Incorrect information on credit report– actions taken to correct it
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions
55 Credit Consumer Discovery If answered “Unknown”, why has the participant never pulled his/her credit report? Dropdown Wasn’t interested
Don’t know how
Didn’t understand previously pulled report
Didn’t know benefits of obtaining a report in the past
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions
56 Credit Consumer Discovery If answered “incorrect” or “correct”, how often does the participant review his/her credit record? Dropdown Infrequently – once or twice total
Frequently – every few years
Regularly – every 12 months or more
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions
57 Credit Consumer Discovery What do you believe is your current credit score? Dropdown Very high (750-850)
High (700-749)
Middle (660-699)
Somewhat Low (620-659)
Very Low (340-619)
Don’t Know/Don’t have a Credit Score
Coaching: Identify the progress already made by the consumer before formal coaching begins; Analysis: allow the program to analyze the uses to which consumers are putting the coaching services. Social Solutions
58 Credit Consumer Discovery How sure are you of this score? Dropdown Very Sure
Very Unsure
Don’t Know/Don’t have a Credit Score
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Social Solutions
59 Credit Consumer Discovery Most recent credit report, score and date Numerical form Enter Score Coaching: Allow the coach/counselor to determine credit score and review credit file for determination of services Social Solutions
60 Debts Consumer Discovery Did you file your income taxes? (Yes, No) Dropdown Yes, No (for each year covered by the project 2010-2019) Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer and to assist customers in gaining access to free, quality, trusted servcies. National Disability Institute, IRS, AARP, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Coalitions, and most coaching programs include this question
61 Debts Consumer Discovery Do you have access to free tax assistance? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
62 Debts Consumer Discovery Have you ever claimed the Earned Income Tax credit? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
63 Debts Consumer Discovery If you filed a tax return in the past or this year did you use Dropdown Free In Person Service
Filed Taxes Online for Free
Friend or Family prepared them for me
Paid to file Taxes online
Paid preparer
Self-prepared via paper forms
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. Standard Intake Coaching Question IRS conducts a yearly national survey that collects this information. It has become common practice for financial coaching programs to do the same.
64 Consumer Protection Consumer Discovery Have you ever experienced financial fraud or abuse - financial exploitation, the illegal or improper use of your money? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the fraud and abuse awareness already possessed by the consumer NEW Synthesized CFPB Question for client specific programming
65 Consumer Protection Consumer Discovery If yes, do you know where to go to report the abuse? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer NEW Synthesized CFPB Question for client specific programming
66 Consumer Protection Consumer Discovery Are you currently experiencing a problem with a consumer financial product or service? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer NEW Synthesized CFPB Question for client specific programming
67 Consumer Protection Consumer Discovery Are you currently being contacted by a debt collector? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer NEW Synthesized CFPB Question for client specific programming
68 Consumer Protection Consumer Discovery Would you like to learn how to submit a complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer NEW Synthesized CFPB Question for client specific programming
69 Consumer Protection Consumer Discovery Do you know the steps you should take to protect your identify? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer NEW Synthesized CFPB Question for client specific programming
70 Consumer Background Consumer Discovery Which is the best description of your housing situation? Dropdown Homeless – the individual/family has no place to live, is squatting or living out of doors
Living in temporary/transitional housing – the individual/family has no permanent place to live, is living in a shelter or transitional residential program
Living in permanent but sub-standard housing – the individual/family is living in owned or a rented space, may not be able to afford what it costs to maintain this situation, and conditions are overcrowded, unsafe, or otherwise unsatisfactory and may not be fully accessible for tenant with mobility issue etc.
Living in permanent, appropriate housing – the individual/family is living it its own or a rented space, can afford to maintain this situation, and conditions are safe and satisfactory
Living in Group Housing – the individual is living on its own in rented space with XXX other people with disabilities.
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. Social Solutions
71 Consumer Background Consumer Discovery If group house, how many other persons with disabilities are living in the same house? Numerical form
People with disabilities may live in homes with other people with disabilities. Each person in the home would have its own source of income. Often, means tested programs rely on the entire household income when calculating benefit eligibility. A Group Home (or house) is a different entity in this regard. Multiple incomes in this case do not reflect "household income." NEW NDI
72 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Which of the following best describes your household’s finances? Dropdown The adults have shared finances
The adults have some shared finances and some separate finances
The adults have separate finances even though we share living space
I am the only adult in the household
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the customer's existing financial resources. FDIC
73 Financial Background Consumer Discovery How much do you participate in making financial decisions for your household? Dropdown A lot
Not at all
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. FDIC
74 Banking Usage Consumer Discovery Do you or does anyone in your household currently have a checking or savings account? Dropdown Yes
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. FDIC
75 Banking Usage Consumer Discovery What type or types of accounts do you or family members currently have? Dropdown Only checking account
Only savings account
Both checking and savings accounts
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. FDIC
76 Banking Usage Consumer Discovery In the past 12 months have you or anyone in your household used any of the following methods to access an account? Dropdown Bank teller
Telephone banking through phone call or automated voice/touch tone
Online banking through desktop, laptop, or tablet computer (e.g, IPad)
Mobile Banking through text messaging, mobile apps, or Internet browser or email on phone
Did not access an account in the past 12 months
Don’t Know/Refused
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. FDIC
77 Banking Usage Consumer Discovery Are you or member of your household enrolled in Individual Development Account or other savings program? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. FDIC Coalitions that offer Indivdual Development Accounts often ask this question along with the general savings question.
78 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Amount of monthly living expenses Fillable form captures amounts of each category Electric, Gas, Water and Waste, Cell Phone/Telephone, Internet, Cable/Satellite. Contribution to Savings, Other (please specify) Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
79 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Amount of total emergency savings Numerical form ($) Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing financial resources. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic,
NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University
of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National
Disability Institute,
80 Fringe Services Consumer Discovery Have you used these alternative loan/alternative financial services at least once? (Past Month, Past six months, Past year, More than a year, Never) Dropdown Check Cashing, Money order, Remittance, Payday Loan, Rent-to-own, Pawn Shop, Refund Anticipation Loan Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FDIC
81 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Over the last 3 months, have you followed a personal budget, spending plan, or financial plan? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FDIC
82 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Do you currently have a least one financial goal? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FDIC
83 Coaching History Consumer Discovery If Yes, which of these apply? Dropdown Create a plan to use a budget
Reduce existing expenses
Increase savings
Increase income
Improve credit score
Establish/build credit
Pay bills
Reduce Debt
Access Assistive Technology Loan Fund
Access financial products/services
Access mortgage lending services
Access small business lending resources
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Standard Intake Coaching Question Yes. NDI included Access Assistive Technology Loan Fund. For people with disabilities this is a common loan category not reflected on national financial capabiltiy surveys.
84 Coaching History Consumer Discovery How confident are you in your ability to achieve a financial goal you set for yourself today? Dropdown Not confident, Confident Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to meet goals. Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
85 Financial Background Consumer Discovery In the last 3 months, did you use an automatic deposit or transfer to put money away for a future use such as saving for retirement or education? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA YES Added timeframe and examples for savings.
86 Financial Background Consumer Discovery In the last 3 months, did you manually deposit cash, check or other to put money away for a future use such as saving for retirement or education? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA YES Added examples for savings.
87 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Have you set aside emergency or rainy day funds that would cover your expenses for 3 months, in case of sickness, job loss, economic downturn or other emergencies? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA YES Added examples.
88 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Over the past 3 months, would you say your household’s spending was less than, more than or about equal to your income? Please do not include large, one-time purchases such as a house or car. Dropdown Less than
More than
Equal to
Don’t know
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
89 Financial Background Consumer Discovery In the last 3 months, have you paid a late fee on a loan or bill? Dropdown Yes, No, I don't know Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
90 Financial Attitudes Consumer Discovery Considering your financial, savings, and expenses situation, when you think about big ticket items such as furniture, a refrigerator, an automobile, a television and things like that, do you think it would be: Dropdown An excellent time to buy
A good time to buy
Only a fair time
A poor time to buy
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness CFSI
91 Financial Attitudes Consumer Discovery Would you say your own personal finance situation is better now, worse now or about the same as it was a year ago? Dropdown Better than a year ago
Same as a year ago
Worse than a year ago
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness CFSI
92 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Here are some ways people manage the way they spend and save. Which of these steps have you taken in the last year? Dropdown Cut down on credit card purchases
Paid down debt/reduced the amount of money you owe
Taken on another credit card
Taken out additional loans/borrowed money
Postponed the purchase of a major item like an automobile or furniture
Taken money out of savings to cover living expenses
Sold car or house or other big item
Changed living arrangements in order to save money
Worked longer hours or taken a second job to earn more money
Postponed retirement
Put more purchases on your credit card so you didn’t have to pay for things immediately
Made minimum payments on credit cards rather than paying them off immediately
Cut down on non-essential spending like restaurants or vacations
Shopped more at discount stores and warehouse clubs
Use layaway to make big purchases
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Social Solutions
93 Financial Attitudes Consumer Discovery Do you feel better, worse or the same about your financial status compared to six months ago? Dropdown Better, Worse, Same Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
94 Financial Attitudes Consumer Discovery How would you describe your savings now when compared to six months ago, better, worse or the same? Dropdown Better, Worse, Same Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
95 Financial Attitudes Consumer Discovery How would you describe your debt now when compared to six months ago, better, worse or the same? Dropdown Better, Worse, Same Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
96 Financial Background Consumer Discovery In a typical month, how difficult is it for you to cover your expenses and pay all your bills? Dropdown Not difficult, Somewhat difficult, Very difficultVery difficult
Somewhat difficult
Not at all difficult
Don’t know
Prefer not to say
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
97 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Have you set aside any money for after high school education or other training for you or your children? Dropdown Yes
Don’t Know
Prefer not to say
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
98 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Have you ever tried to figure out how much you need to save for retirement? Dropdown Yes
Don’t Know
Prefer not to say
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
99 Financial Background Consumer Discovery Has your household experienced a large drop in income which you did not expect? Dropdown Yes
Don’t Know
Prefer not to say
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
100 Financial Background Consumer Discovery How confident are you that you could come up with $2000 if an unexpected need arose within the next month? Dropdown I am certain I would come up with the full $2000
I could probably come up with $2000
I could probably not come up with $2000
I am certain I could not come up with $2000
Don’t know
Prefer not to say
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
101 Financial Background Consumer Discovery In the last 5 years have you asked for any advice from a financial professional about any of the following? Dropdown Debt counseling
Savings or investment
Taking out a mortgage or a loan
Insurance of any type
Tax planning
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
102 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Do you take care of your own financial business? Dropdown Yes, No Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness FINRA
103 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Do you have a financial goal (s) that requires long-term savings or investment? Dropdown Yes
Don’t Know
Not applicable
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
104 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What will you use your long-term savings/investment for? Dropdown Motor Vehicle
Motor Vehicle Modification
Home Improvement/Modification
Small Business Development
Investment Account
Mobility Related Purchase (wheelchair, assistive technology, etc.)
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Standard Intake Coaching Question
105 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What other uses might you use this long-term savings for? Dropdown To travel back and forth to work
To improve access to employment opportunities
To improve mobility and/or sensory or cognitive functioning (purchase of new wheelchair, Braille reader, VRS phone, prostheses, AT, etc. rehabilitation services/procedures not covered by insurance)
To improve accessibility to apartment or home
To build an employment opportunity for myself
To prepare for my retirement
To take a course to improve job skills
Track long-term savings goal, level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness, and understand usage for people with disabilities. Standard Intake Coaching Question Yes. NDI. Many people with disabilities are faced with expenses specific to their disability that require planning and savings.
106 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Have you created a plan to achieve your goal? Dropdown Yes
Don’t Know
Not applicable
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Standard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
107 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What is your target date for achieving goal? Dropdown 0-3 Months
3-6 Months
6- 12 Months
1 -2 Years
3-5 Years
5-10 Years
More than 10 Years
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to set and achieve new goals Sandard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
108 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What areas can the coach or counselor assist you with to achieve this goal? Dropdown Create a plan to use a budget
Reduce existing expenses
Increase savings
Improve credit score
Establish/build credit
Reduce Debt
Access Assistive Technology Loan Fund
Access financial products/services
Access mortgage lending services
Access small business lending resources
Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Standard Intake Coaching Questions Yes. NDI added in Access Assistive Technology Loan Fund.
109 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Did you achieve a goal? Dropdown Yes
In Progress
Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to set and achieve new goals Sandard Intake Coaching Question National Coaching Programs such as NeighborWorks, The Financial Clinic, NY, $tand By Me, DE, Cities for Financial Empowerment (CFE), University of Wisconsin, Center on Financial Coaching Services, CFED, National Disability Institute,
110 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Housing (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Homeless or threatened with eviction.Homeless or threatened with eviction.
In transitional, temporary or substandard housing; and/or current rent/mortgage payment is unaffordable (over 30% of income).
In stable housing that is safe but only marginally adequate.
Household is in safe, adequate subsidized housing.
Household is safe, adequate, unsubsidized housing.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
111 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Employment (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown No job.
Temporary, part-time or seasonal; inadequate pay, no benefits.
Employed full time; inadequate pay; few or no benefits.
Employed full time with adequate pay and benefits.
Maintains permanent employment with adequate income and benefits.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
112 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Income (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown No income.
Inadequate income and/or spontaneous or inappropriate spending.
Can meet basic needs with subsidy; appropriate spending.
Can meet basic needs and manage debt without assistance.
Income is sufficient, well managed; has discretionary income and is able to save.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
113 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Food (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown No food or means to prepare it. Relies to a significant degree on other sources of free or low-cost food.No food or means to prepare it. Relies to a significant degree on other sources of free or low-cost food.
Household is on food stamps.
Can meet basic food needs, but requires occasional assistance.
Can meet basic food needs without assistance.
Can choose to purchase any food household desires.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
114 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Child Care (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Needs childcare, but none is available/accessible and/or child is not eligible.
Childcare is unreliable or unaffordable, inadequate supervision is a problem for childcare that is available.
Affordable subsidized childcare is available, but limited.
Reliable, affordable childcare is available, no need for subsidies.
Able to select quality childcare of choice.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
115 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Children's Education (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown One or more school-aged children not enrolled in school.One or more school-aged children not enrolled in school.
One or more school-aged children enrolled in school, but not attending classes.
Enrolled in school, but one or more children only occasionally attending classes.
Enrolled in school and attending classes most of the time.
All school-aged children enrolled and attending on a regular basis.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
116 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Adult Education (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Literacy problems and/or no high school diploma/GED are serious barriers to employment.
Enrolled in literacy and/or GED program and/or has sufficient command of English to where language is not a barrier to employment.
Has high school diploma/GED.
Needs additional education/training to improve employment situation and/or to resolve literacy problemsto where they are able to function effectively in society.
Has completed education/training needed to become employable. No literacy problems.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
117 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Health Care Coverage (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown No medical coverage with immediate need.
No medical coverage and great difficulty accessing medical care when needed. Some household members may be in poor health.
Some members (e.g. Children) have medical coverage.
All members can get medical care when needed, but may strain budget.
All members are covered by affordable, adequate health insurance.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
118 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Life Skills (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Unable to meet basic needs such as hygiene, food, activities of daily living.
Can meet a few but not all needs of daily living without assistance.
Can meet most but not all daily living needs without assistance.
Able to meet all basic needs of daily living without assistance.
Able to provide beyond basic needs of daily living for self and family.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
119 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Family /Social Relations (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Lack of necessary support form family or friends; abuse (DV, child) is present or there is child neglect.
Family/friends may be supportive, but lack ability or resources to help; family members do not relate well with one another; potential for abuse or neglect.
Some support from family/friends; family members acknowledge and seek to change negative behaviors; are learning to communicate and support.
Strong support from family or friends. Household members support each other’s efforts.
Has healthy/expanding support network; household is stable and communication is consistently open.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
120 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Mobility (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown No access to transportation, public or private; may have car that is inoperable.
Transportation is available, but unreliable, unpredictable, unaffordable; may have car but no insurance, license, etc.
Transportation is available and reliable, but limited and/or inconvenient; drivers are licensed and minimally insured.
Transportation is generally accessible to meet basic travel needs.
Transportation is readily available and affordable; car is adequately insured.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
121 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Community Involvement (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Not applicable due to crisis situation; in “survival” mode.
Socially isolated and/or no social skills and/or lacks motivation to become involved.
Lacks knowledge of ways to become involved.
Some community involvement (advisory group, support group), but has barriers such as transportation, childcare issues.
Actively involved in community.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
122 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Legal (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Current outstanding tickets or warrants.
Current charges/trial pending, noncompliance with probation/parole.
Fully compliant with probation/parole terms.
Has successfully completed probation/parole within past 12 months, no new charges filed.
No active criminal justice involvement in more that 12 months and/or no felony criminal history.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
123 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Mental Health (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Danger to self or others; recurring suicidal ideation; experiencing severe difficulty in day-to-day life due to psychological problems.
Recurrent mental health symptoms that may affect behavior, but not a danger to self/others; persistent problems with functioning due to mental health symptoms.
Mild symptoms may be present but are transient; only moderate difficulty in functioning due to mental health problems.
Minimal symptoms that are expectable responses to life stressors; only slight impairment in functioning.
Symptoms are absent or rare; good or superior functioning in wide range of activities; no more than every day problems or concerns.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
124 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Substance Abuse (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Meets criteria for severe abuse/dependence; resulting problems so severe that institutional living or hospitalization may be necessary.
Meets criteria for dependence; preoccupation with use and/or obtaining drugs/alcohol; withdrawal or withdrawal avoidance behaviors evident; use results in avoidance or neglect of essential life activities.
Use within last 6 months; evidence of persistent or recurrent social, occupational, emotional or physical problems related to use (such as disruptive behavior or housing problems); problems have persisted for at least one month.
Client has used during last 6 months, but no evidence of persistent or recurrent social, occupational, emotional, or physical problems related to use; no evidence of recurrent dangerous use.
No drug use/alcohol abuse in last 6 months.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
125 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Safety (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown Home or residence is not safe; immediate level of lethality is extremely high; possible CPS involvement.
Safety is threatened/temporary protection is available; level of lethality is high.
Current level of safety is minimally adequate; ongoing safety planning is essential.
Environment is safe, however, future of such is uncertain; safety planning is important.
Environment is apparently safe and stable.
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
126 Self Sufficiency Matrix Consumer Discovery Disabilities (select from choices 1 - 5) Dropdown In crisis – acute or chronic disability affecting housing, employment, social interactions, etc.
Vulnerable – sometimes or periodically has acute or chronic disability affecting housing, employment, social interactions, etc.
Safe – rarely has acute or chronic disability affecting housing, employment, social interactions, etc.
Building Capacity – disability controlled by services or medication
For coaches and counselors, working with individual clients to document progress towards self-sufficiency over time at specific intervention points or, when appropriate, to document a client’s ability to maintain a certain level of functioning. For clients who want guidance in looking at their own strengths and areas for improvement as they work toward independence from public assistance. Arizona Self-Sufficiency Matrix
127 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What is the area of concern or targeted issue? Dropdown Housing, Employment, Credit, Income, Debt, Food, Childcare, Savings, Consumer Protection, Children’s Education, Adult Education, Health Care Coverage, Life Skills, Family Social Relationships, Mobility, Community Involvement, Parenting Skills, Legal, Mental Health, Substance Abuse Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Social Solutions
128 Coaching History Consumer Discovery If Credit Selected: Most recent credit score Open Text Write in Valid Credit Score Provide the coach/counselor with necessary information to ascertain the financial awareness already possessed by the consumer; Track changes in this level of awareness to evaluate program effectiveness Social Solutions
129 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Goals set during coaching session Open Text Free text field for client goal Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to meet goals Social Solutions
130 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Client Activities set during coaching session Open Text Free text field for activities to be completed by next followup appointment Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to meet goals Social Solutions
131 Coaching History Consumer Discovery Target Completion Date Open Text date value: MM-DD-YYYY Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to meet goals Social Solutions
132 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What goal achieved? Open Text Write in Achieved Goal Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to meet goals Social Solutions
133 Coaching History Consumer Discovery What percentage is complete? Open Text (Enter a percentage (20%, 30%, etc) Provide the coach/counselor with an understanding of the consumer's existing ability to meet goals Social Solutions
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