Form 008 FinCEN Regulatory Resource Center Survey

American Customer Satisfaction Index "Customer Satisfaction Surveys"

2018 008 FinCEN Regulatory Resource Center Survey_Final (1)

FinCEN Regulatory Resource Center Survey

OMB: 1090-0007

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FinCEN Resource Center FINAL VERSION

Customer Satisfaction Survey

FinCEN Resource Center’s Regulatory Support Section and FinCEN Website

Customer Satisfaction Survey FY 2018


The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s Resource Center (often referred to as the FRC) is committed to serving and satisfying their customers. FinCEN records indicate that you submitted an inquiry to their Regulatory Support Section Resource Center over the past year, and FinCEN is interested in assessing the usefulness of that inquiry experience.

The survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. CFI Group will treat all information you provide as confidential. All information you provide will be combined with others’ for research and reporting purposes. Your individual responses will not be released. This survey is authorized by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Control No 1090-0007, which expires May 31, 2018.


Demo1. Which of the following best describes your organization?

  1. Depository Institution (e.g. banks, credit union)

  2. Money Services Business or MSB (e.g. dealer in foreign exchange, virtual currency exchanger or administrator, check casher, prepaid access provider)

  3. Securities, Commodities/Futures, Mutual Fund Company

  4. Insurance Company

  5. Dealer in Precious Metals, Stones or Jewels

  6. Casino

  7. Residential Mortgage Lender and Originator (e.g., Mortgage Company or Mortgage Broker)

  8. Regulatory Agency

  9. Law Enforcement

  10. Law Firm/Attorney

  11. Other (Specify)

Regulatory Support Section Customer Service

On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate the FinCEN representative who assisted you with your request on the following:

CS1. Timeliness of response

CS2. Ability to explain BSA regulations

CS3. Ability to answer all other questions

CS4. Courtesy of representative

CS5. How long was it before you received a reply from FinCEN?

  1. Less than one business day

  2. One business day

  3. Two business days

  4. More than 3 business days

Regulatory Support Section Response

Resp1. On a scale from “1” to “10” where “1” is “not at all useful” and “10” is “very useful” please rate the guidance you received from the FRC’s Regulatory Support Section for meeting your BSA reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements?

On a scale from “1” to “10,” where “1” is “poor” and “10” is “excellent,” please rate the response you received from FinCEN on the following:

Resp2. Response was understandable

Value of FinCEN Website Information

Web1. FinCEN’s website contains a range of information available for stakeholders. How often you visit the FinCEN website (

  1. Daily

  2. Weekly

  3. Monthly

  4. Once every 6 months or less often

  5. Never

On a scale from “1” to “10” where “1” is “not at all useful” and “10” is “very useful”, please rate the following information you may have reviewed from FinCEN’s website. If you have not reviewed this information, please select N/A.

Web2. Regulatory Helpline Hot Topics

Web3. FinCEN Advisories

Web4. FinCEN Rulings

Web5. FinCEN Guidance

Web6 MSB Registrant Search Web Page

Web 7. Enforcement Actions

Web 8. FBAR Filing Page

Web9. Statutes and Regulations

ACSI Benchmark Questions

Now we are going to ask you to please consider your experiences with the FRC’s Regulatory Support Section with respect to the following:

  1. First, please consider all your experiences over the past 12 months in seeking regulatory guidance from the FRC’s Regulatory Support Section. Using a 10-point scale on which “1” means “Very dissatisfied” and “10” means “Very satisfied,” how satisfied are you with FinCEN’s Resource Center?

  2. To what extent has the FRC’s Regulatory Support Section met your expectations? Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" now means "falls short of your expectations" and "10" means, "Exceeds your expectations."

  3. Forget about FinCEN for a moment. Imagine the ideal Resource Center. How well does FinCEN’s Resource Center compare with that ideal? Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" means "Not very close to the ideal" and "10" means "Very close to the ideal."


OE1. What, if anything, can the FRC’s Regulatory Support Section do to better serve your needs?

OE2. What, if anything, can FinCEN do to improve its website as a resource for finding pertinent regulatory guidance and information?


On behalf of FinCEN, thank you for your time and participation today. Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

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File Modified2018-05-07
File Created2018-05-07

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