Advance Letters

Attachment 5a - Advance Letters.pdf

National Health Interview Survey

Advance Letters

OMB: 0920-0214

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Attachment 5a - Advance Letters

Advance Letter for Incentive Test


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


National Center for Health Statistics
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, MD 20782

From the Director of the United States National Center for Health Statistics
I’m Charles Rothwell and I head the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), part of CDC (the
United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). In partnership with the U.S. Census
Bureau, my agency is conducting a major survey about the nation’s health and we need your help.
In the next few days, a Census Bureau interviewer will ask you some questions to see if you are
eligible for the National Health Interview Survey. For your protection, the interviewer will show you
an official identification card.
Please know that everything you tell us will be kept strictly private. Your answers are used only for
health research, and to help understand and solve today’s health problems and anticipate future
health issues. Quality health information is necessary to make good decisions and sound policies.
In this way, taking part in the survey indirectly benefits all Americans.
Strict federal laws protect your information. Question 6 on the back of this letter describes these
laws and who may see your personal information.
I hope you will want to take part in the survey–it is your choice. No penalties or loss of benefits will
come from refusing.
Some interviews take about five minutes. Most interviews will take about an hour to do all parts,
depending on the size and health of your family. You may choose not to answer any question and,
of course, you can stop at any time. Health and health care information from other records may
be combined with your survey answers. These data also will be kept strictly private. You also may
be given the choice to take part in other surveys sponsored by the National Center for Health
Please contact the Census Bureau, toll-free, at 1–800–424–6974, press 0, Ext. 53935, if you have
questions about the survey or to schedule an interview. About a week after the interview, some
households will be asked a few extra questions for quality purposes.
You can learn more about the survey at our website:
I know your time and privacy are valuable so I am very grateful for your help. Please
accept this gift of $5.00 in anticipation of your assistance. We are also offering debit
cards in the amount of $20 for completing the survey. Thank you for your cooperation.

Charles J. Rothwell
Director, National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

ATLANTA GA 30303-2711
1–800–424–6974, press 0, Ext. 53935

National Health Interview Survey
Since – 1957

Every month we pick between 5,300 and 5,500 home addresses across the entire United States. We
pick addresses using scientific methods so they represent all communities in the U.S.
It is important that the people living at the address selected be in the survey. Due to the scientific
methods used to pick addresses, we cannot exchange one address for another. If we did that, the
survey results would not describe the entire country.
This is a survey of the Nation’s health. We want to know how many people are sick and why they
are sick, but it is also important to know how many people are healthy and why they are healthy.
Everyone’s answers are important.
The NHIS covers a wide range of topics like doctor visits, medical conditions, health insurance,
physical activity, and injuries. We also ask questions that help us better understand the health
information you give us. For example, we ask about race, income, and permission to combine your
answers with information from other places, like medical records. Most people have no difficulty with
any of the questions in the NHIS. However, others find some questions to be sensitive. You do not
have to answer any questions you don’t want to.
Immunizations help prevent infectious disease, disability, and death. To get the most accurate picture
of children’s immunization levels, we may ask you for permission to contact your child’s immunization
providers. This is only for young children and teenagers, and we ask their providers only for
immunization dates and doses. Like all the data we collect, this information is treated as confidential.
We take your privacy very seriously. Only those NCHS employees, our specially designated agents
including the U.S. Census Bureau, and our full research partners who must use your personal
information for a specific reason can see your answers. Everyone else who uses your data can do
so only after all information that could identify you and your family is removed. The answers you
give us are used for statistical research only. This means that your answers will be combined with
those given by other people in a way that protects everyone’s identity.
Strict laws prevent us from releasing information that could identify you or your family to anyone
else without your consent. Congress authorized the NHIS data collection in Section 306 of the
Public Health Service Act (42 United States Code 242k). The federal laws that require all
information we collect to be held in strict confidence are Section 308(d) of the Public Health
Service Act [42 United States Code 242m (d)] and the Confidential Information Protection and
Statistical Efficiency Act (PL 107-347). If any federal employee, contractor, or agent gives out
confidential information not authorized by law, he or she can be fired, fined and/or imprisoned.
Every year, the Research Ethics Review Board (ERB) of the National Center for Health Statistics
reviews survey content and methods to protect study participants. You may call the ERB if you
want to ask about your rights as a participant in this research study. The toll-free number is
1–800–223–8118. Please leave a brief message with your name and phone number. Say you are
calling about Protocol # 2009-16. Your call will be returned promptly.
HIS-600(L) (2-2014)

Advance Letter for NHIS Followback Survey


Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
National Center for Health
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Mail Push Advance Letter
Dear [NAME of SA],
Thank you for your help! Your household recently participated in the National Health Interview Survey
that we conduct with the U.S. Census Bureau. Your answers along with those of other survey participants
gave the public health community, policy makers and researchers very important information about the
health status of Americans.
Now I’d like to ask for your help once again, this time to focus on the health care you may have received
over the past year. As explained on the back of this letter, to improve the health of Americans, it is critical
for us to understand how health care is changing.
For your convenience, we have enclosed the questionnaire for the short survey alongside this letter. You
will be asked questions on your health care, including about how much you spend on health insurance and
medical care, changes in your insurance coverage you might have had over the past year, how satisfied
you are with the care you receive, and related topics. The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete
and all your answers are confidential and protected by law.
We hope you will share this important information by mailing your completed questionnaire back to us in
the enclosed envelope. Participation is voluntary, and you can choose not to answer any questions you do
not wish to answer. All information collected for this survey is confidential and protected by federal law.
The back of this letter provides answers to some questions you may have.
To learn more about the survey, please visit You can also call 1-800-XXXXXXX, toll-free, if you prefer to get answers to your questions by phone.
Thank you again for your help!

Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D.
Director, National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this survey?
The purpose of this survey is to better understand how health care is changing in this country. This
survey is authorized by Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act and funded by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

Why do I qualify for this survey?
Your household participated in a survey about health and health care. At the time, you were selected to
answer questions about your health-related behaviors, any health conditions you may have, your
insurance coverage, and your use of medical care. We are following up with you to find out whether or
how any of those things have changed since you took that survey.

How will you protect my privacy?
We are bound by law to maintain strict confidentiality standards. Your information will never be
associated with any published information from this survey.
If you would like more information about the confidentiality of the research or the federal laws that
ensure the protection of your information, including the Public Health Service Act and the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act, these are described in detail at:
If you want to know more about your rights as a survey participant you may call 1-800-223-8118, tollfree. This is the number for the Research Ethics Review Board at NCHS. You will be asked to leave a
message and say you are calling about Protocol XXXX-XX.

How will this information be used?
Information you provide will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services monitor how
changes in health care policy affect the population. You may visit to find
general information about the survey.

Is there a toll-free number to learn more?
To learn more about the survey, call 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The National Center for Health Statistics is
collaborating with the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct the survey. You can call the Census Bureau’s tollfree number listed above to learn more about the survey and what you will be asked.


Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
National Center for Health
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Phone Push Advance Letter
Dear [NAME of SA],
Thank you for your help! You recently participated in the National Health Interview Survey that we
conduct with the U.S. Census Bureau. Your answers along with those of other survey participants gave
the public health community, policy makers and researchers very important information about the health
status of Americans.
Now I’d like to ask for your help once again, this time to focus on the health care you may have received
over the past year. As explained on the back of this letter, to improve the health of Americans, it is critical
for us to understand how health care is changing.
In the next few weeks a Census Bureau staff member will call you on the phone and, at my request, ask
you to participate in this short survey. The interviewer will ask you questions on your health care,
including about how much you spend on health insurance and medical care, changes in your insurance
coverage you might have had over the past year, how satisfied you are with the care you receive, and
related topics. The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete and all your answers are confidential
and protected by law.
We hope you will share this important information when the interviewer calls to ask you to take part in
the survey. Participation is voluntary, and you can choose not to answer any questions you do not wish to
answer. The back of this letter provides answers to some questions you may have.
To learn more about the survey or to take part right away, call 1-800-XXX-XXXX, toll-free. You can also
visit the survey’s website for additional information –
Thank you again for your help!

Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D.
Director, National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

If you prefer to use TTY
Please call the AT&T Relay Service at 1-800-XXX-XXXX and request that
1-877-XXX-XXXX be called. The call is toll-free.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this survey?
The purpose of this survey is to better understand how health care is changing in this country. This
survey is authorized by Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act and funded by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

Why do I qualify for this survey?
Your household participated in a survey about health and health care. At the time, you were selected to
answer questions about your health-related behaviors, any health conditions you may have, your
insurance coverage, and your use of medical care. We are following up with you to find out whether or
how any of those things have changed since you took that survey.

How will you protect my privacy?
We are bound by law to maintain strict confidentiality standards. Your information will never be
associated with any published information from this survey.
If you would like more information about the confidentiality of the research or the federal laws that
ensure the protection of your information, including the Public Health Service Act and the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act, these are described in detail at:
If you want to know more about your rights as a survey participant you may call 1-800-223-8118, tollfree. This is the number for the Research Ethics Review Board at NCHS. You will be asked to leave a
message and say you are calling about Protocol XXXX-XX.

How will this information be used?
Information you provide will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services monitor how
changes in health care policy affect the population. You may visit to find
general information about the survey.

Is there a toll-free number to learn more?
To learn more about the survey or to take part right away, call 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The National Center
for Health Statistics is collaborating with the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct the survey. You can call the
Census Bureau’s toll-free number listed above to take part in the survey right away, learn more about the
survey, and hear what you will be asked.


Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
National Center for Health
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Web Push Advance Letter
Dear [NAME of SA],
Thank you for your help! Your household recently participated in the National Health Interview Survey
that we conduct with the U.S. Census Bureau. Your answers along with those of other survey participants
gave the public health community, policy makers and researchers very important information about the
health status of Americans.
Now I’d like to ask for your help once again, this time to focus on the health care you may have received
over the past year. As explained on the back of this letter, to improve the health of Americans, it is critical
for us to understand how health care is changing.
For your convenience, you can complete the short survey online by visiting You
will need your unique username and password to log in. It is printed in the bottom-right corner of this
letter. After you log in, you will be asked questions on your health care, including about how much you
spend on health insurance and medical care, changes in your insurance coverage you might have had over
the past year, how satisfied you are with the care you receive, and related topics. The survey will take
about 20 minutes to complete and all your answers are confidential and protected by law.
We hope you will share this important information by logging into the survey at
Participation is voluntary, and you can choose not to answer any questions you do not wish to answer. All
information collected for this survey is confidential and protected by federal law. The back of this letter
provides answers to some questions you may have.
To learn more about the survey, please visit You can also call 1-800-XXXXXXX, toll-free, if you prefer to get answers to your questions by phone.
Thank you again for your help!

Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D.
Director, National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Survey URL:
Your username:
Your password:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this survey?
The purpose of this survey is to better understand how health care is changing in this country. This
survey is authorized by Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act and funded by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

Why do I qualify for this survey?
Your household participated in a survey about health and health care. At the time, you were selected to
answer questions about your health-related behaviors, any health conditions you may have, your
insurance coverage, and your use of medical care. We are following up with you to find out whether or
how any of those things have changed since you took that survey.

How will you protect my privacy?
We are bound by law to maintain strict confidentiality standards. Your information will never be
associated with any published information from this survey.
If you would like more information about the confidentiality of the research or the federal laws that
ensure the protection of your information, including the Public Health Service Act and the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act, these are described in detail at:
If you want to know more about your rights as a survey participant you may call 1-800-223-8118, tollfree. This is the number for the Research Ethics Review Board at NCHS. You will be asked to leave a
message and say you are calling about Protocol XXXX-XX.

How will this information be used?
Information you provide will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services monitor how
changes in health care policy affect the population. You may visit to find
general information about the survey.

Is there a toll-free number to learn more?
To learn more about the survey, call 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The National Center for Health Statistics is
collaborating with the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct the survey. You can call the Census Bureau’s tollfree number listed above to learn more about the survey and what you will be asked.


Public Health Service
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
National Center for Health
3311 Toledo Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

Web Push Advance Email
Dear [NAME of SA],
Thank you for your help! Your household recently participated in the National Health Interview Survey
that we conduct with the U.S. Census Bureau. Your answers along with those of other survey participants
gave the public health community, policy makers and researchers very important information about the
health status of Americans.
Now I’d like to ask for your help once again, this time to focus on the health care you may have received
over the past year. As explained below, to improve the health of Americans, it is critical for us to
understand how health care is changing.
For your convenience, you can complete the short survey online by visiting You
will need your unique username and password to log in. The Census Bureau is sending you your personal
login information in a separate email. After you log in, you will be asked questions on your health care,
including about how much you spend on health insurance and medical care, changes in your insurance
coverage you might have had over the past year, how satisfied you are with the care you receive, and
related topics.
We hope you will share this important information by logging into the survey at
Participation is voluntary, and you can choose not to answer any questions you do not wish to answer. All
information collected for this survey is confidential and protected by federal law. The back of this letter
provides answers to some questions you may have.
To learn more about the survey, please visit You can also call 1-800-XXXXXXX, toll-free, if you prefer to get answers to your questions by phone.
Thank you again for your help!

Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D.
Director, National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this survey?
The purpose of this survey is to better understand how health care is changing in this country. This
survey is authorized by Section 306 of the Public Health Service Act and funded by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.

Why do I qualify for this survey?
Your household participated in a survey about health and health care. At the time, you were selected to
answer questions about your health-related behaviors, any health conditions you may have, your
insurance coverage, and your use of medical care. We are following up with you to find out whether or
how any of those things have changed since you took that survey.

How will you protect my privacy?
We are bound by law to maintain strict confidentiality standards. Your information will never be
associated with any published information from this survey.
If you would like more information about the confidentiality of the research or the federal laws that
ensure the protection of your information, including the Public Health Service Act and the Confidential
Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act, these are described in detail at:
If you want to know more about your rights as a survey participant you may call 1-800-223-8118, tollfree. This is the number for the Research Ethics Review Board at NCHS. You will be asked to leave a
message and say you are calling about Protocol XXXX-XX.

How will this information be used?
Information you provide will help the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services monitor how
changes in health care policy affect the population. You may visit to find
general information about the survey.

Is there a toll-free number to learn more?
To learn more about the survey, call 1-800-XXX-XXXX. The National Center for Health Statistics is
collaborating with the U.S. Census Bureau to conduct the survey. You can call the Census Bureau’s tollfree number listed above to learn more about the survey and what you will be asked.

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Titlehis600lca.g
AuthorCynamon, Marcie L. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS)
File Modified2014-11-10
File Created2014-08-27

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