Outcomes Metrics: Draft Layout for State's Data Submission. | |||||||||
This document is the submission template for states with state based marketplaces to submit data to the federal government. This format does not require the submission of individual-level, granular data. The data will provide an overview of the applications submitted and eligibility determinations in the initial years of operations. | |||||||||
Data in this layout is specific to medical QHPs (not dental or vision) and coverage offered through the marketplaces (not Medicaid or CHIP coverage). The one exception is the SHOP-specific data elements which specify if the coverage is medical or dental. | |||||||||
If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. Data that becomes reportable in the future should be reported beginning in the quarter in which the data are captured (and thus reportable). Data will not be reported retroactively. |
Additional information about submission process will be sent separately. The first reporting date is February 1, 2014. Additional information about submission of test data and final data will be distributed separately at a later date. Questions should be directed to Christina Daw at Christina.Daw@cms.hhs.gov. | |||||||||
To populate data layout, first select from the following drop boxes: | |||||||||
State | (please select) | ||||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||||
Data Type: New or Modification | (please select) | ||||||||
Metric No. | Tab Name | Description of Tab Contents | Reporting Frequency | ||||||
n/a | Glossary | Glossary with detail about data breakouts | n/a | ||||||
1 | Crnt. Hth cvg | Current health insurance coverage at time of application (applications for financial assistance only) | Quarterly | ||||||
2 | MCAID CHIP Elg | Medicaid and CHIP eligibility assessments and determinations by the SBM | Quarterly | ||||||
3 | QHP App Elg | QHP Applications and Eligibility | Quarterly | ||||||
4 | QHP Enr | QHP Enrollment | Quarterly | ||||||
5 | Conversion | Allows for understanding of conversion rate from application to coverage | Quarterly | ||||||
6 | APTC | APTC eligible amount and percent APTC selected | Quarterly | ||||||
7 | Fin Assist Det Time | Median Time to Eligibility Determination for Financial Assistance | Quarterly | ||||||
8 | Effectuated Time | Median Time to Effectuated Enrollment | Quarterly | ||||||
9 | QHP eligible-assist | QHP eligible application submissions by type of assistance | Quarterly | ||||||
10 | SHOP | SHOP | Quarterly | ||||||
11 | Appeals | Efficiency of eligibility appeals | Quarterly | ||||||
12 | Complaints | Type and number of complaints submitted | Quarterly | ||||||
PRA Disclosure Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-XXXX. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average [Insert Time (hours or minutes)] per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate(s) or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 Security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Mail Stop C4-26-05, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. Please do not send applications, claims, payments, medical records or any documents containing sensitive information to the PRA Reports Clearance Office. Please note that any correspondence not pertaining to the information collection burden approved under the associated OMB control number listed on this form will not be reviewed, forwarded, or retained. If you have questions or concerns regarding where to submit your documents, please contact 1-800-MEDICARE. |
Glossary of Data Breakout Terms for Marketplace Outcomes Metrics Reported by States | |
Age | Age of individual as of most recent effective enrollment date: <18 years 18-25 26-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 ≥65 |
Application Assistance | Describes whether individuals received assistance with either submission of application for QHP enrollment or with selection of a QHP. 1) Any (i.e. at least one type of the assistors list below) 2) None (i.e., no recorded assistance) Detailed assistance data is collected on tab labeled "QHP eligible- assist." CCIIO recognizes that some assistance is provided but not recorded, and therefore cannot be reported. Also, not all states have each of these types of asssistance. We are not distinguishing between certified and non-certified assistors; they are considered equivalent for the purposes of this layout. Individuals may have more than one type of assistance. - Navigator - In-Person Assistor (IPA) - Certified Application Councelor (CAC) - Broker (includes Agents and Web Brokers) - Authorized Representative - Other (includes Community Health Center and other types of assistance not categorized above) |
AV Level | AV Level refers to the actuarial value of Cost-Sharing Reduction. Tribe members are eligibile for no cost-sharing and all other enrollees qualify for an AV level based on FPL. The categories are: - ≥100 - ≤150% (not tribe member) - >150 - ≤200% (not tribe member) - >200 - ≤250% (not tribe member) - >250- ≤400% (not tribe member) - Tribe member (MAGI is <300% FPL) - No CSR, APTC only |
Channel | Describes channel used to submit the enrollee's application. Applicants cannot have multiple channels for initial application submission. This metric does not collect data on other channels that may be used to provide assistance during the application process or to provide additional information in the verification process. 1) web (i.e. online submission by the applicant) 2) phone 3) paper (i.e. mailed or hand-delivered) 4) other/unknown (includes direct enrollment through an issuer, transfer from Medicaid program, applicants walking in and applying in-person. unknown in this case means it is not possible to distinguish between application submitted via web, phone, or in paper) - scenario 1: applicant seeks assistance in person from IPA. IPA populates online application on behalf of the individual. this would be a web application - scenario 2: applicant submits application online but the applicaiton requires follow-up before eligibility determination. additional info provided via the phone. this would be a web application - scenario 3: applicant completes paper application, calling IPA for assistance before putting the application in the mail. this would be a paper application. - scenario 4: applicant completes paper application, submits it to the state where it is entered into the system electronically. state does not track that initial application was in paper form. this would be other/unknown. -scenario 5: applicant begins web application, calls call center with questions and ends up submitting application through the call center. this would be a phone application |
Channel Roll-up | Channel Roll-Up is based on the detailed Channel data breakout and used for metrics related to submission of incomplete applications. - Electronic: Applications where data is provided through the web portal by the applicant or inputted into the system electronically by call center staff or other assistors. - Paper: Applications which were submitted by hand or by mail on paper - Other/Unknown: States that cannot determine the channel used to submit an incomplete application should use the unknown option. |
FPL | FPL (Federal Poverty Level) is calculated based on the projected, total, annual modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) for the taxpayer’s family. FPL is based on the same MAGI as the SBM uses to determine eligibility of APTC. - MAGI includes the sum of the income of the taxpayer and the lawfully present individuals for whom the taxpayer properly claims a deduction for personal exemption for the taxable year. For additional information see Health Insurance Premium Tax Credit, 77 Fed. Reg. 30377 (amending 26 CFR pts. 1 and 602). May 23, 2012. (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-05-23/pdf/2012-12421.pdf). - To report FPL, MAGI should be compared to the HHS poverty guidelines (current levels found here http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/13poverty.cfm), which is adjusted for the size of the family and state of residence. - For the purposes of the SBM Supplemental Data Submission, MAGI may or may not be verified. States should report FPL based on incomes as of the most recent eligibility determination. - For individuals that do not request an eligibility determination for financial assistance, MAGI may not be available. If MAGI is unavailable, populate the cell for the number of people with unknown FPL and enter -888 for each FPL category to signal data unavailable. Entering zero would signify no individuals at that income level. The breakouts of FPL based on annual household income are: 1) <100% 2) ≥100 - ≤138% 3) >138 - ≤150% 4) >150 - ≤200% 5) >200 - ≤250% 6) >250 - ≤300% 7) >300- ≤400% 8) >400% 9) unknown |
Group Size- Employees on Roster | There are two group size breakouts. The "Group Size- Employees on Roster" is the number of employees on the roster/census that the employer submits when applying to the SHOP: 1 employee 2-5 employees 6-9 employees 10-24 employees 25-49 employees 50-74 employees 75-100 employees |
Group Size- Enrolled Employees | There are two group size breakouts. The "Group Size- Enrolleed Employees" is the number of employees that are enrolled in the SHOP as of the last day in the reference period: 1 employee 2-5 employees 6-9 employees 10-24 employees 25-49 employees 50-74 employees 75-100 employees |
Policy Structure | Describes the number individuals enrolled in QHP coverage within a single policy . This demographic variable does not reflect the number of individuals on the initial application or within the residential unit. The breakouts are: 1) single (adult policyholder) 2) single (adult policyholder) + 1 spouse/partner 3) single (adult policyholder) + 1 child 3) single (adult policyholder) + 2 or more dependents (spouse/partner or child) 4) child-only - scenario 1: household includes two adults and two children (age 15 and 22). Father is covered through one QHP, mother and both children covered through another QHP. this is single and single + 2 or more dependents - scenario 2: mother purchases child-only policy through marketplace for her 5 year old daughter. this is child-only policy - scenario 3: mother seeks coverage for herself and daughter through the Marketplace. daughter is eligible for CHIP and enrolls. Mother purchases coverage through a QHP. This is single policy. |
Metal Tier | Metal tier associated with a health plan: Catastrophic Bronze Silver Gold Platinum |
Current health insurance coverage at time of application (individuals found eligible for financial assistance only) | |||||||
Description: Data used to report the health insurance coverage of individuals found eligible for financial assistance with QHP coverage (i.e., APTC/CSR). Insurance coverage is at the time that application is submitted. Individuals may have multiple types of insurance coverage on the application (particularly if submitting a family application) and can be included in multiple insurance categories. | |||||||
Unit: Number of Individuals (i.e. number of covered lives) | |||||||
Population Included: Individuals determined eligible for financial assistance (either provisional or final eligibility determination) during the reference period. Include individuals that have been determined eligible but may not have selected a QHP or paid an initial premium. Metric excludes individuals that were not determined eligible for financial assistance (i.e. determined ineligible or no determination took place) | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination. If individual has not yet received final eligibility determination, report data from provisional eligibility determination. | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Individuals Not Enrolled in Any Coverage When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals that did not have any of the types of coverage listed (i.e., likely uninsured) | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL1 | Number | |
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL2 | Number | ||||
3 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL3 | Number | ||||
4 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL4 | Number | ||||
5 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL5 | Number | ||||
6 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL6 | Number | ||||
7 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL7 | Number | ||||
8 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_FPL9 | Number | ||||
9 | Total | CURRENTCOV_UNINS_TOTAL | Number | ||||
10 | Individuals Enrolled in Employer-Based Coverage When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in employer-based coverage (aka employer-sponsored insurance or ESI) at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL1 | Number | |
11 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL2 | Number | ||||
12 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL3 | Number | ||||
13 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL4 | Number | ||||
14 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL5 | Number | ||||
15 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL6 | Number | ||||
16 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL7 | Number | ||||
17 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_EMP_FPL9 | Number | ||||
18 | Total | CURRENTCOV_EMP_TOTAL | Number | ||||
19 | Individuals Enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL1 | Number | |
20 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL2 | Number | ||||
21 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL3 | Number | ||||
22 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL4 | Number | ||||
23 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL5 | Number | ||||
24 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL6 | Number | ||||
25 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL7 | Number | ||||
26 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_FPL9 | Number | ||||
27 | Total | CURRENTCOV_MCAID_TOTAL | Number | ||||
28 | Individuals Enrolled in Medicare When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in Medicare at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL1 | Number | |
29 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL2 | Number | ||||
30 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL3 | Number | ||||
31 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL4 | Number | ||||
32 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL5 | Number | ||||
33 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL6 | Number | ||||
34 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL7 | Number | ||||
35 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_FPL9 | Number | ||||
36 | Total | CURRENTCOV_MCARE_TOTAL | Number | ||||
37 | Individuals Enrolled in TRICARE When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in TRICARE at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL1 | Number | |
38 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL2 | Number | ||||
39 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL3 | Number | ||||
40 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL4 | Number | ||||
41 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL5 | Number | ||||
42 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL6 | Number | ||||
43 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL7 | Number | ||||
44 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_TRI_FPL9 | Number | ||||
45 | Total | CURRENTCOV_TRI_TOTAL | Number | ||||
46 | Individuals Enrolled in Peace Corp coverage When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in Peace Corp coverage at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL1 | Number | |
47 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL2 | Number | ||||
48 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL3 | Number | ||||
49 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL4 | Number | ||||
50 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL5 | Number | ||||
51 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL6 | Number | ||||
52 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL7 | Number | ||||
53 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_FPL9 | Number | ||||
54 | Total | CURRENTCOV_PEACE_TOTAL | Number | ||||
55 | Individuals Enrolled in VA coverage When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in VA coverage at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL1 | Number | |
56 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL2 | Number | ||||
57 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL3 | Number | ||||
58 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL4 | Number | ||||
59 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL5 | Number | ||||
60 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL6 | Number | ||||
61 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL7 | Number | ||||
62 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_VA_FPL9 | Number | ||||
63 | Total | CURRENTCOV_VA_TOTAL | Number | ||||
64 | Individuals Enrolled in Non-Group Coverage When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals enrolled in non-group coverage at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL1 | Number | |
65 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL2 | Number | ||||
66 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL3 | Number | ||||
67 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL4 | Number | ||||
68 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL5 | Number | ||||
69 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL6 | Number | ||||
70 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL7 | Number | ||||
71 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_FPL9 | Number | ||||
72 | Total | CURRENTCOV_NONGRP_TOTAL | Number | ||||
73 | Individuals With Unknown Coverage When Application Submitted | Among individuals determined eligible for financial assistance with coverage through the SBM, number of individuals with unknown coverage at the time the application was submitted | FPL | <100% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL1 | Number | |
74 | ≥100 - ≤138% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL2 | Number | ||||
75 | >138 - ≤150% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL3 | Number | ||||
76 | >150 - ≤200% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL4 | Number | ||||
77 | >200 - ≤250% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL5 | Number | ||||
78 | >250 - ≤300% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL6 | Number | ||||
79 | >300- ≤400% | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL7 | Number | ||||
80 | unknown | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_FPL8 | Number | ||||
81 | Total | CURRENTCOV_UNKNOWN_TOTAL | Number |
Transfers Between Marketplace and Medicaid/CHIP | |||||
Description: Data used to understand number of transfers between SBM and Medicaid/CHIP. Transfer means moving accounts from SBM to or from Medicaid/CHIP for the purposes of eligibility determination or transferring accounts to Medicaid/CHIP to perform nonMAGI eligibility determination. | |||||
Unit: Number of Individuals | |||||
Population Included: Individuals with accounts transferred during the reference period. | |||||
Source for Data Breakouts: N/A | |||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||
1 | Individuals assessed eligible for Medicaid based on MAGI | For SBMs with eligibility systems that are integrated with Medicaid/CHIP eligibility systems, enter -999 For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with Medicaid eligibility systems, report the number of individuals assessed for Medicaid eligibility based on MAGI during the reference period. This data element includes all Medicaid MAGI assessments, whether the individuals are found to be eligible or ineligible. |
2 | Individuals assessed eligible for CHIP based on MAGI | For SBMs with eligibility systems that are integrated with CHIP eligibility systems should enter -999 For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with CHIP eligibility systems, report the number of individuals assessed for CHIP eligibility based on MAGI during the reference period. This data element includes all CHIP MAGI assessments, whether the individuals are found to be eligible or ineligible. |
3 | Individuals assessed eligible for Medicaid based on NonMAGI | Whether the SBM is integrated or not, teport the number of individuals assessed for Medicaid eligibility based on nonMAGI during the reference period. This data element includes all Medicaid NonMAGI assessments, whether the individuals are found likely to be eligible or ineligible. Please note: If the SBM has determined an individual to be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP, then the individual should not be counted as an assessment | ASSESS_MCAID_NONMAGI | Number | |
4 | Individual determined eligible for Medicaid | For SBM with eligibility systems that are integrated with Medicaid eligibility systems, report the number of individuals determined eligible for Medicaid by the SBM during the reference period. For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with Medicaid eligibility systems, enter -999 |
DET_MCAID_ELG | Number | |
5 | Individual determined eligible for CHIP | For SBM with eligibility systems that are integrated with CHIP eligibility systems, report the number of individuals determined eligible for CHIP by the SBM during the reference period. For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with CHIP eligibility systems, enter -999 |
DET_CHIP_ELG | Number | |
6 | Individual determined ineligible for Medicaid | For SBM with eligibility systems that are integrated with Medicaid eligibility systems, report the number of individuals determined ineligible for Medicaid by the SBM during the reference period. For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with Medicaid eligibility systems, enter -999 |
DET_MCAID_INELG | Number | |
7 | Individual determined ineligible for CHIP | For SBM with eligibility systems that are integrated with CHIP eligibility systems, report the number of individuals determined ineligible for CHIP by the SBM during the reference period. For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with CHIP eligibility systems, enter -999 |
DET_CHIP_INELG | Number | |
8 | Individuals transferred from the SBM to Medicaid/CHIP agencies | For SBMs with eligibility systems that are integrated with Medicaid/CHIP eligibility systems, report the number of individuals assessed to be eligible based on nonMAGI and transferred to the Medicaid/CHIP agencies during the reference period for the purposes of eligibility determination. Do not include individuals determined to be eligible and transferred for enrollment in Mediciad/CHIP. For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with Medicaid/CHIP eligibility systems, report the number of individuals assessed to be eligible based on either MAGI or nonMAGI and transferred to the Medicaid/CHIP agencies during the reference period for the purposes of eligibility determination. |
9 | Individuals transferred from the Medicaid/CHIP agencies to the SBM | For SBMs with eligibility systems that are integrated with Medicaid/CHIP eligibility systems should enter -999 For SBMs with eligibility systems that are not integrated with Medicaid/CHIP eligibility systems, report the number of individuals who applied for coverage through the Medicaid/CHIP agencies as the "front door" and were deemed ineligible for Medicaid/CHIP and were transferred to the SBM for the purposes of QHP eligibility determination during the reference period. |
QHP Applications and Eligibility | |||||||
Description: Data used to measure the number of individuals that applied to the SBM for coverage and were determined eligible or ineligible for QHP coverage with and without financial assistance | |||||||
Unit: Number of Individuals | |||||||
Population Included: Individuals with a completed, submitted application | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination. | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Applied for coverage through SBM | Number of individuals that submitted a complete application for coverage to the SBM during the reference period. A completed application is defined as an application with sufficient information to begin processing eligibility for any type of coverage (QHP or Medicaid/CHIP). There are three possible outcomes of completed applications: 1) individual is determined eligible for Medicaid, CHIP or QHP (includes both provisional and final determination) 2) individual is determined ineligible for Medicaid, CHIP, or QHP; or 3) verification and additional documentation is required before eligibility can be determined. |
Age | <18 | QHP_APP_AGE1 | Number | |
2 | 18-25 | QHP_APP_AGE2 | Number | ||||
3 | 26-34 | QHP_APP_AGE3 | Number | ||||
4 | 35-44 | QHP_APP_AGE4 | Number | ||||
5 | 45-54 | QHP_APP_AGE5 | Number | ||||
6 | 55-64 | QHP_APP_AGE6 | Number | ||||
7 | ≥65 | QHP_APP_AGE7 | Number | ||||
8 | Channel | web | QHP_APP_WEB | Number | |||
9 | phone | QHP_APP_PHONE | Number | ||||
10 | paper | QHP_APP_PAPER | Number | ||||
11 | other/unknown | QHP_APP_UNK | Number | ||||
12 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_APP_ANY | Number | |||
13 | None | QHP_APP_NONE | Number | ||||
14 | Total | QHP_APP_TOTAL | Number | ||||
15 | Assessed Medicaid Eligible (NonMAGI) and APTC/CSR Eligible | Number of individuals that were: 1. assessed to be Medicaid eligible based on NonMAGI 2. determined to be QHP eligible and 3. determined eligible for APTC/CSR during the reference period during the reference period |
FPL | <100% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL1 | Number | |
16 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
17 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
18 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
19 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
20 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
21 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
22 | unknown | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
23 | Age | <18 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE1 | Number | |||
24 | 18-25 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE2 | Number | ||||
25 | 26-34 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE3 | Number | ||||
26 | 35-44 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE4 | Number | ||||
27 | 45-54 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE5 | Number | ||||
28 | 55-64 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE6 | Number | ||||
29 | ≥65 | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AGE7 | Number | ||||
30 | Channel | web | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_WEB | Number | |||
31 | phone | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_PHONE | Number | ||||
32 | paper | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_PAPER | Number | ||||
33 | other/unknown | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_UNK | Number | ||||
34 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_ANY | Number | |||
35 | None | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_NONE | Number | ||||
36 | AV Level | ≥100 - ≤150% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AV1 | Number | |||
37 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AV2 | Number | ||||
38 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AV3 | Number | ||||
39 | >250- ≤400% | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AV1 | Number | ||||
40 | tribal member | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AV4 | Number | ||||
41 | No CSR, APTC eligibility only | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_AV5 | Number | ||||
42 | Total | QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
43 | Assessed Medicaid Eligible (NonMAGI) and APTC/CSR Ineligible | Number of individuals that were: 1. assessed to be Medicaid eligible based on NonMAGI 2. determined to be QHP eligible 3. determined ineligible for APTC/CSR during the reference period |
FPL | <100% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL1 | Number | |
44 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
45 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
46 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
47 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
48 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
49 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
50 | >400% | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL8 | Number | ||||
51 | unknown | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
52 | Age | <18 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE1 | Number | |||
53 | 18-25 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE2 | Number | ||||
54 | 26-34 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE3 | Number | ||||
55 | 35-44 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE4 | Number | ||||
56 | 45-54 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE5 | Number | ||||
57 | 55-64 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE6 | Number | ||||
58 | ≥65 | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_AGE7 | Number | ||||
59 | Channel | web | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_WEB | Number | |||
60 | phone | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_PHONE | Number | ||||
61 | paper | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_PAPER | Number | ||||
62 | other/unknown | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_UNK | Number | ||||
63 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_ANY | Number | |||
64 | None | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_NONE | Number | ||||
65 | Total | QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
66 | Eligible for QHP and eligible for APTC/CSR | Number of individuals that were: 1. determined/assessed to be ineligible for Medicaid/CHIP (based on MAGI or nonMAGI) 2. determined QHP eligible 3. determined eligible for financial assistance (APTC/CSR) during the reference period |
FPL | <100% | QHP_APTC_FPL1 | Number | |
67 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_APTC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
68 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_APTC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
69 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_APTC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
70 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_APTC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
71 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_APTC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
72 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_APTC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
73 | unknown | QHP_APTC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
74 | Age | <18 | QHP_APTC_AGE1 | Number | |||
75 | 18-25 | QHP_APTC_AGE2 | Number | ||||
76 | 26-34 | QHP_APTC_AGE3 | Number | ||||
77 | 35-44 | QHP_APTC_AGE4 | Number | ||||
78 | 45-54 | QHP_APTC_AGE5 | Number | ||||
79 | 55-64 | QHP_APTC_AGE6 | Number | ||||
80 | ≥65 | QHP_APTC_AGE7 | Number | ||||
81 | Channel | web | QHP_APTC_WEB | Number | |||
82 | phone | QHP_APTC_PHONE | Number | ||||
83 | paper | QHP_APTC_PAPER | Number | ||||
84 | other/unknown | QHP_APTC_UNK | Number | ||||
85 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_APTC_ANY | Number | |||
86 | None | QHP_APTC_NONE | Number | ||||
87 | AV Level | ≥100 - ≤150% | QHP_APTC_AV1 | Number | |||
88 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_APTC_AV2 | Number | ||||
89 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_APTC_AV3 | Number | ||||
90 | >250- ≤400% | QHP_APTC_AV1 | Number | ||||
91 | tribal member | QHP_APTC_AV4 | Number | ||||
92 | No CSR, APTC eligibility only | QHP_APTC_AV5 | Number | ||||
93 | Total | QHP_APTC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
94 | Eligible for QHP but ineligible for APTC/CSR | Number of individuals that were: 1. determined/assessed to be ineligible for Medicaid/CHIP (based on MAGI or nonMAGI) 2. determined QHP eligible 3. determined ineligible for financial assistance (APTC/CSR) during the reference period |
FPL | <100% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL1 | Number | |
95 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
96 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
97 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
98 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
99 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
100 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
101 | >400% | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL8 | Number | ||||
102 | unknown | QHP_INELGAPTC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
103 | Age | <18 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE1 | Number | |||
104 | 18-25 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE2 | Number | ||||
105 | 26-34 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE3 | Number | ||||
106 | 35-44 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE4 | Number | ||||
107 | 45-54 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE5 | Number | ||||
108 | 55-64 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE6 | Number | ||||
109 | ≥65 | QHP_INELGAPTC_AGE7 | Number | ||||
110 | Channel | web | QHP_INELGAPTC_WEB | Number | |||
111 | phone | QHP_INELGAPTC_PHONE | Number | ||||
112 | paper | QHP_INELGAPTC_PAPER | Number | ||||
113 | other/unknown | QHP_INELGAPTC_UNK | Number | ||||
114 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_INELGAPTC_ANY | Number | |||
115 | None | QHP_INELGAPTC_NONE | Number | ||||
116 | Total | QHP_INELGAPTC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
117 | Eligible for QHP but no request for financial assistance | Number of individuals that: 1. did not request financial assistance of any kind (Medicaid, CHIP, APTC, or CSR) and 2. were determined QHP eligible during the reference period |
Age | <18 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE1 | Number | |
118 | 18-25 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE2 | Number | ||||
119 | 26-34 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE3 | Number | ||||
120 | 35-44 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE4 | Number | ||||
121 | 45-54 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE5 | Number | ||||
122 | 55-64 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE6 | Number | ||||
123 | ≥65 | QHP_NOREQ_AGE7 | Number | ||||
124 | Channel | web | QHP_NOREQ_WEB | Number | |||
125 | phone | QHP_NOREQ_PHONE | Number | ||||
126 | paper | QHP_NOREQ_PAPER | Number | ||||
127 | other/unknown | QHP_NOREQ_UNK | Number | ||||
128 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_NOREQ_ANY | Number | |||
129 | None | QHP_NOREQ_NONE | Number | ||||
130 | Total | QHP_NOREQ_TOTAL | Number | ||||
131 | QHP Eligible | Number of individuals determined QHP eligible during the reference period. Include all individuals were or were not assessed Medicaid eligible based on nonMAGI, were or were not determined eligible for APTC/CSR, did or did not request financial assistance. For example: QHP_ELG_TOTAL= QHP_NONMAGI_APTC_TOTAL + QHP_NONMAGI_INELGAPTC_TOTAL + QHP_APTC_TOTAL + QHP_INELGAPTC_TOTAL + QHP_NOREQ_TOTAL |
Age | <18 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | |
132 | 18-25 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
133 | 26-34 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
134 | 35-44 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
135 | 45-54 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
136 | 55-64 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
137 | ≥65 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
138 | Channel | web | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | |||
139 | phone | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
140 | paper | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
141 | other/unknown | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
142 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | |||
143 | None | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
144 | Total | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
145 | Ineligible for QHP | Number of individuals determined ineligible for QHP coverage during the reference period. Includes individual that requested financial assistance and did not request financial assistance | Age | <18 | QHP_ELG_TOTAL | Number | |
146 | 18-25 | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
147 | 26-34 | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
148 | 35-44 | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
149 | 45-54 | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
150 | 55-64 | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
151 | ≥65 | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
152 | Channel | web | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | |||
153 | phone | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
154 | paper | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
155 | other/unknown | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
156 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | |||
157 | None | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number | ||||
158 | Total | QHP_INELG_TOTAL | Number |
QHP Enrollment | |||||||
Description: Data used to measure the number of individuals that reached various stages in application, eligibility, and enrollment during the reference period. | |||||||
Unit: Number of Individuals | |||||||
Population Included: Individuals determined eligible for QHP coverage | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination. | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Canceled for Non-Payment | Number of individuals that cancelled for non-payment during the reference period. These individuals would be deemed QHP eligible and selected a QHP, the SBM approved QHP selection, but the individual was disenrolled during the reference period and before the effective enrollment date (i.e. coverage canceled) due to non-payment | FPL | <100% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL1 | Number | |
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL2 | Number | ||||
3 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL3 | Number | ||||
4 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL4 | Number | ||||
5 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL5 | Number | ||||
6 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL6 | Number | ||||
7 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL7 | Number | ||||
8 | >400% | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL8 | Number | ||||
9 | unknown | QHP_NONPYMT_FPL9 | Number | ||||
10 | Age | <18 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE1 | Number | |||
11 | 18-25 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE2 | Number | ||||
12 | 26-34 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE3 | Number | ||||
13 | 35-44 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE4 | Number | ||||
14 | 45-54 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE5 | Number | ||||
15 | 55-64 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE6 | Number | ||||
16 | ≥65 | QHP_NONPYMT_AGE7 | Number | ||||
17 | Channel | web | QHP_NONPYMT_WEB | Number | |||
18 | phone | QHP_NONPYMT_PHONE | Number | ||||
19 | paper | QHP_NONPYMT_PAPER | Number | ||||
20 | other/unknown | QHP_NONPYMT_OTHER | Number | ||||
21 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_NONPYMT_ANY | Number | |||
22 | None | QHP_NONPYMT_NONE | Number | ||||
23 | Policy Structure | Single | QHP_NONPYMT_PS1 | Number | |||
24 | Single + 1 spouse/partner | QHP_NONPYMT_PS2 | Number | ||||
25 | Single + 1 child | QHP_NONPYMT_PS3 | Number | ||||
26 | Single + 2 or more dependents | QHP_NONPYMT_PS4 | Number | ||||
27 | Child-only | QHP_NONPYMT_PS5 | Number | ||||
28 | Total | QHP_NONPYMT_TOTAL | Number | ||||
29 | Canceled for Other Reason | Number of individuals that cancelled for reasons other than non-payment during the reference period. These individuals would be deemed QHP eligible and selected a QHP, the SBM approved QHP selection, but the individual was disenrolled during the reference period and before the effective enrollment date (i.e. coverage canceled) due for reasons other than non-payment | Total | QHP_OTHCANCEL_TOTAL | Number | ||
30 | Effective Enrollment- Financial Assistance |
Number of individuals that received effective enrollment with financial assistance (APTC/CSR) during the reference period. These individuals were deemed QHP eligibile with financial assistance, selected a QHP and a financial assistance amount, and the SBM approved the QHP selection during the reference period. Includes individuals with either provisional or final eligibility determination. | FPL | <100% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL1 | Number | |
31 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
32 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
33 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
34 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
35 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
36 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
37 | unknown | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
38 | Age | <18 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE1 | Number | |||
39 | 18-25 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE2 | Number | ||||
40 | 26-34 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE3 | Number | ||||
41 | 35-44 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE4 | Number | ||||
42 | 45-54 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE5 | Number | ||||
43 | 55-64 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE6 | Number | ||||
44 | ≥65 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_AGE7 | Number | ||||
45 | Channel | web | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_WEB | Number | |||
46 | phone | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_PHONE | Number | ||||
47 | paper | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_PAPER | Number | ||||
48 | other/unknown | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_UNK | Number | ||||
49 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_ANY | Number | |||
50 | None | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_NONE | Number | ||||
51 | Total | QHP_EFFECTIVE_APTC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
52 | Effective Enrollment- NO Financial Assistance |
Number of individuals that received effective enrollment without financial assistance (APTC/CSR) during the reference period. These individuals were deemed QHP eligibile with financial assistance, selected a QHP, and the SBM approved the QHP selection during the reference period. Includes individuals with either provisional or final eligibility determination. Includes all of the following: (1) individuals deemed ineligible for QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR); (2) individuals that requested their application not be considered for financial assistance; and (3) individuals deemed eligible for QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR) and did not select financial assistance. |
FPL | <100% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL1 | Number | |
53 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
54 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
55 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
56 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
57 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
58 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
59 | >400% | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL8 | Number | ||||
60 | unknown | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
61 | Age | <18 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE1 | Number | |||
62 | 18-25 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE2 | Number | ||||
63 | 26-34 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE3 | Number | ||||
64 | 35-44 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE4 | Number | ||||
65 | 45-54 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE5 | Number | ||||
66 | 55-64 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE6 | Number | ||||
67 | ≥65 | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_AGE7 | Number | ||||
68 | Channel | web | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_WEB | Number | |||
69 | phone | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_PHONE | Number | ||||
70 | paper | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_PAPER | Number | ||||
71 | other/unknown | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_UNK | Number | ||||
72 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_ANY | Number | |||
73 | None | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_NONE | Number | ||||
74 | Total | QHP_EFFECTIVE_NOAPTC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
75 | Effectuated Enrollment- Financial Assistance |
Number of individuals that received effectuated enrollment with financial assistance (APTC/CSR) during the reference period. These individuals were deemed QHP eligibile with financial assistance, selected a QHP and a financial assistance amount, the SBM approved the QHP selection, and the individual made the first premium payment during the reference period. Includes individuals with either provisional or final eligibility determination. |
FPL | <100% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL1 | Number | |
76 | ≥100 - ≤138% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL2 | Number | ||||
77 | >138 - ≤150% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL3 | Number | ||||
78 | >150 - ≤200% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL4 | Number | ||||
79 | >200 - ≤250% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL5 | Number | ||||
80 | >250 - ≤300% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL6 | Number | ||||
81 | >300- ≤400% | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL7 | Number | ||||
82 | unknown | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_FPL9 | Number | ||||
83 | Age | <18 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE1 | Number | |||
84 | 18-25 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE2 | Number | ||||
85 | 26-34 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE3 | Number | ||||
86 | 35-44 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE4 | Number | ||||
87 | 45-54 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE5 | Number | ||||
88 | 55-64 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE6 | Number | ||||
89 | ≥65 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_AGE7 | Number | ||||
90 | Channel | web | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_WEB | Number | |||
91 | phone | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PHONE | Number | ||||
92 | paper | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PAPER | Number | ||||
93 | other/unknown | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_OTHER | Number | ||||
94 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_ANY | Number | |||
95 | None | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_NONE | Number | ||||
96 | Policy Structure | Single | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PS1 | Number | |||
97 | Single + 1 spouse/partner | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PS2 | Number | ||||
98 | Single + 1 child | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PS3 | Number | ||||
99 | Single + 2 or more dependents | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PS4 | Number | ||||
100 | Child-only | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_PS5 | Number | ||||
101 | Total | QHP_EFFECTUATED_FIN_TOTAL | Number | ||||
102 | Effectuated Enrollment- NO Financial Assistance |
Number of individuals that received effectuated enrollment without financial assistance (APTC/CSR) during the reference period. These individuals were deemed QHP eligibile with financial assistance, selected a QHP, the SBM approved the QHP selection, and the individual made the first premium payment during the reference period Includes all of the following: (1) individuals deemed ineligible for QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR); (2) individuals that requested their application not be considered for financial assistance; and (3) individuals deemed eligible for QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR) and did not select financial assistance. Includes individuals with either provisional or final eligibility determination. |
Age | <18 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE1 | Number | |
103 | 18-25 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE2 | Number | ||||
104 | 26-34 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE3 | Number | ||||
105 | 35-44 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE4 | Number | ||||
106 | 45-54 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE5 | Number | ||||
107 | 55-64 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE6 | Number | ||||
108 | ≥65 | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_AGE7 | Number | ||||
109 | Channel | web | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_WEB | Number | |||
110 | phone | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PHONE | Number | ||||
111 | paper | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PAPER | Number | ||||
112 | other/unknown | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_OTHER | Number | ||||
113 | Application Assistance | Any | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_ANY | Number | |||
114 | None | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_NONE | Number | ||||
115 | Policy Structure | Single | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PS1 | Number | |||
116 | Single + 1 spouse/partner | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PS2 | Number | ||||
117 | Single + 1 child | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PS3 | Number | ||||
118 | Single + 2 or more dependents | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PS4 | Number | ||||
119 | Child-only | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_PS5 | Number | ||||
120 | Total | QHP_EFFECTUATED_NOFIN_TOTAL | Number |
Conversion | |||||||
Description: Data allows for an understanding the conversation rate from a submitted application to enrollment. This metric includes all applications submitted for all types of coverage during the reference period. For states with integrated eligibility determination systems, please report number of applications in the individual market (inclusive of Medicaid, CHIP, and/or QHP coverage) and excluding employer and employee applications to the SHOP. For states that do not have integrated eligibility determination systems, please report the number of applications submitted to the SBM (excluding employer and employee applications to the SHOP). | |||||||
Unit: Number of applications, number of policies with effectuated coverage, number of Medicaid/CHIP accounts | |||||||
Population Included: Completed applications submitted during the reference period. One application may results in multiple QHP policies or Medicaid/CHIP accounts | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination. | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Incomplete Application | Number of incomplete applications initiated during the reference period and remain incomplete as of the last day in the reference period. Applications initiated in previous reference periods should not be included in these data elements, even if there was some activity on the application. An incomplete application submitted via electronic channels includes applications where data is provided through the web portal by the applicant or inputted into the system electronically by call center staff or other assistors. The applicant must have a registered account, started the application, and provided enough information to hit "save," but not yet have submitted a complete application with enough information to begin processing eligibility for coverage (QHP or Medicaid/CHIP). An incomplete application submitted via paper channels includes applications which were submitted by hand or by mail on paper and where there is at least a signature but the information necessary to begin processing eligibility is incomplete (e.g., these fields on the application are left blank). At a minimum, an incomplete paper application would have a signature only. States that cannot determin the channel used to submit an incomplete application should use the unknown option. |
Channel Roll-Up | Electronic | INCOMPLETE_ELEC | Number | |
2 | Paper | INCOMPLETE_PAPER | Number | ||||
3 | Unknown | INCOMPLETE_UNK | Number | ||||
4 | Total | INCOMPELTE_TOTAL | Number | ||||
5 | Submitted and Completed Applications | Number of completed applications for any type of coverage submitted during the reference period. (QHP or Medicaid/CHIP). A completed application is defined as an application with sufficient information to begin processing eligibility for any type of coverage (QHP or Medicaid/CHIP). There are three possible outcomes of completed applications: 1) individual is determined eligible for Medicaid, CHIP or QHP (includes both provisional and final determination); or 2) individual is determined ineligible for Medicaid, CHIP, or QHP; or 3) verification and additional documentation is required before eligibility can be determined. |
FPL | <100% | APPLICATIONS_FPL1 | Number | |
6 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APPLICATIONS_FPL2 | Number | ||||
7 | >138 - ≤150% | APPLICATIONS_FPL3 | Number | ||||
8 | >150 - ≤200% | APPLICATIONS_FPL4 | Number | ||||
9 | >200 - ≤250% | APPLICATIONS_FPL5 | Number | ||||
10 | >250 - ≤300% | APPLICATIONS_FPL6 | Number | ||||
11 | >300- ≤400% | APPLICATIONS_FPL7 | Number | ||||
12 | >400% | APPLICATIONS_FPL8 | Number | ||||
13 | unknown | APPLICATIONS_FPL9 | Number | ||||
14 | Channel | web | APPLICATIONS_WEB | Number | |||
15 | phone | APPLICATIONS_PHONE | Number | ||||
16 | paper | APPLICATIONS_PAPER | Number | ||||
17 | other/unknown | APPLICATIONS_OTHER | Number | ||||
18 | Application Assistance | Any | APPLICATIONS_ANY | Number | |||
19 | None | APPLICATIONS_NONE | Number | ||||
20 | Total | APPLICATIONS_TOTAL | Number | ||||
21 | Submitted Applications with Verification Issues | Number of completed applications that were submitted but require additional documentation to resolve verification issues. Includes applications that required verification before eligibility could be determined and applications which resulted in provisional eligibility determination but need additional follow-up before determination of final eligibility. |
Channel Roll-Up | Electronic | VERIFICATION_ELEC | Number | |
22 | Paper | VERIFICATION_PAPER | Number | ||||
23 | Unknown | VERIFICATION_UNK | Number | ||||
24 | Total | VERIFICATION_TOTAL | Number | ||||
25 | Effectuated Policies for QHP Coverage Financial Assistance |
Number of effectuated policies for QHP enrollment issued during the reference period. Includes only policies for individuals receiving QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR) Effectuated enrollment is defined as when an individual is determined eligible for QHP enrollment, the SBM approved the QHP selection, and the first premium payment has been made. |
FPL | ≤100% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL1 | Number | |
26 | >100 - ≤138% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL2 | Number | ||||
27 | >138 - ≤150% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL3 | Number | ||||
28 | >150 - ≤200% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL4 | Number | ||||
29 | >200 - ≤250% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL5 | Number | ||||
30 | >250 - ≤300% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL6 | Number | ||||
31 | >300- ≤400% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL7 | Number | ||||
32 | >400% | POLICIES_FIN_FPL8 | Number | ||||
33 | unknown | POLICIES_FIN_FPL9 | Number | ||||
34 | Channel | web | POLICIES_FIN_WEB | Number | |||
35 | phone | POLICIES_FIN_PHONE | Number | ||||
36 | paper | POLICIES_FIN_PAPER | Number | ||||
37 | other/unknown | POLICIES_FIN_OTHER | Number | ||||
38 | Application Assistance | Any | POLICIES_FIN_ANY | Number | |||
39 | None | POLICIES_FIN_NONE | Number | ||||
40 | Policy Structure | Single | POLICIES_FIN_PS1 | Number | |||
41 | Single + 1 spouse/partner | POLICIES_FIN_PS2 | Number | ||||
42 | Single + 1 child | POLICIES_FIN_PS3 | Number | ||||
43 | Single + 2 or more dependents | POLICIES_FIN_PS4 | Number | ||||
44 | Child-only | POLICIES_FIN_PS5 | Number | ||||
45 | Total | POLICIES_FIN_TOTAL | Number | ||||
46 | Effectuated Policies for QHP Coverage NO Financial Assistance |
Number of effectuated policies for QHP enrollment issued during the reference period. Includes only policies for individuals receiving QHP coverage without financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR). Includes all of the following: (1) individuals deemed ineligible for QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR); (2) individuals that requested their application not be considered for financial assistance; and (3) individuals deemed eligible for QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR) and did not select financial assistance. Effectuated enrollment is defined as when an individual is determined eligible for QHP enrollment, the SBM approved the QHP selection, and the first premium payment has been made. |
Channel | web | POLICIES_NOFIN_WEB | Number | |
47 | phone | POLICIES_NOFIN_PHONE | Number | ||||
48 | paper | POLICIES_NOFIN_PAPER | Number | ||||
49 | other/unknown | POLICIES_NOFIN_OTHER | Number | ||||
50 | Application Assistance | Any | POLICIES_NOFIN_ANY | Number | |||
51 | None | POLICIES_NOFIN_NONE | Number | ||||
52 | Policy Structure | Single | POLICIES_NOFIN_PS1 | Number | |||
53 | Single + 1 spouse/partner | POLICIES_NOFIN_PS2 | Number | ||||
54 | Single + 1 child | POLICIES_NOFIN_PS3 | Number | ||||
55 | Single + 2 or more dependents | POLICIES_NOFIN_PS4 | Number | ||||
56 | Child-only | POLICIES_NOFIN_PS5 | Number | ||||
57 | Total | POLICIES_NOFIN_TOTAL | Number |
APTC | |||||||
Description: Data use to understand the amount of Advanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) that enrollees were deeemed eligible to receive and the percentage selected during the reference period. All calculations are median across tax households. | |||||||
Unit: Tax households deemed eligibile for APTC | |||||||
Population Included: Policies in which the individuals received effectuated coverage. | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Median APTC Eligible Amount | Among individuals that are deemed eligible for APTC assistance within the reference period, monthly maximum APTC amount that enrollees were deemed eligible to receive. Report median per tax household Include individuals that are QHP Eligible, meaning deemed eligible for QHP coverage with APTC assistance during the reference period, but may or may not have selected a QHP. |
FPL | <100% | APTC_AMT_FPL1 | Number | |
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APTC_AMT_FPL2 | Number | ||||
3 | >138- ≤150% | APTC_AMT_FPL3 | Number | ||||
4 | >150 - ≤250% | APTC_AMT_FPL4 | Number | ||||
5 | >250- ≤400% | APTC_AMT_FPL5 | Number | ||||
6 | Application Assistance | Any | APTC_AMT_ANY | Number | |||
7 | None | APTC_AMT_NONE | Number | ||||
8 | Median across all tax households | APTC_AMT_TOTAL | Number | ||||
9 | Median APTC Selected Amount | Among individuals that recieve effective enrollment with APTC assistance within the reference period, the median amount of APTC selected. Report median per tax household. Include individuals that are have effective enrollment, meaning deemed eligible for QHP coverage with APTC assistance and selected a QHP during the reference period, but may or may not have selected have paid the first premium. |
FPL | <100% | APTC_SELECT_FPL1 | Number | |
10 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APTC_SELECT_FPL2 | Number | ||||
11 | >138- ≤150% | APTC_SELECT_FPL3 | Number | ||||
12 | >150 - ≤250% | APTC_SELECT_FPL4 | Number | ||||
13 | >250- ≤400% | APTC_SELECT_FPL5 | Number | ||||
14 | Application Assistance | Any | APTC_SELECT_ANY | Number | |||
15 | None | APTC_SELECT_NONE | Number | ||||
16 | Median across all tax households | APTC_SELECT_TOTAL | Number | ||||
17 | Median Percentage APTC Selected | Among individuals that recieve effective enrollment with APTC assistance within the reference period, the percentage of offered APTC that enrollees selected. Report median per tax household (no decimals). Include individuals that are have effective enrollment, meaning deemed eligible for QHP coverage with APTC assistance and selected a QHP during the reference period, but may or may not have selected have paid the first premium |
FPL | <100% | APTC_PCTSELECT_FPL1 | Number | |
18 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APTC_PCTSELECT_FPL2 | Number | ||||
19 | >138- ≤150% | APTC_PCTSELECT_FPL3 | Number | ||||
20 | >150 - ≤250% | APTC_PCTSELECT_FPL4 | Number | ||||
21 | >250- ≤400% | APTC_PCTSELECT_FPL5 | Number | ||||
22 | Application Assistance | Any | APTC_PCTSELECT_ANY | Number | |||
23 | None | APTC_PCTSELECT_NONE | Number | ||||
24 | Median across all tax households | APTC_PCTSELECT_TOTAL | Number |
Time to Determine Eligibility for QHP Financial Assistance (APTC/CSR) | |||||||
Description: Data reflects median number of days (calendar days, not working days) to determine eligibility for financial assistance with QHP enrollment (APTC/CSR). For individuals that received final eligibility determination, look back to calculate the number of days since submission of the completed application. A completed application is defined as an application with sufficient information to begin processing eligibility for any type of coverage (QHP or Medicaid/CHIP). | |||||||
Unit: Number of individuals that received final eligibility determination for financial assistance | |||||||
Population Included: Individuals that had final eligibility determination for financial assistance (APTC/CSR) within the reference period. Includes individuals determined eligibile and ineligible. Metric excludes individuals where final eligibility determination has not taken place (e.g., the individual is in the midst of verification and only have provisional eligibility determination or they did not request financial assistance eligibility determination) | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Final eligibility determination. | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Eligibility Determinations- Median Time | Median number of calendar days between submission of completed application and final eligibility determination for financial assistance (no decimals) | FPL | <100% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL1 | Number | |
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL2 | Number | ||||
3 | >138 - ≤150% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL3 | Number | ||||
4 | >150 - ≤200% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL4 | Number | ||||
5 | >200 - ≤250% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL5 | Number | ||||
6 | >250 - ≤300% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL6 | Number | ||||
7 | >300- ≤400% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL7 | Number | ||||
8 | >400% | DET_MEDIAN_FPL8 | Number | ||||
9 | unknown | DET_MEDIAN_FPL9 | Number | ||||
10 | Channel | web | DET_MEDIAN_WEB | Number | |||
11 | phone | DET_MEDIAN_PHONE | Number | ||||
12 | paper | DET_MEDIAN_MAIL | Number | ||||
13 | other/unknown | DET_MEDIAN_OTHER | Number | ||||
14 | Application Assistance | Any | DET_MEDIAN_ANY | Number | |||
15 | None | DET_MEDIAN_NONE | Number | ||||
16 | Financial Assistance Eligiblity |
APTC only | DET_MEDIAN_APTC | Number | |||
17 | Both APTC and CSR | DET_MEDIAN_BOTH | Number | ||||
18 | Ineligible for APTC and CSR | DET_MEDIAN_NEITHER | Number | ||||
19 | Total | DET_MEDIAN_TOTAL | Number |
Time to Effectuated Enrollment | |||||||
Description: Data reflects median number of days (calendar days, not working days) for an individual to have effectuated enrollment. Effectuated enrollment is defined as when an individual is determined eligible for QHP enrollment, the SBM approved the QHP selection, and the individual has made the first premium payment. To identify the amount time involved, look back to calculate the number of days between submission of the completed application and first date of effectuated enrollment. A completed application is defined as an application with sufficient information to begin processing eligibility for any type of coverage (QHP or Medicaid/CHIP). | |||||||
Unit: Number of individuals | |||||||
Population Included: Individuals with effectuated enrollment that begins within the reference period. Metric excludes individuals that do not yet have effectuated enrollment or first had effectuated enrollment in the previous quarter (and have not changed QHP selection). If individuals changed QHP selection within the reference period, time should be calculated based on the number of days between when the marketplace recieves notification of the new QHP selection and effective enrollment in the new QHP. | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | Effectuated Enrollment- Median Time Financial Assistance |
Median number of calendar days between submission of completed application and effectuated enrollment (no decimals). Includes only individuals receiving QHP coverage with financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR) |
FPL | <100% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL1 | Number | |
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL2 | Number | ||||
3 | >138 - ≤150% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL3 | Number | ||||
4 | >150 - ≤200% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL4 | Number | ||||
5 | >200 - ≤250% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL5 | Number | ||||
6 | >250 - ≤300% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL6 | Number | ||||
7 | >300- ≤400% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL7 | Number | ||||
8 | >400% | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL8 | Number | ||||
9 | unknown | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_FPL9 | Number | ||||
10 | Channel | web | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_WEB | Number | |||
11 | phone | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_PHONE | Number | ||||
12 | paper | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_MAIL | Number | ||||
13 | other/unknown | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_OTHER | Number | ||||
14 | Application Assistance | Any | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_ANY | Number | |||
15 | None | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_NONE | Number | ||||
16 | Total | EFFECT_FIN_MEDIAN_TOTAL | Number | ||||
17 | Effectuated Enrollment- Median Time NO Financial Assistance |
Median number of calendar days between submission of completed application and effectuated enrollment (no decimals). Includes only individuals receiving QHP coverage without financial assistance (APTC and/or CSR) |
Channel | web | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_WEB | Number | |
18 | phone | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_PHONE | Number | ||||
19 | paper | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_MAIL | Number | ||||
20 | other/unknown | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_OTHER | Number | ||||
21 | Application Assistance | Any | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_ANY | Number | |||
22 | None | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_NONE | Number | ||||
23 | Total | EFFECT_NOFIN_MEDIAN_TOTAL | Number |
QHP Eligible Application Submission- By Type of Assistance | |||||||
Description: Data used to report on QHP eligibles (both subsidized and unsubsidized) in the SBM (not SHOP) by type of assistance. This metric is intended to capture all recorded types of assistance either with submission of application for QHP enrollment or with selection of a QHP. CCIIO recognizes that some assistance is provided but not recorded, and therefore cannot be reported. Also, not all states have each of these types of asssistance. CCIIO does not distinguishing between certified and non-certified assistors; they are considered equivelent for the purposes of this layout. Individuals may have more than one type of assistance. If so, report all types of assistance for each individual. Additional information about assistance types in the glossary. QHP Eligible-Any Assistance + QHP Eligible- No Assistance= Together these data elements should describe the universe individuals determined QHP eligible by the SBM during the reference period |
Unit: Number of Individuals determined QHP eligilble during the reference period | |||||||
Population Included: Any individual considered eligible for QHP enrollment (either provisional or final eligibility determination) during the reference period. Include individuals that have been determined eligible but may not have selected a QHP or paid an initial premium. | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination. If individual has not yet received final eligibility determination, report data from provisional eligibility determination. | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Individual Marketplace (SBM)- Does not include SHOP | |||||||
1 | QHP eligible -Any assistance | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period that received any assistance | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL1 | Number | |
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL2 | Number | ||||
3 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL3 | Number | ||||
4 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL4 | Number | ||||
5 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL5 | Number | ||||
6 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL6 | Number | ||||
7 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL7 | Number | ||||
8 | >400% | ASSIST_ANY_FPL8 | Number | ||||
9 | unknown | ASSIST_ANY_FPL9 | Number | ||||
10 | Channel | web | ASSIST_ANY_WEB | Number | |||
11 | phone | ASSIST_ANY_PHONE | Number | ||||
12 | paper | ASSIST_ANY_PAPER | Number | ||||
13 | other/unknown | ASSIST_ANY_OTHER | Number | ||||
14 | Total | ASSIST_ANY_TOTAL | Number | ||||
15 | QHP eligible -No assistance | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period that did not receive any assistance | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL1 | Number | |
16 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL2 | Number | ||||
17 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL3 | Number | ||||
18 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL4 | Number | ||||
19 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL5 | Number | ||||
20 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL6 | Number | ||||
21 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL7 | Number | ||||
22 | >400% | ASSIST_NONE_FPL8 | Number | ||||
23 | unknown | ASSIST_NONE_FPL9 | Number | ||||
24 | Channel | web | ASSIST_NONE_WEB | Number | |||
25 | phone | ASSIST_NONE_PHONE | Number | ||||
26 | paper | ASSIST_NONE_PAPER | Number | ||||
27 | other/unknown | ASSIST_NONE_OTHER | Number | ||||
28 | Total | ASSIST_NONE_TOTAL | Number | ||||
29 | QHP eligible -Navigator | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period with assistance from a navigator | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL1 | Number | |
30 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL2 | Number | ||||
31 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL3 | Number | ||||
32 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL4 | Number | ||||
33 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL5 | Number | ||||
34 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL6 | Number | ||||
35 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL7 | Number | ||||
36 | >400% | ASSIST_NAV_FPL8 | Number | ||||
37 | unknown | ASSIST_NAV_FPL9 | Number | ||||
38 | Channel | web | ASSIST_NAV_WEB | Number | |||
39 | phone | ASSIST_NAV_PHONE | Number | ||||
40 | paper | ASSIST_NAV_PAPER | Number | ||||
41 | other/unknown | ASSIST_NAV_OTHER | Number | ||||
42 | Total | ASSIST_NAV_TOTAL | Number | ||||
43 | QHP eligible-IPA | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period with assistance from an In-Person Assister (IPA) | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL1 | Number | |
44 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL2 | Number | ||||
45 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL3 | Number | ||||
46 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL4 | Number | ||||
47 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL5 | Number | ||||
48 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL6 | Number | ||||
49 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL7 | Number | ||||
50 | >400% | ASSIST_IPA_FPL8 | Number | ||||
51 | unknown | ASSIST_IPA_FPL9 | Number | ||||
52 | Channel | web | ASSIST_IPA_WEB | Number | |||
53 | phone | ASSIST_IPA_PHONE | Number | ||||
54 | paper | ASSIST_IPA_PAPER | Number | ||||
55 | other/unknown | ASSIST_IPA_OTHER | Number | ||||
56 | Total | ASSIST_IPA_TOTAL | Number | ||||
57 | QHP eligible-CAC | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period with assistance from a Certified Application Councelor (CAC) | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL1 | Number | |
58 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL2 | Number | ||||
59 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL3 | Number | ||||
60 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL4 | Number | ||||
61 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL5 | Number | ||||
62 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL6 | Number | ||||
63 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL7 | Number | ||||
64 | >400% | ASSIST_CAC_FPL8 | Number | ||||
65 | unknown | ASSIST_CAC_FPL9 | Number | ||||
66 | Channel | web | ASSIST_CAC_WEB | Number | |||
67 | phone | ASSIST_CAC_PHONE | Number | ||||
68 | paper | ASSIST_CAC_PAPER | Number | ||||
69 | other/unknown | ASSIST_CAC_OTHER | Number | ||||
70 | Total | ASSIST_CAC_TOTAL | Number | ||||
71 | QHP eligible-Broker | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period with assistance from an Agent or a Broker (includes web broker) | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL1 | Number | |
72 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL2 | Number | ||||
73 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL3 | Number | ||||
74 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL4 | Number | ||||
75 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL5 | Number | ||||
76 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL6 | Number | ||||
77 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL7 | Number | ||||
78 | >400% | ASSIST_BKR_FPL8 | Number | ||||
79 | unknown | ASSIST_BKR_FPL9 | Number | ||||
80 | Channel | web | ASSIST_BKR_WEB | Number | |||
81 | phone | ASSIST_BKR_PHONE | Number | ||||
82 | paper | ASSIST_BKR_PAPER | Number | ||||
83 | other/unknown | ASSIST_BKR_OTHER | Number | ||||
84 | Total | ASSIST_BKR_TOTAL | Number | ||||
85 | QHP eligible-Authorized Rep | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period with assistance from an Authorized Representative | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL1 | Number | |
86 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL2 | Number | ||||
87 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL3 | Number | ||||
88 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL4 | Number | ||||
89 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL5 | Number | ||||
90 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL6 | Number | ||||
91 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL7 | Number | ||||
92 | >400% | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL8 | Number | ||||
93 | unknown | ASSIST_AUTHREP_FPL9 | Number | ||||
94 | Channel | web | ASSIST_AUTHREP_WEB | Number | |||
95 | phone | ASSIST_AUTHREP_PHONE | Number | ||||
96 | paper | ASSIST_AUTHREP_PAPER | Number | ||||
97 | other/unknown | ASSIST_AUTHREP_OTHER | Number | ||||
98 | Total | ASSIST_AUTHREP_TOTAL | Number | ||||
99 | QHP eligible-other assistance | Number of QHP eligible individuals in the reference period with assistance from an entity or person not in the list (e.g., Community Health Centers) | FPL | <100% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL1 | Number | |
100 | ≥100 - ≤138% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL2 | Number | ||||
101 | >138 - ≤150% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL3 | Number | ||||
102 | >150 - ≤200% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL4 | Number | ||||
103 | >200 - ≤250% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL5 | Number | ||||
104 | >250 - ≤300% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL6 | Number | ||||
105 | >300- ≤400% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL7 | Number | ||||
106 | >400% | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL8 | Number | ||||
107 | unknown | ASSIST_OTHER_FPL9 | Number | ||||
108 | Channel | web | ASSIST_OTHER_WEB | Number | |||
109 | phone | ASSIST_OTHER_PHONE | Number | ||||
110 | paper | ASSIST_OTHER_PAPER | Number | ||||
111 | other/unknown | ASSIST_OTHER_OTHER | Number | ||||
112 | Total | ASSIST_OTHER_TOTAL | Number |
Appeals | ||||||||
Description: Data used to understand status of appeals and report median time to resolve appeals. Appeals of all types related to the SBM or SHOP marketplace are included in this metric (e.g., exemption from coverage, eligibility for financial assistance, level of assistance, special enrollment period, small employer eligibility for SHOP, etc). Data breakouts are specific to individual-level appeals. SHOP appeals may be included in the total but not in the data breakouts. Channel in data breakout related to the submission of the application not the appeal (for more information see the Glossary). For appeals in which the marketplace's decision is contested and the appeal receives second consideration (for example, by an adminsitrative law judge), count the appeal once and based most recent decision. Scenario: An appeal is denied by the marketplace. The individual contests the decision and the appeal is in the process of being reviewed by an administrative law judge but the decision has not been made. For the purposes of the SBM supplemental data submission, the appeal should be considered "unresolved." |
Unit: Number of Appeals | ||||||||
Population Included: Appeals submitted within the reference period. If date of submission is unavailable, use date of initiation of appeal. Includes only appeals managed by the state; excludes appeals managed by federal government (level 3). | ||||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Most recent eligibility determination. | ||||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | ||||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | |||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | |||||||
Data type | (please select) | |||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | ||
Combined SBM and SHOP | ||||||||
1 | Appeals- Upheld |
Number of appeals that were submitted during the reference period and upheld | FPL | <100% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL1 | Number | ||
2 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL2 | Number | |||||
3 | >138 - ≤150% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL3 | Number | |||||
4 | >150 - ≤200% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL4 | Number | |||||
5 | >200 - ≤250% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL5 | Number | |||||
6 | >250 - ≤300% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL6 | Number | |||||
7 | >300- ≤400% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL7 | Number | |||||
8 | >400% | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL8 | Number | |||||
9 | unknown | APPEAL_UPHLD_FPL9 | Number | |||||
10 | Channel | web | APPEAL_UPHLD_WEB | Number | ||||
11 | phone | APPEAL_UPHLD_PHONE | Number | |||||
12 | paper | APPEAL_UPHLD_MAIL | Number | |||||
13 | other/unknown | APPEAL_UPHLD_OTHER | Number | |||||
14 | Application Assistance | Any | APPEAL_UPHLD_ANY | Number | ||||
15 | None | APPEAL_UPHLD_NONE | Number | |||||
16 | Total | APPEAL_UPHLD_TOTAL | Number | |||||
17 | Appeals- Reversed | Number of appeals that were submitted during the reference period and reversed | FPL | <100% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL1 | Number | ||
18 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL2 | Number | |||||
19 | >138 - ≤150% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL3 | Number | |||||
20 | >150 - ≤200% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL4 | Number | |||||
21 | >200 - ≤250% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL5 | Number | |||||
22 | >250 - ≤300% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL6 | Number | |||||
23 | >300- ≤400% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL7 | Number | |||||
24 | >400% | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL8 | Number | |||||
25 | unknown | APPEAL_RVSD_FPL9 | Number | |||||
26 | Channel | web | APPEAL_RVSD_WEB | Number | ||||
27 | phone | APPEAL_RVSD_PHONE | Number | |||||
28 | paper | APPEAL_RVSD_MAIL | Number | |||||
29 | other/unknown | APPEAL_RVSD_OTHER | Number | |||||
30 | Application Assistance | Any | APPEAL_RVSD_ANY | Number | ||||
31 | None | APPEAL_RVSD_NONE | Number | |||||
32 | Total | APPEAL_RVSD_TOTAL | Number | |||||
33 | Appeals- Withdrawn, Dismissed, or Halted | Number of appeals that were submitted during the reference period and withdrawn, dismissed, or halted | FPL | <100% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL1 | Number | ||
34 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL2 | Number | |||||
35 | >138 - ≤150% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL3 | Number | |||||
36 | >150 - ≤200% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL4 | Number | |||||
37 | >200 - ≤250% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL5 | Number | |||||
38 | >250 - ≤300% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL6 | Number | |||||
39 | >300- ≤400% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL7 | Number | |||||
40 | >400% | APPEAL_WDH_FPL8 | Number | |||||
41 | unknown | APPEAL_WDH_FPL9 | Number | |||||
42 | Channel | web | APPEAL_WDH_WEB | Number | ||||
43 | phone | APPEAL_WDH_PHONE | Number | |||||
44 | paper | APPEAL_WDH_MAIL | Number | |||||
45 | other/unknown | APPEAL_WDH_OTHER | Number | |||||
46 | Application Assistance | Any | APPEAL_WDH_ANY | Number | ||||
47 | None | APPEAL_WDH_NONE | Number | |||||
48 | Total | APPEAL_WDH_TOTAL | Number | |||||
49 | Appeals- unresolved | Number of appeals that were submitted during the reference period and remain unresolved (meaning in progress or pending and not halted) | FPL | <100% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL1 | Number | ||
50 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL2 | Number | |||||
51 | >138 - ≤150% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL3 | Number | |||||
52 | >150 - ≤200% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL4 | Number | |||||
53 | >200 - ≤250% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL5 | Number | |||||
54 | >250 - ≤300% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL6 | Number | |||||
55 | >300- ≤400% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL7 | Number | |||||
56 | >400% | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL8 | Number | |||||
57 | unknown | APPEAL_UNRES_FPL9 | Number | |||||
58 | Channel | web | APPEAL_UNRES_WEB | Number | ||||
59 | phone | APPEAL_UNRES_PHONE | Number | |||||
60 | paper | APPEAL_UNRES_MAIL | Number | |||||
61 | other/unknown | APPEAL_UNRES_OTHER | Number | |||||
62 | Application Assistance | Any | APPEAL_UNRES_ANY | Number | ||||
63 | None | APPEAL_UNRES_NONE | Number | |||||
64 | Total | APPEAL_UNRES_TOTAL | Number | |||||
65 | Appeals- Median Time |
Median number of calendar days to resolve appeals that were submitted during the reference period. Only include appeals that were upheld or reversed. (no decimals) | FPL | <100% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL1 | Number | ||
66 | ≥100 - ≤138% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL2 | Number | |||||
67 | >138 - ≤150% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL3 | Number | |||||
68 | >150 - ≤200% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL4 | Number | |||||
69 | >200 - ≤250% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL5 | Number | |||||
70 | >250 - ≤300% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL6 | Number | |||||
71 | >300- ≤400% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL7 | Number | |||||
72 | >400% | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL8 | Number | |||||
73 | unknown | APPEAL_MEDIAN_FPL9 | Number | |||||
74 | Channel | web | APPEAL_MEDIAN_WEB | Number | ||||
75 | phone | APPEAL_MEDIAN_PHONE | Number | |||||
76 | paper | APPEAL_MEDIAN_MAIL | Number | |||||
77 | other/unknown | APPEAL_MEDIAN_OTHER | Number | |||||
78 | Application Assistance | Any | APPEAL_MEDIAN_ANY | Number | ||||
79 | None | APPEAL_MEDIAN_NONE | Number | |||||
80 | Total | APPEAL_MEDIAN_TOTAL | Number |
SHOP | |||||||
Description: Data used to report employer and employee SHOP activity. This is the only metric to include data elements about dental coverage. Data elements about dependents includes both spouse/partner and children (≤25 yrs). Enrolled means first premium payment by employer and employee submitted. | |||||||
Unit: Varies by data element | |||||||
Population Included: Varies by data element | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: Group size is the only data breakout and refers to number of employees on census submitted by the employer to the SHOP | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts | Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
SHOP | |||||||
1 | Employers | Total number of employers that submitted a complete application for enrollment in the SHOP during the reference period | Total | SHOP_EMP_APP | Number | ||
2 | Total number of employers enrolled in SHOP during the reference period, by group size | Group Size- Enrolled Employees | Employees=1 | SHOP_EMP_ENR1 | Number | ||
3 | 2<=Employees<=5 | SHOP_EMP_ENR2 | Number | ||||
4 | 6<=Employees<=9 | SHOP_EMP_ENR6 | Number | ||||
5 | 10<=Employees<=24 | SHOP_EMP_ENR10 | Number | ||||
6 | 25<=Employees<=49 | SHOP_EMP_ENR25 | Number | ||||
7 | 50<=Employees<=74 | SHOP_EMP_ENR50 | Number | ||||
8 | 75<=Employees<=100 | SHOP_EMP_ENR75 | Number | ||||
9 | Total | SHOP_EMP_ENRTOT | Number | ||||
10 | Average group size of enrolled employees among all employers enrolled in SHOP during the reference period | Average across all employers | SHOP_EMP_ENRAVG | Number | |||
11 | Total number of employers offering dependent medical coverage at some point during the reference period | Total | SHOP_EMP_DEP | Number | |||
12 | Total number of employers offering stand-alone dental coverage at some point during the reference period | Total | SHOP_EMP_DENTAL | Number | |||
13 | Employee Choice | Total number of employers offering one choice of medical QHPs to employees | Total | SHOP_EMP_CHOICE1 | Number | ||
14 | Total number of employers offering two or more medical QHPs to employees | Total | SHOP_EMP_CHOICE2 | Number | |||
15 | Total number of employers offering all QHPs at a single metal level of coverage (states where employers cannot offer more than one QHP should enter -999 for not applicable) | Total | SHOP_EMP_CHOICE3 | Number | |||
16 | Total number of employers offering all QHPs at all metal levels of coverage (states where employers cannot offer more than one QHP should enter -999 for not applicable) | Total | SHOP_EMP_CHOICE4 | Number | |||
17 | Total number of employers offering QHPs from a single insurance carrier across all metal levels of coverage (states where employers cannot offer more than one QHP should enter -999 for not applicable) | Total | SHOP_EMP_CHOICE5 | Number | |||
18 | Total number of employers offering all insurance carriers across two contiguous metal levels of coverage (states where employers cannot offer more than one QHP should enter -999 for not applicable) | Total | SHOP_EMP_CHOICE6 | Number | |||
19 | Employees | Total number of employees on the roster/census submitted by employers as of the last day in reference period- medical coverage only (excluding dependents) | Group Size- Employees on Roster | Employees=1 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER1 | Number | |
20 | 2<=Employees<=5 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER2 | Number | ||||
21 | 6<=Employees<=9 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER6 | Number | ||||
22 | 10<=Employees<=24 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER10 | Number | ||||
23 | 25<=Employees<=49 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER25 | Number | ||||
24 | 50<=Employees<=74 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER50 | Number | ||||
25 | 75<=Employees<=100 | SHOP_EE_ROSTER75 | Number | ||||
26 | Total | SHOP_EE_ROSTERTOT | Number | ||||
27 | Average number of employees on the roster/census submitted by employers as of the last day in the reference period- medical coverage only (excluding dependents) | Average across all employers | SHOP_EE_ROSTERAVG | Number | |||
28 | Among employers that submitted a roster during the reference period, total number of enrolled employees as of the last day in the reference period - medical coverage only | Group Size- Enrolled Employees | Employees=1 | SHOP_EE_ENR1 | Number | ||
29 | 2<=Employees<=5 | SHOP_EE_ENR2 | Number | ||||
30 | 6<=Employees<=9 | SHOP_EE_ENR6 | Number | ||||
31 | 10<=Employees<=24 | SHOP_EE_ENR10 | Number | ||||
32 | 25<=Employees<=49 | SHOP_EE_ENR25 | Number | ||||
33 | 50<=Employees<=74 | SHOP_EE_ENR50 | Number | ||||
34 | 75<=Employees<=100 | SHOP_EE_ENR75 | Number | ||||
35 | Total | SHOP_EE_ENR | Number | ||||
36 | Among employers that submitted a roster during the reference period, average number of enrolled employees per employer as of the last day of the reference period- medical coverage only | Group Size- Enrolled Employees | Employees=1 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG1 | Number | ||
37 | 2<=Employees<=5 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG2 | Number | ||||
38 | 6<=Employees<=9 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG6 | Number | ||||
39 | 10<=Employees<=24 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG10 | Number | ||||
40 | 25<=Employees<=49 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG25 | Number | ||||
41 | 50<=Employees<=74 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG50 | Number | ||||
42 | 75<=Employees<=100 | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG75 | Number | ||||
43 | Total | SHOP_EE_ENRAVG | Number | ||||
44 | Average participation rate in medical QHPs per employer as of the last day in the reference period. Participation rate in medical QHPs is the number of qualified employees accepting coverage under the employer's group health plan, divided by the number of qualified employees offered coverage. Excluded from the calculation are any employee who, at the time the employer submits the SHOP application, is enrolled in coverage through another employer's group health plan or through a governmental plan such as Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE. Retirees and COBRA enrollees that are included on the employer’s roster are included in the denominator of the participation rate calculation. |
Average across all employers | SHOP_EE_PARTICIPATION | Number | |||
45 | Contribution | Average percent employer premium contribution for employees that enrolled in medical coverage through SHOP as of the last day in the reference period | Group Size- Enrolled Employees | Employees=1 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED1 | Number | |
46 | 2<=Employees<=5 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED2 | Number | ||||
47 | 6<=Employees<=9 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED6 | Number | ||||
48 | 10<=Employees<=24 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED10 | Number | ||||
49 | 25<=Employees<=49 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED25 | Number | ||||
50 | 50<=Employees<=74 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED50 | Number | ||||
51 | 75<=Employees<=100 | SHOP_CONT_EEMED75 | Number | ||||
52 | Average across all employers | SHOP_CONT_EEMED | Number | ||||
53 | Assistance- Employers |
Total number of agents/brokers registered for SHOP (including web brokers or related organizations such as third party assistors). Some states may not register agents/broker with the SHOP only, but instead register agents/broker with the marketplace (individual and SHOP combined). In that case, please report the number of agents/brokers registered with the marketplace |
Total | SHOP_ASSIST_TOTBKR | Number | ||
54 | Total number of employer applications submitted with agent/broker assistance (including web brokers or related organizations such as third party assistors) as of the last day in the reference period | Group Size- Enrolled Employees | Employees=1 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR1 | Number | ||
55 | 2<=Employees<=5 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR2 | Number | ||||
56 | 6<=Employees<=9 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR6 | Number | ||||
57 | 10<=Employees<=24 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR10 | Number | ||||
58 | 25<=Employees<=49 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR25 | Number | ||||
59 | 50<=Employees<=74 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR50 | Number | ||||
60 | 75<=Employees<=100 | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR75 | Number | ||||
61 | Total | SHOP_ASSIST_BKR | Number | ||||
62 | Total number of employer applications submitted with Navigator assistance | Total | SHOP_ASSIST_NAV | Number | |||
63 | Total number of employer applications submitted with a assistance other than from agent/broker or navigator | Total | SHOP_ASSIST_OTHER | Number | |||
64 | Total number of employer applications submitted without any recorded assistance | Total | SHOP_ASSIST_NONE | Number | |||
65 | |||||||
66 | |||||||
67 | |||||||
68 | |||||||
69 | |||||||
70 | |||||||
71 | |||||||
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Complaints | |||||||
Description: Data used to understand number, type, and resolution time of complaints about the marketplace that were submitted during the reference period. Include only complaints that were accepted by the SBM (e.g., considered actionable by the SBM) and not transferred to a different organization (e.g., an insurance carrier or regulator with authority formally investigate). | |||||||
Unit: Number of complaints or number of calendar days | |||||||
Population Included: Includes all complaints associated with both the SBM and the SHOP that were submitted during the reference period and accepted by the SBM. Average time calculation excludes complaints that are unresolved at the end of the reference period. | |||||||
Source for Data Breakouts: N/A | |||||||
First Reference Period: 10/1/2013-12/31/2013 | |||||||
Notes: If no data matches the restrictions of a particular data element, enter "0" (zero). If the data are believed to be reportable in the future, but are not reportable at the time that the data are submitted, enter "-888" to indicate the data are not available. If it is not possible to report a data element because of the way the marketplace is operated, enter "-999" to indicate the data elements are not applicable. |
State | (please select) | ||||||
Reference Period | (please select) | ||||||
Data type | (please select) | ||||||
# | Data Element | Data Element Description | Data Breakouts (for more info, see Glossary tab) |
Data Element Name | Data Type | Data from State | |
Combined SBM and SHOP | |||||||
1 | Number of Complaints | Number of complaints submitted during the reference period that were resolved or unresolved as of the last day in the reference period | Complaint Status | Resolved | COMPLAINTS_RESOLVED | Number | |
2 | Unresolved | COMPLAINTS_UNRESOLVED | Number | ||||
3 | Total Number of Complaints | COMPLAINTS_TOTAL | Number | ||||
4 | Time to Resolve Complaints | Among complaints submitted during the reference period, average time to resolve complaint. Exclude complaints that were unresolved as of the last day of the reference period. Report average calendar days, no decimals |
Average Number of Days | COMPLAINTS_RESOLVEDTIME | Number | ||
5 | Complaints by Topic | Number of complaints submitted during the reference period and associated with the following topics | Difficulties with website | COMPLAINTS_WEB | Text | ||
6 | Difficulties with phone contact | COMPLAINTS_PHONE | Text | ||||
7 | Problem with plan/benefit | COMPLAINTS_PLAN | Text |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 0000-00-00 |