SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) Registrant and Participant (R/P) Survey
# xxxx-xxxx
Expiration: xx/xx/20xx
SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) Registrant and Participant (R/P) Survey
September 11, 2014
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection will be entered after clearance. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. |
Thank you for helping us with the SNAP Employment and Training (E&T) Study. We need your help to better understand the labor skills and training people need to get jobs in the local labor market. The results of the study will help programs better meet the needs of people who are looking for jobs.
This survey asks questions about your work history, skills and training needs, and challenges you faced in getting the training you wanted to get and keep a job in your area. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete.
The information you provide will be used only for statistical purposes. In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your consent. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. You may skip any questions that make you uncomfortable or that you would prefer not to answer.
At the end of the survey I will ask for your mailing address so we can send you a gift card in appreciation of your time. The gift card will not affect your benefits in any way.
Is it okay to begin now?
Section A: Education and Training
The first questions are about your education and any training you’ve received.
1. What is the highest grade or degree you have completed?
Select one only
Less than 8th grade 1
8th to 12th grade, no diploma 2
High school diploma or GED 3
Some college but no degree 4
Associate degree -- Occupational/vocational program 5
Associate degree -- Academic program 6
Bachelors degree (For example: BA, AB, BS) 7
Masters degree or higher 8
Other 99
1a. Do you have certifications in any of the following areas?
Select all that apply
Commercial drivers’ license (CDL), 1
Nursing, 2
Dental, 3
Secretarial, 4
Cosmetology, 5
Construction, 6
Mechanical, or 7
Another certification? 99
No 0
Section B: Employment History
For the next questions, please tell us about any paid jobs. They could be part- or full-time or self-employment in your own business. Don’t include any unpaid work or volunteering.
2. Have you ever worked at a job for pay?
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO Q3a
3. Are you currently working at a job for pay?
Yes 1 GO TO Q4
No 0
3a. What is the main reason you (have never worked/are not currently working)?
Select only one.
Could not find work or lack of jobs available in the area 1
Lack necessary schooling, training, skills or experience 2
Could not get along with supervisor or co-workers 3
Physical or mental health problems 4
Alcohol or substance abuse 5
Family responsibilities; caring for children, spouse, or parents 6
Attending school 7
Transportation issues or problems (no car or no public transportation available, transportation costs too much) 8
Chose not to work 9
Other 99
IF Q2 = 1 |
4. How many jobs have you had in the last 24 months? This includes regular and temporary employment and self-employment. Please do not include any unpaid jobs.
Select one only
None 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 or more 6
Please think about your two most recent jobs, including your current job or jobs.
5. For each of these jobs, please enter the name of the company.
The next questions are about your (job/jobs) at (this company/these companies).
6a. Are you currently working at [FILL JOB 1]?
Yes 1
No 0
Interviewer: Fill (is/was) and (do/did) in this section based on the response to 6a.
6b. What kind of work (do/did) you do, or what (is/was) your job title? For example: plumber, machinist, food service worker, home health aide, or day laborer.
6c. About when did you start working at [FILL JOB 1]?
Don’t remember d
IF 6a = 0 |
6d. When did your job at [INSERT JOB 1] job end?
Still work there / job hasn’t ended 1
Don’t remember d
IF 6c = d or 6d = d |
6e. About how long did you work at that job?
Select one only
Less than 3 months 1
Between 3 and 6 months 2
Between 7 and 12 months 3
More than a year 4
6f. What type of job (is/was) this? Was it…
Select one only
Regular, 1
Temporary, such as seasonal or contract, or 2
You don’t remember? d
6g. How many hours (do/did) you usually work at [INSERT JOB 1] during a typical week?
Hours (vary/varied) each week n
Don’t remember d
IF 6g = N OR D |
6h. About how many hours (do/did) you work at [INSERT JOB 1] in a typical week?
Select one only
1 - 19 hours 1
20 –29 hours 2
30 – 34 hours 3
35 – 40 hours 4
Over 40 hours 5
Don’t remember d
IF 6g < 30 OR 6h = 1 or 2 |
6i. What is your main reason for working less than 30 hours in a typical week?
Select one only
Employer reduced hours 1
Could only find part-time work 2
Full-time is less than 30 hours 3
That is what was available 4
Child care problems (including being pregnant) 5
Other family/personal obligations 6
Health/medical limitations 7
School/training 8
Didn’t want/need more hours 9
Other 99
6j. How much (are/were) you paid at [INSERT JOB 1]?
Select one only
Hourly 1
Weekly 2
Monthly 3
Yearly 4
Don’t remember d
IF 6a = 0 |
6k. What was your reason for leaving [INSERT JOB 1]?
Select one only
Layoff, company downsized, or plant closed 1
Fired 2
Quit 3
Became disabled 4
Moved away from that area 5
Job was temporary and ended 6
Other 99
IF 6k = 2 or 3 |
6l. Why did you (quit/get fired from) your last job? Was it because you…
Select all that apply
Didn’t like supervisor or co-workers, 1
Didn’t like job duties, 2
Didn’t like job earnings, 3
Had difficulty getting to work on time (late or missed days), 4
Didn’t have or like opportunities for advancement, 5
Didn’t like location, 6
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation available, transportation cost too much), 7
Decided to go to school, 8
Had child care responsibilities (including being pregnant), 9
Had other family or personal reasons, 10
Had physical or mental health issues or problems, or 11
Something else? 99
The next questions are about your job at (FILL JOB 2).
7a. Are you currently working at [FILL JOB 2]?
Yes 1
No 0
Interviewer: Fill (is/was) and (do/did) in this section based on the response to 7a.
7b. What kind of work (do/did) you do, or what (is/was) your job title? For example: plumber, machinist, food service worker, home health aide, or day laborer.
7c. About when did you start working at [FILL JOB 2]?
Don’t remember d
IF 7a = 0 |
7d. When did your job at [INSERT JOB 2] job end?
Still work there / job hasn’t ended 1
Don’t remember d
IF 7c = d or 7d = d |
7e. About how long did you work at that job?
Select one only
Less than 3 months 1
Between 3 and 6 months 2
Between 7 and 12 months 3
More than a year 4
7f. What type of job (is/was) this? Was it…
Select one only
Regular, 1
Temporary, such as seasonal or contract, or 2
Don’t remember d
g. How
many hours (do/did) you usually work at [INSERT JOB 2] during a
typical week?
Hours (vary/varied) each week n
Don’t remember d
IF 7g = N OR D |
7h. About how many hours (do/did) you work at [INSERT JOB 2] in a typical week?
Select one only
1 - 19 hours 1
20 –29 hours 2
30 – 34 hours 3
35 – 40 hours 4
Over 40 hours 5
Don’t remember d
IF 7g < 30 OR 7h = 1 or 2 |
7i. What is your main reason for working less than 30 hours in a typical week?
Select one only
Employer reduced hours 1
Could only find part-time work 2
Full-time is less than 30 hours 3
That is what was available 4
Child care problems (including being pregnant) 5
Other family/personal obligations 6
Health/medical limitations 7
School/training 8
Didn’t want/need more hours 9
Other 99
7j. How much (are/were) you paid at [INSERT JOB 2]?
Select one only
Hourly 1
Weekly 2
Monthly 3
Yearly 4
Don’t remember d
IF 7a = 0 |
7k. What was your reason for leaving [INSERT JOB 2]?
Select one only
Layoff, company downsized, or plant closed 1
Fired 2
Quit 3
Became disabled 4
Moved away from that area 5
Job was temporary and ended 6
Other 99
IF 7k = 2 or 3 |
7l. Why did you (quit/get fired from) your last job? Was it because you…
Select all that apply
Didn’t like supervisor or co-workers, 1
Didn’t like job duties, 2
Didn’t like job earnings, 3
Had difficulty getting to work on time (late or missed days), 4
Didn’t have or like opportunities for advancement, 5
Didn’t like location, 6
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation available, transportation cost too much), 7
Decided to go to school, 8
Had child care responsibilities (including being pregnant), 9
Had other family or personal reasons, 10
Had physical or mental health issues or problems, or 11
Something else? (SPECIFY) 99
Section C: Searching for Work and Barriers
ASK IF: If not currently employed or working less than 30 hours. (3=0 or (3=1 and 6g<30) or (3=1 and 6h=1 or 2) or (3=1 and 7g<30) or (3=1 and 7h=1 or 2)). Otherwise go to Q16. |
The next questions are about searching or looking for a job, even if you haven’t been looking a lot lately.
9. Have you looked for a job in the last 12 months?
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO Q14
10. Please indicate what you have been doing to find a job, or to find a better one, in the last 12 months. Have you…
Select all that apply
Contacted employer directly and/or have interviewed, 1
Contacted employment agency or school employment center, 2
Sent out resumes/filled out applications, 3
Looked at ads in newspapers or job listings online (e.g. Monster or Craiglist), 4
Attended job training programs, or 5
Something else? 99
11. What types of jobs have you looked or applied for in the past 12 months?
Select all that apply
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance 1
Business and financial operations 2
Community and social service 3
Construction and extraction 4
Education, training, and library 5
Farming, fishing, and forestry 6
Food preparation and serving related 7
Healthcare 8
Installation, maintenance, and repair 9
Management 10
Office and administrative support 11
Personal care and service 12
Sales and related 13
Transportation and material moving 14
Something else 99
Don’t know d
12. Have you gotten any job offers in the past 12 months, whether you took the job or not?
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO Q14
IF 12 =1 |
13. In what type(s) of business(es) were you offered (a job/jobs)?
Select all that apply
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance 1
Business and financial operations 2
Community and social service 3
Construction and extraction 4
Education, training, and library 5
Farming, fishing, and forestry 6
Food preparation and serving related 7
Healthcare 8
Installation, maintenance, and repair 9
Management 10
Office and administrative support 11
Personal care and service 12
Sales and related 13
Transportation and material moving 14
Something else 99
Don’t know d
14. What problems have you had getting or keeping a job?
Select all that apply
Physical or mental health issues 1
Need to care for family members with physical/mental health issues 2
Finding quality or affordable child or dependent care 3
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation available, or transportation costs too much) 4
Speaking, reading, and/or writing English 5
Immigration or citizenship restrictions 6
Certification/license not valid where you live now or expired 7
Don’t have enough education 8
Can't get along with bosses/coworkers 9
Substance abuse issues 10
Criminal record 11
Housing problems (homelessness, unstable housing, no affordable housing) 12
Other 99
None 0
15. When you were looking for a job, did you feel that you faced any discrimination because of your …
NO |
a. Gender/sex? |
1 |
0 |
b. Race? |
1 |
0 |
c. Ethnicity? |
1 |
0 |
d. Age? |
1 |
0 |
e. National origin? |
1 |
0 |
f. Religion? |
1 |
0 |
g. Sexual orientation? |
1 |
0 |
h. Something else? |
1 |
0 |
Section D: SNAP and the SNAP Employment & Training Program
16. Our records show that you are currently receiving SNAP benefits. Did the state agency tell you to participate in SNAP E&T to keep your benefits (in a letter or some other way), did you volunteer to participate, or are you not participating in an employment and training program?
Select one only
Participating because it is required to keep benefits 1 GO TO 16b
Volunteered to participate 2 GO TO 16b
Got told I had to participate, but I didn’t do it 3 GO TO 16a
Didn’t want to volunteer 4 GO TO 16a
Never got told I had to participate 5 GO TO 34
Participated in the past but not in the last 12 months 6 GO TO 34
16a. Why didn’t you participate in the program?
Select all that apply
Location not on public transportation routes 1 GO TO 34
Inconvenient or unsafe location 2 GO TO 34
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation, transportation costs too much) 3 GO TO 34
Too expensive to get there 4 GO TO 34
Need to care for child or others 5 GO TO 34
Program at a bad time 6 GO TO 34
Didn’t sound useful 7 GO TO 34
Their program wasn’t about something I wanted to learn 8 GO TO 34
Was in a program before and didn’t like it 9 GO TO 34
Other 99 GO TO 34
16b. What were your main reasons for participating in SNAP E&T?
Select all that apply
Keep SNAP benefits, 1
Get childcare, 2
Get other benefits, 3
Improve my English, 4
Gain job search skills, 5
Learn about self employment, 6
Earn a certification/credential/license, 7
Learn a new skill/industry, 8
Get promoted, 9
Get a raise, 10
Get a job, 11
Find a better job, or 12
Something else? 99
17. Have you either begun participating in an employment and training program through SNAP or recently completed a SNAP E&T program?
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO 34
18. Are you still attending the program, or have you completed it?
Select one only
Still attending the program 1 GO TO 19
Completed the program 2
Left before the end of the program 3
Interviewer: Use the response to Q18 to fill (do/did) in the upcoming questions.
IF 18 = 2 or 3 |
8a. When
did you complete the program or stop attending the program?
Don’t remember d
IF 17 = 1 |
19. What is the name of this SNAP employment and training program?
0. When
did you enroll in [INSERT PROGRAM NAME]?
21. How many days a week (do/did) you participate in the program?
22. How many hours a day (do/did) you participate in the program?
23. How many weeks (will/did) the program last?
Program doesn’t end/ Ongoing while getting SNAP 1
24. Where (do/did) you go to participate in that program?
Select all that apply
American Job Center (AJC)/One-Stop/Workforce Center 1
Welfare office 2
Community center 3
Church or other religious building 4
High school 5
Community college 6
College/University 7
Job site 8
Online 9
Vocational institute 10
State unemployment office 11
Other 99
25. What difficulties have you had, if any, in accessing this program?
Select all that apply
Location not on public transportation routes 1
Inconvenient or unsafe location 2
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation, transportation costs too much) 3
Too expensive to get there 4
Need to care for child or others 5
Program at a bad time 6
None 0
Other 99
26. What types of activities (did you participate/are you participating) in through this SNAP E&T program?
Select all that apply
GED preparation/testing, 1
Post-secondary education, 2
Skills assessment, 3
ESL/English classes, 4
Job search training/assistance, 5
Job specific training, 6
On the job training (OJT), 7
Vocational skills training, 8
Certification or licensing preparation or testing, 9
Credential transfer assistance, 10
Internships, 11
Apprenticeship, 12
Workfare or Community Service, or 13
Something else? 99
27. What support services did you receive through the program?
Select all that apply
Onsite childcare, 1
Childcare vouchers or funds, 2
Transportation assistance, 3
Tutoring, 4
Assistance applying for government benefits, 5
Referrals to other organizations, 6
Legal aid, 7
Housing assistance, 8
Domestic violence assistance, 9
Counseling/therapy, 10
Clothing/work equipment/tools, 11
Medical assistance, or 12
Something else? 99
None 0 GO TO 28
27a. How important were these support services for you to be able to participate in the program?
Select one only
Very important, 1
Not so important, or 2
Didn’t matter at all? 0
28. Did you find a job after (completing/you stopped attending) the program?
Select one only
Yes, found a job through the program, 1
Yes, found a job on my own without help from the program, 2
No, didn’t find a job after the program, or 3
Stopped attending the program because I found a job? 4
Don’t remember d
IF 18 = 3 |
29. Why did you stop attending the SNAP E&T program?
Select all that apply
Wasn't learning anything 1
Didn’t like the program 2
Program doesn't match needs 3
Didn’t think the program would help to find a job 4
Got a job/reemployed 5
Too far from home 6
Transportation issues or problems (no car or public transportation, transportation costs too much) 7
Started (other) school/training 8
Child care problems, got pregnant, or had a baby 9
Own physical or mental health problems 10
Caring for family members physical or mental health problems 11
SNAP case closed, no longer required 12
Received a good cause exemption 13
Moved 14
Arrested/incarcerated 15
Other 99
IF 18 = 2 or 3 |
30. Did you receive a certificate or degree/diploma from the program?
Yes 1
No 0 GO TO Q31
Don’t know d GO TO Q31
30a. What kind of certificate or degree/diploma did you receive?
Select one only
Participation/attendance 1
High school diploma 3
Associate's degree 4
English proficiency certification/ TOEFL 5
Certificate or license (e.g. - food handler, forklift operator, hairdressing, plumbing, CDL) 6
Other 99
IF 18 = 2 |
31. After you finished the program, what other activities did you participate in with this organization?
Select all that apply
Follow-up or refresher courses 1
Supplemental training after getting a job 2
Reemployment orientation 3
Other 99
No other activities after finishing the program 4
32. How satisfied (are/were) you with this program overall?
Select one only
Very satisfied, 1
Somewhat satisfied, or 2
Not satisfied? 3
33. What do you think would make the program better for your needs?
Select all that apply
A more convenient location 1
More training programs for specific jobs 2
More convenient times 3
Provide childcare 4
Develop a work plan 5
Provide transportation service to training or work 6
Provide online training 7
Provide more post training services/activities 8
Something else 9
Nothing 0
The next few questions are about previous SNAP E&T programs.
34. IF Q17 = 0: Have you been in any SNAP employment and training programs in the past 24 months?
IF Q18 = 2 or 3: Besides the recently completed program, have you been in other SNAP employment and training programs in the past 24 months?
IF 18 = 1: Besides the program you are currently in, have you been in other SNAP employment and training programs in the past 24 months?
Yes 1
Don’t remember d GO TO END
34a. IF Q17 = 1: Excluding the (current/ most recently completed) participation in a SNAP E&T program which we have discussed, how many separate times in the past 24 months have you participated in a SNAP E&T program?
Select one only
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 or more 6
None 0
IF 34a > 0 |
35. How long ago did the SNAP E&T program prior to the one you (are currently/were/ most recently) in end?
Select one only
Within the past 3 months 1
Between 3 and 6 months ago 2
7 to 12 months ago 3
More than a year ago 4
36. In the (current/most recently completed) SNAP E&T program, did you participate in activities similar to ones you participated in before?
Yes 1 GO TO Q37
No 0
Don’t remember d
IF 36 = 1 |
37. What types of activities did you participate in through these other SNAP employment and training programs?
Select all that apply
GED preparation/testing 1
Post-secondary education 2
Skills assessment 3
ESL/English classes 4
Job search training/assistance 5
Job specific training 6
On the job training (OJT) 7
Vocational skills training 8
Certification or licensing preparation or testing 9
Credential transfer assistance 10
Internships 11
Apprenticeship 12
Workfare or Community Service 13
Something else 99
38. How helpful were the previous SNAP E&T programs in getting you a job?
Select one only
Very helpful, 1
Somewhat helpful, or 2
Not helpful at all? 3
Thank you for participating in this important study.
We will be sending a gift card in appreciation of your participation. Please enter your name and the address you would like the gift card mailed to. Please enter your phone number and email address so we may contact you if we have any questions.
Address 1:
Address 2:
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | SNAP E&T WEB |
Subject | CLIENT WEB |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-26 |