Exhibit 1 |
September 30, 2011 |
The following table lists the burden hours FSA and RMA estimate it will take respondents to provide the required information upon full implementation of ACRSI. Upon full implementation the agencies estimate that 90 percent of the total estimated respondents will utilize the web-based single source reporting system to report thier information or download the information directly using thier precision-ag or farm management system. Therefore, there will be no travel time burden for these respondents. FSA and RMA estimate that 10 percent of the total estimated respondents will report information by personally visiting either the FSA Service Center or thier crop insurance agent office, and having that office share the data with the other agency. Therefore, travel time burden is estimated for this 10 percent. |
1. Task |
2. Estimated Number of Respondents |
3. Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent |
4. Estimated Total Annual Responses (2 x 3) |
5. Estimated Average Time to Respond |
6. Estimated Totoal Burden Hours (4 x 5) |
Reporting Information (either using web-based single source system, downloading from precision-ag or farm management system, or personally visiting FSA Service Center or crop insurance agent office to complete FSA-578) |
293,000 |
1.5 |
439,500 |
45 minutes (.7500) |
329,625 |
Travel time to and from FSA Service Center office or crop insurance agent office |
29,300 |
1 |
29,300 |
60 minutes (1.0) |
29,300 |
293,000 |
2.5 |
468,800 |
358,925 |