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pdfHUD Manufactured Home
Installer License Application
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Office of Manufactured Housing Programs
OMB Approval No. 2502-0578
expires 01/31/2015
The Manufactured Housing Installation Program Regulations 24 CFR Chapter XX Part 3286 Section 207 requires that HUD-licensed installers apply for
an initial or renewed installation license by submitting certain information as required by the Regulations. The information collected here will be used to
evaluate applicants and issue or deny licensure based on the information provided. Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to average 2.5
hours per response including the time for reviewing the instructions, gathering and maintaining the data as needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information. Response to the information collection is mandatory. This agency may not collect this information, and you are not required to
complete this form, unless the form displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Date of Application
Application (please check one):
Initial License Application
If renewal, provide HUD-license number and expiration date
License Renewal Application
Section 1 - Applicant Personal Information
To be completed by all applicants
Legal Name of Applicant (Last, First, Middle Initial)
Street Address (P.O. Box is not acceptable)
Zip Code
Home Phone Number with area code
Section 2 - Applicant Business Information
To be completed by all applicants
Name of Business Affiliation
Street Address (P.O. Box is not acceptable)
Zip Code
Business Phone Number with area code (###.###.####)
Section 3 - Required Training for Initial License or Continuing Education for License Renewal
To be completed by all applicants (use additional sheets as necessary)
Name of HUD-Registered Trainer or
Brief Description of course content
Provider of Continuing Education
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Date of Training or
Hours Completed
(attach completion certificates
for all courses)
Form HUD-307
Section 4 - Successful Completion of HUD-administered or HUD-approved Installer Test
To be completed by applicants for initial license only
Date of Test
Test Administrator
Test Location
(City, State)
Test Score
(attach copy of test score record)
Section 5 - Proof of Surety Bond or Insurance
To be completed by all applicants
Name of Insured Person/Company
Insurance Carrier
Policy/Binder Number
Amount Covered
Policy Expiration Date
Section 6 - Required Experience
To be completed by all applicants
If the applicant retains State certification(s) or license(s) to perform installation work in a State with a qualifying program, please check here to request
a waiver for proof of experience requirements and provide a copy of the current State certification(s) or license(s).
Waiver Requested (proceed to Section 7))
Areas of Experience (check all that apply)
1,800 hours of manufactured home installation
1,800 hours of installation inspection work
3,600 hours of manufactured home construction
3,600 hours of building construction supervision
1 year of college education per §3286.205
Combination totalling 3,600 hours
Verification of Required Experience (please check one)
By checking this box, I self certify that my experience meets the minimum requirements indicated above.
I am attaching statements of experience verification by past and/or present employers demonstrating experience in the areas indicated above.
Section 7 - Other Installation Certifications or Licenses
To be completed by all applicants (please check one)
I DO NOT retain State certification or license to perform installation work (Proceed to Section
I DO retain State certification(s) or license(s) to perform installation work (Complete information in the following
State Certification/License Information (use additional sheets as necessary)
State of
Current or Expired
Suspended, Revoked or Denied
Issuance Number
(check one box)
(check yes or no)
Explanation if Suspended, Revoked, or Denied
Yes (Provide explanation)
Yes (Provide explanation)
Yes (Provide explanation)
Section 8 - Certification of Information Provided in Application
By signing below, I certify that:
The information provided in this application is complete, accurate, and current as of the _______ day of ________________ (month),
_______ (year). I understand any license issued for this application is not transferable and is subject to suspension or revocation in
accordance with the regulation in 24 CFR part 3286. I agree to submit any changes affecting sections 1 , 2, or 5 of this application to HUD
within 30 days of a change.
Applicant Signature
Print Name
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Form HUD-307
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | HUD Manufactured Home Retail Sale Information Report |
Author | Jason Mcjury |
File Modified | 2014-12-05 |
File Created | 2014-08-12 |