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pdfsroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
result, it was determined that an EIS
would be prepared.
All interested persons, organizations,
and agencies are encouraged to submit
comments and suggestions on issues
and concerns that should be addressed
in preparing the plan/EIS, and the range
of appropriate alternatives that should
be examined. All prior comments and
information received in regards to the
2010 Environmental Assessment for the
wilderness management plan will be
carried forward and fully considered in
developing the Draft EIS.
DATES: The NPS in cooperation with the
BLM is beginning public scoping via a
letter to state and federal agencies,
American Indian tribes, local and
regional governments, organizations and
businesses, researchers and institutions;
the congressional delegation; and other
interested members of the public.
Written comments concerning the scope
of the plan/EIS and submittal of relevant
environmental information must be
postmarked or transmitted not later than
March 16, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Interested individuals,
organizations, and other entities
wishing to provide input to this phase
of developing the plan/EIS may mail or
email comments to Lake Mead National
Recreation Area Wilderness
Management Plan, National Park
Service, Denver Service Center—
Planning, P.O. Box 25287, Denver, CO
80225 (or via the Internet at http:// Comments may
also be mailed or hand-delivered to
Superintendent of Lake Mead National
Recreation Area, 601 Nevada Way,
Boulder City, NV 89005.
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Holland, NPS Park Planner, at the Lake
Mead National Recreation Area address
above. Telephone: (702) 293–8986.
Email:; and Mark
Tanaka-Sanders, Wilderness Planner,
Bureau of Land Management, 4701
North Torrey Pines, Las Vegas, NV
89130. Telephone: (702) 515–5039.
Email: You may
also contact Greg Jarvis, Project
Manager, Denver Service Center at the
address above. Telephone: (303) 969–
2263. General information about Lake
VerDate Mar<15>2010
17:09 Feb 14, 2012
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Mead National Recreation Area is
available at
and general information about the BLM
Southern Nevada District is available at
Dated: August 8, 2011.
Martha J. Lee,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific West Region.
[FR Doc. 2012–3037 Filed 2–14–12; 8:45 am]
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection for 1029–0036
Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Office of Surface Mining Reclamation
and Enforcement (OSM) is announcing
that the information collection request
for Surface Mining Permit
Applications—Minimum Requirements
for Reclamation and Operation Plan, has
been forwarded to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and comment. The information
collection request describes the nature
of the information collection and the
expected burden and cost.
DATES: OMB has up to 60 days to
approve or disapprove the information
collections but may respond after 30
days. Therefore, public comments
should be submitted to OMB by March
16, 2012, in order to be assured of
Submit comments to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, Department of the Interior Desk
Officer, via email at, or by
facsimile to (202) 395–5806. Also,
please send a copy of your comments to
John Trelease, Office of Surface Mining
Reclamation and Enforcement, 1951
Constitution Ave. NW., Room 203–SIB,
Washington, DC 20240, or electronically
to Please reference
1029–0036 in your correspondence.
receive a copy of the information
collection request, contact John Trelease
at (202) 208–2783, or electronically to You may also
review this information collection
request by going to http://
PO 00000
Frm 00096
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703 (Information Collection
Review, Currently Under Review,
Agency is Department of the Interior,
regulations at 5 CFR 1320, which
implement provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13),
require that interested members of the
public and affected agencies have an
opportunity to comment on information
collection and recordkeeping activities
[see 5 CFR 1320.8(d)]. OSM has
submitted a request to OMB to renew its
approval of the collection of information
contained in 30 CFR Part 780—Surface
Mining Permit Applications—Minimum
Requirements for Reclamation and
Operation Plan. OSM is requesting a
3-year term of approval for the
information collection activity.
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number. The OMB control
number for this collection of
information is 1029–0036, and is
displayed in 30 CFR 780.10.
As required under 5 CFR 1320.8(d), a
Federal Register notice soliciting
comments on this collection of
information was published on October
28, 2011 (76 FR 66964). No comments
were received. This notice provides the
public with an additional 30 days in
which to comment on the following
information collection activities:
Title: 30 CFR Part 780—Surface
Mining Permit Applications—Minimum
Requirements for Reclamation and
Operation Plan.
OMB Control Number: 1029–0036.
SUMMARY: Sections 507(b), 508(a),
510(b), 515(b) and (d), and 522 of Public
Law 95–87 require applicants to submit
operations and reclamation plans for
coal mining activities. Information
collection is needed to determine
whether the plans will achieve the
reclamation and environmental
protections pursuant to the Surface
Mining Control and Reclamation Act.
Without this information, Federal and
State regulatory authorities cannot
review and approve permit application
Bureau Form Number: None.
Frequency of Collection: Once.
Description of Respondents:
Applicants for surface coal mine
permits and State regulatory authorities.
Total Annual Respondents: 203 coal
mine applicants and 24 State regulatory
Total Annual Burden Hours for All
Respondents: 98,876.
Total Annual Burden Costs for All
Respondents: $1,791,823.
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 31 / Wednesday, February 15, 2012 / Notices
Send comments on the need for the
collections of information for the
performance of the functions of the
agency; the accuracy of the agency’s
burden estimates; ways to enhance the
quality, utility and clarity of the
information collections; and ways to
minimize the information collection
burdens on respondents, such as use of
automated means of collections of the
information, to the individual listed in
ADDRESSES. Please refer to OMB control
number 1029–0036 in all
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Dated: February 12, 2012.
Andrew F. DeVito,
Chief, Division of Regulatory Support.
[FR Doc. 2012–3311 Filed 2–14–12; 8:45 am]
[DN 2858]
Notice of Receipt of an Amended
Complaint; Solicitation of Comments
Relating to the Public Interest
U.S. International Trade
ACTION: Notice.
Notice is hereby given that
the U.S. International Trade
Commission has received an amended
complaint entitled Certain Consumer
Electronics and Display Devices and
Products Containing Same, DN 2858;
the Commission is soliciting comments
on any public interest issues raised by
the amended complaint or
complainant’s filing under section
210.8(b) of the Commission’s Rules of
Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
James R. Holbein, Secretary to the
Commission, U.S. International Trade
Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
205–2000. The public version of the
complaint can be accessed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
at, and will be
VerDate Mar<15>2010
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Jkt 226001
available for inspection during official
business hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.)
in the Office of the Secretary, U.S.
International Trade Commission, 500 E
Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
telephone (202) 205–2000.
General information concerning the
Commission may also be obtained by
accessing its Internet server (http:// The public record for
this investigation may be viewed on the
Commission’s electronic docket (EDIS)
at Hearingimpaired persons are advised that
information on this matter can be
obtained by contacting the
Commission’s TDD terminal on (202)
Commission has received an amended
complaint and a submission pursuant to
sections 210.8(b) and 210.14(a) of the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure filed on behalf of Graphics
Properties Holdings, Inc. on January 30,
2012. The amended complaint alleges
violations of section 337 of the Tariff
Act of 1930 (19 U.S.C. 1337) in the
importation into the United States, the
sale for importation, and the sale within
the United States after importation of
certain consumer electronics and
display devices and products containing
same. The complaint names as
respondents Research In Motion Ltd. of
Canada; Research In Motion Corp. of
TX; HTC Corporation of Taiwan; HTC
America, Inc. of WA; LG Electronics,
Inc. of South Korea; LG Electronics
U.S.A., Inc. of NJ; LG Electronics
MobileComm U.S.A. Inc. of CA; Apple
Inc. of CA; Samsung Electronics Co.,
Ltd. of South Korea; Samsung
Electronics America, Inc. of NJ;
Samsung Telecommunications America
L.L.C. of TX; Sony Corporation of Japan;
Sony Corporation of America of NY;
Sony Electronics, Inc. of CA; Sony
Ericsson Mobile of Sweden; Sony
Ericsson Mobile Communications (USA)
Inc. of GA; Motorola Mobility, Inc. of IL;
and Motorola Mobility Holdings, Inc. of
Proposed respondents, other
interested parties, and members of the
public are invited to file comments, not
to exceed five (5) pages in length,
inclusive of attachments, on any public
interest issues raised by the complaint
or section 210.8(b) filing. Comments
should address whether issuance of the
relief specifically requested by the
complainant in this investigation would
affect the public health and welfare in
the United States, competitive
conditions in the United States
economy, the production of like or
directly competitive articles in the
PO 00000
Frm 00097
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
United States, or United States
In particular, the Commission is
interested in comments that:
(i) Explain how the articles
potentially subject to the requested
remedial orders are used in the United
(ii) Identify any public health, safety,
or welfare concerns in the United States
relating to the requested remedial
(iii) Identify like or directly
competitive articles that complainant,
its licensees, or third parties make in the
United States which could replace the
subject articles if they were to be
(iv) Indicate whether complainant,
complainant’s licensees, and/or third
party suppliers have the capacity to
replace the volume of articles
potentially subject to the requested
exclusion order and/or a cease and
desist order within a commercially
reasonable time; and
(v) Explain how the requested
remedial orders would impact United
States consumers.
Written submissions must be filed no
later than by close of business, eight
calendar days after the date of
publication of this notice in the Federal
Register. There will be further
opportunities for comment on the
public interest after the issuance of any
final initial determination in this
Persons filing written submissions
must file the original document
electronically on or before the deadlines
stated above and submit 8 true paper
copies to the Office of the Secretary by
noon the next day pursuant to section
210.4(f) of the Commission’s Rules of
Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
210.4(f)). Submissions should refer to
the docket number (‘‘Docket No. 2858’’)
in a prominent place on the cover page
and/or the first page. (See Handbook for
Electronic Filing Procedures, http://
electronic_filing.pdf). Persons with
questions regarding filing should
contact the Secretary (202–205–2000).
Any person desiring to submit a
document to the Commission in
confidence must request confidential
treatment. All such requests should be
directed to the Secretary to the
Commission and must include a full
statement of the reasons why the
Commission should grant such
treatment. See 19 CFR 201.6. Documents
for which confidential treatment by the
Commission is properly sought will be
treated accordingly. All nonconfidential
written submissions will be available for
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2012-02-15 |
File Created | 2012-02-15 |