Form NAHMS 331 NAHMS 331 General Equine Management Questionnaire

Equine 2015 Study

NAHMS 331 General Equine Mgmt Ques...

Equine 2015 Study

OMB: 0579-0269

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Animal and Plant Health

Inspection Service

Veterinary Services

Equine 2015


National Animal Health Monitoring System

2150 Centre Ave Bldg B

Fort Collins, CO 80526

Form Approved

OMB Number 0579-0269


General Equine

Management Questionnaire


Beginning time [military] _____

1. What do you consider to be the primary function of this operation?

1 Equine boarding stable/training

2 Riding stable (give lessons, rent equids, etc.)

3 Race track

4 Equine breeding farm

5 Guest ranch

6 Farm or ranch

7 Residence with equids for personal use (show, pleasure, etc.)

8 Other (specify: ________________________________________)

Now I have some questions about all the equids, regardless of ownership, that were on this operation on July 1, 2015.

Section A—Equine Inventory

1. What do you consider the primary use of the equids on this

operation (regardless of ownership) on July 1, 2015?

1 Pleasure

2 Lessons/school

3 Showing/competition (not betting)

4 Breeding

5 Racing

6 Farm or ranch work

7 Other (specify: ____________________________________)

Shape3 Shape4

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0579-0269. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collected.


Aug 2014

The next several questions relate to equids that are considered “residents” of this operation. A resident equid is one that has spent, or is expected to spend, more time at this operation than at any other operation throughout the year. In other words, this operation may be considered the animal’s “home base.” Resident equids will be referred to throughout this questionnaire.

2. How many of the following equids, including foals, were considered residents of this

operation as of July 1, 2015 (whether or not they were present on the operation that day)?

a. Donkeys or burros _____

b. Mules _____

c. Ponies _____

d. Miniature horses _____

e. Horses (excluding miniature horses) _____

f. Other resident equids (specify: _________________________) _____

g. Total [Add items 2a–2f.] _____

[If item 2g = 0, SKIP to Office Use Only section.]

3. As of July 1, 2015, how many resident equids were:

a. Birth to 30 days of age? _____

b. Greater than 30 days but less than 6 months of age? _____

c. 6 months to less than 1 year of age? _____

d. 1 year to less than 5 years of age? _____

e. 5 years to less than 20 years of age? _____

f. 20 years to less than 30 years of age? _____

g. 30 years of age or older? _____

h. Total number of equids [Add items 3a–3g; should equal item 2g.] _____

4. As of July 1, 2015, how many resident equids 1 year of age or older were:

a. Intact males? _____

b. Castrated males? _____

c. Intact females (not pregnant)? _____

d. Pregnant females? _____

e. Spayed females? _____

f. Unknown status? _____

g. Total [Add items 4a–4f. Should equal total of items 3d–3g.] _____

5. As of July 1, 2015, considering the breed of resident horses (items 2d and 2e),

how many were:

a. Appaloosa? _____

b. Arabian? _____

c. Draft breed? _____

d. Miniature horses? _____

e. Morgan? _____

f. Mustang? _____

g. Paint? _____

h. Saddlebred? _____

i. Standardbred? _____

j. Tennessee Walker? _____

k. Thoroughbred? _____

l. Quarter horse? _____

m. Warmblood breed? _____

n. Other registered breed? (specify: ____________________________) _____

o. Other, not registered with any breed association

(e.g., grade or mixed breed? (specify: ___________________________) _____

p. Total [Add items 5a–5o; should equal items 2d+2e.] _____

6. How many of the resident equids (item 2g) have the following

identification methods:

a. Hot-iron brand? _____

b. Freeze brand? _____

c. Microchip? _____

d. Tattoo? _____

e. Official brand inspection (card with markings indicated or sketch)? _____

f. Registration papers? _____

g. DNA test (blood or hair)? _____

h. Coggins (EIA) test papers (laboratory test results)? _____

i. Halters or collars with name or number? _____

j. Passport? _____

k. Other ID? (specify: ______________________________) _____

7. Do you have or have you applied for:

a. USDA–APHIS premises identification number? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know

b. State-issued location identification number 1 Yes 3 No 4 Don’t know

8. Are you or a member of your household a member of a

horse-related association or club (e.g., breed or discipline

association, riding club, 4-H)? 1 Yes 3 No

Section B—Health Management

1. Which of the following is the primary method of recording equine

health information on this operation? [Select one only.]

1 Computerized health records maintained on the operation

2 Handwritten in designated log or file (e.g., health card, logbook)

3 Handwritten notes (e.g., calendar, checkbook)

4 Operation records maintained by veterinarian

5 No written or computerized records

[If item 1 = 2, 3, 4, or 5, SKIP to item 3.]

2. Which of the following best describes how you operate your computerized

record system?

1 Enter own data in commercial equine health software

2 Commercial software maintained by external data manager

3 Enter data in self-generated equine record (e.g., Word, Excel)

4 Other (specify: _________________________)

3. Which of the following resources did you consult regarding equine

health care decisions in the previous 12 months? [Check all that apply and

enter letter of the primary resource according to frequency of use.] _____ Primary

a. Veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No

b. Equine nutritionist (other than veterinarian) 1 Yes 3 No

c. Acupuncturist/chiropractor 1 Yes 3 No

d. Equine dentist (other than veterinarian) 1 Yes 3 No

e. Farrier 1 Yes 3 No

f. Extension agents/university or vocational-agricultural

personnel/4-H instructor 1 Yes 3 No

g. Riding instructor/horse trainer 1 Yes 3 No

h. Other horse owners 1 Yes 3 No

i. Horse associations/meetings/newsletters 1 Yes 3 No

j. Feed store or veterinary supply store personnel 1 Yes 3 No

k. Radio/TV/newspaper 1 Yes 3 No

l. Horse magazines/reference books 1 Yes 3 No

m. Equine psychic 1 Yes 3 No

n. Web/Internet 1 Yes 3 No

o. Social media other than Web/Internet such as Twitter 1 Yes 3 No

p. Other (specify: _______________________) 1 Yes 3 No

4. Did a veterinarian provide the following services at least once for

resident equids in the previous 12 months?

a. Individual animal diagnosis or treatment/surgery 1 Yes 3 No

b. Reproductive services (e.g., ultrasound, semen collection,

artificial insemination) 1 Yes 3 No

c. Vaccination consultation or service 1 Yes 3 No

d. Provide drugs or vaccines (not part of veterinarian visit) 1 Yes 3 No

e. Deworming consultation or service 1 Yes 3 No

f. Dentistry (e.g., floating teeth, removing teeth, filling teeth) 1 Yes 3 No

g. Nutritional consultation 1 Yes 3 No

h. Diagnostic services (individual or herd test, e.g., Coggins test) 1 Yes 3 No

i. Health certificate 1 Yes 3 No

j. Purchase or insurance examination 1 Yes 3 No

k. Biosecurity assessment 1 Yes 3 No

l. Other (specify: ________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

Codes for item 5

1 = Veterinarian

2 = Equine dentist (not veterinarian)

3 = Other (specify: _____________________)

4 = No dental care provided

5. Which of the following best describes who was the primary equine

dental care provider for resident equids in the previous 12 months

and what was the typical cost for routine dental procedures per equid? _____ code $ _____

Codes for items 6

1 = Operation personnel (including operator)

2 = Hired professional farrier

3 = Professional hoof trimmer (not farrier)

4 = Veterinarian

5 = Other outside person (specify: _____________________)

6 = Not done

6. Regarding resident equine hoof care in the previous 12 months, who

usually performed the following services and what was the typical

cost per equid?

a. Hoof trimming? _____ code $ _____

b. Routine shoeing? _____ code $ _____

c. Corrective shoeing? _____ code $ _____

7. Were any of the following tests performed for resident equids

during the previous 12 months:

a. Fecal test for parasites? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Feed or pasture analysis? 1 Yes 3 No

c. Water analysis? 1 Yes 3 No

8. How many resident stallions were used for breeding in the previous 12 months? _____ #

[If item 8 = 0, SKIP to item 12.]

9. Who handles these stallions for breeding?

a. Owner 1 Yes 3 No

b. Farm manager 1 Yes 3 No

c. Regular farm veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No

d. Specialized breeding facility nonveterinarian 1 Yes 3 No

e. Specialized breeding facility veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No

10. Are stallions used for breeding via:

a. Live cover? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Semen collection? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 10b = No, SKIP to item 12.]

11. When you use a stallion for semen collection:

  1. Do you wear disposable gloves? 1 Yes 3 No

  2. When using a phantom for semen collection, is it sanitized

or cover changed between stallions? 1 Yes 3 No 4 Do not use phantom

  1. Do you use dedicated AV or sanitize it between stallions? 1 Yes 3 No

  2. Do you use a disposable liner or sanitize the bucket used for washing

the stallion between stallions? 1 Yes 3 No

12. Which of the following best describes how familiar you were with

equine infectious anemia (EIA) before today? (This is the disease

for which we do the Coggins test.)

1 Had not heard of it before

2 Recognized the name, not much else

3 Knew some basics

4 Knowledgeable

[If item 12 = 1, SKIP to item 17.]

13. Regarding Coggins or other tests for EIA, how many resident equids

were tested for EIA during the previous 12 months? _____

[If item 13 = 0, SKIP to item 17.]

14. What was the average cost per EIA test (including call fee or cost of transportation)? $ _____

15. Did resident equids have a Coggins test or other test for EIA

during the previous 12 months for any of the following reasons?

[Check all that apply.]

a. Change of ownership within State 1 Yes 3 No

b. Show or event requirement within State 1 Yes 3 No

c. Facility (e.g., boarding, breeding) requirement within State 1 Yes 3 No

d. Interstate movement (between two or more States) 1 Yes 3 No

e. International movement 1 Yes 3 No

f. For personal knowledge 1 Yes 3 No

g. Suspicion of equine illness 1 Yes 3 No

h. Requirement for riding on public land (State or Federal parks, etc.) 1 Yes 3 No

i. Other (specify: ________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

16. Of the choices in item 15, what was the primary reason resident equids

had a Coggins test or other test for EIA during the previous 12 months?

[Enter one letter from item 15.] _____ letter

17. Were any vaccines administered to any resident equids during

the previous 12 months? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 17 = No, SKIP to section C.]

18. Which of the following is the primary source from which vaccines were obtained?

1 Veterinarian

2 Feed store or veterinary supply store

3 Catalog/Internet

4 Another source (specify: __________________________)

19. Who administered the majority of the vaccinations to resident equids

in the previous 12 months? [Select one only.]

1 A veterinarian

2 Equine owner

3 Operation personnel (not equine owner)

4 Other (specify: ____________________________)

Section C—Health Events

1. How many equids were born alive, or were born dead or

aborted, on this operation during the previous 12 months?

a. Born alive _____

b. Born dead or aborted _____

[If item 1a = 0, SKIP to item 3.]

2. How many of the foals born alive in the previous 12 months died (including euthanasia):

a. At less than or equal to 2 days old? _____

b. From 3 to 30 days old? _____

3. How many foals 30 days or less of age moved onto the operation during

the previous 12 months? _____

[If item 3 = 0, SKIP to item 4.]

a. How many of these foals died before or at 30 days of age? _____

4. [Add items 2a, 2b, and 3a.] Then the total number of foal deaths in

the first 30 days of life during the previous 12 months was: _____

5. During the previous 12 months, did you have any resident foals

less than 6 months of age? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 5 = No, SKIP to item 7.]

6. How many different resident equids less than 6 months of age became

affected with the following conditions during the previous 12 months,

and of those affected how many received an oral or injectable antibiotic

at least once? An antibiotic is a drug used to treat a bacterial infection.

It can be given by multiple methods—oral; injection into a muscle, vein or joint.

How many with each condition died (including euthanasia)?

[Note: Record number of animals with condition, not number of episodes.

One equid could have more than one condition. For example, could have

had colic and respiratory disease in the previous 12 months.]

Of these:

Number that

received an

oral or injectable

Number of antibiotic at Number

equids least once that died

a. Colic _____ _____ _____

b. Other digestive problems (e.g., diarrhea) _____ _____ _____

c. Respiratory problems _____ _____ _____

d. Eye problems _____ _____ _____

e. Skin problems _____ _____ _____

f. Reproductive problems (e.g., hermaphrodite,

cryptorchid) _____ _____ _____

g. Behavioral problems (e.g., unusual, affected

use, health, or safety) _____ _____ _____

h. Injury, wounds, or trauma _____ _____ _____

i. Lameness, leg, or hoof problems (could not be

used for intended purpose without treatment) _____ _____ _____

j. Neurologic problems (e.g., spinal problem,

wobblers, seizure, West Nile virus, EHM, EPM) _____ _____ _____

k. Infectious disease unrelated to specific

body system (septicemia, blood infections) _____ _____ _____

l. Chronic weight loss _____ _____ _____

m. Overweight/obese _____ _____ _____

n. Failure to get milk or colostrum from dam _____ _____ _____

o. Fever of undetermined origin _____ _____ _____

p. Other (specify: _______________________) _____ _____ _____

q. Treated with antibiotic to prevent disease

(no condition present) _____ _____ _____

r. Total died _____

7. In the previous 12 months, did you have any resident equids

6 months to less than 1 year of age? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 7 = No, SKIP to item 9.]

8. How many different resident equids 6 months to less than

1 year of age became affected with the following conditions during

the previous 12 months, and of those affected how many received an

oral or injectable antibiotic at least once? An antibiotic is a drug used

to treat a bacterial infection. It can be given by multiple methods—oral;

injection into a muscle, vein or joint. Of those with the condition,

how many died (including euthanasia)? [Note: Record number of animals

with condition,not number of episodes. One equid could have more than

one condition. For example, could have had colic and respiratory disease

in the previous 12 months.]

Of these:

Number that

received an

oral or injectable

Number of antibiotic at Number

equids least once that died

a. Colic _____ _____ _____

b. Other digestive problems (e.g., diarrhea) _____ _____ _____

c. Respiratory problems _____ _____ _____

d. Eye problems

e. Skin problems _____ _____ _____

f. Reproductive problems (e.g., hermaphrodite,

cryptorchid) _____ _____ _____

g. Behavioral problems (e.g., unusual, affected

use, health, or safety) _____ _____ _____

h. Injury, wounds, or trauma _____ _____ _____

i. Lameness, leg, or hoof problems (could not be

used for intended purpose without treatment) _____ _____ _____

j. Neurologic problems (e.g., spinal problem,

wobblers, seizure, West Nile virus, EHM, EPM) _____ _____ _____

k. Infectious disease unrelated to specific

body system (septicemia, blood infections) _____ _____ _____

l. Chronic weight loss _____ _____ _____

m. Overweight/obese _____ _____ _____

n. Liver or kidney disease _____ _____ _____

o. Fever of undetermined origin _____ _____ _____

p. Other (specify: _______________________) _____ _____ _____

q. Treated with antibiotic to prevent disease

(no condition present) _____ _____ _____

r. Total died _____

9. During the previous 12 months, did you have any resident equids

1 year to less than 5 years of age? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 9 = 0, SKIP to item 11.]

10. How many different resident equids 1 year to less than 5 years of age

became affected with the following conditions during the previous 12 months,

and of those affected how many received an oral or injectable antibiotic at least

once? An antibiotic is a drug used to treat a bacterial infection. It can be given by

multiple methods—oral; injection into a muscle, vein or joint. Of those with

the condition, how many died (including euthanasia)? [Note: Record

number of animals with condition, not number of episodes. One equid

could have more than one condition. For example, could have had colic and

respiratory disease in the previous 12 months.]

Of these:

Number that

received an

oral or injectable

Number of antibiotic at Number

equids least once that died

a. Colic _____ _____ _____

b. Other digestive problems (e.g., diarrhea) _____ _____ _____

c. Dental problems _____ _____ _____

d. Respiratory problems _____ _____ _____

e. Endocrine disorder (e.g., hypothyroid, Cushings) _____ _____ _____

f. Eye problems

g. Skin problems _____ _____ _____

h. Reproductive problems (e.g., infertility, dystocia) _____ _____ _____

i. Behavioral problems (e.g., unusual, affected

use, health, or safety) _____ _____ _____

j. Injury, wounds, or trauma _____ _____ _____

k. Lameness, leg, or hoof problems (could not be

used for intended purpose without treatment,

including corrective shoeing and/or drugs) _____ _____ _____

l. Neurologic problems (e.g., spinal problem,

wobblers, seizure, West Nile virus, EHM, EPM) _____ _____ _____

m. Infectious disease unrelated to specific

body system (septicemia, blood infections) _____ _____ _____

n. Chronic weight loss _____ _____ _____

o. Overweight/obese _____ _____ _____

p. Liver or kidney disease _____ _____ _____

q. Cancer _____ _____ _____

r. Fever of undetermined origin _____ _____ _____

s. Other (specify: _______________________) _____ _____ _____

t. Treated with antibiotic to prevent disease

(no condition present) _____ _____ _____

u. Total died _____

11. During the previous 12 months, did you have any resident equids

5 years to less than 20 years of age? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 11 = No, SKIP to item 13.]

12. How many different resident equids 5 years to less than 20 years of age

became affected with the following conditions during the previous 12 months,

and of those affected how many received an oral or injectable antibiotic at least

once? An antibiotic is a drug used to treat a bacterial infection. It can be given by

multiple methods—oral; injection into a muscle, vein or joint. Of those with

each condition, how many died (including euthanasia)? [Note: Record

number of animals with condition, not number of episodes. One equid

could have more than one condition. For example, could have

had colic and respiratory disease in the previous 12 months.]

Of these:

Number that

received an

oral or injectable

Number of antibiotic at Number

equids least once that died

a. Colic _____ _____ _____

b. Other digestive problems (e.g., diarrhea) _____ _____ _____

c. Dental problems _____ _____ _____

d. Respiratory problems _____ _____ _____

e. Endocrine disorder (e.g., hypothyroid, Cushings) _____ _____ _____

f. Eye problems

g. Skin problems _____ _____ _____

h. Reproductive problems (e.g., infertility, dystocia) _____ _____ _____

i. Behavioral problems (e.g., unusual, affected

use, health, or safety) _____ _____ _____

j. Injury, wounds, or trauma _____ _____ _____

k. Lameness, leg, or hoof problems (could not be

used for intended purpose without treatment,

including corrective shoeing and/or drugs) _____ _____ _____

l. Neurologic problems (e.g., spinal problem,

wobblers, seizure, West Nile virus, EHM, EPM) _____ _____ _____

m. Infectious disease unrelated to specific

body system (septicemia, blood infections) _____ _____ _____

n. Chronic weight loss _____ _____ _____

o. Overweight/obese _____ _____ _____

p. Liver or kidney disease _____ _____ _____

q. Cancer _____ _____ _____

r. Fever of undetermined origin _____ _____ _____

s. Other (specify: _______________________) _____ _____ _____

t. Treated with antibiotic to prevent disease

(no condition present) _____ _____ _____

u. Total died _____

13. During the previous 12 months, did you have any resident equids

20 years of age or older? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 13 = No, SKIP to item 15.]

14. How many different resident equids 20 years or age or older became affected

with the following conditions during the previous 12 months, and of those affected

how many received an oral or injectable antibiotic at least once? An antibiotic

is a drug used to treat a bacterial infection. It can be given by multiple

methods—oral; injection into a muscle, vein or joint. Of those with

each condition, how many died (including euthanasia)? [Note: Record

number of animals with condition, not number of episodes. One equid

could have more than one condition. For example, could have had colic

and respiratory disease in the previous 12 months.]

Of these:

Number that

received an

oral or injectable

Number of antibiotic at Number

equids least once that died

a. Colic _____ _____ _____

b. Other digestive problems (e.g., diarrhea) _____ _____ _____

c. Dental problems _____ _____ _____

d. Respiratory problems _____ _____ _____

e. Endocrine disorder (e.g., hypothyroid, Cushings) _____ _____ _____

f. Eye problems

g. Skin problems _____ _____ _____

h. Reproductive problems (e.g., infertility, dystocia) _____ _____ _____

i. Behavioral problems (e.g., unusual, affected

use, health, or safety) _____ _____ _____

j. Injury, wounds, or trauma _____ _____ _____

k. Lameness, leg, or hoof problems (could not be

used for intended purpose without treatment,

including corrective shoeing, drugs) _____ _____ _____

l. Neurologic problems (e.g., spinal problem,

wobblers, seizure, West Nile virus, EHM, EPM) _____ _____ _____

m. Infectious disease unrelated to specific

body system (septicemia, blood infections) _____ _____ _____

n. Chronic weight loss _____ _____ _____

o. Overweight/obese _____ _____ _____

p. Liver or kidney disease _____ _____ _____

q. Cancer _____ _____ _____

r. Fever of undetermined origin _____ _____ _____

s. Other (specify: _______________________) _____ _____ _____

t. Treated with antibiotic to prevent disease

(no condition present) _____ _____ _____

u. Total died _____

15. How many different resident equids of the following ages were

treated with an oral or injectable antibiotic at least once during the previous 12 months?

a. Less than 6 months _____

b. 6 months to less than 1 year _____

c. 1 year to less than 5 years _____

d. 5 years to less than 20 years _____

e. 20 years or more _____

Section D—Movement

1. During the previous 12 months, how many nonresident equids

came to the operation and stayed for less than 30 consecutive days? _____

[If item 1 = 0, SKIP to item 3.]

2. For the majority of these nonresident equids (item 1), did you (or this

operation) always require, sometimes require, or never require:

Always Sometimes Never

a. Official health certificate (CVI)? 1 2 3

b. Veterinary examination other than for official

health certificates? 1 2 3

c. Coggins test (EIA test, swamp fever test)? 1 2 3

d. Vaccination within past year? 1 2 3

e. Deworming within past year? 1 2 3

f. Screening test for strangles or history of no occurrence

in past 6 months? 1 2 3

g. Other past medical history from owner? 1 2 3

h. Quarantine prior to contact with resident equids? 1 2 3

i. Anything else? (specify: _____________________) 1 2 3

3. Did you add any new resident equids, including foals born to a

nonresident mare, to this operation during the previous 12 months

(excluding births to resident mares)? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 3 = No, SKIP to item 7.]

4. How many resident equids were added? _____

5. How many of the equids added (item 4) came from:

a. Within the State? _____

b. Outside the State, within the United States? _____

c. Canada? _____

d. Mexico? _____

e. Outside North America? _____

f. Unknown location? _____

g. Total [Add items 5a–5f; should equal item 4.] _____

6. For the majority of these new resident equids, did you (this operation)

always require, sometimes require, or never require:

Always Sometimes Never

a. Official health certificate (CVI)? 1 2 3

b. Veterinary examination other than for official

health certificates? 1 2 3

c. Coggins test (EIA test, swamp fever test)? 1 2 3

d. Vaccination within past year? 1 2 3

e. Deworming within past year? 1 2 3

f. Screening test for strangles or history of no occurrence

in past 6 months? 1 2 3

g. Other past medical history from owner? 1 2 3

h. Quarantine prior to contact with resident equids? 1 2 3

i. Anything else? (specify: _____________________) 1 2 3

7. During the previous 12 months, were any residents equids

transported by vehicle off this (home) operation for any purpose

and returned? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 7 = No, SKIP to item 10.]

8. For resident equids that left and returned during the previous

12 months, what was the maximum one-way distance traveled

(farthest away any animal got from the home operation)? _____ miles

9. For resident equids that were transported by vehicle and returned,

approximately how many trips were taken in the last 12 months to each of the

following destinations (regardless of number of equids transported per trip):

a. Within the State? _____

b. Outside the State, to an adjacent State? _____

c. Outside the State, beyond adjacent States (including Alaska and Hawaii)? _____

d. Canada? _____

e. Mexico? _____

f. Outside North America? _____

10. For this question, the term “isolate” means to prevent nose-to-nose contact

with other equids from this premises and to prevent sharing of feed, drinking

water, and equipment, such as brushes, combs, hoof picks, and buckets,

between equids. Which of the following best describes the operation’s

general policy when resident equids leave the operation, have direct

contact with outside equids, and return? [Select one only.]

1 Resident equids never leave premises or never have contact with outside equids

2 Routinely isolate after return to home operation

3 Only isolate for a cause such as disease or known exposure to disease

4 Routinely isolate before return to home operation

5 Never isolate returning equids

11. Do you separate or isolate equids that are suspected or confirmed

to have a contagious disease? 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA—never had contagious disease case

[If item 11 = No or NA, SKIP to item 13.]

12. If you have equids separated for isolation or infection

control, do you restrict movement of personnel working

with isolated animals? 1 Yes 3 No

13. In the previous 5 years, have you obtained the following

equine health papers:

a. Health certificate (certificate of veterinary inspection)? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Coggins or other EIA test (swamp fever test)? 1 Yes 3 No

[If items 13a and 13b BOTH = No, SKIP to item 15.]

14. Have you been asked for your equids’ health papers (health certificate,

Coggins test) in the previous 5 years?

a. At a State border/entry point 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

b. For international transport 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

c. At a show/event 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

d. At a sale 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

e. At a private farm/facility 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

f. At a race track 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

g. Other (specify: ______________________________) 1 Yes 3 No 4 NA

15. In the previous 12 months, did any resident equids leave

this operation permanently? 1 Yes 3 No

[If item 15 = No, SKIP to section E.]

16. How many equids left this operation permanently for the

following disposition:

a. Sold directly to a private party? _____

b. Given away to a private party? _____

c. Donated to charity/research? _____

d. Sold at public auction? _____

e. Sent to slaughter through livestock sales broker? _____

f. Stolen? _____

g. Moved to another facility? _____

h. Removed for other reasons? (specify: ___________________) _____

i. Total [Add items 16a–16h.] _____

17. How many of those resident equids that permanently left (item 16i)

left for the following reasons:

a. Business profit? _____

b. Aged? _____

c. Lameness/injury? _____

d. Reproductive problem? _____

e. Other illness? _____

f. Temperament problem? _____

g. Too expensive to keep? _____

h. Situation changed (owner or children moved, owner illness,

boarder decided to move horse, etc.)? _____

i. Other (specify: _______________________) _____

j. Total [Add items 17a–17i; total should equal item 16i.] _____

Section E—General Management

1. For infection control, did you ever require people (visitor, veterinarian,

farrier, etc.) coming onto the equine facility to do any of the following:

a. Use separate or disinfected equipment/tack? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Change clothes or wear clean coveralls? 1 Yes 3 No

c. Disinfect or change boots? 1 Yes 3 No

d. Clean and disinfect their hands? 1 Yes 3 No

e. Park vehicles away from animal area? 1 Yes 3 No

f. Other? (specify: ________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

2. After you or your operation personnel visit other equine

operation(s), do you:

a. Disinfect equipment/tack? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Change clothes or wear clean coveralls? 1 Yes 3 No

c. Disinfect or change boots? 1 Yes 3 No

d. Clean and disinfect hands? 1 Yes 3 No

e. Other? (specify: _____________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

3. During the previous 12 months, did the following animals have physical

contact with resident equids or their feed:

a. Poultry? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Domestic pigs? 1 Yes 3 No

c. Cattle? 1 Yes 3 No

d. Sheep/goats? 1 Yes 3 No

e. Llamas or alpacas? 1 Yes 3 No

f. Emus/ostriches? 1 Yes 3 No

g. Dogs? 1 Yes 3 No

h. Cats? 1 Yes 3 No

i. Skunks? 1 Yes 3 No

j. Opossums? 1 Yes 3 No

k. Bats? 1 Yes 3 No

l. Raccoons? 1 Yes 3 No

m. Feral swine? 1 Yes 3 No

n. Other? (specify: _______________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

4. Do you store the grain/concentrate/energy source on this

operation in a manner that prevents fecal contamination by:

a. Mice or rats? 1 Yes 3 No

b. Domestic or wild birds, including poultry? 1 Yes 3 No

c. Domestic livestock, including equids? 1 Yes 3 No

d. Dogs or cats? 1 Yes 3 No

e. Other wildlife? 1 Yes 3 No

5. Which of the following was the predominant source of drinking water

for resident equids during the previous 12 months? [Select one only.]

1 Well

2 Public/municipal water supply

3 Spring

4 Surface water, such as a pond, irrigation ditch, stream, river, or cistern

5 Other (specify: ____________________________)

6. During this insect season, have any of the following insect control

methods been used?

a. Repellents applied to equids 1 Yes 3 No

b. Insecticides applied in or near equine housing area 1 Yes 3 No

c. Insecticides applied to pasture areas 1 Yes 3 No

d. Regional control program, such as aerial spraying 1 Yes 3 No

e. Sticky tape 1 Yes 3 No

f. Bug zapper 1 Yes 3 No

g. Fly predators specifically brought onto the operation 1 Yes 3 No

h. Face masks on equids 1 Yes 3 No

i. Fly sheets on equids 1 Yes 3 No

j. Fly tags attached to equine halters 1 Yes 3 No

k. Insect control product in feed, such as using Equitrol® 1 Yes 3 No

l. Mosquito treatment in drinking water (mosquito dunks) 1 Yes 3 No

m. Water container emptied and refilled with fresh water at least weekly 1 Yes 3 No

n. Frequent removal of weeds and/or manure from premises 1 Yes 3 No

o. Screened-in stalls 1 Yes 3 No

p. Insect traps 1 Yes 3 No

q. Other (specify: ________________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

7. Did you compost equine manure on this operation in the previous 12 months? 1 Yes 3 No

8. Which of the following disposal methods for manure (including

composted manure) and/or waste bedding were used on this operation

during the previous 12 months?

a. Routine garbage pickup 1 Yes 3 No

b. Hauled to landfill (not routine garbage pickup) 1 Yes 3 No

c. Hauled away, other than to a landfill 1 Yes 3 No

d. Applied on fields on the operation where any livestock

(including equids) graze 1 Yes 3 No

e. Applied on field on the operation where no livestock graze 1 Yes 3 No

f. Manure/waste bedding allowed to accumulate or left to nature 1 Yes 3 No

g. Sold or gave away 1 Yes 3 No

h. Other (specify: __________________________) 1 Yes 3 No

Section F—Office Use

1. Enter interview response code:

1 Out of business

2 Refusal

3 Complete

4 Partial refusal

5 Inaccessible

6 Out of scope

7 No resident equids on July 1

2. Enumerator note: If item 1 = 2 or 4, check the box below that best

explains the reason for refusal.

1 Does not want to commit time

2 Does not have necessary records available

3 Has participated in too many surveys

4 A bad time of year (time-consuming horse activities, second job, etc.)

5 Believes that this survey hurts the operator more than it helps

6 No reason given, or other miscellaneous reasons

3. Did respondent use any of the following to answer health questions?

a. Records 1 Yes 3 No

b. Memory 1 Yes 3 No

c. Checked with veterinarian 1 Yes 3 No


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitlePerpiparturient Cow Clinical Evaluation Record
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-26

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