Att T - Annual Ambulatory Hosp Interview Changes

Attachment T - Hospital Ambulatory Interview Changes.docx

National Hospital Care Survey

Att T - Annual Ambulatory Hosp Interview Changes

OMB: 0920-0212

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Attachment T: Annual Ambulatory Hospital Interview Changes

Changes to 2014 NHCS Annual Ambulatory Hospital Interview Questions

Modifications are in red. Each row represents a change proposed for 2014.

Modification Number

Modification Type





Has your ED/OPD made an assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities of its electronic health information within the last 12 months? This would help identify privacy- or security-related issues that may need to be corrected. (SECURCHCKE/O)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown



Does your ED/OPD have the capability to electronically send health information to another provider whose EHR system is different from your system? (DIFFEHRE/O)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown


Modified text

Medicare and Medicaid offer incentive to practices that demonstrate “meaningful use of health IT.” Does your hospital have plans to apply for these incentive payments? (MUINC)

1. Yes, we already applied

2. Yes, we intend to apply

3. Uncertain if we will apply

4. No, we will not apply

If 1 or 2--When did your hospital first apply or when does your hospital first intend to apply?


1. 2011

2. 2012

3. 2013

4. 2014 or later

5. Unknown

Medicare and Medicaid offer incentive to hospitals that demonstrate “meaningful use of health IT.” Does your hospital have plans to apply for Stage 1 of these incentive payments? (MUINC)

1. Yes, we already applied

2. Yes, we intend to apply

3. Uncertain if we will apply

4. No, we will not apply

If 1 or 2Are there plans to apply for Stage 2 incentive payments? (MUSTAGE2)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Maybe

4. Unknown


Modified text

Indicate whether your ED/OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities. Does your ED/OPD have a computerized system for: (EDEMOGE/O)

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown

-Recording patient history and demographic information? (EDMOGE/O)

If yes-Does this include a patient problem list?


-Recording and charting vital signs? (EVITALE/O)

-Recording patient smoking status? (ESMOKEE/O)

Indicate whether your ED/OPD has each of the following computerized capabilities and how often these capabilities are used. (EDEMOGE/O)

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown

-Recording patient history and demographic information? (EDMOGE/O)

-Recording patient problem list?


-Recording and charting vital signs? (EVITALE/O)

-Recording patient smoking status? (ESMOKEE/O)

4 (cont.)

Modified text

-Recording clinical notes? (EPNOTESE/O)

If yes-Do the notes include a list of the patient’s medications and allergies? (EMEDALGE/O)

-Reconciling lists of patient medications to identify the most accurate list? (EMIDIDE/O)

-Ordering prescriptions? (ECPOEE/O)

If yes

-Are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy? (ESCRIPE/O)

-Are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided? (EWARNE/O)

-Providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests? (EREMINDE/O)

-Ordering lab tests? (ECTOEE/O)

If yes-Are orders sent electronically? (EORDERE/O)

-Viewing lab results? (ERESULTE/O)

If yes-Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient’s lab results over time? (EGRAPHE/O)

-Viewing imaging results? (EIMGRESE/O)

-Identifying educational resources for patient’s specific conditions? (EPTEDUE/O)

-Reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Medicaid)?


-Generating lists of patients with particular health conditions? (EGENLISTE/O)

-Electronic reporting to immunization registries?


-Providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit? (ESUME/O)

-Exchanging secure messages with patients?


-Providing patients with an electronic copy of their health information? (EHLTHINFOE/O)

-Providing patients the ability to view online, download, or transmit information from their medical record? (EPTRECE/O)

-Recording clinical notes? (EPNOTESE/O)

-Recording patient’s medications and allergies?


-Reconciling lists of patient medications to identify the most accurate list? (EMIDIDE/O)

-Ordering prescriptions? (ECPOEE/O)

If yes

-Are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy? (ESCRIPE/O)

-Are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided? (EWARNE/O)

-Are drug formulary checks performed? (EFORMULAE/O)

-Providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests? (EREMINDE/O)

-Ordering lab tests? (ECTOEE/O)

If yes-Are orders sent electronically?


-Viewing lab results? (ERESULTE/O)

If yes-Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient’s lab results over time?


-Ordering radiology tests? (ERADIE/O)

-Viewing imaging results? (EIMGRESE/O)

-Identifying educational resources for patient’s specific conditions? (EPTEDUE/O)

-Reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Medicaid)?


-Identifying patients due for preventive or follow-up care in order to send patients reminders? (EIDPTEE/O)

-Generating lists of patients with particular health conditions? (EGENLISTE/O)

-Electronic reporting to immunization registries?


-Providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit? (ESUME/O)

-Exchanging secure messages with patients?


-Providing patients the ability to view online, download or transmit information from their medical record? (EPTRECE/O)



Is the patient health information that your ED/OPD shares electronically sent directly from your ED/OPD’s EHR system to another EHR system? (EHRTOEHRE/O)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Not applicable, ED/OPD does not have EHR system

4. Unknown


Modified text

Does your OPD refer any patients to providers outside of your OPD? (REFOUTO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive a report back from the other providers with results of the consultation?


1.Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive it electronically (not fax)? (REFOUTEO)

1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

Does your OPD refer any patients to providers outside of your OPD? (REFOUTO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD send the patient’s clinical information to the other providers? (REFOUTSO)

1. Yes routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD send it electronically (not fax) (REFOUTEO)

1. Yes routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown


Modified text

Does your OPD see any patients referred to your OPD by providers outside of your OPD?


1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive notification of both the patient’s history and reason for the consultation?


1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive it electronically (not fax)? (REFINEO)

1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

Does your OPD see any patients referred to your OPD by providers outside of your OPD? (REFINO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD send a consultation report with clinical information to the other providers?


1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD send it electronically (not fax)? (REFINSEO)

1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown


Modified text

Does your OPD take care of patients after they are discharged from an inpatient setting? (INPTCAREO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-When a patient is discharged from an inpatient setting does your OPD receive all of the information needed to continue managing the patient?


1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Is the information available when needed? (INPTCARETO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive it electronically (not fax)? (INPTCAREEO)

1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

Does your OPD take care of patients after they are discharged from an inpatient setting? (INPTCAREO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive a discharge summary with clinical information from the hospital? (DISSUMO)

1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Does your OPD receive it electronically (not fax)? (DISSUMEO)

1. Yes, routinely

2. Yes, but not routinely

3. No

4. Unknown

If yes-Can your OPD automatically incorporate the received information into your EHR system without manually entering the data? (INCORINFOO)

1. Yes

2. No

3. Not applicable, OPD does not have EHR system

4. Unknown


Modified text

Please indicate whether your ED/OPD electronically (not fax) shares each of the following types of health data and with which types of health care providers. (LABRESE/O, IMAGREPE/O, PTPROBE/O, MEDLISTE/O, ALGLISTE/O)

1. Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated

2. Other departments inside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated

4. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital

a. Lab results?

b. Imaging reports?

c. Patient problem lists?

d. Medication lists?

e. Medication allergy lists?

With what types of providers does your ED/OPD electronically (not fax) share patient health information (e.g., lab results, imaging reports, problem lists, medication lists)? (ESHAREPROVE/O)

1. Ambulatory providers inside your hospital

2. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your hospital is affiliated

4. Hospitals with which your hospital is not affiliated

5. Behavioral health providers

6. Long-term care providers

7. Home health providers

8. Do not share

9. Unknown


Moved from Ambulatory Unit Induction Form to Hospital Induction Form

How many levels are in (ESA name’s) triage system? (NUMTRLEV)

  1. Three

  2. Four

  3. Five

  4. Other – Specify (NUMTRLEV_SP)

  5. Do not conduct triage


Deleted item


Text: What is the expected number of ambulatory (outpatient) surgery cases for ASL Name from (Reporting period begin date) to (Reporting period end date)?


Deleted item


Text: You have indicated that none of your ambulatory surgery (centers/locations) will be seeing patients from (Reporting period begin date) to (Reporting period end date).

Is that correct?

1. Yes

2. No


Deleted item


Text: Now I have some questions about generating a report for all ambulatory surgery patients for sampling. Would you or your IT staff be able to generate a single list of ambulatory surgery cases for any of the following (centers/locations)?

(Name of all ASLs)

1. Yes

2. No - ONLY 2 LOGS

3. No - More than 2 logs


Deleted item


Text: For which of these (centers/locations) can lists be combined?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. ASL_NAME [1-15]


Deleted item


Text: What is the name of the IT contact?


Deleted item


Text: What is (IT contact name)'s title?


Deleted item


Text: What is (IT contact name)'s address?

Enter number and street or press enter if same


Deleted item


Text: Now I would like to ask you some questions about your ASL.

Does your ASL submit any CLAIMS electronically (electronic billing)?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Does your ASL verify an individual patient's insurance eligibility electronically?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: How does your ASL electronically verify an individual patient's insurance eligibility? Is it through an EHR/EMR system, a stand-alone practice management system, or some other electronic system?

Read answer categories out loud

1. Yes, with a stand-alone practice management system

2. Yes, with an EMR/EHR system

3. Yes, using another electronic system

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: When your staff electronically verifies a patient's insurance eligibility, do you usually get results back before the patient leaves the ASL?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Does your ASL use an electronic MEDICAL record (EMR) or electronic HEALTH record (EHR) system? Do not include billing record systems.

Read answer categories out loud

1. Yes, all electronic

2. Yes, part paper and part electronic

3. No

4. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: In which year did your ASL install the EMR/EHR system?


Deleted item


Text: What is the name of your current EMR/EHR system?

1. Allscripts

2. Cerner

3. eClinicalWorks

4. Epic

5. GE/Centricity

6. Greenway Medical

7. McKesson/Practice Partner

8. NextGen

9. Sage

10. Other - Specify

11. Unknown


Deleted item


Description: Other-Specify name of EHR/EMR system

Other-Specify name of EHR/EMR system

Text: Enter name of EMR/EHR system


Deleted item


Text: Does your ASL have plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Maybe

4. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Indicate whether your ASL has each of the following computerized capabilities. Does your ASL have a computerized system for:

Recording patient history and demographic information?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Does this include a patient problem list?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Recording and charting vital signs?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Recording patient smoking status?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Recording clinical notes?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Do they include a comprehensive list of the patient's medications and allergies?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Ordering prescriptions?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: At your ASL, when orders for prescriptions are submitted electronically, are they submitted by the prescribing practitioner, or by someone else? Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Prescribing practitioner

2. Someone else

3. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Are warnings of drug interactions or contraindications provided?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Indicate whether your ASL has each of the following computerized capabilities. Does your ASL have a computerized system for:

Providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Providing standard order sets related to a particular condition or procedure?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Ordering lab tests?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Are orders sent electronically?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: At your ASL, when orders for lab tests are submitted electronically, are they submitted by the prescribing practitioner, or by someone else?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Prescribing practitioner

2. Someone else

3. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Indicate whether your ASL has each of the following computerized capabilities. Does your ASL have a computerized system for:

Viewing lab results?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient's lab results over time?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Indicate whether your ASL has each of the following computerized capabilities. Does your ASL have a computerized system for:

Viewing imaging results?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Viewing data on quality of care measures?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Reporting clinical quality measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Medicaid)?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Generating lists of patients with particular health conditions?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Electronic reporting to immunization registries?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Is the electronic reporting to immunization registries reported in standards specified by Meaningful Use criteria?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Indicate whether your ASL has each of the following computerized capabilities. Does your ASL have a computerized system for:

Providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Exchanging secure messages with patients?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Providing patients with an electronic copy of their health information?

1. Yes, used routinely

2. Yes, but not used routinely

3. Yes, but turned off or not used

4. No

5. Unknown


Deleted item


Text: Does your ASL share any patient health information electronically (not fax) with other providers, including hospitals, ambulatory providers, or labs?

1. Yes

2. No


Deleted item


Text: How does your ASL electronically share patient health information?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas


2. Web portal (separate from EHR/EMR)

3. Other electronic method: ___________________


Deleted item


Text: Please indicate whether your ASL electronically (not fax) shares each of the following types of health data and with which types of health care providers.

Lab results?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Hospitals with which your ASL is affiliated

2. Other departments inside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your ASL is not affiliated

4. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital


Deleted item


Text: Imaging reports?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Hospitals with which your ASL is affiliated

2. Other departments inside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your ASL is not affiliated

4. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital


Deleted item


Text: Patient problem lists?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Hospitals with which your ASL is affiliated

2. Other departments inside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your ASL is not affiliated

4. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital


Deleted item


Text: Medication lists?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Hospitals with which your ASL is affiliated

2. Other departments inside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your ASL is not affiliated

4. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital


Deleted item


Text: Medication allergy lists?

Enter all that apply, separate with commas

1. Hospitals with which your ASL is affiliated

2. Other departments inside your hospital

3. Hospitals with which your ASL is not affiliated

4. Ambulatory providers outside your hospital


Deleted item


Text: What is [ASL Name's] address or the address where the abstractions will be done?

Enter number and street.


Deleted item


Text: What is [ASL Name's] telephone number or the telephone number where the abstractions will be done?


File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCDC User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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