FERC-523 60-day notice

FERC-523 60-day notice correction.pdf

FERC-523, Application for Authorization for the Issuance of Securities or the Assumption of Liabilities

FERC-523 60-day notice

OMB: 1902-0043

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 102 / Wednesday, May 28, 2014 / Notices
Type of Respondents: Public utilities
subject to the FPA.

Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The
Commission estimates the total Public


Reporting Burden for this information
collection as:

[Application under Federal Power Act Section 203]
Number of

number of
responses per

number of

burden &
cost per
response 2

Total annual
burden hours
& total
annual cost

Cost per







FERC–519 ...............................................




Comments: Comments are invited on:
(1) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden and cost of the collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information collection;
and (4) ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.

Authorization for Issuance of Securities
or the Assumption of Liabilities.

Dated: May 19, 2014.
Kimberly D. Bose,

Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. IC14–12–000]

Commission Information Collection
Activities (FERC–523); Comment
Request; Extension
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of information collection
and request for comments.

In compliance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, 44 USC
3506(c)(2)(A), the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission or
FERC) is soliciting public comment on
the currently approved information
collection, FERC–523, Applications for

emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES


1 The Commission defines burden as the total
time, effort, or financial resources expended by
persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal agency. For
further explanation of what is included in the

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Comments on the collections of
information are due July 28, 2014.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
(identified by Docket No. IC14–12–000)
by either of the following methods:
• eFiling at Commission’s Web site:
• Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE., Washington, DC 20426.
Instructions: All submissions must be
formatted and filed in accordance with
submission guidelines at: http://
www.ferc.gov/help/submissionguide.asp. For user assistance contact
FERC Online Support by email at
ferconlinesupport@ferc.gov, or by phone
at: (866) 208–3676 (toll-free), or (202)
502–8659 for TTY.
Docket: Users interested in receiving
automatic notification of activity in this
docket or in viewing/downloading
comments and issuances in this docket
may do so at http://www.ferc.gov/docsfiling/docs-filing.asp.
Ellen Brown may be reached by email

at DataClearance@FERC.gov, telephone
at (202) 502–8663, and fax at (202) 273–
Title: Applications for Authorization
for Issuance of Securities or the
Assumption of Liabilities
OMB Control No.: 1902–0082.
Type of Request: Three-year extension
of the FERC–523 information collection
requirements with no changes to the
current reporting requirements.
Abstract: Under Federal Power Act
(FPA) section 204, 16 U.S.C. 824c, no
public utility or licensee shall issue any
security, or assume any obligation or
liability as guarantor, endorser, surety,
or otherwise in respect of any security
of another person, until the public
utility applies for and receives
Commission approval by order
authorizing the issue or assumption of
the liability. The Commission issues an
order if it finds that such issue or
assumption (a) is for lawful object,
within the corporate purposes of the
applicant and compatible with the
public interest, which is necessary or
appropriate for or consistent with the
proper performance by the applicant as
a public utility, and which will not
impair its ability to perform that service,
and (b) is reasonably necessary or
appropriate for such purposes.
The Commission uses the information
contained in filings to determine its
acceptance and/or rejection of
applications for authorization to either
issue securities or to assume an
obligation or liability by the public
utilities and their licensees who submit
these applications.
The specific application requirements
and filing format are found at 18 CFR
Part 34; and 18 CFR 131.43 and 131.50.
The information is filed electronically.
Type of Respondents: Public utilities
subject to the FPA.

information collection burden, reference 5 Code of
Federal Regulations 1320.3.
2 The estimates for cost per response are derived
using the following formula: Average Burden Hours

per Response * $70.50 per Hour = Average Cost per
Response. The hourly cost figure of $70.50 is the
average FERC employee wage plus benefits. We
assume that respondents earn at a similar rate.

Note: This 60-day notice is correcting an
erroneous burden estimate that was
published in the Federal Register on 5/14/
2014 (79 FR 27589). That published notice
contained data concerning two other FERC
collections: FERC Form 2 (OMB Control No.
1902–0028) and FERC Form 2A (OMB
Control No. 1902–0030). These collections
are also being renewed, but they are
completely unrelated to the FERC–523. The
burden estimations for the FERC Form 2 and
Form 2A are unaffected by this notice. Please
see the Estimate of Annual Burden section
below for the corrected burden estimate for
FERC–523. Comments for all three
collections will be due by the date listed in
this notice.

[FR Doc. 2014–12195 Filed 5–27–14; 8:45 am]


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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 102 / Wednesday, May 28, 2014 / Notices

Estimate of Annual Burden: 1 The
Commission estimates the annual public

reporting burden for the information
collection as:

Number of

number of
responses per

number of

burden &
cost per
response 2

Total annual
burden hours
& total

Cost per










FERC–523 ...............................................

Comments: Comments are invited on:
(1) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden and cost of the collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(3) ways to enhance the quality, utility
and clarity of the information collection;
and (4) ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Dated: May 19, 2014.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2014–12194 Filed 5–27–14; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory

emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Combined Notice of Filings #1
Take notice that the Commission
received the following exempt
wholesale generator filings:
Docket Numbers: EG14–56–000.
Applicants: Pullman & Comley, LLC.
Description: Self-Certification of EG of
GRE 314 East Lyme, LLC.
Filed Date: 5/19/14.
Accession Number: 20140519–5213.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 6/9/14.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER10–2614–005.
Applicants: ENMAX Energy
Marketing, Inc.
1 The Commission defines burden as the total
time, effort, or financial resources expended by
persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or
provide information to or for a Federal agency. For
further explanation of what is included in the

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Description: Enmax Energy
Marketing, Inc. submits updated market
power analysis.
Filed Date: 5/16/14.
Accession Number: 20140519–0001.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 7/15/14.
Docket Numbers: ER10–2864–001;
ER10–2863–001; ER10–2862–001;
Applicants: Las Vegas Cogeneration
LP, Las Vegas Cogeneration II, LLC,
Valencia Power, LLC, Harbor
Cogeneration Company, LLC.
Description: Second Supplement to
June 28, 2013 Triennial Market Power
Analysis of SGOC Southwest MBR
Sellers for the Southwest Region.
Filed Date: 5/20/14.
Accession Number: 20140520–5061.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 5/30/14.
Docket Numbers: ER10–2881–012;
ER10–2882–012; ER10–2883–012;
ER10–2884–012; ER10–2885–012;
ER10–2641–012; ER10–2663–012;
ER10–2886–012; ER13–1101–007;
Applicants: Southern Company
Services, Inc. (as Agent, Alabama Power
Company, Georgia Power Company,
Southern Power Company, Mississippi
Power Company, Gulf Power Company,
Oleander Power Project, L.P., Southern
Company—Florida LLC, Southern
Turner Cimarron I, LLC, Campo Verde
Solar, LLC, Spectrum Nevada Solar,
Description: Notice of Non-Material of
Change in Status of Alabama Power
Company, et al.
Filed Date: 5/20/14.
Accession Number: 20140520–5105.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 6/10/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1711–001.
Applicants: TC Ravenswood, LLC.
Description: Oil Burn Rate Schedule
to be effective 5/19/2014.
Filed Date: 5/19/14.
Accession Number: 20140519–5234.

Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 5/29/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1772–000.
Applicants: Oklahoma Cogeneration,
Description: Supplement to April 25,
2014 Oklahoma Cogeneration, LLC
Notice of Succession and Tariff
Filed Date: 5/19/14.
Accession Number: 20140519–5176.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 6/9/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1988–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: Queue Position X4–035;
Original Service Agreement No. 3830 to
be effective 4/18/2014.
Filed Date: 5/19/14.
Accession Number: 20140519–5229.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 6/9/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1989–000.
Applicants: New Hampshire
Transmission, LLC.
Description: Request for Limited
Tariff Waiver and Motion for Expedited
Consideration of New Hampshire
Transmission, LLC.
Filed Date: 5/19/14.
Accession Number: 20140519–5250.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 5/29/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1990–000.
Applicants: Southwest Power Pool,
Description: 2881 City of Chanute, KS
NITSA NOA to be effective 5/1/2014.
Filed Date: 5/20/14.
Accession Number: 20140520–5069.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 6/10/14.
Docket Numbers: ER14–1991–000.
Applicants: Midcontinent
Independent System Operator, Inc.
Description: 2014–05–20_SA 2662
MidAm GIA (J274) to be effective
Filed Date: 5/20/14.
Accession Number: 20140520–5070.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. e.t. 6/10/14.

information collection burden, reference 5 Code of
Federal Regulations 1320.3.
2 The estimates for cost per response are derived
using the following formula: Average Burden Hours

per Response * $70.50 per Hour = Average Cost per
Response. The hourly cost figure of $70.50 is the
average FERC employee wage plus benefits. We
assume that respondents earn at a similar rate.

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File Modified2014-05-28
File Created2014-05-28

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