Youth Baseline Questionnaire (Male Rural Smokeless)

Evaluation of the Food and Drug Administration's General Market Youth Tobacco Prevention Campaign

Attachment 2a_Rationale for Outcome Evaluation Measures

Youth Baseline Questionnaire (Male Rural Smokeless)

OMB: 0910-0753

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OMB No. 0910-xxxx

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ATTACHMENT 2a: Rationale for Outcome Evaluation Measures

Measurable population-level behavior change—such as a change in youth smoking prevalence—is the product of a series of changes in interrelated, individual-level beliefs, attitudes and perceptions about norms, and environmental-level factors such as smoke-free laws (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980; Bandura, 1985; Hornik, 2002; Rosenstock, Strecher, & Becker, 1988; Trickett et al., 2011). Behavior change theory guides our understanding of how campaigns function (Ajzen, 1991; Bandura, 1985; Rosenstock et al., 1988; Trickett et al., 2011) and defines our expectations about the order in which campaign effects should occur: belief change, attitude and social norm change, intention, and finally behavior change (Fishbein, 1967). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs quantifies the timeline for these expectations, indicating that campaigns that deliver a sufficient amount of media will produce campaign awareness at 6 months, attitude change at 12 to 18 months, and behavior change at 18 to 24 months (CDC, 2007). A National Cancer Institute (NCI) study similarly concludes that campaigns “influence attitudes toward tobacco within a short period, followed by longer-term effects on smoking behavior” (NCI, 2008, p. 534). In practice, changes in beliefs, attitudes, and intention are often the first indicators of campaign effectiveness and, as a result, are among the first outcomes examined in the course of campaign evaluation (Cowell et al., 2009; Farrelly et al., 2005; Murray, Prokhorov, & Harty, 1994; Murukutla et al., 2012; Vallone et al., 2011a, b).

Evaluation Logic Model

Based on this evidence base and previous experience with tobacco prevention campaigns, we have mapped the expected relationships between specific campaign activities and downstream outcome indicators (Figure 1-1). This model further outlines key variables and other contextual influences on tobacco-related outcomes that may moderate the effects of the campaigns and therefore must be accounted for in our assessment of the campaigns’ impacts on key outcomes. Based on this model, we hypothesize that greater exposure to the campaigns will lead to greater changes in all key outcomes at all stages of time (short-term, intermediate, and long-term).

Figure 1-1. Evaluation Logic Model

Evaluation Questions

In this section, we present initial evaluation questions following the logic model described above and our current understanding of the creative direction of the general market and rural smokeless campaigns. The key evaluation questions we seek to answer fall under several broad domains, as outlined in Table 1‑1: implementation, campaign awareness and receptivity, campaign Web sites and social media, short-term cognitive outcomes, intermediate-term cognitive outcomes, and long-term behavioral outcomes. Although this is not an exhaustive list of all possible evaluation questions that this evaluation will address, the enumeration of questions in Table 1‑1 provides a detailed overview of the outcomes that are the focus of these campaigns and our evaluation. We present a combined set of evaluation questions for the general market and rural smokeless campaigns because of the significant overlap in the key questions. Table 1-2 provides the survey items enumerated by type and a description of how the various survey measures will be used in analyses.

Table ‎1-1. Campaign Key Evaluation Questions

Short-Term Cognitive Outcomes (illustrative)

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with changes in tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs, including social normative beliefs, among youth overall and by sensation seeking and tobacco use status?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with an increase in awareness of the harmful ingredients in every cigarette?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with an increase in awareness of the risk of addiction from each cigarette?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with increases in the perceived risks of menthol cigarette use?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with an increase in the perceived risks of smokeless tobacco?

Intermediate-Term Cognitive Outcomes

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with decreases in tobacco use susceptibility?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with increases in intentions to stop smoking and/or reduce daily consumption?

Long-Term Behavioral Outcomes

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with a decrease in tobacco use initiation?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with a decreased prevalence of 30-day smoking and 30-day smokeless tobacco use?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with a decreased prevalence of established smoking and frequent smokeless tobacco use (20 or more days per month)?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with decreases in the number of days of tobacco use among current smokers and smokeless tobacco users?

Is cumulative exposure to the campaign associated with decreases in the average number of cigarettes smoked per day among current smokers?

Table 1-2. Survey Items by Type and Intended in Analysis, Outcome Evaluation Survey

Type of Item

Survey Item

Intended Use in Analysis of Outcome Evaluation Data



A1 - A8

control variable

Campaign Awareness and Receptivity

F3 - 15

independent variable

Tobacco-related Attitudes, Beliefs, Risk Perceptions, and Social Norms

E1 - E12

outcome variable

Intentions to Use Tobacco and Self-Efficacy

C1 - C3

outcome variable

Cessation Intention, Behavior, and Motivation

D1 – D6

outcome variable

Tobacco-related Behaviors

B1 - B10, D1 – D6

outcome variable

Other Tobacco Topics

B11 - B17

control variablea

Media Use

F1 – F2, F16 – F19

control variable

Youth Environment

G1 - G20

control variable


Demographics and Household Characteristics

B1 - B9

control variable

Tobacco Use and Cessation

C1 - 14

control variable

Home Media Environment

A1 - A4, D1- D4

control variable

Parent Child Topics

D5 – D8

control variable

a Other tobacco products (e.g., cigars) and marijuana use are included to enable monitoring of potentially related outcomes not targeted by current media campaigns.


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