Attachment K - 2012 SPPA Users Guide

Attachment K - 2012 SPPA Users Guide.pdf

Annual Arts Benchmarking Survey

Attachment K - 2012 SPPA Users Guide

OMB: 3135-0131

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National Endowment for the Arts


A Technical Research Manual
Prepared by Timothy Triplett
Statistical Methods Group
Urban Institute
September 2013

Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................... 3
Section 1: Overview of the Design of the Survey .............................. 4
Section 2: Changes in the Survey Design ........................................ 8
Section 3: Dealing with Missing Respondent Data ......................... 12
Section 4: Using the Survey Weights .............................................. 14
Section 5: Procedures for Estimating Standard Errors .................... 22
Section 6: Multi-variable Analyses that Combines Questions from
Different Modules ............................................................................ 26
Section 7: Useful CPS variables ...................................................... 30
Section 8: Comparing 2012 to Earlier SPPA Estimates ................... 32
Appendix A – 2012 SPPA Data Dictionary
Appendix B – 2012 SPPA Questionnaire
Appendix C – Census Bureau’s Source and Accuracy Statement


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National Endowment for the Arts

In 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau fielded the National Endowment for the Arts’
seventh Survey of Public Participation in the Arts (SPPA). The SPPA is the
nation’s largest recurring cross-sectional survey of adult participation in arts and
cultural activity. Besides informing NEA-commissioned reports and policy
decisions, the raw data are shared with non-NEA researchers for their own use.
This User’s Guide presents basic information on the 2012 Survey of Public
Participation in the Arts (SPPA) public-use data file.
The first section of the user’s guide gives an overview of the survey, including
descriptions of the sample design and data collection procedures. The following
section discusses the major survey design changes implemented in 2012.
Section 3 explains how missing data have been coded, and it includes
recommendations on how to handle the missing data when doing your analysis.
Section 4 and 5 provides information on how to use the survey weights and
procedures for calculating variances and standard errors of survey estimates.
Sections 6 and 7 describe some of the issues that need to be understood when
doing multivariate analysis that may involve analyzing questions from different
modules of the SPPA questionnaire or may involve doing analysis that uses CPS
variables. Section 8, the final section, provides information on how to conduct
trend analysis or how to combine SPPA data across years. The appendices to
this guide include a data dictionary that displays both weighted and unweighted
frequencies, a copy of the questionnaire, and U.S. Census Bureau source and
accuracy statement.
The overall goal of this guide is to provide users with enough information about
the data and the survey itself to be able to correctly use the public-use data.
Some subsections of the guide will be in italics. These subsections will be
preceded by one of the following icons:

Indicating critical points that all users should understand

Indicating useful tips, but not essential reading
Indicating sections meant primarily for advanced users


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Section 1: Overview of the Design of the Survey
The SPPA was used to collect arts participation data from American adults in
1982, 1985, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2008, and 2012. Until 1997, the SPPA was a
supplement attached to the U.S. Census Bureau’s National Crime Survey. In
1997, the SPPA was a stand-alone study conducted by WESTAT, a private
contractor. Beginning with 2002, the SPPA is now being collected as a
supplement attached to the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.
The 2012 SPPA was administered as a supplement to the July 2012 Current
Population Survey (CPS). The CPS is conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau for
the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS uses the data to provide a monthly
report on the national employment situation. This report provides estimates of the
number of employed and unemployed people in the United States. Approximately
60,000 households are eligible for the CPS each month. Sample households are
selected by a multistage, stratified, statistical sampling scheme. A household is
interviewed for 4 successive months, then not interviewed for 8 months, then
returned to the sample for 4 additional months.
The SPPA supplement was administered to one-half of the eligible CPS
households. These were the households that were in the exit round of the CPS
sample rotation. After taking into account nonresponse, a total of 21,778
households provided at least one completed SPPA interview. The SPPA survey
allows proxy responses for spouse or partners and in larger households a
second supplemental interview was often conducted. The final distribution of
2012 SPPA interviews consisted of an initial 21,778 randomly selected adults,
plus an additional 3,677 interviews were collected from adults in residing in larger
households, and there were 11,811 spouse or partner proxy interviews. So,
overall data on 37,266 adults was collected and the average number of
completed adult interviews per household was 1.7.
The CPS is one of the nation’s most respected surveys and still maintains a high
response rate. Although the SPPA is conducted with only a portion of the overall
CPS sample, it is a random portion, representative of the non-institutionalized
U.S. adult population. Because the SPPA questions are asked after the Monthly
CPS questions, the SPPA response rate is lower than the overall CPS response
rate. However, the response rate for the CPS respondents selected to complete
the 2012 SPPA was still 74.8% since 25,455 of the CPS respondents completed
the SPPA supplement out of the 34,039 CPS respondents that were randomly
selected to complete the supplement. For the sections of the survey that included
spouse partner questions the response rate is actually 77.0% since when you
include spouse partner responses, survey data was obtained from 37,266 people
out of the 48,372 people who were sampled. The higher spouse partner


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response rate is not surprising given that response rates are usually much lower
for young adults and second interviews in large households which are also less
likely to include spouse/partners. The 2012 response was less than the 81.6%
spouse partner response rate achieved on the 2008 SPPA study. This decrease
in SPPA response rate is likely in part a result of fielding the 2012 SPPA in July,
a month in which many eligible respondents may be away from home during
period in which the CPS data is collected.
The 2002 SPPA was the first SPPA survey to be conducted as a supplement to
the CPS. Based on this experience, the 2008 and 2012 SPPA were redesigned
to better handle a number of important design issues that arose from the 2002
version. The main goal was to develop a design that would be less burdensome
to survey-takers. There were two major design changes that reduced the
average burden:
1. Rather than attempt to interview all adults in the household (as in 2002),
the 2008 and 2012 SPPA randomly sampled adults and, for many of the
questions, accepted proxy responses for spouses or partners. In 2002,
proxy responses were accepted only when repeated attempts to reach a
designated respondent had failed. By contrast, for the 2008 and 2012
SPPA, the questions were worded so that they indicated which person the
question specifically referred to. Proxy responses were clearly identified in
the data file prepared by the Census Bureau.
2. Rather than administer the entire SPPA survey to all respondents, the
questionnaire was separated into modules, so that any one respondent
answered only a core set of arts attendance questions and 2 other
Besides being a major design change, randomly sampling adults to complete the
SPPA supplement was a particularly challenging task and something that
departed from standard CPS sampling procedures. The CPS is administered to
any person 16 or older who is able to report employment information on all
persons 16 years or older in the household. The SPPA collects information only
from adults 18 or older. In addition, the nature of many SPPA questions requires
that the survey be based on direct self-reports rather than proxy reports. To
make the SPPA a better fit for the CPS protocol, the 2008 and 2012 SPPA
allowed some proxy responses from spouses or partners.
A small pilot study was conducted prior to the 2012 SPPA survey. Based on this
study, NEA researchers were satisfied that respondents who had a spouse or
partner would be able to readily answer questions on core arts participation
activities and leisure activities on behalf of the spouse or partner. Therefore the
questions asked in both the Core 1and Core 2 sections of the survey, plus the
leisure activity questions asked in Module D of the questionnaire were asked of


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the respondent and then repeated to get responses for their spouse or partners.
In addition, the first four questions asked in Module A were also asked of both
the respondent and their spouse or partner. More detail on what questions were
asked in each module of the SPPA questionnaire will be covered in the next
section of this report and Appendix B contains a complete copy of the final 2012
SPPA questionnaire. Overall, information on 11,811 SPPA respondents was
obtained from spouse/partner proxy reports.
To ensure that all adults 18 and older had a chance of being included in the
survey, sometime a second SPPA interview was conducted after the CPS and
first SPPA supplement interviews had taken place. The second interview
occurred in households that contained one or more adults in addition to the CPS
respondent and his or her spouse or partner. Among this remainder group, an
adult was randomly chosen for the second interview.
If the CPS respondent was 18 or older and had a spouse or partner, the initial
survey was administered at random either to the CPS respondent or his or her
partner, to avoid any potential bias that could have occurred from always
choosing the CPS respondent. Similarly, in all households that had two
interviews, the second respondent was chosen at random. The respondent
selection strategy succeeded in achieving a higher response rate (77.0% vs.
69.6%) than the 2002 procedure of attempting to interview every adult in the

Researchers planning to compare the 2012 estimates with prior years
should read Section 8 of this user’s guide.
In some situations, a respondent was never available to complete the SPPA
supplement—and, therefore, Census interviewers accepted a full proxy interview.
This was done also for the 2002 and 2008 SPPA, though the number of full proxy
interviews was much higher in 2002, given the need to attempt interviews with all
adults 18 or older in the household. The Census Bureau did not flag the 2002 full
proxy interviews, so it is difficult to study how these interviews may have
impacted the 2002 estimates. For the 2012 survey, there were 5,196 full proxy
interviews and 45 of these interviews included spouse/partner reports. This
means that the 5,196 full proxy interviews collected information on 5,241 people.
Full proxy interviews can be identified by using the full proxy flag variable
(labeled “PUNXTPR3”in the data dictionary).
Note: if you want to compare spouse/partner proxy responses with direct
self-reports, you cannot simply compare the 11,811 spouse/partner responses
with the 24,455 direct self-reported responses. Neither group is a representative
sample. The 11,981 spouse/partner reports include responses only from people


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who have a spouse or partner, while the 24,455 respondents who self-reported
includes a disproportionate number of non-married respondents.

Section 8 of this manual provides a few examples and suggestions on how
to properly compare proxy versus non-proxy reports and discusses in more detail
the impact of proxy reporting when comparing 2008 estimates with those of prior


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Section 2: Changes in the Survey Design
There were two major design changes implemented for the 2012 SPPA. First,
the 2012 SPPA included two core components rather than one; the first set of
core questions (Core 1) was nearly an exact replicate of the core questions used
in previous years to ask about arts attendance 1; and a second new experimental
set of questions (Core 2) that also asked about arts attendance. Respondents
were assigned randomly to answer either the Core 1 or Core 2 set of questions.
The reason for developing two separate sets of core questions was to be able to
maintain backward compatibility with earlier waves of the SPPA in order to look
at historical trends while also trying to adapt the questionnaire to reflect some of
the changes in the meaning of arts participation that has occurred over the 30year period since the survey was first conducted. The 2012 survey in particular
was marked by numerous changes, which benefited from consultations with arts
and cultural researchers, practitioners, and policy-makers many of whom
attended a full day SPPA planning workshop held on November 2, 2010. The
2012 sample size was roughly doubled from 2008, which afforded the opportunity
for the SPPA to do some more experimenting with measuring arts participation
while maintaining the ability to look at change over time.
The second major design change was that the 2012 included five separate
questionnaire modules designed to capture other types of arts participation as
well as participation in other leisure activities. So, in addition to completing a
random set of set of core arts participation questions, respondents were
assigned randomly to answer questions from two of the five SPPA modules. If a
respondent was answering for themselves and on behalf of their spouse or
partner, the respondent and spouse partner questions followed the same path
through the instrument. However, as will be covered in section 4 (Using the
Survey Weights) not all modules included spouse/partner versions of the
While the Census Bureau again agreed to administer the SPPA as a supplement
to the CPS, the Bureau expressed strong concerns about the length of time the
interviewers had taken to conduct the prior two SPPA surveys, which were also
supplements to the CPS. Hence, a big challenge in revising the 2012 SPPA was
to ensure that it did not take too long to administer. Eliminating a few questions
would not be enough and eliminating sections of the SPAA would have spoiled
the richness of the survey. As a solution, the questionnaire was separated into
modules, so that any one respondent would answer only one set of the core arts
attendance questions and two of the five other modules (sections of the survey).

The only change in the first set of core questions was that addition of the following question; “With the
exception of elementary or high school performances did you go to any other music, theater, or dance
performance during the last 12 months?” which was asked after the respondent answered all the performing
arts questions.


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Given that respondent did not answer each of the SPPA modules impacts users
who plan to analyze data from any questions other than the core arts attendance
questions. So, it is essential that data users who plan to analyze more than just
the core questions understand the modular design of the 2012 questionnaire.
This modular approach allowed for NEA researchers to ask many new questions
while being able to retain many of the SPPA questions that have been asked in
the past. In particular, new questions were needed to deal with ever changing
definition of art forms and the impact technology has had on how people engage
in the arts. The following were the 2012 modules — Module A (Other arts
participation questions and music preference questions), Module B (Accessing
art through media), Module C (Creating arts through media), Module D (Creating,
performing, and other activities), and Module E (Arts learning). The modules
were randomly assigned so that that the questions within each module were
asked of a representative national sample of adults. Also, the modules’
respondents randomly overlapped with each other so that module question
responses could be linked across modules with sample sizes that would be
sufficient for most analyses. For example, this overlapping design allows a
researcher to compare a person’s music preference (from module A) with
whether or not he/she took any music classes (from Module E).
The data user who plans to combine variables from different modules
should review the examples shown in Section 6 of this manual.
The July 2012 timing of the interviews is another factor to consider when
comparing results with prior SPPA studies. The SPPA studies in 1982 and 1992
were conducted throughout the year and the 2002 study was conducted in
August and the 2008 in May. The SPPA always has asked about arts
participation covering a 12-month period, but there are still potential recall
differences depending on when the questions are asked. Survey research
literature 2 has documented that respondents tend to report more accurately on
recent events. In this case, one would expect more accurate reporting of outdoor
arts festivals during the summer months while reports of theater attendance
might be more accurate during the winter months. To the extent that an activity is
seasonal, the reported participation rates could be impacted. However, in 1985
the funding for the SPPA was cut so that the SPPA survey was only conducted in
six months rather than 12 months which lead to testing of seasonal effects using
the 1982 SPPA and this research indicated no strong seasonality to the reporting
of arts attendance.


Tourangeau, Roger, Lance J. Rips, and Kenneth Rasinski. The Psychology of Survey Responses. New
York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.


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The SPPA has a complex survey design. To produce unbiased estimates
from the 2012 SPPA data, it is critical that researchers use the appropriate
survey weight.
The survey weights are necessary to correct for the unequal probability of
selection of adults within CPS households, to adjust for the fact that some
questions did not ask for a spouse-or-partner proxy response, and to adjust to for
that survey design of asking respondents to complete different forms of the
questionnaire. Because of the complex design five final survey weights are
included on the 2012 SPPA public-use data file. Which weight you choose to use
will depend on which question you want to analyze and in what section of the
questionnaire did the question get asked.
For analyzing questions in core 1 you should be using the weight variable labeled
“PWOWGT” and for analyzing questions from the core 2 section of the survey
you should use the weight variable “PWTWGT”. Since only the first 4 questions
in Module A (Other Art Activities and Music Preferences) included spouse/partner
versions the questions (PEA1 through PEA4), only these 4 questions from
Module A should use the weight that is labeled “PWSWGT”. While the remaining
questions in Module A (PEA5 through PEA8) did not include spouse partner
versions of the questions and such when analyzing you should be using a unique
weight variable labeled “PWAWGT”. You should also use the “PWNWGT”
weight variable for analyzing Module B (Accessing Art through Media), Module C
(Creating Arts through Media), and Module E (Arts Learning) as each of these
modules did not include questions about the respondent’s spouse or partner.
Finally, when analyzing questions from Module D (Creating, Performing, and
Other Activities) where questions included spouse/partner version of the
questions you should use the weight variable labeled “PWSWGT”.
All five of the SPPA survey weights feature a Census non-response adjustment
and have been post-stratified to match key demographics of the national noninstitutionalized U.S. population. Consequently, the weight variable that you
need to use for your analysis depends upon which module or core section of the
survey the variable or variables you are interested reside in. Examples and
more information on the survey weights are provided in Section 4 of this report.
In section 4, we will also talk about how to use the weights when doing analysis
that involves using variables from different modules. Examples of using the
weights for multi-variable analysis when the variables come from different
sections of the survey will covered in Section 6 of this report.

An easy way to figure out which weight variable to use would be to look the
variable up in the data dictionary (Appendix A) located at the end of this report.
Each SPPA variable is listed in the data dictionary which includes a description


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that ends with the appropriate weight placed in parenthesis (i.e. (PWOWGT for
an SPPA variable that was asked in the Core 1 section of the survey).
The 2012 SPPA public-use data file as well as earlier rounds of the SPPA will be
archived at CPANDA (Cultural Policy & the Arts National Data Archive; and will also be available from the Census Bureau’s CPS
web site ( The version of the SPPA public-use file at
CPANDA has data records for only the 37,266 SPPA respondents while the
Census Bureau’s SPPA public-use file includes information on the entire 151,695
people who were in July 2012 CPS sample.

If you want to work with only SPPA respondents using the Census Bureau’s
version of the public-use file, then you need to select only those data records that
either have a Core 1 weight (PWOWGT) value greater than zero or a Core 2
weight (PWTWGT) value greater than zero.

Although technically not a design change, there was an important change in
how the Census Bureau structured and prepared the SPPA supplemental public
use data file. In 2008, when a question had a spouse/partner version, the
Census Bureau created a single variable for storing the respondent and
spouse/partner responses. For 2012, the Census Bureau created separate
variables for the spouse/partner responses and did not create a combined
variable. So, for example the variable for going out to see a movie is “PE3A” for
the respondent and “PE3B” for the spouse partner. To make the analysis easier
for the researcher to produce nationally representative estimates of all adults 18
or older, the NEA version of the public use data file includes combined variables
for each variable that has a spouse partner version of the question. For example
the variable that can be used to estimate the number of people who went out to
see a movie is “MOVIES”. All the combined variables included in the NEA
public-use data file are included in Appendix A, which is what we refer to as
being the SPPA data dictionary. The data dictionary is arranged by section and
so for those sections of the survey that had spouse/partner versions of the
questions you will find combined variables at the end of the section after the
listing of all the variables that are on the Census Bureau version of the public use


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Section 3: Dealing with Missing Respondent Data
It may seem as though most of the CPS variables have no missing data. As
with all surveys, however, some CPS respondents either cannot answer or they
choose not to answer all of the questions. The reason for most of the CPS
variables having no missing data is this: when they are not obtained from the
respondent, the answers are imputed by the Census Bureau through elaborate
imputation procedure. (See “Current Population Survey Technical Paper 66”;
Imputation did not occur for any of the SPPA questions. Therefore, all SPPA
questions have some missing data. For instance, if you add together the number
of people who said yes or no for any participation question, that sum is always
less than the total number of SPPA respondents who were asked the question
because of missing data. It is sometimes important to differentiate between two
types of missing data: 1) data missing because the respondent does not provide
a useable answer; or, 2) data missing by design because the respondent was
purposely not asked the question.
The data file uses three codes to describe missing data due to a respondent not
providing a useable response. When the answer to the SPPA question is coded
"-3", this indicates that the respondent refused to answer the item. The ".-2" value
indicates that the respondent did not know the answer, and the "-9" value
indicates that a useable answer was never ascertained. The "-1" value indicates
that the respondent was not supposed to answer the question based on
questionnaire skip patterns.
Usually researchers will exclude respondent missing data (codes -2, -3, and -9)
when calculating percentage estimates. This practice can be thought of as a
form of pseudo-imputation—with the assumption that data missing from
respondents would likely show a similar response pattern as the non-missing

In order to match the arts activity and participation estimates that are
released by the NEA, you should exclude respondents’ missing data.
Information that is missing by design (code: -1) is also typically excluded by
researchers when producing percentage estimates. It is always excluded for
questions that were randomly skipped, for instance for each respondent three out
of the five sets of module questions were randomly skipped. For some analyses,
however, the -1 can be interpreted as having a null value. For instance,
question PEC2A can tell you how many people use a computer, a handheld
device or mobile device, or the internet to create music. However, if you were to


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simply exclude all the missing data, it would seem that the answer would be that
28.4% used a computer … to create music, during the last 12 months. However,
the answer you probably want to report is that only 1.4% of adults used a
computer … to create music during the last 12 months. This is because anyone
who said “NO” to the previous question about whether you created any music in
the last 12 months did not get asked about whether they used a computer to
create music. In this and many similar situations, you probably would want to
interpret the -1 code as having a null or “NO” value for those respondents who
were not asked the question because of their response to a previous question.

Whenever you are doing statistical analysis with variables that have
missing data, make sure you either understand how the missing data is being
treated or include in your program explicit instructions about how missing data
will be handled. Given the large sample size for many of the SPPA variables,
you may not notice the unintentional impact that values of -1, -2, -3, or -9 may
have on estimates such as means, medians, and regression coefficients.
The next section of this report will show that when you exclude missing data,
your weighted population estimates will no longer sum to the total U.S. adult
population and, therefore, will not produce accurate population estimates. The
next section also explains, however, that there are acceptable procedures for
producing reliable population estimates.


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Section 4: Using the Survey Weights
Responses to SPPA questions should be weighted to provide approximately
unbiased aggregate, national, or regional estimates. The weights should be
applied to all survey items in an effort to

Compensate for differential probabilities of selection for households and
Reduce biases occurring where nonrespondents have different
characteristics than respondents
Adjust, to the extent possible, for under-coverage in the sampling frames
and in the conduct of the survey

The procedures used by the Census Bureau to develop the CPS survey
weights are quite complicated. The following bullets highlight the steps used to
create the weights. More information on their construction can be found in
Chapter 10 of the “Current Population Survey Technical Paper 66”;”
The steps are:

Preparation of simple unbiased estimates from base weights and special
weights derived from each adult’s probability of being sampled
Adjustment for nonresponse
First-stage ratio adjustment to reduce variances due to the sampling of
primary sampling units (PSUs)
National and state coverage adjustments to improve CPS coverage
Second-stage ratio adjustment to reduce variances by controlling CPS
estimates of the population to independent estimates of the current

Perhaps the most important task and certainly one of the first tasks facing
the data user will be determining which of the survey weights you should be
using to obtain accurate population estimates.
There are five survey weight variables attached to each sample adult’s data
record. Accordingly, if you specify which weight variable to use, your statistical
analysis software will give each adult the appropriate weight when computing
frequency distributions and statistics. The public-use data file has five weight
variables because not all questions included a spouse partner proxy option, the
sample was randomly split so that about ½ of the sample was assigned to each


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of the two cores sections of the survey, and because respondents were randomly
assign to only complete two of the five additional art questionnaire modules.
Table 1 below summarizes which weight to use for each module of the survey.
Also, in appendix A of this document is the SPPA data dictionary, which lists
each SPPA question by module and provides both the weighted and unweighted
frequency counts for each response option. You will see in parentheses at the
end of the variable description (PWOWGT, PWTWGT, PWSWGT, PWAWGT, or
PWNWGT) indicating which weight was used to produce the weighted estimate.
Later in this section we will explain which weight to use when doing analysis that
uses variables from more than one module of the questionnaire.
The Weight that Should be Used for Each Questionnaire Module
Core 1 Questions (arts participation trend questions)
Core 2 Questions (experimental arts participation questions)
Module A1 (Other arts activities: PEA1 through PEA4)
Module A2 (Music preference questions: PEA5 through PEA8 )
Module B (Accessing Art through Media)
Module C (Creating Arts through Media)
Module D (Creating, Performing, and Other Activities)
Module E (arts learning)

Appropriate Weight

The following table (Table 2) shows the weighted and unweighted estimate for
going to a film festival during the past 12 months. The shaded portion of the
table shows unweighted estimates, while the non-shaded region of the table
shows the weighted estimate.
Unweighted Frequency For Going to a Film Festival within the last 12 months
Percent excluding
missing data
Weighted Frequency For Going to a Film Festival within the last 12 months (using PWTWGT)
Percent excluding
Response Option
missing data
1= YES
2= NO
Response Option
1= YES
2= NO

By checking the frequency count, you usually can tell that you are looking
at a weighted estimate. A weighted frequency count will be a very large number,


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since the survey weight is used to multiply each sampled response. In Table 2
(above), for example, we produce an unbiased estimate of the number (5.4
million) of adults who went to a film festival within the last 12 months.
Although a large frequency count tends to indicate a weighted estimate, the
statistical output is usually not helpful in determining whether the correct survey
weight was applied. Table 3 demonstrates how similar the two sets of film festival
attendance estimates are when the wrong weight is applied. The shaded portion
of the table shows the estimate that would have resulted by using the PWNWGT
instead of the PWTWGT. The percentage estimates are so similar that even an
experienced SPPA researcher may be unable to tell just from the statistical
output whether or not the appropriate weight was used.
Incorrectly Weighted Frequency For Going to a Film Festival (using PWNWGT)
Percent excluding
Response Option
missing data
1= YES
2= NO
Correctly Weighted Frequency For Going to a Film Festival (using PWTWGT)
Percent excluding
Response Option
missing data
1= YES
2= NO

In May 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that the number of noninstitutionalized adults 18 or older living in the United States was 234,993,563.
The survey weights can be used to estimate how many of these approximately
235 million adults 18 or older attended or did a particular activity. When doing
population estimates, however, you must be careful of how you handle missing
data. Missing data typically occur when a person refuses to answer a particular
question or does not know the answer to the question being asked. These
situations are usually lumped together and classified as “missing data”. Refer to
the previous section of the guide for more information on how missing data for
the SPPA variables have been coded.
If you do not take into account the missing data, then your population counts will
total less than the overall population of 235 million adults. For instance, in our
previous example, the estimated total number of adults who went to a film festival
plus the number who said they did not go to a film festival equaled just over 222
million (222,009,506) because it does not account for the missing data. Also, if
you do not omit the missing data, you would estimate that 2.3% of the population
went to a film festival. Yet most researchers exclude missing data when
estimating the percentage of the population that attends or participates in a
particular activity. Hence, they would report that 2.4% of the adult population


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went to a film festival. This percentage can be obtained from the final column in
tables 2 and 3.

If you do decide to exclude the missing data, then a more accurate
population estimate will be obtained by multiplying the percentage that excludes
missing data by the total population. For instance, when we exclude the missing
data from the previous example, we see that 2.4% of the adult population went to
a film festival. This proportion translates to approximately 5.6 million (.024 x 235
million adults) adults went to a film festival as opposed to the estimate of 5.4
million (5,399,608) shown in tables 2 and 3. Again, this difference occurs
because the population estimates in tables 2 and 3 do not adjust for the missing
Because of the random assignment of questionnaire modules you can do
analysis that combines variables from different modules. In addition, you can
also combine variables from different modules with questions asked in either the
core 1 or core 2 section of the survey. However you cannot do analysis that
combines variables from the core1 with variables from core2 because
respondents were assigned to either complete core 1 or core 2, but never both
core 1 and core2.
Table 4 summarizes which weight to use for the various possible combinations of
variables in your analysis. Keep in mind, you cannot use variables from both
core1 and core 2 at the same time. Also, you cannot use variables from more
than two modules in the same runs, since no respondents answered more than
two modules and using variables from two different modules will sometimes raise
sample size concerns. Module sample sizes and combined module sample sizes
are discussed in more detail in section 6 of this user’s guide.
Which Weight to Use When Combining Modules
If your analysis includes:
Any variable from Module B, C or E
Any variable from Module A2 (PEA5 through PEA8) and
no variables from Module B, C, or E
Any variable from Core 1 and no variables from
Module A2, B, C, E
Any variable from Core 2 and no variables from
Module A2, B, C, or E
Any variables from Module A1 (PEA1 through PEA4) or
Module D and no variables from Core1, Core2,
Module A2, B, C, or E


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National Endowment for the Arts

Appropriate Weight

Always remember that if your statistical run includes any variable from a
module that doesn’t include spouse partner versions of the questions (Module B,
C, E, and Module A2), than you need to weight your runs using the PWNMWGT
variable or PWAWGT if you are only using questions PEA5 to PEA8 (Module
A2). This is very important because the other survey weights on the data file will
produce biased estimate because they do not adjust the estimate to take into
account that spouse partner are omitted from your analysis.

If you are unsure whether a particular question permitted a spouse/partner
response, you can always use the flag variable (labeled “PRINTSFLG” in the
data dictionary) included in the public-use data file. Simply run a cross-tabulation
of the variable of interest by “PRINTSFLG.” If you find there are no cases, then
you have a question without a spouse/partner option. Hence, you will need to
weight your analysis using PWNWGT. The only exception would be If you are
using a variable from Module A2 (PEA5 to PEA8) and not using a variable from
Module B, C, or E, in which case you would weight your analysis using the
PWAWGT weight variable.
When your analysis includes only questions that were asked of the respondent’s
spouse or partner then you will most likely use the weight variable associated
with the core questions (core 1 PWOWGT; core 2 PWTWGT) that you are
including in your analysis. The only exception would be if you are using a
variable from Module A1 (PEA1 to PEA4) combined with a Module D and not
using a variable from either of the core sections of the survey, in which case you
would weight your analysis using the PWSWGT weight variable.
The Table 5 cross-tabulation example shows that the likelihood of a person
playing a musical instrument is strongly influenced by the level of his or her
mother’s education. Because the question about playing a musical instrument is
asked in Module D of the SPPA, one would use the PWSWGT variable to get a
frequency of playing an instrument. Yet the mother’s level of education is an
additional demographic question asked at the end of the arts learning (Module E)
section of the survey. Thus, we would use PWNWGT to get a frequency
distribution of mother’s education. In this example, the correct estimates are
shown in the non-shaded portion of the Table 5, following the rule of always
using PWNWGT when doing analyses that include any variable from Module B,
C or E. The shaded portion of Table 5 shows the incorrect estimates that would
be obtained had you used the PWSWGT. More examples and guidance on
doing analyses combining variables from different modules of the SPPA are
included section six of this guide.


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National Endowment for the Arts

Incorrectly Weighted Cross-tabulation: Playing a Musical Instrument with Mother’s Education
Level (using PWSWGT)
Played a Musical Instrument
Mother’s Education
Less than 9 Grade
197,403 (5.8%)
3,186,524 (94.2%)
3,383,927 (100%)
Some High School
249,563 (10.2%)
2,197,783 (89.8%)
2,447,346 (100%)
High School Graduate
884,242 (11.1%)
7,054,680 (88.9%)
7,938,922 (100%)
Some College
539,734 (24.1%)
1,695,515 (75.9%)
2,235,249 (100%)
College Graduate
770,245 (29.1%)
1,873,038 (70.9%)
2,643,283 (100%)
Advanced Degree
176,368 (23.0%)
590,210 (77.0%)
766,578 (100%)
2,817,555 (14.5%)
16,597,750 (85.5%)
19,415,305 (100%)
Correctly Weighted Cross-tabulation: Playing a Musical Instrument with Mother’s Education Level
(using PWNWGT)
Played a Musical Instrument
Mother’s Education
Less than 9 Grade
255,801 (6.6%)
3,602,292 (93.4%)
3,858,093 (100%)
Some High School
259,349 (10.2%)
2,273,900 (89.8%)
2,533,249 (100%)
High School Graduate
982,260 (11.0%)
7,940,610 (89.0%)
8,922,870 (100%)
Some College
562,190 (23.4%)
1,843,131 (76.6%)
2,405,321 (100%)
College Graduate
765,296 (27.4%)
2,025,588 (72.6%)
2,790,884 (100%)
Advanced Degree
211,197 (24.9%)
637,821 (75.1%)
849,018 (100%)
3,036,093 (14.2%)
18,323,342 (85.6%)
21,359,435 (100%)

In the Table 5 example, both survey weights produce similar percentage
estimates, but the population counts are smaller for estimates that use PWSWGT
weight variable. This occurs because PWNWGT correctly increases each
sampled person’s relative weight to account for the fact that the respondents
were not asked about their spouse/partner’s mother’s education. While the
percentage estimates using PWNWGT are correct, note that the total population
counts sums to only 21 million adults far less than the estimated 235 million
adults living in the United States. A small fraction of this difference is due to
people not knowing or unwilling to answer one of these two questions. The main
reason that the total population counts add to fewer than 235 million adults is that
the question about playing a musical instrument is from Module D (Creating,
Performing, and Other Activities) and Mother’s Education comes from Module E
(Arts Learning). Questions from module A, B, C, D, or E are asked only of a
random 2/5’s or 40 percent of all respondents and any analysis that uses
questions from two different modules (such as the current example) will have had
both questions asked of about 10% of all respondents. Thus the survey weights
will produce population counts that sum to less than the total adult population.

Each respondent was asked questions from only 2 of the 5 modules (A, B,
C, D, or E) therefore, the weighted population counts for the module questions
when combined with the core questions or another module will not sum to the


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National Endowment for the Arts

total adult population and should not be used to project the total number of adults
participating or doing a particular activity.

You can obtain population estimates for module question by using the
weighting adjustments that are published in the Census Bureau’s source and
accuracy statement. These module factor adjustments are simply a single
number that you multiply your population count by to get a full population
estimate. These adjustments correct for the fact only a random portion of the
overall sample get asked each module question, However, these module factor
adjustment do not account for respondent missing data. Since all SPPA question
have some respondent missing data (don’t know, refused to answer, valid
answer not ascertained) the population counts using these adjustment factors will
still not fully sum to the total adult population. A simple strategy for projecting
total number of adults would be to multiply the percentage who participate or do
a particular activity by the estimated total adult population. For example, 8.1% of
adults reported attending a live jazz performance, so to get the estimated number
of adults who attended you multiply the 8.1 percent by 234,993,544 (estimated
overall number of adults) which tells you that 19,034,477 (roughly 19 million)
adults attend a live jazz performance in past 12 months.
In addition to the five survey weights on the public-use data file, the Census
Bureau developed for each of these weights a set of replicate weights. Replicate
weights allow the computation of replicate estimates and, more importantly, they
provide a more reliable approximation of the variance of an estimate. The idea
underlying replication is to draw subsamples from the sample, compute the
estimate from each subsample, and estimate the variance from the variability of
the subsample estimates. Subsamples from the original full sample are used to
calculate subsample estimates of a parameter for which a full-sample estimate of
interest has been generated. The variability of these subsample estimates
compared to the estimate for the full sample can then be computed. The
subsamples are called replicates or replicate subsamples, and the estimates
from the subsamples are called replicate estimates.
Each replicate weight is derived using the same estimation steps as the full
sample weight (i.e. PWOWGT, PWTWGT, PWAWGT, PWNWGT, or PWSWGT),
but including a replicate weighting factor to each base weight. Each base
replicate weight then goes through the weighting process. Once the replicate
weights are developed, computing estimates of variance for sample estimates of
interest is computer-intensive but straightforward. Researchers interested in
using the replicate weights should contact the National Endowment for the Arts
research office to obtain a copy of the replicate weights data file. Procedures for
using these replicate weights are discussed in the next section (“Procedures for
estimating standard errors”) of this manual.


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National Endowment for the Arts

Some of the same questions were asked in both Core1 and Core2.
Estimates from core 2 are generally not recommended for conducting trend
comparisons. Also producing estimates based on combined responses from
Core 1 and Core 2 is not recommended because of differences that could be a
result of the questions being asked in a different order or subject to different skip
patterns, and some questions that appear to be the same use slightly different
wording. However, it may still be useful to use both the responses from Core 1
and Core 2 for analysis where you would like to have a larger sample size of
respondents, keeping in mind the limitations of using the combined variable to
produce population estimates.
Every respondent was asked either Core 1 or Core 2, but never both, thus they
have only been assigned a value for the PWOWGT weight or the PWTWGT
variable. To use responses from both core1 and core 2 you will need to create a
composite weight variable that has as its value either the PWOWGT value for
those who were asked core 1 or the PWTWGT value for those asked core2. For
example, the questions did you read any books and if yes, how many was asked
in both core 1 and core2. To get a larger sample size of avid readers (i.e.
people who read more than ten books) you could create a new variable that
combines the responses on books read from both core1 and core2. However, if
you were to do this, then your core weight variable would be neither PWOWGT
nor PWTWGT, but a composite weight variable instead. A simple way to
compute a composite core weight variable would be to set the value of a new
weight variable “CORE12WT” equal to PWOWGT if the value of PWOWGT is
greater than zero or equal to PWTWGT if the value of PWTWGT is greater than


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National Endowment for the Arts

Section 5: Procedures for Estimating Standard Errors
The sample of households and persons surveyed for the SPPA is just one of
many possible samples that could have been obtained. Sampling error refers to
error in survey estimates that arise from the fact that estimates are based on a
sample of observations rather than the population of observations. This form of
error is usually expressed in terms of the standard error of an estimate, or the
square of the standard error, the sampling variance. Standard errors are also
required to conduct hypothesis tests or tests of statistical significance. A clear
presentation of estimates from a survey or hypothesis test should include
measures of uncertainty associated with using a sample for inference, as
opposed to using the entire population.
This section explains the process of obtaining standard errors for SPPA
estimates. The SPPA sample and respondents are subsets of the CPS sample
and respondents, which is a sample design that includes stratification and
clustering. Although survey estimates obtained from the default options in most
statistical packages will be correct, the standard error estimates will often
understate the true standard errors because they do not account for the survey
Stratification generally leads to a gain in efficiency over simple random sampling.
On the other hand, clustering usually leads to deterioration in efficiency. This
latter effect arises because of the positive intra-cluster correlation among the
subunits in the clusters. For example, the cluster effect is larger for larger
households because we sometimes sampled more than one adult from the same
household. This clustering effect increases the variance over what would pertain
in a simple random sampling of adults.
To determine the total effect of any complex survey design on the sampling
variance, you first calculate the variance associated with an estimate assuming a
complex sample design. Then you calculate the variance you would expect from
a simple random sample design. The ratio of the complex variance estimate over
the variance associated with a simple design is what we call the design effect,
often referred to as the DEFF, and it measures the overall efficiency of the
sampling design.
In a wide range of situations, the adjusted standard error of a statistic should be
calculated by multiplying the usual formula by the square root of the DEFF.
Thus, the formula for computing the 95% confidence interval around a
percentage is:
pˆ (1 − pˆ ) 
pˆ ±  deft × 1.96


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where pˆ is the sample estimate, n is the unweighted number of sample cases in
the group being considered and, deft is the square root of DEFF.
The remainder of this section discusses how to obtain and use design effects.
The following are five recommended ways in which you can get an estimate of
the 2012 SPPA design effects. This list starts with the easier but less precise
methods and ends with the more difficult but more precise methods.
1. Depending upon which section of the questionnaire your variable is from,
choose the appropriate design effect from table 6.
2. Use the tables and procedures for obtaining design effects described in
the Census Bureau’s Source and Accuracy Statement for the July 2012
Arts Supplement.
3. Use a Taylor series linearization approach to approximate the design
effect separately for each estimate.
4. Use the actual replicate weights that the Census Bureau created to
estimate the overall average design effect to estimate design effect
separately for each estimate.
The U.S. Census Bureau does provide replicate weights that can be used to
obtain standard errors reflecting the complexity of the sample design. However,
for researchers who may not have access to the necessary computer hardware
and software or technical ability to use these replicate weights to calculate
standard errors appropriately, we provide instructions on how to use average
design effects to obtain approximate standard errors for survey estimates.
Technically, each variable has its own design effect. One way to represent the
approximate impact of the design effect is to compute design effects for a
number of similar variables and then average those numbers to produce an
overall estimated average design effect. Table 5 shows the average design
effects by questionnaire module.
Overall Average Design Effects by SPPA Questionnaire Module
Core 1 Questions (arts participation trend questions)
Core 2 Questions (experimental arts participation questions)
Module A1 (other arts participation PEA1 – PEA4)
Module A2 (musical preferences PEA5 – PEA8)
Module B (accessing art through media)
Module C (creating arts through media)
Module D (creating, performing, and other activities)
Module E (arts learning)


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National Endowment for the Arts

Average Design Effect

Table 7 uses the estimated design effects shown in Table 6 and generates
standard error estimates and 95% confidence intervals for select 2012 SPPA

Variance, Standard Error and Confidence Intervals for Select 2012 Variables
Standard Confidence
7.3 – 8.9
2.2 – 2.6
.68 25.9 – 27.3
1.2 – 1.4
.49 12.7 – 13.7
.59 17.1 – 18.2
JAZZ = Attended a live jazz performance during the last 12 months
FIlmfestival = Go to a film festival during the last 12 months
PEA74 = Like to listen to Jazz
PEC3 = Create or perform any dance during the last 12 months
KNIT = Do any weaving, crocheting, quilting, needlepoint, knitting, or sewing during the last 12 months
PEE7A = Ever taken any lessons or classes in art appreciation or art history

Using the estimated overall design effects will greatly improve upon the standard
error estimates associated with your SPPA estimates. Still, it is important to
keep in mind that each estimate has its own design effect. Therefore, the design
effect for attending jazz may be higher or lower for, say, men versus women or
for any other subgroup of the population. If getting more precise standard
estimates is a concern, then you should read the remainder of this section, which
describes how to use replicate or linearization methods to estimate standard
errors. Another option is to use the Census Bureau’s Source and Accuracy
Statement for the July 2012 CPS Arts Supplement, which includes tables and
procedures that can be used to improve the design effect estimates for different
subgroups. The Census Bureau’s Source and Accuracy Statement is included
as Appendix C.

A more precise way of calculating standard errors for SPPA estimate is to
use the 160 replicate weights that the Census Bureau has created separately for
each of the fives SPPA survey weights. The basic idea behind replication is to
draw subsamples from the sample, compute the estimate from each of the
subsamples, and estimate the variance from the variability of the subsample
estimates. Specifically, subsamples of the original full sample are selected to
calculate subsample estimates of a parameter for which a full-sample estimate of
interest has been generated. The variability of these subsample estimates
around the estimate for the full sample provides an estimate of the standard error


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

of the estimate. The subsamples are called replicates and the estimates from the
subsamples are called replicate estimates.
Replicate weights are created to derive the corresponding set of replicate
estimates. Each replicate weight is derived using the same estimation steps as
the full sample weight but applying a replicate factor to each case before the
weighting process begins.

Once the replicate weights are developed, it is a straightforward matter to
compute estimates of variance for sample estimates of interest. Imagine using
each of the 160 replicate weights, one replicate weight at a time, to obtain 160
separate weighted estimates of the same statistic, such as a mean. Take these
160 estimated means and calculate the sum of the squared deviations from the
mean that was estimated using the full sample weight. This sum of the squared
deviations from these 160 means divided by 160 (the number of replicates) times
4 will give you the estimated variance. In turn, the standard error is the square
root of the estimated variance.
Although the logic behind using replicate weights is not unduly complicated, it is
fairly computer-intensive to produce standard errors using the replicate weights.
To use the replicate weights, you need to either use specialized software
designed to make use of replicate weights when generating standard errors—
examples include SUDAAN and WesVar— or you should use specialized
advanced sampling modules in software such as STATA, SAS or SPPS. The
replicate weights are not included in the public-use data file, but they can be
obtained upon request from the NEA’s Office of Research & Analysis. More
information about using the replicates may also be included in the Census
Bureau’s forthcoming July 2012 CPS Arts Supplement technical documentation
on the Bureau’s CPS website;
Another way of obtaining standard errors for SPPA estimates is to use a Taylor
series linearization approach. The Taylor series approximation (or any other
related linearization method) uses the full sample weight along with variables
describing the structure of the replicate weights (PSU and Stratum) to obtain
corrected standard errors. Users interested in a linearization method can opt to
use SUDAAN, the “SVY” commands in STATA, the “PROC SURVEYMEANS”
and “PROC SURVEYREG” commands in SAS, or the “CSELECT” complex
samples procedures in the SPSS complex samples module. In addition, there
are many online statistical tools such as the Princeton University’s Cultural Policy
& the Arts National Data Archive (CPANDA) that can produce adjusted standard
error estimates based on a Taylor series approximation.


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National Endowment for the Arts

Section 6: Multi-variable Analyses that Combines
Questions from Different Modules
Analysis of more than one question or variable at a time is often referred to as
performing multivariate statistical analysis. There are two key issues that you
should account for in doing multivariate analysis with the 2012 SPPA public-use
data. First, there is the issue covered in the previous section – deciding which
survey weight to use – as the data file contains two survey weights. Again, it is
important that you weight your analysis with the correct weight variable when
combining variables even those variables which, by themselves, would use a
different weight.
The other important issue to consider when running multivariate analysis is
whether you have a large enough sample size, given that respondents received
different versions of the survey based on which set of questionnaire modules
they were randomly assigned to answer. Table 8 shows the various sample
sizes that your analysis will be drawn from, depending on which combination of
questionnaire modules you decide to use in your analysis. For example, if you
wanted to know what percentage of bluegrass music-listening adults (from
Module A) also attended a sporting event last year (from module D); your sample
size for that analysis would be 10,153 respondents.

Core1 (arts participation

Core 1

trend questions)

Core 2 Module A Module B

Module C

Module D

Module E







Core 2 (experimental arts
participation questions)


Module A (other arts
participation and music
preference ) 3
Module B (accessing art
through media)








Module C (creating arts
through media)







Module D (creating,
performing, and other
Module E (arts learning)
















The top number in Module A indicates the number of individual responses for questions PEA1 to PEA4
which included spouse/partner responses. The bottom number represents the number of responses to the
questions PEA5 to PEA8.


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National Endowment for the Arts

All the cells in Table 8 are greater than 2,500 — which demonstrates the strength
of the survey design 4. The samples sizes are such that you can easily compare
responses to a question from one module with the responses to a question from
another module. However, you do need to be careful when you further break
down the data by small demographic groups. For instance, your combined
module sample sizes often will not be large enough to allow you to draw
conclusions about different response patterns observed in small geographical
areas nationwide.

When working with survey weights, it is always a good practice to run your
analysis as both weighted and unweighted. While you should not report
unweighted estimates, the unweighted runs will show you exactly how many
respondents your weighted estimate is based on.
Table 9 shows that people who play a musical instrument are much more likely to
attend a film festival (5.9%) than the overall adult population (2.4%). This is an
example of your most basic type of multi-variable analysis, often referred to as
two variable or bi-variate analyses. This is also an example of an analysis that
uses one variable from a SPPA module (Module D) combined with a core
variable (Core 2); hence, the sample size for this run is 7,413. Because the
survey weights do not produce full population estimates (see the prior section for
details on obtaining population counts), this table reports only the percentage

Table 9
Weighted Cross-tabulation: Plays a Musical Instrument with Attending a Film Festival
(n=7,413) (weight=PWTWGT)
Plays a Musical Instrument
Attended a Film Festival

Table 10 shows that people who play a music instrument are almost three times
more likely to take photographs as an artistic activity (32.2%) than the overall
adult population (12.3%). This is an example of an analysis that uses variables
from two different modules (Module C and D). Thus, the sample size for this run
is 2,573 which is much smaller than you would get from an analysis that uses
variables from the same module only.


The margin of error due to sampling at the 95% confidence interval for any estimated proportion based on
the sample size of 2,500 would be at most ±2%.


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

Table 10
Weighted Cross-tabulation: Plays a Musical Instrument with Taking Photographs as an Artistic
Activity (n=2,573) (weight=PWNWGT)
Plays a Musical Instrument
Take Photographs as an
Artistic Activity

Since each respondent was asked to complete only two of the questionnaire
modules, it is impossible to do analyses that combine variables from more than
two questionnaire modules.
It is possible to do analysis that combines variables from two different modules
with questions from the core section of the survey, since all respondents were
asked either the Core 1 or Core 2 questions. Table 11 is an example of a run that
combines two modules with a question from the Core 1 section of the survey. In
this example, you can see that the combination of playing a musical instrument
and taking photographs as an artistic activity is even greater for those who report
visiting an art museum (39.9%) versus those who did not report visiting an art
museum (16.2%). Notice, as expected, the sample size for the three way crosstabulation is much smaller (n=1,241) than the sample sizes in tables 9 and 10.
Table 11
Weighted Three Variable Cross-Tabulation: Plays a Musical Instrument with Taking Photographs
as an Artistic Activity (Controlling for Whether or Not the Person Visited an Art Museum During
the Past 12 Months) (n=1,241) (weight=PWNWGT)
Plays a Musical Instrument
(Visited an Art Museum During the Past 12 Months)
Take Photographs as an
Artistic Activity
Plays a Musical Instrument
(Did not Visit an Art Museum During the Past 12 Months)
Take Photographs as an
Artistic Activity

Many researchers will no doubt want to use the SPPA data to explore
relationships between variables. Regression analysis is perhaps the most


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

common statistical tool for doing multivariate analysis that explores relationships
between groups of variables. It is beyond the scope of this users-guide to give
advice or examples of various regression techniques that could be done using
the SPPA data. Given the modular design of the SPPA questionnaire, however,
a researcher should be careful in choosing which and how many independent
variables to put into their models in order to ensure adequate sample size.
While the weights are needed for producing unbiased population estimates,
the decision to use them for regression analysis is more complicated. When
doing regression analysis, researchers often prefer to try and control for the main
variables (gender, age, race, and region) used to create the survey weights
rather than use the weights in order to improve the precision of their estimates.
However, because of the complexity of the SPPA survey weights, it is strongly
recommended that you at least run your regression both with and without using
the survey weights to see if the results differ. And, in general, it is probably
preferable to use the weights in regression analyses when your dependent
variable is strongly correlated with the weighting factors. The following is a good
article on this subject: "Sampling Weights and Regression Analysis" by
Christopher Winship (Harvard University) and Larry Radbill (Joint Economic
Committee of Congress) in the Sociological Methods and Research Journal 23:2
(November 1994): 230-257.


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

Section 7: Useful CPS variables
A major advantage of surveys that are conducted as part of the CPS is their
access to a rich assortment of personal, household, and geographic variables.
These variables are already included on the 2012 SPPA data file and are listed in
the SPPA data dictionary (Appendix A). Most users will be more than satisfied
with simply using the CPS variables that are already included on the data file.
Others may want additional CPS variables from the March 2012 Annual Social
and Economic (ASEC) Supplement. The samples of SPPA households were in
the exit rounds of their CPS commitment; all therefor only one-quarter of the
sample was in the CPS sample rotation in March or April 2012. Therefore, a
user can merge variables from the 2012 SPPA survey with the 2012 ASEC only
for those SPPA households that were in their final month of their CPS
commitment. This manual explains how the procedure is done.
The 2012 SPPA public-use file includes all of the most commonly used personal
and household demographic questions. Since the CPS survey is used to
measure the U.S. employment situation, there are also an abundance of
variables about people’s employment. There are more CPS variables on the
2012 SPPA public-use data file than there are SPPA supplement variables.
Given the large number of CPS variables on the data file, it would be wise to
search the 2012 SPPA data dictionary before investing time searching for
variables that you would like to merge on to the data file.

Due to federal data disclosure rules and confidentiality concerns, you
cannot obtain geographic variables other than those already released as part of
the 2012 SPPA public-use data file. The public-use versions of the ASEC, and all
other CPS supplements, omit provide geographic variables that let you analyze
smaller regions of the county. Furthermore, the sample design and methods of
weighting CPS data are geared toward producing estimates for the entire Nation.
Consequently, estimates for states and smaller areas of the country are not as
reliable as national estimates.
While there are 385 CPS variables on the 2012 SPPA public-use data file, there
is still a wealth of variables that you can merge on to the SPPA file from the
March 2012 ASEC Supplement. The additional household variables that are
available from the ASEC include more variables on the economic characteristics
of the household, dwelling characteristics, information about appliances, and
many other variables that describe the physical characteristics of a person’s
household. The additional personal variables available from the ASEC include
family interrelationship variables, and more detailed ethnicity, education and
income variables. Also, the ASEC includes tax, disability, migration, health


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insurance, welfare, and poverty variables not on the 2012 SPPA public-use data
So, how do you merge the ASEC variables on to the 2012 SPPA public-use data
file? To merge household-level variables, you need to match the 2012 SPPA
and ASEC file by household. To merge family- or person-level variables, you
need to match by household respondent. To match households, you must
ensure that the HRHHID (household identifier 1 variable) variables on the 2012
SPPA data file have the same value as the H-IDNUM1 variable on the 2012
ASEC data file. To correctly match the respondents, you must make sure that
the HURESPLI (respondent line number) variable on the 2012 SPPA data file
has the same value as the H-RESPNM on the 2012 ASEC data file—but you
also need to ensure that the household id variables match.

When merging two data files containing many of the same respondents, it is
always important that the two data files be sorted by the variables that you will
use to find the matches.

Anyone who has routinely merged data files can attest that no matter what
software program you use to carry out the match and merger, incorrect mergers
do occur and sometimes can go undetected. Therefore, a good strategy for
verifying that your merger was done properly would be to include in your merger
a variable that exists on both the 2012 SPPA data file and the file you are
merging from. For instance, you could merge the respondent’s gender from the
ASEC on to the 2012 SPPA data file. Then all you need to do to ensure that the
merger was done correctly is verify that values for the SPPA gender variable are
the same as the values for the ASEC gender variable. Be careful not to overwrite the original variable when merging variables that exist on both files.


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

Section 8: Comparing 2012 to Earlier SPPA Estimates
The comparison of SPPA estimates over time is something that many
researchers often do. The 2012 SPPA was designed to maintain this important
capability. As with any survey, however, there are limits to how much a change
can be considered “real” and not reflect larger differences in the sampled
population or in the methodologies used for each round of data collection. This
section of the user’s guide will describe key factors that should be considered
when comparing the 2012 SPPA with earlier SPPA studies. At the end of this
section are a couple of examples of how to use the SPPA combined data file that
the NEA provides for making it easier to do trend analysis on the benchmark
Core 1 SPPA variables.

Due to the considerable differences in survey methodologies, the 1997
SPPA telephone survey produced results that are not comparable to the 2012
SPPA or any of the other SPPA surveys. The 1997 survey should be analyzed
only as a stand-alone, snapshot survey. It should not be used in research that
examines change over time. Hence, the discussion and considerations covered
in this section are applicable only to comparisons done between the 2012 SPPA
and earlier SPPA studies other than the 1997 SPPA.
To compare 2012 estimates with prior estimates, you need to obtain a copy of
earlier questionnaires and compare the wording of those questions you plan to
analyze with the 2012 wording found in Appendix B of this user’s guide.
Differences in question wording do not necessarily mean that you cannot
compare changes in estimates over time. Such changes may have been
necessary to make the questions appropriate for the current population. For
instance, if you want to analyze arts participation through the media you will
notice that the 2012 questions have been modified to reflect the growing use of
the Internet and other electronic devices used to watch or listen to arts
performances. In this situation, the wording changes likely improved a
researcher’s ability to make comparisons that would have suffered had the
wording of the media questions been exactly the same as in prior years.
Admittedly, the impact of wording changes is a matter for subjective judgment.
Even if the perceived impact is minor, it is generally good practice to
acknowledge in an endnote or footnote when there are wording differences.
Again, we are not recommending that you make any comparisons with the 1997
SPPA. Comparisons with all other SPPA studies benefit from the fact that the
survey sampling was done by the Census Bureau. More importantly, all of the
SPPA samples are weighted so that they all provide a representative snapshot
of the non-institutionalized U.S. adult population 18 years of age or older. As
discussed earlier in this user’s guide, however, there are some differences in the


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

sampling procedures. In the 2008 and 2012 SPPA, there was a random selection
of adults rather than an attempt to interview all adults in the household – as was
done in the earlier Census SPPA studies. Also, the first three SPPA surveys
were conducted as a supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey
(NCVS). Although both the NCVS and CPS are based on a multistage, stratified,
random sample of households, the two sampling designs do differ.
Now, the good news: the impact of these design differences—regarding how
households or people within households are sampled—has already been
measured by the Census Bureau. This measurement is called the survey design
effect and was discussed in more detail in section 4 of this user’s guide. Once
you have adjusted the variance of your estimates by the appropriate design
effect (this is done by simply multiplying the variance by the design effect), it is
straight forward to estimate change over time. This benefit accrues in part
because each SPPA study is an independent sample of the U.S. adult
To understand the simplicity of estimating the significance of changes over time,
consider estimating a proportion or count at time t — say, t θt. Let v(θt) be its
estimated variance (the square of the standard error). The estimated change
between times t1 and t2 for this proportion or count is Δ =θt1−θt2. The variance of
the difference is the sum of the variances for the two time periods, which is vΔ =
(vθt1_+ vθt2). The two variances on the right side of the equation should be
computed separately. To get the standard error of the differences between the
two estimates you would then take the square root of vΔ. If the difference
between the two estimates is greater than 1.96 times the standard error of the
differences, then you can say with 95% certainty that the differences between the
different SPPA estimates are significant.
Table 12 provides a real example of how you would go about determining
whether a change in an estimate is significant. In this example, we see that the
percentage of adults who reported attending a live classical music performance
dropped from 2002 to 2012 by 2.8 percentage points. Is that a statistically
significant change?
The first step we need to take to answer this question is to sum the variances of
the two estimates. The sum would be equal to 0.18 (third column) — except that
we also need to adjust the variance estimate to account for the design effect.
So, to answer our question, we really need to sum the adjusted variances
(variance * design effect), to arrive at 0.46. The next step is to estimate the
standard error of the difference, which is the square root of the adjusted
variance, or 0.67. Finally we can build a confidence interval by multiplying the
adjusted standard error by 1.96 (this step gives you a 95% confidence interval),
and then adding and subtracting that number to and from the 2.8 percentage
point change that occurred between 2002 and 2012.


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

The answer to our hypothetical question is yes. We are at least 95% confident
that there was a decline in live classical music attendance between 2002 and
2012, as zero (no change) is not within the confidence interval (1.0 to 3.6).

Testing to see if the change in attending a live classical music between the 2002 and 2012 was
statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval
Standard Confidence
10.6 - 12.6
8.0 - 9.6
1.5 - 4.1

Table 13 provides the estimated overall design effect for all SPPA studies. In
addition to the overall average design effect, the Census Bureau does provide
in their Source and Accuracy Statements, tables and procedures that produce
more precise design effect estimates for different questions or population
subgroups. However, these tables and procedures for calculating more precise
design effects are available only for the 2002, 2008, and 2012 SPPA studies.
Overall Average SPPA Design Effects by Year

Average Design Effect

If the 2012 variable that you are interested in has a higher or lower design
effect than the overall 2012 average design effect, then it is somewhat likely that
the earlier estimates for this variable had a higher or lower design effect. This is
because certain variables are likely to have higher or lower response correlations
within a household which leads to higher or lower design effects and this is likely
to hold true over time. There is less concern if the variable has a lower design
effect than the overall design effect since this would likely result in your test of
differences over time being more conservative.


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

When comparing responses over time, there are a few other things worth
thinking about besides question-wording and sampling. For instance, even
though the Census Bureau performs a nonresponse adjustment, differences in
SPPA response rates may explain small changes in the estimates. There is not
any strong evidence as to how differences in response rate may impact
estimates, but one can surmise that it may be harder to interview people who are
less involved in the arts and hence a higher response rate may in fact slightly
lower arts participation estimates.
Another factor is that more of the earlier SPPA studies were done in person
rather than over the phone. Again, this probably has had minimal or no impact
on the estimates, but some people would argue that social desirability (pleasing
the interviewer) is higher for in-person interviews and that in-person respondents
may over-report participation relative to phone respondents.
There have been some researchers concerned with the impact of earlier SPPA
studies being a supplement to the crime victimization survey versus more
recently becoming a supplement to the CPS. However, it would seem to be a big
stretch to imagine how either of these two survey topics (crime or labor force
activity) would likely have any influence on how people report participating in the
arts. Another potential concern is that the SPPA CPS supplemental interviews
are all completed within a few weeks while the earlier SPPA crime-victimizationsurvey supplement was done over the course of a full year. To the extent that an
activity is seasonal, the reported participation rates could be impacted. However,
examination of the monthly reports from the 1982 SPPA indicated no strong
seasonality to the reporting of arts attendance 5
The decision in 2008 and 2012 to collect participation information from the
spouse or partner is a change that may have led to slightly lower estimates for a
few activities. For most variables the spouse/partner proxy reports yielded
slightly lower participation rates, but usually too small to have any impact on the
overall participation estimates. In fact, for the most part estimates from
spouse/partner proxy reports were remarkably similar to self-reported estimates.
However, there were a few SPPA estimates that may have been slightly higher
had there been only self-reported data (reading, visiting art museums, exercise).
Some research into the impact of spouse/partner did find a few gender
differences. But no differences were found when comparing spouse/partner
proxy reporting versus self-report by age, race, and region.
Finally, since researchers often compare SPPA estimates over time the National
Endowment for the Arts provides a SPPA data file that combines data from 1982,
1985, 1992, 2002, 2008, and 2012. This combined data file can be obtained by

Public Participation in the Arts: Final Report on the 1985 Survey, Survey Research Center, University of
Maryland, 1985, ERIC # ED 264168.


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

contacting the NEA research office or can be accessed online at the CPANDA
arts data file archive.
This file only includes Core 1 2012 questions, since these are the only questions
that have been asked consistently since 1982. In addition to the Core SPPA
variables the file includes demographic and geographic variables. Most
importantly the data file includes two weight variables: “WEIGHT”, which is the
weight variable to use when producing estimates for a particular year or
comparing years; and “WEIGHT_NORMALIZED”, which is the weight variable to
use when pooling or combing data across years. There are also two variables—
“VARSTRAT” and “VARUNIT”—that are included to help people estimate the
variance or standard error associated with the estimates. If you decide use this
combined data file it is highly recommended that you also obtain a copy of the
data dictionary that describes each variable and provides more detail on the
weighting and variance estimation procedures.
Table 14 uses the combined data file, and shows us that the number of people
who reported that they attended a live ballet performance with the last 12 months
has declined from 4.2% in 1982 to 2.7% in 2012. This is an example of your
most basic type of trend analysis, which uses the weight variable “WEIGHT” to
produce the year by year estimates. Notice that the sample size for this run is
98,047 which is the total number of completed SPPA interviews since 1982,
excluding the 1997 SPPA, but including the 2008 and 2012 spouse/partner proxy


Table 14
Weighted Trend analysis: Attended a Live Ballet Performance
(n=98,047) (weight=WEIGHT)
Attended a Live Ballet Performance during the past 12 Months

Table 15 provides an interesting example of why a researcher might want to pool
data across years. The sample sizes for the SPPA studies are generally
sufficient for producing national and regional estimates but not larger enough in
any particular year to produce statewide estimates. In fact, it becomes even
more difficult to look at state or county estimates when participation rates are
quite small such as attending the opera or a ballet. However, if we were to pool
data across all rounds of the SPPA, then we would have at least 100
observations in every state including Washington D.C. Therefore, we could look
to see (as shown in Table 15) which states over the past 30 years has had the


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

highest percentage of people reporting that they attended a ballet in the past 12
months (i.e. Washington D.C with 8.3%) and which state has had lowest (i.e.
West Virginia with 0.9%). Analysis that pools data across year requires that the
researcher use the weight variable labeled “WEIGHT_NORMALIZED” to produce
pooled estimates. Notice that the sample sizes for each state shown in the final
column are all greater than 100.
Table 15
Weighted Pooled data analysis: Attended a Live Ballet Performance by State
States with the highest percentage of people attending a Live Ballet Performance
Sample Size
Washington DC
States with the lowest percentage of people attending a Live Ballet Performance
West Virginia


Office of Research & Analysis
National Endowment for the Arts

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleBasic Option: ($8,000)
File Modified2014-05-12
File Created2013-09-19

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