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pdfFinal Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
February 2014
U.S. EPA Generic Verification Protocol
for Testing Pesticide Application Spray Drift Reduction Technologies
for Row and Field Crops
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
February 2014
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A2: Table of Contents
List of Figures ................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. v
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................. vi
Preface.......................................................................................................................................... viii
Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... x
Group A: Project Management ....................................................................................................... 1
Project or Task Organization .......................................................................................... 1
Project Definition and Background ................................................................................ 2
Project or Task Description ............................................................................................ 4
Description .................................................................................................................. 4
Test Facility Description ............................................................................................. 5
Quality Objectives and Criteria ...................................................................................... 8
Spray Droplet Size Measurements in Low and High Speed Wind Tunnels ............... 9
A7.2 Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tests .................................................................................... 11
A7.3 High Speed Wind Tunnel Tests ................................................................................... 11
A7.4 Field Tests .................................................................................................................... 11
A7.5 Standards Cited ............................................................................................................ 11
Special Training and Certifications .............................................................................. 12
Documentation and Records ......................................................................................... 12
Group B: Data Generation and Acquisition for Low Speed Wind Tunnel .................................. 14
Sampling Process or Experimental Design ................................................................... 14
Data Quality Indicator Goals and Data Quality Objectives for Low Speed Wind
Tunnel Measurements ............................................................................................................... 15
Sampling Methods for Measurement of Droplet Size, Deposition, and Test Conditions
for Low Speed Wind Tunnels ................................................................................................... 16
Sampling Locations .................................................................................................. 16
Process and Application Data Collection ................................................................. 16
Measurement of Droplet Size Spectrum near the Nozzle ......................................... 18
Wind Tunnel Measurement of Spray Drift Potential ................................................ 19
Sample Handling and Custody Requirements .............................................................. 20
Analytical Methods ....................................................................................................... 20
Instrument and Equipment Testing, Inspection, Maintenance, and Calibration
Frequency.............................................................................................................................. 21
Inspection and Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables ....................................... 21
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Non-Direct Measurements ............................................................................................ 21
Data Management ......................................................................................................... 22
Data Flow .............................................................................................................. 22
Data Reduction...................................................................................................... 23
Group C: Data Generation and Acquisition for High Speed Wind Tunnel Tests ......................... 24
Sample Process Experimental Design .......................................................................... 24
DQIGs and DQOs for High Speed Wind Tunnel Measurements ................................. 25
Sampling Methods for Measurement of Droplet Size and Test Conditions ................. 26
Sampling Locations .................................................................................................. 27
Process and Application Data Collection ................................................................. 27
C3.3 Wind Tunnel Measurement of Droplet Size Distribution at Aerial Application Air
Speeds at the Nozzle ............................................................................................................. 27
Sample Handling and Custody Requirements .............................................................. 29
Analytical Methods ....................................................................................................... 29
Quality Control ............................................................................................................. 29
Instrument and Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance ............................... 29
Instrument and Equipment Calibration and Frequency ................................................ 29
Inspection and Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables ........................................... 30
Non-Direct Measurements ............................................................................................ 30
Data Management ......................................................................................................... 30
Data Flow .............................................................................................................. 30
Data Reduction: .................................................................................................... 30
Analysis of Verification Data: .............................................................................. 31
Group D: Data Generation and Acquisition for Field Studies ...................................................... 32
Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design) ........................................................ 32
DQIGs and DQOs for Field Test Measurements .......................................................... 32
Sampling Methods for Measurement of Droplet Size, Deposition, and Test Conditions
Sampling Locations .................................................................................................. 34
Process and Application Data Collection ................................................................. 34
Ambient Data Collection .......................................................................................... 34
Sample Handling and Custody Requirements .............................................................. 35
Analytical Methods ....................................................................................................... 36
Quality Control ............................................................................................................. 36
Instrument and Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance ............................... 37
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Instrument and Equipment Calibration and Frequency ................................................ 37
Inspection and Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables ........................................... 37
Non-Direct Measurements ............................................................................................ 37
Data Management ......................................................................................................... 37
Data Flow .............................................................................................................. 38
Data Reduction...................................................................................................... 38
Analysis of Verification Data ............................................................................... 38
Group E: Data Reporting .............................................................................................................. 39
Outline of the Verification Test Report ........................................................................ 39
Draft Report Preparation ............................................................................................... 40
Data Storage and Retrieval ........................................................................................... 40
Assessments and Response Actions.............................................................................. 41
Internal Audits .......................................................................................................... 41
Audits of Data Quality .............................................................................................. 41
External Audits ......................................................................................................... 41
Corrective Action ...................................................................................................... 41
Reports to Management ................................................................................................ 41
Group G: Data Validation and Usability Elements....................................................................... 42
Data Review, Verification, and Validation ................................................................... 42
Verification and Validation Methods........................................................................... 42
Reconciliation with Data Quality Objectives ............................................................... 42
Appendix A: Applicable Documents and Procedures .................................................................. 44
EPA Documents ................................................................................................................ 44
Verification Organization Documents .............................................................................. 45
Other Literature ................................................................................................................. 45
Appendix B: Example Format for Test Data ................................................................................ 46
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Example of typical view of instrumentation setup for wind tunnel at a low or high
speed wind tunnel………………………………………………………………..…...……… 7
Figure 2. Data management system……………………………………………………………. 22
Figure 3. Sampling locations for field testing………………………………………………….. 36
List of Tables
Table 1. DRT Testing Approach ..................................................................................................... 6
Table 2. DQIGs for Spray Droplet Size Measurements ............................................................... 10
Table 3. DQIGs for Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tests .................................................................... 15
Table 4. Summary of Spray and Test Condition Measurements .................................................. 17
Table 5. Quality Control Samples for Low Speed Wind Tunnels ................................................ 21
Table 6. DQIGs for High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing ................................................................ 25
Table 7. Summary of Spray and Test Condition Measurements .................................................. 26
Table 8. DQIGs for Field Testing ................................................................................................. 33
Table 9. Summary of Spray and Test Condition Measurements for Field Testing ...................... 35
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List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
APCT Center
audit of data quality
American National Standards Institute
Air Pollution Control Technology Center
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
American Society of Agricultural Engineers (precursor to ASABE)
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Society for Testing and Materials
Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft (Germany’s Federal
Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry)
degrees Celsius
cubic feet per minute
coefficient of variance
data quality indicator goal
data quality objective
drift reduction technology
droplet diameter (µm) at which 0.x fraction of the spray volume is contained in
smaller droplets
dynes per centimeter
emulsifiable concentrates
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental and Sustainable Technology Evaluations
Environmental Technology Verification
feet per minute
gallons per acre
International Standards Organization
Local Environmental Risk Assessment for Pesticides (UK scheme)
miles per hour
meters per second
Office of Pesticide Programs
Office of Research and Development
performance evaluation
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
February 2014
performance evaluation system
photo multiplier transistor
pounds per square inch
quality assurance
quality control
quality manager
quality management plan
quality system manual
relative humidity
Research Triangle Institute
signal to noise ratio
standard operating procedure
stakeholder technical panel
test and quality assurance plan
technical systems audit
volume median diameter
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Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
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This generic verification protocol, Verification of Pesticide Application Spray Drift Reduction
Technologies for Row and Field Crops, provides a detailed method for conducting and reporting
results from a verification test of pesticide application technologies that can be used to evaluate
these technologies for their potential to reduce spray drift, hence the term “drift reduction
technologies” (DRTs). EPA, through its Environmental and Sustainable Technology Evaluations
(ESTE) program, developed this protocol with input by external experts to provide the pesticide
application technology industry with a standard method to voluntarily test their technologies for
potential reductions in spray drift. This protocol describes the testing approach used to generate
high-quality, peer-reviewed data for DRTs, including test design and quality assurance aspects.
Evaluation of this protocol has been limited to spray nozzles in low and high speed wind tunnels.
(EPA, 2012) Methods for field testing methods have been documented by others. (ISO Standard
22866, 2005) The effect of tank mixes, including adjuvants, was not evaluated as part of this
EPA intends to use this test protocol as part of a program to accelerate acceptance and use of
improved and cost-effective application technologies which can significantly reduce spray drift
and thereby provide benefits to applicators, the public, and the environment. Applications of
most if not all sprays result in some amount of drift from the application site and, depending on
the amount of deposition on sensitive sites and organisims, can cause adverse effects and other
undesirable consequences. For this reason, the agricultural sector, government, and the general
public seek ways to significantly reduce spray drift.
EPA expects the use of verified DRTs to significantly reduce pesticide spray drift and loss from
the application site, thereby keeping more of the applied pesticide on the treated field and
reducing risks to the surrounding environment, nearby humans, and property, including crops.
Pesticide products labeled for use with DRTs may also increase applicators’ flexibility in
applying those pesticides by reducing the need for more restrictive application measures as
compared to those required for the use of standard application equipment.
The pesticide industry and government have conducted considerable research to determine the
underlying factors that affect spray drift, including different types of application equipment
(spray nozzles for ground boom, air blast, and aerial applications). A number of underutilized
commercial technologies exist for managing drift; however, little information exists on their
effectiveness in reducing spray drift levels. Verification of the effectiveness of pesticide spray
drift reduction technologies is the focus of this protocol document.
EPA will encourage equipment manufacturers to voluntarily participate in this program and to
test their equipment using this protocol. EPA will also encourage pesticide registrants to
recommend or require the use of verified DRTs for the application of their products. When
product labels include the use of DRTs, EPA will include this in its scientific review for risk
assessment and risk management decisions for pesticide registration and registration review.
EPA’s Office of Research and Development partnered with EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs
to complete this project under the ESTE program. The ESTE program is part of EPA’s
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Environmental Technology Verification Program (ETV) which was created in 1995 to facilitate
the commercialization of innovative or improved environmental technologies through
performance verification and dissemination of information. In 2005, ETV established the ESTE
program to focus these verifications on specific Agency needs. Consistent with other ESTE
efforts, a technical panel of knowledgeable and interested stakeholders representing application
equipment and pesticide manufacturers and academic and government research scientists assisted
by offering technical advice in developing this test protocol.
This protocol is the final product of the ESTE effort and reflects the input of the Stakeholder
Technical Panel (STP). Technology has improved in the last decade and there are
emerging/alternative methods to measure and model spray drift from ground boom spray
equipment using data generated in low speed wind tunnels. Potential alternatives are included as
footnotes in Group B of this document. The protocol will evolve as the science of measurement
and modeling advances. The EPA’s Office of Pesticide Program’s DRT program will be
responsible for any changes to the protocol and will post the current version at
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Much of this effort was completed by RTI International under Contact EP-C-05-060, Work
Assignment 52. EPA thanks RTI for its diligent efforts to develop a coherent test protocol for a
complicated and difficult area of testing.
Stakeholder Technical Panel (STP)
The individuals selected to participate on the Drift Reduction Technology Stakeholder Technical
Panel are listed below. We want to thank the panel members for contributing their technical
expertise to this protocol document.
Carolyn Baecker, CP Products Co., Inc.
Tom Bals, Micron Inc.
Aldos Barefoot, Ph.D., DuPont Crop Protection, CropLife America
Terrell Barry, Ph.D., California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Sandra Bird, Ph.D., Retired, EPA/Office of Research and Development
Clare Butler-Ellis, Ph.D., Silsoe Spray Application Unit, TAG, Silsoe, UK
Dennis Gardisser, Ph.D., WRK of Arkansas, LLC (Retired, University of Arkansas)
Ken Giles, Ph.D., University of California, Davis
W. Clint Hoffmann, Ph.D., USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Ted Kuchnicki, Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency, Canada
Stephen Pearson, Ph.D., Spraying Systems Company
Carmine Sesa, AgMarketResults (Retired, Rhodia)
Harold Thistle, Ph.D., USDA Forest Service
David Valcore, Valcore Consulting, LLC (Retired, Dow AgroSciences, Spray Drift Task Force)
Jan Van de Zande, WageningenUR-Plant Research International, The Netherlands
Tom Wolf, Agriculture & Agri-Food, Canada
Alvin R. Womac, Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Other Contributors
In addition to the STP members listed above, several other individuals provided technical input
and resources to develop this protocol. We would like to thank the following individuals for
their contributions to this protocol document.
Norman Birchfield, Ph.D., EPA/Office of Research and Development
Kerry Bullock, Ph.D., Formerly with EPA/Office of Research and Development
Jay Ellenberger, EPA/Office of Pesticide Programs
Bradley Fritz, Ph.D., USDA-Agricultural Research Service
Christine Hartless, EPA/Office of Pesticide Programs
Andrew Hewitt, Ph.D., Lincoln Ventures, Ltd., New Zealand
Faruque Khan, Ph.D., EPA/Office of Pesticide Programs
Charles Peck, EPA/Office of Pesticide Programs
Michael Kosusko, EPA/Office of Research and Development
Steven Perry, Ph.D., EPA/Office of Research and Development
Mohammed Ruhman, EPA/Office of Pesticide Programs
Karen Schaffner, RTI International
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
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Dee Ann Staats, Retired, CropLife America
Bill Taylor, Hardi International
Jonathan Thornburg, Ph.D., RTI International
Drew Trenholm, Retired, RTI International
Jenia Tufts, Formerly with RTI International
Robert S. Wright, EPA/Office of Research and Development
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Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
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Group A: Project Management
Project or Task Organization
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) has
responsibility for the DRT Program. It intends to employ this test protocol in the DRT Program.
EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) has overall responsibility for the
Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program and for the Verification of Pesticide
Drift Reduction Technologies project under the Environmental and Sustainable Technology
Evaluations (ESTE) Program. The ESTE Program operates as part of the Agency’s larger ETV
Program. ETV develops testing protocols and verifies the performance of innovative
technologies that have the potential to improve protection of human health and the environment.
Both OPP and ORD were involved in this protocol development effort.
In 2005, the EPA created a new program element, ESTE, under its current ETV. This program
was designed to support specific priority Agency issues to support program and regional efforts
to address important environmental issues (and environmental sustainability) and to protect
human health. As part of ESTE, innovative, commercial-ready technologies showing potential
to significantly reduce risks are selected for verification testing. Testing—conducted with the
same commitment to quality assurance, cost-sharing, and stakeholder involvement fundamental
to the larger ETV program—provides credible performance data needed for accurate assessment
of the effectiveness of these technologies.
Future DRT verification testing programs will be conducted under the sponsorship of EPA with
the participation of DRT manufacturers and vendors. Test site-specific test and quality assurance
plans (T/QAPs) will be prepared by each testing organization to meet the requirements of the
generic verification protocol (this document) and must be approved by EPA.
This protocol developed the procedures to test pesticide DRTs in accordance with quality
management documents used by the ETV Program’s Air Pollution Control Technology Center
(APCT Center). The primary source for this quality system is EPA’s Policy and Program
Requirements for the Mandatory Agency-wide Quality System, EPA Order CIO2105.0 (May
2000). The quality system that was used to govern testing under this plan is consistent with the
EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans (EPA QA/R-2)
EPA Environmental Technology Verification Program, Quality Management Plan (EPA
ETV QMP), for the overall ETV program
APCT Center’s Verification Testing of Air Pollution Control Technology - Quality
Management Plan (APCT Center QMP)
Each Testing Organization’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
This protocol.
EPA’s ETV QMP provides the definitions, procedures, processes, organizational relationships,
and outputs that will ensure the quality of the data and the programmatic elements of ETV. Part
A of the EPA ETV QMP includes the specifications and guidelines that are applicable to
common or routine quality management functions and activities necessary to support the ETV
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program. Part B of the EPA ETV QMP includes the specifications and guidelines that apply to
test-specific environmental activities involving the generation, collection, analysis, evaluation,
and reporting of test data.
APCT Center QMP describes the quality systems in place for the overall APCT Center
program. It was prepared by RTI and approved by EPA. Among other quality management
items, it defines what must be covered in the generic verification protocols and T/QAPs for
technologies undergoing verification testing.
Generic verification protocols are prepared for each technology to be verified. These
documents describe the overall procedures to be used for testing a type of technology and define
the critical data quality objectives (DQOs). The document herein is the generic verification
protocol for pesticide spray DRTs. It was written with input from the technical panel and
approved by EPA.
Test and quality assurance (QA) plans are prepared by the testing organization. The T/QAP
describes in detail how the testing organization will implement and meet the testing requirements
of the generic verification protocol. The T/QAP also sets data quality objectives (DQOs) for
supplemental non-critical measurements that are specific to the site of the test. The T/QAP
addresses issues such as the test organization’s management organization, test schedule,
documentation, analytical methods, data collection requirements, calibration, and traceability. It
also specifies the QA and quality control (QC) requirements for obtaining verification data of
sufficient quantity and quality to satisfy the DQOs of the generic verification protocol. A test
plan addendum will also be developed that describes the specific DRT. For pesticide spray
DRT, the critical measurements include the droplet size distribution, the spray flux (low speed
wind tunnels only), and deposition (field testing). Other supplemental, non-critical
measurements may also be conducted (e.g., application rate, application pressure, air or wind
speed, relative humidity, and ambient temperature). EPA provides guidance for writing test/QA
plans in Guidance on Environmental Data Verification and Data Validation, EPA QA/G-8.
Appendix A lists full citations for these documents. This protocol is in conformance with EPA
Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans (EPA QA/R-5), EPA Guidance for Quality
Assurance Project Plans (EPA QA/G-5), and the documents listed above.
A testing organization with a quality system as described in Element A8 of this document and
with the capability to carry out the methods and procedures contained in this plan will conduct
the testing. The testing organization will verify the emissions reductions of drift reduction
technologies. The testing organization will perform the testing, evaluate the data, and submit a
report documenting the results. The various QA and management responsibilities are divided
among the testing organization and key EPA project personnel.
Project Definition and Background
For the purpose of this document and associated testing projects, pesticide spray drift is defined
as the movement of spray droplets through the air at the time of application or soon thereafter
from the target site to any non- or off-target site, excluding pesticide movements by erosion,
migration, volatility, or windblown soil particles after application. Spray drift management is of
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
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interest to pesticide and other chemical manufacturers, application equipment manufacturers,
pesticide applicators, government agencies, advocacy groups, and the public. Spray drift risks
are correlated to deposition in EPA risk assessment. To reduce exposure, DRTs that can reduce
drift downwind are beneficial; the results of testing conducted under the DRT Program using this
protocol are to be used by EPA to estimate downwind deposition. For example, the testing
results from wind tunnel testing (droplet size distribution and spray flux) will be used as inputs to
models that will estimate deposition downwind. Any modeling results will be determined
outside of this protocol, the T/QAP and verification test report. Information about the use of
wind tunnel data and an example calculation are provided at (
Industry, including pesticide applicators, and government researchers have developed and
employed a variety of pesticide application strategies and technologies to reduce spray drift.
Examples include low drift spray nozzles and sprayers, drift control chemical adjuvants, barrier
structures, and vegetation. Although these and other technologies have the potential to provide
drift reduction, there is often uncertainty about their effectiveness or performance. Verification
testing of DRTs provides objective, quality-assured data that can be used to evaluate the
effectiveness of the tested technologies to reduce spray drift. Use of these test results by EPA
and pesticide and equipment manufacturers will enable pesticide applicators to make more
informed and confident DRT selection. Use of these DRTs in the application of pesticides has
the potential for significant benefits: reduced spray drift and the associated risks to humans and
the environment; greater on-target deposition of pesticides applications; increased efficacy; and
applications under a wider range of environmental conditions.
Testing will be performed on application technologies with one or more of the following test
methods: low speed wind tunnel testing, high speed wind tunnel testing, and field testing. Field
testing is an acceptable method of testing all DRTs. Low speed would be the speed of the air in
the wind tunnel crossing the spray nozzle for ground application, and high speed would be the
speed of the air in the wind tunnel crossing the nozzle for aerial application. For certain DRTs,
wind tunnel testing may be an appropriate test method. The verification tests will gather
information and data for evaluating the performance of the strategies and technologies versus a
reference application system and the technologies’ associated environmental impacts and
resource requirements. The scope will, in most cases, cover two principal study questions:
What is the performance of the technology in terms of the manufacturer or vendor’s
statement of capabilities for reducing downwind deposition? Answering this question
is critical to determining the performance of the technology and thus the measurements
made to address this question are critical. The specific DQOs for these measurements
are included in Element A7.
What are the test conditions over which the performance is measured (e.g., spray
pressure, formulation type, release height, crop canopy, ambient temperature, wind
speed, relative humidity)? The range of conditions under which the technology is
evaluated will be used to determine the conditions required for performance in the
field. The DQOs for the measurement of the test conditions are described in Element
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Two additional study questions are of interest, but not quantified during the verification. The
information gathered will be general observations of test conditions to be recorded by the testing
organization. The DRT tested will determine specific observations to be made. These details
will be specified in the test and quality assurance plan (T/QAP).
What are the associated environmental impacts, if any, of operating the technology
within this range other than drift reduction (e.g., effects on application rate and
material usage, dose, other sources of environmental exposure, worker exposure)?
Evaluation of the associated environmental impacts is a supplemental non-critical
product of this test plan and as a result available instrumentation may be used to make
measurements for this purpose. No DQOs are defined for this question.
What are the resources associated with operating the technology within this range
relative to standard pesticide application equipment (e.g., energy, waste disposal, and
product usage, as well as sprayer handling – for example, some technologies may
affect the safety of operation of aircraft or other sprayers)? Measurement of
consumption of resources is a supplemental non-critical measurement of this test plan
and as a result, available instrumentation may be used to make measurements for this
purpose. No DQOs are defined for this question.
This protocol describes the overall procedures to be used. The T/QAP for a pesticide drift
reduction technology will describe how test procedures will be specifically implemented for
verifying the technology performance. In addition to the procedures described in this protocol,
the test procedures to be used can be derived from standard methods (e.g., ISO, ASTM, ASABE,
etc.). Each test site or testing organization will need to develop a T/QAP for its test facility
detailing its test procedures. Deviations from described protocols must be described by the
testing organization in its T/QAP.
Project or Task Description
This protocol describes the test and QA procedures that will conform to all specifications of EPA
Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA QA/R-5, the current EPA ETV QMP,
and the current ETV APCT Center QMP. The T/QAP will specifically describe the quality
system required of the testing organization and the procedures applicable to meeting EPA quality
requirements. T/QAPs, developed for each test site, and test plan addenda, developed for each
technology, will be reviewed and approved by EPA prior to testing. The low speed wind tunnel
(Group B) and high speed wind tunnel (Group C) portions of this protocol were tested, evaluated
and revised during the ESTE project.
The verification tests will gather information and data to evaluate the extent to which the DRT
reduces downwind deposition. Also, any other positive or adverse environmental impacts of
operating the DRT will be noted as informal observations. The specific operating conditions
used during the testing will be documented as part of the verification process. Table 3 in
Element B2, Table 6 in Element C2, and Table 9 in Element D3 of this protocol present a
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summary of all measurements that will be made to evaluate the performance of the DRT and
document the test conditions.
A description of a specific technology, the test procedures to be used and test-specific details will
be documented as an applicant-specific addendum to the T/QAP that will be prepared and
submitted for EPA review and approval prior to the start of testing. The applicant-specific
addendum will provide additional information needed to conform to required Elements A5
(Problem Definition/Background) and A6 (Project/Task Description) of EPA QA/R-5.
Categories of DRTs include:
Spray nozzles (e.g., nozzles with fewer fines);
Sprayer (passive delivery assistance) modifications (e.g., shields and shrouds, wingtip
Spray (active) delivery assistance (e.g., air assisted spraying);
Spray property modifiers (e.g., formulation and tank mix ingredients that modify spray
solution physical properties);
Landscape modifications (e.g., artificial or natural hedges and shelterbelts).
The draft version of this protocol (EPA, 2007) was evaluated as described in Evaluation of the
Verification Protocol for Low and High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing (EPA, 2012, The evaluation was limited to testing
spray nozzles in low and high speed wind tunnels. Test methods for evaluating the drift
reduction impact of spray property modifiers (adjuvants) will be incorporated into this protocol
as they become available.
Test Facility Description
A description of the test facility will be included in the T/QAP for each test site.
A6.2.1 Test Site Description
Three potential testing sites or approaches are covered in this protocol: low speed wind tunnel,
high speed wind tunnel, and field testing. EPA OPP will use the low speed wind tunnel and the
high speed wind tunnel test results of droplet size distributions in conjunction with modeling to
determine downwind drift deposition reduction. Low speed wind tunnel testing is appropriate
for certain types of DRTs intended for use on or with some ground boom sprayers while high
speed wind tunnel testing is for certain DRTs, such as nozzles and devices intended to reduce air
shear, on aerial application equipment. Field testing is acceptable for testing all types of DRTs.
In Table 1, the DRT categories are matched to the potential testing approaches and a map to the
testing procedures laid out in this document is provided.
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Table 1. DRT Testing Approach
Type of Drift Reduction Technology
Test Method
Spray Nozzle
Spray Material
Spray Delivery
Low speed wind
Not Acceptable
High speed
wind tunnel2
Not Acceptable
Not Acceptable
Not Acceptable
Field testing3
For DRTs intended for use on or with ground boom spray equipment
For DRTs intended for use on or with aerial spray equipment
For DRTs intended for use with either ground boom or aerial spray equipment
It is advisable to confirm with EPA that the test methods will be adequate for verification of these types of
Low speed wind tunnel testing may provide information that can reduce the extent of field testing required for
validation, or supplement field data; however, field testing is also required.
Low speed wind tunnel testing
A wind tunnel with the following characteristics will be used:
The tunnel must be of sufficient width so that the spray pattern does not impinge on the
walls of the tunnel. (Wall effects would affect characteristics of spray size distribution
and should be discernible in the data.) A wind tunnel with working section dimensions
at least 1.75 meter (m) wide x 1.75 m high x 7 m long shall be used for measurement
of the droplet size distribution of a spray. [NOTE: For nozzles including boom sprayer
nozzles, ISO 22856 specifies a minimum size requirement of 1 m minimum height and
2 m minimum width with a length at least 2 m (1 m at each end) greater than the length
over which spray generators and samplers are mounted.]A tunnel with these
characteristics may also be suitable for measuring deposition drift potential with the
use of monofilament lines. If a testing organization or technology vendor wishes to
measure deposition for EPA’s consideration, the agency encourages the organization
and vendor to consult with the agency prior to conducting the test.
An example of a typical inside instrumentation setup for wind tunnel is shown in
Figure 1.
The airflow characteristics of the wind tunnel shall be known and documented. The air
speed at different horizontal and vertical locations in the wind tunnel must be
documented in order to identify the distance from the tunnel’s surface that edge effects
occur and document the space where air flows uniformly in the working section. The
wind tunnel working section used for sampling shall have less than 8% turbulence and
local variability of air velocity below 5%.
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Temperature and relative humidity within the wind tunnel shall be monitored to ensure
operation within desired specifications.
Figure 1: Example of typical inside view of instrumentation setup for wind tunnel for
either a low or high speed wind tunnel.
High speed wind tunnel testing
For high speed wind tunnel testing, a wind tunnel of the following characteristics will be used:
The tunnel must be of sufficient width so that the spray pattern does not impinge on the
walls of the tunnel. (Wall effects would affect characteristics of spray size distribution
and should be discernible in the data.) For nozzles including boom sprayer nozzles,
ISO 22856 specifies a minimum size requirement of 1 m minimum height and 2 m
minimum width with a length at least 2 m (1 m at each end) greater than the length
over which spray generators and samplers are mounted.
The testing organization should beware of tunnel blockage with the nozzle and fan.
The airflow characteristics of the wind tunnel should be known and documented
according to ISO 22856. Generally, detailed characteristics are not needed for the high
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speed tunnel test since there are no downwind measurements. As always, data
requirements will be documented in the T/QAP used for testing.
Field testing
For field testing, the designated trial or spray site should be an exposed area with no obstructions
that could influence the air flow in the areas of application or measurement. There should be a
bare ground (or stubble less than 7.5 cm high) treatment area and a similarly bare downwind area
for sampling stations. The measurement area should be downwind of the treatment area. The
length of the spray track should be at least twice that of the largest downwind sampling distance
and should be approximately symmetrical about the axis of the sampling array. All downwind
distances should be measured from the downwind edge of the directly sprayed treatment area.
The requirements for the field test site are consistent with requirements from United Kingdom’s
Local Environmental Risk Assessments for Pesticides (LERAP), Germany’s Biologische
Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft [Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture
and Forestry (BBA)], the International Standards Organization (ISO), and the American Society
of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) [formerly known as the American Society of
Agricultural Engineers (ASAE)].
Application and Process Equipment Description
The description of the application and process equipment including photographs will be included
in the applicant-specific addendum.
Control Technology (i.e., DRT) Description
The technology to be verified must be described fully and concisely. The description, provided
by the technology manufacturer or vendor, must include: technology name, model number, the
DRT principle, key specifications, manufacturer’s name and address, serial number or other
unique identification, warning and caution statements, capacity or output rate, and other
information necessary to describe the specific DRT. The performance guarantee coupled with
operating conditions and instructions will be provided. EPA OPP verification reports and
statements will be modeled on ETV documents. Examples of ETV verification reports and
statements are presented on the ETV Website ( If combinations of
independent technologies are being submitted, the description of the combined technology
should completely identify and describe those technologies being combined.
Quality Objectives and Criteria
The data quality objectives (DQOs) of this testing focus on the direct or indirect measurements
of spray drift deposition using wind tunnel or field testing. For wind tunnel testing, the testing
organization will measure droplet size distribution.. EPA OPP will use these data with spray
drift models such as the dispersion models to translate the results using this protocol to
downwind deposition. For field tests, measurements of spray drift on horizontal collectors are
collected to directly measure spray drift deposition in the area downwind. Test requirements for
low speed wind tunnels, high speed wind tunnels, and field testing are found in Groups B, C, and
D, respectively.
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The rationale for the number of test runs will be included in the site-specific T/QAPs and the
applicant-specific addenda, which will conform to required Element B1 of EPA QA/R-5. In
general, the number of test runs would include: (1) a minimum of three test runs, (2) additional
test runs indicated to meet certain statistical criteria, and (3) additional test runs desired by the
applicant vendor or manufacturer. A replicate may only be discarded if proven an outlier by an
appropriate statistical test or if the tester can document a human or mechanical error during a
particular measurement.
EPA recommends vendors and testing organizations consult with EPA prior to the conduct of
tests if the technology and/or test method is unique or complex and deviate from this protocol.
Such tests include measuring spray volume using monofilament lines in a low speed wind
tunnels and field tests. Also, EPA suggests that testing organizations use Good Laboratory
Practices for conducting field studies due to the complexity and expense of these studies.
Spray Droplet Size Measurements in Low and High Speed Wind Tunnels
The DQOs and data quality indicator goals (DQIGs) for measurement of spray droplet size
distribution are summarized in Table 2. Size distribution data will consist of 30 or more droplet
size bins. The standard deviation around volume median diameter (VMD) should be less than
10% as should the standard deviations for the droplet diameter (µm) measurements at which 0.1
fraction of the spray volume is contained in smaller droplets (Dv0.1) and droplet diameter (µm)
measurements at which 0.9 fraction of the spray volume is contained in smaller droplets (Dv0.9).
In addition, droplet size data should also include volume % of ≤105 µm and ≤141µm.
For droplet size distribution at the nozzle, the continuous traverse method is usually the optimal
technique for sampling the spray plume, and data should be expressed as mass-balanced average
droplet size data across the traverse. Multiple chordal measurements or (for phase-Doppler
measurement systems), two- or three-dimensional mapping of droplet size and velocity
throughout the spray plume, may also be used. Sampling should occur across a representative
cross-sectional sample of the spray. Sampling should occur far enough from the nozzle to allow
for both atomization of ligaments and secondary break up of droplets in the air stream to be
complete. However, the sampling distance must be close enough to the nozzle that spray is not
contacting the wind tunnel’s surfaces. The sampling distance may need to be adjusted for
different nozzles, flow rates, and test substances, but in general, the optimal sampling distance is
between 20 and 60 cm from a nozzle.
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Table 2. DQIGs for Spray Droplet Size Measurements
Acceptance Criteria
Standard deviation around volume median
diameter (VMD, Dv0.5), Dv0.1 and Dv0.9 for
three (minimum) replicate droplet size
Vary by less than 10%.
Spray nozzle and sampling height
Within 5 mm (without airflow)
Standard deviation around volume % of
≤105 µm and ≤141µm for three (minimum)
replicate droplet size measurements
Vary by less than 10%.
Sample size per replicate measurement
> 10,000 droplets for particle counting instruments or > 5 s
for laser diffraction instruments
Replicate measurements
Measurements to be carried out with a nozzle with a
maximum deviation of output rate of ± 2.5% from the value
specified by the manufacturer at the nominal rated
recommended spray operating conditions. A randomly
selected representative nozzle must be used.
Number of size class bands for reported data ≥ 30 bins regardless of the presence of particles.
Spray volume in largest and smallest droplet < 1% of total volume in each case (i.e., < 2% total of the
size class bands in laser diffraction
spray volume). To be achieved through selection of
appropriate lens and instrument configuration for the dynamic
size range of the spray being sampled. Also select air speed
to transport sufficient quantity of spray material 2 m from
Obscuration for spray measurements across
a spray diameter (for laser diffraction
< 60% unless corrected for multiple scattering, whereupon the
report shall include the measured obscuration, the algorithm
used to correct for multiple scattering, and the manufacturerstated limits of applicability for that algorithm.
Minimum obscuration for sampling to
achieve cross-section average spray (e.g.,
start or end trigger using traverse with laser
diffraction systems)
Diode suppression (laser diffraction
Diodes may not be suppressed (no channels may be killed) in
sampling. Correct selection of focal length lens, system
alignment, avoidance of vibrations, and cleanliness of optical
surfaces should prevent the need for diode suppression (data
loss). (If the laser is displaced during sampling, all diodes
will measure incorrect scattering angles, and diode
suppression is not an appropriate solution to such sampling
Distance of farthest edge of spray from
collecting lens (Malvern instruments)
< 1 lens focal length to avoid vignetting sampling errors
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A7.2 Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tests
For low speed wind tunnel testing, the product of this test design will be the measurement of a
spray droplet size distribution at the nozzle.. The DQIGs and DQOs for individual low speed
wind tunnel measurements are provided in Element B2. Test-specific DQIGs will be
documented in each site-specific T/QAP and applicant-specific addenda.
A7.3 High Speed Wind Tunnel Tests
For high speed wind tunnel testing, the product of this test design will be the measurement of a
spray droplet size distribution at the nozzle. The DQIGs and DQOs for individual high speed
wind tunnel measurements are provided in Element C2. Test-specific DQIGs will be
documented in each site-specific T/QAP and applicant-specific addenda.
A7.4 Field Tests
The measure of performance for the DRT in field studies will be directly determined by
deposition measured on horizontal fallout collectors according to either ASABE 561.1 APR04 or
ISO/DIS 22866:2005(E) standard methods with modifications specified in Element D below.
The DQIGs and DQOs for field testing measurements are provided in Element D2. Test-specific
DQIGs will be documented in each site-specific T/QAP and applicant-specific addenda.
A7.5 Standards Cited
ANSI/ASHRAE 41.1 (1986) Standard Method for Temperature Measurement, American Society
of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta,
GA 30329.
ASABE S561.1 (2009) Procedure for Measuring Drift Deposits from Ground, Orchard and
Aerial Sprayers. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
ASABE S572.1 (2009) [revised from ASAE S572 (1999)] Spray Nozzle Classification by
Droplet Spectra. Standard No. S572.1, American Society of Agricultural and Biological
Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
ASTM E337-02 (2007) Standard Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the
Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures), ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959.
ASTM E2798-11 (2011) Standard Test Method for Characterization of Performance of Pesticide
Spray Drift Reduction Adjuvants for Ground Application. ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959.
ASTM WK24544 (2011) New Test Method for Determining Cross-Section Averaged Liquid
Droplet Size Characteristics in a Spray Using Laser Diffraction Instruments, ASTM Committee
E29, ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA,
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ISO Standard 22866 (2005): Equipment for Crop Protection—Methods for Field Measurement of
Spray Drift. ISO.
ISO Standard 22856 (2008): Equipment for Crop Protection—Methods for the Laboratory
Measurement of Spray Drift –Wind Tunnels. ISO.
Special Training and Certifications
The DRT Program is open to multiple test facilities. All participating facilities, domestic and
foreign, , must meet the program’s QA requirements and accept on-site audits by EPA or its
representatives. The audits may include technical system audits, performance evaluations,
assessments of the test laboratory’s quality system, and audits of data quality. In order to qualify,
a test laboratory must take the following actions:
Have American National Standards Institute / American Society for Quality Control
(ANSI/ASQC) E4 or International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 quality
management systems in place;
Possess the equipment and facilities required to perform tests identified in this protocol;
Have an EPA-compliant QA system 1;
Allow on-site audits by EPA or its representatives;
Have an EPA approved test/QA plan as described in this protocol;
Provide written health and safety procedures for verification testing; and
Comply with EPA reporting requirements.
The testing organization may include any registrations, accreditations, qualifications,
independently-assessed quality systems of the testing organization in the test site-specific
test/QA plan.
Documentation and Records
Test-specific documentation and records will be processed as specified in the testing
organization’s SOPs, protocols, etc. See Element B10 for details of test data acquisition and
Procedures to manage documents and records are taken from the EPA Records Management
Policy 2161; Records Management Manual (including specified records schedules); and the
ORD Policy and Procedures Manual, Section 13.2 of the ETV program. Accordingly, testing
organizations will retain all test-specific documentation and records for 7 years after the final
payment of the funding agreement. If test data are submitted to EPA to support an application
The best place to start for information about EPA-compliant QA systems is "Doing Business with EPA: Quality
Specifications for non-EPA Organizations" (see More generally, the
EPA Quality System website (see has a wealth of information on the topic.
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Page 13
for pesticide registration, the applicant for registration will retain the test-specific documentation
and records for as long as the product is registered. These requirements will be updated to
conform to any future changes in the EPA Records Management Policy.
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Group B: Data Generation and Acquisition
for Low Speed Wind Tunnel
Sampling Process or Experimental Design
The measure of performance for the DRT for low speed wind tunnels will be derived from
airborne droplet size distribution. The effectiveness of the DRT will be quantified by
comparison of the DRT’s droplet size distribution to that of the reference test. Information about
the use of wind tunnel data and an example calculation are provided at
( The low speed wind tunnel verification data generation and
acquisition procedures were evaluated as described in Evaluation of the Verification Protocol for
Low and High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing (EPA, 2012, The evaluation was limited to spray
nozzles with a simple tank mix (i.e., water with surfactant). Procedures for spray modifiers and
other adjuvants (spray drift reducing adjuvants) have not been considered in any detail. ASTM
E2798-11 addresses this issue.
For nozzles, the basic experimental design will be to measure the droplet size spectrum of a
candidate DRT and a reference application system (e.g., nozzle) operating under targeted spray
pressure, air speed, boom height, and “ambient” conditions. The measurement of droplet size
spectrum at a specified distance downwind of the spray nozzle are the critical measurements for
this verification test 2. Wind tunnel and application conditions establish the bounds of the
verification test design.
In order to meet the DQOs, a minimum of three replications will be used for each set of
application conditions, such as each combination of release height and nozzle pressure, intended
for actual use in the field. As required by the DQOs in Element B2, the product of this test
design will be the measurement of a droplet size distribution at the nozzle and a specified
distance downwind of the nozzle.
Measurements for candidate test systems are compared to a reference spray system based on the
ASABE S572 standard for droplet size. For nozzles with a simple tank mix, the reference
system is ASABE S572.1 fine/medium boundary reference nozzle [Flat fan 110° at 300 kPa
(43.5 psi)]. For adjuvants and other complex tank mixes, the reference system use the ASABE
S572 nozzle model associated with the lower (coarse) boundary of the droplet size category
(very fine, fine, medium, coarse, very coarse, and extremely coarse) in the which the test system
falls.. During drift potential measurements, the height of the reference nozzle (and nozzle
spacing, if multiple nozzles are used) should be identical to the candidate test system. The
reference nozzle should be directed straight down. The vendor may select the spray angle for the
candidate test system nozzle.
Measurements at the two-meter flux plane were included by the STP in this protocol in
anticipation of their use in proposed ground spray drift models. Newer drift models may be able
to use spray droplet size data taken near the nozzle with the sprayer flow rate as the flux value.
In order to confirm that a fully developed spray pattern has been captured, measurements should
be taken at several distances (e.g., between 20 to 60cm) downwind of the nozzle.
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In addition to the procedures described in this protocol, the test procedures to be used can be
derived from standard methods (e.g., ISO, ASTM, ASABE, etc.). Each test site or testing
organization will need to develop a T/QAP for its test facility detailing its test procedures.
Deviations from described protocols must be described by the testing organization in its T/QAP
and, EPA recommends the vendor and testing organization confer with EPA about the test
protocol prior to conduct of the study.
B2: Data Quality Indicator Goals and Data Quality Objectives for Low Speed Wind
Tunnel Measurements
The DQIGs for individual low speed wind tunnel measurements will conform to those specified
in relevant sections of the test protocols and referenced procedures, as shown in Table 3. The
DQOs for this testing are the Table 3 DQIGs. Test-specific DQIGs will be documented in each
site-specific T/QAP and applicant-specific addenda.
Table 3. DQIGs for Low Speed Wind Tunnel Tests
Standard Operating
(if applicable)
Acceptance Criteria
Low Speed Wind Tunnel Operating Conditions
Wind tunnel working section width
ISO 22856
Spray measurement chamber or wind
tunnel cross-section diameter
Wind tunnel turbulence
Minimum to avoid boundary layer and
blockage effects
Cross section at least three diameters larger
than plume of nozzle (at measurement location)
ISO 22856
Air speed
< 8%
Between 2 m/s and 10 m/s (minimum), and
measured to within 0.1 m/s accuracy, close to
nozzle location (with nozzle absent).
Sampling rate for air speed
ASABE S561.1
Sampling should occur over a measuring period
of 10 s or less.
Consistency of air speed in wind
tunnel working section
ISO 22856
< 5%
Ambient air temperature (dry bulb air
ASHRAE Standard
Measured to an accuracy within 0.1 ºC
10 to 30 ºC with less than 5 ºC variation during
Wet bulb and dew point temperature
equivalent to ASTM
E337-02(2007); or
ASHRAE Standard
Temperature measured to an accuracy within
0.1 ºC
ISO 22856
20 to 80% with maximum variation of 5%
during test
Percent relative humidity
LSWT relative humidity
Dynamic surface tension of spray
liquid (not for use with drift retardant
% Relative humidity measured within 3%
40 ± 4 dynes/cm at surface lifetime age of 10 to
20 ms
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
February 2014
Standard Operating
(if applicable)
Page 16
Acceptance Criteria
Spray material flow rate
ASABE S572.1
± 0.04 L/min of values specified in the ASABE
standard for reference nozzles and
manufacturer recommended values for the test
Spray pressure (nozzle operating
ASABE S572.1
± 3.4 kPa of values specified in the ASABE
standard for reference and manufacturer
recommended values for the test nozzles.
Spray material temperature
ASHRAE Standard
Measured within 0.1 ºC
Relative spray material and air
Spray material temperature must be within 5 ºC
of the air temperature to avoid atomization
Spray Droplet Size Measurements
Spray nozzle and sampling height
Within 5 mm (without airflow)
Standard deviation around volume
median diameter (VMD, Dv0.5), Dv0.1
and Dv0.9 for three (minimum)
replicate droplet size measurements
Vary by less than 10%.
For low speed wind tunnel testing, the product of this test design will be the measurement of a
spray droplet size distribution at the nozzle and at a specified distance downwind of the nozzle.
B3: Sampling Methods for Measurement of Droplet Size, Deposition, and Test
Conditions for Low Speed Wind Tunnels
Table 4 lists all the measurements required for this verification test. Measurements are
categorized in the table as performance factors and test conditions. Performance factors are
critical to verifying the performance of the DRT. Test conditions are important to understand the
conditions of performance. Further detail is provided in Elements B3.1 through B3.4.
Sampling Locations
Spray droplet size shall be sampled using one of several laser measurement systems: laser
diffraction, phase- Doppler (excluding multi-phase droplets, e.g., air inclusion or emulsions), or
laser imaging and sampling shall occur at a specified distance downwind of the nozzle.
nozzleMeasurement of air temperature and humidity should occur upwind and as close as
possible to the nozzle without affecting its performance or the air speed at that location.
Process and Application Data Collection
Droplet size distribution sampling
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Droplet size at the nozzle: Near the nozzles, see Element B3.3, Measurement of
Droplet Size Spectrum Near the Nozzle
Table 4. Summary of Spray and Test Condition Measurements
for Low Speed Wind Tunnels
Parameter to be
Factors to Be Verified
Sampling and
Measurement Method
Test Conditions Documentation
Droplet size at the nozzle
Droplet size distribution
and a specified distance
produced by the atomizer
downwind form the nozzle
Non-intrusive sampling
methods appropriate for
the spray material such as
laser diffraction, phaseDoppler, laser imaging
Spray pressure
Pressure of spray mix at the
See ASABE S572.1,
section 3.
Spray materials
Temperature of the spray
Calibrated thermometers
accurate within 0.1 ºC.
Temperature of the
ambient air and spray
mixture should be within
5 ºC.
Spray nozzle height or
boom height
Height of the nozzle above
the floor of the wind tunnel
Calibrated tape measure
accurate within 0.5 cm.
Nozzle height should be
within 1 cm of specified
Wind tunnel conditions
Air speed
An appropriate and
calibrated anemometer
such as hot wire or pitotstatic tubes. Measurement
should occur as close as
possible to the nozzle
without affecting its
The air speed measured
in the wind tunnel will be
used to define acceptable
field conditions of use.
Ambient air temperature
Air humidity
Testing organization
conducts air speed,
temperature, and
humidity measurements
equivalent to ASTM
E337-02(2007); ASHRAE
Standard 41.1; or other
similar approach.
Wind tunnel conditions
Calibrated thermometers
accurate within 0.1 ºC.
Less than 2% total of the
spray volume should be
contained in the
uppermost or lowermost
size classes.
The following conditions shall be measured at the same height as the nozzle,
upwind of the nozzle in the wind tunnel working section at the time of spray
release: ambient air temperature, air speed, relative humidity.
Sprayer conditions
Spray pressure shall be measured consistent with ASABE S572.1, section 3.
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The spray flow shall be measured following the method in Table 3 or described in
the testing organization’s SOP.
Spray fluid temperature shall be measured with a calibrated thermometer that
meets the specifications in Table 3. The measurement method will follow the
reference in Table 3 or the testing organization’s SOP.
Measurement of Droplet Size Spectrum near the Nozzle
The droplet size spectrum of the test system near the nozzle is used to classify its ASABE S572.1
the spray characteristics. The candidate test system is categorized into droplet size category for
very fine, fine, medium, coarse, very coarse, and extremely coarse.
Droplet size spectra for spray drift tests shall be made under the same conditions (e.g.,
spray material, spray pressure, nozzle settings) and following the same procedures
outlined in Element B3.4.
Droplet size may be measured using one of several laser measurement systems: laser
diffraction, phase-Doppler (excluding multi-phase droplets, e.g., air inclusion or
emulsion) or laser imaging. The instruments and apparatus used in the test shall be
listed. Names, model numbers, serial numbers, scale ranges, software version number,
and calibration verification shall be recorded.
A representative cross-section average sample must be obtained, using a massweighted traverse or multiple chordal measurements of the full spray (or half spray for
axi-symmetric spray plumes).
The sampling distance from the nozzle must be sufficient to ensure that the spray has
atomized into droplets, for example through completion of breakup of sheets or
ligaments of liquid following discharge from the nozzle. This distance is typically 2060 cm.
The sampling system must be configured to measure the entire dynamic size range of
the instrument with less than 2% total of the spray volume contained in the uppermost
and lowermost size classes.
If a number-density weighted (“spatial”) sampling system is used, the setup should
minimize the development of a size-velocity profile within the spray (e.g., by using a
concurrent airflow if spray discharge is in the horizontal plane) to avoid data bias
toward slower-moving (usually smaller) droplets.
The droplet size measurements should include assessment and confirmation of the
droplet size category of the candidate test system and reference system according to
ASABE S572.1, respectively.
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Wind Tunnel Measurement of Spray Drift Potential
All sampling will follow the requirements of the specific test method being used unless
otherwise stated in this document or approved as part of the site-specific T/QAP prior to the
verification test. Laser-based measurement devices are used to measure droplet size distribution
at a specified distance downwind form the nozzle.
The spraying system shall be mounted to minimize effects on airflow.
The orientation of the nozzle (predominant spray direction or axis of rotation) that the
fan sprays discharge relative to the air flow direction must be measured with a
protractor and recorded.
Droplet size shall be measured using one of several laser or optical measurement
systems: laser diffraction, phase-Doppler (excluding multi-phase droplets, e.g., air
inclusion or emulsion) or laser imaging. The instruments and apparatus used in the test
shall be listed. Names, model numbers, serial numbers, scale ranges, software version
number, and calibration verification shall be recorded.
The test spray nozzle(s) shall be mounted at the height defined by the manufacturer’s
operating conditions and at least 100 mm below the wind tunnel ceiling. Nozzles must
be positioned in a place free from edge effects.
A representative cross-section average sample must be obtained, using a massweighted traverse or multiple chordal measurements of the full spray (or half spray for
axi-symmetric spray plumes).
For each height, the sampling system must be configured to measure the entire
dynamic size range of the instrument with less than 2% total of the spray volume
contained in the uppermost or lowermost size classes.
The wind tunnel floor shall be covered with an artificial turf surface to minimize
droplet bounce and mimic stubble vegetation for field conditions.
9. For testing nozzles without using adjuvants, water containing surfactant may be
used. Acceptable surfactants and surfactant concentrations are those that will provide
a Newtonian tank mix with dynamic surface tension of 40 dyne/cm at surface lifetime
age of 10 to 20 ms.
Use of other surfactants or concentrations should be approved as part of the sitespecific T/QAP prior to testing.
When an adjuvant is included with a nozzle as the DRT combination in the test spray
material, a pesticide formulation and spray equipment reflecting the adjuvant’s
proposed end use should be evaluated during testing. (See ASTM E2798-11 for
further details).
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The spraying system shall be primed with spray prior to measurements to ensure that
rinsing liquid is removed from the line and the liquid discharging from the nozzle is
the actual intended tank mix. In addition, sprayer systems should be “run-in” for 5 min
to ensure removal of machining burrs or plastic mold residue.
Spray material flow rate shall be measured at the operating pressure for the tests. The
liquid flow rate measurement may include techniques using liquid collected for a
known duration, using Coriolis mass flow sensors, calibrated flow turbine, oval
displacement meter, weighing system for the spray mix tank, or other method. Nozzle
output should remain constant with a maximum deviation of ± 2.5%. These liquid
flow rate measurements are consistent with ISO 5682 part 1.
The wind tunnel shall be operated during sampling to provide an air speed between 2
m/s and 10 m/s at the nozzle height with a default value of 2 m/s.
To minimize evaporation effects on results, the relative humidity in the working
section at the time of measurements shall be 20 to 80% with a maximum variation of
5% during each test.
The type of nozzle being tested must be documented as follows:
Flat fan, cone (hollow or full), impingement (deflector), and solid stream nozzles:
manufacturer, fan angle at reference operating pressure, orifice size, material of
Other types of nozzles (e.g., rotary, electrostatic, and ultrasonic): the type of
nozzle must be described in the T/QAP provided to EPA prior to testing in order
to identify the appropriate parameters to be recorded.
Include a close-up photograph of the nozzle and manifold and a cross-sectional
Include the manufacturer nozzle part number.
Document the type of nozzle body and cap used in the tests.
Manufacturer-recommended nozzle settings including spray height and angle.
Sample Handling and Custody Requirements
No physical samples are collected.
Analytical Methods
No analytical methods are used.
Quality Control
Data quality will be assessed with a series of multiple test nozzles, blank samples, spiked
samples, collocated duplicate samples, and duplicate analyses as described in Table 5.
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Page 21
Instrument and Equipment Testing, Inspection, Maintenance, and Calibration
The site-specific T/QAP resulting from this protocol will reference the testing organization’s
SOP for testing, inspection, and maintenance of instruments and equipment. Equipment to be
included in the T/QAP are the laser diffraction or phase Doppler particle sizing instrument,
anemometers, pressure gauges, rotometers, viscometers, and tensiometers used. Standard
calibration methods (e.g., ASTM or equivalent methods) will be followed.
Calibration verification of some laser diffraction particle size analyzers can be achieved using
ASTM Standard Test Method E 1458 “Test Method for Calibration Verification of Laser
Diffraction Particle Sizing Instruments using Photomask Reticles.” All analyzers will be
calibrated against appropriate NIST-traceable standard reference materials.
Alternative techniques include reference particles and sprays of known size distribution.
Inspection and Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables
The primary supplies and consumables for this exercise consist of monofilament lines, tracer
materials, adjuvants, water, hoses, tubing, and tank. Prior to use, each sampler is visually
inspected and is discarded for use if any damage is found. The tracer selected should allow for
adequate sensitivity to measure deposition at all test distances. The tracer should be stable and
nonvolatile in the test frame for testing and analysis. Background measurement samples from
Table 5. Quality Control Samples for Low Speed Wind Tunnels
Multiple nozzles
Acceptance Criteria
For evaluating nozzles as DRTs, conduct size < 10% variation in Dv0.5, Dv0.1, and
distribution measurements at the nozzle and 2 Dv0.9
meters with three randomly selected nozzles
from a batch of ten.
Blank spray liquid
Three samples of the spray liquid without
tracer will be analyzed fluorometrically to
determine any background fluorescence.
Acceptable fluorescence will be less
than three times the minimum
detection limit of the fluorometer.
Replicate fluorometric
Multiple aliquots of extraction fluid will be
analyzed to quantify analytical error.
< ± 5% variation in fluorometry
the testing site should demonstrate negligible levels of tracer or other interfering compounds.
The hardness of water used in spray tanks should be documented. Adjuvants should be in
original manufacturer’s packaging.
Non-Direct Measurements
If applicable, data that are not gathered directly by the testing organization may be used,
however, the testing organization must describe these measurements in the T/QAP or the
applicant-specific addendum.
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B10: Data Management
It is expected data will be collected on paper datasheets and in electronic format. The data
collection format will depend on the testing organization’s data acquisition systems. Paper
datasheets will be signed by the technician responsible for collecting the data. The datasheet will
be reviewed for completeness and approved by the testing organization technical leader
immediately after an experiment. The testing organization technical leader will review
electronic data for compliance with DQIGs immediately after an experiment. Data from paper
datasheets and electronic data will be consolidated into a single database with reference to the
DRT tested and all experimental conditions.
B10.1 Data Flow
Data measurement and collection activities are shown in Figure 2. This flow chart includes all
data activities from the initial pretest QA steps to the passing of the data to EPA.
Testing Organization Technical Leader: Test Oversight and Data Production
Testing Organization Quality Manager: Quality System and Data Integrity
Data Flow
DRT Information from
Instrument Data and
Sampling Data
QC Data
Assemble Data
Calculations & Data Analysis
QA Review
Data Flow
Figure 2. Data management system.
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B10.2 Data Reduction
Data from each measurement for droplet size from the verification test will be reported as the
incremental and cumulative volumes of 30 appropriately spaced and described bins of droplet
diameter (microns). The Dv0.1, Dv0.5, Dv0.9, and relative span will also be presented. An example
of a presentation of the output data is shown in Table B-1 in Appendix B. Raw data of droplet
sizing instrument output should be provided as an appendix.
.B10.3 Analysis of Verification Data
Measurements should be presented separately (raw data) and as an average across repetitions for
the following types of measurements.
1. Downwind measurements:
− Volume per droplet size category (i.e., each of the 30 or more droplet size
categories) at each height
2. Droplet size at the nozzle: Volume per droplet size category and reference spray type.
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Group C: Data Generation and Acquisition for High Speed Wind Tunnel Tests
Sample Process Experimental Design
The measure of performance for the DRT for high speed wind tunnels will be derived from
droplet size distribution measurements. The high speed wind tunnel verification data generation
and acquisition procedures were evaluated as part of an ESTE project. These values will be used
by EPA to model deposition from 0 to 61 m downwind. Information about the use of wind
tunnel data and an example calculation are provided at ( The high
speed wind tunnel verification data generation and acquisition procedures for spray nozzles with
a simple tank mix (i.e., water with surfactant) were evaluated as part of the ESTE project.
Procedures for spray modifiers and other adjuvants have not been considered in any detail. It is
anticipated that ASTM and ISO standard test methods will be developed, such as ASTM E279811.
The basic experimental design will be to measure the droplet size spectrum under targeted test
conditions with the DRT operating at specified spray pressure, air speed, and the “ambient”
conditions. Droplet size spectrum is the critical measurement for this verification test. Wind
tunnel conditions and application conditions are important measurements for establishing the
bounds of the verification test design. .
In order to meet the DQOs, at least three replications will be used for each set of application
conditions intended for actual use in the field. For instance, at least three replications will be
conducted for each combination of air speed and nozzle pressure. The product of this test design
will be the measurement of a droplet size distribution consisting of 30 or more droplet size bins
for the specified operating range. The DQIGs for appropriate parameters identified in Table 6
must be met. Measurements for candidate test systems are compared to a reference spray system
based on the ASABE S572 standard for droplet size. For nozzles with a simple tank mix, the
reference system is the method ASABE S572.1 fine/medium boundary reference nozzle [Flat fan
110° at 300 kPa (43.5 psi)]. For adjuvants and other complex tank mixes, the reference system
should use the ASABE S572 nozzle model associated with the lower (coarser) boundary of the
droplet size category (very fine, fine, medium, coarse, very coarse, and extremely coarse) in
which the test system falls. See ASTM E2798-11.
During drift potential measurements, the spray angle of the candidate test system does not need
to be identical to that of the reference spray system. The vendor may select the spray angle for
the candidate test system nozzle. Acceptable nozzles, associated wind tunnel air speeds, and
nozzle angles relative to air direction are identified below. The orientation angle of both the
reference spray system and the candidate test system, however, should both be the same.
In addition to the procedures described in this protocol, the test procedures to be used can be
derived from standard methods (e.g., ISO, ASTM, ASABE, etc.). Each test site or testing
organization will need to develop a T/QAP for its test facility detailing its test procedures.
Deviations from described protocols must be described by the testing organization in its T/QAP.
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DQIGs and DQOs for High Speed Wind Tunnel Measurements
The DQIGs for individual high speed wind tunnel measurements will conform to those specified
in relevant sections of the test protocols and referenced procedures, as shown in Table 6. The
DQOs for this testing are the Table 6 DQIGs. Test-specific DQIGs will be documented in the
site-specific T/QAPs and its applicant-specific addenda.
Table 6. DQIGs for High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing
Standard Operating
(if applicable)
Acceptance Criteria
High Speed Wind Tunnel Operating Conditions
Spray measurement chamber or
wind tunnel cross-section diameter
Cross section at least three diameters larger than
plume of nozzle (at measurement location)
Air speed
Between 50 mph (22 m/s) and 165 mph (73 m/s),
and measured to an accuracy within 5 mph (2 m/s),
close to nozzle location (with nozzle absent)
Ambient air temperature
ASHRAE Standard
Measured within 0.1 ºC
10 to 30 ºC with less than 5 ºC variation during test
Ambient relative humidity
ASHRAE Standard
Measured within 3%
Spray material temperature
ASHRAE Standard
Measured within 0.1 ºC
Relative spray material and air
Spray material temperature must be within 5 ºC of
the air temperature to avoid atomization anomalies
Spray material flow rate
ASABE S572.1
± 0.04 L/min of values specified in the ASABE
standard for reference nozzles and manufacturer
recommended values for the test nozzles.
Spray pressure (nozzle operating
ASABE S572.1
± 3.4 kPa of values specified in the ASABE
standard for reference and manufacturer
recommended values for the test nozzles.
Dynamic surface tension of spray
liquid (not for use with drift
retardant adjuvants)
40 ± 4 dynes/cm at surface lifetime age of 10 to 20
Replicate measurements
Measurements to be carried out with a nozzle or
nozzle with a maximum deviation of output rate of
± 2.5% from the value specified by the
manufacturer at the nominal rated recommended
spray operating conditions. A randomly selected
representative nozzle must be used.
Spray Droplet Size Measurements for High Speed Wind Tunnels
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Standard Operating
(if applicable)
Acceptance Criteria
Standard deviation around volume
median diameter (VMD, Dv0.5), Dv0.1
and Dv0.9 for three replicate droplet
size measurements
< 10% for measurements with the same nozzle in
HSWT tests.
Standard deviation around volume
% of ≤105 µm and ≤141µm for
three (minimum) replicate droplet
size measurements
Vary by less than 10%.
Sampling Methods for Measurement of Droplet Size and Test Conditions
Table 7 lists all the measurements required for this verification test. Measurements are
categorized in the table as performance factors and test conditions. Performance factors are
critical to verifying the performance of the DRT. Test conditions are important to understand the
conditions of performance. Further detail is provided in Elements C3.1 through C3.3.
Table 7. Summary of Spray and Test Condition Measurements
for High Speed Wind Tunnels
Factors to Be
Parameter to Be
Sampling and Measurement
Performance Factors
Droplet size at the
Droplet size
distribution produced
by the nozzle
Non-intrusive sampling
methods appropriate for the
spray material such as laser
diffraction, phase-Doppler,
laser imaging instruments.
The range of droplet size
categories measured must
account for at least 99% of
the spray volume.
Test Conditions Documentation
Spray pressure
Pressure of spray mix
at the nozzle
See ASABE S572.1, section
Spray materials
Temperature of the
spray mixture
Calibrated thermometers
accurate within 0.1 ºC
Temperature of the ambient
air and spray mixture should
be within 5 ºC.
Wind tunnel
Air speed
An appropriate and calibrated
anemometer such as hot wire
or pitot-static tubes.
Measurement should occur as
close as possible to the nozzle
without affecting its
Ambient air
Calibrated thermometers
accurate within 0.1 ºC
The air speed measured in the
wind tunnel will be used to
define acceptable field
conditions of use and should
reflect the proposed
application of the DRT (e.g.
rotary wing vs. fixed wing
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
February 2014
Factors to Be
Parameter to Be
Air humidity
Sampling and Measurement
equivalent to ASTM E33702(2007); ASHRAE Standard
41.1; or other similar
Page 27
Testing organization conducts
air speed, temperature, and
humidity measurements
Sampling Locations
Spray shall be sampled using one of several laser measurement systems: laser diffraction, phaseDoppler (excluding multi-phase droplets, e.g., air inclusion or emulsions) or laser imaging.
Measurement of air temperature and humidity should occur upwind of the nozzle and as close as
possible to the nozzle without affecting its performance or the air speed at the nozzle.
Process and Application Data Collection
Droplet size distribution sampling
Wind tunnel conditions
Droplet size at the nozzle: Near the nozzles, see Element C3.3, Wind Tunnel
Measurement of Spray Drift Potential (Droplet Size Distribution at Aerial
Application Air Speeds at the Nozzle).
The following conditions shall be measured at the same height as the nozzle,
upwind of the nozzle in the wind tunnel working section at the time of spray
release: ambient air temperature, air speed, relative humidity.
Sprayer conditions
The spray pressure shall be measured at the nozzle tip using a capillary connected
to a pressure gauge.
The spray flow shall be measured following the method in Table 6 or described in
the testing organization’s SOP.
Spray fluid temperature shall be measured with a calibrated thermometer that
meets the specifications in Tables 6 and 7. The measurement method will follow
the reference in Table 6 or the testing organization’s SOP.
Wind Tunnel Measurement of Droplet Size Distribution at Aerial Application Air
Speeds at the Nozzle
All sampling will follow the requirements of the specific test method being used unless
otherwise stated in this document or approved by EPA prior to the verification test. Laser-based
measurement devices are used to measure droplet size distribution at the nozzle in the wind
The spraying system shall be mounted to minimize effects on airflow.
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The orientation of the nozzle (predominant spray direction or axis of rotation) that the
fan sprays discharge relative to the air flow direction must be measured with a
protractor and recorded.
Droplet size shall be measured using one of several laser or optical measurement
systems: laser diffraction, phase-Doppler (excluding multi-phase droplets, e.g., air
inclusion or emulsion) or laser imaging. The instruments and apparatus used in the test
shall be listed. Names, model numbers, serial numbers, scale ranges, software version
number, and calibration verification shall be recorded.
Nozzles must be positioned in a place free from edge effects.
A representative cross-section average sample must be obtained, using a massweighted traverse or multiple chordal measurements of the full spray (or half spray for
axi-symmetric spray plumes).
The sampling system must be configured to measure the entire dynamic size range of
the instrument with less than 2% total of the spray volume contained in the uppermost
or lowermost size classes.
If a number-density weighted (“spatial”) sampling system is used, the setup should
minimize the development of a size-velocity profile within the spray (e.g., by using a
concurrent airflow if spray discharge is in the horizontal plane) to avoid data bias
toward slower-moving (usually smaller) droplets.
For testing nozzles without using adjuvants, water containing surfactant may be used.
Acceptable surfactants and surfactant concentrations are those that will provide a
Newtonian tank mix with dynamic surface tension of 40 dyne/cm at surface lifetime
age of 10 to 20 ms. Use of other surfactants or concentrations should be approved as
part of the site-specific test plan prior to testing.
When an adjuvant is included as the DRT in the test spray material, a pesticide
formulation and spray equipment reflecting the adjuvant’s proposed end use should be
evaluated during testing. (See ASTM E2798-11 for further details).
The spraying system shall be primed with spray prior to measurements to ensure that
rinsing liquid is removed from the line and the liquid discharging from the nozzle is
the actual intended tank mix. In addition, sprayer systems should be “run-in” for 5 min
to ensure removal of machining burrs or plastic mold residue.
Spray material flow rate shall be measured at the operating pressure for the tests. The
liquid flow rate measurement may include techniques using liquid collected for a
known duration, using Coriolis mass flow sensors, calibrated flow turbine, oval
displacement meter, weighing system for the spray mix tank, or other method. Nozzle
output should remain constant with a maximum deviation of ± 2.5%. These liquid
flow rate measurements are consistent with ISO 5682 part 1.
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The air speed in the working section of the wind tunnel must be measured as close as
possible to the nozzle without affecting nozzle performance or allowing the nozzle to
influence the air speed measurement. Air speed must be maintained between 50 and
165 mph minimum.
The type of nozzle being tested must be documented as follows:
Flat fan, cone (hollow or full), impingement (deflector), and solid stream nozzles:
manufacturer, fan angle at reference operating pressure, orifice size, material of
Other types of nozzles (e.g., rotary, electrostatic, and ultrasonic): the type of
nozzle must be described in the T/QAP provided to EPA prior to testing in order
to identify the appropriate parameters to be recorded.
Include a close-up photograph of the nozzle and manifold and a cross-sectional
Include the manufacturer nozzle part number.
Document the type of nozzle body and cap used in the tests.
Manufacturer-recommended nozzle settings including spray height and angle.
Sample Handling and Custody Requirements
No physical samples are collected.
Analytical Methods
No analytical methods are used.
Quality Control
At least three replicates for each set of test conditions should be conducted. Measured volume
median diameter (VMD) should vary by less than 10%. Dv0.1 and Dv0.9 (the droplet diameter
bounding the upper and lower 10% fractions of the spray) should vary by less than 10%.
Air speed should vary by less than 5% within a trial and less than 5% across replicates. Air
speed is anticipated to be maintained between 50 and 165 mph (minimum).
Instrument and Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance
The site-specific T/QAP resulting from this protocol needs to reference the testing organization’s
SOP for testing, inspection, and maintenance of instruments and equipment.
Instrument and Equipment Calibration and Frequency
The site-specific T/QAP resulting from this protocol will reference the testing organization’s
SOP for testing, inspection, and maintenance of instruments and equipment. Equipment to be
included in the T/QAP are the laser diffraction or phase Doppler particle sizing instrument,
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anemometers, pressure gauges, rotometers, viscometers, and tensiometers used. Standard
calibration methods (e.g., ASTM or equivalent methods) will be followed.
Calibration verification of some laser diffraction particle size analyzers can be achieved using
ASTM Standard Test Method E 1458 “Test Method for Calibration Verification of Laser
Diffraction Particle Sizing Instruments using Photomask Reticles.” Alternative techniques
include reference particles and sprays of known size distribution.
Inspection and Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables
The hardness of water used in spray tanks should be documented. Adjuvants should be in
original manufacturer’s packaging.
As there are no other supplies and consumables, additional inspection and acceptance
requirements are not a required part of this verification test protocol.
C10: Non-Direct Measurements
If applicable, data that are not gathered directly by the testing organization may be used,
however, the testing organization must describe these measurements in the T/QAP or the
applicant-specific addendum.
C11: Data Management
It is expected data will be collected on paper datasheets and in electronic format. The data
collection format will depend on the testing organization’s data acquisition systems. Paper
datasheets will be signed by the technician responsible for collecting the data. The datasheet will
be reviewed for completeness and approved by the testing organization technical leader
immediately after an experiment. The testing organization technical leader will review
electronic data for compliance with DQIGs immediately after an experiment. Data from paper
datasheets and electronic data will be consolidated into a single database with reference to the
DRT tested and all experimental conditions.
C11.1 Data Flow
Data measurement and collection activities are shown in Figure 2 in Element B10. This flow
chart includes all data activities from the initial pretest QA steps to the passing of the data to
C11.2 Data Reduction:
Data from each measurement for droplet size from the verification test will be reported as the
incremental and cumulative volumes of 30 appropriately spaced and described bins of droplet
diameter (micrometers). The Dv0.1, Dv0.5, Dv0.9, and relative span will also be presented. An
example presentation of the output data is shown in Table B-1 of Appendix B. Raw data of
droplet sizing instrument output should be provided in an appendix.
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C11.3 Analysis of Verification Data:
Size distribution measurements for each size bin will be presented as raw data and as descriptive
statistics across repetitions. The descriptive statistics include the average, standard deviation and
coefficient of variation. Descriptive statistics for the Dv0.1, Dv0.5, and Dv0.9 will also be presented.
Two tables of supplementary data will also be presented. One table will document the wind
tunnel operating conditions, spray nozzle conditions (type, pressure, flow) and test fluid
conditions (temperature, surface tension, viscosity, etc.) for the experimental parameters
described in Table 7. The second table will describe the pass or fail status of non-critical
measurements to indicate whether DQIGs in Table 6 were achieved. If a DQIG is not achieved,
an explanation of the cause for failure and the impact on verification test data will be provided.
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Group D: Data Generation and Acquisition for Field Studies
Sampling Process Design (Experimental Design)
The measure of performance for the DRT in field studies will be directly determined by
deposition measured on horizontal fallout collectors according to either ASABE 561.1 APR04 or
ISO/DIS 22866:2005(E) standard methods with modifications specified in Element D below.
The modifications discussed below have not been evaluated during field testing. The specific
placement of collectors will allow for an estimate of the integrated deposition from 0 to 61 m
(200 ft) and the point deposition at 30.5 m (100 ft) downwind of the application site.
The treatment area and spray track must be at least 100 m long and perpendicular to wind
direction. This arrangement allows for the outermost samplers to be downwind of the treatment
area when the wind direction approaches ± 30 degrees relative to the length of the treatment area.
The conditions of the study will be selected to allow for the measurement of the DRT and the
reference spray systems under identical or similar conditions (e.g., wind speed, wind direction,
temperature, relative humidity, release height). The measurements of deposition are the critical
measurements for this verification test. Measurements of field and application conditions are
important for establishing the limitations of the verification test design. As required by the DQO
in Element A7, the DQIGs for the parameters identified in Table 8 must be met.
Measurements of candidate test systems are compared to a reference spray system based on the
ASABE S572.1 standard for droplet size. For nozzles, the reference system is the method
ASABE S572.1 fine/medium boundary reference nozzle. The spacing of the reference nozzles
should be appropriate for the spray angle produced with the height equal to the candidate test
system. The reference nozzles should be directed straight down.
DQIGs and DQOs for Field Test Measurements
The DQIGs data and measurements collected during field tests will conform to those specified in
relevant sections of the test protocols and referenced procedures, as shown in Table 8. The
DQOs for this testing are the Table 8 DQIGs. Test-specific DQIGs will be documented in the
site-specific T/QAPs and its applicant-specific addenda. Testing organizations may wish to
conduct field tests using Good Laboratory Practices.
D3: Sampling Methods for Measurement of Droplet Size, Deposition, and Test
Table 9 lists all the measurements required for this verification test. Measurements are
categorized in the table as performance factors and test conditions. Performance factors are
critical to verifying the performance of the DRT. Test conditions are important to understand the
conditions of performance. Further detail is provided in Elements D3.1 through D3.3.
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Table 8. DQIGs for Field Testing
Standard Operating
(if applicable)
Acceptance Criteria
Dry bulb air temperature
ISO 22866
Between 5 and 35 °C, measured to an accuracy
within 0.5 °C
Wet bulb and dew point temperature
Percent relative humidity
ASABE S561.1
Measured to an accuracy within 0.5 ºC or within
[3% from ASHRAE Standard 41.1]
Horizontal wind speed
ISO 22866
At least 1 m/s for all applications, measured at
an accuracy within 0.2 m/s at nozzle height
Horizontal wind direction
ASABE S561.1
90° ± 30° to the spray track or the downwind
edge of the sprayed area during the spray
Nozzle flow rate
ASABE S561.1
Repeat measurements for individual nozzles
within ± 2.5%
Horizontal wind angle relative to
sample line
ASABE S561.1
Mean angle between the sample line and the
horizontal wind direction should not exceed 30º
Frequency of meteorological
measurement sampling
ASABE S561.1
≥ 1.0 Hz sampling rate
Dynamic surface tension of spray liquid
Surface vegetation height
Measured to within ± 5% at surface lifetime age
of 10 to 20 ms
ASABE S561.1
Sample line and collection station
Sampling media area for individual
± 2.5% of required location distances (at a
minimum 2 m downwind of nozzle)
ASABE S561.1
Collector orientation for flat card or
plate or cylindrical collectors
Diameter of cylindrical collectors (if
< 7.5 cm absolute height for all vegetation
surface heights in drift sampling areas with
typical uniformity not to exceed ± 10% standard
≥ 1000 cm² for deposition cards
Horizontal ± 15º relative to spirit level
instrument or for vertical towers (optional
additional collector), vertical ± 15º
ASABE S561.1
2 mm ± 5%
Number of samples at each sampling
Determined from tests for the specific setup to
produce confidence interval of ± 10%
Boom length (swath width) and boom
height above ground
Measured with accuracy within 1.0 cm when
Application rate of tank mix in treated
Within 2.5% of intended application rate
Forward speed of sprayer
Within 10% of target speed throughout entire
application period. For aerial, at least 140 mph,
and measured to an accuracy within 5 mph.
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Standard Operating
(if applicable)
Page 34
Acceptance Criteria
Solvent volume for extraction of tracer
if using collectors
5% of volume required for analytical recovery
and assessments (i.e., all samples should be
washed with the same volume of solvent within
5% of the target volume)
Stability of tracer under conditions of
study (light intensity, relative humidity,
temperature, sampling media, storage
conditions and duration, etc.) measured
as the amount recovered relative to the
amount mixed for control samples
Tracer must exhibit adequate photostability
(documented or published) allowing within 10%
of the initial mixture detection values for all
samples (note: samples should be collected in
minimum possible time after exposure to drift
sampling, stored in dark containers, and
analyzed as soon as possible after collection)
Sampling Locations
Three parallel lines of horizontal collectors within the sampling array should be used. Collector
lines in the sampling array should be spaced at least 15 m apart. The center collector line in the
sampling array should be in the center of the application area. Horizontal deposition samplers
should be placed at a minimum of 4 m, 8 m, 16 m, 30.5 m, and 61 m from the downwind edge of
the treated area. At least one collector should be placed in the swath and upwind of the treatment
The placement of the station(s) for measuring meteorological conditions should be located in the
open within 30 m of the treatment area and away from any obstruction or topographical
A map should be provided showing the treatment area, sampler placements, position of the
meteorological station(s), and any obstructions or identifying features of the test area.
Process and Application Data Collection
All sampling will follow the requirements of the specific test method being used, either ASABE
561.1 APR04 or ISO/DIS 22866:2005(E) standard methods, unless otherwise stated in this
document or approved by EPA prior to the verification test. Example sampling locations for
field testing are shown in Figure 3.
Ambient Data Collection
Meteorological conditions will be measured with at least one weather station during applications.
The sampling rate for wind speed and direction should be at least four samples per minute. The
wind speed must be at least 1 m/s for all applications.
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Table 9. Summary of Spray and Test Condition Measurements for Field Testing
Factors to Be
Parameter to Be
Sampling and Measurement
Performance Factors
Tracer deposit at
multiple locations
downwind of the
treatment area
Sampled using smooth horizontal
surface collectors such as filter
Deposition should be
described in terms of
mass of nonvolatile
tracer per unit area
Test Conditions Documentation
Spray pressure
Pressure of spray mix
at the nozzle
See ASABE S572.1, section 3.
Spray materials
Temperature of the
spray mixture
Calibrated thermometers accurate
within 0.1 ºC
Flow rate
Volume per unit time
produced by the
nozzle under test
See ASABE S561.1
Repeat measurements for
individual nozzles within
± 2.5%
Release height
Height above the
ground the spray
materials are released
Travel speed
Rate of speed for the
equipment used to
apply the spray
Wind speed
See ASABE S561.1, section 3.2.3
Wind direction
See ASABE S561.1, section 3.2.4
Ambient air
See ASABE S561.1, section 3.2
Ambient air temperature
of 10 to 30 ºC with less
than 5 ºC variation
during test
Ambient pressure
See ASABE S561.1, section 3.2
Relative humidity
See ASABE S561.1, section 3.2.2
Sample Handling and Custody Requirements
The date and time of sample collection and analysis must be recorded. Sample holding
conditions (e.g., temperature, containers, light) must be noted for the period between sample
collection and analysis.
The samples collected during the test program will consist of horizontal samplers (for example,
filter paper). Tracer materials and sample processing techniques should be selected to meet the
specified DQIGs. Analysis of these samples will be conducted as described in Element D5.
The media for collecting samples shall be horizontal sample collectors. Each test lab will
document its approach to collecting, storing, and analyzing horizontal sample collectors in its
site specific test/QA plan. Immediate analysis of samples is strongly encouraged. If data
collection and analysis will not be done on-site, sample custody requirements are a required part
of the test/QA plan.
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
February 2014
100 m
Page 36
4m 8m
Treatment Site
Horizontal Sampling Area
Figure 3. Sampling locations for field testing.
Analytical Methods
Measurement of deposited material will occur by extracting tracer from the horizontal sample
collectors followed by measurement of the amount of tracer in the extract. Tracer measurements
should be expressed as the amount of material per unit area of sampler. Instruments used to
measure tracer (e.g., gas chromatographs) should be of adequate sensitivity to measure
deposition at the most distant sampler.
Quality Control
The boom width, intended swath width, nozzle placement, and nozzle orientation of the
application equipment will be reported. Wind direction during and for 2 minutes after
application should be ± 30 degrees perpendicular to the swath. Drive speed for ground
equipment is anticipated to be between 4 and 24 km/h (2.5 to 15 mph). Aerial application
equipment speed is anticipated to be maintained between 50 and 165 mph.
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Randomly selected, unused horizontal sample collectors should be spiked with tracer at 2 and
200 times the level of quantitation for the analytical equipment to be used for measuring tracer.
Tracer recovery should be within 80 to 120% of the spiked amount. Stock solutions used in
testing should also be tested. Linearity of deposition relative to measurement instrumentation
response should be demonstrated in the deposition range measured.
Tracer concentration in the spray material tank will be measured and reported before and after
testing on each test day and for each tank mix used.
Instrument and Equipment Testing, Inspection, and Maintenance
The site-specific T/QAP needs to reference the testing organization’s SOP for testing, inspection,
and maintenance of instruments and equipment.
Instrument and Equipment Calibration and Frequency
Analytical instruments used to measure tracer extracts from collectors will be calibrated on the
same day of analysis. Calibration will use a standard curve consisting of at least three points
spanning the level of quantitation and the highest measured concentration level. The standard
curve should be linear (r2 greater than 0.95).
Inspection and Acceptance of Supplies and Consumables
The primary supplies and consumables for this exercise consist of the horizontal samplers and
tracer materials. Prior to labeling, each sampler is visually inspected and is discarded for use if
any damage is found. The tracer selected should allow for adequate sensitivity to measure
deposition at all test distances. The tracer should be stable and nonvolatile in the test frame for
testing and analysis. Background measurement samples from the testing site should demonstrate
negligible levels of tracer or other interfering compounds.
The hardness of water used in spray tanks should be documented.
D10: Non-Direct Measurements
If applicable, data that are not gathered directly by the testing organization may be used,
however, the testing organization must describe these measurements in the T/QAP or the
applicant-specific addendum.
D11: Data Management
Results will be calculated as deposition for each set of sampling conditions at downwind
positions at 4 m, 8 m, 16 m, 30.5 m, and 61 m, including a summary of meteorological
conditions and application conditions. Requirements for the verification test report, verification
statement, and data storage and retrieval are provided in Group E, Data Reporting.
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D11.1 Data Flow
Data measurement and collection activities for deposition are shown in Figure 2 of Element B10.
This flow chart includes all data activities from the initial pretest QA steps to the passing of the
data to EPA.
D11.2 Data Reduction
Data from each measurement for deposition from the verification test will be reported in units of
mass/area for each downwind distance and the meteorological and application conditions will
clearly be reported.
D11.3 Analysis of Verification Data
Measurements should be presented separately (raw data) and as an average across repetitions for
each downwind measurements for the deposition on horizontal samplers at each downwind
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Group E: Data Reporting
Outline of the Verification Test Report
Verification statement
DRT manufacturer or vendor information
Summary of verification test program including testing location and type (LSWT,
HSWT, or Field)
Results of the verification test
Droplet size classification, using ASABE S572.1 and the reference system used
Any limitations of the verification results
Brief QA statement
Description and identification of the DRT
Procedures and methods used in testing
The instruments and measurement apparatus used for droplet size measurement
(including name and type, model number, serial number, scale ranges, software
version number, and date of most recent calibration verification)
Deposition sampling Tracer types and concentration in test spray materials, if
Statement of operating range and testing conditions over which the test was conducted
Nozzle orifice height
Spray pressure at nozzle
Volume/unit time produced by nozzle
Test spray material composition
Source of spray materials (including water)
Sampling locations
Air speed – wind tunnel testing only
Flight speed or ground equipment speed – field testing only
Wind speed and direction – field testing only
Atmospheric stability – field testing only
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Results of the ASABE S572.1 droplet size measurement
Summary and discussion of results
Results supporting verification statement
Deviations and explanations from test plan
Discussion of QA and QA statement
QA/QC activities and results
Raw test data
Equipment calibration results
Sample handling
Description of the use of the data to determine drift reduction and a link to an
example calculation on OPP’s DRT website.
Draft Report Preparation
The testing organization will develop a verification report that verifies and summarizes the DRT
test results. EPA will review the draft report and provide comments to the testing organization.
The draft report will be edited by the testing organization to address EPA comments. The final
report will be submitted to EPA for approval, distribution, and publication.
Data Storage and Retrieval
This section describes the handling and storage of the data. After the completion of a
verification test, labeled three-ring binders containing manually recorded information and data
output generated from instrumentation will be stored with a copy retained by the testing
organization. This is called the ‘data notebook’ in the ETV and APCT Center QMPs. After
completion of a verification test, a CD-ROM or other storage media containing the T/QAP,
spreadsheet data files and the report will be generated by the testing organization for distribution.
The testing organization and the EPA will retain copies of the electronic data on a system with at
least monthly back-up in perpetuity.
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Group F: Assessment and Oversight
Assessments and Response Actions
Internal Audits
Internal audits by the testing organization are conducted as specified in the testing organization’s
SOP, which must conform to required Element C1 (Assessments and Response Actions) and C2
(Reports to Management) of EPA QA/R-5. The testing organization SOP documents must be
identified in the site-specific T/QAP.
Audits of Data Quality
The testing organization QM will conduct an ADQ of at least 10% of all of the verification data.
The ADQ will be conducted in accordance with EPA’s Guidance on Technical Audits and
Related Assessments for Environmental Data Operations, EPA QA/G-7, including:
a written report detailing the results of custody tracing,
a study of data transfer and intermediate calculations,
a review of QA and QC data, including reconciliation to user requirements, e.g., DQOs
and DQIGs, and
a study of project incidents that resulted in lost data, and a review of study statistics.
The ADQ report ends with conclusions about the quality of the data from the project and their
fitness for their intended use.
External Audits
The testing organization will cooperate with any external assessments by the EPA. EPA
assessors may conduct a quality and technical systems assessment of the testing organization
before or after the start of the first test for each test facility. They may conduct optional witness
assessments during the first test or any subsequent test. The external assessments will be
conducted as described in EPA QA/G-7.
Corrective Action
Corrective action to any audit or assessment is performed according to the testing organization’s
SOPs, which must conform to required Elements B5 (Quality Control) and C1 (Assessments and
Response Actions) of EPA QA/R-5.
Reports to Management
Internal assessment reports will be reviewed by the testing organization QM, who will respond
as noted in Element C1 of EPA QA/R-5. The written report of the ADQ will be submitted for
review as noted in Element F1.2 of this protocol.
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Group G: Data Validation and Usability Elements
Data Review, Verification, and Validation
Data review and validation will primarily occur at the following stages:
On site following each test run – by the test technician
On site following completion of the test program – by the testing organization technical
Before writing the draft verification test report – by the testing organization QM
During QA review of the draft report and audit of the data – The criteria used to review
and evaluate the data will be the QA/QC criteria specified in each test procedure,
protocol, guideline, or method (e.g., see Tables 3 and 4 for low speed wind tunnel testing)
and the DQIG analysis of the parameter test data. Those individuals responsible for
onsite data review and validation are noted in Figure 2, Element B10, and above. The
testing organization technical leader is responsible for verification of data with all written
procedures. Finally the testing organization QM reviews and evaluates the data and the
draft report using the site-specific T/QAP, test methods, general SOPs, and projectspecific SOPs.
The data review and data audit will be conducted in accordance with the testing organization’s
Verification and Validation Methods
Data are verified by the data collector. The goal of data verification is to ensure and document
that the data are what they purport to be (i.e., the reported results reflect what actually was done).
When deficiencies in the data are identified, then those deficiencies should be documented for
the data user’s review and, where possible, resolved by corrective action. Data verification
applies to activities in the field as well as in the laboratory. Validated data are reported in
verification reports and statements along with any limitations on the data and recommendations
for limitations on data usability. All validated data arising from testing under the DRT Program
are disclosed in verification reports, even if the technology did not perform to the expectations of
the technology provider. Results of the testing are conveyed to the data users through verification
statements and verification reports.
Reconciliation with Data Quality Objectives
DQO requirements have been defined (in Tables 2, 3, 6, and 8). This reconciliation step is an
integral part of the test program and will be done at the test site. Attainment of the DQO is
confirmed by analyzing the test data as described in Element A7 and will be completed by the
testing organization test technician and testing organization technical leader at the conclusion of
the scheduled test runs. The DQO is defined as meeting the DQIG in Tables 2, 3, 6, and 8.
The reconciliation of the results with the DQO will be evaluated using the data quality
assessment process. This process started with the review of the DQO and the sampling design to
assure that the sampling design and data collection documentation are consistent with those
needed for the DQO. When the preliminary data is collected, the data will be reviewed to ensure
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that the data are consistent with what was expected and to identify patterns, relationships, and
potential anomalies. The data will be summarized and analyzed using appropriate statistical
procedures to identify the key assumptions. The assumptions will be evaluated and verified with
all deviations from procedures assessed as to their impact on the data quality and the DQO.
Finally, the quality of the data will be assessed in terms of precision, bias, and statistical
significance as they relate to the measurement objectives and the DQO.
Results from verification testing of the DRT will be presented in a verification statement and a
verification report as described in Element E.
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Appendix A: Applicable Documents and Procedures
EPA Documents
EPA. Policy and Program Requirements for the Mandatory Agency-wide Quality System. EPA
Order CIO2105.0., U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. May 2000.
EPA. EPA Requirements for Quality Management Plans. EPA QA/R-2, EPA Publication No.
EPA/240/B-01/002., U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Information. Washington, DC. March 2001.
EPA. Environmental Technology Verification Program, Quality Management Plan. EPA
Publication No. EPA/600/R-08/009., Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Cincinnati, OH. January
EPA. Guidance on Environmental Data Verification and Data Validation, EPA QA/G-8. EPA
Publication No. EPA/240/R02/004., Office of
Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2002.
EPA. EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans. EPA QA/R-5, EPA Publication
No. EPA/240/B-01/003., Office of
Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. March 2001.
EPA. Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans. EPA QA/G-5, EPA Publication No.
EPA/240/R-02/009Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.., Office of Environmental Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
December 2002.
EPA. Records Management. EPA Classification No. 2161., Office of Environmental
Information, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. May 2009.
EPA. Guidance on Technical Audits and Related Assessments for Environmental Data
Operations. EPA QA/G-7, EPA Publication No. EPA/600/R-99/080., Office of Environmental Information, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. January 2000.
EPA. Evaluation of the Verification Protocol for Low and High Speed Wind Tunnel Testing.
EPA Publication No. TBD., Office of
Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Cincinnati, OH. April
Final Generic Verification Protocol for Pesticide Spray DRT
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Verification Organization Documents
RTI International. Verification Testing of Air Pollution Control Technology - Quality
Management Plan, Revision 2.3. RTI International. Research Triangle Park, NC., March 2010.
Other Literature
Fritz, B.K., Hoffmann, W.C., Jank, P. 2011. A Fluorescent Tracer Method for Evaluating Spray
Transport and Rate of Field and Laboratory Spray Applications. J. of ASTM Int. 8(3):1-9.
American National Standard Specifications and Guidelines for Quality Systems for
Environmental Data Collection and Environmental Technology Programs (ANSI/ASQ E4-1994)
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Appendix B: Example Format for Test Data
Table B-1. Example of Test Data Report Format
Droplet Size
Bin No.
Dv 0.1 (µm)
Dv 0.5 (µm)
Dv 0.9 (µm)
Relative Span
Measures of droplet size categories (µm)
Arithmetic Mean
Mass Fraction
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | ETV/APCT/CCSI XONON Test/QA Plan |
Author | sgt |
File Modified | 2014-05-01 |
File Created | 2014-02-18 |