Overview of Experimental Design

Attachment 3 Experimental Design and 10 Blocks of DCE Questions.docx

Colorectal Cancer Screening Survey

Overview of Experimental Design

OMB: 0920-1023

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Attachment 3: Overview of Experimental Design

Each respondent will be asked to compare 2 hypothetical CRC tests, “A” and “B” and to state whether they would choose “A” or “B.” This process will be repeated 5 times for each respondent (i.e., each respondent will be asked to make 5 choices). The attributes of test “A” and test “B” will vary for each hypothetical scenario according a D-efficient, fractional factorial, orthogonal design created using NGene (ChoiceMetrics, 2012).

Each group of 5 conjoint questions is called a block. The study design is based on 10 blocks. Each block will be viewed by approximately 200 respondents. Each respondent will be randomly assigned to a block.

Exhibit A lists the attributes of the tests and the possible levels each attribute can take on using the full text to describe the attribute levels that will appear in the survey (see Attachment 2 for survey text and screen shots). Exhibit B shows the ten blocks of 5 questions (using abbreviated descriptions of the levels). The first block of questions is also contained in the screen shots in Attachment 2.

The first two attributes, “What can the test find?” and “How often do you take the test?”, are presented as separate rows in the questions to make it easier to read, however in the experimental design they are combined into 1 attribute with 3 levels:

  • Some colorectal cancer (50% - 70%) / Very few pre-cancerous polyps (10% - 25%) / Once every year

  • Some colorectal cancer (50% - 70%) / Some pre-cancerous polyps (50% - 70%) / Once every 5 years

  • Most colorectal cancer (90% to 95%) / Most pre-cancerous polyps (90% to 95%) / Once every 10 years

Exhibit A. Summary of Attributes and Levels (in abbreviated form)



What can the test find?

  • Some colorectal cancer (50% - 70%) / Very few pre-cancerous polyps (10% - 25%)

  • Some colorectal cancer (50% - 70%) / Some pre-cancerous polyps (50% - 70%)

  • Most colorectal cancer (90% to 95%) / Most pre-cancerous polyps (90% to 95%)

How often do you take the test?

  • Once every year

  • Once every 5 years

  • Once every 10 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?

  • Yes

  • No

Preparation before the test

  • No preparation

  • 2 days diet restrictions

  • 2 days diet restrictions and laxative use

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

  • No pain or discomfort during the test. / All activities as usual after the test.

  • Discomfort like intense cramps during the test. / All activities as usual after the test.

  • During test, sedative so no discomfort / After test, no driving and limited activity rest of day

Out of pocket cost to you per test

  • $0 (no cost to you)

  • $10

  • $50

  • $200

  • $500

Exhibit B. Blocks

Block 1

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

How often should you get the test?

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions

No preparation

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity



Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Out-of-pocket cost to you

$0 (no cost to you)



$0 (no cost to you)







Which test would you choose?

Block 2

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

How often should you get the test?

Once per year

Once per years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Every 5 years

Every 5 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

No preparation

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity




Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Out-of-pocket cost to you



$0 (no cost to you)





$0 (no cost to you)



Which test would you choose?

Block 3

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

How often should you get the test?

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Out-of-pocket cost to you





$0 (no cost to you)





$0 (no cost to you)

Which test would you choose?

Block 4

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

How often should you get the test?

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Once per year

Every 5 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

No preparation

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Out-of-pocket cost to you









$0 (no cost to you)

$0 (no cost to you)

Which test would you choose?

Block 5

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

How often should you get the test?

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Once per year

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Once per year

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions

No preparation

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test




Out-of-pocket cost to you






$0 (no cost to you)


$0 (no cost to you)

$0 (no cost to you)


Which test would you choose?

Block 6

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

How often should you get the test?

Once per year

Every 5 years

Once per year

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Once per year

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test




Out-of-pocket cost to you











Which test would you choose?

Block 7

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

How often should you get the test?

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Out-of-pocket cost to you

$0 (no cost to you)






$0 (no cost to you)

$0 (no cost to you)



Which test would you choose?

Block 8

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

How often should you get the test?

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Once per year

Once per year

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions

No preparation

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity



Out-of-pocket cost to you

$0 (no cost to you)

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test





$0 (no cost to you)




Which test would you choose?

Block 9

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

How often should you get the test?

Every 5 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test


Discomfort like cramps, all activities after test

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Out-of-pocket cost to you










$0 (no cost to you)

Which test would you choose?

Block 10

Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3

Choice 4

Choice 5

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

Test A

Test B

What can the test find?

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Most cancer, most polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, some polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

Some cancer, very few polyps

How often should you get the test?

Every 10 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Every 10 years

Every 10 years

Once per year

Every 5 years

Every 5 years

Once per year

Once per year

Can the test remove cancer and polyps?











Preparation before the test

Diet Restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

No preparation

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Diet restrictions

Diet restrictions and laxative use

Discomfort and activity limitations during and after the test




Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity

Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity




Sedative for test, no driving and limited activity


Out-of-pocket cost to you

$0 (no cost to you)







$0 (no cost to you)


$0 (no cost to you)

Which test would you choose?

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorCDC User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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