Improving Baseline Revised 4.2.2014

2456.02 Improving Baseline Survey 4.2.2014.pdf

Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Quality in the Chesapeake Bay (Revised)

Improving Baseline Revised 4.2.2014

OMB: 2010-0043

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OMB Control Number 2010-0043
Expires 9/30/2015

The Future of the Chesapeake Bay
Your opinions are needed to inform policy decisions that
affect water quality. Please return your completed survey in
the postage-paid envelope provided.

Thank you for your help!

The Clean Water Act authorizes collection of this information. All responses will be kept confidential to the extent permitted by law.
Response to this survey is voluntary and no action will be taken against you if you choose not to take part. The public reporting burden
for this form is estimated to average 18 minutes per response. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this
form to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2822T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any correspondence. Do not send the survey materials to this address.

The Chesapeake Bay Watershed
This survey asks you about two types of water bodies in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed — the
Chesapeake Bay itself and Lakes in the Watershed. Each has different characteristics and
potential water quality concerns.

The Watershed
Is shaded in light grey on
this map.
It includes about 4,200
freshwater lakes.
Water draining from lands
in the Watershed enters
rivers and streams and
eventually the Chesapeake

The Chesapeake Bay
Is an estuary where freshwater mixes with
saltwater from the ocean. It is the largest
estuary in North America and the third
largest in the world.
As shown in dark grey on this map, the
Bay includes portions of the 50 rivers that
flow into it, for example:


The James River up to Richmond, VA
The Potomac River up to
Washington, DC

Please use this definition of the
Chesapeake Bay when answering
questions on this survey.

1. Before receiving this survey, had you heard of the Chesapeake Bay?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Don’t know

2. On average, how often do you see the following water bodies?
(Please check ONLY ONE box in each row.)

Less than
once a month

More than
once a month

Don’t Know

Chesapeake Bay:





Watershed Lakes:





3. In the last five years, have you participated in recreational activities
(including swimming, boating, fishing, or viewing nature) at the…
(Please check ONLY ONE box in each row.)
Chesapeake Bay:

□ Yes

□ No

□ Don’t know

Watershed Lakes:

□ Yes

□ No

□ Don’t know

Did you know?
Pollutants in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed degrade the quality of the water and can
affect aquatic habitat and recreational activities. Two key pollutants are nutrients and
 Nutrients are essential for healthy aquatic habitats, but too much can lead to algae

that deprives fish of oxygen and plants of sunlight. Sources of nutrients include
fertilizers, livestock manure, and household wastewater.
 Sediment is loose soil that settles to the bottom of water bodies. Too much sediment

makes the water murky and harms aquatic plants and fish. Paved surfaces and some
farming practices increase soil erosion, causing too much sediment to enter the
Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Lakes.
4. Before taking this survey, were you aware that too much nutrients or sediment
can degrade water quality?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Don’t know

Conditions in the Chesapeake Bay
Nutrient and sediment pollution affects environmental outcomes in the Chesapeake Bay.
These conditions have been consistently measured by scientists since the early 1990’s.
Bay Water Clarity— measures how far one can see into the water

 Average visibility was about 4.5 to 6 feet in the early 1990’s and is about 3 feet today.
Striped Bass (or Rockfish)— the most popular fish for recreational fishing in the Bay

 After historic lows, the population was about 6 million fish in 1990 and is about 24
million today.
Blue Crab— symbol of the Chesapeake Bay and a popular shellfish for recreational fishing

 The adult population was between 100 to 200 million in the early 1990’s and has been
about 250 million in recent years.
Oysters — “filter feeders” that clean Bay waters, their shells also form reefs that provide
habitat for other aquatic life

 Historically much larger, the population was only about 3,300 tons by 1990 and remains
at this low level today.

State and local governments currently have pollution reduction programs in place to limit
nutrients and sediment flowing into the Chesapeake Bay.
These programs are expected to improve future conditions.
Based on measurements by scientists studying the Chesapeake Bay, this table shows both
the conditions today and predicted conditions in 2025 under current programs.

Bay Water Clarity

Conditions Today

Conditions in 2025 under
current programs*

3 feet

3.3 feet

Average visibility

Striped Bass

(10% increase from today)

24 million fish

Adult Population

Blue Crab

(8% increase from today)

250 million crabs

Adult Population


26 million fish

260 million crabs
(4% increase from today)

3,300 tons

4,300 tons


(30% increase from today)

*Predictions for the year 2025 are based on monitoring data, the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Models, and the
Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Ecosystem Model developed by the EPA and state and federal partners.


Conditions in the Watershed Lakes
Nutrient pollution in lakes leads to excess algae growth which changes the appearance of the
water and the types of fish that live in it. Watershed Lakes fall into one of these categories:
Watershed Lakes with low algae


Have clear blue or brown water with 3 to 6 feet of visibility
Conditions favor game fish like bass and trout

Watershed Lakes with high algae


Have green water with 2 feet of visibility or less


Conditions favor bottom-feeding fish like carp and catfish


Can have an unpleasant odor on warm days

Pollution reduction programs already in place to limit nutrients and sediment flowing into the
Chesapeake Bay also help keep algae levels low in Watershed Lakes.
Under pollution reduction programs already in place, the number of lakes with low
algae levels is expected to increase.
The table below shows the number of Watershed Lakes that have low algae levels today
and the predicted number in 2040 under current programs.

Watershed Lakes with
low algae levels

Number Today

Number in 2025 under current

2,900 lakes
out of 4,200 total

3,100 lakes
out of 4,200 total
(7% increase from today)

*Predictions for the year 2025 are based on measures developed by the EPA using the SPARROW Water Quality

5. If you were taking a recreational trip to a lake, which would your prefer?

□ I would prefer to visit a lake with low algae levels and clearer water
□ I would prefer to visit a lake with high algae levels and greener water
□ I don’t have a preference, either type of lake would be fine
□ I don’t know


Additional Pollution Reduction Programs for the Chesapeake
Bay Watershed
Additional pollution programs being considered by federal and state agencies would further limit
nutrients and sediment in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
These programs would be phased in over time and would be fully implemented by the year
2025. Environmental conditions would begin to improve shortly after the new programs are
implemented and reach long term levels by 2025. There is always some uncertainty in
predicting future environmental conditions, but the outcomes shown in this survey are based on
the best scientific predictions available.
Examples of programs include changing the way farmers dispose of livestock manure and farm
land to reduce runoff, paving fewer surfaces to slow stormwater runoff, and changing
equipment at wastewater treatment facilities to reduce spills and pollution releases.
What additional programs would do:

Improve some of the conditions in the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Lakes. The
specific types of improvements will depend on the design of the program.

For example:

A pollution reduction program close to the Bay would improve water quality in the
Chesapeake Bay itself, but would not have much affect on the Watershed Lakes.


A program restoring oyster reefs would increase the number of oysters, but would have a
smaller effect on crab populations compared to programs focused on reducing nutrients
and sediment.

What additional programs would not do:

Affect lakes outside of the Watershed


Affect river and stream conditions in a noticeable way because the water is constantly


Affect any other parts of the environment such as forests, plants, birds, and wildlife


Have a noticeable effect on the quality or price of the seafood you buy


Paying for Additional Pollution Reduction Programs

Additional pollution reduction programs would result in higher costs for your household.
Some of the basic things people spend money on would become more expensive.
For example:
 Higher water bills or increased maintenance costs for home septic systems in the

Watershed. For renters, rent or utility bills would increase.
 Higher prices for some agricultural products and other goods for households both inside

and outside the Watershed, including the area where you live. This is because of higher
costs for businesses inside the Watershed.

Any additional pollution reduction program, if implemented, would permanently increase the
cost of living for your household beginning at the start of next year.

Paying the costs means you would have less money to spend on other things such as food,
clothes, going on trips, education, and even towards resolving other environmental problems
you care about.

6. Does your household currently pay any environmentally-related taxes or fees as
part of your water, electric or other utility bills?

□ Yes

□ No

□Don’t know


Deciding Future Actions
Imagine that you were given the opportunity to vote on additional pollution reduction
programs. State and federal policy makers will use your votes and those from others to choose
the best program to improve water quality.

Important instructions
In the questions that follow, we ask your opinion about programs that have different impacts on
the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Lakes. These programs will cost your household different
You will be asked three questions. In each question you will vote for the option you like best from
three different alternatives:

OPTION A keeps all current actions but does not add new programs


OPTION B and OPTION C include additional programs to reduce pollution

Choosing OPTION A in each question would result in no new pollution reductions or costs to your
OPTION B and OPTION C are different in each question, with different environmental outcomes
and costs to your household.

An Example Question is on the next page to show you what the questions will look like.

Other households are also being surveyed, so please only think of the costs to your own
household when deciding which program you would prefer.

Similar studies have shown that people sometimes respond differently in a survey than they
would in real life, often saying they would pay more than they really would. When voting we
urge you to respond as though costs to your household would really go up if the
program were implemented.


An Example Question
In each question, you will be asked to vote on three options. (Mark one box at
the bottom of each question to indicate which option you prefer.)

Conditions in 2025
(% change compared to today)

Environmental Outcomes
from each option are listed
here. The percent changes
compared to today are also
shown in parentheses.


Option A

Option B

Option C

Bay Water Clarity

3.3 feet
(10% increase)

4.5 feet
(50% increase)

4.5 feet
(50% increase)

26 million fish
(8% increase)

26 million fish
(8% increase)

30 million fish
(25% increase)

260 million crabs
(4% increase)

340 million crabs

260 million crab

(36% increase)

(4% increase)

4,300 tons
(30% increase)

5,250 tons
(59% increase)

4,300 tons
(30% increase)

3,100 lakes
(7% increase)

3,600 lakes

3,850 lakes

(16% increase)

(33% increase)

Average visibility
Striped Bass
Adult Population
Blue Crab
Adult Population
Watershed Lakes
Lakes with low algae

Annual Cost to your
household is listed here.
Notice that higher costs do not
necessarily mean that all
environmental outcomes will
improve more.

Your Cost of Living
Permanent cost
increase for your
household starting
next year

$0 every year

Your Vote

Option A

Please mark one of
the boxes to the right

To vote for Option A
mark this box

$40 every year

$180 every year

or $3.33 every month

or $15 every month

Option B

Option C



To vote for Option B
mark this box


To vote for Option C
mark this box

When you vote on the next questions, please remember...

There will be three sets of voting questions. Consider each question separately. Imagine
that the options in that question are the only ones available to choose from.


Options in different questions should not be compared to each other.


Do not add up effects or costs across different questions.


The environmental outcomes in each question are based on the best scientific predictions
available. Please vote as if these outcomes would actually occur in the year 2025.

7. Please vote for one of the three options below. (Mark one box at the
bottom to indicate which option you would prefer.)

Conditions in 2025
(% change compared to today)

Option A

Option B

Option C

Bay Water Clarity

3.3 feet

3.3 feet

3.5 feet

Average visibility

(10% increase)

(10% increase)

(17% increase)

Striped Bass

26 million fish

26 million fish

26 million fish

Adult Population

(8% increase)

(8% increase)

(8% increase)

Blue Crab

260 million crabs

312 million crabs

312 million crabs

Adult Population

(4% increase)

(25% increase)

(25% increase)


4,300 tons

4,300 tons

4,300 tons


(30% increase)

(30% increase)

(30% increase)

3,100 lakes

3,850 lakes

3,600 lakes

(7% increase)

(33% increase)

(24% increase)

Watershed Lakes
Lakes with low algae

Your Cost of
Permanent cost
increase for your
household starting
next year

$0 every year

Option A

$500 every year $250 every year
or $41.67 every

or $20.83 every

Option B

Option C

Your Vote
Please mark one of
the boxes to the


8. Please vote for one of the three options below. (Mark one box at the
bottom to indicate which option you would prefer.)

Conditions in 2025
(% change compared to today)

Option A

Option B

Option C

Bay Water Clarity

3.3 feet

4.5 feet

4.5 feet

Average visibility

(10% increase)

(50% increase)

(50% increase)

Striped Bass

26 million fish

26 million fish

30 million fish

Adult Population

(8% increase)

(8% increase)

(25% increase)

Blue Crab

260 million crabs

340 million crabs

260 million crabs

Adult Population

(4% increase)

(36% increase)

(4% increase)


4,300 tons

5,500 tons

5,500 tons


(30% increase)

(67% increase)

(67% increase)

3,100 lakes

3,600 lakes

3,850 lakes

(7% increase)

(24% increase)

(33% increase)

$0 every year

$40 every year

$180 every year

or $3.33 every

or $15 every month

Option B

Option C

Watershed Lakes
Lakes with low algae

Your Cost of
Permanent cost
increase for your
household starting
next year

Option A

Your Vote
Please mark one of
the boxes to the


9. Please vote for one of the three options below. (Mark one box at the
bottom to indicate which option you would prefer.)

Conditions in 2025
(% change compared to today)

Option A

Option B

Option C

Bay Water Clarity

3.3 feet

3.3 feet

3.3 feet

Average visibility

(10% increase)

(10% increase)

(10% increase)

Striped Bass

26 million fish

35 million fish

30 million fish

Adult Population

(8% increase)

(46% increase)

(25% increase)

Blue Crab

260 million crabs

312 million crabs

340 million crabs

Adult Population

(4% increase)

(25% increase)

(36% increase)


4,300 tons

5,500 tons

10,000 tons


(30% increase)

(67% increase)

(203% increase)

3,100 lakes

3,600 lakes

3,350 lakes

(7% increase)

(24% increase)

(16% increase)

$0 every year

$180 every year

$40 every year

or $15 every month

or $3.33 every

Option B

Option C

Watershed Lakes
Lakes with low algae

Your Cost of
Permanent cost
increase for your
household starting
next year

Option A

Your Vote
Please mark one of
the boxes to the


Thinking about how you just voted...
10. Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.
(Please circle one number for each statement.)



I voted as if my household would actually face the
costs shown in the questions.







I voted as if the programs would actually achieve
the results shown by 2025.







If new programs were implemented, I would
expect to see some environmental improvements
before 2025.







I would vote differently if the programs took longer
to achieve the results shown.







It is important to improve waters in the
Chesapeake Bay Watershed, no matter how high
the costs.







I am against any more regulations and government







My household should not have to pay any amount
to improve Bay Waters and Watershed Lakes.







It is difficult for me to find time to take surveys.







11. How much do you agree or disagree that the following affected your vote?
(Please circle one number for each statement.)



Changes in the quality or price of seafood







Impacts on the economy and jobs







Improving the environment for others







Water quality improvements to lakes outside the
Chesapeake Bay Watershed







Preserving the environment for future generations







Trips I may take to the Chesapeake Bay or
Watershed Lakes in the future








12. In the last 12 months, how many times did you visit an outdoor recreation site
on the Chesapeake Bay? (Please circle one number.)






If more than 4, write
in number of trips:




13. If you did visit one or more sites on the Chesapeake Bay in the last 12 months,
which site did you visit most often? (Fill in as much information as you can)
13a. Name of site _____________________________________________________
13b. How long did it take you to drive there from your home?
_____ hours and _____ minutes
13c. What state is it in? __________________________________________
13d. What is the nearest town? __________________________________________
13e. What did you do on your visit(s) to that site? (Check all the activities you did on
your visits)

□ Fishing and/or crabbing
□ Boating, canoeing or kayaking
□ Hunting
□ Bird watching or wildlife viewing

□ Swimming
□ Camping
□ Hiking
□ Other_____________

14. In the last 12 months, how many times did you visit a lake, stream, or river in
the Chesapeake Bay Watershed? (Please circle one number.)






If more than 4, write
in number of trips:




15. Many people are looking for ways to reduce their utility bills. If you were offered
a device that cost $200 and would reduce your household electricity bill by $2
each month for the next 10 years, would you purchase the device?

□ Yes

□ No

□ Don’t know

Questions about you and your household
Finally, we would like to ask a few questions about you and your household.
Your answers will not be saved or stored in a way that can be associated with your
name or address. You will not be contacted about your responses or this survey.
16. What is your sex?



17. What is your age? _____ years old
18. How many children under age 18 are living in your home? _____children
19. Have you or any member of your family ever worked in any of the
following industries or jobs?

□Tour guide for fishing
□Commercial fishing
□Environmental non-profit group
□No one in my family ever worked in these industries

20. In 2012, what was your total pre-tax household income, including all
earners in your household?

□Under $25,000

□$200,000 or more

21. Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?

□ Yes

□ No

22. What is your race? (Select one or more.)

□ American Indian or Alaska Native
□ Asian
□ Black or African American
□ White
□ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

23. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

□ Elementary or high school, but no high school diploma or GED
□ High school diploma, GED, or other high school completion
□ Some college credit, no degree
□ Associate’s Degree (for example: AA, AS)
□ Bachelor’s Degree (for example: BA, BS)
□ Master’s degree, professional degree, or doctorate degree
(for example: MA, MSW, MD, DDS, JD, PhD, EdD)

Thank you very much for your help.
Please mail this completed survey back to us in the postage-paid return envelope provided.

Thanks again for completing this survey!
If you have any additional thoughts about any of the topics
covered or the survey itself, please share them here.

If you have any questions please call 617-520-3524
or email

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorLisa Mayo
File Modified2014-04-01
File Created2014-03-18

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