Bureau of Labor Statistics |
ORS Collection Guide |
Detailed Definitions, Explanations, and Examples |
Volume 1, April 2013 |
The Social Security Administration (SSA) came to BLS, specifically NCS, because of the data NCS already collects on work characteristics in the modern economy. SSA and BLS signed an interagency agreement on April 18, 2012 to begin the process of trying to collect new data on occupational information for use in the disability programs. Economists from the National Compensation Survey (NCS) program are testing questions (i.e., the Occupational Requirements Survey) designed to ascertain the primary physical attributes, environmental conditions, and vocational preparation requirements of occupations within selected establishments that are representative of the broader economy.
The following document outlines standard operations and collection guidance where information is incomplete or vague. Specifically, this collection guide provides answers to frequently asked questions in areas of general collection concepts, specific vocational preparation, physical demands, and environmental conditions. This collection guide is unlike the Technical Memorandums issued for each ORS collection phase as it does not include phase specific collection instructions (e.g., collection dates, general instructions for contacting establishments, debrief processes, data review and analysis, etc.). As there is no ORS collection manual, this document provides broad collection and coding instructions to be applied across all ORS collection activities and includes detailed data element definitions, explanations, and examples.
The table of contents is hyperlinked to the content of the guide to allow for quick access to each topic. All references are cited within the document and are hyperlinked to source documents.
1_01 Required vs. Incidental 4
1_04 Frequency: Repetition vs. Duration 6
1_05 Frequency: Tasks not Performed Everyday 6
1_07 Structure: Climbing Ramps or Stairs 7
1_08 Structure: Extreme Heat/Cold 8
Section 2 – Specific Vocational Preparation 9
2_01 Definitions and Sources 9
2_02 SVP Calculation: Education 11
2_03 SVP Calculation: Training 12
2_04 SVP Calculation: Licensures and Certifications 14
2_05 SVP Calculation: Essential Experience 15
2_06 SVP Calculation: Time to Average Performance 16
Section 3 – Physical Requirements 21
3_03 Manipulative Questions 27
3_04 Vision 30
3_05 Communicative Questions 31
3_06 Combinations of Physical Requirements 32
Section 4 – Environmental Conditions 35
4_01 Weather 35
4_04 Wetness 36
4_06 Fumes, Odors, Dust, Gases, and Poor Ventilation 37
4_07 Toxic, Caustic Chemicals 38
4_08 Moving Mechanical Parts 39
Appendix 1: List of Potential Hazards 43
Appendix 2: Weights of Different Objects 48
This section provides information on the core concepts utilized in the Occupational Requirements Survey (ORS). While the collection guidelines and concepts covered in this section are more general in nature (rather than specific to one the three data element categories) they are the fundamental foundation of the survey.
The collection of ORS data elements should be based upon the premise of whether an individual data element is required in the performance of the occupation. This is one of the most important concepts in ORS collection. Essential (or required) job duties are so fundamental to the position that one cannot do the job without performing the duties. If an individual does not have the ability to perform a given data element and the data element is truly required, the establishment would not hire the individual (or would have to make special accommodations).
Key Concept:
To be required, an element must meet the following conditions:
Deemed a core function of the job as defined by the respondent.
Necessary and essential to complete the duties and responsibilities of an occupation.
Needed for entry into the occupation.
Incidental duties of an occupation are those that occur by chance and are not core functions of the occupation. As such, ORS data elements performed incidentally by an occupation are excluded.
Examples |
Required |
Incidental |
Meat Cutter – Extreme Cold: Cuts, trims, and grinds beef in a room kept at 35 degrees.
X |
Grocery Store Clerk – Extreme Cold: Uses electronic scanners and cash register to tabulate purchases and process payments. May be asked by customer to assist with getting an item out of the freezer case.
X |
Nursing Assistant – Pushing/Pulling: Pushes/pulls wheelchairs to transport residents between locations.
X |
Secretary – Pushing/Pulling: Pushes/pulls a cart to move supplies to a meeting.
X |
Mailroom Worker – Pushing/Pulling: Pushes/pulls cart to deliver mail to individual suites in an office building.
X |
Hospital Housekeeper - Speaking: Engages in small talk with patients and other staff members while cleaning hospital rooms.
X |
Accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a job or change in the work environment that enables a person with a disability to compete equally or perform the essential functions of the position. One of the goals of ORS is to collect occupational requirements information to facilitate the settlement of disability claims. This occupational information will help the Social Security Administration (SSA) compare claimants’ functional abilities with the demands of their past work and assist in determining whether there are other types of work in the national economy that a claimant can perform. With regards to accommodations:
Accommodations are changes an employer makes to accommodate an employee’s disability.
Not all employers can offer the same accommodations.
Work performed with an accommodation is not how an occupation is generally performed in the economy.
Respondents may qualify their responses to reflect their ability to make such changes or accommodations; educate respondents on the role of accommodations to avoid this issue.
Key Concept: The presence of data elements should be based upon required job duties as they are performed without accommodations.
Common Accommodations:
Avoidance (assigning a core task or function to another employee)
Providing seating for a job that is normally performed standing
Allowing standing for a job that is normally performed while sitting
Exception: When collecting vision and hearing data elements, the use of common devices such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, and hearing aids are not considered accommodations. Such devices are not provided by the employer, nor is it likely that an employer would not permit an employee to use such devices to correct hearing and/or vision impairments.
In the collection of ORS data elements, not only must the presence of a data element be determined but also the frequency of its occurrence. Both the interval (e.g., daily, weekly, quarterly) and work schedule should be taken into account when determining frequency of occurrence. There are five categories used to determine frequency of occurrence: Never, Seldom, Occasionally, Frequently and Constantly.
Frequency of Occurrence Scale |
Never |
Does Not Exist |
Seldom |
Up to 2% of the time |
Occasionally |
From 2% up to 1/3 of the time |
Frequently |
From 1/3 up to 2/3 of the time |
Constantly |
2/3 or more of the time |
1_04 Frequency: Repetition vs. Duration
Consideration must be given to data elements that are performed regularly throughout the day but in which the task itself takes little time to complete. Although an individual task may be performed often throughout the day, the total time spent performing the task or data element may not actually be that much. As such, quantify the total time actually spent performing the activity (data element) to determine frequency of occurrence. If the respondent is unable to determine frequency coding or has provided a questionable answer, use the following procedure:
Determine the number of daily repetitions of the activity.
Determine the time spent on each repetition.
Calculate total time spend on the activity (repetitions x time of each repetition)
Calculate frequency as percent of daily hours (total activity time / daily hours)
Key Concept: Frequency of occurrence is the measure of total time spent performing the activity, or duration. It is not the number of times the activity is performed throughout the day.
1_05 Frequency: Tasks Not Performed Everyday
Where an employee is required to lift a certain weight or must be exposed to a certain environmental condition, it does not matter if the work is periodic or seasonal as opposed to daily or weekly. Even if the physical demand or environmental condition exposure is only periodic, it must be included in the frequency of occurrence coding if it is a core function of the occupation (i.e., required). In these situations, use the following procedure:
Code the highest level of physical demand all incumbents are required to perform or the harshest environmental condition to which all incumbents must be exposed in order to complete their duties.
After coding the highest level of required physical demands or environmental conditions exposure, collect the total amount of time (i.e., duration) over the course of a typical year in which an employee may be required to perform at that level or is exposed to the environmental condition.
Example 1: Physical Demands |
If a firefighter does not have to climb a ladder every day but he/she does so more than 2% of the time but less than one-third of the time over the course of a year, the climbing element is coded occasionally. |
Example 2: Environmental Conditions |
A firefighter may not be exposed to the extreme heat of a fire on a typical day. Over the course of a year, however, firefighters may spend more than one-third but less than two-thirds of the time exposed to the extreme heat. In this case, the extreme heat element is coded frequently. |
ORS Environmental Conditions is a threshold system. A threshold is defined as a level at which something will take place and below which it will not. In the collection of Environmental Conditions, a data element must meet the required threshold level in order to code frequency. If the data element does not meet the associated threshold, it must be coded not present (never). Also, it is important to remember that while an environmental condition may exist or be present, it may not be relevant to the core functions of the occupation.
Environmental Condition |
Threshold |
Extreme Cold |
Extreme Heat |
Wetness |
Humidity |
Fumes, Odors, Dusts, Gases, Poor Ventilation |
Toxic, Caustic Chemicals |
Moving Mechanical Parts |
Vibration |
High, Exposed Places |
1_07 Structure: Climbing Ramps or Stairs
The structure of an establishment may play a role in determining the presence (or absence) of a data element. When determining whether to include or exclude structure in the coding of climbing ramps or stairs, consider the following:
Is the activity requiring climbing required or incidental?
Is the structure in question the worker’s regular place of business?
Does the worker perform all or part of the job at someone else’s home or business?
Example 1 |
Scenario: A dental hygienist works in a dental office that is a converted house. The hygienist goes to the basement to get supplies as needed. |
Coding: Restocking supplies is incidental; it is not one a core function of the dental hygienist position. Subsequently, climbing stairs is incidental in this example. Because the house is the hygienist’s regular place of business, the structure should not be included. |
Example 2 |
Scenario: A residential municipal building inspector visits construction sites to verify projects are being completed in accordance to code. The inspector must visit the houses’ basements and second floors to inspect wiring, plumbing, and other construction processes. |
Coding: The climbing in this example is done while performing inspections, a core function of a job, and it is being done outside of the inspector’s office. Therefore, the structure should be considered and climbing stairs should be coded. |
1_08 Structure: Extreme Heat/Cold
Weather is not included in extreme heat and extreme cold. When the structure of a work facility does not mitigate outdoor temperatures, the temperatures should not be considered. These temperatures should not be considered in extreme heat and cold as they are related to the structure in which the work takes place, not the temperature associated with the required duties of the job.
Example 1: Extreme Heat (Not Related to Structure – Include) |
A commercial oven operator at a food manufacturing plant works near the commercial oven, placing items in and taking items out of the very hot ovens throughout the day. |
Example 2: Extreme Heat (Structure – Do Not Include) |
A warehouse worker moves freight to and from loading docks in a warehouse. Since the warehouse is not climate controlled, it may be very warm in the summer and very cold in the winter. |
Exception: If the warehouse cannot be/or must be heated or air conditioned due to the nature of the product being stored, the exposure to extreme heat/cold would be included.
Section 2 – Specific Vocational Preparation
This section provides information on guidelines and concepts utilized in the collection of Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP). Getting a clear, complete picture of what the core tasks of a job are is the first step in getting the best SVP information along with a good base of NCS leveling.
Attempt to do PSO ahead of time and look on the ONET to review the core task for the jobs you have selected.
When discussing SVP with a respondent begin the discussion by getting a clear, total picture of what the job involves.
When possible take a tour of the location so you can see the jobs being performed.
Remember that SVP is a summation of all SVP factors and can include more than one of each factor.
For example, a job may require two certifications, an Associate’s Degree and three years essential experience in previous jobs.
SVP is different than leveling NCS Knowledge as SVP measures time and NCS Knowledge measures skill level of the job.
SVP is more precise at lower levels of the scale with much broader levels towards the top of the scale
When working with low level SVP jobs it is essential to get very precise measurements for SVP components as the difference between levels is not large.
When working with higher level SVP jobs it is not as essential to get precise measurements as the scale is much wider at higher SVP levels.
Specific Vocational Preparation (SVP) is the amount of lapsed time (i.e., calendar time) required by a typical worker to learn the techniques, acquire the information, and develop the facility needed for average performance in a specific job/worker situation. Vocational or specialty education that is specific to the job performed is included, although it may be counted at a reduced rate.
Time required of a fully qualified worker to become accustomed to the establishment policies, work place rules, and corporate culture of a new job. Required orientation sessions typically fall into this category and are not included in SVP, unless they teach skills essential for the performance of the occupation.
General education (i.e., time spent learning reasoning, language, and mathematical skills that are necessary for a person to function in society) is often obtained in high school and not applicable to SVP. Only post-high school education, training, and work experience is included in SVP.
There are five sources of SVP: apprenticeship training, in-house training, on-the-job training, essential experience in previous jobs and vocational education:
Apprenticeship Training
Only formal apprenticeships count toward SVP.
Apprenticeship lengths vary greatly by state, locality, and/or sponsoring organization.
Collect the amount of time needed to complete the apprenticeship as required by the sampled company.
Coded as Training, License or Certification.
Example: Apprentice Electrician |
Scenario: In Oregon, requires 8000 hours of experience spread over 5 years. Sits for journeyman exam after completion. |
Coding: Time counted toward SVP is 5 years. |
In-House Training
Organized classroom study provided by an employer.
Coded as Time to Average Performance.
Example: NCS Field Economist |
Scenario: Attends the one week training entitled NCS 1 Training for an Economist at BLS. |
Coding: Time counted toward SVP is 1 week. |
On-the-Job Training
Serving as a learner or trainee on the job under the instruction of a qualified worker.
Formal mentoring within a company.
Coded as Time to Average Performance.
Example: Salesperson |
Scenario: A new salesperson spends one year working under the tutelage of an experienced salesperson, receiving guidance and instruction, doing day-to-day work on an account, and learning how to handle more complex situations from the mentor. |
Coding: Time counted toward SVP is 1 year. |
Essential Experience in Other Jobs
Serving in less responsible jobs which lead to a higher grade job or serving in other jobs which qualify you for the higher grade job.
Coded as Prior Work Experience.
Example: Nursing Department Manager |
Scenario: A local hospital requires that all Nursing Department Managers have a minimum of 4 years prior experience as an RN. |
Coding: Time counted toward SVP is 4 years. |
Vocational Education
Commercial or shop training, technical school, art school, and part of college training which is organized around a specific vocational objective.
General education does not count.
Secondary-level vocational education may count, but only when directly applicable to the occupation and required for the job.
Coded as Education.
Example: Accountant |
Scenario: The accountant at a manufacturing facility is required to have a 4 year Bachelor’s degree in Accounting. |
Coding: Time counted toward SVP is 2 years (do not count the 2 years of general education, only the 2 years of vocational training count toward SVP). |
2_02 SVP Calculation: Education
Degree |
What Counts |
How Much |
High School |
This does not count for SVP. |
0 years |
High School Vocational Education |
Counts if the vocational courses taken are directly applicable to the job and required for entry into the occupation (i.e. pre-apprenticeship coursework for an apprenticeable occupation).
Time counted on a 2-to-1 basis. Ex: 2 classroom hours = 1 hour SVP
Associate’s Degree |
Standard Associate’s Degree includes general education credits which do not count towards SVP. |
Time counted on a 2-to-1 basis. Ex: 2-yr Associate’s Degree = 1 year SVP |
Vocational Associate’s Degree |
Associate’s Degree geared towards a specific professional occupation that includes only coursework pertaining to that occupation (e.g., Associate’s in Nursing).
Time counted on a 1-to-1 basis. Ex: 2-yr Vocational Associate’s Degree = 2 years SVP |
Bachelor’s Degree |
Four-year college degrees typically include two years of general education credits. Do not include these two years in SVP.
Bachelor’s Degree = 2 years of SVP Ex: (4-yr degree) – (2 yrs general education) = 2 yrs SVP
Master’s Degree |
Each year of graduate school counts as a year of specific vocational preparation. |
Master’s Degree = 4 years of SVP Ex: (2 yrs SVP for Master’s) + (2 yrs for Bachelor’s Degree pre-requisite ) = 4 years SVP
Professional Degree |
Each year of graduate education counts as a year of SVP.
Medical Degrees, other than DPharm, can be considered to take 4 years for coursework (excludes time as an intern, as that would fall under on-the-job training). |
2 years of SVP for pre-requisite Bachelor’s Degree + years required for Professional Degree
Example: Law Degree (JD) (2 years SVP for Bachelor’s) + (3 years SVP for JD) = 5 years SVP
Example: Medical Degree (MD) (2 years SVP for BS ) + (4 years SVP for MD) = 6 years SVP for education only
Note: Calculate any intern time based on state/local requirements and practice area; add to total SVP on a 1:1 basis |
Doctorate Degree |
Each year of graduate education counts as a year of SVP.
Academic research doctorates can be considered 4 years of coursework and thesis.
2 years SVP for pre-requisite Bachelor’s Degree + years required for Doctorate.
Example: PhD (2 years SVP for BS) + (4 years SVP for PhD and Thesis) = 6 years SVP |
Whatever language is being used in the particular plant/facility being visited can count for literacy as long as the job is getting done and no special accommodations are being made. For example, if everyone working on the factory floor is reading in Spanish and that is how this company operates that would also be coded for literacy.
2_03 SVP Calculation: Training
There are two basic types of training that count towards SVP: Apprenticeships and Post-Employment Training. All other training would fall under education or licensures and certifications.
Generally, apprenticeships are governed by formal agreement, registered with the state or with a state authority, and are regulated according to a professional standard. They are most commonly found in blue collar trade jobs like carpenters, electricians, and welders.
Example 1: Journeylevel Plumber at Harry’s Plumbing, Inc. in Providence, RI |
Scenario: All new hires must be journeyman plumbers who have passed the state exam and completed a full apprenticeship. In order to sit for the exam, you must have completed an apprenticeship as a plumber by either (A) completing 8000 hours of on-the-job training under a master plumber and 576 hours of classroom training over 5 years, or (B) completing a 2 year degree (Associates) in Plumbing or Sanitation Engineering and completing 2 years working as an apprentice under a master plumber.
Coding: Because the respondent requires completion of the full apprenticeship program, code based on the apprenticeship requirements.
8000 hours OJT and 576 hours classroom over 5 years = 5 years SVP |
Example 2: Journeylevel Welder at Fouty Tank Manufacturing in Indianapolis, IN |
Scenario: All new hires must be journeyman welders and part of the Boilermakers Local #374. The International Brotherhood of Boilermakers requires a period of apprenticeship of 6,000 hours of on-the-job training and 576 hours of classroom training. |
Coding: Because the time to complete the apprenticeship is unavailable, it is necessary to use the hours needed to complete the apprenticeship and convert them from work time to lapsed time.
6000 OJT hours + 576 classroom hours = 6,576 total apprenticeship hours 6,576/173.33 (hours/month) = 37.94 months to complete apprenticeship
Note: In this example hours were converted into months. It is also acceptable to convert into days, weeks, or years. |
Post-Employment Training
Post-Employment training includes both classroom training provided by employers and on-the-job training. Most of this training will occur soon after hiring a new candidate and further employment by the company may be dependent upon successful completion of the training.
Keep in mind that only training directly related to a job’s core functions will count for SVP, so in most cases orientation trainings will not count towards SVP since they tend to discuss company organization, corporate culture, or specific administrative policies.
On-the-job training may include serving as a learner or a trainee under the instruction of a qualified worker, job shadowing, formal mentoring within the company, or tiered review procedures for work. Some companies may give trainees tasks that are either closely related to or the same as tasks they would be required to complete as core functions of their job, but have the worker use only made up data or information.
Possible Questions:
Is there a formal training program for this job
How long does it usually take for someone to finish all the on-the-job training you do for this job?
Is there a formal mentoring process?
Does this training include orientation time when employees learn about benefits offered and workplace policies? How much time is spent on that portion of the training?
Example 1: Engineer at Carlson Aviation Design |
Scenario: All engineers are required to take diversity and sensitivity training that describes workplace discrimination and sexual harassment policies. |
Coding: In this case, the training is not directly applicable to the core functions of the job, so it does not count toward SVP.
Zero time added to SVP. |
Example 2: NCS Economist |
Scenario: All new economists attend NCS 1 training where they learn the core concepts, rules, and collection procedures for NCS. The training is one week long. |
Coding: In this case, the training is directly applicable to the core functions of the job, so it does count toward SVP.
One week added to SVP. |
Example 3: Human Resources Assistant at Hersey General Hospital |
Scenario: There is no formal classroom training for this position, but new hires are expected to watch their supervisors do the reports they will be required to do in the future. They take notes and afterwards try to replicate the work which the boss checks for errors and completeness. The process of learning how to do all of the relevant tasks required for the job takes two months. |
Coding: In this case, the training is directly related to the core functions of the job, so it would count towards SVP.
Two months added to SVP. |
Example 4: Warehouse Order Selector at Harney Electronics |
Scenario: All new warehouse order selectors go through a fourteen-week training program that teaches the storage scheme of warehouse, procedures for methods to move merchandise, how to fill orders, how to operate equipment in the warehouse, and the workplace polices about tardiness, asking for time off, discrimination, harassment, proper communication and benefits selection. The time spent on workplace policies is one week spread throughout the fourteen weeks. |
Coding: In this case, most of the training is directly related to the core functions of the job, so all of the time not spent learning the administrative portions not related to the job would count for SVP.
14 total weeks – 1 week work policies = 13 weeks added to SVP |
2_04 SVP Calculation: Licensures & Certifications
Many jobs require a license or certification for hire, like a CPA, a Series 7 insurance license, or a food preparation certification by the board of health. Some of these certifications and licenses count towards SVP and some do not.
Certifications and licenses only count when classroom hours are required to be completed prior to taking a test. Time spent studying or preparing for a test outside of a required classroom portion does not count towards SVP.
If the company allows a non-certified person to be hired and prepare for the certification on the job, that time should be included in SVP, as long as the certification is required for adequate performance of the job. In some cases, a worker is required by law to have a certification, but the worker has a period of time to obtain it while working in the position. If the time it takes to obtain the certification exceeds the amount of time for the worker to reach adequate performance, then only the time to adequate performance would be included in the SVP calculation.
Since SVP is a lapsed time-based element, the most important item to note is how long it takes for a worker to obtain the necessary licenses and certification(s) for the job.
Possible questions:
How long does the certification process generally take?
What is the amount of time the company allots for acquiring the certification(s)?
Example 1: Assistant Manager at Lindsey’s Restaurant |
Scenario: New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene requires supervisors of food service establishments to obtain the NYC food Protection Certificate and that there be at least one person holding a certificate on duty at all times during the establishment’s hours of food preparation and operation. In order to sit for the exam to get the certification, one must complete a 15 hour course given by the Department or an authorized vendor. The city’s version is given over three days or offered online. |
Coding: In this case, the time spent on the certification counts towards SVP.
15 hours over 3 days = 3 days added to SVP |
Example 2: Associate Lawyer at Rowinski Law Firm |
Scenario: All new associates must have passed the State of Tennessee Bar Exam prior to hire and must be in good standing with the ABA. Most new hires have spent at least 3 months studying for the bar and probably have taken a prep course through a test prep company. |
Coding: In this case, the time spent earning the certification, 3 months studying and taking a course, does not count towards SVP. The time taken to obtain the law degree required for admittance to the Bar would count and should already have been accounted for under education. However, since the test to pass the bar is only a test and does not have a required classroom component specifically attached, any time spent preparing for the test does not count towards SVP.
Zero time added to SVP.
2_05 SVP Calculation: Essential Experience
Companies often require prospective workers to have a certain amount of experience in a lower-level occupation in order to adequately perform the core functions of the job. Many jobs require workers to have developed a specific skill set before they can obtain the skill specific to the core functions of the job.
When they describe this requirement, a company will often provide a range of experience preferred for an occupation (e.g., five to seven years). Use the lower end of the range and verify with respondent that the previous work experience is actually required.
Additionally, many lower level white collar jobs do not actually require previous experience. It is just a preference of the employer but not essential in performing the work required by the job. In instances in which a job does require previous experience, it is important not to overstate the amount of experience actually required to perform the occupation.
Possible questions:
Would you hire a new graduate for this position and train the new hire instead of requiring experience?
If there was a candidate with two years experience (the company is requiring three years), would the candidate not be hired under any circumstances?
What is the minimum amount of experience that someone coming onto the job would need in order to understand and perform the essential duties of the job?
Collection Tips:
Think in terms of what the worker would need (i.e., required) in order to do the job rather than what the respondent would like to see in a job applicant (i.e., individual).
When you collect SVP information for a job, be sure to collect all related past work experience needed to get to the job level of the selected job.
Example 1: Store Manager at Alisha’s Closet |
Scenario: To be hired as a store manager, the incumbent must have 2 years experience as a sales clerk at Alisha’s Closet or another reputable clothing boutique. |
Coding: In this case, the time spent on the certification counts towards SVP. Two years added to SVP. |
Example 2: Engineering Manager at Pochert Construction & Design |
Scenario: All Engineering Managers must have at least a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering and 5-10 years of experience in civil engineering and structural design. |
Coding: Five years added to SVP. |
Example 3: Controller at Litschgi Imports, Inc. |
Scenario: This position requires 2 years of experience working as a controller. The respondent also says that to get to be a controller, you need to work 3 years as an accountant. |
Coding: Five years added to SVP. |
2_06 SVP Calculation: Time to Average Performance
Time to average performance in an occupation is the amount of time it takes a new employee to be minimally successful in a job. This element reflects the amount of time it takes a new employee to acquire the skills necessary to complete the major duties and core functions of the position, not the amount of time it takes for the employee to complete all of these activities.
It is important to emphasize that this element is looking at minimum performance levels, i.e., the least the employer would expect from someone in a position to work without supervision. When respondents hear the phrase “Average Proficiency,” they may overstate the amount of time for this element because they are not necessarily thinking about getting a worker to minimal proficiency, but rather are thinking about “average” as a measure of competency. Do not confuse probationary periods with average proficiency. An employee may be in probationary status for one year but be able to do their job independently after one month.
Possible Questions:
How long must someone work in this job to minimally be able to do this job independently?
How long would it take a new hire to be able to perform all of the core functions for this job at an adequate level?
Example 1: Line Cook at Hilery’s By the Sea |
Scenario: It takes new cooks about a week to be able to minimally do the work I need them to, but they really aren’t a good cook until they’ve completed at least two months of work. Then you can really trust them to make pretty good food. |
Coding: One week added to SVP. Time to average performance only measures the time it takes for an employee to perform work at a minimally successful level so the two months should not be counted. |
To determine the SVP level, add together the calendar time from each of the sources and then use the below chart to select the level:
Level |
Time |
1 |
Short Demonstration Only |
2 |
Anything beyond short demonstration up to and including 1 month |
3 |
Over 1 month up to and including 3 months |
4 |
Over 3 months up to and including 6 months |
5 |
Over 6 months up to and including 1 year |
6 |
Over 1 year up to and including 2 years |
7 |
Over 2 years up to and including 4 years |
8 |
Over 4 years up to and including 10 years |
9 |
Over 10 years |
The most important thing to remember when calculating the SVP Level is that all time should be lapsed or calendar time, and not work time. The most common conversions will be from hours or days to other time measures. If a measure in days is less than five days, it does not need to be converted, but if it is more, remember to convert so that weekend days are taken into account in the lapsed time. The table below provides conversion guidance. The table is based on a 8/40/52 work schedule. The same principles may be applied to convert to a different work schedule if needed.
To Days |
To Weeks |
To Months |
To Years |
Hours (8 hr work schedule) |
÷ 8 |
÷ 40 |
÷ 173.33 |
÷ 2080 |
Days |
------- |
÷ 5 |
÷ 21.67 |
÷ 260 |
2_08 SVP Examples
Example 1: Paul’s Wine Bar in Alexandria, VA |
Job Title: Sommelier Job Description Requirements: Applicants must have a BA in business, hospitality, French, Italian, or Spanish; must be a Court of Master Sommeliers Certified Sommelier, and have at least 3 years experience, with at least one year experience at a wine bar or fine dining establishment.
Respondent provided information: The respondent indicates certification requires taking an intro course and two exams. The first exam comes at the end of a 2 day course. The second exam is one day long and is held after taking the first course but requires no extra classroom time. In order to take the intro course, 3 years experience in the wine or service industry is required, and the respondent said that that time would count for his requirement of previous work experience, as long as one year was spent at a good restaurant or a nice wine bar. |
Collection Tool:
SVP Calculations and Level Bachelors Degree = 2 years of SVP = 730 days of SVP Master Sommelier Certificate = 2 days of SVP Prior Work Experience = 3 years = 1095 days of SVP Average Performance = 4 months = 120 days
SVP Calculation Education + Training + Certification + Work + Avg Performance = SVP
730 + 0 + 2 + 1095 + 120 = 1947 days 1947 days ÷ 365 = 5.33 years = SVP Level of 8 |
Example 2: Jason’s Taxi Service in Detroit, MI |
Job Title: Driver Job Requirements: Valid MI Chauffeur License
Respondent Provided Information: No previous experience is required for being a driver here, although you do have to have a valid MI Chauffeur’s License. You don’t even need a degree, as long as you can read. We don’t really do any training now that there is a GPS in every car. It still takes about 3 months to really be entirely independent with the job though. |
Collection Form:
SVP Calculations and Level No degree, only literacy = 0 SVP Chauffeur’s license is only a test = 0 SVP Average Performance = 3 Months
SVP Calculation Education + Training + Certification + Work + Avg Performance = SVP
0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 90 = 90 days 90 days = 3 months = SVP Level 3 |
Example 3: Brad’s West Coast Taxidermy in Orange County, CA |
Job Title: Bookkeeper Job Description Requirements: At least 6 months experience in bookkeeping
Respondent Provided Information: They have to have a high school diploma or GED, and then they work with my assistant who shows them how to do everything they’d need to do, which takes about 3 weeks. After the 3 weeks are completed, it takes them about 2 months to be effective. |
Collection Form:
SVP Calculations and Level High School only = 0 SVP OJT = 3 Weeks SVP Prior Work Experience = 6 Months SVP = 26 Weeks SVP Average Performance = 2 Months SVP = 8.67 Weeks SVP
Calculation Education + Training + Certification + Work + Avg Performance = SVP 0 + 3 + 0 + 26 + 8.67 = 37.67 Weeks
37.67 Weeks = 8.70 Months = SVP Level 5
Section 3 – Physical Requirements
This section provides guidance on the coding and concepts of the physical requirements questions.
One of the core physical demands being measured by ORS is strength. Given its complexity, several components are utilized in determinining strength and include the following: Sitting, Standing, Walking, Lifting, Pushing, Pulling, and Controls (Hand/Arm, Foot/Leg). Each component measures different aspects of how an employee’s strength is used in performing core job functions. As for many physical demands, the duration of activity performed is measured. These components will be combined to determine the overall level of Strength. In the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), these components were considered together and combined to create overall categories of Sedentary, Light, Medium, Heavy and Very Heavy work levels. In the future, the Social Security Administration may choose to make these work level designations using the information supplied by BLS.
Sitting, Standing, Walking
Sitting is remaining in a seated position. Standing is remaining on one’s feet in an upright position at a work station without moving about. Walking is moving about on foot.
Coding Alternate Sitting/Standing:
Code Yes |
Code No |
Worker may stand or sit at will |
Worker must stand |
Worker primarily sits but may stand or walk at will |
Worker must sit |
Worker primarily stands but may sit at will |
Worker has core functions that require sitting at specific times (no employee choice regarding when) |
Worker has core functions that require sitting or standing but the worker may shift between those functions at will |
Worker has core functions that require standing at specific times (no employee choice regarding when) – someone other than the worker determines when sitting or standing is required (e.g., supervisor, customer, guard that must get up if there is an intruder). |
Collection Tips for Sit/Stand Hours:
Even if you code the choice to sit or stand yes, collect the typical number of hours (or a percentage of the shift) that the average worker stands and that the average worker sits.
An employee may have a choice to sit or stand at will, but their required job functions may require that they are standing or sitting for a period of time.
In those cases where an employee may choose to stand or sit throughout their entire work day, code the shift as sitting alone.
Example – Sit/Stand |
Scenario: Tellers in a bank may use a stool to sit throughout the day or may perform their duties standing. |
Coding: Code as 8 hours sitting. |
As for all physical demands, consider only required job functions as they are normally performed.
Lifting and Carrying
Lifting is raising or lowering an object from one level to another (includes upward pulling). Carrying is transporting an object, usually by holding it in the hands, arms or on the shoulder.
Example 1: Assembly Line Worker (Food Manufacturing) |
Lifts cans jars, or bottles from cardboard box and places items on conveyor. |
Example 2: Laborer |
Carries lumber around construction worksite. |
Lift/Carry – Occasionally/Frequently/Constantly
In most cases, the amounts lifted occasionally will be the highest and the amounts lifted frequently and constantly will get progressively lower as it requires more strength to lift for a longer period of time.
Respondents may list tasks that are performed in time periods other than a day (week, month, year or other time period). If data is given is for a week, then consider frequencies in terms of that period of time.
Example – Lifting/Carrying (Less often than daily) |
Scenario: A part-time salesperson with a 20 hour per week work schedule lifts very little normally, but must spend 4 hours per week lifting 25 pound boxes when new shipments come into the store. |
Coding: 4 hours of lifting/20 hours per week = 20% of time spent lifting 25 pounds 20% of time would fall between 2% and 1/3 of the time. Therefore, the range coded for the amount lifted/carried occasionally should be the range of 21-50 pounds |
If even one worker in a job is required to lift a certain weight, code that weight.
Example – Lifting/Carrying (Required by some workers but not all) |
Scenario: There are 3 workers in a job. One worker must carry 40 pound boxes from one area of the work site to another for 3 hours per day. The other workers in the job do not need to lift 40 pounds. |
Coding: Calculate the duration by averaging the time the task is performed by all workers. 0 hours + 0 hours + 3 hours = 3 hours/3 workers = 1 hour per day 1 hour per day/8 hours per day = .125 or 12.5% of the day. Because 12.5% falls between 2% and 1/3 (33.3%), code the question occasionally.
Code the 21 -50 pounds range that includes 40 pounds. This is true even though not all workers in the job are required to lift 40 pounds. |
When a worker lifts/carries weight at a frequency, code it at every applicable lower frequency. The amount coded for Occasionally (up to 1/3 of the time) should be equal to or greater than the amount coded as the most weight ever lifted.
Example – Lifting/Carrying at higher frequency/duration |
Scenario: The most weight a worker lifts is 20 lbs. He spends 4 hours of every day lifting 20 lbs. No constant lifting is done. |
Coding: Constant - None Frequent - 11-25 lbs, Occasionally- 11-20 lbs. |
Pushing and Pulling
Pushing is exerting force upon an object so that the object moves away from the force (includes slapping, striking, kicking, and treadle actions). Pulling is exerting force upon an object so that the object moves toward the force (includes jerking).
With pushing and pulling, there must be a threshold amount. Pushing open a normal door or pulling open a standard filling cabinet drawer does not meet the threshold for coding. The threshold for pushing or pulling is exertion beyond the level of day-to-day household movements. For example, pulling open a heavy industrial garage door would meet the threshold if the door was heavy and employees must exert their strength to open it. Pushing and pulling are measuring strength, not dexterity, and can only be coded for those situations where strength is required to deal with weight or resistance. Both legs and arms are used to push items like carts or other objects that require the worker to walk.
Example 1: Metal Worker |
Pushes and pulls sheet metal pieces into place for fabrication. |
Example 2: Automotive Technician |
Rolls tires, usually weighing approximately 20 pounds and occasionally weighing up to 50 pounds, to repair areas. |
Hand/Arm and Foot/Leg Controls
Hand/Arm and Foot/Leg controls cover the use of buttons, knobs, pedals, levels and cranks that require force to operate or require the worker to modulate their strength, such as using a pedal to control the speed at which a machine operates.
Example 1: Machinist |
Pulls the control lever of an arbor press (an arbor press is a small hand operated press, often used to perform smaller jobs such as staking, riveting, installing and removing bearings) exerting about five pounds of force to fit metal parts together while sitting at a bench. |
Example 2: Industrial Sewing Machine Operator |
Starts, stops, and controls speed of a sewing machine, using a pedal or knee lever, while sitting at a table. |
The following questions identify the postural requirements of occupations. These questions are asked in terms of the frequency with which they are performed.
Movements that Require Getting Low to the Ground
Many occupations require workers to access the ground. Some duties require a specific movement while others may be done in a number of ways and the employee may choose the way that best suits his/her needs. First, it is necessary to identify whether a selected occupation needs to get low to the ground. If the occupation does not need to access low levels, proceed to the next group of questions. If getting low to the ground is a core requirement, then it is necessary to identify which movement(s) are required or if the employee may choose the method.
In some situations, an employer may specify the manner in which employees should get low to the ground but the employees may disregard the specification in practice. In these situations, code for how the job is correctly performed, i.e., the way the employer has specified.
Bending the body downward and forward by bending the spine at the waist, requiring full use of the lower extremities and back muscles.
Example 1: Strawberry Picker |
Stoops between plant rows to reach for and pull, twist, or cut harvestable berries. |
Example 2: Janitor |
Stoops while cleaning, waxing, and polishing floors, using waxing machine. |
Bending body downward and forward by bending legs and spine.
Example 1: Bricklayer |
Crouches to spread mortar and position bricks on lower parts of walls. |
Example 2: File Clerk |
Crouches when filing correspondence in lower drawers of filing cabinets. |
Bending legs at knees to come to rest on knee or knees.
Example 1: Carpet Installer |
Kneels while pressing carpet firmly in place over tackless strips, using hand tools. |
Example 2: Electrician |
Kneels to connect wiring to fixtures located in cramped places. |
Employee Choice (in getting low to ground)
The employee may choose any method of getting low to the ground (i.e., stooping, crouching, or kneeling).
Example 1: Groundskeeper |
May stoop, crouch, or kneel at his/her own discretion to weed flowerbeds. |
Example 2: Library Clerk |
May stoop, crouch, or kneel at his/her own discretion to shelve library books |
Moving about on hands and knees or hands and feet.
Example 1: Concrete Worker |
Crawls while smoothing and finishing surface of poured concrete sidewalks, using straightedge. |
Example 2: HVAC Repairperson |
Crawls through narrow spaces to reach all parts of furnace when clearing or repairing furnace. |
First, it is necessary to identify whether an occupation ascends or descends anything using feet and legs or hands and arms. If no climbing is necessary, then continue to the next set of questions. If climbing is necessary, then it is necessary to identify the type(s) and frequency of climbing. In some cases, the type of climbing required may not directly correspond to the two options. In these cases, consider the types of movements required and what is being climbed and match the climbing motion to the choice that it most closely resembles. Document the reason for the choice.
Ramps or Stairs
Ascending or descending ramps or stairs primarily using feet and legs. Arms and hands may be used for balance (i.e., to hold a stair railing) but they are not used to propel the body forward in the ascent or decent.
Structure is an important factor to consider when coding the climbing of ramps or stairs. If workers have a regular place of business and normally work within that place of business, then the structural features of that place of business should not be considered when coding for climbing ramps or stairs. Mentally picture the building as being one level (no upper floors or basements) and code as if the job were working in this imagined one level building. For instance, if a teacher’s classroom is located on the second floor of a building, do not consider his/her ascent and decent to get to the classroom when coding. These stairs are part of the structure of the building. Climbing stairs is not a requirement of a teacher’s job. When workers must work outside of their regular place of business, climbing ramps and stairs generally are a requirement of the job. For example, a paramedic must be able to climb stairs in structures to reach people in need of medical attention. Another example is a delivery truck driver (e.g., delivery truck driver) who must be able to climb entry stairs in order to deliver packages.
Example 1: Police Officer |
Climbs stairs in commercial and residential properties to provide protective service assistance as needed. |
Example 2: Home Health Aide |
Climbs stairs to enter home and/or access different floors within the home of patient in the course of providing care. |
Example 3: Apartment Property Manager |
Ascends steep driveways in the process of maintaining and showing tenants rental properties. |
Climbing Ladders, Ropes, or Scaffolds
Ascending or descending ladders, scaffolding, poles, and ropes using feet and legs or hands and arms. When climbing these items, the use of both upper body and lower body is typically required in some capacity.
Example 1: Lineperson |
Ascends poles to install or repair telephone or electrical power lines. |
Example 2: Plasterer |
Climbs ladder to plaster a ceiling. |
Example 3: Truckdriver (Semi) |
Climbs ladder using arms and legs to ascend into cab of truck. |
There are many different types of stools and ladders; the movements involved in using each type as well as their visual appearance varies as noted below:
Single Step Stool: A small one step stool often used to reach a higher level cabinet in a kitchen or used by a child to access a countertop. A stool such as this is one step up and requires no use of the upper body. Use of such a stool is most accurately coded as climbing ramps or stairs. |
Household Double Step Stool: These devices typically fold out into two steps that are staggered such that they mimic stairs. The ascent is moving forward and up rather than completely vertical and the use of the upper body is not required. Use of such a device is most accurately coded as climbing ramps or stairs. |
Step Ladder: These ladders are typically between eight and twelve feet tall. The steps are treads that fit most of the foot. The ladder is designed to ascend vertically, rather than mimicking the structure of a stairs. The upper body is used while ascending and descending. Use of such a ladder is most accurately coded as climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds. While the steps are wide, the structure is a true ladder and requires use of both upper body and lower body when climbing. |
Traditional Ladder: These ladders come in a wide range of heights, including extension ladders designed to reach the tops of structures. Typically, rungs are present in place of steps. Climbing requires use of both the upper and lower body. These are true ladders and should be coded as climbing ladders, ropes, or scaffolds. |
These questions all relate to motor skills. They are coded in terms of frequency.
Reaching is extending the hand(s) or arm(s) in any direction. Reaching may be done in two different dimensions: height and directional. Heights are considered in terms of above the shoulder and at/below the shoulder. Directions are considered in terms of forward (i.e., in front of the body) and lateral (i.e., to the side of the body). Each reaching motion must consider both height and direction. There is also a summary question regarding reaching in all directions. The amount of reaching done in each of the four component questions should be considered when answering this question. After coding for the frequency of each set of reaching motions, it is then necessary to identify whether the movements require the use of only one hand/arm (unilateral) or of both hands/arms (bilateral). In most cases, writing is not included as reaching. A possible exception is writing on a large chalkboard or a whiteboard mounted on a wall. If a worker has to fully extend his/her arm to write on the upper and lower parts of the board then this writing motion would be included in reaching.
Reaching Threshold:
To be considered a reaching motion for ORS, the elbow must be straightened.
When coding for “Reaching above the Shoulder,” the elbow must be above the shoulder, not just the hand.
Above the Shoulder (Overhead) Reaching - 150 to 180 degrees in a vertical arc
At/Below the Shoulder Reaching - 0 up to 150 (not inclusive) degrees in a vertical arc
Forward Reaching - above 30 up to 150 degrees in a horizontal arc; the shoulder is not rotated when extending the elbow while reaching
Lateral Reaching - 0 to 30 degrees and 150 to 180 degrees in a horizontal arc; the shoulder is externally rotated when extending the elbow while reaching
Forward & Above Shoulder |
Forward & At/Below Shoulder |
Lateral & Above Shoulder |
Lateral & At/Below Shoulder |
Vertical Arc Horizontal Arc
Example 1: Orchard Employee |
Reaches forward and above the shoulder to pick apples from trees. |
Example 2: Gymnastics Instructor |
Reaches laterally and above the shoulder to spot for children on the beam or uneven bars. |
Example 3: File Clerk – Reaching in All Directions |
Scenario: The file clerk spends 25% of the day reaching at/below shoulder level and in front to file papers at midrange and low levels. He spends 15% of the day reaching above shoulder level and in front to file papers at high levels. |
Coding: 25% + 15% = 35% Code Frequently (1/3 to 2/3 of time). |
Fine Manipulation (Using Fingers)
Picking, pinching, or otherwise working primarily with fingers rather than with the whole hand or arm. Examples of fingering in an office environment include keyboarding, clipping files, writing (fingering and handling). Other examples of fingering include moving small parts on a production line, adjusting calibration equipment, sorting through a bin of screws or nails to find the correct size, and picking up several glasses together with fingers.
Example 1: Bank Teller |
Uses fingers to count and sort coins and paper money. |
Example 2: Tailor |
Uses fingers to cut, pin, and sew garments. |
Gross Manipulation (Handling)
Seizing, holding, grasping, turning or otherwise working with hand(s). Fingers are involved only to the extent that they are an extension of the hand, such as to turn a switch or shift automobile gears. Writing is included in handling. Driving and keyboarding (including use of a mouse) are both components of handling (see below). Handling includes grasping tools, turning steering wheel, operating gear shift. It also includes holding parts and tools. Generally, a worker must handle something in order to lift it. Therefore, if lifting is present, handling should also be coded (one exception would be if lifting is done with a part of the body other than the hands – carrying weight in a pack on the back). Handling in an office environment includes carrying files, keyboarding, filing, and moving materials around desks as needed to accomplish work.
Example 1: Hairstylist |
Handles and grasps combs, scissors, razors, and lotions while providing salon services. |
Example 2: Cabinet Maker |
Holds parts and handles tools and lumber when building and repairing cabinetry. |
ORS measures three ways an employee may use vision to complete required job functions: near acuity, far acuity and peripheral vision (field of vision).
Near Acuity
Near acuity is clarity of vision at 20 inches or less. Include vision required to view a computer monitor.
Example 1: Bookkeeper |
Enters numerical data in bookkeeping ledgers. |
Example 2: Quality Inspector |
Examines components for scratches, chips, and other defects, using a magnifier. |
Example 3: Tailor |
Guides material under a needle and continuously checks the alignment and accuracy of stitching. |
Far Acuity
Far acuity is defined as clarity of vision at 20 feet or more.
Example 1: Chauffeur |
Reads traffic signs at distances up to 200 feet while driving. |
Example 2: Production Worker |
Identifies machine jams at distance of 20 to 35 feet. |
Example 3: Park Ranger |
Observes forests from remote fire-lookout stations to locate forest fires. |
Peripheral Vision (Field of Vision)
Peripheral vision is defined as observing an area that can be seen up and down or to right or left while the eyes are fixed on a given point.
As part of the definition, the worker must keep his/her eye fixed on a given point. If the respondent is unsure if employees need peripheral vision, consider asking if the worker may turn his/her head or move their eyes in order to be able to accomplish their work tasks. Code this element only if the employee must both keep his/her eyes fixed on a given point and needs to see up, down, left or right.
Example 1: Security Guard |
Watches all doors and TV monitors to look for unusual activities. |
Example 2: Referee |
Observes actions of participants in sporting events to detect infractions of the rules. |
Example 3: Delivery Truck Driver |
Drives a truck in city traffic. |
These questions focus on speech and hearing requirements in occupations. These questions are all coded only for incidence (i.e., yes/no).
Expressing or exchanging ideas by means of the spoken word to impart information to clients or the public and to convey detailed spoken instructions to other workers accurately, loudly, or quickly.
Sometimes a job may require an employee to speak, but not all speaking is required. For instance, a hairstylist is required to speak to customers to discuss hairstyles, treatments, and products. It is not a required function of the job to make small talk with customers though, despite the fact that it is usually done. When choosing the frequency/duration for speaking, include only the time spent on required speaking.
Example 1: News Anchor |
Speaks in a pleasant, well-controlled voice to present programs to a television audience. |
Example 2: Project Manager |
Interprets specifications, blueprints, and job orders to workers. |
Distinguishing Moderate Sounds
Ability to hear and distinguish between different moderate sounds. If there is only a single moderate sound that is necessary to distinguish, still code yes. Moderate sounds include conversational speech. Most workers use their sense of hearing while working. However, for this question to be coded yes, hearing moderate sounds must be a required duty of the job.
Example 1: Secretary |
Listens to take dictation and answer the telephone. |
Example 2: Mechanic |
Test drives vehicles and listens for rattles, squeaks, or other noises reported by customer, indicating malfunctioning or loose components. |
Distinguishing Loud Sounds
The definition for this element has changed since Phase 2 based on SSA guidance. Distinguishing loud sounds is the ability to distinguish between different loud sounds. Loud sounds include sirens and alarms. If there is only a single loud sound that it is necessary to hear, in most cases, code no. For this question to be coded yes, hearing loud sounds must be a required duty of the job and the employee must distinguish between two or more loud sounds.
Usually alarms and other loud sounds have indicators (such as flashing lights) in addition to sounds. In rare situations, one loud sound may be present with absolutely no accompanying lights or other non-auditory indicators. In these cases, this element may be coded yes.
Example 1: Maintenance Person |
Must be able to hear fire and carbon monoxide detectors to identify problems and must differentiate between the sounds to identify which may be malfunctioning. |
3_06 Combinations of Physical Requirements
The following activities are often required of workers. When present, they may require coding under multiple ORS elements.
Keyboarding includes both fingering and handling. All aspects of using a computer are considered under keyboarding so mouse usage is included as a part of keyboarding. Consider the frequency of keyboarding and use of the mouse to be the same. No matter what is being used to keyboard, fingering and handling should be coded. For example, delivery drivers making rounds using a handheld device to enter delivery information are keyboarding. This requirement especially involves handling if the device must be held in one hand while the other is keyboarding. The use of a tablet, mobile phone, or other device with a virtual keyboard is also considered keyboarding. When asking about keyboarding, it is important to inquire as to what devices are being used (e.g., computer keyboard, tablet, mobile phone, or other device).
When keyboarding is present, near visual acuity will often be present. If keyboarding requires near visual acuity (e.g., seeing a computer monitor or screen on another electronic device), then code near visual acuity yes.
Physical demands for driving include operating hand/arm and foot/leg controls. It does not meet the threshold for pushing with feet as the strength required to operate pedals is not enough for the push/pull threshold. Do not assume driving includes reaching as the elbow is not normally straightened when driving except with some manual transmissions.
When asking about driving, it is important to inquire as to the type of vehicle being driven (e.g., size, transmission). Do not assume the presence or frequency of any physical demands because of vehicle type. Most modern versions of large trucks, buses and equipment sometimes require little or no more physical exertion than driving a passenger car.
If possible, collect driving as the specific hours spent or percentage of the day. Driving will be the base frequency/duration for hand/arm and foot/leg controls. To capture the total amount of hand/arm and foot/leg controls, it will be necessary to add any non-driving activity to driving. Without precise amounts it will be difficult to compute these frequencies.
Note on Keyboarding and Driving: The presence of keyboarding and driving affects the coding for many of the questions asked. These two tasks have been separated out in order that their presence may be clearly identified and field economists may include their frequency as a baseline in all of the questions that they affect.
Writing includes both handling and fingering. Writing is not done as much in many work environments due to increased use of computers, but remains present. Ask the amount of time in a work day spent writing and add this time into both fingering and handling with other fine and gross manipulation activities.
Writing does not typically include reaching. The reaching threshold is the full extension of the elbow. A worker sitting at a desk and writing usually would not need to fully extend the elbow. Reaching may be present when writing in other situations, such as a teacher writing on a chalkboard or whiteboard that may require full extension of the elbow to write at the top or bottom of the board.
Combined Examples
The following are examples that show how to add together activities to arrive at the total time spent on an ORS element.
Example 1: Donut Shop Worker (Info provided as time spent per day) |
Scenario: A full-time donut shop worker works an eight hour day. She performs the following tasks requiring gross manipulation, fine manipulation, use of hand/arm controls and use of foot/leg controls in a day:
Coding: Gross Manipulation (Handling) 1 hour (60 minutes) driving + 1 hour (60 minutes) operating mixer + 2 hours (120 minutes) moving trays + 5 minutes writing = 245 minutes or 4.083 hours per day 4.083/8 hours = .5104 or 51% - code Frequently (1/3 to 2/3)
Fine Manipulation (Fingering) 1 hour (60 minutes) driving + 5 minutes writing = 65 minutes or 1.083 hours per day 1.083/8 = .1354 or 13.54% - code Occasionally (>2% to 1/3)
Hand/Arm Controls 1 hour driving + 1 hour operation of industrial mixer = 2 hours 2/8 hours = .25 or 25% - code Occasionally (>2% to 1/3)
Foot/Leg Controls 1 hour driving = 1/8 = .125 or 12.5% – code Occasionally (>2% to 1/3)
Example 2: Library Clerk (Info provided as percent of day) |
Scenario: A full-time library clerk works eight hours per day. The Library Clerk does the following tasks requiring gross and fine manipulation:
Coding: Gross Manipulation (Handling) 25% shelving books + 15% keyboarding + 5% writing = 45% Code Frequently (1/3 to 2/3)
Fine Manipulation (Fingering) 15% keyboarding + 5% filing small items + 5% writing = 25% Code Occasionally (>2% to 1/3)
Section 4 – Environmental Conditions
Environmental conditions are the surroundings in which an occupation is performed. The following criteria are to be used in determining the presence of any environmental condition:
Exposure is required of the occupation.
Environmental condition is specific and related to the occupation.
Exposure as experienced without the use of personal protective equipment.
For example, exposure to fumes in a chemical plant as experienced without the use of a respirator.
Environmental conditions is a threshold system such that a predetermined level of exposure must be reached before an environmental factor is deemed present and coded for duration. Threshold is defined as a level, point, or value above which something is true or will take place and below which it is not or will not. While threshold guidance will be provided for each environmental factor in this section, the Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ) examples can also be used to further analyze exposure.
Exposure to outdoor atmospheric conditions such as heat, cold, rain, snow, or wind.
Note: Exposure is considered separate from Extreme Heat and/or Extreme Cold.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Lineman Erects and repairs electrical power lines and is exposed to hot, cold, wet, or windy conditions. |
Pharmaceutical Sales Representative Exposed to rain upon exiting car and prior to entering medical office. |
Route Delivery Driver Delivers packages to residential locations with exposure to varying weather conditions.
Receptionist Sits near establishment entrance to greet customers; exposed to cold outdoor temperatures each time the door opens and closes. |
Airline Pilot Walks around plane prior to flight to visually inspect equipment regardless of weather conditions. |
Flight Attendant Exposed to outdoor temperatures when plane doors are open to grant entry/exit to passengers. |
Groundskeeper Mows lawns and trims shrubs, frequently in heat of sun, continuing during periods of light rain. |
Elementary Teacher Watches over children while outdoors for recess.
Car Hop Attendant Delivers food to customer cars regardless of weather conditions. |
Fast Food Worker – Drive Thru Passes food to customers through window.
Exposure to cold temperatures (non-weather) as defined by duration.
Exposure must be related to the job not weather conditions.
Constant Exposure: Extreme cold defined as 40 degrees
Occasional/Frequent Exposure: Extreme cold defined as 32 degrees
Structure should be removed from consideration.*
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Meat Cutter Works in 40 degree cooler to cut beef carcasses into standard cuts. |
Surgeon Performs surgical procedures in cool operating room (66 degrees Fahrenheit). |
Refrigerated Warehouse Worker Sorts fresh produce at grocery warehouse; pack pallets for delivery to store locations. Warehouse must be kept cold to prevent spoilage of fresh produce. |
Florist Opens and closes storage coolers to retrieve flowers for use in floral designs.
Freeze Tunnel Operator Tends freeze tunnel to quick freeze food products.
Mining Machine Operator Operates shuttle car to transport materials in underground mine (58 degrees Fahrenheit). |
*If for some reason a warehouse cannot be/or must be heated or air conditioned due to the nature of the products being store, structure would then be a consideration and exposure core to a job’s function.
Exposure to hot temperatures (non-weather) as defined by non-weather atmosphere.
Exposure must be related to the job not weather conditions.
Dry Atmosphere: Extreme heat defined as above 90 degrees.
Humid Atmosphere: Extreme heat defined as above 85 degrees.
Structure should be removed from consideration (see note in Extreme Cold section).
Role of heavy protective gear in warm environments require additional discretion.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Asphalt Machine Operator Spreads hot asphalt on streets and roads; intense heat produced by machine’s heating mechanism. |
Airline Ramp Agent Loads and unloads baggage and freight on hot tarmac during summer months. |
Commercial Laundry Worker Reaches in and removes partially cooled articles; constantly works around hot tumblers.
Warehouse Worker Moves freight and stock in warehouse that is not climate controlled. Products do not require any special conditions for storage. |
Restaurant Cook Works close to hot stove during cooking operations (e.g., agitating, testing, and draining cooking mixture). |
Salon Worker Works around steam, hot wax and hot towels while giving facials and waxings.
Asbestos Abatement Worker Wears asbestos suit while removing asbestos in a warm environment. |
Police Dog Trainer Wears protective clothing indoors while training police dogs attack techniques |
Contact with water or other liquids.
Exposure must be related to the job not weather conditions.
Requires constant contact and/or working in a wet area.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Dishwasher Washes pots, pans, and trays by hand. |
Nurse Washes hands prior to patient care. |
Cannery Worker Feeds food products into washing machine preparatory to cooking and canning. |
Route Delivery Driver Delivers packages in rainy conditions.
Commercial Fisherman Removes wet fish from freshwater tank; cleans and cuts into pieces of specified size.
Dental Hygienist Cleans teeth using ultrasonic instrument that loosens tartar and sprays water to wash away debris. |
Exposure to air containing a high amount of water or water vapor.
Exposure must be related to the job not weather conditions.
Exposure must be constant and oppressive.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Garment Presser Presses damp garments using pressing machine in which oppressive humidity results from steam emitted. |
Police Officer (Bike) Rides bike to patrol pedestrian areas during humid, summer months.
Commercial Laundry Worker Loads damp articles into tumblers and removes hot, dried articles from tumblers, working in a humid atmosphere. |
Waiter/Waitress Retrieves food prepared for customers from kitchen which may be humid from both food preparation and dishwashing activities. |
4_06 Fumes, Odors, Dust, Gases and Poor Ventilation
Exposure to such conditions as fumes, noxious odors, dusts, mists, gases, and/or poor ventilation that affect the respiratory system, eyes, or skins. For a list of potential hazards, see Appendix 1.
Requires heavy concentration of atmospheric condition(s) such as strong/disagreeable odors and skin irritants.
Exposure has negative impact upon respiration, eyes, and/or skin.
Employers with such exposures typically have procedures in place to protect employees from exposure.
If employer is unsure, more than likely there is no exposure.
Exposure may be present but not important to core job functions.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Automotive Mechanic Repairs and overhauls automobiles with exposure to fumes/odors from grease, oil, gas, and engine exhaust.
Route Delivery Driver Encounters fumes from vehicles in ordinary traffic amounts; discomfort or injury to respiratory system unlikely given limited exposure amount.
Metal Finishing Plant Worker Pours pigment, paint paste, and thinner into can and stirs with paddle; worker breathes fumes and odors of paint ingredients. |
Paint Store Clerk Mixes paint in retail store; only exposed to fumes when mixing small amounts of paint as ordered by customers. |
Cosmetologist Applies bleach, dye, or tint to color hair; exposed to strong odors/skin irritants from various hair preparations and lotions. |
Elementary Teacher Uses chalkboard which results in chalk dust in classroom; unlikely to cause injury to respiratory system. |
Example 1: Farmworker |
Scenario: Farmworkers stack hay and grain with a pitchfork for 50% of their work schedule throughout the year. This exposes them to lots of dust from the grain. |
Coding: Code frequent (1/3 to 2/3 of time) exposure. |
Exposure to possible bodily injury from toxic or caustic chemicals. See Appendix 1.
Requires exposure to substances which may be harmful to one’s health if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin (toxic) or can burn/destroy living tissue (caustic).
Exposure should be coded only if there is a real chance of exposure; thus household cleaners would be excluded.
Exposure may be present but not important to core job functions.
Toxic Chemical – Chemical that, when absorbed (through the skin, blood stream or inhaled), causes illness, disease, or death. Amount of exposure is critical in determining hazardous effects.
Keratin treatments meet the threshold for exposure to toxic/caustic chemicals. Cosmetologists giving Keratin treatments would be coded as having exposure to toxic chemicals.
Flammable Chemical – Chemical that, when exposed to a heat ignition source, results in combustion.
Corrosive Chemical – Chemical that, when comes into contact with skin, metal, or other materials, damages the materials. For example, acids and bases.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Semiconductor Equipment Operator Tends equipment that clean semiconductor wafers using cleaning solutions made of sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc. |
Hotel Housekeeper Cleans hotel rooms using common household cleaning agents such window and tile cleaners.
Textile Dye Machine Operator Tends equipment that mixes chemicals (strong acids and anhydrous ammonia) for use in bleaching and finishing carpets/rugs. |
Family Practice Physician Uses salicyclic acid to remove a patient’s planter wart.
Pest Control Worker Apply chemical solutions and toxic gases to kill pests from infested buildings. |
Tank Truck Driver Drives tank trucks to deliver industrial application gases to customers. |
Example 1: Glassworker |
Scenario: Glenn’s Glass Shop specializes is acid etched glass. They do things the old fashioned way using historic methods that have workers working very closely with acid that can burn their skin, the workers must use care to do their job properly and not get splashed with any acid. They work around the acid bathes two hours out of an eight hour work day. |
Coding: Code occasional exposure to toxic, caustic chemicals.
Collection Note: Toxic, Caustic Chemicals is closely related to Fumes, Odors, Dusts, Gases and Poor Ventilation in that exposure to many types of chemicals would be rated in both areas. Bio-hazards such as blood and other bodily fluids do not meet this threshold as they are not a caustic, toxic chemical.
Exposure to materials, mechanical parts, settings, or any moving objects (most commonly moving machinery or equipment) that could cause bodily harm.
Exposure exists only when there is a risk of bodily injury.
Machinery or equipment includes those in proximity to a worker or operated by the worker.
Risks associated with standard office equipment do not meet the threshold (present but not important to core job functions).
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Woodworking Machine Operator Operates machines to surface, cut, and shape lumber. Cuts, injury to eyes, and loss of extremities possible. |
Accountant Disposes sensitive documents using a shredder. Clothing could get caught causing possible injury. |
Sheet Metal Worker Operate fabricating machines to shape and bend metal plates. Injury from machines may include crushed hands, fractures, and hernia. |
Deli Worker Operates deli slicer to slice meats and cheeses to varying degrees of thickness as requested by customers. |
Landscaper Uses chipper/shredder to mulch branches and tree debris. |
School Cafeteria Cook Operates industrial mixers to prepare food items for lunch. |
4_09 Vibration
Exposure to a shaking object or surface.
Exposure exists only when there is full-body vibration.
Vibration must be heavy vibration.
Excludes office machines, clippers, and other small hand tools.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Jackhammer Operator Operates compressed air, rock drilling machine in which there is continuous vibrations. |
Cosmetologist Uses small clippers to trim hair along the neck.
Printing Press Operator Operates cylinder-type printing press that produces continuous vibration when in operation. |
General Maintenance Worker Performs routine maintenance repairs at apartment complex requiring the use of a handheld drill. |
Bulldozer Operator Moves and grades earth using bulldozer. Intense vibration a blade is forced into ground and bulldozer driven forward. |
Elementary School Teacher Uses electric pencil sharpener to sharpen pencils for use by students.
Exposure to possible bodily injury from falling.
Exposure is such that there is a greater risk of bodily injury from such a fall than normally encountered in most work environments.
Exposure Included |
Exposure Excluded |
Painter Applies coats of paint, varnish, stain, or lacquer to exterior and interior surfaces, working from ladders or scaffolding. |
Retail Sales Clerk Uses step ladder to reach items on upper shelves for customers.
Lineman Repairs power lines, working from buck of cherry picker or after climbing pole.
Construction Superintendent Performs site inspections at high-rise construction project in which walls are not enclosed.
Tree Trimmer Cuts away dead or excess branches from trees using tree canopies and truck-mounted lifts. |
Overhead Crane Operator Operates mechanical boom to lift and move materials onto trucks. |
Intensity of the noise level to which the worker is exposed in the job environment.
Consider the examples provided for each level for insight into the nature of the specific levels.
When noise intensity level varies within the work environment (e.g. moderate during day shift vs. quiet during night shift), code for the highest level.
Noise Intensity Level |
Examples |
Very Quiet |
Quiet |
Moderate |
Loud |
Very Loud |
Example 1: Librarian |
Scenario: The library is quiet some of the day but is moderate during children’s story hour. |
Coding: Code moderate. |
Example 2: Production Baker |
Scenario: Production baker works in a grocery store behind the bakery counter. Mixing equipment is state of the art and is quiet. The respondent insists that the noise intensity is loud using the scale, however the FE is in the grocery store and it is no louder than the library during story time that he visited in the morning. |
Coding: Code moderate and document the reason why. |
Note: Each individual establishment functions differently and may not always be coded as expected based upon the examples. Libraries, for example, are an example of “Quiet.” In prior testing, however, most library respondents indicated their specific libraries to be more accurately reflected by the “Moderate” noise level.
Include: Only data elements required to perform the occupation.
Data elements for practices that are unique to an establishment.
Data elements incidental to an occupation.
Data elements as a condition of employment.
Physical Demands
Keyboarding and Driving
Ask about each separately. If present, code their frequency as the baseline for related elements.
Keyboarding: Gross & Fine Manipulation
Driving: Handling, Hand/Arm Controls, Foot/Leg Controls
Document the item on which keyboarding is done.
Document the type of car driven.
If any of the reaching questions are coded, then reaching in all directions must also be coded.
Collect frequency of pushing/pulling.
Collect whether done with upper body or lower body.
Do not include incidental pushing/pulling (e.g., opening a desk drawer).
Only collect data on required job duties as they are performed without accommodations.
If conditions are mitigated by the employer, do not include them.
Environmental Conditions
Include only non-weather related exposure to extreme heat and extreme cold.
Humidity must be constant and oppressive to code.
Vibration must be whole body vibration to code.
Moving, mechanical parts must present a risk of bodily injury to code.
Do not consider minor or incidental wetness, such as handwashing.
Specified Vocational Preparation
Include only education specifically vocational in nature. For example, a Bachelor’s Degree (i.e., 4 years) would only count as two years SVP; two years are general education and two years are career specific.
For SVP, time is measured as actual time lapsed rather than work time lapsed.
Consider only required experience, not preferred experience.
When the respondent provides an experience range, use the low end of the range as that would be the minimum amount of experience required.
Appendix 1: List of Potential Hazards
Air Contaminants |
Acetaldehyde |
Diborane |
Limestone |
Phenylmethyl |
Acetic acid |
Dibutyl phosphate |
Lindane |
Phosdrin (Mevinphos) |
Acetic anhydride |
Dibutyl phthalate |
Lithium hydride |
Phosgene (Carbonyl) |
Acetone |
Dichlorodifluoromethane |
LPG (Liquified) |
Phosphate |
Acetonitrile |
Dichlorodiphenyltri- |
Magnesite |
Phosphine |
Acetylene |
Dichloroethyl ether |
Magnesium oxide fume |
Phosphoric acid |
Acetylene dichloride; |
Dichloromethane; see |
Malathion |
Phosphorus |
Acetylene tetrabromide |
Dichloromonofluoro- |
Maleic anhydride |
Phosphorus (yellow) |
A-Chloroacetophenone |
Dichlorotetrafluoro- |
Malononitrile |
Phosphorus pentasulfide |
Acridine, chrysene |
Dichlorvos (DDVP) |
Manganese compounds |
Phosphorus trichloride |
Acrolein |
Dicyclopentadienyl iron |
Manganese fume (as Mn) |
Phthalic anhydride |
Acrylamide |
Dieldrin |
Marble |
Picloram |
Acrylonitrile |
Diethyl ether |
Mercaptan |
Picric acid |
Aldrin |
Diethylamine |
Mercury (aryl) |
Pindone (2-Pivalyl-1) |
Allyl alcohol |
Difluorodibromomethane |
Mercury (organo) alkyl |
P-isomer |
Allyl chloride |
Diglycidyl ether (DGE) |
Mercury (vapor) (as Hg) |
Pitch volatiles |
Allyl glycidyl ether |
Dihydroxybenzene |
Mesityl oxide |
Plaster of paris |
Allyl propyl disulfide |
Diisobutyl ketone |
Metal |
Platinum (as Pt) |
Alpha-Alumina |
Diisobutyl ketone |
Methane |
P-Nitroaniline |
Alpha-Methyl styrene |
Diisopropylamine |
Methanethiol |
P-Nitrochlorobenzene |
Alpha-Naphthylamine |
Dimethoxymethane |
Methoxychlor |
Portland cement |
Aluminum Metal (as Al) |
Dimethyl acetamide |
Methyl acetate |
P-Phenylene diamine |
Ammonia |
Dimethyl sulfate |
Methyl acetylene |
Precipitated and gel |
Ammonium sulfamate |
Dimethyl-1,2-dibromo-2 |
Methyl acetylene |
Propadiene mixture |
Aniline and homologs |
Dimethylamine |
Methyl acrylate |
Propane |
Anisidine |
Dimethylaminobenzene |
Methyl alcohol |
Propyl ketone |
Anthracene, BaP |
Dimethylaniline |
Methyl amyl alcohol |
Propylene dichloride |
Antimony and compounds |
Dimethylbenzene |
Methyl bromide |
Propylene imine |
ANTU (alpha) |
Dimethylformamide |
Methyl butyl ketone |
Propylene oxide |
applicable in the |
Dimethylphthalate |
Methyl cellosolve |
Propyne; see Methyl |
Arsenic, inorganic |
Dinitrate |
Methyl cellosolve |
P-tert-Butyltoluene |
Arsenic, organic |
Dinitrobenzene |
Methyl chloride |
Pyrethrum |
Arsine |
Dinitro-o-cresol |
Methyl chloroform |
Pyridine |
Asbestos |
Dinitrotoluene |
Methyl ether |
pyrophosphaate) |
Azinphos-methyl |
Dioxane |
Methyl ethyl ketone |
quartz, respirable |
Barium sulfate |
Diphenyl (Biphenyl) |
Methyl formate |
Quinone |
Barium, soluble |
Diphenylmethane |
Methyl hydrazine |
RDX: see Cyclonite |
Benomyl |
Dipropylene glycol |
Methyl iodide |
Rhodium (as Rh), |
Benzene |
Di-sec octyl phthalate |
Methyl isoamyl ketone |
Rhodium (as Rh), metal |
Benzidine |
Dust |
Methyl isobutyl |
Ronnel |
Benzo(a)pyrene |
Dusts and mists |
Methyl isobutyl ketone; |
Rotenone |
Benzoyl peroxide |
Emery |
Methyl isocyanate |
Rouge |
Benzyl chloride |
Endrin |
Methyl mercaptan |
Selenium compounds |
Beryllium and |
Epichlorohydrin |
Methyl methacrylate |
Selenium hexafluoride |
Beryllium compounds |
Methyl n-amyl ketone |
Silica, amorphous |
Beta-Chloroprene |
Ethanethiol |
methyl nitramine |
Silica, crystalline |
Beta-Naphthylamine |
Ethanolamine |
Methyl propyl ketone |
Silica, fused |
Beta-Propriolactone |
ether (IGE) |
Methylal |
Silicates (less than 1%) |
Biphenyl; see Diphenyl |
Ethyl acetate |
Methylamine |
Silicon |
Bis(Chloromethyl) |
Ethyl acrylate |
Methylcyclohexane |
Silicon carbide |
Bismuth telluride |
Ethyl alcohol (Ethanol) |
Methylcyclohexanol |
Silver, metal and |
Boron oxide |
Ethyl amyl ketone |
Methylene bisphenyl |
Soapstone, respirable |
Boron trifluoride |
Ethyl benzene |
Methylene chloride |
Soapstone, total dust |
Bromine |
Ethyl bromide |
Mica (respirable) |
Soapstone |
Bromoform |
Ethyl butyl ketone |
Mica; see Silicates |
Sodium fluoroacetate |
Butadiene |
Ethyl chloride |
M-isomer |
Sodium hydroxide |
Butanethiol |
Ethyl ether |
Mixture, vapor |
Starch |
Butyl mercaptan |
Ethyl formate |
Molybdenum (as Mo) |
Stibine |
Butylamine |
Ethyl mercaptan |
Monomethyl aniline |
Stoddard solvent |
Butyl-m-cresol |
Ethyl mercaptan |
Monomethyl hydrazine |
Strychnine |
Cadmium (as Cd) |
Ethyl silicate |
Morpholine |
Styrene |
Calcium Carbonate |
Ethylamine |
N-Amyl acetate |
Succinonitrile |
Calcium hydroxide |
Ethylene chlorohydrin |
Naphtha (Coal tar) |
Sucrose |
Calcium oxide |
Ethylene chlorohydrin |
Naphthalene |
Sulfur dioxide |
Calcium silicate |
Ethylene dibromide |
Naphthylthiourea |
Sulfur hexafluoride |
Calcium sulfate |
Ethylene dibromide |
N-Butyl alcohol |
Sulfur monochloride |
Camphor, synthetic |
Ethylene dichloride |
N-Butyl glycidyl ether |
Sulfur pentafluoride |
Carbaryl (Sevin) |
Ethylene dichloride |
N-butyl ketone |
Sulfuric acid |
Carbinol |
Ethylene glycol |
N-Butyl-acetate |
Sulfuryl fluoride |
Carbinol |
Ethylene glycol methyl |
N-Ethylmorpholine |
Systox; see Demeton |
Carbon black |
Ethylene oxide |
N-Hexane |
Talc; see Silicates |
Carbon dioxide |
Ethylenediamine |
Nickel carbonyl (as Ni) |
Tantalum, metal and |
Carbon disulfide |
Ethyleneimine |
Nickel, metal |
TEDP (Sulfotep) |
Carbon monoxide |
Ethylidene chloride |
Nickel, soluble |
Tellurium |
Carbon tetrachloride |
Ferbam |
Nicotine |
Tellurium hexafluoride |
Carbon tetrachloride |
Ferrovanadium dust |
Nitramine |
Temephos |
Cellosolve acetate |
Fluorides (as F) |
Nitric acid |
TEPP (Tetraethyl) |
Cellulose |
Fluorine |
Nitric oxide |
Terphenylis |
Chlordane |
Fluoromethane |
Nitrobenzene |
Tetrachloromethane |
Chlorinated camphene |
Fluorotrichloromethane |
Nitroethane |
Tetrachloronaphthalene |
Chlorinated diphenyl |
Formaldehyde |
Nitrogen dioxide |
Tetrachoroethylene |
Chlorine |
Formic acid |
Nitrogen trifluoride |
Tetraethyl lead (as Pb) |
Chlorine dioxide |
Fume (as Cu) |
Nitroglycerin |
Tetrahydrofuran |
Chlorine trifluoride |
Fume (as V2O5) |
Nitromethane |
Tetramethyl |
Chloroacetaldehyde |
Fume and insoluble |
Nitrotoluene |
Tetramethyl lead, |
Chlorobenzene |
Furfural |
Nitrotrichloromethane |
Tetranitromethane |
Chlorobromomethane |
Furfuryl alcohol |
N-Nitrosodimethylamine |
Tetryl (2,4,6-Trinitro- |
Chlorodiphenyl |
Glycerin (mist) |
N-Propyl acetate |
Thallium, soluble |
Chlorodiphenyl |
Glycidol |
N-Propyl alcohol |
Thiram |
Glycol monoethyl ether |
N-Propyl nitrate |
Tin, inorganic |
Chloroethylene |
Grain dust (oat, wheat) |
O-Chlorobenzylidene |
Tin, organic compounds |
Chloroform |
Graphite, natural |
Octachloronaphthalene |
Titanium dioxide |
Chloromethyl methyl |
Graphite, synthetic |
Octane |
Toluene |
Chlorophenoxyacetic |
Guthion |
O-Dichlorobenzene |
Toxaphene |
Chloropicrin |
Gypsum |
Oil mist, mineral |
Tremolite |
Chloropropane (DBCP) |
Hafnium |
O-isomer |
Tributyl phosphate |
Chromates (as CrO(3)) |
Heptachlor |
O-Methylcyclohexanone |
Trichloroethylene |
Chromic acid |
Heptane (n-Heptane) |
Osmium tetroxide |
Trichloromethane |
Chromium (II) compounds |
Heptanone |
O-Toluidine |
Trichloronaphthalene |
Chromium (III) |
Hexachloroethane |
Oxalic acid |
Tridymite |
Chromium (VI) compounds |
Hexachloronaphthalene |
Oxide dust |
Triethylamine |
Chromium metal |
Hexone (Methyl) |
Oxides (as Sn) |
Trifluorobromomethane |
Chrysene; see Coal tar |
Hydrazine |
Oxyacetic acid |
Triorthocresyl |
Clopidol |
Hydrogen bromide |
Oxygen difluoride |
Triphenyl phosphate |
Coal dust |
Hydrogen chloride |
Ozone |
Tripoli (as quartz) |
Coal tar pitch |
Hydrogen cyanide |
Paraquat, respirable |
Turpentine |
Cobalt metal, dust |
Hydrogen fluoride |
p-Benzoquinone |
Uranium (as U) |
Coke oven emissions |
Hydrogen peroxide |
p-Dichlorobenzene |
Vanadium |
Copper |
Hydrogen selenide |
Pentaborane |
Vegetable oil mist |
Cotton dust (e) |
Hydrogen sulfide |
Pentachloride |
Vinyl benzene |
Crag herbicide (Sesone) |
Hydroquinone |
Pentachloronaphthalene |
Vinyl chloride |
Cresol, all isomers |
Iodine |
Pentachlorophenol |
Vinyl cyanide |
Cristobalite |
Iron oxide fume |
Pentaerythritol |
Vinyl toluene |
Crotonaldehyde |
Isobutyl acetate |
Pentane |
Warfarin |
Crystalline silica |
Isobutyl alcohol |
Perchloroethylene |
Xylenes |
Cumene |
Isobutyl ketone |
Perchloromethyl |
Xylidine |
Cyanides (as CN) |
Isocyanate (MDI) |
Perchloryl fluoride |
Yttrium |
Cyclohexane |
Isomyl acetate |
Petroleum distillates |
Zinc chloride fume |
Cyclohexanol |
Isomyl alcohol |
Petroleum gas |
Zinc oxide |
Cyclohexanone |
Isophorone |
Phenanthrene |
Zinc oxide fume |
Cyclohexene |
Isopropyl acetate |
Phenol |
Zinc stearate |
Cyclopentadiene |
Isopropyl alcohol |
Phenyl ether, vapor |
Zirconium compounds |
Decaborane |
Isopropyl ether |
Phenyl ether-biphenyl |
Demeton (Systox) |
Isopropyl glycidyl |
Phenyl glycidyl ether |
Diacetone alcohol |
Isopropylamine |
Phenylethylene |
Diatomaceous earth |
Kaolin |
Phenylhydrazine |
Diazomethane |
Ketene |
Lead inorganic (as Pb) |
Toxic Substances |
Mineral Dusts |
Benzene |
Silica |
Beryllium and beryllium compounds |
Crystalline |
Cadmium fume |
Quartz |
Cadmium dust |
Cristobalite |
Carbon disulfide |
Amorphous |
Carbon tetrachloride |
Silicates |
Chromic acid and chromates |
Mica |
Ethylene dibromide |
Soapstone |
Ethylene dichloride |
Talc |
Fluoride as dust |
Tremolite, asbestiform |
Formaldehyde |
Graphite |
Hydrogen fluoride |
Coal Dust |
Hydrogen sulfide |
Mercury |
Methyl chloride |
Methylene Chloride |
Organo (alkyl) mercury |
Styrene |
Tetrachloroethylene |
Toluene |
Trichloroethylene |
Appendix 2: Weights of Different Objects
Weight (lbs.) |
Description |
4-7 |
Laptop computer |
9 |
Gallon of milk |
10 |
2” x 4” x 8’ Douglas Fir lumber |
12 |
gallon of interior house paint |
16 |
2” x 6” x 8’ Douglas Fir lumber |
17 |
Household gas grill propane tank (empty) |
21 |
2” x 8” x 8’ Douglas Fir lumber |
23 |
Mid-size passenger car tire (Ford Fusion; Michelin Pilot HX MXM4 P225/50R17) |
24 |
40” LED television (Samsung 5000 Series TV with stand) |
33 |
Household gas grill propane tank (full) |
37 |
8” x 8” x 16” common cement block |
39 |
Light truck tire (Ford F-150; Goodyear Wrangler SR-A P275/65R18) |
45 |
8’ x 4’ x ½” Sheet of plywood |
51 |
8’ x 4’ x ½” Sheet of drywall |
52 |
12” x 8” x 16” common cement block |
52 |
Case of copy paper (20 lb.) |
60 |
5 gallons of interior house paint (Glidden Brilliance Interior Flat) |
60 |
Standard bag of concrete mix |
60 |
1/6 keg of beer |
62 |
Pre-mixed all-purpose joint compound (5 gallons) |
68 |
8’ x 4’ x 3/4” Sheet of plywood |
72 |
60” Plasma television (Samsung 6500 Series Smart TV with stand) |
80 |
Large bag of concrete mix |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Title | ORS Collection Guide |
Subject | Detailed Definitions, Explanations, and Examples |
Author | hersey_r |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-27 |