30-Day Notice

1018-0066 30-day published.pdf

Marine Mammal Marking, Tagging, and Reporting Certificates, and Registration of Certain Dead Marine Mammal Hard Parts, 50 CFR 18.23(f) and 18.26

30-Day Notice

OMB: 1018-0066

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 96 / Monday, May 19, 2014 / Notices

Fish and Wildlife Service

Information Collection Request Sent to
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for Approval; Marine Mammal
Marking, Tagging, and Reporting
Certificates, and Registration of
Certain Dead Marine Mammal Hard
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice; request for comments.

We (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service) have sent an Information
Collection Request (ICR) to OMB for
review and approval. We summarize the
ICR below and describe the nature of the
collection and the estimated burden and
cost. This information collection is
scheduled to expire on May 31, 2014.
We may not conduct or sponsor and a


person is not required to respond to a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
number. However, under OMB
regulations, we may continue to
conduct or sponsor this information
collection while it is pending at OMB.
DATES: You must submit comments on
or before June 18, 2014.
ADDRESSES: Send your comments and
suggestions on this information
collection to the Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior at OMB–
OIRA at (202) 395–5806 (fax) or OIRA_
Submission@omb.eop.gov (email).
Please provide a copy of your comments
to the Service Information Collection
Clearance Officer, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS 2042–PDM, 4401
North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA
22203 (mail), or hope_grey@fws.gov
(email). Please include ‘‘1018–0066’’ in
the subject line of your comments.
request additional information about
this ICR, contact Hope Grey at hope_
Number of


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grey@fws.gov (email) or 703–358–2482
(telephone). You may review the ICR
online at http://www.reginfo.gov. Follow
the instructions to review Department of
the Interior collections under review by

Information Collection Request
OMB Control Number: 1018–0066.
Title: Marine Mammal Marking,
Tagging, and Reporting Certificates, and
Registration of Certain Dead Marine
Mammal Hard Parts, 50 CFR 18.23(f)
and 50 CFR 18.26.
Service Form Number(s): 3–2406, 3–
2414, 3–2415, and 3–2416.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Description of Respondents:
Individuals and households.
Respondent’s Obligation: Required to
obtain or retain a benefit.
Frequency of Collection: On occasion.
time per

Number of

Total annual
burden hours

(Beach-found) .....................................................................................
(Polar bear) .........................................................................................
(Walrus) ..............................................................................................
(Sea otter) ...........................................................................................





Totals ........................................................................................................





Abstract: Under section 101(b) of the
Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972
(MMPA), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1361–
1407), Alaska Natives residing in Alaska
and dwelling on the coast of the North
Pacific or Arctic Oceans may harvest
polar bears, northern sea otters, and
Pacific walruses for subsistence or
handicraft purposes. Section 109(i) of
the MMPA authorizes the Secretary of
the Interior to prescribe marking,
tagging, and reporting regulations
applicable to the Alaska Native
subsistence and handicraft take.
On behalf of the Secretary, we
implemented regulations at 50 CFR
18.23(f) for Alaska Natives harvesting
polar bears, northern sea otters, and
Pacific walruses. These regulations
enable us to gather data on the Alaska
Native subsistence and handicraft
harvest and on the biology of polar
bears, northern sea otters, and Pacific
walruses in Alaska to determine what
effect such take may be having on these
populations. The regulations also
provide us with a means of monitoring
the disposition of the harvest to ensure
that any commercial use of products

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created from these species meets the
criteria set forth in section 101(b) of the
MMPA. We use three forms to collect
the information: FWS Form 3–2414
(Polar Bear Tagging Certificates), FWS
Form 3–2415 (Walrus Tagging
Certificates), and FWS Form 3–2416
(Sea Otter Tagging Certificates). The
information we collect includes, but is
not limited to:
• Date of kill.
• Sex of the animal.
• Kill location.
• Age of the animal (i.e., adult,
subadult, cub, or pup).
• Form of transportation used to
make the kill of polar bears.
• Amount of time (i.e., hours/days
hunted) spent hunting polar bears.
• Type of take (live-killed or beachfound) for walrus.
• Number of otters present in and
number of otters harvested from pod.
• Condition of the polar bear and
whether or not bear cubs were present.
• Name of the hunter or possessor of
the specified parts at the time of
marking, tagging, and reporting.
We are proposing to use FWS Form 3–
2406 (Registration of Certain Dead

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Marine Mammal Hard Parts) to record
the collection of bones, teeth, or ivory
of dead marine mammals by non-Native
and Natives not eligible to harvest
marine mammals under the MMPA. It is
legal to collect such parts from a beach
or from land within a quarter of a mile
of the ocean (50 CFR 18.26). The
information we collect will include, but
is not limited to:
• Date and location found.
• Age, sex, and size of the animal.
• Tag numbers.
• Name, address, phone number, and
birthdate of the collector.
Comment Received and Our Response
Comments: On November 8, 2013, we
published in the Federal Register (78
FR 67184) a notice of our intent to
request that OMB renew approval for
this information collection. In that
notice, we solicited comments for 60
days, ending on January 7, 2014. We
received one comment. The commenter
objected to the killing of polar bears in
general, but did not address the
information collection requirements. We
did not make any changes to our



Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 96 / Monday, May 19, 2014 / Notices
The regulations at 50 CFR 18.23(a)
reaffirm the exemption for Alaska
Natives, which allows for the taking
(harvest) of marine mammals (including
polar bears) by any Indian, Aleut, or
Eskimo who resides in Alaska and who
dwells on the coast of the North Pacific
Ocean or the Arctic Ocean, subject to
the restrictions contained in section
18.23, if such taking is:
(1) For subsistence purposes; or
(2) For purposes of creating and
selling authentic native articles or
handicraft and clothing; and
(3) In either of the above cases, not
accomplished in a wasteful manner.
Request for Public Comments
We again invite comments concerning
this information collection on:
• Whether or not the collection of
information is necessary, including
whether or not the information will
have practical utility;
• The accuracy of our estimate of the
burden for this collection of
• Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
Comments that you submit in
response to this notice are a matter of
public record. Before including your
address, phone number, email address,
or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you
should be aware that your entire
comment, including your personal
identifying information, may be made
publicly available at any time. While
you can ask OMB in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that it will be done.
Dated: May 14, 2014.
Tina A. Campbell,
Chief, Division of Policy and Directives
Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–11518 Filed 5–16–14; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service

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Quivira National Wildlife Refuge,
Stafford, Kansas; Final Comprehensive
Conservation Plan and Finding of No
Significant Impact for Environmental

Fish and Wildlife Service,


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Notice of availability.

We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce the
availability of a final comprehensive
conservation plan (CCP) and finding of
no significant impact (FONSI) for the
environmental assessment (EA) we
prepared on the CCP for Quivira
National Wildlife Refuge. The final CCP
describes how we intend to manage the
refuge for the next 15 years.
ADDRESSES: You will find the final CCP,
the EA, and the FONSI on our planning
Web site at http://www.fws.gov/
qvrlqvr.html. A limited number of hard
copies are available. You may request
one by any of the following methods:
Email: toni_grifjin@fivs.gov. Include
‘‘Quivira NWR’’ in the subject line of
the message.
U.S. Mail: Toni Griffin, Planning
Team Leader, Suite 300, 134 Union
Boulevard, Lakewood, CO 80228.
Griffin, (303) 236–4378 (phone); (303)
236–4792 (fax); or toni_grifjin@fivs.gov

Introduction With this notice, we
continue the CCP process for Quivira
National Wildlife Refuge, which we
began by publishing a notice of intent in
the Federal Register (75 FR 8394) on
February 24, 2010. For more about the
initial process and the history of this
refuge, see that notice. We released the
draft CCP and EA to the public,
announcing and requesting comments
in a notice of availability (78 FR 23778)
on April 22, 2013.. The 40-day comment
period ended on May 31, 2013. A
summary of public comments and the
agency responses is included in the
final CCP.

The National Wildlife Refuge System
Administration Act of 1966, as amended
by the National Wildlife Refuge System
Improvement Act of 1997 (16 U.S.C.
668dd–668ee) (Administration Act),
requires us to develop a CCP for each
national wildlife refuge. The purpose in
developing a CCP is to provide refuge
managers with a 15-year strategy for
achieving refuge purposes and
contributing toward the mission of the
National Wildlife Refuge System
(NWRS), consistent with sound
principles of fish and wildlife
management, conservation, legal
mandates, and Service policies. In
addition to outlining broad management
direction on conserving wildlife and
their habitats, CCPs identify wildlifedependent recreational opportunities

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available to the public, including
opportunities for hunting, fishing,
wildlife observation and photography,
and environmental education and
interpretation. We will review and
update the CCP at least every 15 years
in accordance with the Administration
Each unit of the NWRS was
established for specific purposes. We
use these purposes as the foundation for
developing and prioritizing the
management goals and objectives for
each refuge within the NWRS mission,
and to determine how the public can
use each refuge. The planning process is
a way for us and the public to evaluate
management goals and objectives that
will ensure the best possible approach
to wildlife, plant, and habitat
conservation, while providing for
wildlife-dependent recreation
opportunities that are compatible with
each refuge’s establishing purposes and
the mission of the NWRS.
Additional Information About the
The final CCP includes detailed
information about the planning process,
refuge; management issues, and
management alternative selected. The
EA includes discussion of alternative
refuge management options. The
Service’s selected alternative is reflected
in the final CCP, and also in the FONSI.
The selected alternative for the refuge
focuses on restoring native communities
and promoting the potential natural
range of conditions on Quivira National
Wildlife Refuge that help focal resources
or focal species and their respective
habitats, and on increasing public use
opportunities for hunting. We will
increase our attention and
understanding of the connectedness of
habitats and the effectiveness of our
management. To achieve this
alternative, relatively minor changes
will likely be required in our operations;
inventory, monitoring programs, and
research; staff; and infrastructure. A
detailed description of objectives and
actions included in this selected
alternative is found in chapter 4 of the
final CCP.
Dated: March 20, 2014.
Matt Hogan,
Acting Regional Director, Mountain-Prairie
region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2014–11483 Filed 5–16–14; 8:45 am]



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File Modified2014-05-17
File Created2014-05-17

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