PAGE or #
Please note/page 1
First bullet only
Added bullet referencing “Do’s and Don’ts on
Using the IWO form” at the request of a commenter
1a. Original Income Withholding Order/Notice for Support (IWO)
Added text to clarify meaning of “original IWO”
1f. Child Support Enforcement (CSE) Agency, Court, Attorney,
Private Individual/Entity
Updated hyperlink
1j. Standard terms/first and all subsequent pages
1l. CSE Agency Case ID
Added text to clarify that one IWO is required for each IV-D or
tribal case
2b. Employer/Income Withholder’s Address
Updated hyperlink
3c. Custodial Party/Obligee’s Name
Added text to clarify that one IWO is required for each custodial
3d. Child(ren)’s Names(s)
Added text to clarify that one IWO is required for child(ren)
associated with one custodial party only
Note to Employer/Income Withholder/page 3
Added text to clarify that annualizing payments is an acceptable
employer method of determining payments.
Note to Employer/Income Withholder/page 4
Page 3 after 4f.
Moved to Page 4 after 14 to follow the IWO form text
Note to Employer/Income Withholder/page 5
Page 4, last paragraph
Page 5 at top – deleted “Code of Federal Regulations”
Please Note/page 5
Added note to sender that the header information must appear.
33. Supplemental Information
33. Additional Information
Changed “Additional” to “Supplemental” to
avoid confusion as the term appears in 2 places on the 2011 IWO