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United States Patent and Trademark Office
Trademark Electronic Application System - TEAS Application
Change of Domestic Representative's Address
Wizard Page
Use this option ONLY if a specific TEAS form does not already exist for the purpose of
this filing. Please double-check all possible TEAS forms before attempting to proceed.
WARNING: This form has a session time limit of 60 minutes. Your "session" began as soon as you
accessed this initial Form Wizard page. If you exceed the 60-minute time limit, the form will not
validate and you must begin the entire process again; you can, however, extend the time limit. You
should always try to have all information required to complete the form prior to starting any session.
NOTE: You must complete any field/section preceded by the symbol "*".
WARNING: To use the global form successfully, please note these requirements: (1) You must use
only the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6.0+; Firefox 3.0+; or Safari 3.0+; (2) You must have
the cookies and JavaScript features of your browser enabled; (3) Do NOT use your browser's
"BACK" or "FORWARD" buttons at any time to navigate through any form; instead, always use the
navigational tools provided specifically at the bottom of the form pages; and (4) If you have installed
Anti-Spam filters or software on your email service, please ensure that legitimate emails from are not falsely identified as spam or junk.
* Serial/Registration/Reference Number
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File Modified | 2011-06-23 |
File Created | 2011-06-23 |