30-day comment request Federal Register Notice


Training Certification for Drivers of Longer Combination Vehicles

30-day comment request Federal Register Notice

OMB: 2126-0026

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Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 46 / Monday, March 10, 2014 / Notices
with redundant flight control modules.
It has the ability to check the validity of
its data by reviewing—using built-in
channel selection criteria—data
received from redundant sensors. The
redundant sensors include redundant
GPS receiver antennas and redundant,
space-grade inertial measurement units.
Also playing an instrumental role in
the FAA’s ability to grant a waiver is the
fact that Orion is equipped with a
number of mitigating features. First,
Orion has a ‘‘cold-restart’’ capability
and self-checking pair processors to
maintain proper vehicle commanding
after any unexpected power cycle,
radiation upset, or other off-nominal
event that would require an automatic
restart of the module’s computing
system. Also, Orion’s computing system
has fail-silent functionality to prevent
off-nominal corrupted or inadvertent
vehicle commanding. Finally, Orion has
two independent and redundant
propulsion strings, which ensure that
even if one fails the propulsion system
will still perform the planned reentry.
C. Public Interest
The FAA looks to its enabling statute
to determine how Congress has defined
the public interest. The FAA, through
AST, implements the agency’s statutory
mandate to encourage the development
of commercial space capabilities and the
continuous improvement of the safety of
launch vehicles designed to carry
passengers. 51 U.S.C. 50901(b).
ULA and Lockheed’s petitions to
waive the FAA’s risk and reentry
restrictions are consistent with the
public interest because the test flight is
necessary to the development of
NASA’s human-missions capability
beyond Earth orbit.

emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES

D. National Security and Foreign Policy
The FAA has not identified any
national security or foreign policy
implications associated with granting
this waiver.
Summary and Conclusion
The FAA determines that the waivers
associated with this mission will not
jeopardize public health and safety or
safety of property. In addition, the
waivers are in the public interest
because they accomplish the goals of
Chapter 509 and do not unduly increase
risk to the public. Finally, they will not
jeopardize national security and foreign
policy interests of the United States.
The FAA therefore waives the
requirements of 14 CFR 417.107(b)(1)
and 431.35(b)(1)(i) for launch and
mission risk, respectively, and of 14
CFR 431.43(e) for a commanded reentry.

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Jkt 232001

Issued in Washington, DC, on February 28,
Kenneth Wong,
Licensing and Evaluation Division Manager.
[FR Doc. 2014–05136 Filed 3–7–14; 8:45 am]

Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2013–0312]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Revision of a CurrentlyApproved Information Collection
Request: Training Certification for
Drivers of Longer Combination
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice and request for

In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
FMCSA announces its plan to submit
the Information Collection Request (ICR)
described below to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
approval and invites public comment.
FMCSA requests approval to revise the
ICR entitled ‘‘Training Certification for
Drivers of Longer Combination Vehicles
(LCVs),’’ due to a change in the
estimated number of annual responses.
This ICR relates to Agency requirements
for driver certification to operate LCVs
that motor carriers must satisfy before
permitting their drivers to operate LCVs.
Motor carriers, upon inquiry by
authorized Federal, State or local
officials, must produce an LCV drivertraining certificate for each of their LCV
DATES: Please send your comments by
April 9, 2014. OMB must receive your
comments by this date in order to act on
the ICR.
ADDRESSES: All comments should
reference Federal Docket Management
System (FDMS) Docket Number
FMCSA–2013–0312. Interested persons
are invited to submit written comments
on the proposed information collection
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget. Comments
should be addressed to the attention of
the Desk Officer, Department of
Transportation/Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration, and sent via
electronic mail to oira_submission@
omb.eop.gov, or faxed to (202) 395–
6974, or mailed to the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
Office of Management and Budget,

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Docket Library, Room 10102, 725 17th
Street NW., ., Washington, DC 20503.
Thomas Yager, Chief, Driver and Carrier
Operations Division, Department of
Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration, West Building
6th Floor, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC 20590. Telephone:
202–366–4325; email tom.yager@
dot.gov. Office hours are from 9 a.m. to
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal Holidays.
Title: Training Certification for
Drivers of LCVs.
OMB Control Number: 2126–0026.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently-approved information
Respondents: Drivers who complete
LCV training each year, current LCV
drivers who submit their LCV DriverTraining Certificate to prospective
employers, and employers (motor
carriers) that receive and maintain
copies of their drivers’ LCV DriverTraining Certificates.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
50,880, consisting of 940 newly certified
LCV drivers plus 24,500 currently
certified LCV drivers plus 25,440 motor
carriers employing LCV drivers.
Estimated Time per Response: 10
minutes for preparation of LCV DriverTraining Certificates for drivers who
successfully complete the LCV training,
and 10 minutes for activities associated
with the LCV Driver-Training Certificate
during the hiring process.
Expiration Date: March 31, 2014.
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Estimated Total Annual Burden:
4,240 hours. The total number of drivers
who will be subjected to these
requirements each year is 25,440,
consisting of 940 newly certified LCV
drivers, and 24,500 currently certified
LCV drivers obtaining new employment.
The total annual information collection
burden is approximately 4,240 hours,
consisting of 157 hours for preparation
of LCV Driver-Training Certificates [940
drivers successfully completing LCV
driver training × 10 minutes ÷ 60
minutes/hour] and 4,083 hours for
requirements related to the hiring of
LCV drivers [24,500 LCV drivers
obtaining new employment × 10
minutes ÷ 60 minutes/hour].
Background: An LCV is any
combination of a truck-tractor and two
or more semi-trailers or trailers that
operates on the National System of
Interstate and Defense Highways
(according to 23 CFR 658.5) and has a
gross vehicle weight greater than 80,000
pounds. To enhance the safety of LCV




Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 46 / Monday, March 10, 2014 / Notices

emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with NOTICES

operations on our nation’s highways,
Section 4007(b) of the Motor Carrier Act
of 1991 directed the Secretary of
Transportation to establish Federal
minimum training requirements for
drivers of LCVs [Intermodal Surface
Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991
(ISTEA), Pub. L. 102–240, 105 Stat.
1914, 2152]. On March 30, 2004, after
appropriate notice and solicitation of
public comment, FMCSA established
the current training requirements for
operators of LCVs (69 FR 16722). The
regulations bar motor carriers from
permitting their drivers to operate an
LCV if they have not been properly
trained in accordance with the
requirements of 49 CFR 380.113. Drivers
receive an LCV Driver-Training
Certificate upon successful completion
of these training requirements. Motor
carriers employing an LCV driver must
verify the driver’s qualifications to
operate an LCV, and must maintain a
copy of the LCV Driver-Training
Certificate to present to authorized
Federal, State or local officials upon
Comments from the Public: In
response to the 60-day Federal Register
notice published December 2, 2013, the
FMCSA received one comment without
a return address. The commenter was
concerned that the LCV regulations (49
CFR 380.101et seq.) require drivers to
submit their LCV Certificate directly to
the Agency. There is no such
requirement; drivers are only required
to provide a copy of their LCV
Certificate to their employer.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including: (1)
Whether the proposed collection is
necessary for the FMCSA to perform its
functions; (2) the accuracy of the
estimated burden; (3) ways for the
FMCSA to enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the collected
information; and (4) ways that the
burden could be minimized without
reducing the quality of the collected
Issued under the authority delegated in 49
CFR 1.87 on: February 24, 2014.
G. Kelly Leone,
Associate Administrator, Office of Research
and Information Technology and Chief
Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2014–05026 Filed 3–7–14; 8:45 am]

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18:00 Mar 07, 2014

Jkt 232001

Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2013–0518]

Knowledge Testing of New Entrant
Motor Carriers, Freight Forwarders and
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of public listening

FMCSA announces that it will
hold two public listening sessions on
March 28 and April 7, 2014, to solicit
ideas and information concerning
sections 32101 and 32916 of the Moving
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century
Act. These provisions require the
assessment of applicants’ knowledge of
regulations and industry practices for
persons seeking registration authority as
motor carriers [property, passenger, and
household goods (HHG)], freight
forwarders, and brokers. These listening
sessions are the second and third in a
series through which the Agency
requests information from interested
parties concerning potential test topics,
the relationship between the knowledge
testing requirement and the Agency’s
Unified Registration System (URS)
program, and test development and
delivery. The sessions will be held at
the Mid America Trucking Show
(MATS) in Louisville, KY, and the
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance
(CVSA) Workshop in Los Angeles, CA.
The previous session was held on
January 13, 2014, at the American Bus
Association’s (ABA) Marketplace
conference in Nashville, TN. All
comments will be transcribed and
placed in the docket referenced above
for FMCSA’s consideration. The entire
days’ proceedings are open to the public
and will be Webcast with an
opportunity provided for on-line


The listening sessions will be
held on Friday, March 28 and Monday,
April 7, 2014, from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.
and 1:00 to 3:30 p.m., local time. If all
interested participants have had an
opportunity to comment, the session
may conclude early.
ADDRESSES: The listening sessions will
be held at the following locations:
Friday, March 28, Kentucky Exposition
Center, Louisville, KY, Kentucky
Exposition Center, 937 Phillips Lane,
Louisville, KY 40209, 502–367–5000, in
Room C103; and Monday, April 7, The
Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, 404
South Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, CA

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90071, (213) 624–1000, in the Beaudry
Room on the Lobby Level. In addition
to attending the session in person, the
Agency offers several ways to provide
comments, as enumerated below.
Internet Address for Live Webcast
FMCSA will post specific information
on how to participate via the Internet on
the FMCSA Web site at
www.fmcsa.dot.gov in advance of the
listening session. You may submit
comments bearing the Federal Docket
Management System (FDMS) Docket ID
FMCSA–2001–11061 using any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to
www.regulations.gov. Follow the on-line
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility;
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., West Building,
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
• Hand Delivery or Courier: West
Building Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE.,
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., ET, Monday through Friday,
except Federal Holidays.
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
Each submission must include the
Agency name and the docket number for
this notice. Note that DOT posts all
comments received, without change, to
www.regulations.gov, including any
personal information included in a
comment. Please see the Privacy Act
heading below.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments, go to www.regulations.gov at
any time or visit Room W12–140 on the
ground level of the West Building, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE., Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., ET,
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. The online Federal document
management system is available 24
hours each day, 365 days each year. If
you would like acknowledgment that
the Agency received your comments,
please include a self-addressed,
stamped envelope or postcard or print
the acknowledgement page that appears
after submitting comments on-line.
Privacy Act: Anyone may search the
electronic form of all comments
received into any of our dockets by the
name of the individual submitting the
comment (or of the person signing the
comment, if submitted on behalf of an
association, business, labor union, etc.).
You may review DOT’s Privacy Act
Statement for the Federal Docket
Management System published in the
Federal Register on December 29, 2010
(75 FR 82132).



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File Modified2014-03-08
File Created2014-03-08

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